IRC log for #brlcad on 20090827

02:16.10 Yoshi47 <PROTECTED>
02:16.22 Ralith Yoshi47: step-by-step description of what you did
02:17.01 Ralith basically, a writeup such that a complete newbie could reproduce your model, with enough explanation that one would learn a lot doing so.
02:17.04 Ralith brb
02:17.40 Yoshi47 umm, that would take a while to write up and who knows if it did it correct and the best way
02:18.19 Yoshi47 what would would be an excellent tool for tutorials, the ability to extract the command used to create each object!
02:18.47 Ralith it would indeed take some effort, but it would be very interesting to read.
02:19.04 Ralith and if it's written up other people can suggest more 'correct' ways :P
02:19.09 Ralith that way you get to learn too ^^
02:19.16 Yoshi47 true
02:19.40 Ralith and writing out what you did and why you did it for each step might in and of itself help you.
02:19.51 Yoshi47 well i think about it and work at that slowy, you are talking about the impeller right? it will take some time i got lots going on, but i'll give it a shot...
02:19.53 Ralith 'course, lots of work and probably not as helpful as just modeling more random stuff.
02:20.00 Ralith yeah, the impeller
02:20.03 Yoshi47 ok
02:20.23 Yoshi47 well, i'' try in my spare moments, good review for me thats for sure!
02:20.33 Ralith no rush; just an idea.
02:20.54 Yoshi47 Ralith, nope, but a good idea, i'll get her done, need more tutorials.
02:21.21 Ralith :)
02:21.41 Yoshi47 i wish i had a clone...
02:22.29 Yoshi47 well im of to bed, cya guys later!
02:23.19 Yoshi47 man that impeller looks nice in glass, i hope brlcad started a chrome render
02:24.06 Yoshi47 bye
02:24.37 Ralith nite!
02:31.46 *** join/#brlcad Yoshi47 (
03:32.29 *** join/#brlcad FAMULUS (n=mark@
03:47.45 starseeker hmm - I think I found the perfect starting point for populating a default material objects list :-)
03:48.31 starseeker wonders if that sucker can be parsed somehow...
04:15.31 louipc sure why not?
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12:20.51 starseeker wonders how many man hours all of this represents:
12:21.49 d-lo lol
12:21.54 d-lo probably don't want to know.
12:22.04 d-lo but here's my favorite: A511W 02/01/2001 JUICE, GRAPE, SACRAMENTAL
12:22.50 starseeker LOL
12:29.45 louipc HAHHA
12:36.20 Yoshi47 starseeker, whats that web page for?
12:40.05 *** join/#brlcad _clock_ (
12:43.44 ``Erik heh
12:44.27 ``Erik looks like item #'s and descriptions for military shipping&supply logistics crud
12:51.32 Yoshi47 yeah, i was hoping for g DB of the parts! lol
12:59.52 ``Erik grouses at gtk+
13:05.02 Yoshi47 ``Erik, whys that
13:05.42 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03irpguardian * r35725 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/human.c: Fixed bug where '-n' command didn't properly rename toplevel combination.
13:10.57 Yoshi47 well i think its time for this question, how does one go about creating a screw? i there a nice tutorial available?
13:12.31 louipc there are some programs that do it
13:13.44 louipc heh bolt...
13:14.17 Yoshi47 but brl not capable directly? at least no iuntil NURBS done...
13:15.24 louipc I think bolt is broken... it froze on me
13:15.49 louipc Yoshi47: you mean via mged?
13:15.58 Yoshi47 ya
13:16.00 Yoshi47 sorry
13:17.02 louipc I would assume it's possible if the program could do it
13:18.18 ``Erik Yoshi47: dialog box return code isn't being set, and I'm not sure why
13:19.00 Yoshi47 umm
13:20.36 ``Erik (isst uses gtk+ at the moment)
13:21.00 louipc hrm bolt is tremendously broken for me :/
13:21.05 Yoshi47 wouldn't know what isst is?
13:21.56 ``Erik side project that mostly lives in brlcad (as libtie/adrt) with a gui component outside of the main tree... interactive ray tracing, um, the picture of the stryker in our gallery was done using it
13:24.33 louipc Yoshi47: anyways... the ronja guy made some. I'm not sure how he did them
13:24.36 louipc
13:24.43 louipc you may want to ask him
13:25.43 ``Erik lookhis .g file is on that page
13:27.09 louipc doesn't say much about the method though :/
13:27.19 ``Erik ehhhhh, buttloads of tgc's
13:30.09 Yoshi47 louipc, or i just download the master.g and then analyze
13:34.11 Yoshi47 i see how he did it, man thats alot to figure out.
13:35.30 ``Erik how accurate do ya want your bolts? :D
13:37.29 Yoshi47 ``Erik, i don't think they have to be that accurate allthough it would be nice, just a question. talking to my peer here and he say that in PRo/e they just create on thread and then revolve it around an axis.
13:37.42 Yoshi47 is there revolve command?
13:37.44 starseeker did a threading test with pipe once actually - that worked pretty well
13:37.47 ``Erik yeah, we had a summer student working on that, it's not done
13:38.12 Yoshi47 i thought there was, umm
13:38.19 Yoshi47 have to think this one through...
13:38.32 ``Erik would probably make a little script with some kinda tor or ell assembly to make a bolt *shrug*
13:38.42 Yoshi47 maybe have to use hex since most of my bolts will be metric
13:39.08 louipc yeah properly shaped threads would be mint
13:39.14 ``Erik (depending on scale, I might just call 2 rcc's a bolt and move on)
13:39.15 d-lo Cyl + Starseekers Spring command for the threads + 2 arb8's. BAM! Bolt.
13:39.28 Yoshi47 ``Erik, ya might just have to for now,
13:39.39 ``Erik or an rcc and 2 arb8's
13:39.46 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r35726 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_brep.cpp: Er, oops - better refer to the actual surface index, not the count...
13:39.47 ``Erik depending on the head :)
13:40.02 d-lo either way... simple :)
13:40.05 Yoshi47 some are flat head with hex drive
13:40.23 d-lo probably spent more time on the irc channel than it would have taken to whip up a bolt :)
13:40.36 Yoshi47 not if you don't know how to do it
13:40.59 ``Erik ya know how to make rcc's and arb8's, right? :D (gotta choose your fidelity)
13:41.18 Yoshi47 wheres this spring command?
13:41.22 Yoshi47 ya
13:41.50 ``Erik (also; you can make the bolt 'ghetto', then come back to it later when ya know more or have time to commit to it)
13:42.21 d-lo just make each arb8 into a trapezoid and then glue the long faces together to make the 6 sided bolt head. Glue in the rcc to the bottom and subtract whatever you need to out of the head (Allen, Flat, Philips, Star, etc)
13:42.54 *** join/#brlcad FAMULUS (n=mark@
13:42.59 ``Erik combinations refer to names, not instances, so you can have a bolt used in thousands of combinations, make your improved bolt, kill the old bolt and move the new one in place and it automatically appears everywhere
13:43.11 ``Erik so, y'know, ain't no use sweating it just yet :D
13:43.18 Yoshi47 true
13:43.52 Yoshi47 but it is a good lesson, sinc ei also need to make a acme screw, or ball screw haven't decided yet
13:44.55 louipc I don't think acme is possible
13:45.25 Yoshi47 should be not any more complicated then a screw
13:45.39 Yoshi47 maybe im mistaken
13:45.57 Yoshi47 this spring comand that d-lo is taking about should be able to do that
13:46.30 Yoshi47 which brings up the question that got lost, where is this spring command?
13:47.37 louipc hmm not sure
13:48.04 louipc I don't think you can define the shape of the spring though..
13:48.18 louipc well in terms of the spring wire itself
13:49.18 Yoshi47 hmm
13:51.42 Yoshi47 did the army use another cad program back in the 70s to draw screws? how did they do it?
13:53.24 louipc oh right it's renamed to coil
13:54.11 louipc heh they probably didn't
13:54.25 louipc at least with brl-cad :P
13:55.17 Yoshi47 umm
13:57.11 Yoshi47 that renders nicely, no can we specify more options, time to look at the docs...
14:04.35 Yoshi47 starseeker, you here?
14:15.10 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r35727 10/brlcad/trunk/src/external/ProEngineer/proe-brl.c: Update to always create a Proe_Name attribute for each BRL-CAD object created (except for top).
14:18.20 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
14:22.01 brlcad hm, that is an interesting idea about storing the actual command history involved in manipulating an object
14:22.25 louipc autocad does that actually
14:22.37 brlcad arguably something that could be managed through libged, have to think about that some
14:23.11 louipc unlimited undo :D
14:26.25 brlcad revolve is finished enough for that use, ray-tracing certainly works -- but don't think tessellation was implemented yet (meaning you couldn't export it to stl)
14:27.59 brlcad Yoshi47: in the 70's most everything was done by hand on paper
14:28.23 Yoshi47 oh so basically the army just didn't do screws in brlcad
14:28.40 brlcad louipc: not so much for undo purposes, but to be able to reconstruct or step through the construction history
14:28.54 brlcad but yeah, you could then undo
14:29.14 brlcad Yoshi47: brl-cad started circa 1979, first "release" in 1984
14:29.35 brlcad you're talking about very early days of computing and computer graphics
14:29.45 brlcad there were no cad systems yet
14:30.14 Yoshi47 ah miss read the gallery picutre of Mike Muuss
14:30.17 brlcad the "computers" of the day had very limited input and display capabilities
14:30.35 Yoshi47 so revolve is brl-cad command or mged
14:31.18 Yoshi47 or not even released yet?
14:32.12 brlcad one of the first uses for brl-cad was to visualize what eventually became the M1 tank, mike was basically challenged that it wasn't possible, he showed them in a couple days that it was
14:32.34 brlcad that was actually the *first* time anyone had ever seen the entire vehicle "put together"
14:32.48 Yoshi47 cool
14:32.49 brlcad generals flew in from the pentagon to see it
14:33.10 brlcad revolve is a primitive, like extrude
14:33.24 brlcad takes a sketch
14:33.36 brlcad and a rotation angle
14:33.58 Yoshi47 any docs on it? or is that it?
14:34.17 brlcad so you could fairly easily contour a threading in 2d, import as a sketch, then revolve that around just like in proe
14:34.40 Yoshi47 cool
14:34.48 brlcad depending on what you need it for, it's not going to be too useful to you if you need to export the model
14:34.51 Yoshi47 i think i need to learn more about sketches
14:35.01 brlcad because it can't be tessellated yet (turned into polygons)
14:35.02 Yoshi47 brlcad, don't need to export
14:36.00 brlcad this is the only docs really, dev docs
14:37.59 brlcad best start is to probably create a sketch, then extrude it .. make sure you understand that process -- revolving then is not really any different than extruding
14:38.26 brlcad creating/importing a scetch is the more painful part as that's a 2d centric modeling approach, which is not our forte
14:38.33 brlcad and generally discouraged..
14:38.50 brlcad starseeker's coil tool is a better approach
14:39.25 brlcad that will give you a whole range of threading types as a subtraction primitive
14:39.58 Yoshi47 i need more docs on coil
14:40.34 brlcad more docs?
14:40.34 brlcad it has a manual page
14:40.34 Yoshi47 umm i tried
14:40.42 Yoshi47 didn't work, i'll try again
14:40.46 brlcad and the developer for it sits in here, better than docs ;)
14:40.56 Yoshi47 ya he not answering
14:41.05 brlcad patience ;)
14:41.10 Yoshi47 yep
14:42.00 Yoshi47 so where is the best place to learn about sketches?
14:48.32 brlcad like i said, that part is thin (in all respects) because it's not our way ..
14:48.42 brlcad there are docs somewhere, but I don't really remember where
14:49.13 brlcad just because that method isn't a priority/interest/concern, at all .. we mostly deal with sketch objects on import, like from a dxf
14:49.21 brlcad there is a sketch editor
14:49.39 brlcad if you create a sketch through the gui, and edit that sketch, you'll be in the sketch editor
14:50.09 brlcad horrible interface, but it gives you basic edit controls for adding line segments, arcs, circles, whatever to your sketch
14:50.55 brlcad there are docs that teach one how to do what the coil does manually in Vol III, advanced techniques
14:51.17 brlcad there is a coil antenna there that teaches how to use the pipe primitive that is relevant
14:51.59 brlcad the pipe primitive is pretty powerful in itself, another example of a semisteep learning curve but with a high(er) payoff compared to other cad systems
14:53.31 Yoshi47 cool, i'll take a look at those today then, thanks
14:55.58 Yoshi47 do you have a link to Vol III, advanced techniques
14:56.02 Yoshi47 can't seem to find it
15:06.56 brlcad vol II is the massive mged tutorial series
15:07.04 brlcad vol III is at the same place
15:07.21 brlcad should go down that list and familiarize, they're good docs ;)
15:09.15 Yoshi47 oh its called Principles of Effective Modeling
15:17.52 brlcad yeah, sorry, that's our internal name for it
15:18.20 brlcad well, not "internal" .. it was the third "book" when we printed them :)
15:20.19 Yoshi47 oh,
15:32.12 louipc starseeker: is there a reason doc/book/VolumeIV.xml is separate from doc/docbook/books
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16:26.26 Yoshi47 when you concat 2 dbs together if there is the same names in both, how does that work?
16:32.40 louipc The man page says it will add computer generated prefixes
16:33.14 louipc but won't rename members of combinations...
16:37.53 Yoshi47 umm so then any combs will not work..
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17:54.17 ``Erik revolve works now?
17:54.56 ``Erik *readreadread*
17:58.13 brlcad yeah, it works
17:58.24 ``Erik sans _tess
17:58.55 ``Erik marching cubes is gonna shake things up a bit, methinks
17:59.00 brlcad yeah, and maybe a few other callbacks that would be nice to have, but it is enough to read/write them from the db, basic plot, and raytracing works
17:59.53 brlcad dbconcat has options
18:02.10 brlcad looks like the manual page is a little out of date
18:46.54 ``Erik oi
18:52.09 brlcad vey
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19:05.52 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r35728 10/brlcad/trunk/ minor typo, missing >
19:13.54 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03irpguardian * r35729 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/human.c: Fixed a problem when reading in a Verbose.txt file and not properly updating some variables.
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20:29.24 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r35730 10/isst/trunk/src/ (gui.c net_worker.c): initial .g loader dialog box
20:43.27 ``Erik I need a test mutant O.o
20:50.16 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
21:19.18 ``Erik aww, no one wants to be a guinnea pig?
21:21.00 louipc what for?
21:21.55 ``Erik isst, to see if it works on various other machines
21:22.20 louipc sure
21:23.00 ``Erik make sure your BRL-CAD is recent, then grab and give it a while? :D
21:23.44 louipc SVN rev 35355 ok?
21:24.05 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r35731 10/isst/trunk/src/gui.c: hide unwired modes
21:24.48 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03irpguardian * r35732 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/human.c: Various tweaks, and added comments
21:24.57 ``Erik hm, cut won't work right
21:25.29 ``Erik tho you can update, go into src/adrt and do "make install" there, should work without having to rebuild ALL of BRL-CAD
21:30.51 louipc hmm
21:32.07 louipc I don't have a build or anything but I do have headers installed
21:32.56 louipc selective building doesn't seem to work.
21:32.58 ``Erik it should compile and run, it's just the "cut" render method won't be right
21:33.02 louipc libtool: link: cannot find the library `../../src/libbu/' or unhandled argument `../../src/libbu/'
21:33.19 louipc that's when making adrt
21:33.23 ``Erik oh, heh, I assumed you still had build stuff
21:33.37 ``Erik you can do "make depends install-depends" in adrt and it should "do the right thing"
21:34.04 louipc yar!
21:35.32 louipc I guess I should leave it around
21:35.52 louipc it will cut down on build time :D
21:36.08 ``Erik *shrug* if you're not doing development with it or don't want on the bleeding edge, it's not terribly important :)
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21:50.07 ``Erik headin' home, bbi1h O.o
22:36.56 ``Erik home at last
22:37.16 louipc having trouble pointing to the headers heh
22:37.21 louipc
22:37.26 louipc welcome back :D
22:39.59 ``Erik you don't have /usr/brlcad/include/brlcad ?
22:40.15 louipc no, it's in opt instead
22:41.00 ``Erik ah, try ./configure CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/brlcad/include -I/opt/brlcad/include/brlcad" LDFLAGS=-L/opt/brlcad/lib
22:43.54 louipc do I still need --with-adrt then?
22:44.15 ``Erik hrm?
22:44.56 ``Erik possibly, I need to redo that bit of the configure file
22:45.17 louipc hmm seems to work
22:45.41 louipc /home/louipc/devel/isst/src/gui.c:813: undefined reference to `strnstr'
22:45.49 louipc not in Linux?
22:46.39 ``Erik strange, doesn't come up when you man it? (it's just a bound limited version of strstr(3))
22:46.54 louipc nope
22:47.01 louipc strstr is available
22:47.08 louipc and strcasestr
22:47.10 ``Erik it's ISO C90 O.o
22:47.14 louipc o.O
22:47.26 ``Erik erm, mebbe they just globbed extra crap into this manpage
22:47.42 louipc dunno, but it's not in gnu
22:48.12 louipc well on my system... hah
22:48.13 ``Erik hm, guess not, seeing bug reports of linux being the odd one out for that function
22:48.24 louipc kewl
22:54.25 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r35733 10/isst/trunk/ ( src/gui.c): cope with missing strnstr (linux lacks it)
22:55.09 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r35734 10/isst/trunk/ ( TODO): add a TODO list
22:56.04 louipc hmm why not use strstr throughout?
22:56.37 ``Erik buffer overflow vulnerability
23:03.53 starseeker woo hoo!
23:03.56 starseeker has house
23:04.02 louipc whoa I got a big window
23:04.11 louipc starseeker: nice congrats
23:04.15 ``Erik w00t, grats, starseeker
23:04.21 starseeker thanks :-)
23:04.39 ``Erik louipc: try opening '/path/to/ktank.g' with the region 'tank'
23:05.31 louipc sweet
23:06.04 ``Erik left click zooms in and out, middle click pans, right click rotates
23:08.01 louipc hmm doesn't perform too well
23:08.17 louipc kicks up cpu usage 100% if I do anything
23:08.22 ``Erik yes
23:08.24 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r35735 10/isst/trunk/ (TODO src/ Cope with BRL-CAD being installed somewhere other than /usr/brlcad via a --with-brlcad=/path/to/brlcad flag.
23:08.25 ``Erik what kinda framerate?
23:08.29 ``Erik and what kinda mcahine?
23:08.45 ``Erik (every update to the display is a raytraced scene...)
23:08.47 louipc PIII 866MHz
23:09.09 louipc how do I see the framerate?
23:09.14 ``Erik ahhh, yeah, not too many ponies to push it :)
23:09.14 louipc oh I see
23:09.18 ``Erik should be printing to console
23:10.15 louipc .4 FPS? lol
23:10.21 ``Erik heh, not bad at all
23:10.37 ``Erik compare it to the time rt takes to render :D
23:10.37 louipc that sounds horrible
23:10.46 ``Erik (that's zomfg raytraced, not opengl or anything)
23:10.51 louipc ok sure
23:10.57 louipc oh no hardware accel eh?
23:11.00 ``Erik right
23:12.25 louipc ooh got up to .59 FPS
23:13.26 louipc ls
23:13.29 louipc erp
23:13.58 ``Erik (that model is actually one of the worst performing ones due to huge flat surfaces, the KD-tree doesn't build nice... but it converts very fast)
23:15.02 louipc oh it converts to BOTS
23:15.28 ``Erik yeah
23:15.30 louipc why would large flat surfaces be bad for that? o.O
23:15.49 louipc two triangles could make a football field :P
23:15.50 ``Erik can't subdivide the scene very efficiently, and triangles get dup'd a lot
23:16.09 ``Erik um, if you turn on the 'depth' render mode, it paints a visualization of the kd tree
23:17.56 louipc wait a sec. what's this mention of mysql? hahah
23:18.24 ``Erik um, that's been removed
23:18.50 ``Erik it used to require specially prepared geometry that was saved in a MySQL database, now it load .g straight
23:19.28 louipc ah cool
23:19.43 louipc was it faster or something?
23:24.02 ``Erik hrm? whihc, the mysql approach? it allowed a centralized place to load geometry, and the conversion results were saved
23:24.58 louipc ah. I guess if that geometry server gets going, it'll solve that problem
23:24.58 ``Erik when I make it networked again, it'll transmit geometry from the client (so the compute nodes don't need any special access), and I plan on having a fast path through .g files that are set up right (each region contains exactly 1 bot/nmg)
23:25.08 ``Erik or use the geometry server if that comes soon 'nuff :D
23:25.14 louipc nice
23:26.45 ``Erik aight, cool, it runs on linux now (and someone out in the 'real world' has run it, w00t)
23:26.55 louipc highfive
23:27.58 louipc what happened to Maleoran? didn't he have a real-time raytracer?
23:28.10 louipc oh yeah he was running it on an 8-core machine though
23:29.36 ``Erik yeah, this one runs multi-million triangle models at ~30fps on my 8 core mac
23:29.59 louipc :O
23:30.02 ``Erik what you just ran was the impetus that got mal started on writing one
23:30.10 louipc oh haha
23:30.45 ``Erik runs at about 5 on my laptop
23:32.11 brlcad congratulations starseeker
23:32.31 starseeker brlcad: thanks :-)
23:33.13 starseeker eyes huge swath of mowed grass and appreciates why brlcad picked the location he did...
23:33.27 ``Erik heh
23:33.45 ``Erik pays $45/qtr for lawn service :)
23:34.01 louipc when's the first bbq, hot tub, house party?
23:34.31 starseeker heh - probably right after we remodel the whole thing
23:35.08 louipc wowz
23:36.17 starseeker It's kinda a 70's palace AM
23:36.18 ``Erik didja buy the 70's one?
23:36.20 ``Erik hah
23:36.23 starseeker a the moment
23:36.26 starseeker yep
23:36.29 starseeker can't type
23:36.38 ``Erik just up the road from me, heh O.o
23:36.39 louipc shag carpetting?
23:36.51 louipc or is that 60s?
23:37.34 starseeker not quite that bad
23:37.37 starseeker mirror wall though
23:37.41 louipc duuude
23:41.26 starseeker ``Erik: yeah, that's at least three of us out that way now
23:42.37 ``Erik well, bob, daytona, eric e, ...
23:48.03 brlcad also the same reason I didn't pick the huge 3 acre lotted house.. would have spent every weekend working on that enormous yard and the gardening
23:51.30 starseeker will probably regret it, but it does look nice
23:52.00 starseeker must remember to beware of ceramic cat bird feeders
23:55.18 brlcad it's also kinda related to your existing -above/-below options
23:55.32 brlcad (thinking out loud)
23:56.20 starseeker yeah, or maybe -path
23:56.45 brlcad search . -type region -above -op sub
23:57.12 brlcad it's not even necessarily the immediate parent
23:57.22 brlcad it's if any of the parents are negative, it's a negative region
23:57.28 starseeker that's true
23:57.32 starseeker good point
23:57.40 starseeker that actually solves a problem I hadn't thought of yet
23:57.53 brlcad the harder one is intersection to as that can be negative or positive
23:58.02 brlcad and there's no way to tell really
23:58.32 brlcad fortunately, they're just rarely used, but we should figure something out to be consistent
23:58.41 starseeker Yeah - it could look above for an intersect op and report it, but how to interpret it would be a problem
23:59.15 brlcad like based on whether the bounding volumes overlap, or assume if there's an intersection operator, that the intent was that they at least intersect (in which case it's a positive region and a modeling error)
23:59.31 starseeker yeah, I was thinking the latter

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