IRC log for #brlcad on 20090831

00:42.02 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r35781 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/binary_obj.c: per the problem encountered by Alex Vlasse, make sure the database directory is initialized when someone calls rt_mk_binunif() otherwise it will always result in failure due to db_write() seeing a -1 eof offset.
01:06.16 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
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01:57.17 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r35782 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/CMakeLists.txt: add arb8_brep.ccp and nmg_brep.cpp to the cmake build
02:34.03 yukonbob is cmake a viable option to try building brl-cad, or is it a WIP?
02:34.24 yukonbob (or perhaps it's both?)
02:59.23 *** join/#brlcad matthewmpp (
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10:24.43 d-lo Mernin all!
10:40.34 ``Erik yargh
11:22.02 *** join/#brlcad Yoshi47 (
11:46.27 *** join/#brlcad ert976 (n=ertan@
11:48.34 brlcad hola
11:48.40 brlcad yukonbob: both
11:48.49 brlcad it won't build everything
11:57.34 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (
12:14.03 *** part/#brlcad ert976 (n=ertan@
12:16.10 jdoliner anyone around?
12:17.02 brlcad nope
12:19.14 jdoliner :p
12:19.24 jdoliner i have an annoying problem
12:19.35 jdoliner well there's some aspect of the opennurbs api I'm missing
12:20.21 jdoliner basically one of the bezier curve constructor functions is ON_BezierCurve(PointArray)
12:20.43 jdoliner so I use that, but then whenever I try to do something with the curve it segfaults immediately
12:21.29 jdoliner as far as I can see there isn't even a subroutine it's segfaulting in
12:22.34 brlcad you mean when the application starts, or when you first use the object or when the object is constructed?
12:22.46 jdoliner when I first use the object
12:22.50 jdoliner by use I mean call a method
12:22.55 brlcad so it constructs cleanly
12:23.01 jdoliner yeah
12:23.02 brlcad as far as you know..
12:23.11 jdoliner and inspecting it in the debugger
12:23.24 jdoliner it seems pretty much the same as curves that don't segfault
12:23.39 jdoliner although there's a lot going on in curve instances
12:23.56 brlcad well if you're in the debugger, how/where is it faulting?
12:24.04 brlcad does the stack disappear on you?
12:24.38 jdoliner yes...
12:24.43 jdoliner I think it does
12:24.46 jdoliner the line is:
12:24.49 jdoliner curve1->GetTightBoundingBox(bbox1);
12:24.52 jdoliner that's where gdb reports it
12:25.09 jdoliner so maybe it just doesn't see the source for the actually seg fault?
12:25.53 jdoliner why would the stack disappear on me. I've never had that happen to me
12:27.01 jdoliner btw that's: src/proc-db/surfaceintersect.cpp:390
12:27.04 ``Erik smashed
12:27.14 jdoliner you or the stack?
12:27.48 ``Erik the stack
12:27.50 ``Erik heh
12:28.29 jdoliner :p
12:28.46 ``Erik if'n ya write up past heap and into the stack, or if you do "scary" stuff using pointers into the stack, bad things happen and gdb doesn't try to print the cooked stack out
12:29.01 jdoliner k
12:29.07 jdoliner that makes sense to me
12:29.42 jdoliner but something doesn't feel right about that
12:29.48 indianlarry it does expect the PointArray to be order big
12:30.11 brlcad looking at the On_BezierCurve class, it looks like the m__GetBezierCurveTightBoundingBox is something you have to implement
12:30.14 jdoliner indianlarry: explain order big
12:30.23 brlcad which is what GetTightBoundingBox() uses
12:30.28 jdoliner oh
12:30.37 jdoliner what line is the empty function on?
12:30.51 brlcad it should just be returning false if it's not implemented, but maybe you're relying on it being something non-false
12:31.35 brlcad look at On_BezierCurve::GetTightBoundingBox()
12:32.14 brlcad you'll see it just calls m__GetBezierCurveTightBoundingBox() .. which is never set anywhere, probably something removed from the lib for openNURBS
12:32.51 jdoliner k I see that
12:32.56 brlcad those are public functions though, meant to be easily stubbed in
12:33.00 brlcad there are like 5 of them
12:33.20 brlcad <PROTECTED>
12:33.24 brlcad <PROTECTED>
12:33.27 brlcad <PROTECTED>
12:33.30 brlcad <PROTECTED>
12:33.33 brlcad 4 to be more precise
12:34.11 jdoliner hmm, okay
12:34.37 jdoliner it still kinda bugs me that that's causing a segfault
12:35.01 brlcad yeah, from the look of the code, that's not exactly what's causing a segfault, at least I don't see a problem
12:35.14 brlcad it would be some other assumption
12:35.34 brlcad unless static ON__m__GetLocalClosestPointOnBezierCurve m__GetLocalClosestPointOnBezierCurve; static ON__m__GetLocalBezierCurveSurfaceIntersection m__GetLocalBezierCurveSurfaceIntersection; static ON__m__GetLocalBezierCurveCurveIntersection m__GetLocalBezierCurveCurveIntersection; static ON__m__GetBezierCurveTightBoundingBox m__GetBezierCurveTightBoundingBox;
12:35.39 brlcad oops
12:35.54 brlcad unless m__GetBezierCurveTightBoundingBox() was never initialized and was just some random memory address
12:36.23 brlcad but I see it initialized in opennurbs_basic.cpp
12:36.38 brlcad (to 0)
12:37.33 brlcad ah, there's the 5th, ON_BezierSurface::m__GetClosestPointOnBezierSurface()
12:37.44 brlcad the others are ON_BezierCurve callbacks
12:38.17 jdoliner yeah
12:38.36 jdoliner well initializing it to 0 wouldn't explain a segfault would it?
12:38.46 brlcad no, that should prevent it
12:38.58 brlcad not initializing it to zero would explain it
12:39.07 jdoliner yeah
12:39.28 brlcad step through one line at a time, should be clear when things go wonky
12:39.49 brlcad break on GetTightBoundingBox and step into it
12:40.04 brlcad suspect it's a problem either right before or shortly after
12:41.33 jdoliner maybe I'm doing it wrong but it's not letting me step in
12:41.48 brlcad how's that?
12:41.51 jdoliner i give it step command and it segfaults immediately
12:42.02 jdoliner on the GetTight... call
12:42.07 brlcad "i"?
12:42.23 brlcad or "n"?
12:43.15 jdoliner umm, I'm confused
12:43.17 brlcad "p BezierCurve::GetTightBoundingBox" should be a valid address
12:43.38 brlcad p yourobject->GetTightBoundingBox" should also be valid
12:44.41 jdoliner yeah they both are
12:45.14 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
12:47.20 brlcad "i" is the you compiled opennurbs with optimization turned off?
12:47.30 brlcad s/"i" is the//
12:48.09 brlcad what happens if you put a break on BezierCurve::GetTightBoundingBox
12:49.36 jdoliner it still hits that segfault :/
12:50.10 brlcad implies that the address isn't right
12:50.23 brlcad which means you got memory corrupted somewhere before you get there
12:51.26 brlcad you can put a printf in the routine and break on it to make sure, but you probably have some null deref going on somewhere
12:52.16 jdoliner hmm, actually calling any method of the curve
12:52.21 jdoliner gets me a segfault
12:52.28 jdoliner even one's that are implemented
13:09.48 jdoliner well here's something interesting:
13:10.03 brlcad sounds like it's not constructed
13:10.27 jdoliner if I do everything the same but instead of declaring it as an ON_Curve I call it an ON_BezierCurve, then there's no segfaults
13:11.25 brlcad er, que? how were you declaring it as an ON_Curve and using it as an ON_BezierCurve?
13:11.35 brlcad you would have needed a dynamic cast
13:13.43 jdoliner eureka
13:13.49 jdoliner well atleast I think so
13:13.59 jdoliner yes that's the question I needed to hear
13:14.44 jdoliner I'm declaring it fine as a BezierCurve but things are getting screwy because I'm trying to then abstract it up to just a Curve
13:14.58 jdoliner and I'm doing that in a wrong way
13:15.05 jdoliner let's see if this theory holds any water
13:27.56 brlcad you can cast up and down just fine, but you should be explicit about it
13:28.36 brlcad still doesn't explain the crash, but I'm guessing still an invalid dereference
13:29.02 jdoliner well so it turns out BezierCurves aren't actually an extension of ON_Curve
13:29.16 jdoliner I just kinda missed that until now
13:29.25 jdoliner since everything else with Curve in the name is
13:29.40 brlcad ahhh
13:29.45 jdoliner there's our problem
13:30.22 jdoliner and a long time ago when I got the compile error on that assignment, I just coerced it
13:30.26 jdoliner which was silly of me
13:30.54 jdoliner but now that we know this it turns out nurbscurves are extensions of ON_Curves
13:32.14 brlcad ahhh, hehe, yeah *that*'ll do it
13:32.37 brlcad hence a pointer with a value, but not a valid pointer to a class function
13:32.44 jdoliner yup
13:34.01 jdoliner ah but fortunately, this won't be too hard to fix at all
13:35.20 Yoshi47 i think i know the aswer to this, but is there a way to view the geomtery of just the part you are making and not the cutting shapes and other stuff like the render view put in line view
13:55.52 brlcad Yoshi47: running 'rt' without any options will give you a quick rendering
13:56.14 brlcad (in a window)
13:57.35 Yoshi47 im talking more about in mged when im editing and creating parts to see how they look without doing a render, kinda like what other CAD programs do, they show you the outline of the part.
13:58.42 Yoshi47 its still very hard for me to use brlcad over varicad for drawing up parts, but i'll try and stick with it.
13:59.55 Yoshi47 also takes alot of brain power to type the commands out and learn them, i guess archer will fix some of this with a more interactive gui when creating shapes
14:01.02 brlcad Yoshi47: I know what you mean, and the current way to get that "shaded view" is via rt
14:01.11 brlcad it gets at the heart of how geometry is represented
14:01.14 Yoshi47 ha
14:01.24 brlcad and very much related to the BREP/NURBS effort
14:01.40 Yoshi47 so i would just have another window rt and then i have to update it manauly everytime i chagne something right
14:01.46 brlcad it can't show you edges because there are no edges, at least no explicit ones
14:01.53 Yoshi47 yep i get it
14:02.12 brlcad archer is indeed a lot more interactive
14:02.17 Yoshi47 be nice to have rt render reatime on a second screen
14:02.29 Yoshi47 *realtime
14:02.32 brlcad but there will always be a strong command-line component for numerical precision purposes
14:02.52 brlcad yeah, there's actually a new display interface that does almost exactly that in the works
14:03.07 Yoshi47 oh i get that part and i like that part over other cad programs its just i have to relate back to the intro Appendix for the points
14:03.08 louipc I'd like to improve the cli first heh
14:03.13 brlcad runs wonderfully actually .. and is something you can try but you'll have to compile from source
14:03.26 Yoshi47 whats it called?
14:03.29 louipc make it more intuitive, discoverable
14:03.39 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
14:04.04 brlcad we have a display manager library (libdm) .. right now you're using either our "xgl" (i.e., glx)
14:04.32 Yoshi47 ah, i guess there is no docs on it or how to setup it up
14:04.33 brlcad er, "ogl" (i.e., glx) display manager for X11 or our "X" display manager
14:04.41 brlcad it's not a setup issue
14:04.47 brlcad it's not an end-user feature yet
14:05.16 Yoshi47 umm
14:05.16 brlcad it's a new display manager called "rtgl" that renders objects via raytracing and then feeds point clouds to opengl
14:05.36 brlcad very impressive, actually -- working on merging that into mged/archer as a display mode
14:05.37 Yoshi47 and it does that realtime
14:05.41 brlcad yep
14:05.45 Yoshi47 cool
14:05.53 Yoshi47 now i want to use it!
14:05.55 brlcad almost instantly gives you the perception of a solid view
14:06.06 Yoshi47 ive got goose bumps
14:06.08 brlcad and can be rotated around interactive
14:06.09 louipc haha yeah how do we enable it
14:06.14 Yoshi47 lol
14:06.15 brlcad --enable-rtgl
14:06.41 brlcad the issue is right now it's all or nothing, you replace the x11 wireframe with that display manager
14:06.55 Yoshi47 that is a problem
14:07.03 brlcad and it's not well suited to some of the dm tasks yet, like hilighting objects or interactive editing
14:07.23 brlcad which is why it's not turned on, that's a really new feature
14:07.32 brlcad worked on by a summer student just this summer
14:07.54 brlcad i'll see if I can put up one of his videos later today
14:08.06 louipc sweet
14:08.30 brlcad runs off late
14:08.47 Yoshi47 can you start up 2 mged and then make both look at the same db
14:09.04 Yoshi47 i wonder what hes late for
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15:07.29 brlcad Yoshi47: you can actually start up just one mged and get multiple display maangers, just type "attach X" in mged and see
15:09.37 Yoshi47 cool
15:20.19 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
15:21.10 ``Erik_ ยด/clear
15:21.14 ``Erik_ heh
15:31.48 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r35783 10/brlcad/trunk/ ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS belongs in, which we already had there. having it here was invalid shell syntax (make ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS look like a command). keep the AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR() though.
15:38.09 ``Erik heh, my bad, guess I saw a bad example
15:38.27 ``Erik (thought we had it, couldn't find it in the .ac *shrug* ah well)
15:41.17 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r35784 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_brep.cpp: grr. Still trying to get the nmg->brep stuff to line up.
15:49.42 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
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16:48.32 PrezKennedy hey brlcad, ill be working at a big geometric building soon
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17:41.45 brlcad PrezKennedy: what does that mean?
17:42.23 Yoshi47 im lost too
17:42.33 PrezKennedy pentagon
17:42.38 brlcad ah, heh
17:43.15 brlcad I hear you're going to turn it into a hexagon
17:46.03 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r35785 10/brlcad/trunk/include/conf/ (MINOR PATCH): next release makes more sense as 7.16 after all. bump revision to 7.15.0 and begin release testing.
17:47.42 Yoshi47 PrezKennedy, what you goin to be doing there or is that secret?
17:48.03 brlcad selling hot dogs from the back of his trunk
17:48.05 PrezKennedy ...programming
17:48.16 PrezKennedy hmmm i like the hot dog idea
17:48.23 PrezKennedy i can sell water at the halfway point from the parking lot
17:48.26 PrezKennedy $5 a bottle
17:48.30 louipc hahhah
17:59.11 ``Erik heh, conan the librarian
18:17.26 *** join/#brlcad surje (n=surje@
18:19.34 Yoshi47 fun
18:34.23 *** join/#brlcad talcite (
19:13.27 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r35786 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/iges/n_iges.cpp: initialize against the c-string so it's copied. fixes a failure to parse/find the start header.
19:23.54 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r35787 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/iges/ (brlcad.hpp brlcad_brep.cpp): add standard header/footers.
19:26.24 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r35788 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/iges/nmain.cpp: add standard header/footer.
19:27.36 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r35789 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/iges/ (5 files): rename brlcad.hpp to brlcad_brep.hpp to be consistent with cpp file and slightly less ambiguous.
19:28.21 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r35790 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/iges/ (brlcad_brep.cpp brlcad_brep.hpp): ws indent cleanup
19:38.21 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r35791 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/iges/brlcad_brep.cpp: prevent crashes when there is no brep to write.
19:47.17 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r35792 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/iges/ ( n_iges.hpp n_main.cpp nmain.cpp): rename nmain.cpp to n_main.cpp to be consistent with the other 'new' iges convert files in here
19:50.40 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r35793 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libtclcad/ ( ged_obj.c): Added a png command to suck the images from openGL and create a png file. The older png has been renamed to pngwf (i.e. it creates a wireframe image only). Also got rid of most warnings about unused variables.
19:53.10 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r35794 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/iges/ (n_iges.cpp n_iges.hpp): ws style indent consistency cleanup
19:54.49 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r35795 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_brep.cpp: Try reworking some bizarre referencing.
20:08.56 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r35796 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_brep.cpp: Hmm, u and v were reversed - swap, and now (at least on OSX) a valid nmg (arb8) is generated and can be raytraced.
20:37.11 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r35797 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_brep.cpp: No time to figure out the Linux build problems this is causing right now - comment out guts of function for release, will uncomment again and fix after tagging.
20:44.01 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
20:49.56 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r35798 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/iges/ (BrepHandler.cpp brlcad_brep.cpp n_iges.cpp): fix a few crashes trying to read in RationalBSplineSurface entities, undo some comment braimage
21:06.44 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
21:13.17 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r35799 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/csgbrep.cpp: Start roughing out the test csg->brep routines for the other arbs.
21:20.27 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r35800 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_brep.cpp: quell the warnings and ambiguous conversion errors. the intent is to call it up as an index, so do that. re-enable for compilation.
21:23.15 brlcad leaves it as an exercise to the reader to determine whether that needs to be a long int
21:23.28 starseeker brlcad: thanks :-)
21:25.01 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r35801 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_brep.cpp: Call SetTrimIsoFlags. ARB4 test case now succeeds.
21:29.17 brlcad if you read through the error it gave, and ignore the pointless bitching, you see that it's ambiguous [] operator, one is a class member that takes an int, the other is a built-in that takes a long
21:29.39 brlcad I think the bitching is the gcc devs saying "we're required to halt on this, even though it's stupid"
21:30.37 brlcad related to the template instantiation, it instantiated a long somewhere, which probably implies the int-sized one defined by opennurbs is insufficiently indexed
21:31.24 brlcad the fix is trivial, just feed it the int they're expecting
21:33.46 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r35802 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: refactor tclcad commands (e.g., png) to libged
21:36.02 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r35803 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/iges/BrepHandler.cpp: add missing header/footer and clean up style/indent.
21:37.25 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r35804 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/human.c: Move variable declarations to the tops of their respective code blocks (i.e. make it compile as a C file).
22:10.03 *** join/#brlcad Yoshi477 (

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