IRC log for #brlcad on 20090901

00:51.06 *** join/#brlcad KingofCSU (n=king@
00:53.12 *** part/#brlcad KingofCSU (n=king@
00:55.10 *** join/#brlcad KingofCSU (n=king@
00:55.13 *** part/#brlcad KingofCSU (n=king@
01:27.47 *** join/#brlcad talcite (n=Matthew@
01:32.40 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo1 (
02:34.10 *** part/#brlcad jdoliner (
02:36.07 *** join/#brlcad cosurgi (n=cosurgi@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:43.20 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r35805 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (librt/primitives/arb8/arb8_brep.cpp proc-db/csgbrep.cpp): Enable arbs 4-8 using rt_arb_brep calling rt_nmg_brep. It looks like this completes the handing of all arbs, but arbn is a separate case and will need its own routine and test case.
04:33.55 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r35806 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (librt/ proc-db/csgbrep.cpp): Nuts. arbn is either causing or exposing some issues - doesn't generate a valid brep even in isolation, and in csgbrep it causes corruption of the other arbs somehow when enabled.
04:50.47 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedyII (
09:42.13 *** join/#brlcad _clock_ (
11:19.42 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
12:14.15 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
12:39.43 ``Erik ramalamadingdangdong
12:42.22 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos (
12:45.22 Yoshi47 ``Erik, just for that you can help me! lol
12:45.56 Yoshi47 jk
12:46.29 Yoshi47 i do have a question though, where's the best place to learn about assemblies and proper way of doing that in brl-cad
12:52.44 ``Erik um, the books?
12:53.05 ``Erik there's nothing magic about an assembly, it's an analog to a real life assembly
12:53.42 ``Erik since it's composed of regions, and a region is a single homogeneous object, ya just ... stick 'em together and go
12:54.32 Yoshi47 i think im having trouble with the naming of parts and their shapes,
12:55.08 Yoshi47 like if i have a bearing, should i start all shapes with bearing1.*.s so when i concat the dbs the names don't interfere with other names
12:56.46 ``Erik sure, it's up to you... and you can rename (mv) and rebuild the regions (even with the gui combination editor) if you change your mind
12:57.08 _clock_ Who likes Madonna?
12:57.18 ``Erik (doesn't dbconcat rename on conflict?)
12:57.55 Yoshi47 ``Erik, i think so, thats what brlcad said, but i would like to come up with a good naming convention so i don't get that and my regions stay good as well.
12:58.09 Yoshi47 _clock_, what does that have to do with brlcad
12:58.42 _clock_ Yoshi47: nothing
12:59.06 Yoshi47 oh
12:59.07 Yoshi47 <PROTECTED>
12:59.54 ``Erik her bra's are trivial to model in BRL-CAD, that's what it has to do :D *duck*
13:01.17 Yoshi47 nice
13:05.35 _clock_ ``Erik: you mean she has no bra's?
13:05.46 _clock_ half-plane?
13:06.53 ``Erik simple cones
13:09.32 ``Erik in bra_cup trc 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0.0001
13:09.43 ``Erik
13:09.46 ``Erik perfect match
13:09.49 ``Erik :D
13:11.52 starseeker scowls at the arbn for ruining the party and hits the road
14:23.31 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
14:34.18 Yoshi47 who wants my .375"OD bearing?
14:34.54 starseeker the model or the bearing? ;-)
14:35.15 Yoshi47 the model!
14:35.26 starseeker let's see :-)
14:35.34 Yoshi47 one sec,
14:35.41 starseeker you could try uploading it to
14:36.37 Yoshi47 ok i'll try when i got it ready i found a flaw
14:37.24 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r35807 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/arbn/arbn_brep.cpp: Whoops, how about adding arbn_brep. This is a recreation, checking compile now.
15:00.48 *** join/#brlcad surje (n=surje@
15:12.11 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r35808 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (3 files in 3 dirs): Oh yeah, should free memory that is allocated. The arbn brep is still messed up but since it doesn't crash now enable it.
15:20.22 brlcad starseeker: msvc8 and cmake build
15:24.35 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r35809 10/brlcad/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): Add arbn_brep.cpp to the other build system logics
15:31.23 Yoshi47 starseeker, what license should I do?
15:39.30 louipc wtfpl
15:39.34 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03josiah47 07 * r26 10Model repository/: Bearing 0.375 (insert model: )
15:40.20 Yoshi47 how long does it take for the render to automatically come up?
16:01.01 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03 07 * r26 10Model repository/: Bearing 0.375 (update model: BRLCAD processing completed.)
16:13.05 Yoshi47 oh i guess that answers my question
16:34.34 Yoshi47 why is there no search function for the wiki?
16:34.43 Yoshi47 I need more info on concating dbs
16:35.59 *** join/#brlcad louipc (n=louipc@archlinux/trusteduser/louipc)
16:43.32 Yoshi47 i just used the import utility, duh
16:52.11 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
17:29.39 brlcad Yoshi47: the principles of effective modeling covers assemblies and naming conventions some (vol III)
17:29.53 Yoshi47 ok thanks
17:36.41 brlcad and I would suggest you not worry too much about naming convention conflicts, so long as the names within a given .g make relative sense
17:37.34 Yoshi47 is that because when i do an import i can add a prefix?
17:37.34 brlcad dbconcating with a prefix is pretty common practice to help indicate a scope of sorts, and minimizes conflicts
17:37.34 brlcad bingo
17:37.50 Yoshi47 i figured that out after i changed my names, lol
17:37.56 Yoshi47 oh well i learnt
17:38.11 starseeker Yoshi47: what license would you want to use?
17:38.20 Yoshi47 i did GLV3
17:38.26 Yoshi47 but i don't know the difference
17:38.46 Yoshi47 guess i good read, but does it make that much of a diff
17:40.38 starseeker BRL-CAD itself is LGPL - Creative Commons is a popular choice
17:41.57 Yoshi47 only BSD and GPLv3 were in the list, so LGPL is v3
17:43.06 starseeker Erm
17:43.14 starseeker we'll need to expand that list
17:44.05 starseeker If you could pick any of the various choices, would you have a preference? (Generally it runs BSD most free to GPL most restricted)
17:46.14 brlcad yeah, wow, probably just to stub "something"
17:46.27 brlcad gplv3 wouldn't have been top of my list to add first
17:47.48 brlcad bsd/mit/apache, cc-by/cc-sa/cc-by-sa, lgpl
17:50.52 Yoshi47 i think i would choose the most free
17:51.40 brlcad those all allow pretty much any use
17:51.58 brlcad something like cc-pd would probably be ideal
17:52.17 starseeker brlcad: any idea where that license list lives?
17:52.44 brlcad starseeker: pretty good idea it's in the web root for more ;)
17:54.35 starseeker is poking there
17:55.18 brlcad search for the gplv3 string, can't be too many
17:56.13 starseeker aren't any
17:56.41 starseeker Yoshi47: nifty bearing!
17:56.50 *** join/#brlcad cosurgi (
17:56.52 brlcad if it's displaying in a webpage, it has to be somewhere -- it might be an entity stored in the db
17:56.53 Yoshi47 ya its tiny,
17:56.59 brlcad drupal being all content-based
17:57.04 brlcad see the admin panel
17:58.22 brlcad or email elena
17:58.33 Yoshi47 whos elena?
17:58.39 brlcad she'd probably enjoy hearing that it's being put to use
17:58.52 brlcad elena put the model repository site together
17:59.11 Yoshi47 oh, summer student?
17:59.17 brlcad yeah
17:59.25 brlcad gsoc
17:59.31 Yoshi47 year?
18:00.03 brlcad grad student in eastern europe, working gsoc this year
18:00.09 Yoshi47 cool
18:00.23 brlcad very cool, she did fantastic
18:00.55 Yoshi47 so is there a search function on the website/wiki?
18:01.26 brlcad there is, but it's disabled
18:01.56 Yoshi47 umm, can it be enables only for registered users?
18:02.03 brlcad we don't yet have integration between the drupal and mediawiki sides of things, didn't want to leave things in a confusing/partial state
18:02.56 Yoshi47 oh,
18:03.42 Yoshi47 i don't know if i asked this before but where is the snapping stuff? is there a plan to make it better?
18:05.16 Yoshi47 is there something special to get the grid to draw or is it my color scheme?
18:05.36 brlcad presume you mean snap-to-grid? it's on the mged menu, turn on the grid option and then snapping
18:05.52 brlcad i believe the grid default is black
18:05.55 Yoshi47 kinda, no snap to middle?
18:06.00 starseeker will have to look into the more site setup more later
18:06.01 Yoshi47 yep i checked it
18:06.40 Yoshi47 i guess its hard to do snap to middle with solid objects
18:06.44 brlcad there are definitely ideas to make it better -- parametrics and constraints make object snapping a lot easier
18:07.00 brlcad it's snaps to the *grid*
18:07.20 Yoshi47 ya i just have to get that going, there seems to be a duplication in the menus
18:08.04 brlcad yeah, there's quite a bit of duplication, sucks but nobody has stepped up to propose an improved reorg (again, priorities and all)
18:08.18 Yoshi47 ah
18:08.55 Yoshi47 i have draw grid on but nothing shows up
18:09.15 brlcad do you have a black background?
18:09.23 Yoshi47 nope on winter theme
18:09.34 Yoshi47 and grid is set to black on that
18:09.35 brlcad try turning faceplate on
18:09.58 Yoshi47 didn't work
18:10.28 brlcad ah, default grid is white
18:11.06 Yoshi47 even though grid color is 0 0 0 in color schemes
18:11.59 brlcad mmm, black is barely visible
18:12.18 Yoshi47 i can't see anything
18:12.47 brlcad do you see a wireframe?
18:13.02 brlcad or have you been rendering/raytracing images into the view with overlay
18:13.05 Yoshi47 from my parts yes
18:13.17 Yoshi47 nope ray tracing disabled
18:13.46 brlcad hrm
18:14.45 Yoshi47 what anchor point?
18:15.00 Yoshi47 oh thats what it is
18:15.17 brlcad >
18:15.17 Yoshi47 guess that kinda makes sense, but not really good for a default
18:15.18 brlcad ?
18:15.51 Yoshi47 soon as i pout 0 0 0 for anchor point in grid control panel it went on it was set to NAN NAN NAN
18:16.13 Yoshi47 the grid helps, don't need measurement tools as much
18:28.48 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03indianlarry * r35810 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (libged/brep.c librt/primitives/brep/brep_debug.cpp): updates to mged 'brep' command
18:29.03 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r35811 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/csgbrep.cpp: Whoops, didn't mean to commit the turning off of everything but arbn
18:31.43 Yoshi47 perfect
18:32.41 Yoshi47 im back
18:33.51 brlcad cool
18:34.22 brlcad yeah, it's sort of a balance of quick-to-implement and necessary/useful-features
18:36.18 Yoshi47 what is the proper name for a race track shape?
18:37.12 ``Erik can think of many different race track shapes
18:37.12 brlcad an oval?
18:37.24 brlcad ellipse?
18:37.24 Yoshi47 with staight sides
18:37.25 ``Erik woulda said more like a 'pill' shape,
18:37.30 Yoshi47 yeah
18:37.35 Yoshi47 what ``Erik said
18:37.49 brlcad yeah, pill-shaped in 3d is our "part" primitive
18:38.17 brlcad two sphereical ends with an joining cone
18:38.38 Yoshi47 joing rcc
18:38.48 brlcad flattened would simply be two rccs with a joining arb8
18:39.17 ``Erik each end could be a small rcc subtracted from a large rcc, then a big subtract arb8 in the middle to make them halves, then 2 more arb8's added in to make the straight pieces
18:39.32 brlcad would with ascii art, but they'd both end up looking like a penis
18:40.23 Yoshi47 ok two rcc one on each end of a arb8 half way
18:41.10 brlcad if the sides don't need to be perfectly flat, you could intersect a part with an arb8
18:41.30 ``Erik (+ (- (+ bigrccnorth bigrccsouth) (+ smallrccnorth smallrccsouth midarb8)) westarb8 eastarb8)
18:41.33 Yoshi47 its just going to be a cut out for my x slide
18:41.44 Yoshi47 but what is the geometric name for that kind of shape
18:42.49 ``Erik there may not be a specific name... :/
18:44.29 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r35812 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO:
18:44.29 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: part is and has always been a stupid short name for the 'particle' primitive,
18:44.29 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: which was also a bad name idea. v6 needs to fix that by minimally renaming it
18:44.29 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: to something less confusing, like 'pill' or by implementing a more generalized
18:44.29 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: metaprimitive structure for supporting constraint object combinations like
18:44.31 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 'part'.
18:55.50 brlcad racetrack-shaped, pill-shaped, stadium-shaped, ..
18:56.16 brlcad don't think there's a specific geometric name for the shape, other than by a verbose definition
18:56.24 Yoshi47 ok
18:57.50 brlcad like two semicircles with equal radii cojoined with parallel lines where the diameter of the circles equals the distance between those parallel lines
18:58.08 brlcad that'd make for a really long object name..
18:58.17 brlcad would go with "pill" :)
18:58.33 Yoshi47 too
18:58.37 brlcad or even "oval"
18:59.05 Yoshi47 oval with straight runs
19:04.09 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r35813 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/obj-g.c: think out loud on how to write the .g file
19:07.46 Yoshi47 why does my mged CLI suddenly say more arguemtns needed when typing in "in" and
19:07.57 Yoshi47 it doesn't step me through it any more,
19:08.02 Yoshi47 soem kinda setting?
19:08.21 ``Erik software bug? the in prompt code is ... fragile.
19:08.51 louipc oh?
19:09.26 Yoshi47 must of been, restarted and its fine
19:09.50 brlcad odd..., if you can figure out how to reproduce it, please do report
19:10.02 Yoshi47 yep will do
19:12.56 ``Erik brlcad: do we have any kinda template for keynote? or "just use gradient" ?
19:13.39 brlcad nope, I'd tweaked something a few times, but most of the defaults are eye-catching enough by themselves
19:15.41 starseeker spots NewPlanarFaceLoop in opennurbs and wonders if that's a better way to go here...
19:30.22 *** join/#brlcad b0ef (
19:39.24 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (n=BigAToo@
19:46.12 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
20:00.58 starseeker Oh, there it is ON_BrepFromMesh
20:01.17 starseeker so the question is whether it is easier to go nmg->ON_meshTopology
20:18.44 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
20:21.01 brlcad oh, starseeker .. that file has several interesting routines... :)
20:21.30 brlcad and yeah, they do look to be non-stubbed implementations..
20:21.52 brlcad ON_BrepBox() is arb8->brep :)
20:25.19 brlcad which unveils a few other interesting routines like ON_NurbsSurfaceQuadrilateral() and _MeshNurbsSurface()
20:25.34 brlcad the latter is only in the rhino sdk, looks like the tessellator
20:27.12 brlcad ah yeah, tessellators for five of them: ON_MeshNurbsSurface, ON_MeshPlaneSurface, ON_MeshRevSurface, ON_MeshSumSurface, ON_MeshBrepFace
20:29.54 brlcad ON_BrepWedge is an arb5
21:11.53 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
22:07.55 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (
23:11.06 *** join/#brlcad talcite (

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