IRC log for #brlcad on 20090815

00:00.48 starseeker brlcad: ah, thanks :-)
00:01.29 starseeker actually got it to compile - it was C++ name mangling that (apparently) made the BU_EXTERN not work
00:04.21 starseeker ``Erik: right?
00:05.11 ``Erik oh, it compiled?
00:05.21 ``Erik nm made it look like a c++ name mangle issue to me
00:05.38 ``Erik the symbol had all sorts of signature goop on it in the library
00:08.23 ``Erik (the BU_EXTERN() macro shouldn't do anything weird wrt c++... *shrug*)
00:09.22 ``Erik hm, might just be apple name mangling... not used to looking at the guts of dylib
00:15.01 ``Erik hm, anything g++ touches gets mangled like mad, gcc itself just puts a _ at the beginning :/
00:49.14 brlcad BU_EXTERN is only valid inside an extern "C" block
00:49.24 brlcad in a c++ file
00:52.48 ``Erik ahhhh, epiphany, I grok now
00:53.19 ``Erik it tells c++ to not mangle, extern itself does not
00:53.48 ``Erik (ya'd think a C style definition would convince c++ to play by C's rules... apparently not.)
00:55.34 ``Erik brlcad: didja email a ticket in for the hw check of crit?
03:29.39 *** join/#brlcad docelic_ (n=docelic@
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06:31.39 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
06:48.58 talcite_ will our scripts in /usr/bin/brlcad always be suffixed with a .sh extension?
06:49.15 talcite_ I need a way of identifying which are ELF executables and which aren't
06:52.10 jdoliner um According to hacking POSIX Bourne Style Scripts use the .sh extension
06:52.23 jdoliner so it is indeed a rule
06:52.38 jdoliner line 399
06:58.57 *** part/#brlcad jdoliner (
08:49.38 *** join/#brlcad hippieindamakin8 (n=hippiein@
09:09.27 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
09:12.32 talcite_ holy crap. It finally built with all the rpaths removed =D
09:12.54 talcite_ This is going to be awesome. I'm throwing it into my VM to test as soon as the whole RPM finishes building =D
11:45.27 brlcad almost always, there are three notable exceptions: benchmark, archer, and brlman
11:46.27 brlcad they live as .sh in the sources but are installed without suffix for end-users
12:00.52 *** join/#brlcad tofu (
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12:51.10 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r35563 10/brlcad/trunk/src/util/ ( rtwizard rtwizard.tcl): store rtwizard as rtwizard.tcl and merely install it as 'rtwizard' so that the file format is evident within the source hierarchy.
13:28.28 ``Erik what're the tcl commands for tree walking?
13:29.34 ``Erik and foreach reg $mybots { mv $reg $reg.csg; r $reg u $ } make me sad
13:30.52 ``Erik (using mged myfile.g tops 2>&1 | xargs -n 1 | grep '\.bot$' | xargs and pasting the result into set mybots {xxx})
13:32.24 ``Erik optimally, I'd like to dup a specified tree, with a postfix modifier and a per region function
13:34.47 ``Erik (dup-tree :postfix ".f" :region-callback (lambda (r) (facetize (string-append (name region) ".f") r) r)))
13:35.10 ``Erik or, y'know... something
13:44.07 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r35564 10/brlcad/trunk/src/util/rtwizard.tcl: cleanup
13:45.23 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r35565 10/brlcad/trunk/ (4 files in 2 dirs): the other suffix outlier, store as so that the file format is evident within the source hierarchy as
13:46.40 tofu tree walking in tcl is a manual process
13:47.00 ``Erik 'k, how? (lame)
13:47.01 tofu there are a couple helper procs
13:47.25 ``Erik (and why was I unable to find this info on the web?)
13:47.49 tofu get_regions shows a recursive traversal that looks for regions
13:47.56 tofu src/tclscripts/mged/get_regions.tcl
13:48.06 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
13:48.52 ``Erik also; btclsh help lists all the neato mged functions but cannot execute them
13:50.19 brlcad yeah, that'd be because 'help' is a tcl proc, src/tclscripts/help.tcl
13:50.33 brlcad it shouldn't be - needs to be a libged func
13:50.57 brlcad that's a chunk of refactoring I've had in mind for a while, but haven't gotten to it
13:50.57 ``Erik <-- never digs into tcl shtuff, just pointing out surprises
13:51.28 ``Erik was one of those "have a task, looks likeit should be easy in tcl, lets go learn tcl" deals
13:52.08 brlcad nah, it was part of an earlier refactoring that pushed more towards tcl
13:52.37 brlcad since half the commands are in tcl, half the help was there, the other half was in a c callback table
13:52.53 brlcad the callback table was merged into the tcl table so that all help was in one plce
13:53.23 brlcad now with libged, though, the commands really should be self-contained and define their own help/docs
13:53.37 brlcad even if it means a separate help table for the tcl procs still
13:54.30 ``Erik heh
13:54.35 ``Erik if only C had docstrings
13:57.00 ``Erik also; "foreach reg [get_regions tank] { echo $reg }" does't print anything, but other ops do shtuff... is echo not quite right? or am I doing something stupid (is this related to the "only the last command prints" bug?)
13:57.13 brlcad thinking to make it more like table.c style with sets of callbacks/info per command
13:57.30 brlcad puts
13:58.12 ``Erik ermmmm, ok, that displays... well.... tank...
13:58.54 ``Erik heh...
13:58.55 ``Erik mged> foreach reg [get_regions tank] { puts "$reg" }
13:58.55 ``Erik tank
13:59.13 ``Erik mged> get_regions tank
13:59.13 ``Erik r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 r7 r8 r9 r10 r21 r22 r204 r205 r15 r16 r17 r18 r19 r211 r215 r216 r217 r218 r219 r220 r221 r222 r223 r224 r225 r226 r227 r228 r229 r230 r231 r232 r233 r234 r235 r236 r237 r238 r239 r240 r241 r242 r243 r244 r210 r212 r32 r33 r34 r35 r36 r37 r38 r39 r40 r41 r42 r43 r44 r45 r245 r246 r247 r248 r249 r250 r251 r252 r253 r254 r23 r24 r25 r26
13:59.32 ``Erik probably need something like [list [get_regions tank]]
13:59.52 ``Erik it's too damn early and saturday, I'm calling my brain on vacation :)
14:03.17 ``Erik 'k, I'm gonna pull the doof card, show me the tcl fu to walk a given tree and facetize all the regions, I'm looking for each region to contain exactly one BoT (thus "isst-optimized") :) I think I'm close, but missing a couple details
14:03.35 ``Erik and one of us can wiki an explaination I guess
14:05.15 ``Erik (why does puts work when echo does not?)
14:13.59 ``Erik heh proc fib {a} { if { $a < 2} {return 1} {return [expr [fib [expr $a-1]] + [fib [expr $a - 2]]]}}
14:14.19 ``Erik language bootcamp :(
14:17.03 ``Erik favors (defun fib (a) (if (< a 2) 1 (+ (fib (- a 1)) (fib (- a 2))))) O:-)
14:25.10 brlcad er
14:25.24 brlcad what you wrote was write
14:25.45 brlcad you're probably forgetting you're in mged with globbing left on :)
14:25.49 brlcad set glob_compat_mode 0
14:26.41 brlcad er, and s/write/right/
14:27.06 ``Erik ahhh
14:28.02 ``Erik \[ works
14:28.24 brlcad yeah, you can escape all the globbing chars and it'll still work
14:28.33 brlcad or just turn off globbing
14:30.10 brlcad useful if you want globbing AND tcl, but it will tend to be very sensitive to writespace as the globber is pretty simple
14:30.19 brlcad whitespace even
14:30.30 brlcad foreach reg \[ get_regions *.g \] {puts $reg}
14:31.33 ``Erik foreach reg \[get_regions tank] {puts $reg} seems to work
14:32.02 ``Erik (no forth style space buffering, no escaping the closing bracket, ...)
14:32.39 ``Erik I d'no, I should wait for tuesday :) and do some less worky shit for now
14:34.48 brlcad i mean you'll need the spaces if you also want globbing
14:34.56 brlcad the globber won't like *.g\]
14:35.08 ``Erik ah
14:54.53 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (
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20:57.57 *** join/#brlcad talcite (n=talcite@
21:21.20 talcite I just did an svn up. Is the head stable right now?
21:31.37 Ralith theoretically.
21:31.49 Ralith by definition, head is technically not stable
21:31.55 Ralith but there's no particular reason it should be broken
21:32.50 talcite Ralith, alright, sounds good
21:33.11 Ralith don't forget to rerun
21:33.28 talcite yup. Its in the %prep of the spec file
21:57.37 talcite hey guys. Why is there a .jnilib file in my build?
21:57.47 talcite I'm building on fedora. Those libs shouldn't exist should they?
22:18.39 talcite oh, and when is the new release coming out? I'm thinking of submitting that one for review by the repo maintainers
22:18.57 talcite it's been any day now for the past couple weeks =D
22:29.21 Ralith When It's Done
22:50.34 talcite oh... hey why isn't there a LICENSE file included? Doesn't LGPL require one?
22:57.47 ``Erik we have COPYING or something
22:59.07 ``Erik .jnilib might be generated by src/librtserver which is a java interaface via RNI or something
22:59.18 ``Erik new release is "any day now"
23:00.25 talcite heh. Alright. I'll submit the svn head for review and update to the new release when it comes
23:00.46 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos_ (
23:01.28 ``Erik I'm letting the fbsd update kinda float
23:01.33 ``Erik pending update
23:01.45 talcite ahh. so you're the fbsd maintainer? Cool
23:01.59 ``Erik I should let them know that the current pr is bunk
23:02.12 ``Erik had to fix a bunch of crap for update... tkhtml3 is a bitch
23:02.38 talcite I think we could probably get SUSE and debian maintainers soon. I don't think the packaging guidelines are that different between the major distros
23:02.50 ``Erik yeh, doing packaging duty gives me a gardener hat to help keep things sane..
23:03.19 ``Erik but then ya get fools who think that it needs to be installed /usr/ and it goes back to hell... damn linux weenies :)
23:03.49 ``Erik debian was cool with us having our own dir iirc
23:04.34 talcite we have debian inclusion?
23:04.56 ``Erik misc/debian/
23:05.09 ``Erik we have had the ability...
23:05.15 talcite oh ok
23:05.51 ``Erik I lost my debian machine like 4 years ago so I quit mucking with them folk
23:06.11 ``Erik (note misc/brlcad.spec...)
23:06.56 talcite I find it hard to believe that someone else hasn't picked up package maintainership in that while
23:07.06 talcite plus, don't they have remote build systems?
23:07.37 ``Erik they probably do... but I can't generate a .deb file myself
23:08.00 talcite oh yeah
23:08.01 talcite heh
23:08.10 ``Erik and my .rpm files would be enterprise specific *shrug* fbsd is one of the few "common" archs I can do :)
23:08.23 talcite enterprise specific?
23:08.27 talcite doesn't ubuntu pull from debian?
23:08.33 ``Erik yeah, I have access to RHEL, not fedora
23:08.40 talcite oh ok
23:08.53 ``Erik ubuntu is a descendant of debian, yes...
23:09.25 ``Erik but the only linux boxen I have access to are redhat enterprise
23:09.36 ``Erik even is fbsd these days :)
23:09.38 talcite what's the inclusion path for RHEL repos anyways?
23:10.00 ``Erik doesn't know and doesn't care...
23:11.08 talcite well yeah I guess it's probably a pretty closed process
23:13.56 *** join/#brlcad cosurgi (
23:16.39 talcite do we have a standard icon for brlcad?

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