IRC log for #brlcad on 20090729

01:21.14 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
01:59.54 *** join/#brlcad keltor (n=keltor@unaffiliated/keltor)
02:00.23 keltor hello - are there any good autocad->mged tutorials?
02:06.59 brlcad keltor: there is a pretty extensive mged tutorial series on the website
02:07.35 brlcad they start from the ground up and demonstrate basic 3D creation and editing techniques
02:08.16 keltor yeah i've been reading it - i think i'm probably just impatient since i'm an autocad user since like 1988
02:10.05 brlcad keltor: as autocad is fairly grounded in a 2D centric approach and drafting operations at heart, you'll find a lot of differences
02:10.56 brlcad we're more in line with the likes of catia, unigraphics/nx, solidworks with a fundamentally 3D-based approach
02:11.28 brlcad brl-cad does have 2D facilities, but nowhere near on par with autocad, particularly for drafting purposes
02:12.11 brlcad 2D sketch objects and drafting-style hidden line drawings/renderings are about as close as we get to that domain
02:12.17 keltor i'm very ok with solidworks actually (as well as using inventor rather often)
02:12.31 keltor in college that was the 3d cad of choice
02:12.46 brlcad covers the gist of where we're at
02:13.21 brlcad we're actively working on expanding to the left, but that's major long-term effort
02:13.59 brlcad autocad is a CADD system, fwiw, to get some bearings
02:15.21 brlcad the three I mentioned are more squarely in the larger CAD domain (catia in particular), but that's still a huge domain and the focus is still often CAID purposes
02:15.33 keltor yes I'm familar, i generally start with autocad for my base mechanicals designs, then move on to orcad, then proengineer
02:15.40 keltor then pspice
02:15.47 keltor work is never done ...
02:42.33 brlcad heh, quite a fleet of licensing..
02:44.57 louipc hahah
02:45.28 louipc yep small shops can't compete, so they pirate :P
02:54.41 keltor very true
02:54.59 keltor i'm fairly sure we license it all legally
02:55.02 keltor lol
02:55.17 keltor in some of the cases they are licensing patents from us so ...
08:37.20 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
08:37.20 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || Release 7.14.8 posted (20090511) || GSoC2009 Next Step: code code, type type, commit frequently while you work! update wiki/blog on daily progress.
08:38.14 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35359 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (6 files): First attempt at reinstalling the GUI. Not quite what we want yet, but awesome nevertheless.
08:41.44 Ralith hehe
08:48.48 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35360 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (OgreGLWidget.cxx OgreGLWidget.h): Removed the last of the flickering.
08:49.59 Ralith If anyone wants to see something neat, how would be a great time to check out g3d
09:02.44 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35361 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (MainWindow.cxx MainWindow.h): Restored widget layout.
09:06.18 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35362 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/Console.cxx: Made event filtering better behaved.
09:48.19 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35363 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/Console.cxx: Flipped the event filters the right way around. Not sure how it managed to work originally.
09:52.35 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35364 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/OgreGLWidget.h: Undefined some dangerous stuff brought in from GLX.
10:48.26 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35365 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (6 files): Partially restored camera controls.
11:18.24 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r35366 10/rt^3/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): typing
12:33.16 *** join/#brlcad mafm_ (
12:47.57 brlcad Ralith: awesome, can't wait to see it
12:48.30 Ralith brlcad: actually, bad news
12:48.37 Ralith it turns out this approach massively rapes performance.
12:49.11 Ralith relies on glX/wglMakeCurrent which apparently sucks hugely.
12:50.23 Ralith frustrating; I just spent all day making it work >:|
12:51.02 Ralith I'm presuming that performance is going to matter on typically large models, so I'm going to go back and try some other approaches
12:51.15 Ralith I (finally!) got in contact with some knowledgable qt guys and got some suggestions.
12:51.21 brlcad rapes performance in what regard?
12:52.03 Ralith the 70% CPU on idle regard.
12:52.21 brlcad one thing to keep in mind with regards to performance, one thing that will eventually have to be changed is a no-refresh idle loop
12:52.34 brlcad so that you only refresh the display when it's invalidated/changed
12:52.42 brlcad not XX frames per second all the time
12:52.49 Ralith I'm told it might actually copy the entire GPU memory into and out of system memory each flip.
12:52.57 Ralith brlcad: okay, that's actually easy.
12:53.00 Ralith that's Qt's default >_>
12:53.12 Ralith just gotta wire up the camera controls so they let Qt know that it needs redrawing
12:53.49 Ralith will try to get the OpenGL thing fixed properly before that, though.
12:53.56 brlcad k
12:54.51 Ralith I'm correct in considering this kind of performance unacceptable, right?
12:55.24 brlcad copying all GPU memory on each frame, .. yeah :)
12:55.32 Ralith heh
12:55.35 Ralith kk
12:55.46 Ralith you might want to play around with the current revision anyway
12:55.48 Ralith it's very pretty
12:56.01 Ralith although somewhat impractical due to a bug I hadn't gotten around to squashing before discovering the issue
12:56.01 brlcad screenshot?
12:56.04 Ralith okie
12:56.47 brlcad if you can have something stabilized before tuesday, I can give a demo or show screenshots at siggraph
12:57.06 Ralith ooo!
12:57.19 Ralith I'll see what I can do
12:59.10 Ralith brlcad:
12:59.37 Ralith with a medium gray background color that might actually be somewhat practical.
13:00.44 brlcad awesome! :)
13:00.49 brlcad that is looking good
13:00.58 Ralith ^^
13:01.16 brlcad ~Ralith++
13:01.37 Ralith when I eventually get back to this point I'll put some background color on the widgets for the sake of reliable text readability, though
13:02.03 Ralith as cool looking as fully transparent backgrounds are, I can see it being a real pain on, say, lit models with both dark and light areas
13:07.57 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
13:27.52 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
13:31.57 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (n=BigAToo@
13:34.31 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (n=BigAToo@
13:49.20 *** join/#brlcad elena (n=elena@
13:54.53 starseeker Ralith: yeah, semi-transparent is usually the way to go
13:55.36 louipc hmm! neat
14:00.04 starseeker Ralith: you might jump into that thread and ask if those folks are seeing the same performance hit
14:00.23 starseeker Marseyeah seems responsive
14:01.08 elena hi starseeker.
14:01.13 starseeker hey elena
14:01.17 starseeker how goes it?
14:01.18 elena how are you?
14:01.23 elena very good!
14:01.41 elena except i'm upset with g-vrml.
14:01.46 elena it's very slow.
14:01.51 starseeker can't say he's surprised
14:02.16 elena i try to convert the havoc example and it's running for 45mins and hasn't stop
14:02.19 brlcad most of the tessellating exporters are very slow, and may not even successfully complete
14:02.40 elena :(
14:02.49 elena that takes out one of the features.
14:02.53 elena of the site.
14:02.58 brlcad hm, that's pretty long, even for havoc
14:03.04 elena i finished rendering and conversion code.
14:03.24 elena you can upload a bunch of formats and they get converted to g
14:03.27 brlcad i don't see a g-vrml running on .bz, was this local?
14:03.42 elena then they get rendered and they you can convert to other formats too
14:03.46 brlcad cool
14:04.00 brlcad there does need to be some sort of awareness of the underlying geometry type
14:04.03 elena so i enabled vrml conversion. ppl with vrml plugins can see what they will get
14:04.12 elena before downloading brlcad + model.
14:04.18 brlcad so when you convert, you can determine whether it was faithful or lossy
14:04.56 elena i'd say it's almost always lossy.
14:05.06 elena but the original file is always available.
14:05.07 brlcad e.g., g-vrml of havoc is lossy because it's going from primitives with CSG boolean operations to an evaluated polygonal mesh format
14:05.19 brlcad right, most are lossy, but some aren't
14:05.40 brlcad if havoc were a polygonal mesh to start with, then g-vrml would have been lossless
14:05.54 elena btw, should i put the code on the old server, or the new one?
14:06.13 elena how can I tell what type is it?
14:06.42 brlcad that's a good question
14:06.48 elena oh, btw, I'm thrilled about the raytracing stuff.
14:07.13 brlcad some you know what type it is simply by the file format, because some file formats only support one type
14:07.16 elena I create a file with matrices and commands for rt for all the raytracings and then with a single rt command i get all the images.
14:07.30 elena so i don't have to start it each time for each image.
14:07.54 brlcad e.g., stl, vrml, ply are all evaluated polygonal/triangle mesh explicit boundary representation formats
14:08.13 brlcad woot, way to use rt scripting :)
14:08.28 elena however, I have one question.
14:08.40 elena i've noticed that I have to do units mm
14:09.00 elena or the values in saveview will not match the values from the view command.
14:09.12 elena but there is still a small difference between them.
14:09.19 elena if i say saveview
14:09.42 elena i'll get in the file something like eye_pt 1000 1000 1000 let's say.
14:09.59 elena but if I do view eye in mged i'll get something less
14:10.04 elena like 950 950 950
14:10.10 brlcad hum
14:10.17 elena i can provide a real example if you want.
14:10.19 brlcad sounds like unexpected behavior to say the least
14:10.24 brlcad possibly a bug
14:10.36 elena ah. ok.
14:11.15 elena it's not a big difference, and the images look the same. I was just curios where could the difference came from.
14:11.20 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r35367 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/ArcherCore.tcl: Tweak dbExpand in ArcherCore.
14:11.53 elena initially, i had cm units and besides the value diference there was also a 10x difference.
14:12.19 elena g-vrml still working on havoc. 53mins.
14:12.37 elena and 13mb written. :(
14:16.37 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r35368 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl: Added a createWrapper and modified "make" and "cp" to call it. Also brought the "in" command into the undo framework.
14:16.59 brlcad see if it completes, it may
14:17.05 elena at this poin, user will probably want to download the much slower g file :)
14:17.11 elena slower => smaller.
14:18.03 brlcad another thing to consider given it takes that long is that you could queue up conversions to happen idlely in the background when a geometry is uploaded, so once you have the vrml, you don't have to convert it again
14:18.32 elena i did this.
14:18.50 elena all convertions and raytracing is done in a queue.
14:18.51 brlcad otherwise, you just tell them "thanks for your request .. it's been queued for processing .. eta [random] hours" :)
14:19.12 elena the submission process is not blocked.
14:19.53 brlcad fwiw, havoc is particularly expensive to convert because it's fully CSG
14:19.59 brlcad there's a lot of booleans that have to be evaluated
14:20.26 elena so i picked the wrong one to mess with :D
14:20.40 elena the truck.g was quite fast.
14:20.44 elena about 10s
14:21.26 brlcad yeah, truck is tiny in comparison
14:21.38 brlcad even havoc is pretty small compared to a full vehicle
14:22.40 elena about the web server? should I start uploading on the current server?
14:29.48 brlcad wherever you've been uploading, I'd just keep on there
14:29.59 brlcad so old is fine, or new if you already started
14:30.26 elena ok. old it is then.
14:33.24 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo1 (
14:34.08 elena is there a doc about the rt commands?
14:34.24 elena i only know the ones from the saveview file.
14:35.37 brlcad mm..
14:35.39 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo2 (n=BigAToo@
14:36.02 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03ebautu * r35369 10/web/trunk/htdocs/more/sites/all/modules/brlcad/scripts/ (7.14.txt generic.txt): New tcl script output format (raytracing is done outside the script in a separate run).
14:36.30 brlcad i don't think so
14:37.32 brlcad but you can see the list of commands in around line 1009
14:37.48 elena thank you.
14:39.39 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03ebautu * r35370 10/web/trunk/htdocs/more/sites/all/modules/brlcad/ ( brlcad.module): Updated code to raytrace all images with a rt script (prevents PHP from crashing due to processes overlap). Updated code for conversion.
14:41.00 elena ok. then I know almost half of them. ;)
14:44.49 starseeker wonders if anyone has attempted to build BRL-CAD on minix 3
14:47.54 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03ebautu * r35371 10/web/trunk/htdocs/more/sites/all/modules/light_download_count/ (5 files): Lightweight download counter custom made module (works with private and public downloads)
15:04.59 brlcad heh, I have a minix 3 disk sitting right in front of me
15:05.35 brlcad one of the minix devs was at the mentor summit and was pretty interested in getting brl-cad working
15:10.52 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03ebautu * r35372 10/web/trunk/htdocs/more/.htaccess: .htaccess setup for tracking downloads
15:14.26 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03ebautu * r35373 10/web/trunk/htdocs/more/sites/all/themes/fireflystreamcom/ (node-model.tpl.php style.css template.php): Custom model themeing
15:28.16 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (
15:33.02 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r35374 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO:
15:33.04 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: new tool that reports summary information about a given geometry file such as
15:33.06 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: object types used, classes of geometry representations used, and more. most
15:33.08 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: usefully for the web interface to be able to introspect on a geometry file to be
15:33.10 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: able to classify and compare imported geometry.
15:42.18 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r35375 10/brlcad/trunk/ (14 files in 8 dirs): Rename bbsize to bb, add -c option to create bounding box, fix NEWS item to refer to bb not bbsize
16:11.09 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03ebautu * r35376 10/web/trunk/htdocs/more/sites/all/themes/fireflystreamcom/style.css: Fixed slogan theme bug.
16:25.32 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03irpguardian * r35377 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/human.c:
16:25.34 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: Added support for individual person regions in the makeArmy command.
16:25.36 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: Each human model's region is numbered in the same manor the parts are numberd:
16:25.38 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: Body.r0.... Body.r12.... etc.
16:32.44 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r35378 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/3dm/3dm-g.cpp: Print out some more type identifications to get a better idea of what exactly is contained in the 3dm m_object_table.
16:47.22 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03jdoliner * r35379 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/surfaceintersect.cpp: Implemented surfacesurfaceintersect which facilitates finding starting points of intersection, walking intersections and removing starting points once they've been crossed.
16:48.04 elena g-vrml took about 4h on havoc
16:50.57 starseeker how does the result look?
16:51.09 elena 40mb files.
16:51.11 starseeker is actually a bit surprised it succeeded
16:51.20 elena my browser plugin hangs when loading it :)
16:51.21 starseeker does it visually resemble havoc?
16:51.25 starseeker ah
16:51.32 elena i 'll try again.
16:51.40 elena to load it.
16:51.45 louipc :O
16:51.52 starseeker might try a standalone viewer
16:52.01 starseeker seeks edibles
16:52.57 louipc why isn't a screenshot enough? :P
16:53.05 louipc err a small render
16:53.17 elena it is. i was just curios how long it will take.
16:53.19 louipc or a few small renders
16:53.21 louipc ah ok
16:53.43 louipc it bugs me how every application is being thrown onto the web these days :P
16:54.23 starseeker is old school - don't want my apps in a browser
16:55.18 louipc especially when it comes to flash haha
16:56.09 louipc hopefully that'll be disappear as html5 support improves though
16:57.46 elena i have freewrl. doesn't seem to handle havoc.vrml very well.
16:58.17 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03irpguardian * r35380 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/human.c:
16:58.21 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: Added individual bounding boxes to makeArmy command. No hollow region support yet.
16:58.27 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: Named as such: Box.r#
17:02.16 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
17:03.43 *** join/#brlcad talcite (
17:05.48 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r35381 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/3dm/3dm-g.cpp: Few more formatting tweaks in debug output of 3dm-g. Names such as '(#101029) PIPE' are a problem for e * in MGED - maybe such things should be 'cleaned up' a little?
17:10.45 brlcad starseeker: surprised there's not a polymorphic way to dump/print the types -- should just need a parent type
17:11.11 brlcad i.e., there should be a polymorphic way :)
17:14.40 starseeker brlcad: probably - I was just doing a quick extension of what Dave had originally done
17:14.54 starseeker in the end, the whole thing will probably go away
17:15.22 starseeker needs to figure out what to do with InstanceRef
17:15.38 brlcad dave was not adept in c++, so caution
17:15.53 starseeker ah, k
17:21.29 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03ebautu * r35382 10/web/trunk/htdocs/more/sites/all/modules/fivestar/ (89 files in 17 dirs): Fivestar update (1.16) - fixed average votes display bug
17:34.01 starseeker blinks in surprise as 3dm-g on the openmoko.3dm largely succeeds this time...
17:34.14 starseeker aaaaaaand kills the raytrace by asking for too much memory
17:39.36 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (
17:45.42 talcite hey starseeker
17:45.56 elena hi talcite
17:46.03 talcite did you get my message last night about the macros?
17:46.14 talcite hi elena
17:49.02 brlcad talcite: thanks for the RFE, think I have a working solution that should help
17:49.22 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos_ (
17:49.22 talcite brlcad: not a problem. Thanks for fixing it quickly
17:49.34 brlcad not technically a bug, though, fwiw ;)
17:49.52 talcite brlcad: I think there might be an issue with fedora's compatibility with the configure script
17:50.15 brlcad how so?
17:50.31 talcite brlcad: the macro enabling the include for Xutils.h doesn't get enabled by the configure script
17:50.51 brlcad I read a bit of the log from many hours back -- there are a few options that should help package configuration/integration
17:51.01 talcite it's searching in /usr/X11, but that doesn't exist in fedora
17:51.10 brlcad the macro -- which macro?
17:51.23 brlcad we don't do much X11 testing directly, we rely on automake's tests
17:51.29 talcite HAVE_X11_XLIB_H
17:51.40 brlcad that's not a macro :)
17:51.54 talcite ahh, precompiler directive? I never know the proper term for them heh
17:52.13 brlcad yeah, that's a preprocessor define
17:52.30 brlcad set by configure when it finds a header
17:53.01 talcite anyways, the define doesn't get set by the configure script, and I do have the header
17:53.36 talcite it's in /usr/include/X11, not /usr/X11
17:53.42 louipc I don't have /usr/X11 either
17:53.46 talcite hmm
17:53.58 louipc seemed to work alright for me
17:54.14 talcite I wonder why I'm failing this test then
17:54.41 talcite my bash isn't great. This configure script is really complex
17:54.46 brlcad talcite: back up some ..
17:54.55 brlcad what is your goal?
17:55.11 talcite brlcad: to compile it first, then to package it from source
17:55.46 brlcad okay, so then what is your configure line
17:56.13 talcite ./configure --disable-jove --with-tclconfig=/usr/lib64/ --with-tkconfig=/usr/lib64/
17:56.38 brlcad oof, tcl/tk overrides are a bear ..
17:56.40 brlcad okay
17:57.02 brlcad so that means it's going to try to autodetect nearly everything else given you're not using --enable-all or --disable-all
17:57.22 talcite --enable-all? hmm
17:57.23 brlcad so configure completes presumably, yes? then compile fails at some point?
17:57.30 talcite brlcad: yes
17:57.42 talcite the XVisualInfo struct isn't defined
17:57.49 talcite because Xutils.h isn't being included
17:58.05 brlcad so then can you pastebin up your configure output?
17:58.15 talcite sure
17:59.12 talcite brlcad:
18:07.32 brlcad hm, looks like your version of AC_PATH_XTRA is not setting the have_x variable
18:07.41 brlcad what's your version of autoconf?
18:11.22 talcite brlcad: 2.63
18:12.08 talcite brlcad: sorry I'm not very familiar with AC. I'm not running autoconf am I? I just ran the configure script
18:12.55 brlcad autoconf is run during autoreconf or in order to generate the configure script
18:13.05 brlcad that's probably why - you're using a very recent version
18:13.13 brlcad they probably changed the interface slightly
18:13.47 talcite brlcad: but I've never run autoreconf or Should I have?
18:13.49 brlcad edit and delete the three lines that are wrapped in have_x
18:13.56 brlcad oh!
18:14.22 talcite I just ran the configure script that was already present in the tar.bz2
18:14.28 brlcad hold on then.. that could be the issue -- AC_PATH_XTRA needs to be regenerated for your newer system
18:14.31 brlcad right
18:14.33 talcite ahh
18:14.58 brlcad basically an autoconf 'bug' for loose definitions of bugs, but a problem nonetheless
18:15.48 brlcad the configure script you generate on one system 'should' work on any other system, but that's only true 99% of the time as there are bugs and updates that are required for newer configurations
18:16.00 brlcad try running "sh"
18:16.12 brlcad should take just a couple minutes
18:16.20 brlcad then re-run configure
18:16.40 brlcad then look for HAVE_X11 in include/brlcad_config.h
18:16.48 talcite sounds good. I'll give that a shot
18:17.02 talcite thanks for the help
18:20.32 brlcad I have a change that might avoid the problem down the road
18:20.44 brlcad but will still be good to know if that fixes it
18:20.59 talcite brlcad: k. I'm running configure now
18:22.49 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r35383 10/brlcad/trunk/ don't use/assume have_x will be defined. just do a header test right here. might need more cppflags logic to search in the dirs we just found from ac_path_xtra
18:23.20 talcite brlcad: yup, it works now
18:23.36 brlcad cool
18:23.37 louipc sweet
18:23.41 talcite I'll try compiling, but it should work
18:23.53 talcite yeah, that was quite the bug =S. I've never run into that before
18:24.05 brlcad so there's some magic that 2.63 added in for it to properly detect X11 and set have_x for your system
18:25.03 brlcad commit should hopefully avoid the issue, but all we can do on our end is try to be sure to use at least 2.63 when generating configure for our source tarballs
18:25.06 brlcad come release time
18:25.32 louipc when's the next one planned for?
18:25.36 talcite what system do you do the compiling on?
18:26.06 brlcad louipc: any day, hopefully before friday
18:26.12 louipc cool!
18:26.26 talcite haha should I wait to do the packaging then?
18:26.30 brlcad we missed two iterations unfortunately
18:26.36 louipc talcite: good idea :D
18:27.04 talcite alright. Let me get the hang of the ogl and optimize builds in the mean time
18:27.05 brlcad talcite: heh, not really -- at best all that should change is the patch number in your script
18:27.27 brlcad you don't really need ogl, don't recommend it for a release configuration
18:27.33 talcite ahh ok
18:27.54 brlcad it's good on a per-system basis but there are some systems that have really bad behavior
18:28.19 brlcad doesn't limit functionality or performance on our end, it's just the protocol we talk in our display management system on the backend
18:28.29 talcite oh ok
18:28.31 louipc I guess the user should decide what to use then
18:28.37 brlcad X11 is just fine (and can actually out-perform in many cases)
18:28.51 talcite haha well then no reason to use ogl
18:28.59 brlcad not yet
18:29.05 louipc heheh
18:29.13 talcite yeah, I heard Ralith just got Qt embeds working
18:29.15 brlcad we've got a dev working on a nice shaded display interface that is really snazzy
18:29.23 brlcad and it uses ogl with ray-tracing
18:29.28 talcite haha sweet
18:29.30 louipc I want to get mged in the framebuffer :D
18:30.32 brlcad talcite: yeah, though that's for longer-term development effort -- new gui interface that will likely supplant current in 4 years or so (prototype much earlier than that though)
18:30.59 brlcad prototype hopefully before this year's end
18:31.14 talcite whoa. no kidding. You're not worried that Qt will deprecate the API call?
18:31.26 brlcad not at all
18:31.47 brlcad it's under continuous development -- if they change things we'll be changing right along
18:32.08 talcite I see
18:32.12 brlcad it'll simply take that long to bring the interface up to a capability level on par with mged/archer
18:32.33 brlcad plan is mged -> archer -> new gui
18:33.03 brlcad archer is about ready to demo now, nearing alpha stage, and will carry the gui for at least a couple years
18:33.08 brlcad while the new one gets worked on
18:33.25 talcite when do you think Archer will be released?
18:33.27 brlcad rolling updates, can't abandon existing userbase
18:33.47 brlcad that one should go full alpha before year's end
18:33.47 talcite ahh
18:34.06 brlcad beta later in the year
18:34.13 brlcad maybe final by end of 2010
18:34.23 talcite heh you guys seem to have a pretty strong development timeline
18:34.34 brlcad around that time, new gui should be about ready for alpha
18:39.36 talcite blam. another build error =D
18:40.12 brlcad paste?
18:40.28 talcite coming up
18:40.35 brlcad there are a few known issues with the 7.14.8 build that have since been fixed
18:40.41 talcite
18:40.42 brlcad particularly with regards to mixed system installs
18:40.46 talcite it's a java error
18:41.10 brlcad wow, that's a new one
18:41.15 talcite I hope it's not because I'm using openJDK instead of sunJava
18:41.43 brlcad yeah, looks like some bug in fop or java
18:41.47 louipc java!
18:41.55 louipc crazy
18:41.59 brlcad the good news is that the build succeeded
18:42.06 brlcad that part of the build is generating documentation
18:42.10 talcite ahh it's just documentation stuff
18:42.33 louipc I have openjdk too
18:42.35 talcite well that's minor, but I should probably fix it anyways
18:42.37 brlcad can add --disable-documentation to turn it off
18:43.26 talcite hmm... is the documentation useful though?
18:43.45 louipc I didn't get any pdfs though..
18:43.49 brlcad given xsltproc processed the first xml file just fine, it may be a typo in build_pattern.xml ( starseeker )
18:44.01 talcite haha
18:44.17 louipc ah I don't have 'fop' installed
18:44.23 brlcad ah, my bad .. it processed the xml fine to html, just not to .fo for fop
18:44.31 brlcad so probably not
18:44.50 brlcad talcite: does fop work for you?
18:45.15 brlcad and of course the documentation is useful
18:45.17 brlcad just not necessary :)
18:45.21 talcite brlcad: hmm I've never used fop before
18:45.35 talcite it seems to work more or less
18:45.38 brlcad there are extensive docs on the website, and other docs that get installed too
18:46.10 brlcad dunno what to say on that one -- looks like an fop issue
18:46.15 louipc html docs are good enough
18:46.47 brlcad could try running /usr/bin/fop -pdf build_pattern.pdf manually
18:46.58 talcite yup, that's my plan so far
18:47.05 talcite I need to find it first though
18:47.31 brlcad doc/docbook/articles/build_pattern/en
18:47.42 talcite thanks
18:49.16 talcite nope, same problem
18:49.54 talcite wait, there's something weird
18:50.05 talcite doesn't exist
18:50.26 talcite [matthew@desktop en]$ pwd
18:50.26 talcite /home/matthew/Download/brlcad-7.14.8/doc/docbook/articles/build_pattern/en
18:50.26 talcite [matthew@desktop en]$ ls
18:50.26 talcite build_pattern.html build_pattern.xml Makefile
18:51.12 talcite brlcad: and I'm getting the same error as the command
18:52.01 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03irpguardian * r35384 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/human.c:
18:52.03 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: Made it where the makeArmy command now places all humans into Crowd.c combination, for easy access to all
18:52.06 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: persons.
18:52.34 brlcad right, the .fo is what it generates
18:52.55 brlcad er, rather -- hmm
18:53.14 brlcad does this generate the .fo? XML_CATALOG_FILES=../../../../../doc/docbook/catalog.xml /usr/bin/xsltproc -nonet -xinclude -o ../../../../../doc/docbook/resources/standard/xsl/fo/docbook.xsl build_pattern.xml
18:53.43 brlcad according to the log, it did
18:55.42 talcite hmm that's strange. The file isn't there
18:55.54 talcite maybe fop removes the input file?
18:57.40 talcite hmm no... well anyways I've created the file, but it still NPEs
18:59.06 brlcad yeah, sounds like an fop bug if xsltproc generates it correctly
18:59.16 brlcad or maybe a version mismatch between the two
18:59.30 brlcad or a problem with java
18:59.40 brlcad either way, --disable-documentation :)
19:00.05 talcite haha I guess it works temporarily. I'll probably need to get it fixed before the fedora repo maintainers will allow it for inclusion though
19:01.12 talcite lets see if it's still an issue in the next release
19:09.46 brlcad hm? you mean hold up our inclusion because fop doesn't work? that's kinda silly
19:10.30 brlcad only thing we can do on our end is default it to off so you don't need to specify the disable
19:12.32 talcite hmm. I guess I could always just build the documentation package seperately when fop works again
19:14.52 talcite is there a listing of configuration options?
19:15.18 brlcad INSTALL file
19:15.29 talcite thanks
19:15.41 louipc ./configure --help too
19:18.35 talcite is there a reason the debug symbols are enabled by default?
19:20.19 brlcad yep, for debuggability, stack traces
19:20.38 brlcad we have automatic crash reports that can get generated if something goes horribly wrong
19:20.43 talcite brlcad: Is there a big hit on performance if it's enabled?
19:20.52 brlcad nope, not at all
19:20.59 talcite ahh ok. So I should leave them in for the package
19:21.13 brlcad --enable-optimized will give a huge performance difference
19:21.19 brlcad nearly 2x on rendering performance
19:21.26 talcite yup. I just set that configure flag
19:21.48 brlcad it'll also make compilation take 2x ;)
19:21.55 talcite brlcad: you mentioned there's a couple flags that make packaging easier?
19:21.57 talcite =/
19:22.05 talcite oh well. I'm working from home today
19:23.24 brlcad for packaging systems --disable-almost-everything and then specifically enabling anything you won't have
19:23.37 brlcad (like tkhtml3 and tnt)
19:23.43 talcite oh I see
19:24.20 talcite sounds good to me
19:24.44 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r35385 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl: Added mirror to the undo framework. Tweaked killWrapper.
19:25.13 brlcad wishes bob would push those wrappers down into libged proper
19:27.16 ``Erik mebbe if you jerked a couple out from under him, he'd get the idea?
19:27.21 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03ebautu * r35386 10/web/trunk/htdocs/more/sites/all/modules/brlcad/brlcad.module: Fix metadata editing bug (only editors can edit it now)
19:29.01 ``Erik grumbles a bit
19:33.52 talcite brlcad: does --disable-almost-everything also disable the --with-x11 etc?
19:34.08 brlcad talcite: no
19:34.26 brlcad it only disables the various --disable-*-build options, as listed in INSTALL
19:34.39 talcite ahh ok
19:34.47 brlcad the with flags merely specify how/where to find system services
19:35.17 louipc does it automatically check for --disable* flags?
19:37.19 louipc ah ok I see :D
19:38.19 louipc oh darn I did add tkhtml3 in that switch hah
19:43.04 talcite argh I forgot to make -j2 =/
19:44.42 starseeker just Ctrl-c and restart
19:44.47 starseeker it will pick up where it left off
19:44.59 talcite ahh cool
19:45.25 talcite hmm that's right. I forgot make can do that
19:47.37 talcite whoa. I'm getting 4x performance after --enable-optimized
19:47.43 talcite cool
19:48.19 louipc how long did the build take?
19:49.35 brlcad talcite: it's interruptible
19:50.06 talcite build took about 30 mins, but only because I forgot to use make -j2 =D
19:51.54 louipc pretty quick
19:53.23 talcite louipc: it's a fairly powerful system by the standards a couple years ago. Core 2 duo, 2 gigs of ram,
19:53.40 louipc nice
19:53.49 louipc takes me 3hr to build :(
19:53.52 talcite =o
19:54.11 talcite why not upgrade? you can get a much more powerful system than mine for $500 these days
19:55.36 louipc I'm cheap, and I don't do that much compiling I guess
19:55.49 louipc or I'm waiting for usb3.0 hahh
19:56.06 louipc it'll be out soonish
19:56.57 talcite louipc: hmm... well you can probably put usb 3.0 on any system with a PCIE 4x slot
19:57.16 louipc that's cheating!
19:57.39 talcite they'll release add on cards. It'll be pretty expensive for you to buy a usb 3.0 system right when they come out
19:57.54 louipc hmm yeah probably
19:57.59 talcite and after they've come out, it'll be at least 2 years till they're coming off lease
19:58.14 talcite oh, off lease computers are the secret to getting a good deal
19:58.26 louipc what are those?
19:58.42 talcite I got a machine capable of a quad core processor, with 2 gigs of ram. for under $300 last year for my work
19:59.02 louipc I just bought some parts and threw them in a box
19:59.12 *** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
19:59.18 talcite louipc: businesses and governments usually lease their computers. When the leases expire, they get sold as second hand equipment
19:59.26 louipc ohh nice
19:59.31 talcite but they're usually in great shape, so it's really cheap
20:00.30 talcite louipc: here:
20:00.50 talcite you should check out that site. They're probably the largest supplier of off-lease equipment in the world
20:01.18 talcite if you look around more, I'm sure you can find one that has a good chipset and lots of room for upgrades.
20:01.23 louipc damn that's pretty cheap
20:02.34 talcite yup
20:02.46 talcite it's more powerful than my current system if you don't count the graphics card
20:03.06 talcite plus they're all fairly linux compatible since they're IBM/lenovo
20:05.06 talcite my suggestion is to find a tower model with a motherboard/chipset that takes the quad core processors, like Q35. It gives you a good upgrade path in the future. All of these boards also take up to 16 gb usually
20:05.26 talcite they'll also have enough Sata ports to give you raid capability
20:05.41 talcite used to do IT purchasing for an NGO
20:05.59 talcite had no money, but needed performance =P
20:21.46 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r35387 10/brlcad/trunk/include/opennurbs_ext.h:
20:21.48 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: subdivision size factors can apparently be disabled without impacting the
20:21.50 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: raytracing, and VASTLY speeding up prep and lowering memory used. With these
20:21.52 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: changes, able to raytrace 900+ breps (some of which have in turn hundreds of
20:21.54 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: surfaces) in a surprisingly reasonable time.
20:30.39 *** join/#brlcad elena (n=elena@
20:32.21 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03Ebautu 07 * r1590 10/wiki/More_Changelog: /* July 7 - Today */
20:32.37 *** join/#brlcad Patmcc19 (
20:41.28 brlcad ~elena++
20:42.32 brlcad is curious what an arb8 comparison looks like for the various forms it can exist as now
20:44.11 brlcad arb8, nmg, bot, brep (new nurbs), bspline (old nurbs), vol/dsp/ebm (1x1 cell) ...
20:45.09 brlcad starseeker: ran across my SPM08 notes .. some good tidbits I'd forgotten -- see if I can post up something
20:49.00 *** join/#brlcad louipc (n=louipc@archlinux/trusteduser/louipc)
20:53.03 talcite crap... I'm failing the make test now =P
20:54.20 brlcad talcite: that's not necessarily anything you're doing wrong
20:54.32 brlcad our tests are more meant for devs under controlled environments/settings
20:54.39 talcite oh ok
20:54.40 brlcad there are plenty that will cause test failures
20:54.56 brlcad "make benchmark" is a good validation
20:55.17 talcite I see. Well there wasn't any problems with that
20:55.21 talcite make install didn't go well either though
20:55.25 brlcad running "mged" and having it start up a gui is a good validation
20:55.38 brlcad make install didn't work?
20:55.43 talcite nope
20:55.50 brlcad need a lil more info :)
20:55.52 talcite something about overwriting a file that it just created
20:55.59 talcite just a sec
20:57.08 talcite /usr/bin/install: will not overwrite just-created `/home/matthew/Download/temp/share/man/man3/librle.3' with `librle.3'
20:57.33 talcite
20:59.13 brlcad looks
21:00.53 talcite ok, I'll brb. I need a quick shower before I head out
21:02.56 brlcad ahh, damn -- yeah that issue is fixed on head
21:03.06 brlcad there's a duplicate entry for librle.3 in 7.14.8
21:04.28 brlcad talcite: can see starseeker's edit on 34667 at to see the 'fix'
21:13.20 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r35388 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/clone.c: Modified ged_clone (v5 only) to return the name of the clone, as before, as well as a list of all cloned objects.
21:14.29 talcite argh. I really need to learn how to use sourceforge better
21:14.33 talcite I can't get a diff from it
21:15.07 talcite their link to 'patch' gives me some text, but then you can't download from that URL
21:16.11 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r35389 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl: Added clone to Archer's undo framework.
21:16.53 louipc seems to work for me
21:19.34 talcite =S
21:19.46 talcite blah ok, I need to try this later tonight. I've got to head out for a dinner
21:37.44 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r35390 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/3dm/3dm-g.cpp: All red for all regions is getting boring - make it random until we figure out if there is color info in there and how to extract it.
21:44.55 Ralith starseeker: I'm told the performance issue is a direct result of makeCurrent, and thus rather unavoidable
21:45.12 Ralith I have an idea for another approach that's just as good, though
21:45.17 Ralith based on the overlay context
21:45.21 starseeker cool
21:45.36 Ralith it requires OpenGL impl. support but hopefully that's widespread
21:50.14 starseeker ah, there we go - much better when it isn't all red:
21:52.29 Ralith oooh :D
21:52.40 Ralith since when was NURBS so far along?
21:53.25 starseeker a while back now - last major user visible enhancement was when I got the bounding box building to respect trims
21:53.51 Ralith pretty nice
21:54.02 Ralith what's with that USB port on the bottom of the shot though?
21:54.18 starseeker the model as imported has a lot of overlaps
21:54.32 starseeker not to mention geometry that doesn't seem to make sense as part of the phone
21:54.48 Ralith so it's just oddly positioned in the source files?
21:54.50 starseeker all we're doing right now in 3dm-g is sucking in each brep as a region
21:54.55 starseeker I think so
21:55.05 Ralith kk
21:55.12 starseeker not totally sure
21:55.23 Ralith could always break out whatever it is that uses 3dm natively
21:55.38 starseeker Rhino
21:55.54 brlcad starseeker: holy fuck, awesome
21:56.03 brlcad pardon my language, that's freaking cool
21:56.15 starseeker :-)
21:56.23 starseeker here's the wireframe underlay:
21:56.49 starseeker looks a heck of a lot better when it isn't all red
21:57.06 brlcad great gallery shot
21:57.09 Ralith ooh
21:57.09 Ralith pretty
21:57.12 brlcad should add an openmoko section
21:57.22 Ralith yeah
21:57.34 starseeker heh - start with the historical iges wireframe, and up to the present :-)
21:57.38 Ralith so is the NURBS stuff considered to be largely stable?
21:57.49 brlcad getting there
21:58.07 Ralith looks very solid
21:58.17 brlcad still working on improved import paths (3dm and step)
21:58.24 brlcad but ray-tracing is looking pretty good
22:00.37 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
22:14.54 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03ebautu * r35391 10/web/trunk/htdocs/more/sites/all/modules/brlcad/ ( scripts/7.14.txt scripts/generic.txt): Implement individual raytracing of models.
23:12.57 Ralith brlcad: hm, none of my ideas are working out :/
23:13.14 Ralith I could just get lazy redraw working, minimizing heavy CPU usage to when smooth animation is taking place.
23:13.15 *** join/#brlcad archivist_ (
23:14.43 Ralith maybe I should just bite the bullet and wrap input
23:17.46 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
23:57.14 Ralith what's the easiest way to dig through past revisions' code?

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