IRC log for #brlcad on 20090825

00:00.14 mafm Ralith: other students sometimes post scripts for that
00:00.15 Yoshi47 you should be able to see just your if you used yoru username to snv
00:00.22 mafm to get only your commits in svn, for example
00:01.14 louipc yeah you could make a script to spit out a buttload of diffs you committed
00:01.20 ``Erik if you're on the commit mailing list, just grab all the emails with your patches and aggregate them? *shrug* I'd hope most people have access to email clients powerful enough to do that
00:01.44 Ralith most people have access to all sorts of fun stuff
00:01.46 ``Erik or write a script to svn log . | grep <username> and dork with the rev#'s
00:01.50 Ralith but that doesn't mean they can use it.
00:02.08 mafm now off to bed, night!
00:02.12 Yoshi47 cya
00:02.15 ``Erik hasta
00:02.27 louipc bye mafm
00:03.03 Yoshi47 way off the rocker here but anyone seen a basic g code (CNC machine lang) exported in brl?
00:03.15 Ralith a few people have tried
00:03.19 Ralith jonored got very close but dissapeared
00:03.27 Yoshi47 umm
00:03.32 Ralith someone else was talking about writing one but I haven't seen him around for a while
00:03.51 Ralith bear in mind it's a nontrivial task because g-code is toolpaths, not shape data.
00:03.55 ``Erik isn't stl a common format for cnc type folk? we have g-stl
00:03.59 Yoshi47 well if i was a good coders i'd try
00:04.11 ``Erik (and then other tools generate the path/bit info from the shape?)
00:04.37 ``Erik Yoshi47: check out
00:04.40 Ralith ``Erik: that's correct
00:04.41 Ralith but lossy
00:04.43 Yoshi47 <PROTECTED>
00:04.46 Ralith very lossy in fact
00:05.03 louipc yeah stl wouldn't be good for precision machining
00:05.18 Yoshi47 maybe > .01
00:05.24 Yoshi47 or not even?
00:05.42 ``Erik lossy in the g->stl, or the stl->gerber ?
00:05.54 ``Erik cuz if you have time, you can crank the precision way up for g->stl
00:06.13 Yoshi47 well im back to gentoo
00:06.14 Yoshi47 lol
00:06.26 ``Erik one adventure at a time? :)
00:06.30 louipc fbsd's still uninstallable?
00:06.33 louipc :P
00:07.01 ``Erik fbsd has a nice installer, but it has unix notions which are very alien to linux people (who are more in sync with dos/windows people)
00:07.02 Ralith brlcad: should I make an effort to include every single change I made, or just the g3d stuff? The only real non-g3d commits I've made were moving the cmake modules for finding Ogre, Qt, etc. into the rt^3 cmake dir.
00:07.06 Yoshi47 louipc, yeah to much to learn so little time, i need to get me temp joomla site on my notebook for a meeting tomorrow
00:07.08 louipc I got it working before, but it just felt so primitive
00:07.13 ``Erik pcbsd is the bsd that targets "noobs"
00:07.15 Ralith ``Erik: also the installer's pretty much unmaintained >_>
00:07.27 ``Erik what're you talking about? the installer gets loving every release
00:07.38 Yoshi47 oh well, i know gentoo half decent so i'll stick with it
00:07.41 ``Erik (but they still don't deal with usb keyboards in the holoshell, damnit)
00:07.52 louipc linux feels more modern for some reason
00:08.03 Ralith really? When I was a fbsd user, it was one of the pieces everyone couldn't wait to replace
00:08.22 louipc hah
00:08.30 Yoshi47 hey when i redo my bearing with a nice background will it get put on the website or does it have to go throughthe critics board first?
00:08.39 ``Erik a lot of people wanted a gui installer, like mandrake, but those're awfully wasteful for a little eye candy for newbies :/
00:08.49 louipc yeah those are lame
00:08.52 Ralith just a lessy buggy one would do
00:08.59 ``Erik that argument is kinda what spawned the pcbsd fork
00:09.21 ``Erik that and making the fresh install fire up a gui by default
00:09.30 louipc theres no reason the console environment can't be noob friendly though
00:10.53 ``Erik meh *shrug* I just installed fbsd 7.2 a couple weeks ago, didn't have any issues, see any bugs, or have any reason to complain... was able to go from "I wanna install" to "booted up on a fresh and configured system" in the span where a redhat install did like 20% of its package install
00:10.53 louipc Yoshi47:
00:11.13 Yoshi47 i don't know the gallery from the wiki
00:12.09 louipc you could actually post the .g file in the model repository
00:12.35 ``Erik yoshi: looking at that bearing where the balls are exposed: are there supposed to be one or two more bearings in there, or are they actually supposed to be that loose? and are the gutters in the runners supposed to be that deep? how would it be assembled? they press them together and rely on elastic deformation of the metal, right?
00:12.58 ``Erik heh, I said "where the balls are exposd" hehehehehehe mmm hehehehhehe
00:13.04 ``Erik </beavis>
00:13.56 Yoshi47 no they actually have a carriage in there that keeps the balls seperated, the carriage a very wierd shape and looks to be very hard to draw. everything else was measured
00:14.11 ``Erik ahh, a plastic dealiemajigger?
00:14.11 Yoshi47 accurate to 0.1 mm
00:14.15 louipc they can be loosish
00:14.19 Yoshi47 nope actaully to steel things
00:14.23 louipc grease up the slack
00:14.24 ``Erik ah, neat
00:14.26 Yoshi47 they can
00:14.38 Yoshi47 i will take pics tomorrow
00:14.48 ``Erik how big is the assembly?
00:14.50 Yoshi47 of the assembly and disassembly if your like
00:14.56 Yoshi47 the bearing
00:14.56 ``Erik is that the 2cm diameter one?
00:15.07 Yoshi47 22mm OD and 8mm ID
00:15.12 Yoshi47 7mm wide
00:15.22 Yoshi47 balls are 4mm in dia
00:15.46 Yoshi47 groove is a tor with rad 1 = 7.5 and rad 2= 2
00:15.49 ``Erik small, musta been hard to measure :) micrometer time
00:16.02 Yoshi47 vernier actually
00:16.07 Yoshi47 digital so its easy
00:16.09 Ralith who's responsible for MoRe?
00:16.09 ``Erik ah
00:16.25 Yoshi47 and i have near sitted vision so i can see thing up close like a microscope
00:16.27 ``Erik ralith: elena developed it
00:16.29 louipc ebautu
00:16.30 louipc ?
00:17.07 ``Erik cool beans, yoshi, I don't have access to neat toys, I have a cheap plastic caliper :)
00:17.15 Yoshi47 i have they day off tomorrow, i forgot, so i will have no distractions and i can do a good time trial, yes! its on...
00:17.35 Yoshi47 ``Erik, $15 on sale a canadian tire, accurate to 1 thou
00:18.08 ``Erik is in md, the 51st state is a bit of a hike O:-)
00:18.16 Ralith hm
00:18.25 Ralith where can I find the code upload form?
00:19.15 Yoshi47 ``Erik, i have 2 of them, lol
00:19.43 Ralith found the 2008 google code project
00:20.15 louipc Yoshi47: where was it made? :P
00:20.45 Ralith but that's, well, 2008
00:20.48 Yoshi47 matercraft, i don't know but for the price they are pretty good, can even be used for maching
00:21.15 Yoshi47 louipc, i was suprised how tight the tolerences are on it, im pretty piky that way.
00:22.24 louipc yeah I guess there's no point in being too picky with a caliper.
00:23.01 ``Erik
00:23.14 Yoshi47 nope and anything i draw it is good enough, maybe i'll give that ball carriage a go tomorrow! next challenge, after my time trial to get back my bearing
00:23.31 louipc cool
00:23.34 Yoshi47 will most likely take double the time then the bearing
00:23.47 ``Erik that's for 08, but it might give ya hints for how to do it in 09? *shrug*
00:24.10 louipc maybe you can be one of the usability guys :D
00:24.23 Yoshi47 louipc, what do you mean?
00:24.46 louipc there's something like gsoc, but focusing on usability
00:25.02 Yoshi47 oh a tester/
00:25.11 louipc I forgot what the url is..
00:25.43 ``Erik me too, I vagually remember that project... we even talked about submitting parts of BRL-CAD to it, iirc
00:26.44 louipc ?
00:28.09 Yoshi47 yep
00:29.01 Ralith ``Erik: hm, seems like maybe I just need to wait
00:31.06 ``Erik doesn't seem very... alive...
00:32.25 ``Erik season announcement in march, call for students in april... then nothing... (the announcement says june-aug, nothing about wrapup, selection, anything)
00:33.49 Yoshi47 what should i draw in brl tonight?
00:34.08 louipc an impeller
00:34.13 Yoshi47 lol, your funny
00:34.22 Yoshi47 something i can get done tonight
00:34.26 Yoshi47 but yeah that would be fun
00:34.29 louipc a tiny one
00:34.41 Yoshi47 well i do like a challenge
00:34.52 Ralith louipc: wouldn't that need NURBS?
00:34.57 Yoshi47 do i have impeller herE?
00:34.59 Yoshi47 umm
00:35.34 louipc Ralith: yeah nurbs would help
00:35.49 Yoshi47 louipc, what one?
00:35.59 Ralith considering that that's alpha-quality at best, last I chcked, that's a bad choice :P
00:36.39 Ralith of course he could just make a primitive one
00:36.40 louipc how bout this one?
00:37.32 Yoshi47 you pushing it
00:37.37 Ralith lol
00:37.53 Ralith good luck with that
00:38.23 louipc I still have to figure out how to model properly shaped threads
00:38.37 Yoshi47 specs?
00:39.20 louipc dunno, just a standard 60 deg thread
00:39.41 Yoshi47 i was talking about the impeller
00:39.58 louipc oh sorry I was just joshing you
00:40.55 Yoshi47 not you too. everyone does that too me
00:41.10 Yoshi47 i pick a little easier impeller
00:41.23 Yoshi47 since you too extranvagent
00:41.24 ``Erik yoshi: some popular beginner exercises are a mug, a pinewood derby car, a pen, a book case, ...
00:42.00 Ralith ooh, found a script
00:42.17 Yoshi47 ``Erik, i did the mug
00:42.30 ``Erik look around your desk for something simple? :)
00:42.39 louipc you went through vol II eh?
00:42.47 Yoshi47 the intro...
00:43.19 ``Erik ooh, model a 2002 bmw m3 down to the threads in the nuts, that'd be awesome :D
00:44.12 Yoshi47 ``Erik, you just as outrageuous as louipc, im looking for a nice impeller/easy
00:44.16 Yoshi47 then chrome it!
00:45.20 Ralith thinks BMW would object to such detailed designs for their stuff being available
00:45.36 ``Erik hehehe
00:45.41 Yoshi47 lol
00:45.47 ``Erik but when I do rtweight, I want the result to come out real damn close to my car :D
00:46.01 ``Erik hum, model 'bender' from futurama?
00:46.10 Yoshi47 ``Erik, nah
00:46.13 ``Erik and then you can raytrace his shiney metal ass?
00:46.17 Yoshi47 ``Erik, lol
00:47.33 ``Erik hm, fishtank would be too easy, even I can model one of those
00:47.50 louipc model a CD-ROM disc
00:48.07 Ralith model a CD-ROM drive.
00:49.01 louipc that would take a while
00:49.09 Yoshi47 hey is there a way to save the mged bash history
01:00.53 Yoshi47 well i got a good picture of and impeller, now to design the fins.!
01:02.23 ``Erik I see the class defining the command history, but I don't see any methods for saving it and don't see the invocation variable :/
01:02.30 ``Erik <-- doesn't know tcl
01:49.39 brlcad Ralith: I'd say do whatever the docs say :)
01:50.00 brlcad but yeah, I don't think you should be uploading ogre/qt diffs
01:50.11 brlcad they just want the code you actually *write*
01:50.34 Ralith yeah, I remembered that that would be an issue when the shellscript started printing timeouts
01:50.49 Ralith I actually wrote the cmake stuff but it'll be captured in the diffs of the g3d/ stuff even though it's not present there now
01:52.36 brlcad we had a good chance to get accepted into openusability .. just have to try again next year
02:01.59 starseeker brlcad: does this seem like a reasonable categorization of BRL-CAD's primitives?
02:31.18 ``Erik nmg has a brep variant, too, iirc
02:31.24 ``Erik and I don't see metaballs!!#~!@!~
03:00.41 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r35696 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_brep.cpp: Fooling around with vectors - this will need a bit more thought.
03:01.03 starseeker ``Erik: That's the old nurbs stuff - it will eventually go away in favor of ON_Brep
03:01.42 starseeker NMG will still handle what it currently handles, but better to do it as two different setups IMHO
03:02.05 starseeker ``Erik: good point - what are metaballs? implicit or explicit?
03:02.59 ``Erik I was kinda hoping you'd tell me
03:05.50 starseeker aaaaand the bounding points are NOT on the plane of the face
03:05.56 starseeker groans
03:06.14 starseeker ``Erik: I'm guessing implicit
03:06.53 ``Erik well, I kinda think of it as a contour of a value in space
03:07.05 ``Erik sorta a 4d notion, I guess
03:07.51 ``Erik the first form was modelled after point charges from physics
03:09.05 starseeker nods
03:10.00 starseeker math question - for a collection of coplanar points, will the point xmin, ymin, zmin be coplaner with the other points where the mins are the individual x, y and z mins of all the coplanar points?
03:13.12 ``Erik I don't think so
03:13.22 ``Erik but that'd involve more thinking than I care to commit at the moment
03:13.40 louipc hmm my whiskey looks like it's infused with the glass
03:13.44 louipc
03:14.30 ``Erik louipc, I know you wanna make the american counter to goldschlagger, but seriously, dude, glass shards in whiskey, not a good idea :D
03:15.20 louipc hahhha
03:15.43 louipc I guess I have to mess around with the mater to get it to render properly
03:15.58 ``Erik hm
03:16.16 starseeker has only one other idea at the moment - take all the verticies, find their center point, find the maximum distance between any of the vertices and the center point, and use that vector + the plane normal to define the UV space for the NURBS surface
03:16.28 ``Erik the whiskey should have a refractive coefficient of like 1.30 or something, 1.33 mebbe... (somewhere between water and alcohol), the lgass I think is more like 1.45 or 1.5 depending on the type
03:16.41 starseeker that seems expensive though
03:16.58 ``Erik 1.485-1.755
03:23.45 *** join/#brlcad talcite (
03:39.21 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r35697 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_brep.cpp: OK, bounding points are not on the plane. Record next idea.
04:34.28 Ralith starseeker: I believe Erik is correct
04:35.44 starseeker Ralith: yeah, figured :-/
04:35.47 starseeker thanks though
04:36.11 starseeker Ralith: question - can you import anything into Ogre directly? (dxf, say?
04:36.14 Ralith think about the plane described by the triangle ((0 0 0)(2 0 0)(0 1 -1))
04:36.34 Ralith now take a point from the middle of that triangle (thus on the plane)
04:36.56 Ralith and set x to 0 and z to -1
04:37.39 starseeker nods
04:38.03 starseeker I think I have an approach, it just feels a bit like overkill
04:38.10 Ralith afaik Ogre includes file loaders for nothing but its built-in file format
04:38.18 Ralith why would that be desirable, anyway? We want to display stuff from .g
04:38.34 starseeker right, but we've got to get our geometry into something that Ogre can handle
04:39.15 starseeker figures we'll have to do (at least internally) a g-ogremesh conversion of some sort...
04:39.19 Ralith writing it to temporary files isn't a good way to do that O.o
04:39.29 starseeker oh, agreed
04:39.30 Ralith I'm reasonably sure that we can just feed Ogre a point cloud.
04:39.33 Ralith er
04:39.34 Ralith a mesh
04:39.42 Ralith generated manually from the .g
04:39.56 starseeker that would be the internal logic for g-ogremesh :-)
04:40.14 Ralith isn't entirely sure how ogre internally represents objects
04:43.48 starseeker apparently ManualObject might be helpful...
04:44.21 Ralith yeah, that's where I was going to start research
04:44.58 Ralith first guess being something that'd end up with a class derived from ManualObject for each primitive for mged-style rendering
04:45.25 starseeker hmm...
04:45.30 Ralith then maybe a generic 'Boolean' ManualObject descendent for when the brep stuff lets us quickly tesselate arbitrary booleans
04:47.17 starseeker Ralith: any luck on the 3d rotate and translate bugs?
04:47.34 starseeker could manually make an Ogre mesh with blender and import for a nice video demo :-)
04:47.57 Ralith not a bad idea.
04:48.11 Ralith been focusing on trying to fix the input bug but I guess I can put that off
04:48.41 starseeker nods. I'm wondering if that's tangled up with the multiple OpenGL context stuff
04:48.43 Ralith I have a fairly good idea why the translate bug is doing that, and I know conceptually what the rotate bug is doing but I'm not yet sure where/how.
04:48.53 Ralith doubt it.
04:49.00 Ralith would be hell if it was
04:49.10 starseeker heh :-)
04:49.12 Ralith eventually I want to replace all that with a proper Ogre backend for Qt.
04:49.20 Ralith just because I think it'd save so much pain
04:49.24 starseeker nods
04:49.47 Ralith there's a good bit of 'special behavior' for all the various systems Qt's going through to do this, which weren't really meant to be used this way
04:49.56 Ralith which has to be worked around often awkwardly
04:50.10 starseeker well, if you can nail the rotate and translate bugs I'll do my best to manually convert a model and we can make an Awesome Video :-)
04:50.31 Ralith cool, I'll see what I can do :)
04:50.53 starseeker mutters to himself that he'll get it to play on the Mac by default this time...
04:50.58 starseeker OK, sleep
04:51.05 Ralith nite
04:51.12 Ralith you'll need to specialize the opengl hacks for Carbon.
04:51.56 Ralith or just use X
05:15.08 *** join/#brlcad SRabbelier1 (
05:17.58 ``Erik sleep is for the weak
05:18.03 ``Erik *snore*
05:21.31 *** part/#brlcad SRabbelier1 (
07:46.26 *** join/#brlcad _clock_ (
09:05.03 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
10:19.04 *** join/#brlcad mafm_ (
11:28.06 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
11:47.11 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * r35698 10/jbrlcad/trunk/src/org/brlcad/geometry/
11:47.11 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: Added getDbFileName() method.
11:47.11 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: Added some java.util.logging
11:47.55 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * r35699 10/jbrlcad/trunk/src/org/brlcad/spacePartition/
11:47.55 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: Fixed some hosed formatting.
11:47.55 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: Added some java.util.logging
11:53.27 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03johnranderson * r35700 10/jbrlcad/trunk/ (build.xml test/logging.config):
11:53.27 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: Added logging.config for tests
11:53.27 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: Eliminated references to "jra"
11:55.44 Yoshi47 can you edit shapes vertice level, like in blender, where you can move the vertices around where ever you want?
12:16.23 brlcad if there's actually a vertex, you usually can
12:17.56 brlcad boolean operations on implicit primitives, however, can cause the addition of new vertices/edges/faces, though that are likewise _implicit_ and cannot be directly manipulated as such
12:22.45 brlcad we're moving more towards a hybrid representation system so that we can also maintain an explicit representation, which allows for direct manipulation, but that's a ways off
12:23.11 Yoshi47 ah
12:23.43 brlcad it gets at the heart of the differences in the way geometry is represented, ours being based on a strongly mathematical basis -- which is done for analysis purposes, guarantees of correctness and topology
12:24.09 brlcad something which isn't of any concern to a content modeling system
12:25.55 Yoshi47 nope
12:26.04 Yoshi47 so i know have my turbine blade
12:26.31 Yoshi47 which is a region of shapes, can i take that region and clone it around the center axis of the turbine
12:32.36 Yoshi47 i guess i can't take a object and rotate it hey?
12:34.21 brlcad sure you can
12:34.21 Yoshi47 nevermind, i did it, oed, dug
12:34.43 Yoshi47 only 11 more cp and rot, well im off for now, see ya guys later.
12:35.46 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r35701 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_brep.cpp: Add ascii art drawing of nmg_brep algorithm idea.
13:07.04 *** join/#brlcad _clock_ (
13:14.25 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r35702 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/librender/camera.c: revert to single threaded mode if pthreads fail for some reason
14:04.29 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r35703 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/db_lookup.c: Updated db_lookup_by_attr to skip phony entries.
14:35.01 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
14:53.46 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03irpguardian * r35704 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/human.c:
14:53.46 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: Added a new function which dumps out all measurements to a textfile, Verbose.txt, for debugging purposes. Automatically
14:53.46 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: runs for now.
14:57.09 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r35705 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/step/src/express/ (25 files):
14:57.09 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: Twist up how package headers are included. Heimdall has a "resolv.conf" that is
14:57.09 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: installed and sometimes is grabbed instead of include/express/resolve.h, so pull
14:57.09 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: the express include directory up a level and refer to headers as, say,
14:57.10 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: "express/resolve.conf".
15:09.19 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03irpguardian * r35706 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/human.c: Formatted verbose output to be more organized, and aligned
15:25.52 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
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17:24.18 *** join/#brlcad h4r1 (n=dbs@
17:34.21 h4r1 Hey
18:19.55 brlcad starseeker: several missing, but looks mostly good. would not characterize the non-volumetric as such as it's not particularly meaningful -- half is implicit, sketch is 2D explicit primitive, grip is a non-geometric primitive
18:21.00 brlcad the explicit qualifier is redundant on polygonal/spline surface, and you have a typo there (splice)
18:21.54 brlcad ebm, hf, and dsp really belong in their own class as volumetric representations
18:22.27 brlcad louipc: neat shot glass!
18:39.32 ``Erik hm, "bokode"
18:57.58 Yoshi47 well who's ready for time trials...
18:58.11 brlcad hehe
18:58.16 brlcad ready
18:58.17 brlcad set
18:58.18 brlcad go!
18:58.25 Yoshi47 wait wait wait
18:58.45 Yoshi47 i have to prep my work space
18:59.08 Yoshi47 cold water: check,
18:59.13 Yoshi47 lock door, check
18:59.23 Yoshi47 tell everyone not to bug me, check
18:59.34 Yoshi47 migraine go away, nope
18:59.39 Yoshi47 oh well..
19:01.20 Yoshi47 ok go 3:00
19:20.14 ``Erik done yet, yoshi? :D *duck*
19:22.49 yukonbob hello, cadheads
19:23.36 brlcad hello yukonbob
19:24.18 yukonbob :D
19:24.25 yukonbob how was siggraph?
19:24.29 Yoshi47 -5 minutes, phone call from work
19:24.37 Yoshi47 i got the inner ring done.
19:24.54 ``Erik quit chatting, ya might be able to beat an hour :D
19:25.01 brlcad yukonbob: fabulous
19:25.06 Yoshi47 im closing this
19:25.11 yukonbob brlcad: very nice...
19:25.12 brlcad heh
19:25.45 yukonbob brlcad: bring back new ideas/inspirations?
19:26.02 brlcad always
19:26.20 yukonbob heh
19:26.29 brlcad the ideas are always in abundance, and helps to keep things in a big picture perspective
19:26.43 yukonbob nods
19:26.48 yukonbob cool
19:28.09 yukonbob was checking-out the siggraph website when you were there, and noted a future (next year?) event is coming to Vancouver
19:28.33 brlcad possibly, at least that's the current plan for the year after next
19:28.44 brlcad there was some dissention this year, though, that it might not happen
19:29.07 yukonbob ppl don't want it out of America?
19:29.28 brlcad moreover that it was even a rumor to begin with according to one staffer (but I'm not convinced he was in the know)
19:29.45 brlcad in general, no they don't
19:30.17 yukonbob saw news published on a credible-looking website.
19:30.21 brlcad it's a very big conference that makes and costs a lot of money .. even when they simply leave Los Angeles, they usually lose money and attendance is down
19:30.24 ``Erik imagines most attendees are from the US, and most of them don't have passports
19:47.30 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03irpguardian * r35707 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/human.c: Added text input for all body measurements, by the file Verbose.txt
19:59.25 *** join/#brlcad Yoshi47 (
19:59.32 Yoshi47 well...
19:59.37 Yoshi47 guess what
19:59.58 ``Erik didn't finish it?
20:00.42 brlcad deleted it again?
20:00.42 Yoshi47 everything done except the shield
20:00.42 Yoshi47 lol funny
20:00.42 Yoshi47 i would be pissed
20:00.42 ``Erik :D
20:00.42 Yoshi47 who wants a copy?
20:00.42 brlcad hey, Yoshi47 .. why don't you post that up somewhere? :)
20:00.42 Yoshi47 before i delete it again
20:00.44 brlcad hehe
20:00.44 ``Erik heh
20:01.04 Yoshi47 i don't know if i want other people to see my messy structure...
20:01.05 Yoshi47 lol
20:01.12 Yoshi47 where can i post?
20:01.31 ``Erik also; ponder using svn or something instead of rsync. a sorta manual 'undo' capability, co where ya want it, easy semantics :)
20:01.38 Yoshi47 or should i just finish the shield and the textures first
20:02.09 Yoshi47 one sec...
20:02.17 ``Erik (just something to think about *shrug* not saying it's a good way)
20:03.16 Yoshi47
20:03.36 Yoshi47 ``Erik, don't worry i won't do that again.
20:03.50 Yoshi47 someone try and download it and tell me if it works...
20:04.00 Yoshi47 B complete.c
20:05.04 Yoshi47 well someone got it... who did it?
20:05.17 ``Erik just did
20:05.22 Yoshi47 nice
20:05.25 Yoshi47 does it work?
20:05.28 brlcad too
20:05.33 Yoshi47 lol
20:06.23 Yoshi47 i actually added a couple more curved edges too...
20:07.40 Yoshi47 i almost have my turbine done too... just have to get the center shaft cut out.
20:11.48 brlcad so about 30 hours passive down to about an hour active
20:18.38 *** join/#brlcad talcite (
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20:26.00 ``Erik hehehe glass bearings :D
20:26.47 ``Erik looks awesome in perspective mode
20:33.08 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03irpguardian * r35708 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/human.c: Added help on text input/output on the -? command
20:39.27 Yoshi47 so you having fun with my bearing
20:48.40 ``Erik
20:49.36 Yoshi47 nice
20:49.39 Yoshi47 little dark...
20:50.54 ``Erik as an example of how to generate...
20:51.09 ``Erik it's glass with a black background, of course it's dark :D
20:51.19 Yoshi47 i wouldn't even know how to use rt files yet
20:51.25 ``Erik it's a shell script
20:51.53 ``Erik was generated by using "saveview" in mged, then I tweaked it a bit :)
20:52.38 starseeker sh glassbearing.rt :-)
20:52.45 Yoshi47 ah
20:53.03 Yoshi47 so is whats the diff between rtwizard and rendering in mged?
20:53.15 ``Erik different ways to invoke rt
20:53.30 Yoshi47 but same background renderer
20:53.41 ``Erik for the most part...
20:54.02 ``Erik the edge view in rtwizard actually invokes rtedge instead of rt, then composites the various images
20:54.12 Yoshi47 oh
20:54.21 Yoshi47 well who wants a shity impeller?
20:55.58 Yoshi47 most likely a better way to draw but i don't know everything, and it takes forever to render because of the code used to make, maybe once you see you can offer suggestions for a better way...
20:58.40 Yoshi47 heres the link for the impeller
20:58.47 Yoshi47 louipc, your impeller is done!
20:58.58 Yoshi47 well if you can call it an impeller
21:08.19 ``Erik yowza
21:10.20 ``Erik it renders slow because it has to evaluate just about every primitive in the screen for every ray, btw... imagine every plot (red wireframe of a primitive) has a box around it, if the ray goes through that box, it evaluates the primitive
21:10.34 ``Erik but it looks neat
21:17.46 brlcad wow, that is slow.. :)
21:17.52 brlcad good optimization test case
21:25.52 ``Erik runs nice and fast facetized, though O:-)
21:30.47 brlcad heh
21:30.50 brlcad cheater!
21:31.45 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
21:36.08 *** join/#brlcad fenn (
21:36.23 fenn first rule of computer graphics: glass always looks terrible on a black background
21:42.41 ``Erik *snrkt*
21:45.24 Yoshi47 brlcad, whos a cheater?
21:45.37 ``Erik I am, for facetizing it :D
21:45.43 Yoshi47 oh
21:46.11 ``Erik (and, yeah, glass on black isn't good, but I forgot to set a background color and didn't want to make a surrounding scene)
21:46.31 Yoshi47 i don't mind white
21:48.37 ``Erik -C255/255/255
21:49.27 brlcad glass on black can work, you just have to jack up the ambient a bit
21:49.34 brlcad
21:50.03 Yoshi47 im just trying to think why you would make a bearing out of glass...
21:50.06 ``Erik giving the glass a greenish hue might improve it, too... make it ... glassier
21:50.24 ``Erik Yoshi47: cuz glass stuff looks awesome raytraced? :D
21:50.31 brlcad Yoshi47: no reason :)
21:50.36 brlcad or .. why NOT?!
21:50.41 brlcad ahem
21:51.16 Yoshi47 it does look cool, green tinge would be better
21:51.18 ``Erik in the future, everything is made of glass
21:51.22 Yoshi47 lol
21:51.56 brlcad plus it's quick n dirty .. creating lights, adding textures and bump mappings, tweaking shaders.. that's all work :)
21:52.10 brlcad likes the bearing
21:52.29 Yoshi47 i just have to finish the shield
21:52.38 ``Erik in a scene with stuff around it and multiple lights, it'd look awesome, I think
21:52.39 Yoshi47 but at least i have backups now!
21:53.26 ``Erik
21:53.46 Yoshi47 ouch
21:53.52 ``Erik yeah
21:54.45 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r35709 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_brep.cpp: Continue crawling forward on nmg->brep
21:55.11 Yoshi47 so any tips for the impeller or bearing?
21:57.55 fenn you should have made it from diamond instead of glass :)
21:58.30 fenn also i don't suppose brlcad supports HDR environment maps
22:00.48 brlcad nope
22:00.54 brlcad patches welcome ;)
22:04.57 brlcad
22:05.35 Yoshi47 nice
22:06.36 Yoshi47 i got my other little bearing in 4mm wide and 10mm tall
22:07.10 Yoshi47 so i have to draw that up too soon, but im not going to do the inside, just the outside cause it has shields on it and im not taking this one apart cause i have to buy these.
22:14.09 brlcad wee... :)
22:14.30 Yoshi47 i love it!
22:14.56 Yoshi47 just for your info the bearing does have a little mirrow to it rough mirror
22:15.18 brlcad the impeller is turning out fantastic too, but damn is it exercising the boolean evaluator
22:15.20 Yoshi47 but you need surrondings then i think, that looks really good
22:15.26 Yoshi47 lol
22:15.45 brlcad especially as glass, of course :)
22:15.51 Yoshi47 anyway i could of done it easier like a arb8 that can bend!
22:16.04 starseeker Yoshi47: patience :-)
22:16.24 Yoshi47 starseeker, im guessing its in the works! time line?
22:16.26 brlcad glass is particularly abusive, it's having to query almost the whole model for every primary ray as well as every reflected and refracted interior ray
22:16.44 Yoshi47 i hope you got a farm at your disposal
22:16.58 brlcad not using it
22:17.02 starseeker Yoshi47: a bit hard to say - editing is down the road
22:17.13 starseeker You might look at Ayam
22:17.19 Yoshi47 Ayam?
22:17.30 brlcad just an 8-core churning on it .. is looking very purty
22:17.34 starseeker
22:17.49 starseeker they can export 3dm nurbs, and in theory we can import them
22:18.04 starseeker not in practice thus far, but patches welcome :-)
22:18.39 Yoshi47 umm
22:19.31 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r35710 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_brep.cpp proc-db/csgbrep.cpp): More nmg exploring...
22:20.31 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
22:20.50 Yoshi47 can blender export 3dm nurbs?
22:21.11 starseeker to the best of my knowledge Blender's NURBS support is incomplete
22:21.34 Yoshi47 i think i need more lesson on NURBS
22:21.38 brlcad I love it when I do a search for some obscure brep/nurbs topic and the top results is a link to our svn or our irc log
22:21.45 brlcad damnits
22:22.15 Yoshi47 lol
22:22.18 starseeker hehe - we may not lead the field but we lead the google searches :-)
22:22.45 Yoshi47 i don't like that, well i do , but more support would be nice..
22:22.59 brlcad we apparently lead the field that actually discusses it in the open :)
22:23.14 starseeker Yoshi47: it's a Very Hard Problem
22:23.17 Yoshi47 brlcad, really, what does blender use then for their curves?
22:23.48 brlcad Yoshi47: what do you mean? they maintain their own geometry format internally
22:24.15 Yoshi47 oh, well im reading more on NURBS right now to get more of an idea of the whole thing.
22:24.23 Yoshi47 sorry for my incompetence
22:24.30 brlcad NURBS is a superset
22:26.26 starseeker brlcad: I hate to ask this, I think I've done so before - when creating a vector with a starting point at x1, y1, z1 and end point at x2, y2, z2 do I create a vector to P1 and a vector to P2 and add them?
22:28.37 brlcad er, depends how you're using that vector
22:29.19 Yoshi47 brlcad, how the rendering coming on that impeller
22:29.42 starseeker I have a normal from plane_t, and a vector in space from P1 to P2 that I want to cross with that normal
22:30.09 starseeker or more specifically, I want to center both the normal and the vector in the plane on a particular point
22:30.21 starseeker then cross them
22:30.22 brlcad Yoshi47: oh it's really going to take a while :) i should have started a distributed render at the quality level I picked
22:30.41 Yoshi47 brlcad, nice
22:31.41 Yoshi47 so what state is nurbs at? somewhat usable, in specing?
22:38.32 brlcad mostly usable on import
22:38.37 brlcad you can't create or edit them directly
22:39.24 Yoshi47 umm,
22:39.43 Yoshi47 i think the math for that is pretty hard!'
22:44.58 ``Erik ok, barbie O.o
22:45.49 starseeker ``Erik: last time I checked, barbie can't cad model ;-)
22:45.54 starseeker math or no
22:45.59 ``Erik but barbie says "math is hard" :D *duck*
22:46.04 ``Erik reads backlog, just got home
23:42.01 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo1 (

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