IRC log for #brlcad on 20090906

00:04.04 Yoshi477 starseeker, i have a N810
00:21.27 starseeker Yoshi477: cool - how do you like it?
00:21.36 Yoshi477 i like it alot
00:21.51 Yoshi477 if i had money i would wish for 3g on it!
00:21.59 Yoshi477 gps does what i want it to do,
00:22.05 starseeker sweet
00:22.08 Yoshi477 browser not bad for speed
00:22.12 Yoshi477 email pretty good
00:22.19 Yoshi477 wireless conect real good
00:22.23 Yoshi477 games good
00:22.27 Yoshi477 can run scummvm
00:22.39 Yoshi477 low memory not nice though
00:22.52 starseeker nods
00:22.54 Yoshi477 and it can't play flac!
00:23.20 Yoshi477 mounts smb and nfs good
00:23.45 Yoshi477 mplayer is nice on it, although can skip on movement scenes on fullscreen
00:23.54 Yoshi477 so i watch not in full screen and it seems to be better
00:24.10 Yoshi477 i don't know about the n900 though
00:24.27 Yoshi477 does it use skype for calls or does it actually work on the phone company!
00:25.01 Yoshi477 600 euros!
00:25.08 Yoshi477 thats like 800 CAD
00:25.11 Yoshi477 if not 900
00:25.35 Yoshi477 how much does an iphone cost out there
00:35.41 Yoshi477 anyways cya,
00:35.52 Yoshi477 im looking at Mer for the N810, looks cool,
02:03.06 starseeker Yoshi477: sorry, doing things
02:06.23 starseeker yeah, phones are expensive when you don't get them subsidized
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15:03.16 yukonbob Yoshi477: n810 was being blown out by Amazon for less than 300 lately; n900 is out now...
15:03.54 yukonbob sees than Yoshi477 knows the n900 is out :P
15:04.19 starseeker yukonbob: where are you seeing < 300? I'm seeing over $400 here
15:04.39 yukonbob hrmm... few weeks ago I -bought- one for < 300
15:04.49 yukonbob was at
15:04.52 starseeker is jealous
15:04.59 yukonbob *.com
15:05.17 starseeker there are a couple used ones for < 300...
15:05.34 yukonbob had to have a friend in US receive it, because amazon wouldn't ship to Canada, and didn't carry it.
15:06.18 Yoshi477 i got an invisiable shield on mine!
15:06.53 yukonbob !Gah --- they're showing as $500 now
15:07.08 yukonbob too bad :(
15:07.09 starseeker If the N900 is a phone too, I'm going to have to start working on ways to justify getting one
15:07.22 starseeker Nokia deserves support for what they're doing
15:08.12 yukonbob starseeker: it is
15:08.50 starseeker not an open hardware phone of course, but certainly a step in the right direction
15:09.40 yukonbob no, not an openmoko, but largely open platform *(OS-wise)
15:10.18 yukonbob "Maemo" linux + Gtk ("Hildon") in a "Fremantle" window manager
15:10.59 starseeker and they're going with Qt for the N900?
15:11.39 yukonbob oops -- "Fremantle" != wm -- is code name for Maemon v5
15:12.01 yukonbob starseeker: I believe it's still Gtk for n900
15:12.32 Yoshi477 looking to get this first!
15:13.01 yukonbob
15:13.35 starseeker Ooo, an openmoko for $250...
15:14.07 yukonbob L00nucks journal had a review of the OpenMoko few months ago, and said the phone basically sucks.
15:14.27 yukonbob it was a neat hacking platform, but the call quality was poor
15:14.28 starseeker yeah, I know
15:14.36 yukonbob and the stylus was laughable
15:14.39 starseeker that's REALLY too bad
15:14.43 yukonbob nods
15:14.52 starseeker if they would just do a good phone, I don't care about all the gizmos
15:15.07 yukonbob I was following the OpenMoko project for some time, and thought it would be my entrance into this new size of computing
15:15.11 yukonbob *new to me
15:15.11 starseeker "do one thing, do it right - the Unix phone, the Unix way"
15:15.16 yukonbob heh
15:15.40 starseeker wants one anyway for the sheer novelty
15:16.02 starseeker take it into a Verizon Wireless store and see if there's a matter/antimatter reaction
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15:18.19 starseeker if they could just get a good phone going, someone could start up a nonprofit organization to spread wireless coverage equipment and do cell phone and internet data via phone right
15:21.06 yukonbob that's what /me hoped to tap into w/ the n810 (mind-you, only with wireless, not cellular)... n900 next.
15:21.45 yukonbob starseeker: how's it going, by the way -- haven't talked for some time ;)
15:22.03 starseeker going good - just got new house, so preparing to move
15:22.16 yukonbob !w00t
15:22.25 starseeker projects galore :-/
15:22.55 starseeker house has, among other details, bad wood paneling and a mirror wall downstairs
15:23.12 yukonbob you mean house projects, a la dry walling, new fixtures, painting, etc.?
15:23.16 starseeker carpet everywhere, relatively cheap finishings
15:23.19 starseeker yep
15:23.31 yukonbob great.
15:23.45 starseeker 'course, if it were better finished we couldn't have afforded it
15:23.54 yukonbob has had a few of those (and continues to have them) for last few years
15:24.10 starseeker as it is it's in a decent location neighborhood, so only the downturn let us in even now
15:24.51 yukonbob sounds like a good purchase: get the worst house in the best neighbourhood
15:24.58 starseeker will go for the "sweat equity" approach to house redo
15:25.04 yukonbob nods
15:25.06 starseeker yeah, pretty much
15:25.24 yukonbob starseeker: what city?
15:25.50 starseeker not that it's a bad house - my favorites when we were hunting were a farm house with the floor sagging in the middle and a house so trashed my fiance and I had to go back outside
15:25.54 starseeker Fallston, MD
15:26.34 starseeker our realtor was brave and went downstairs in the latter house - came out looking a bit pale
15:26.41 yukonbob heh
15:27.03 yukonbob starseeker: were you living in eastern Canada before?
15:27.10 starseeker nope, Baltimre
15:27.16 starseeker er Baltimore
15:27.17 yukonbob hrmm
15:27.26 yukonbob wonders why I associated you with Canada
15:27.32 yukonbob oh well
15:27.34 starseeker raises eyebrow
15:28.00 starseeker dunno - maybe I'm not conservative enough to be seen as US? ;-P
15:28.10 yukonbob == Canada; if you need a western CAD address to crash, lemme know ;)
15:28.17 yukonbob starseeker: hehe
15:29.06 starseeker Fallson on the whole is seen as a "good" place to live, so a lot of folks didn't bother doing much updating to their decor
15:29.41 starseeker folks we bought from got caught by the downturn, I'm sure - traditionally they would have gotten a pretty penny for this place without doing any updating
15:30.14 starseeker as it was, they were on the market a year without any offers
15:30.24 starseeker that's a good position to be in as a buyer :-)
15:31.15 yukonbob nods
15:31.35 starseeker I attempted to follow my training and look past the superficial
15:31.35 yukonbob that housing downturn was not so present in Canada, in my experience.
15:31.53 yukonbob housing sales/starts down, but prices didn't fall too much.
15:32.01 yukonbob best side effect was lower interest rates
15:32.07 starseeker well, that's a blessing
15:32.32 starseeker in the US, there were a few super overheated areas and a general insane price climb
15:33.01 starseeker East Coast has always sucked, but Arizona (of all places) really went nuts for a while
15:33.50 starseeker knew not to buy as soon as he saw a news article saying mortgage companies were looking for creative new ways to get people loans and get them into houses
15:34.31 starseeker they deserve to get smacked, the problem is they're dragging down the whole economy with 'em
15:35.14 starseeker loves it when he hears a radio show saying "we only lost 200,000 jobs this month - the rate is slowing!"
15:35.42 starseeker uh, yeah - 'cause they're running out of jobs to cut
15:48.16 Yoshi477 == southern ontario! if someone need to pitch a tent!
16:26.42 yukonbob Yoshi477: where?
16:26.53 yukonbob was of Toronto for ~2.5 years
16:27.00 Yoshi477 fergus!
16:30.50 yukonbob <-- doesn't know where that is -- will need to break out a map ;)
16:32.31 Yoshi477 north of guelph
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23:27.55 PcWarlock hi all
23:28.29 louipc yo
23:29.01 PcWarlock - Ghost
23:29.09 PcWarlock ggsdf
23:29.18 louipc mmhm
23:30.29 PcWarlock hi
23:30.33 PcWarlock how r u
23:30.53 louipc good. how are you?
23:31.32 PcWarlock thanks
23:31.39 PcWarlock fine
23:31.49 PcWarlock where r u from
23:32.46 louipc canada
23:32.55 PcWarlock well
23:39.30 PcWarlock -cmuse
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23:47.22 cmuse hi all
23:47.52 cmuse why not anybody say something
23:47.54 cmuse ?
23:48.10 cmuse :)
23:49.00 louipc sleepy
23:49.33 cmuse yes
23:49.35 cmuse :)

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