IRC log for #brlcad on 20090908

01:45.21 *** join/#brlcad cpc26 (n=cpc26@
02:17.54 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
06:10.56 *** join/#brlcad surje (n=surje@
06:11.55 *** join/#brlcad puddingpimp (
07:15.24 *** join/#brlcad _clock_ (
08:11.41 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (
08:59.17 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
09:31.49 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
10:25.14 *** join/#brlcad _clock__ (
12:53.59 brlcad yawns and soaks up some caffeine
12:56.21 Yoshi47 thats a good idea
13:06.26 *** join/#brlcad talcite__ (
13:06.33 Yoshi47 thats hits the spot
13:07.57 ``Erik would recommend against putting hot coffee on your "spot"...
13:08.19 Yoshi47 thanks for that
13:09.04 Yoshi47 in this boolean what specifies the rotation? u hexbolt_M8x55.c1 0 0 -25.4 0 6.123031769112e-17 -1 60.325 0 1 6.123031769112e-17 12.7 0 0 0 1
13:12.34 brlcad it's a 4x4 homogeneous matrix
13:12.52 Yoshi47 nice you just blew over my head
13:13.17 Yoshi47 do i have read more?
13:14.05 brlcad basically it's one mathematical matrix that specifies translations, rotations, and scaling all in one
13:14.33 Yoshi47 ya, im reading up on it.
13:14.35 Yoshi47 give me a sec
13:14.40 Yoshi47 and i'll be back
13:14.40 brlcad
13:14.43 Yoshi47 thanks
13:15.09 brlcad it's easy to derive the translation as it's just a column, but once you apply a rotation, it gets a little tricky
13:15.22 brlcad scaling is similarly trivial, down the diagonal
13:16.38 brlcad e.g., if you saw 1 0 100 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 that would be a translation 100 units down the X axis
13:17.10 Yoshi47 ah
13:17.19 brlcad and if you saw 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 that would be an object scaled 2x
13:17.25 Yoshi47 ah
13:17.33 ``Erik row major representation
13:17.57 ``Erik imagines that screwed with folk back when fortran was really common
13:18.27 Yoshi47 so my next question is when ihave that part comb inside another comb can i edit the with oed the hexbolt.c just for the one comb or will it affect all combs that it is in?
13:18.57 ``Erik it'll only twist the matrix of the comb you specified
13:19.26 ``Erik if you want things to modify stuff down the line, 'push' and 'xpush' do that after you've oed'd it
13:20.13 brlcad when you use oed, you specify a "right hand" and "left hand" side of a path .. where you split left and right sides is where the matrix goes
13:20.15 Yoshi47 so how do i only edit the hexbolt for this assmebly? xslide_yslackadjasm_1.c/hexbolt_M8x55.c/
13:20.39 Yoshi47 so oed /xslide_yslackadjasm_1.c/hexbolt_M8x55.c/ xslide_yslackadjasm_1.c/hexbolt_M8x55.c/
13:20.45 brlcad no
13:20.59 brlcad it's just one, like a filesystem path
13:21.12 brlcad /xslide_yslackadjasm_1.c/hexbolt_M8x55.c/path/all/the/way/to/some/primitive
13:21.26 brlcad then you *split* that somewhere
13:21.30 brlcad like
13:21.40 brlcad <PROTECTED>
13:21.44 Yoshi47 but that edits the whole comb, or can i specify just to move the hexbolt?
13:21.50 Yoshi47 ah
13:21.54 Yoshi47 i think im getting it
13:22.15 brlcad that means i'm intending to apply a matrix to the hexbolt_M8x55.c referenced in xslide_yslackadjasm_1.c
13:22.37 brlcad not all hexbolt_M8x55.c's, just the one
13:22.53 Yoshi47 cool
13:22.56 Yoshi47 i think i get it now,
13:23.05 brlcad if I wanted all of them, I'd either do /xslide_yslackadjasm_1.c/hexbolt_M8x55.c path/all/the/way/to/some/primitive
13:23.08 brlcad or just
13:23.28 brlcad <PROTECTED>
13:23.47 Yoshi47 ok
13:23.51 Yoshi47 that helps, thanks
13:23.54 brlcad "/" as the left hand side is effectively a special case
13:24.14 brlcad the oed tutorial covers in a lot more detail
13:24.31 Yoshi47 ya, im bad i only skimmed over it, i should go through it again
13:24.35 brlcad including why the (hell) you have to specify the path to a primitive
13:24.53 Yoshi47 reference point, no?
13:25.01 brlcad yeah .. implementation detail, it's the anchor point
13:25.09 brlcad rotation point
13:25.11 Yoshi47 yep figured that one out
13:25.17 Yoshi47 makes sense
13:25.29 brlcad combinations have no natural reference point as they're implicit
13:26.16 brlcad in the future, we might make it the center of their bounding box or something similar
13:28.22 Yoshi47 that would be a handy thing! lots of people would like that
13:30.18 brlcad sounds simple enough, but there's actually a surprising bit under the hood that would need to change to support that
13:36.25 ``Erik cuts away a very slight curve from a cube by subtractive a huge sphere... then wonders why the center of the bounding box is far far away from the final geometry O:-)
13:43.27 Yoshi47 just ignore any subtractions
13:52.51 ``Erik except if you subtract a combination that has a subtraction in it, that double negative makes it an adder
13:52.52 brlcad the same holds for intersections
13:54.42 brlcad it'll still result in unintuitive keypoints until boolean evaluation, which is part why it's non-trivial .. but even using bounding boxes it's still a bit of work
13:57.00 brlcad consider a (0,0,0)->(100,100,100) cube that is shifted slightly in the x-dir and subtracted (leaving a thin plate) -- whether you ignore the subtraction or not, it'll result in a keypoint at roughly (50,50,50)
13:57.13 brlcad no where near the evaluated geometry
13:57.19 Yoshi47 ah
13:57.22 Yoshi47 so true
13:58.34 brlcad you really want the bounding box of the evaluated result, but evaluating implicit booleans isn't quick or easy or directly possible (but becomes possible with a hybrid system)
13:59.07 brlcad even better, the center of mass, but that's even more expensive to evaluate
14:01.07 brlcad ``Erik: and that only happens in a pure boolean system, not with csg (subtracting something with a negative doesn't invert that negative space)
14:10.15 ``Erik there is that complication, but it's not clean like a pure boolean *shrug*
14:10.27 ``Erik (anyways, it's not as simple as "just ignore subtractions")
14:10.41 Yoshi47 got it
14:49.14 ``Erik ghostriding an mrap.. wow... I didn't think people that r-tarded could enlist anymore
14:50.56 starseeker starts in shock - the Ayam dude has implemented the Subdivision NURBS stuff from SIGGRAPH
14:51.19 starseeker we really need to get him to merge his stuff with BRL-CAD :-)
14:52.41 starseeker holy cow
14:53.17 Yoshi47 where?
14:53.45 ``Erik plenty of holy cow's in india, I believe
14:53.52 Yoshi47 lol
14:54.09 ``Erik or were ya asking about ?
14:54.24 Yoshi47 nope expecting your reply, lol
14:54.29 Yoshi47 i already looked that up
14:55.04 ``Erik mmmm delux dietyburger with cheese
14:55.06 ``Erik *drool*
14:55.12 starseeker
14:55.28 ``Erik is going to be reincarnated as a jock strap at this rate
15:04.22 d-lo thats a dismal fate if I've ever heard one....
15:04.47 starseeker oh, I see - he's actually linking to the GPL code for the snurbs part
15:04.54 starseeker poop
15:06.30 starseeker still neat, but not something we can use directly
15:06.46 starseeker oh well - we would have had to implement snurbs as a primitive anyhow
15:16.02 Yoshi47 is there autocomplete feature in mged CLI?
15:17.42 starseeker you mean tab completion? I think that's just in MGED Tcl/Tk currently
15:24.57 Yoshi47 yes, wheres that?
15:39.55 *** join/#brlcad _clock_ (
15:46.21 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
15:48.52 louipc there's tab completion in classic mode
15:52.23 brlcad there is, but there are some issues with it in classic (either works or it doesn't of course)
16:17.56 *** join/#brlcad KingofCSU (n=king@
16:43.59 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (
16:45.06 *** join/#brlcad KingofCSU (n=king@
16:57.48 ``Erik *burp* good old korean
16:58.50 KingofCSU Hello everyone I am new to BrlCAD. How to learn it?
16:59.11 brlcad KingofCSU: hello, start with the "Introduction to MGED" on the website
16:59.22 brlcad and it's "BRL-CAD", not BrlCAD ;)
17:00.13 KingofCSU I have see it and I think it is hard to make complex things
17:00.26 KingofCSU by using CSG
17:05.10 KingofCSU it is said there is Brep in BRL-CAD . where is it?
17:05.30 brlcad it's currently under development
17:05.39 KingofCSU oh
17:05.50 brlcad CSG isn't harder, it's just very different
17:06.04 Ralith KingofCSU: there are some very impressive proofs of this, if you'd like ^^
17:06.24 KingofCSU ? so
17:06.34 brlcad a good csg modeler is generally just as productive as a modeler using brep approaches
17:06.58 brlcad there are tradeoffs to both and shapes that lend themselves strongly to both
17:07.03 KingofCSU I am trying to learn the CSG
17:07.28 Ralith brlcad: did you ever render that impeller with the metal shader?
17:07.32 brlcad the tutorial series is the place to start, the learning curve is steep at first, but it gets a lot easier
17:07.34 Yoshi47 ?
17:07.43 Yoshi47 chrome!
17:07.54 brlcad Ralith: heh, I did but don't have it on hand at the moment
17:07.58 Ralith kk
17:08.04 Yoshi47 i do!
17:08.07 Ralith :D
17:08.18 brlcad but you remind me that I had another going over the weekend
17:08.25 Yoshi47 lol
17:08.27 Ralith Yoshi47: incidentally, did you ever write that walkthrough?
17:08.51 Yoshi47 going to be doing that soon, i have a couple of projects that need to get done first this week
17:09.08 Yoshi47 i will redo it from scratch and write the how to as i go along
17:09.17 Ralith cool :D
17:09.20 KingofCSU I am Chinese . poor English . lol
17:09.21 Ralith that'll be fun to read
17:09.22 Yoshi47 there is a couple areas i can improve on since i learnt more over the last few weeks
17:09.40 Ralith thinks it wouldn't hurt to be more familiar with mged as he plays with g3d
17:10.30 Yoshi47 fun to read?
17:10.38 KingofCSU brlcad: What should i do when i finish the the tutorial series?
17:10.47 Yoshi47 go over them again
17:10.48 Ralith Yoshi47: fun to read and model
17:11.23 Yoshi47 ya, should be fun to writw
17:11.25 KingofCSU Ok I will go over them . did them cover all things?
17:11.26 Yoshi47 *write
17:11.51 Ralith KingofCSU: it covers enough to start with, certainly.
17:12.06 KingofCSU any other thing to improve?
17:12.36 Yoshi47 practice making stuff on your desk
17:12.41 Yoshi47 and assemblies
17:13.00 Yoshi47 choose something simple cause it will be hard at first
17:13.22 KingofCSU Yoshi47: That is a good idea. I will try and thanks a lot for answer my Q?
17:14.26 Yoshi47 yep, no problem, im a newbie just like you, only been doing it for month, and if you look on you can see my bearing i did
17:14.43 Yoshi47 although not render nicely yet
17:15.27 KingofCSU One more Q. how to snap to something. It is hard to put something to a place exactly without the "p" comment?
17:15.49 Yoshi47 i haven't tried snapping yet
17:15.56 Yoshi47 but there is snap to grid
17:16.47 KingofCSU I see. I mean just like the 'blender' to snap a solid to a point or a midle of a solid just like that
17:17.34 Yoshi47 nope not that i have found and im pretty sure it doesn't exist right now
17:19.04 KingofCSU I follow the tutorial to make a goblet. and it is hard to put the sph exactly to the top of another. lol
17:19.40 Yoshi47 yep, i basically figure it out and use translate
17:19.59 Yoshi47 but you want a little overlap, as it does say that in the tutorial
17:20.38 Yoshi47 since in real life if your goblet balls only were connected by a thou of material it would break easily
17:21.17 KingofCSU by the way. I am a Chinese. sometime I have to use the dic to translate English to Chinese. make me slowly
17:22.45 Yoshi47 ah, you live in China too?
17:22.53 KingofCSU yep . you are right. so did the Brl-CAD have the "merge" command ?
17:22.58 KingofCSU yes I live in China
17:23.38 KingofCSU I mean the "union" is not same as "merge"
17:23.38 Yoshi47 merge? like you want to merge 2 parts together?
17:24.12 Yoshi47 keep following the tutorial it will get there.
17:24.44 KingofCSU I will.
17:26.38 KingofCSU how many BRL-CAD Tutorial Series there are? four? or more
17:28.04 Yoshi47 some more tutorial also i don't know if they are part of the series. here is an impeller i did while learning BRL-CAD
17:28.17 Yoshi47 and brlcad rendered it for me
17:28.31 KingofCSU Thanks I will check it.
17:28.42 Yoshi47 took me at least 8 hours to do that
17:29.00 KingofCSU beautiful
17:29.42 Yoshi47 and this took me a week the first time while learning the program, and then i lost the database so i had to redo and i redid the whoel thing in under 1.5hours
17:29.56 brlcad KingofCSU: the tutorial series should take a day at least to go through without skimming (it's useless to skim it), should ask again after that or have something in mind to model of your own then work on that after the tutorials
17:30.50 Yoshi47 yep i agree!
17:31.07 KingofCSU thanks for your advice
17:31.40 Yoshi47 and don't give up!
17:32.06 Yoshi47 Ralith, i think i need another 22" for at home when i do the tutorial on the impeller!
17:32.47 KingofCSU I must to go bed now it is 01:32a.m. here .
17:32.57 Yoshi47 cya
17:33.08 KingofCSU cya
17:39.16 brlcad fwiw, our union is a 'merge' operation, with no interior surfaces preserved ..
17:40.24 ``Erik practices his evil laugh a bit before hitting commit
17:40.36 brlcad the idea of "union" preserving interior surfaces is a brep-bastardization implementation detail of only having boundaries and a "union" meaning to union the boundaries instead of the volumes
17:48.17 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r35858 10/brlcad/trunk/ (39 files in 36 dirs): Append v4 import/export functions with a '4'.
17:49.15 brlcad er
17:49.39 ``Erik O.o
17:49.52 brlcad waits for the diff
17:50.48 ``Erik now v4 doesn't have the good names, they're just as ugly as v5 :D
17:51.59 brlcad heh, those aren't the ones exactly that I had in mind
17:52.08 brlcad but actually good to be consistent there
17:52.16 brlcad and none of those I'd consider "public", so all good
17:52.28 ``Erik those're the ones I was talking about moving into dbupgrade eventually
17:52.49 brlcad there's a lot more than those needed to support v4
17:53.09 brlcad it's the others that are problematic
17:54.16 ``Erik heh, like which? (I was just looking for a bit of distraction before diving into more adrt/isst shtuff or metaball shtuff or marching cubes or anything)
17:54.32 brlcad about half of the funcs in src/librt/db_*.c
17:54.51 brlcad those are the ones that are public api and can't/shouldn't change
17:55.09 ``Erik ah, I didn't want to touch those just yet, that'd be more v6 offsite fodder
17:56.13 brlcad maybe, but librt could use some other refactoring love before getting to that
17:56.30 ``Erik ayup
17:56.48 brlcad like encapsulating the other db objects from the core lib (attributes, binary objects, combinations, ..)
17:56.56 brlcad like the primitives
17:57.39 brlcad refactoring rt_functab away into a set of api routines (rt_import(), rt_export(), rt_shot(), rt_tess(), etc)
17:58.23 ``Erik inside of a 'primitive_s' struct? or *shudder* c++? (objC?)
17:58.48 brlcad migrating timing facilities to libbu, root solving to libbn
17:59.06 brlcad hm?? no
17:59.16 brlcad same signature for the most part
17:59.25 ``Erik <-- is taking his afternoon nap, btw O.o :D
17:59.55 brlcad instead of rt_sph_export(...), it'd be more like rt_export(sph, ...)
18:00.22 brlcad using either the ID like it is now or (better) using an rt_db_internal handle
18:00.29 ``Erik hm
18:01.06 brlcad that's what all the mirror migration has been about, first one to go through the motions but from start to finish
18:01.07 ``Erik and rt_export() would do...?
18:01.15 ``Erik ah
18:01.29 brlcad rt_tess() is probably a better example
18:01.41 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r35859 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/rhc/rhc_brep.cpp:
18:01.41 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: It's always something stupid. Needed to flip the straight line around. This
18:01.41 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: isn't a true rhc in the sense that the curved edge isn't yet mapped to the
18:01.41 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 'correct' hyberbolic curve per the inputs, but the basic idea of the shape is
18:01.42 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: now working.
18:02.01 ``Erik rt_tess() would be a nice jump point for something like marching cubes, I'd imagine
18:02.31 brlcad instead of rt_sph_tess(...), becomes rt_tess(sph, ...) where you pass in the object to tessellate (even if all it does internally is use the functab and call rt_sph_tess() under the hood)
18:03.20 brlcad right, then the functab calls become part of the API and you don't need to know object types -- you just pass in the database internal pointer
18:03.59 brlcad gets back to writing
18:05.06 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
18:13.12 Yoshi47 i love not having to save!
18:14.07 d-lo brlcad: writing what? if ya don't mind me askin.
18:14.31 Yoshi47 my wole db for sweetspot is only 323kB! well that is only the x slide design.
18:15.19 starseeker Yoshi47: just out of curiosity - try running g-asc and then asc-g and see if that gives you a smaller file (back up the original first though!)
18:15.36 Yoshi47 ok
18:16.37 Yoshi47 starseeker, you mean g2asc
18:16.43 starseeker er, yeah
18:18.02 Yoshi47 699.0kB in asc format
18:18.22 starseeker now convert that asc back to a .g
18:18.26 starseeker asc2g
18:18.53 Yoshi47 323.6kB orginal and now its 312.4kB
18:19.04 starseeker hmm, ok :-)
18:19.08 starseeker a little, not much
18:20.34 Yoshi47 how does it minimize that?
18:20.46 Yoshi47 what does it get rid of?
18:21.38 Yoshi47 i think i need a faster computer!
18:30.46 brlcad d-lo: abstracts
18:32.44 brlcad Yoshi47: when objects are deleted/killed, their space is released but only reused when something of similar/smaller size will fit, kind of like disk fragmentation
18:33.12 Yoshi47 ah
18:33.29 brlcad there is a garbage_collect command that does something similar, but g2asc+asc2g is another "double-blind" way
18:45.42 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r35860 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/ (bot/bot_brep.cpp ebm/ebm_brep.cpp poly/poly_brep.cpp):
18:45.42 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: Get some of the 'easy' csg-brep added - these primitives will just convert to
18:45.42 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: nmg and use that routine. ars has some longer term interesting possibilities,
18:45.42 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: but for replicating existing surfaces this should do OK. ebm, which
18:45.44 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: fundamentally uses pixels and has square edges (however small) should also be a
18:45.46 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: fairly clean if fairly massive workable nmg conversion.
18:46.03 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r35861 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/ Oh yeah, add the entries.
18:46.16 brlcad and misc and cmake
18:46.26 starseeker ah, right
18:47.22 brlcad keep a continuous distcheck going somewhere (wopr's good for that), should keep things clean
18:49.51 Yoshi47 is there any way to speed up my wireframe rotating and panning?
18:49.56 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r35862 10/brlcad/trunk/ (misc/win32-msvc8/librt/librt.vcproj src/librt/CMakeLists.txt): Add other build file updates.
18:50.17 Yoshi47 without getting rid of the bolts
18:51.02 starseeker Yoshi47: are you using an opengl or an X display manager?
18:51.17 Yoshi47 pretty sure opengl
18:51.17 starseeker on some platforms ogl will be a bit faster
18:51.22 starseeker hrm
18:51.34 Yoshi47 running xfce4
18:53.34 Yoshi47 is there a way to see draw this but only show details up to a certain measurement
18:53.47 starseeker not currently that I know of
18:54.00 starseeker level of detail is something we've been wanting to have for a while now
18:55.20 Yoshi47 guess im going to have to find a way to hide a certain part
18:58.19 brlcad Yoshi47: run "mged -c", what does it say after attach?
18:59.25 Yoshi47 (nu|X)[nu]?
19:00.21 brlcad Yoshi47: part surrogation is generally done manually pretty easily with "cp part expensive_part ; kill part ; cp cheap_part part" .. just take care to back up your work
19:00.43 brlcad then to restore, just the reverse to put expensive_part back in place as that part
19:00.56 Yoshi47 ya i guess that would work
19:01.39 brlcad only a problem if you have a ton of parts like that which you need to surrogate
19:01.44 Yoshi47 and i could just replace the threads on the bolt with a rcc for now
19:01.51 brlcad right
19:02.09 Yoshi47 and when i do the rendering i can change it back
19:02.32 brlcad another way is to have a high-res and a low-res copy of the higher-level assembly/part
19:02.41 brlcad so you have two top-levels
19:02.46 Yoshi47 im waiting for a chunk of 3x1" ALM to fall in the cut off bin here!
19:03.03 Yoshi47 ah
19:03.08 Yoshi47 now you got me thinking
19:03.39 brlcad you use all the same objects except for the few expensive ones, so it's pretty compact and will get most changes
19:04.20 brlcad that attach prompt means your using X11 protocol to display the wireframe presently, so you probably would get a speed boost by compiling brl-cad with opengl support enabled
19:04.45 Yoshi47 how much boost?
19:04.56 brlcad too many factors to say
19:05.44 Yoshi47 ok
19:05.46 brlcad at worse, it won't work at all or will be about the same performance-wise; at best, could be 10x faster
19:05.58 Yoshi47 umm
19:06.25 Yoshi47 or i stick the Quadro card in my computer thats in the closet? but you said before that would really help?
19:06.56 brlcad and by "won't work at all", I mean it can conceivably crash X and your kernel if you have really crappy drivers and a buggy version of X11
19:07.37 brlcad you're probably draw-limited at the moment
19:08.01 brlcad so many overlapping lines, so the quadro will only help some if it can do 2d blits faster
19:08.03 d-lo brlcad: more spam on the mailing list :/
19:08.20 brlcad d-lo: er, which list?
19:08.31 brlcad I see no spam here
19:09.09 brlcad nor did I receive the one you replied to .. someone could be spoofing our list as a return address to you specifically
19:09.25 d-lo brlcad-commits
19:09.47 Yoshi47 well im going to try that card right now, see you on the up side
19:09.49 Yoshi47 bye
19:09.50 Yoshi47 exit
19:10.22 brlcad forward it to me directly
19:10.28 brlcad cause I didn't get anything
19:11.41 d-lo kk done.
19:12.26 brlcad huh, I see one that made it into the archive yesterday
19:12.30 brlcad place where we can chat
19:14.14 brlcad wow, there have been several .. yet I haven't received any of them
19:14.15 d-lo bummer :/
19:14.30 *** join/#brlcad Yoshi47 (
19:14.54 brlcad starseeker: have you been getting them?
19:14.56 brlcad or anyone else?
19:16.41 Yoshi47 yep card only sped up it 2x maybe
19:16.59 Yoshi47 now it will help to go opengl
19:19.04 starseeker brlcad: I think I saw one
19:19.17 louipc opengl makes mged way faster for me
19:19.33 louipc and with my recent build it works perfectly :D
19:20.04 Yoshi47 you want to try and swing my xslide.c around
19:20.18 louipc hmm ok
19:20.55 louipc what's that?
19:21.11 Yoshi47
19:21.17 Yoshi47 B xslide.c
19:22.26 louipc woo
19:22.40 Yoshi47 woo or ooww
19:22.51 louipc both
19:22.53 Yoshi47 ouch?
19:22.57 louipc my computer is slow anyways hahh
19:22.59 Yoshi47 does it lag?
19:23.04 louipc yeah
19:23.07 Yoshi47 lol
19:23.13 Yoshi47 those bolts are nasty
19:24.19 louipc how'd you do the threads?
19:25.09 brlcad starseeker: just one?
19:25.19 brlcad it says there were about 15 in the last month
19:25.43 brlcad pretty steady at a rate of about one every other day going back several months .. oddly haven't seen any that I can recall
19:26.33 brlcad something must be filtering them before I even see them .. wonder if it's something is doing, or on my end
19:26.34 Yoshi47 got it of
19:26.50 Yoshi47 hex database
19:27.38 louipc oh
19:29.09 brlcad starseeker: looks like you're set up for digest .. do you see any in your previous digests?
19:31.22 starseeker brlcad: can't tell from here - they get copied to my home machine
19:31.23 Yoshi47 louipc, now can you give my file back so you don't rip my design off?
19:31.47 louipc uh where do I put it?
19:31.50 brlcad i see how they're sending .. there's presently an exemption for any addresses, so they're folks that go through the effort to create an account and post
19:32.32 Yoshi47 just run it throug dd
19:32.49 Yoshi47 and then delete it and write zeros there instead
19:33.00 Yoshi47 and then put it through the file shredder
19:33.14 louipc shouldn't the zeros be enough?
19:33.16 d-lo wow, spammers are having to work now eh? thats funny.
19:33.40 Yoshi47 ya i guess
19:33.48 louipc ok
19:33.50 Yoshi47 anyways im going home
19:33.56 Yoshi47 cya guys tonight maybe
19:33.59 louipc there are too many top elements in this model :P
19:34.21 louipc cheers
19:34.29 Yoshi47 top elements?
19:34.41 louipc `tops`
19:35.18 louipc there should just be one called 'machine' hahh
19:35.26 louipc or something
19:36.30 Yoshi47 B sweetspot.c
19:36.41 Yoshi47 i call my machine sweetspot
19:36.56 louipc ah why's that?
19:37.34 Yoshi47 well its going to be a CNC gauntry router so i would like to get the tolerence tight enough to hit the sweetspot!
19:38.12 louipc what's the sweetspot?
19:38.19 *** join/#brlcad samrose_ (
19:38.19 Yoshi47 half thou
19:38.41 Yoshi47 anyways cya!
19:38.47 louipc bye
19:42.24 brlcad d-lo: let me know if you see any others .. I think that config change should help
19:43.57 d-lo kk, will do.
19:48.47 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r35863 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: test commit, archer has interactive editing support
19:49.12 brlcad well looks like I didn't kill commits altogether
19:49.30 brlcad did you get spam on any of the other lists?
19:49.49 d-lo dunno. I will start paying more attention now.
19:49.58 brlcad i suspect not because most of the rest only allow subscribed to send to them, if at all
19:51.02 brlcad commits doesn't work that way as everything arrives as the subscribed address doesn't match the sender's address (commits come from
20:00.20 ``Erik the more I muddle with objc and cocoa, the more I kinda dig it
20:02.22 brlcad it really is pretty swank
20:03.06 brlcad the biggest detractor (at least for open source) is just the platform tie-in
20:04.36 ``Erik hum, wonder what the state of gnustep is these days
20:04.43 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
20:06.19 ``Erik the smalltalkiness makes me happy, but the inability to do multimessages (even though the multiple parameter method definition LOOKS like an attempt at multimessages) makes me sad
20:19.27 brlcad still major props to apple for adding blocks to obj-c with the new rev
20:21.36 brlcad meh on multimessages though, minor syntax boost to not just say the object name N times and instead just say semicolon or whatever
20:23.02 brlcad multiple params isn't an attempt, no diff than smalltalks multiparams. the message is just the concat param1:param2:param3:
20:33.07 ``Erik ah, closures, yeah... need to get my work box on leopard (or snow leopard) so'z I can get those here
20:51.15 starseeker brlcad: what's a cline?
21:05.11 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r35864 10/brlcad/trunk/ (4 files in 3 dirs): Add in vol-nmg-brep.
21:38.38 brlcad starseeker: an old-school "pipe" description
21:38.53 brlcad connected line segments
21:39.32 brlcad with an inner/outer diameter like pipe has but just one bend radius (spherical joints connect them)
21:39.35 *** join/#brlcad talcite_ (
21:42.47 brlcad the fast4-g importer is the only thing I know of that creates them
21:43.06 brlcad CLINE is one of the FASTGEN entities
21:43.44 brlcad would make sense to convert them all over to pipes, of course, and deprecate/remove the old cline primitive, but the effort=>payoff is really minimal
23:48.34 ``Erik heh "forth: all the power of assembly with all the ease of use of assembly" hehehe

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