IRC log for #brlcad on 20090730

00:00.07 Ralith waaaaaaaait a minute
00:00.09 Ralith compares performance
00:04.09 Ralith brlcad: I'm not sure if this approach is actually so badly performing after all; I'm getting less than twicethe CPU usage of the non-embedded approach.
00:04.36 Ralith I think perhaps I'll just slap lazy redraw in there and call it good ^^
00:11.00 starseeker thinks that sounds like a good idea
00:11.37 starseeker if animation is taking place, you might be able to "special case" things...
00:20.17 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
00:23.47 Ralith ooh, idea
00:24.19 Ralith a further optimization that could be made might be to only swap contexts when it's known for sure that Qt is going to render something
00:31.04 louipc is this gonna require a core 2 quad? :P
00:31.29 Ralith louipc: no, I'm running on an ancient single core athlon64 :P
00:31.35 louipc awesoem
00:33.05 ``Erik erm
00:33.26 Ralith erm?
00:33.28 ``Erik pets his 650mhz pIII, 850mhz athlon tbird and 1.2ghz athlon
00:33.33 Ralith :P
00:33.48 ``Erik I think one of the machines I use at work is 187mhz
00:33.54 Ralith what for?
00:33.56 ``Erik (ok, I use it as a bookend, but it's providing a useful service!)
00:34.01 Ralith hehe.
00:34.08 ``Erik keeps mah books from fallin'
00:34.17 Ralith fortunately, I don't think BRL-CAD was ever expected to run on bookends.
00:34.24 ``Erik um
00:35.16 ``Erik BRL-CAD works(ed) on vax11/780
00:35.35 ``Erik I think it's original development was on a pdp-11 running 43BSD
00:36.00 Ralith those weren't being used as bookends though ^^
00:36.26 ``Erik no, more like superginormous paperweights
00:37.26 ``Erik just pushed a new core duo 3ghz box under his desk and dropped fbsd7.2 on it at work, was impressed with how fast that little thing is
00:44.50 Ralith could do with one of those
00:45.05 Ralith I'm long overdue for an upgrade
00:49.25 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35392 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/OgreGLWidget.cxx: Minor optimization
00:56.13 *** part/#brlcad jdoliner (
02:30.21 starseeker Ralith: is Ogre set up for lazy redraw?
02:39.41 *** join/#brlcad mike111 (
02:39.47 mike111 hi all
02:40.46 mike111 can brlcad export in STEP format?
02:43.32 Ralith starseeker: not yet, working on that.
02:44.08 Ralith hm
02:51.15 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35393 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (MainWindow.cxx OgreGLWidget.cxx): First (broken) attempt at lazy Ogre redraw.
02:51.44 starseeker mike111: no, not yet
02:54.23 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35394 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/OgreGLWidget.cxx: Scrapped unnecessary include
02:56.23 mike111 starseeker: is there a way to output an `ars' shape in STL such that it surface (skin) is defined by a dense mesh?.
02:56.49 starseeker try facetizing with really tight tolerances is the only thing that comes to mind
02:57.10 Ralith starseeker: did you see the screenie I uploaded for brlcad this morning?
02:57.20 starseeker yes - awesome!
02:57.27 mike111 star: how do I do that
02:57.39 Ralith ^^
02:58.08 starseeker check and see if the g-stl converter has options - brlman g-stl
02:58.32 starseeker have to try a few and see if one gets you what you want
03:02.23 *** join/#brlcad talcite (
03:11.37 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35395 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ogre.cfg: Deleted the no-longer-necessary ogre.cfg
03:28.14 talcite brlcad: I'm still having the same problem with librle being duplicated
03:28.20 talcite the only has 1 entry now though
03:31.45 talcite err wait... do I need to run again?
03:37.08 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35396 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (OgreGLWidget.cxx OgreGLWidget.h): Working, but flickery, lazy redraw.
04:00.11 talcite hmm. I may have run into another make install bug. Even though I put the prefix as /home/matt/Download/temp, the tkhtml3 lib still tries to install in /usr/lib/tkhtml3
04:07.16 talcite that's kind of funky. Why is there both an exec_prefix and a prefix in the Makefile?
04:07.45 starseeker talcite: there's something funky about it - it doesn't do that on a Mac, apparently
04:08.03 talcite starseeker: did you use a prefix to configure it?
04:08.07 starseeker yes
04:08.11 talcite hmm
04:08.20 talcite starseeker:
04:08.23 starseeker we need to revisit the tkhtml3 build process
04:08.41 starseeker yeah
04:08.50 starseeker has seen and heard of that before
04:09.16 talcite hmmm
04:09.27 louipc well, you just need to add something to auto detect tkhtml3 I think
04:09.42 starseeker I need to discuss that with brlcad - there is a fundamental problem when installing a new tcl/tk package on a system tcl/tk install without permissions for that install's standard package directories
04:09.59 talcite well the offending line is here: exec_prefix = /usr
04:10.18 starseeker hmm
04:10.22 louipc starseeker: yeah I tried alpha16 vs CVS. CVS works while alpha16 doesn't hehe
04:10.23 starseeker pulls up the makefile
04:10.36 talcite 72 in src/other/tkhtml3
04:10.46 starseeker yeah, tkhtml3 isn't what you'd call actively developed
04:11.15 talcite starseeker: so wait, what's the problem with tkhtml3 anyways? It's not already included in this system
04:11.22 louipc talcite: hah permission denied! funky..
04:11.27 talcite yup
04:11.31 louipc oooh I see
04:11.44 talcite louipc: and it should be denied. I don't want it to put it in /usr/lib
04:11.47 starseeker talcite: what do you mean?
04:11.48 louipc right
04:12.06 louipc hmm I hadn't had troubles building it bundled before though
04:12.15 talcite starseeker: you mentioned earlier that there's a problem with using a new tcl/tk package, but tkhtml3 isn't installed
04:12.22 starseeker tkhtml3 is attempting to use the TEA extensions to build like a "normal" tcl/tk package
04:12.28 talcite oh
04:12.58 starseeker naturally, if you're using a system tcl/tk it's going to try to install it where it needs to to make "package require Tkhtml 3.0" work
04:13.25 talcite oh I get it
04:13.37 talcite hmm. so that's why the prefix didn't work
04:13.57 talcite crap. How am I supposed to test this out then? =/
04:14.05 starseeker so what needs to happen, in theory, is to have a local additional directory where we can install tcl/tk packages and then point the wish/bwish guys to
04:14.32 starseeker talcite: can you install tkhtml3 separately from brlcad?
04:14.51 starseeker and get it in the system tcl/tk?
04:14.55 talcite starseeker: that's what I'm looking to do right now. I don't know if there's a package that already exists though
04:15.09 starseeker or, alternately, just do --enable-all and use a local tcl/tk for BRL-CAD
04:15.34 starseeker has a system tcl/tk install but always uses --enable-all - it's just easier
04:16.17 starseeker originally had hacked it together to build like tkimg currently does, but I got chased off of that approach
04:16.18 talcite starseeker: hmm. It might be, but I think that would be basis for the repo maintainers to block the package
04:16.48 starseeker talcite: I know. The gentoo guys went around and around and around with that one
04:16.57 talcite =/
04:17.08 starseeker can you make a tkhtml3 package and get that accepted?
04:17.33 Ralith talcite: for the sake of the USB image you *could* just uninstall system TCL for a bit :P
04:17.47 louipc silly policies
04:17.54 talcite Ralith: yeah, the usb image is no problem. I can blow away system tcl/tk
04:18.01 talcite Ralith: repos, not so much unfortunately
04:18.09 starseeker louipc: Oh, I understand why they do it but the problem with them is it's an "all or nothing" result
04:18.28 talcite starseeker: maybe. It looks like a tkhtml rpm existed at one point, but was dropped though
04:18.58 starseeker with something like BRL-CAD, which has patches to tcl/tk that we KNOW we need and that the main trunk hasn't incorporated yet (or even if they have, the package on the system is two versions behind)...
04:19.09 starseeker talcite: mm, figures
04:19.29 louipc I think talcite is fairly up to date
04:19.41 louipc he's got gcc 4.4.0 after all
04:19.47 starseeker louipc: I was thinking system tcl/tk
04:19.48 talcite well Fedora isn't usually a problem for these kinds of things. F11 is pretty recent
04:20.12 talcite yeah, I'm on tcl8.5, not 8.6
04:20.18 louipc OH
04:20.21 louipc odd
04:20.29 talcite it's the most recent in the fedora repos
04:20.42 starseeker they usually run a version or so back
04:20.57 starseeker has had tcl/tk upgrades bust things - usually they want to be a bit careful
04:21.16 starseeker which makes sense, but leaves us high and dry if we NEED something in the newest version
04:21.35 louipc I guess 8.6 was a bit special, but it's been out for awhile though...
04:21.37 talcite yeah. I don't think they make major upgrades unless the distro version is changing, i.e. F11 to F12
04:21.46 starseeker and we do tweak the default tcl/tk trees, it's an adventure every time we upgrade and try to be sure we re-merge all the changes
04:21.52 talcite you need someone to sponsor the update afaik
04:22.19 talcite =/ why do we make all these custom changes? does the trunk not provide enough functionality?
04:23.05 louipc so looks like you have to bundle everything
04:23.05 starseeker checks the tcl/tk revision history... been a while...
04:23.23 starseeker well, you CAN run system and it will usually work
04:23.48 louipc or you could go back in time and package an old brl-cad release...
04:23.53 louipc which sucks
04:24.16 talcite I'd rather not do that
04:24.37 louipc heh that's the nature of static release distros
04:25.47 starseeker
04:27.45 starseeker so from 33769 to 33872 was the upgrade struggle, and tweaks have been needed since
04:28.15 louipc ack I was thinking of 8.4 - 8.5 is good. sorry for the mix up
04:29.59 talcite starseeker: but that's already been released in 7.14.8 right?
04:30.02 starseeker the next round will probably be similar
04:30.05 talcite wasn't it released in may?
04:30.13 starseeker talcite: which, 8.5? yeah
04:31.24 starseeker makes note to self - next time tcl/tk is upgraded, check in the vanilla tree and apply the changes so one clean diff can be had from our own svn archives...
04:31.35 talcite haha
04:31.44 louipc talcite: is it ok if tkhtml3 is installed in /usr in a brl-cad package?
04:32.09 talcite louipc: yeah. It shouldn't be a problem. tkhtml3 isn't currently in fedora
04:32.18 talcite louipc: wait, you mean in /usr, or /usr/brlcad/?
04:32.42 starseeker if we install in /usr/brlcad/ we need to teach tcl/tk how to look in there properly
04:32.50 louipc /usr/lib/Tkhtml3.0
04:33.01 talcite maybe. Let me ask the fedora devs
04:33.08 starseeker is not sure how to do that, or he would have fixed it already
04:33.41 louipc because that's how my package worked anyways, but it would conflict if I wanted to do a separate tkhtml3 package
04:34.42 talcite what's tkhtml3 used for anyways?
04:34.47 louipc all you should need to do is ./configure --with-tcl=/usr/lib --with-tk=/usr/lib
04:34.53 starseeker must admit tkhtml3 seems like a less hot idea now... liked the sound of potentially having css support, but not sure it's worth this trouble
04:35.09 starseeker talcite: the new mged help system
04:35.11 louipc talcite: fancy man page browsing in mged
04:35.28 talcite =S man page browsing? I didn't even build the documentation because there's a bug in fop
04:35.39 talcite =/
04:35.40 louipc screw the pdfs
04:35.49 starseeker if you got html output that's plenty
04:35.52 louipc man page and html are good enough
04:36.04 talcite ? oh the documentation gets built anyways, even if --disable-documentation is set?
04:36.07 talcite just not pdfs?
04:36.37 starseeker not sure. I originally intended to have an option to speifically disable pdf building, but I don't know if it got in...
04:36.59 louipc that'd be a good idea
04:37.10 starseeker it won't try pdfs if it doesn't find fop...
04:37.17 talcite hmm
04:37.26 talcite it was a fop NPE
04:38.42 talcite oh well. Are there any alternatives for tkhml3?
04:38.52 talcite or would that be a pretty long-term solution?
04:39.18 louipc man is the alternative hehe
04:39.35 starseeker well, even if we pull in another one it still comes down to the issue of wanting to use TEA building of a package with a system tcl/tk and no system install permissions
04:39.47 starseeker it's a fundamental issue, not specific to tkhtml3
04:39.55 starseeker that just happens to be the first time we hit it
04:39.56 talcite I see
04:40.19 talcite what about louipc's solution with --with-tkhtml=blah
04:40.22 starseeker there may be a "clean" solution, but if so I haven't found it yet
04:41.40 starseeker talcite: you mean point to a pre-installed but non-system tkhtml3?
04:41.53 talcite yeah
04:42.20 talcite err, is there a reason why you need write access to the tcl stuff anyways? how does TEA work?
04:42.39 starseeker that's a good question
04:42.48 starseeker has never been fully comfortable with it
04:42.50 louipc is tea a separate package from tcl or something?
04:43.07 starseeker no, it's an extension to makefile logic specifically for tcl
04:43.18 talcite =_= really?
04:43.19 talcite oh man
04:43.24 starseeker
04:43.28 louipc hmmm
04:43.39 talcite we could build TEA from the tcl sources for the distro
04:43.45 talcite the srpms are certainly available
04:44.11 starseeker no, it's an m4 file we include in our makefile logic, iirc
04:44.14 starseeker it's not a package
04:44.20 louipc but the config was --with-tcl, --with-tk, and I didn't have a problem building a package then
04:44.29 starseeker the point is what using the TEA logic in our makefile forces us to do
04:44.53 starseeker doesn't know if some sort of "install locally here and notify bwish how we want to start" is enough
04:44.59 starseeker or possible even
04:45.16 starseeker must sleep, back later
04:45.47 talcite ahh ok
04:45.47 starseeker louipc: you mean with system tcl/tk?
04:45.51 louipc yeah
04:46.03 starseeker which package were you building?
04:46.10 louipc brl-cad
04:46.11 talcite I just heard back from the fedora devs. No go on packaging tkhtml3 unless we get it included upstream
04:46.25 talcite err well, not no go, it's just unlikely
04:46.29 louipc alright
04:46.41 louipc so you need to stick it in /usr/brlcad then eh
04:46.50 louipc back to the beginning of the debate :D
04:47.03 starseeker how do other packages handle it when they need to install program specific tcl packages not part of the system install?
04:47.06 talcite separately I mean. Yeah. we'll need to have it somewhere within the brlcad stuff if possible
04:47.21 talcite starseeker: that's a good question. Let me ask
04:50.43 talcite starseeker: their advice is to work upstream on it. There's no one there right now who has had experience working on TEA
04:50.56 louipc talcite: what does `grep PATH /usr/lib/` say?
04:50.57 talcite can we get our patches ported into tcl/tkhtml3?
04:51.51 talcite grep PATH /usr/lib64/
04:51.51 talcite TCL_PACKAGE_PATH='/usr/lib64/tcl8.5 /usr/lib64/tk8.5 /usr/lib/tcl8.5 /usr/lib/tk8.5 /usr/share/tcl8.5 '
04:51.51 talcite TCL_BUILD_STUB_LIB_PATH='/usr/lib64/libtclstub8.5.a'
04:51.51 talcite TCL_STUB_LIB_PATH='/usr/lib64/libtclstub8.5.a'
04:52.02 louipc cool
04:53.22 talcite so just to be clear. We're applying patches to tcl, AND tkhtml3? or just tcl?
04:53.36 talcite and also, is tkhtml3 still maintained? The page look very old
04:59.42 louipc it's not really maintained
05:01.44 talcite darn
05:23.23 talcite oh man. I just read the fedora packaging guidelines
05:24.00 talcite no static libs without explicit permission from the fedora steering committee. And they avoid it very much so
05:25.07 talcite I'll need to package the rest of the libs as well =S
05:25.56 louipc even the really obscure ones? hah
05:26.43 talcite louipc: yeah. It's a security thing
05:27.01 louipc hmm
05:27.03 talcite static linked libs mean that the entire program needs to be recompiled if there's a bug found in one of them
05:27.27 louipc yeah
05:27.36 talcite plus, you need to stay current on the mailing lists for those static libs to check for security releases
05:27.42 louipc well they're not statically linked I don't think
05:27.46 louipc just bundled
05:28.13 talcite hmm... well I think they pretty much mean any libs that aren't managed with a package
05:29.59 louipc hmm I guess you should tack on -brlcad on the end of them to signify it's from the brlcad tree
05:30.14 louipc opennurbs is heavily modified for example
05:31.25 louipc yeah brlcad is a packaging challenge if you want to do it 'right'
05:31.40 talcite =/ maybe I should have chosen an easier package for my first time =/
05:31.51 louipc definitely
05:31.57 talcite why is opennurbs so heavily modified?
05:32.13 talcite have the patches been submitted back to the trunk?
05:33.06 louipc I don't think so, but they didn't seem very friendly to collaboration
05:33.43 talcite louipc: not even if it means they get packaged into a major distro?
05:34.36 louipc maybe you have a better way with people than me :D try sending a message to the newsgroup
05:36.36 louipc you have to give them an email to download the zip file because it's password protected, they don't host a cvs tree, they don't even have an opt-out on the web site after you've put in your email
05:37.52 louipc open my foot :/
05:38.16 Ralith 'open' is good PR these days :P
05:38.57 Ralith at least they don't have misleading licensing, I guess?
05:39.22 talcite wait really? oh man
05:39.22 talcite is it GPL compatible licensed?
05:40.16 louipc it's akin to public domain licensed
05:40.31 talcite I'd hope not... It can't get included in fedora unless it has an approved license
05:41.18 louipc
05:42.37 louipc if you say fedora is interested maybe they'll perk up heh
05:44.48 *** join/#brlcad talcite_ (
05:44.48 Ralith talcite_: you're saying public domain isn't an "approved license"?
05:44.49 talcite_ Ralith: they don't explicitly say public domain on their site I think
05:45.11 Ralith so?
05:45.14 Ralith it's public domain
05:45.22 louipc wtfpl
05:45.23 Ralith that's as friendly as it gets
05:45.35 louipc you can take it and stick GPL on it pretty much
05:45.38 louipc if you want
05:46.11 louipc I would interpret opennurbs-brlcad as BSD
05:46.29 talcite_ is it wtfpl though? There needs to be a license file distributed with the package
05:47.05 louipc it says the same thing in the source package that it does on the site
05:47.09 louipc 'no restrictions'
05:48.03 talcite_ oh ok
05:56.14 talcite argh! opennurbs uses their own zlib
05:56.19 talcite this is pretty ridiculous
05:56.48 louipc use opennurbs from brlcad
05:57.04 louipc it's pretty much required
05:58.27 talcite hmm. I don't know what the fedora maintainers will do about not having an active upstream maintainer on opennurbs
05:58.36 talcite unless... would you guys want to fork opennurbs?
05:58.40 louipc that will probably need patching to be friendly for packaging though
05:58.57 louipc I think it's effectively forked hah
05:59.05 talcite haha so make it official then
05:59.17 louipc just not maintained separately from brlcad itself
06:00.42 talcite is it possible to make it so? Just make it a new tracker and start from there
06:01.28 talcite I can create a package from opennurbs no problem I think, but I'll have to specify a project maintainer in the rpm spec and also for the package maintainers
06:05.55 louipc I don't think a new tracker is necessary, maybe just a self contained build system
06:06.21 louipc like I hear kde has for each of it's little apps
06:06.31 louipc but they can also all be built together
06:10.38 talcite hmm. that's a pretty cool option
06:11.31 talcite well... we kind of do have a self-contained build system already don't we?
06:15.31 louipc well, I haven't really tried, but it's not a simple ./configure && make if you visit the opennurbs dir
06:15.47 talcite hmm
06:15.58 talcite there's an autotools template there already
06:20.56 talcite hmm this is a problem. I don't know if it's actually possible to move openNurbs outside of the package
06:21.30 talcite there's a lot of compile options that seem to be passed from the parent, meaning we're going to have trouble if they're different between different packages
06:22.46 louipc yeah it would need some work
06:22.52 talcite sigh. Maybe I'll just ask brlcad about it tomorrow. I'm also going to have to see if I can convince the fedora devs to just let us put the package in, as long as we use dynamic linked libs and keep them local
06:39.47 louipc yeah I think this is something that hinders brl-cad from being adopted by any distro. maybe if it could be packaged properly, then it would be adopted and maybe get more attention overall.
06:41.06 louipc someone's gotta have a lot of gumption to get over all the hurdles
06:44.31 talcite alright, I'm going to call it an early (heh) night. I want to be up early enough to get in touch with brlcad and the fedora devs
07:22.38 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
08:15.34 *** join/#brlcad LarsG (
08:15.55 *** part/#brlcad LarsG (
09:10.52 *** join/#brlcad ornitorrincos (n=ilcra198@archlinux/trusteduser/ornitorrincos)
09:32.14 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
09:46.57 *** join/#brlcad mafm_ (
11:02.15 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03ebautu * r35397 10/web/trunk/htdocs/more/sites/all/modules/cianotify/ (. cianotify.module): cianotify custom module initial update (many more features than the proof of concept version sent to Sean).
11:02.55 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03ebautu * r35398 10/web/trunk/htdocs/more/sites/all/modules/brlcad/ ( brlcad.module): Add log message after model processing.
14:28.11 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03irpguardian * r35399 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/human.c:
14:28.12 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: Added command line argument for manual data entry mode (-m) for entering sizes/lengths for all
14:28.14 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: parts of the human. Also reworked auto mode to be compatable with this.
14:34.47 brlcad a little bit of misinformation last night..
14:35.49 *** join/#brlcad pacman87 (
14:36.45 brlcad opennurbs has fairly minor modifications that mostly amount to compilation portability, there are some logic additions but we could probably refactor them if the project ever took upon a life of its own
14:37.13 brlcad as it is, we have provided back upstream the non-logic changes (and regularly do so for tcl/tk as well, which also has build tweaks)
14:38.26 brlcad tkhtml3 is just a bit of a bitch in its own right -- we have to figure out how to coerce it to install where we install
14:38.56 brlcad but also non-critical -- we can turn it off if we have to (especially if it means a go or no-go on fedora integration)
14:40.34 *** join/#brlcad talcite (
14:43.02 *** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
14:43.11 brlcad howdy talcite
14:47.38 talcite hey brlcad
14:48.35 talcite So there was a lot of discussion going on last night, plus some potential problems with make install again. Let me chat a bit with the fedora devs to see if can get some exceptions for us
14:49.33 talcite essentially, the main problem right now is that the fedora policy is to not use any static libs, eliminate all libtool archives, and avoid packaging dynamic libs together as one package
14:49.58 talcite I'll see what I can do. I don't think they'll budge on static libs or the libtool archives
14:51.59 brlcad yeah, i saw the backlog.. and just finished commenting a min before you entered :)
14:52.36 talcite ahh cool. Do we have an irc log?
14:52.50 brlcad we do, but it gets posted daily
14:53.01 talcite oh ok
14:53.06 brlcad we can disable tkhtml if push comes to shove, it's not a critical component
14:53.14 talcite ahh ok
14:53.52 brlcad aware of the out-of-dir install problem but it's not readily within our control to change it without gutting tkhtml3's build system
14:54.08 brlcad which is an option too that we were talking about just yesterday
14:54.41 brlcad since it's a proper tcl extension, using TEA, I'd kinda like to avoid that, but it requires some build system massaging
14:54.53 talcite I've been thinking about it as well. tkhtml3 doesn't modify any existing packages does it? It just writes to existing directories to update a registry or something?
14:55.00 brlcad maybe as simple as passing a few subconfigure flags
14:55.21 talcite there's an --exec-prefix flag that it follows
14:55.54 brlcad yeah, nothing so complex -- the issue is mainly that it gets all of its installation preferences from whichever tcl it's building against
14:56.09 brlcad and since you have it using a system tcl, it wants to install there so it's auto-located
14:56.14 talcite ahh..
14:56.26 brlcad not a problem, just a bit messy to override potentially
14:56.48 brlcad or as simple as ..
14:59.43 talcite brlcad: ok so that sounds good. What about building each library as a separate package? How entrenched are they right now?
15:02.06 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r35400 10/brlcad/trunk/ tell tkhtml3 to install into our prefix. this may screw with users that want a specific --exec-prefix separate from prefix (not that we support that configuration).
15:02.12 brlcad what do you mean?
15:03.04 brlcad talcite: have you tried manually specifying --exec-prefix=prefix ? that should propagate and apply to tkhtml3
15:03.38 brlcad presuming you meant each of our libraries as a separate package, yes thought about that a lot
15:03.42 talcite brlcad: yup, I tried specifying it, but it also breaks some other packages. tkhtml3 isn't the only one that listens to --exec-prefix I think
15:03.51 talcite brlcad: yup, that's what I meant
15:04.03 brlcad we have about two dozen libraries
15:04.18 brlcad internal, not counting our bundled external deps
15:04.52 talcite brlcad: I think internal libs are ok. If you're the maintainer for them, it shouldn't be a problem
15:04.57 brlcad we also have about 400 binaries, many of which are similarly valuable as a stand-alone distribution as well
15:05.09 talcite whoa
15:05.34 brlcad you realize you picked a package about as complex as X11 to work on integrating? :)
15:05.57 talcite haha well it's worth a shot I suppose. Good practice
15:06.08 brlcad 25 years development, million+ lines of code .. lots of complexities :)
15:06.19 brlcad it's certainly doable
15:06.33 talcite I need to package this in one way or another for the reprap project, but I'd like to also have it carry over into fedora anyways
15:06.37 brlcad we resolved most of the major issues over the past few years while working towards gentoo integration
15:06.46 talcite ahh
15:06.50 brlcad our portage integration tracker item is like four years old
15:07.27 brlcad we used to have full-on modifications/extensions to tk years ago that made us require our version .. fortunately no longer the case
15:07.43 brlcad plus there were many assumptions about installing into an isolated root
15:08.06 brlcad also taken care of, even run-time relocation should work now
15:08.26 talcite hmm. Yeah, we'll definitely need to use the system libs whenever possible
15:09.00 brlcad understandably, hence --disable-all :)
15:09.22 brlcad they're only bundled for convenience at that, to make the task a lot easier for users
15:09.29 brlcad auto-detecting nearly everything
15:10.00 talcite I see. Yeah the build process is definitely really convenient if you don't mind using the bundled libs
15:10.16 brlcad talcite: so one thing I'd suggest is flipping over to an SVN checkout, and seeing if we can work through these issues one at a time
15:10.26 brlcad then we can tag a release for you to use
15:10.46 brlcad yeah, especially given how some of the deps are common, others are obscure
15:10.55 talcite that sounds good to me.
15:10.56 brlcad openNURBS being a classic example
15:11.50 brlcad which is under a trivial license as I see you noticed (commenting on last night's discussion)
15:12.05 talcite I don't know if we actually need to abstract out openNURBS
15:12.06 brlcad it's not public domain, but about as liberal a license as I've ever seen
15:12.11 brlcad you shouldn't
15:12.17 brlcad it's very obscure
15:12.27 talcite yeah. And we've made lots of changes to it I've heard
15:12.32 talcite effectively forking it
15:12.42 brlcad actually only minor changes, mostly build system portability fixes
15:12.49 brlcad (which we do continuously push upstream)
15:12.49 talcite oh ok
15:13.34 brlcad we do presently have some minor logic changes that we'd have to back out, but nothing too drastic
15:13.56 brlcad that said, there's still not really a community supporting it -- just devs ad mcneal and assoc.
15:14.00 brlcad s/ad/at/
15:14.46 brlcad the logic mods we need/want, they're very intentionally not interested in supporting (as they have a commercial product they sell that does exactly what we've implemented)
15:15.03 talcite haha I see
15:15.29 brlcad so we have those mods separated out "mostly" (99%) in our libs
15:15.42 brlcad just a few from when we first started were applied directy and never backed out
15:19.24 talcite so where does that leave us right now? I'm checking out an SVN copy right now, and we need to get everything to use system libs if they exist, then I'll submit a request for review by the repo maintainers. How does that sound?
15:19.44 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03irpguardian * r35401 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/human.c: Reworked the makearmy command to prevent person overlapping with custom settings.
15:20.11 brlcad that sounds good to me -- of the list in src/other which are already in fedora?
15:20.24 talcite the request will probably come back with a lot of comments on changes we need to make, but it's probably the only good way forward. The fedora devs are having trouble saying what we can and can't do without seeing the actual code
15:20.26 brlcad antoher consideration is installation location
15:20.43 talcite libpng, libregex, tcl, tk
15:20.54 brlcad for what it's worth, one of the fedora devs was working on integration at one point
15:21.00 talcite yup, install location I'm working on right now. It looks like the rpm specfile has a bit of handling in that
15:21.10 brlcad more than a year ago, iirc
15:21.12 talcite ahh
15:21.37 brlcad just an FYI, some of them should be aware of our specific situation
15:21.52 brlcad the biggest issue on installation location is naming conflicts and isolatability
15:22.17 brlcad we have ancient libs that predate other folks, but conflict with other high-profile libs
15:22.19 talcite hmm I never mentioned that I was working on brlcad to them. I'll mention it next time I get a chance to talk to them I guess
15:22.37 brlcad just those four deps? I'm sure there are others :)
15:22.46 talcite yup, I was configuring to get the list =D
15:23.08 talcite tcl, tk, itcl/itk, iwidgets, libpng, libregex, zlib
15:23.30 brlcad i would expect: boost, libpng, libtermlib, libz, tk, incrtcl, libregex, and tcl
15:24.08 talcite boost? hmm
15:24.17 brlcad boost isn't so important -- all header files
15:24.26 talcite yeah
15:25.29 talcite libtermlib isn't in fedora for some reason
15:27.26 brlcad it is, just isn't called that :)
15:27.33 brlcad termio/curses work
15:28.00 brlcad termcap
15:28.17 talcite ahh
15:28.17 brlcad terminfo
15:28.19 brlcad tinfo
15:28.25 brlcad the thing has tons of names :)
15:28.36 brlcad probably standard system lib
15:29.10 brlcad termlib is just the original/old bsd name for it, and is a nice stable base that lets us continue to support really old systems
15:29.19 brlcad *really* old systems :)
15:31.02 talcite oh I see
15:31.14 talcite it's called libtermcap in fedora
15:57.55 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r35402 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl: Update combWrapper to call createWrapper or gedWrapper. Added comb, g and r to Archer's undo framework.
16:12.38 talcite argh. I've run into the XVisualInfo bug again
16:12.46 talcite and this time didn't help
16:26.50 talcite brlcad: can we do something to fix this up this XVisualInfo bug? I'm pretty sure it's still the same thing with autogen not running tests properly
16:27.04 talcite The weird thing is that it worked on the 7.14.8, but doesn't work on trunk now
16:27.14 brlcad talcite: there were two issues, needing to run and the cache not being invalidated
16:27.28 talcite brlcad: ahh yes, the cache
16:28.02 brlcad i'm still working on the cache issue, but you can --cache-file=/dev/null
16:29.05 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (
16:30.01 talcite brlcad: hmm. I cleared the cache, but it didn't help
16:30.13 brlcad pastebin?
16:30.26 brlcad configure output, config.log, make log
16:30.42 talcite sure
16:30.51 brlcad my change yesterday might not have helped
16:31.00 brlcad maybe made it worse
16:31.40 talcite make ->
16:34.38 brlcad yeah, need config.log
16:34.48 brlcad it's the HAVE_X11_XLIB_H check
16:37.26 talcite brlcad:
16:40.01 brlcad huh
16:40.10 brlcad grep HAVE_X11 include/brlcad_config.h
16:40.47 talcite brlcad: nothing
16:42.21 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r35403 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl: Added the "c" command to Archer's undo framework.
16:44.05 talcite heh the entire #define for the HAVE_X11_XLIB_H is missing
16:50.25 ``Erik tries --with-x11=/path/to/X
16:51.06 brlcad huh
16:51.12 ``Erik (looks like all the X checks are now buried in a $bc_with_x11)
16:51.29 brlcad ``Erik: it's doing the check, in his log
16:51.40 brlcad just AC_CHECK_HEADER isn't setting HAVE* for some reason
16:51.49 ``Erik oh, I'm chasing down the issues myself, getting them on my lappie
16:51.59 ``Erik haven't even looked at the pastebin :)
16:52.52 talcite brlcad: The #define is missing within the autoconf template. Is that a change that happened moving to svn trunk?
16:53.05 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r35404 10/brlcad/trunk/ try AC_CHECK_HEADERS instead to get the HAVE define
16:53.07 brlcad talcite: try that
16:53.12 brlcad (svn up)
16:53.22 talcite yup
16:57.14 jdoliner i'm pretty sure that worked for me brlcad
16:58.34 talcite looks like it works
17:01.43 brlcad cool
17:01.46 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r35405 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/bot/bot.c: Throw some escapes in so GCC will quit complaning that '???' is not a valid trigraph.
17:01.58 brlcad who would have thought one 'S' was so important
17:02.06 talcite heh
17:02.50 jdoliner yup ran great for me
17:02.52 jdoliner commit time
17:04.37 ``Erik ah heh, or explicitely putting the defines in AC_CHECK_HEADER
17:04.51 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03jdoliner * r35406 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/surfaceintersect.cpp: Chased down a couple of bugs, intersection now runs succussfully on two intersecting nurbs surfaces
17:05.31 brlcad cool jdoliner :)
17:05.38 brlcad so what's the result?
17:05.44 brlcad an evaluated trimmed surface?
17:05.49 brlcad untrimmed?
17:05.53 brlcad just the intersection curve?
17:06.02 jdoliner right now just the intersection curve
17:07.14 jdoliner so that commit message might make things seem a bit more exciting than they are
17:07.34 talcite include/dm-rtgl.h:63: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before ‘GLXContext’
17:07.47 jdoliner 0:)
17:07.49 talcite looks like another failed include somewhere
17:09.45 ``Erik missing GL/glx.h ?
17:10.03 talcite maybe. Why is it being built though? I'm not using ogl
17:11.40 louipc all your stuff is in /lib64 yeah?
17:12.03 talcite ahh... yes
17:12.51 talcite it's strange. I never ran into this build error on the 7.14.8 release. It just wasn't being compiled I think
17:14.20 talcite wait a minute
17:18.27 talcite so what changed that we now need glx.h?
17:18.41 talcite I didn't have the libs before, that's probably what caused the problem
17:20.00 talcite looks like it works again
17:42.52 brlcad talcite: hm, it shouldn't be compiling dm-frtgl
17:43.34 talcite brlcad: not sure what to say, it did for some reason
17:48.35 talcite brlcad: if it helps: config.log
17:48.43 talcite broke =P
17:49.15 brlcad i can't get to from here
17:49.21 brlcad ~bzpaste
17:49.22 ibot from memory, bzpaste is
17:52.19 brlcad try this: grep RTGL src/libdm/Makefile
17:52.42 talcite DM_RTGL_CFLAGS =
17:52.42 talcite DM_RTGL_LIBS =
17:52.42 talcite #DM_RTGL_LIBS = ${LIBGL}
17:52.42 talcite ${DM_RTGL_CFLAGS} \
17:52.43 talcite ${DM_RTGL_LIBS}
17:52.53 talcite brlcad: I can't get the bzflag one working. It says forbidden
17:53.07 ``Erik 1/clear
17:53.09 brlcad huh, okay well that's even more odd .. rtgl is turned off
17:53.29 brlcad show the make output leading up to that include/dm-rtgl.h error?
17:54.19 talcite err. it's gone =/
17:54.26 brlcad heh
17:54.33 talcite I could bring it back, one sec
17:54.36 brlcad lies!
17:54.48 talcite I'll just yum erase glx.h =P
17:57.03 talcite damn firefox keeps dying on me
17:57.26 brlcad more than likely that was either some stale build issue or is something minor that will get caught during release testing
17:57.38 brlcad seeing how you're on unreleased trunk at the moment
17:58.39 talcite probably. I'll help you track it down though
17:58.51 talcite I can't stay for too much longer though. I really should go in to the lab today
17:59.29 brlcad dm-rtgl is an experimental interface being worked on now, it shouldn't be enabled
18:01.20 talcite brlcad: here you go:
18:02.12 brlcad yeah, that says it's disabled
18:02.24 talcite heh. alright.
18:02.35 talcite well my make is chugging along. It should hit the glx.h thing soon
18:03.00 talcite maybe time to invest in more ram/cpu and a ssd =P
18:05.32 brlcad :)
18:06.25 brlcad shouldn't hit a glx.h error either, opengl is disabled (and it should be)
18:14.05 talcite hmm.. it gave a different error
18:14.14 talcite guess it was lies after all =P
18:15.17 talcite alright. So it builds, albeit with a couple funky packages. Not really a worry, like you said, it'll get removed at release
18:15.37 talcite I'll have it compile and then give packaging a shot
18:34.07 *** join/#brlcad docelic (n=docelic@
18:34.31 brlcad talcite: word of caution, do not set prefix to /usr
18:34.53 talcite haha yeah, I saw that in the FAQ. I shall avoid it
18:34.57 louipc hehe
18:34.57 brlcad the conflicts I spoke of earlier are potentially devastating
18:35.42 talcite so how is integration with a dynamic lib system going to work anyways? Do we use libtool rpaths?
18:35.57 brlcad hm?
18:36.48 talcite well I'm curious as to how we satisfy the dynamic libraries for this
18:37.20 talcite we use system libs when possible, but what about the local libs?
18:37.50 talcite they're dynamically linked, but are they registered with ldconfig?
18:40.13 louipc you'll have to add the directory to
18:40.19 louipc and run ldconfig
18:41.08 louipc talcite: I guess you could ask fedora devs how they handle post-install operations
18:41.25 brlcad they are found automatically
18:41.35 brlcad libtool takes care of all that
18:41.37 louipc like regenerating the font cache, info listing
18:41.47 brlcad rpaths are fixed into the binaries
18:41.55 talcite ahh... ok I see
18:42.07 louipc oh libtool
18:42.07 brlcad and libs
18:42.25 brlcad ldconfig would be to add to the system search paths, but that's not necessary
18:42.34 talcite heh. The fedora package rules are to not use rpaths
18:42.53 louipc probably not to use libtool either :P
18:43.22 talcite err, well you can use libtool. you need to remove the archives it generates though.
18:43.30 talcite anyways, we can deal with this stuff one at a time
18:43.31 louipc yeah
18:43.44 talcite anyways, I really should head into the lab
18:43.59 talcite I already took yesterday off heh
18:45.50 talcite I'll be back tonight, but really late
18:56.07 brlcad cya!
18:56.22 brlcad I fly down south tomorrow, so may or may not be up late :)
19:23.33 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
19:41.40 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r35407 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/copyeval.c:
19:41.42 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: Changed the order of the arguments (i.e. path_to_old_prim comes before
19:41.44 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: new_prim). Removed the option to specify the path elements individually (i.e.
19:41.46 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: "all.g box.r box.s" is no longer allowed. One must instead specify it as
19:41.48 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: all.g/box.r/box.s).
19:58.23 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03Ebautu 07 * r1591 10/wiki/More_Changelog: July 30 activity
20:04.19 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r35408 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (3 files in 3 dirs): Added copyeval and facetize to Archer's undo framework.
20:32.24 ``Erik odd
21:04.17 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03n_reed * r35409 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libdm/dm-rtgl.c: using window size for gridding; experimenting with shot patterns
21:23.30 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
21:25.49 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
21:29.05 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r35410 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/copyeval.c: The copyeval command has been modified to do a regular copy if the path_to_old_prim has a single path element (i.e. just a plain object name).

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