IRC log for #brlcad on 20090804

00:06.13 ``Erik the rt^3 repo has an ogre+qt4 interface in development
00:06.33 ``Erik as an external experimental project, not part of the project proper :)
01:48.14 *** join/#brlcad talcite__ (
03:01.43 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03n_reed * r35462 10/brlcad/trunk/ (6 files in 5 dirs): updating mged's display while dm-rtgl does ray tracing; removing tgc logs when using dm-rtgl
03:16.57 *** join/#brlcad talcite_ (
04:08.29 *** join/#brlcad talcite__ (
04:52.50 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob (
04:52.58 yukonbob evening, cadheads
05:24.38 *** join/#brlcad talcite_ (
06:38.11 *** join/#brlcad LarsG (
06:38.15 *** part/#brlcad LarsG (
07:05.02 *** join/#brlcad talcite__ (
07:36.33 *** join/#brlcad _clock_ (
09:13.26 *** join/#brlcad ornitorrincos (n=ilcra198@archlinux/trusteduser/ornitorrincos)
10:19.41 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (
17:51.27 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
17:51.27 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || Release 7.14.8 posted (20090511) || GSoC2009 Next Step: code code, type type, commit frequently while you work! update wiki/blog on daily progress.
19:00.24 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
19:23.18 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (
19:38.24 *** join/#brlcad Allejo (
19:38.32 *** part/#brlcad Allejo (
19:58.31 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03irpguardian * r35466 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/human.c: Added more descriptive help to some functions
20:08.25 Ralith starseeker: hey, up now
20:08.36 Ralith must have forgotten that file
20:08.51 Ralith yyyep
20:08.52 Ralith my bad
20:09.53 Ralith starseeker: also, bear in mind the sleight of hand that makes Ogre cooperate is platform-specific and will need to be implemented for OSX
20:10.02 Ralith it's fairly simple to do so, though
20:10.10 Ralith (or is for windows and linux anyway)
20:10.20 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03ralith * r35467 10/rt^3/trunk/src/g3d/ (OgreGraphicsView.cxx OgreGraphicsView.h): Added a few forgotten files
20:10.42 Ralith since all you need to do is call the equivalent of glXMakeCurrent and set up the Ogre config at the right time
20:11.15 Ralith starseeker: in the medium/long term it would still be worth giving the Ogre-centric approach another try, btw, for simplicity's and perhaps performance's sake
20:13.32 *** part/#brlcad grummund (n=grummund@unaffiliated/grummund)
20:15.00 Ralith starseeker: let me know when you can give it another go.
20:15.10 *** part/#brlcad louipc (n=louipc@archlinux/trusteduser/louipc)
20:20.35 Ralith I suspect the cause here may be that Ogre isn't correctly installing its pkg-config file
20:52.46 *** join/#brlcad talcite (
21:00.52 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
21:02.55 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03n_reed * r35468 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (libdm/dm-rtgl.c mged/dozoom.c mged/mged.c): ray tracing when few events are being handled
21:47.32 talcite what's likely to happen if I move files around in the brlcad installation, i.e. bin files to the system bin folder, libs to the system lib folder, etc...
21:47.44 talcite lets assume that there's no library conflicts for now
22:11.16 *** join/#brlcad starseeker (
22:12.23 starseeker Ralith: OK, got the files - thanks
22:14.10 Ralith if you target X11 the Ogre trickery should work; it'd be nice if you could drop in the code to support OSX's native window system, though.
22:15.30 CIA-79 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r35469 10/brlcad/trunk/BUGS: one of the folks from alabama reported that mged is prompting for an attach device even when invoked non-interactively (via python on windows, like sgi cube example).
22:39.08 ``Erik talcite: it theoretically SHOULD work, provided the libraries all go into a dir in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and the tclscript stuff is in the same relative place compared to mged
22:40.14 talcite ``Erik: and the stuff in /usr/share/plugins, and /usr/share/data?
22:40.58 ``Erik plugins? O.o the /usr/brlcad/share/brlcad type stuff
22:41.31 talcite ``Erik: I don't think I can use the brlcad prefix in the package
22:41.43 ``Erik ah, plugins is all archer stuff
22:42.05 talcite ``Erik: err. I'm not that familiar with brlcad stuff. archer?
22:42.09 ``Erik given the age of BRL-CAD, you're likely to run into serious conflict issues
22:42.26 talcite ``Erik: yeah, I'm going to see which conflicts occur and whether we can get around them
22:42.45 ``Erik FreeBSD recognized it and permitted /usr/local/brlcad/ pretty easily, gentoo fought it tooth and nail and I THINK finally ceded (or it went stale, I don't recall)
22:42.54 talcite stale I think
22:43.14 talcite I dont' know what fedora would do. I have a feeling their policy is even tougher than gentoo's
22:43.47 talcite Redhat sources their enterprise stuff from fedora, so it's a pretty tight ship
22:43.48 ``Erik meh, I made the rpm spec file, but never tried to push it into an upstream repo
22:43.53 ``Erik um
22:44.15 ``Erik redhat made their enterprise stuff, and then spun off fedora from the 'regular' series because they didn't want to support it anymore
22:44.37 ``Erik and they're very much NOT tight from my experience :)
22:45.11 talcite ``Erik: ahh. yes. But fedora's turned out to be their testing base now. They pull fedora releases and work out all the kinks from what I understand
22:45.32 ``Erik hm, I kinda quit following redhat a bit back *shrug*
22:45.58 ``Erik 4 was the last I had on a personal machine :) then I went to debian, then fbsd
22:46.07 talcite whoa. they're on 11 now =D
22:46.41 talcite it's matured quite a bit. I left ubuntu for fedora because I found it more stable and better supported
22:46.48 ``Erik yeah, I've used fedora 9 and rhel 4 and 5... just haven't felt it was worth half a shit to have on one of my own boxes
22:47.18 talcite heh. I've never tried a *BSD. I'm not sure if I can get use to it after the RHEL experience
22:47.24 ``Erik <-- os bigot, has migrated pretty far into the bsd world
22:48.04 ``Erik I know, man, after you drive a beat up yugo, you just can't handle something like a porsche or aston martin...
22:48.07 ``Erik O:-)
22:48.10 talcite haha
22:48.52 talcite well anyways, I'll see what happens if I move things around
22:49.09 talcite I need to find a way to move files by bulk in a spec file. There's too many to do one by one
22:49.39 talcite brb
22:49.42 ``Erik it SHOULD work, but iirc, mged has an idea of where it lives and looks for it's datadir relative to where it THINKS it should be
22:49.47 ``Erik mv *? heh
22:49.53 ``Erik or give a --prefix in the build command
22:50.16 ``Erik misc/ is what I had
22:50.17 talcite =S you mean mged is hard coded? argh
22:50.41 talcite well lets see how bad it is
22:50.49 talcite I'll probably be back with a bunch of errors
22:50.56 ``Erik um, using DATADIR and relative paths I think
22:50.57 talcite hopefully not with a non-functional system =D
22:51.04 talcite DESTDIR you mean?
22:52.51 ``Erik um, I'm looking around now
22:55.52 ``Erik likes like the magic fu is in mged_setup()
22:56.45 ``Erik as contructed in libtclcad/tclcadAutoPath.c
22:57.45 ``Erik which is fed from src/libbu/brlcad_path.c
22:59.01 ``Erik so it's looking for something along the lines of `dirname mged`/../share/ ...
23:00.02 ``Erik so yeah, where the tclscripts reside relative to the mged binary should stay the same
23:00.34 ``Erik still thinks just giving it the proper prefix stuff to begin with would be the best way to go, though
23:28.06 siggraph talcite: if you compile brl-cad to go to those places, it should work fine
23:30.38 siggraph talcite: the mantra of resolving the conflicts comes up every time .. they're not readily resolvable (particularly librt) as they are core to our API and cannot/should not be renamed on our end (librt in particular)
23:31.16 siggraph the more usual solution is to install into a subdir of a system dir (e.g., /usr/lib/brlcad/
23:31.23 siggraph common with a varity of packages that have a lot of libs
23:31.44 talcite siggraph: yup. I'm going to see if fedora devs are willing to budge on it.
23:31.52 siggraph not well tested and might require a few minor mods, but certainly doable
23:38.02 siggraph talcite: I have to believe that there are not already some subdir libs in fedora...
23:38.45 siggraph my mac system has two dozen alone
23:39.26 siggraph (in /usr/lib)
23:39.44 talcite siggraph: yes, fedora has them as well
23:41.03 talcite hmm. maybe it's doable
23:43.52 siggraph to make it work, you'll probably have to use a prefix of /usr but then specifically override the install prefix on libs -- that way it should still find the tcl data resoures (in /usr/share/brlcad/rel-7.14.10)
23:44.07 siggraph returns to watching the evening animation theater

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