IRC log for #brlcad on 20090905

00:02.46 ``Erik probably
00:03.00 ``Erik pulls up source and kinda hopes someone who knows more than he does answers before he gets too far into it... :D
00:07.11 ``Erik (CTJ .. is that... paladin?)
00:08.24 *** join/#brlcad matthewmpp (
00:08.49 ``Erik hrm, too much name overlap, makes grep tricky :(
00:13.13 Yoshi477 does rtcheck make shapes?
00:13.31 Yoshi477 soemthing keeps making copies of shapes with _01
00:14.13 Yoshi477 or does oed cause that?
00:15.12 ``Erik rtcheck shouldn't alter anything, oed shouldn't generate anything new if you don't ask it to, I think?
00:15.16 ``Erik <-- doesn't know the gui... :D
00:15.31 Yoshi477 this is command line stuff
00:15.50 ``Erik I see where the display list is held, now to see if there's something to walk it and return it as a string... O.o heh
00:16.10 ``Erik um, I don't know much about mged.... if you wanna talk rt or something, or library stuff, I'm there... :D
00:16.22 Yoshi477 ah ok
00:16.53 Yoshi477 backend coder, i wish sometimes i could be one, and others not so much
00:18.10 ``Erik I suppose 'backend' is one way to refer to what I do... I kinda think of myself as more of a system developer... :D closer to the hardware than the user interface... I get my jollies when I get to poke at operating system kernel code :D
00:19.13 ``Erik I'm not seeing anything that looks like a command to print the display list :/ but I might just be missing it
00:20.20 ``Erik ah, wait, looks like there's a duplicate list held in tcl
00:21.07 ``Erik hrmph. mged isn't working on my laptop here :(
00:21.20 Yoshi477 what!
00:21.26 Yoshi477 you should be ashamed!
00:21.32 ``Erik but the 'Display' tcl class has a method called "contents" that might be what you're looking for
00:21.40 Yoshi477 ok i'll try
00:21.48 Yoshi477 invalid
00:21.56 Yoshi477 or is it ls contents
00:21.59 ``Erik you have to refer to the instance of display
00:22.20 Yoshi477 and how my i pretell do that?
00:23.08 ``Erik still looking
00:23.21 ``Erik jabs brlcad or starseeker with something pointy to see if they know
00:24.28 ``Erik meh, there're like 3 definitions of 'display list' that confuse things heh :(
00:24.44 brlcad 'who' shows what is currently drawn
00:24.47 Yoshi477 well i cause patience plays in here
00:24.54 Yoshi477 oh
00:25.22 Yoshi477 what about the individual prims?
00:25.53 ``Erik those'd be the things in the display lists
00:28.45 brlcad Yoshi477: curious that you'd want or need to know the individual prims
00:28.50 brlcad but you can find those with search
00:28.56 Yoshi477 is there a command to like where used? so enter prim and you get what assemblies it is used in?
00:28.57 brlcad search whatever -not -type c
00:29.11 ``Erik brlcad: ones in the active display list?
00:29.40 brlcad dbfind locates uses
00:30.54 ``Erik (I see where src/tclscripts/lib/Display.tcl defines a "contents" method in the Display class, how do you invoke that from inside of mged?)
00:31.05 Yoshi477 likes dbfind
00:37.14 brlcad ``Erik: tclscripts/lib/* is archer guts
00:37.35 ``Erik ohhhhhh, ok
00:37.36 brlcad or at least old archer guts, some might not be active any longer
00:37.46 ``Erik I saw some in libged and some in tclscripts
00:37.48 brlcad tclscripts/mged is mged guttage
00:38.18 ``Erik (dead code culling might be a good offsite, too)
00:38.48 brlcad it's not used by us, but is used by s2
00:39.05 brlcad or at least *might* not be by us, but definitely by them
00:39.05 Yoshi477 s2?
00:39.23 brlcad Yoshi477: one of various software projects that links against brl-cad libs
00:39.36 Yoshi477 opensource?
00:39.40 brlcad nope
00:39.43 Yoshi477 ah
00:39.47 brlcad there are lots of analysis codes that use br-cad
00:39.50 Yoshi477 can i ask what it does
00:40.07 Yoshi477 mainly?
00:40.25 ``Erik chews up cpu and keeps button mashers employed
00:40.41 brlcad it calculates vulnerability and lethality by performing high-energy ballistic penetration simulations
00:40.51 Yoshi477 cool
00:41.10 Yoshi477 so how many hours a day do you code for brlcad?
00:41.17 brlcad 24? :)
00:41.25 brlcad okay, 18
00:41.30 Yoshi477 really?
00:41.35 brlcad gotta eat n' sleep some to sustain
00:41.45 Yoshi477 18?
00:41.50 Yoshi477 you get paid 18 too!
00:42.09 ``Erik bullshit, you code bzflag, too
00:42.11 ``Erik :D
00:42.11 brlcad it fluctuates
00:42.28 brlcad yeah, not just brl-cad, a few other open source projects too
00:42.34 ``Erik is libirc dead? heh
00:42.36 Yoshi477 i played bzflag for about a week 2 years ago
00:42.44 brlcad ``Erik: nope, it's just "done" for now
00:43.03 ``Erik aight, haven't heard of it being used and commits seem very infrequent
00:43.04 Yoshi477 so the army pays you for every hour you put in?
00:43.15 brlcad heck no
00:43.26 Yoshi477 anything?
00:43.36 ``Erik the paperwork to bill more than 80 hours a fortnight would be insane
00:43.38 ``Erik :D
00:46.04 ``Erik never underestimate the insanity of gov't bureaucracy O.o
00:46.27 ``Erik the trick is to do what you wanna do and figure out how to get someone to pay you for it
00:46.38 brlcad Yoshi477: when one enjoys what they do, it doesn't really matter much
00:46.50 Yoshi477 true
00:47.48 ``Erik (have I mentioned that I hate gui coding lately?)
00:47.54 Yoshi477 nope
00:48.20 Yoshi477 i love gui coding, if i can do it? need lots of training for my small mind
00:48.32 ``Erik heh, sure, do ya do mac stuff?
00:48.40 ``Erik I have a side project that I think needs a gui
00:48.47 ``Erik :D
00:48.51 Yoshi477 nope don't have a mac just linux
00:48.53 ``Erik hrm
00:49.02 Yoshi477 know some qt stuff but not much
00:49.10 Yoshi477 some xul stuff
00:49.12 ``Erik I happen to have qt installed on my mac
00:49.41 Yoshi477 whats the side pro?
00:50.04 ``Erik um, ya familiar with internet radio? shoutcast/icecast stuff?
00:50.18 Yoshi477 not much but i know what it is
00:50.24 Yoshi477 never use it
00:50.36 ``Erik I want a decent source client that I can modify
00:50.45 Yoshi477 ah
00:50.54 ``Erik 'muse' is a piece of shit (linux app with a halfassed carbon addon), nicecast is closed source
00:51.11 ``Erik and those're pretty much the only two that work on the mac :/
00:51.16 Yoshi477 ah
00:51.29 Yoshi477 so you need to find a qt one
00:51.43 ``Erik well, I'd prefer cocoa, but *shrug*
00:51.58 ``Erik I was running around the office looking for a cocoa book yesterday heh
00:53.07 ``Erik but qt has a native osX port, iirc, so I can't hate on it too much, even if it's c++
00:53.15 ``Erik gtk+ requires X :(
00:53.31 Yoshi477 you like gtk better then qt?
00:53.38 ``Erik code wise, yes
00:53.44 Yoshi477 main reason...
00:53.52 ``Erik I went from loving c++ to hating it in '96 or so
00:54.10 Yoshi477 what did you replace it with?
00:54.11 ``Erik it's ugly, excessively verbose, ambiguous, ... (or was in 96 or so...)
00:54.12 ``Erik C
00:54.27 Yoshi477 oh even more low level
00:54.45 ``Erik I can cope with things like function pointers and "advanced" cpp macros...
00:54.50 ``Erik hm, I'd disagree
00:55.01 Yoshi477 oh ok
00:55.15 Yoshi477 i wouldn't know just had basic tutorials on both of them
00:55.43 ``Erik c++ was dandy if you have to deal with mediocre developers on the team... java takes that role now... if you have a group of competent folk, c++ and java just get in the way, imnsho :)
00:55.50 Yoshi477 got my level 1 c++ in college thats about it
00:56.11 ``Erik *sing* anything you can do, I can do better... :D
00:56.33 ``Erik (early c++ was actually a macro package for C, iirc)
00:56.42 ``Erik called "c with classes" or something
00:56.56 ``Erik alan kay has an interesting rant on the subject :)
00:57.26 Yoshi477 ya i knew that,
00:57.28 ``Erik (he 'invented' object oriented... his observation is that bjarne missed the point)
00:57.46 Yoshi477 oh well i don't get that stuff that much anyways my head hurts anytime i go into it deep
00:57.48 ``Erik objc is sexy is a strange way, though
00:58.06 ``Erik I'm annoyed at the inability to collapse messages, though
00:58.25 Yoshi477 see i don't even get that!
00:58.51 ``Erik -(void)alpha; -(void)beta:(int)i; ... I should be able to [obj alph beta:10] in my mind, but I have to [obj alpha]; [obj beta:10];
00:59.03 ``Erik know whut ah mean, vern?
00:59.06 Yoshi477 ya you lost me
00:59.20 Yoshi477 way beyond my comprehension
00:59.26 ``Erik um, message based OO systems .. :) smalltalk ftw
00:59.56 ``Erik [obj method]; is the objC version of obj.method();
01:00.30 ``Erik (vs the CLOS "(method obj)")
01:01.21 ``Erik yes, I'm a language nerd... this is the stuff that interests me, gui's are unfun :D *duck*
01:01.26 Yoshi477 see you lost me since i haven't use c++ qt since the spring and 2 years before that, i goes out of my mind fast, but im fine with that, got to learn brlcad and then when im done designing my CNC i can continue with FANO
01:01.47 Yoshi477 FaNO
01:02.26 ``Erik fano?
01:02.43 ``Erik an overloaded word according to the almighty g00g
01:03.07 ``Erik a guitar company, a town in italy, a district in austria, ...
01:03.15 Yoshi477 Food and Nutritional Organizer
01:03.36 Yoshi477 something like fitday
01:03.45 Yoshi477 but cross platform
01:03.53 Yoshi477 and ability to export stuff!
01:04.28 ``Erik hum
01:04.41 ``Erik similar to ?
01:05.24 ``Erik cli, but works on *nix and dos
01:06.09 ``Erik has been learning common lisp and 'ucw' (and ajax, javascript, css, etc) with the intent of making a web variant
01:06.14 Yoshi477 ya, but mine has recipe manager built in
01:06.28 ``Erik heh
01:06.30 ``Erik amusing
01:06.33 Yoshi477 and mine a GUI(qt)
01:06.52 ``Erik <-- thinks he had pretty much the same idea, but decided web was better as a user interface layer
01:07.01 Yoshi477 mainly going to have recipe first(doesn't suit name at first but it will)
01:07.20 ``Erik they say great minds think alike, I guess the correlary is that feeble ones do, as well ;)
01:08.15 ``Erik I did a fair bit of whiteboard work to come up with ways to come up with targetted recipe recommendation lists based on what ingredients you have available, what your nutritional requirements are, and what your personal preferences are
01:08.44 ``Erik (and trying to figure out how to maintain a 'pantry' database without being invasive or difficult)
01:09.13 ``Erik oohhhhhhh, I saw this on hn a bit ago... neat stuff :)
01:09.31 ``Erik a bit meta, but neat
01:10.07 Yoshi477 oh watch it google's going to buy that site
01:10.22 ``Erik heh, that'd be cool, the dude would get his payout
01:10.31 Yoshi477 yep
01:11.12 ``Erik d'no if google has any interest in the cooking world...
01:12.09 ``Erik when I visited, I got an impression of a culture that viewed food as a 'below them' aspect, the free cafeterias, "snack stations", and interest in going out to eat
01:13.24 Yoshi477 free cafe? they have it too good
01:14.15 ``Erik (mebbe the cafeterias were free for the gsoc mentors as a special deal... but when I visited nvidia, the cafeteria/catering was free)
01:14.50 Yoshi477 nvidia is own by google?
01:14.58 ``Erik no
01:16.05 ``Erik I visited nvidia in '01, google in '08
01:16.40 Yoshi477 oh
01:17.06 ``Erik when I worked at fedex, we had free tea, coffee, popcorn, etc... and vending machines where tv dinners were like a buck
01:23.16 Yoshi477 cool
01:23.26 Yoshi477 i would be even fatter!
01:24.02 ``Erik heh, I gained like 50 pounds
01:24.09 Yoshi477 ouch
01:24.15 ``Erik and I'm a little dude
01:24.24 Yoshi477 ya i have no will power when it comes to food
01:25.56 ``Erik graduated college at ~135 (~60kg), boomed up to 180(~80kg) pretty quick, drifting around 150-160(~69-72kg) now
01:26.27 ``Erik and I'm only 5'8(147cm)
01:26.37 ``Erik :D
01:27.54 louipc I gained like 10lbs when I was in taiwan for a month haha
01:28.04 Yoshi477 grad 150lbs college 1 year later 180, college 2year after grad 190, greenhouse work for .5 year 185 IT Support/Systems Support Analyst Job 3.5 year after grad 210, now 195 hovering
01:28.11 Yoshi477 lowest in 3 years was 184
01:28.13 louipc everybody kept shoving food in my face
01:28.29 ``Erik I think quitting soda was a big win for me
01:28.34 Yoshi477 yep me too
01:28.51 Yoshi477 quiting most sugars helps, and also six pack abs challenge!
01:29.04 louipc :O
01:29.52 ``Erik heh
01:30.38 ``Erik see, I quit drinking soda, but I drink a fair amount of beer, and like my big greaseburger and fries at lunch... and a major aversion to physical exertion, so I'm not exactly.... 'fit' :D
01:31.25 ``Erik monitoring intake using 'nut' has changed my choices in food a fair bit, though... *shrug* mortifying looking at what ya actually shovel into your body
01:33.00 Yoshi477 i know what you mean
01:38.13 Yoshi477 yeah finally got all my overlaps delt with!
01:39.43 brlcad woo hoo
01:40.32 Yoshi477 hey brlcad if i had 6 of those hex bolts in my window wireframe would that slow down the rotation and zoom in and out, or is it just a problem on my machine?
01:42.04 Yoshi477 maybe i need a quadro?
01:42.11 Yoshi477 5400
01:42.14 Yoshi477 lol
01:42.34 brlcad depends just how complicated the geometry is, how many objects, how many segments, your video card, whether it's x11 or ogl, etc
01:42.45 brlcad in general, no it shouldn't really, but certainly could
01:43.00 brlcad especially with a lot of deep copies (from clone) instead of references
01:43.37 Yoshi477 one sec
01:45.01 Yoshi477 here try it out
01:45.04 Yoshi477 B sweetspot.c
01:45.10 ``Erik quatro will not help you
01:45.19 Yoshi477 really?
01:45.35 Yoshi477 a gaming card better
01:45.45 ``Erik glLine is not really any faster on even a good GL card than a simple svga card
01:46.04 Yoshi477 i guess i don't know
01:46.06 ``Erik openGL does not really buy BRL-CAD any speed at the moment
01:46.19 brlcad getting a few fps here
01:46.39 Yoshi477 im at .82
01:46.40 ``Erik % delta?
01:47.20 Yoshi477 .74 when zooming
01:47.46 ``Erik crap, it's september, isn't it
01:47.48 Yoshi477 GeForce 8500 GT
01:47.50 Yoshi477 yep it is
01:47.58 ``Erik 2 months of paperwork :(
01:48.25 Yoshi477 paperwork for what? two month to go?
01:48.47 ``Erik gotta write up reports on what I have done and what I intend to do
01:49.06 Yoshi477 for the two summer months or it will take you two months
01:49.56 Yoshi477 don't you keep svn with ci -m" everytime you can just concat those and your done!
01:50.11 ``Erik probably about ten hours of real work, but the annoyance kills time like a mofo, so 2 months of dev is blown
01:50.37 Yoshi477 ah
01:50.44 ``Erik yes, the svn logs are an important part, extracting pertinant data from it is a hassle
01:51.16 ``Erik I can't say "svn log -user erikgreenwald -dates 200810010000:200909312359"
01:51.26 ``Erik the 'user' part is the bitch
01:51.27 Yoshi477 why not
01:51.48 ``Erik it's not an option in svn
01:52.01 ``Erik (unless I'm missing it)
01:52.02 Yoshi477 when you add a cooment you should put erik:your comment then you can easily
01:52.33 ``Erik but when I leave a comment, I comment on what I did, not who I am...
01:52.42 Yoshi477 you can do both
01:53.01 Yoshi477 that way you get it out of svn
01:53.10 ``Erik gimmea time machine so I can go back a year and inform myself to encode user information superfluously in the log message.
01:53.13 ``Erik :D
01:53.15 Yoshi477 thats what i do at work for my task logs
01:53.36 Yoshi477 time machine only work for future
01:53.39 ``Erik I got data, it ain't got that encoding, I gotta generate info...
01:53.50 ``Erik so, y'kow,
01:53.53 ``Erik know
01:53.58 Yoshi477 gives shotgun to ``Erik
01:54.25 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (n=akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)
01:56.26 Yoshi477 wait a minute
01:56.36 Yoshi477 don't you svn commit under your username
01:56.59 ``Erik yes, I do
01:57.01 ``Erik that's my issue
01:57.11 Yoshi477 why is that your issue?
01:57.42 ``Erik I don't believe that svn log has any username filter
01:58.19 Yoshi477 well we use redmine at work and when i use the svn cli after that i go to the svn section in redmine and it has what user did what commit!
01:58.21 ``Erik dorks with it, sees a 'username' global option and may soon have egg on his fcea
01:59.03 ``Erik no, even specifying the username, it gives me all deltas
01:59.03 Yoshi477 so ya found it?
01:59.16 Yoshi477 deltas?
01:59.55 ``Erik yeah, --username seems to be ignored in log O.o
01:59.59 ``Erik effin' r-tarded
02:00.10 Yoshi477 umm i wonder how redmine does it
02:01.43 Yoshi477 yep i am looking at it right now under repository in redmine i can see who the author is of the latest revision
02:03.14 starseeker ``Erik: does this help?
02:04.14 Yoshi477 well im off for the nite, cya later
02:04.27 ``Erik hasta, yoshi
02:04.38 ``Erik starseeker: why can't svn do this by itself?
02:04.59 ``Erik it has a fucking --username argument, why the fuck doens't it fucking work? goddamn piece of sit
02:05.02 ``Erik shit
02:05.26 ``Erik "lets do cvs, but better! oh, wait, lets take all the fuckups of cvs and MAKE THEM WORSE! YES! TEH WINZ!"
02:05.32 ``Erik :D
02:06.00 ``Erik eyeballs darcs some
02:06.08 brlcad that's the username to use to log in
02:06.25 brlcad for rev in `svn log | grep erik | awk '{print $1}'` ; do svn log -$rev ; done
02:06.29 ``Erik damnit, don't de-rail my drunken rant
02:07.34 Yoshi477 lol
02:07.38 Yoshi477 ok im gone now
02:08.02 ``Erik hasta
02:08.13 louipc erm --username is meant for authentication, not filtering
02:33.49 starseeker ``Erik: could you import our repository into git? would that help?
02:34.08 starseeker
02:39.21 louipc heehee :D
02:40.08 louipc I would have said that, but brlcad would accuse me of preaching.
02:50.57 ``Erik starseeker: ur m0m
03:30.56 starseeker ``Erik: eh?
06:28.11 *** join/#brlcad elena (n=elena@
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11:59.16 Thingymebob Make fails, can anyone help
12:02.06 ``Erik the actual failure seems to be omitted
12:02.10 ``Erik ?
12:03.18 Thingymebob ``Erik: My error, It just hung at that point, back to life now
12:04.08 ``Erik if there is a failure in there, ya might try re-running configure with "--enable-all"
12:04.39 ``Erik the tcl/tk check probably needs some lovin' to make sure the system variant is recent enough :/
12:43.57 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03jdoliner * r35852 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/surfaceintersect.cpp:
12:43.57 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: Fixed illegal coersions of ON_BezierCurves * into ON_Curve * which was causing
12:43.57 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: segfaults. WalkIntersection now returns its result as an ON_NurbsCurve cast as
12:43.57 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: an ON_Curve instead of as ON_BezierCurves, the curves are still identical
14:46.03 ``Erik teh fux? a billy mays commercial? heh
15:07.10 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob (
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16:28.16 kanzure hi all
16:28.26 kanzure anyone know of any open source assembly planner?
16:38.17 ``Erik that sounds... awfully specialized?
16:45.01 ``Erik huh, this tv show thinks the bismark was scuttled
17:09.05 *** join/#brlcad samrose (n=samrose@
17:26.16 kanzure is there a way to figure out the regions in a dot g file? is there a shell utility that will list them for me?
17:27.16 brlcad mged -c test.g search / -type r
17:27.53 kanzure invalid command name "search"
17:28.10 brlcad your version is too old
17:28.22 kanzure 7.8 ?
17:28.42 brlcad wow, that is ancient
17:28.55 kanzure that's what's on the download page
17:29.05 kanzure gets the svn version
17:29.12 brlcad binary platforms aren't updated very frequently (you
17:29.20 brlcad (you're more than welcome to provide an update)
17:29.53 kanzure okay
17:30.36 kanzure maybe I should just ask before I bother, but,
17:30.46 kanzure I'm trying to convert from DXF to STEP or IGES. is this going to happen?
17:31.04 kanzure HeeksCAD doesn't seem to do it at all, so I'm trying brlcad
17:35.32 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob (
17:43.00 Yoshi477 kanzure, you can get a 30day trial from varicad
17:45.53 brlcad depends on what is in the dxf file, but you should be able to run dxf-g and g-iges to convert
17:45.53 brlcad we don't have a step exporter yet
17:46.33 Yoshi477 kanzure, or you can upload and someone here might offer to do it for you
17:47.39 kanzure that would be awesome :)
17:47.47 Yoshi477 i'll give it a shot
17:49.03 kanzure thank you :)
17:50.18 brlcad what is in that dxf?
17:50.28 Yoshi477 i only got a 2d profile of something
17:51.08 kanzure it's supposedly a 3d model
17:51.16 brlcad yeah, export of non-solid entities isn't going to fly
17:51.21 kanzure when I open it up in HeeksCAD, it's a "3d sketch" whatever the hell that is
17:51.24 kanzure hrm
17:51.32 kanzure well the other option here is for me to extrude an svg file
17:51.37 kanzure heekscad crashes when attempting to do that, however
17:51.40 Yoshi477 one sec
17:51.43 kanzure (there's a common theme)
17:51.45 Yoshi477 my varicad might not be expired
17:52.04 kanzure the svg is located here:
17:52.25 brlcad yeah, it is a 3d sketch .. that's just a planar object
17:52.35 kanzure grr
17:52.41 kanzure the author made it originally in google sketchup
17:52.47 kanzure which is completely useless as far as I'm concerned
17:53.47 Yoshi477 varicad imported it as a 2d just like brlcad did, are you sure its a 3d file?
17:54.01 kanzure no not at all
17:54.01 brlcad it's not a valid extrusion sketch
17:54.03 kanzure can it be extruded?
17:54.07 kanzure hm
17:54.10 Yoshi477 yeah
17:54.25 brlcad i extruded it in brl-cad, but it's got non-closed loops
17:54.26 Yoshi477 but it look like there is a gear on the one side
17:54.39 kanzure hmph.
17:54.45 kanzure maybe this isn't worth our time
17:54.48 kanzure sorry to bug you guys
17:54.55 Yoshi477 np
17:55.06 Yoshi477 kinda was curious to see the 3d
17:55.09 kanzure "contraptor" is an "open hardware" project that has dimensions/specs for various components like beams and angled brackets
17:55.19 Yoshi477 ah
17:55.20 kanzure but since it doesn't provide any usable CAD models, screw it
17:55.29 kanzure what's the point?
17:55.34 kanzure why would you put effort into something completely unusable
17:55.42 kanzure am I missing something?
17:56.09 kanzure anyway, I was asking earlier today about writing an assembly planner
17:56.13 kanzure was wondering if anyone in here has experience with those
17:57.17 Yoshi477 nope
17:57.27 Yoshi477 but i work with people who use pro/e
17:57.34 kanzure does pro/e do that?
17:57.56 kanzure assembly planners are used to generate instructions and sequences of operations for physically moving around parts to a CAD model to make it happen in the shop
17:58.08 kanzure sometimes spitting out human readable instructions
17:58.12 kanzure sometimes spitting out robot crap
17:58.40 Yoshi477 oh, i think it does that but they don
17:58.42 Yoshi477 t use it
17:58.47 kanzure the trick though is somehow avoiding order n**2 collision detection between all of the parts
17:59.17 kanzure (to check for collision-free insertion motions)
18:00.47 Yoshi477 what would boost the usage of brlcad would be integrated g-code exporter
18:01.13 kanzure yeah I can't read g-code much heh
18:01.40 Yoshi477 wel anyways im off for the afternoon, cya guy tonight maybe
18:10.19 ``Erik ยด/clear
18:31.01 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob_ (
18:49.32 ``Erik hm
18:50.48 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob (
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19:26.46 starseeker kanzure: at a guess, the contraptor project looks like it's not mature yet
19:27.05 starseeker their web page appears to be a default sourceforge page, for the most part
19:27.48 starseeker generally speaking, open source CAD tools have a ways to go
19:41.21 starseeker wonders how he can justify buying an N900...
19:52.44 kanzure starseeker: nah the real web page is somewhere else apparently
19:52.53 kanzure goes back to hating everything and everyone
19:53.33 starseeker these guys?
20:46.05 *** join/#brlcad Patmcc19 (
22:21.51 kanzure yes
23:46.44 *** join/#brlcad dli_ (n=dli@

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