IRC log for #brlcad on 20091002

00:00.49 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
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00:16.32 Ralith ``Erik: not atm
00:16.37 Ralith the latter, probably
00:16.42 Ralith I can rememdy that though
00:16.43 Ralith why?
00:17.40 ``Erik in case you wanted to see isst in action
00:20.10 louipc heheh IriX64 just told me that he has brl-cad working on vista 64, with the obligatory screen shot
00:24.02 starseeker woooot!
00:24.05 starseeker is online once more
00:24.12 ``Erik damnit
00:24.14 ``Erik there goes the neighborhood
00:24.20 ``Erik 70's boy is back online
00:24.35 starseeker 70's?? more like 40's
00:24.46 ``Erik mirror walls, shag carpet
00:24.52 starseeker ah, yes :-)
00:24.57 ``Erik are your appliance alvacado, or goldenrod? :D
00:25.02 starseeker mirror wall check, shag carpet (thankfully) no
00:25.03 ``Erik appliances
00:25.10 starseeker off-white
00:25.22 louipc all of that sounds awesome to me
00:25.27 ``Erik really off white? like alvacado? ;)
00:25.51 ``Erik (so gettin' my arse kicked tomorrow)
00:26.02 starseeker nah, still too tired
00:26.10 starseeker although brlcad has got to be even more shot
00:26.22 brlcad nah
00:26.59 ``Erik something about a bigassed needle full of adrenaline through the rib cage and straight into the heart, he's wired so bad his eyes are as messed up as uma's
00:27.04 ``Erik :D *duck*
00:27.16 brlcad ah, heh, welcome back to the addiction starseeker
00:27.28 brlcad mm.. uma
00:27.41 brlcad could be a good kill biller time
00:28.03 brlcad or I could catch the two heroes i've not seen yet
00:28.06 ``Erik (was actually a pulp fiction crack, but *shrug* whatever's good)
00:28.28 brlcad *snort* "damn, I said god damn!"
00:28.49 brlcad one of my fav quotes/scenes in pulp
00:29.19 brlcad just finished making some of the best spaghetti evar
00:29.27 ``Erik finishes up his lasagna
00:30.59 starseeker wonders just how many updates he has waiting to compile...
00:32.05 ``Erik heh "if I'm gay, then freddy mercury was gay!"
00:40.36 starseeker winces - 111 packages
00:40.49 starseeker oh, well... time to stress the local power grid
00:42.12 louipc laffs
00:42.40 starseeker sees subversion related items in the list and updates BRL-CAD before starting the process
00:43.01 ``Erik wow, I'm glad I use freebsd and macports so I don't have to deal with all that O.o
00:43.25 louipc wouldn't you if you wanted to update all your apps?
00:43.42 ``Erik </sarcasm>
00:43.51 starseeker ``Erik: oh, it SHOULD work - the last time I updated it and it broke, it was upstreams fault
00:44.00 starseeker tends to run on the cutting edge
00:44.38 starseeker too many cool changes recently for me to want to get stuck on the old code for any longer
00:44.39 louipc I'm on the bleeding edge too, but I don't have to build 95% of it heh
00:45.18 starseeker actually prefers it that way - there's a sort of purity in knowing your system can build itself from source code
00:45.47 louipc winks
00:46.16 ``Erik psst, starseeker, I think he's hittin' on ya
00:47.05 starseeker nah, he just wants my mirror wall
00:47.19 starseeker oh, I need to check out Haiku again
01:58.22 brlcad ``Erik: may be reading it wrong, but that obj-g memset is sizeof(pointer)
01:58.44 brlcad just bu_calloc instead and should be "sure"
01:59.52 brlcad otherwise, needs to be sizeof(struct whatever)
02:00.54 brlcad yay, looks like tcl folks are finally looking into our command length patch
02:01.37 yukonbob waves in
02:01.40 yukonbob which patch?
02:11.26 ``Erik brlcad: I think I made that fix but didn't commit it? O.o dun remmeber, have to look at the src at work
02:11.36 ``Erik it's in mid thrash :D
02:12.46 ``Erik the original was banged out on a saturday and committed wtihout testing, gotta make things, y'know, work now
02:34.55 brlcad you made some commits, that's only reason I noticed the snippet
02:53.13 brlcad yeah, you took out the sizeof()
03:13.11 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
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03:17.31 *** join/#brlcad louipc (n=louipc@archlinux/trusteduser/louipc)
04:48.51 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36139 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/obj-g.c: callocified
05:36.39 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
05:38.28 *** part/#brlcad IriX64 (
06:47.21 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
06:47.21 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || Release 7.14.8 posted (20090511) || GSoC2009 Next Step: upload your code to google, wait for shirt ;) thanks everyone! || Logs at
07:14.49 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (n=akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)
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10:00.23 *** join/#brlcad roberthl (
12:05.30 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r36140 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/obj-g.c: use bu_fgets. update facemax.
12:21.37 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r36141 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/obj-g.c: fix multiple group parsing
13:05.00 *** join/#brlcad BigAToo (n=BigAToo@
14:43.20 CIA-28 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r36142 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/obj-g.c: stubs for more commands
17:27.25 ``Erik whoa, screw that, I'm just gonna do a small subset of obj
17:31.11 *** join/#brlcad mafm (n=mafm@
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18:19.33 starseeker brlcad: hmm, seems to be having some issues
18:19.49 starseeker well, in the meantime I'll use another one
18:20.04 brlcad starseeker: yeah, fs was full
18:20.17 starseeker brlcad: anyway - I have a debugging backtrace on the failure of ogl to attach on OSX:
18:20.24 starseeker
18:29.04 brlcad starseeker: yeah, that trace looks familiar
18:30.03 starseeker not helpful, eh?
18:38.08 brlcad not really unfortunately -- the display pointer looks alright, and you can't get any data info for functions lower than Tk_InternAtom()
18:38.29 starseeker hmm. How do we attack this then?
18:38.47 brlcad i mean, it feels like the x11 incompat from a while back
18:39.03 brlcad remember that debian bug?
18:39.33 starseeker ick
18:39.34 brlcad there was a hack we could apply to tk to fix it, and there was a fix to x11 as well
18:39.53 starseeker so it's not something at our level you think?
18:40.24 brlcad I'm sure we're provoking it *somehow* .. but yeah, not clear if it's actually something wrong on our end
18:40.44 brlcad does this result in the BadAtom abort?
18:41.04 brlcad or just crashes?
18:41.14 starseeker just crashes
18:41.27 brlcad what's the setup? running local on mac 10.5 to local mac x11 ?
18:41.35 starseeker yep
18:41.48 brlcad is this an enable-all ?
18:42.19 starseeker yep
18:42.34 brlcad what does otool -L look like on the binary?
18:43.39 starseeker want pastebin?
18:44.02 brlcad it's highly suspicious that it crashes in Tk_InternalAtom .. and there are other reports of a Linux x11 client to mac server failing out (cleanly) with an X11 BadAtom failure
18:44.13 brlcad sure
18:46.17 starseeker
18:47.21 brlcad hm, that looks good
18:48.27 brlcad oh ,sweet! ..
18:50.01 starseeker hah!
19:06.17 starseeker diffing running the same debugging steps on both dm_X and dm_ogl, these are the only differences that occur prior to the X atom stuff:
19:06.39 starseeker nothing null in there I can see
19:07.03 brlcad that's not null
19:07.08 starseeker unless it's the missing "T" in private13
19:07.23 brlcad it's 0xc i.e. 12
19:20.43 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
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19:29.27 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (
19:33.01 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (
19:42.33 brlcad is having major net issues for some reason .. can't load web pages
19:43.10 starseeker growls at X11 + ogl + OSX...
19:52.51 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (
20:11.15 starseeker brlcad: I don't suppose the Togl widget would help us any?
20:12.23 brlcad how so?
20:12.59 starseeker perhaps it has a different way of managing Tk/ogl interactions?
20:13.17 brlcad there is already the start of a tk dm
20:14.15 starseeker apparently all of our display managers incorporate Tk?
20:15.50 brlcad no
20:16.28 brlcad mged's tk sets up a window, our dm draws into it using whatever protocol
20:16.52 brlcad so there's an interaction there
20:17.26 starseeker hmm
20:17.49 starseeker so setting up a non-tk window would require a fair bit of libdm code?
20:19.46 brlcad you can't without making all of mged's gui non-tk
20:20.01 brlcad libdm knows nothing of tk
20:21.19 brlcad this is unbearable .. can barely use the network
20:21.27 starseeker But (for example) dm_ogl.c uses Tk_Window types (sorry if I'm being dense)
20:23.29 brlcad ah, yeah -- sorry didn't know that's what you meant
20:24.38 brlcad "libdm knows nothing of tk" should have been "libdm knows nothing of tk-mged"
20:24.44 starseeker nods
20:24.57 brlcad it still chats tk to either create the window or embed into a window
20:25.12 starseeker will that need to change for the new GUI?
20:25.26 brlcad if we want to use libdm, yes
20:25.42 brlcad otherwise, if it does it's own thing, won't matter
20:26.26 starseeker ah
20:27.44 brlcad the original purpose of libdm is no longer relevant, I wouldn't mind it going away
20:27.53 brlcad it's purpose was abstracting away *hardware* differences
20:28.16 starseeker oh, OK :-)
20:29.01 brlcad it's still relevant for supporting entirely different output formats, like graphical display vs network display vs plot files vs image buffers, etc
20:29.23 brlcad but not necessarily for the myriad of graphical displays for wgl/ogl/tk/x11/whatever
20:30.04 brlcad there are projects that do a better job abstracting that than we do (namely sdl, tk, ogre, clanlib, etc)
20:30.43 ``Erik heh, clanlib, that's one I haven't heard in a long time
20:31.06 brlcad it's ripe for major refactoring, because there is a lot of useful logic there
20:31.06 brlcad especially with something radically different like rtgl
20:31.47 starseeker sounds like a candidate for a 2 hour "educate the clueless new programmer" design discussion ;-0
20:31.54 starseeker ;-) even
20:32.16 brlcad the way tk was shoe-horned in for window creation is unfortunately messy, shouldn't be any direct tk in libdm except for the tk dm
20:34.21 brlcad with bob working on an ogre dm, that makes for a convenient bridging path from old to new
20:36.36 brlcad ``Erik: what's surprising is how well those guys keep at it over this many years .. :)
20:36.46 brlcad they've picked up activity massively this past year
20:37.01 ``Erik back in college, a buddy of mine (ken) and I were trying to make a worms2 clone with it
20:37.08 ``Erik it was... really... crappy :D
20:37.44 brlcad they were handicapped for years because of no 3dd support
20:37.57 ``Erik yeh, and we were probably using the blit routines wrong
20:38.03 ``Erik was hard to make it ok on a 166mhz pentium
20:38.11 brlcad heh, that'd do it
20:38.22 ``Erik yet worms2 ran swank on that machine, with no 3d accelerator in it
20:38.54 ``Erik (BUT, the pentium had... ooh, MMX!)
20:39.01 brlcad plus back then, the clanlib guys were in college too :)
20:39.09 ``Erik yeh
20:39.22 ``Erik looking at the history, it musta been really fresh back then
20:39.45 brlcad they've been working on a new GUI system for it, which if they can get fleshed out might give them a really nice niche to carve out for themselves
20:39.48 ``Erik first public release '99, this was probably in late '99 or '00
20:40.31 ``Erik personally, lispbuilder is what's making me put the throwpillow on my lap at this point
20:41.43 *** join/#brlcad poolio (n=poolio@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
20:41.57 ``Erik dynamic redefinition in a live environment + heavy MVC configuration... :) ^C^C and the 'draw' function changes in the running program, no need to reload data or nothin'
20:42.03 ``Erik *doingggngngnng*
20:43.34 *** join/#brlcad d-lo (n=claymore@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
20:45.16 starseeker well, that was weird
20:45.39 starseeker xterm froze, closed it, reopened, logged back in, and still had to detatch and reattach screen
20:46.31 ``Erik that happens once in a while
20:47.00 ``Erik the sighup doesn't make it to all the xterms child processes, so bash thinks it's still connected, so screen thinks its' still attached
20:47.52 starseeker humph
20:48.16 starseeker wonders if there has been any more progress in the state of the art Qt+Ogre
20:48.38 starseeker Ogre forums suck for this kind of thing...
20:49.08 ``Erik what kind of thing, finding information? :D *duck*
20:49.16 starseeker yep
20:49.46 ``Erik starseeker: seen okra?
20:50.11 starseeker no - what is it?
20:50.13 ``Erik okra+buclet might be nifty
20:50.16 ``Erik cl ogre
20:50.25 ``Erik buclet is cl bullet
20:50.33 starseeker heh - cool
20:57.51 brlcad starseeker: their folks work (i.e., have discussions) via their forums like how we work on irc
20:58.17 brlcad if you want to know something, best to ask there instead if searching doesn't come up
20:59.02 ``Erik has noticed that panda looks that way on the outside (and newbies are directed to the forums), but there's an awful lot that happens on irc in spats if you wait long enough
21:02.51 brlcad there is some that happens on irc, but most of their core devs aren't
21:03.15 brlcad so you can get some info, but mostly anecdotal unless that particular dev is here
21:13.05 ``Erik yowza, that takes me back heh
21:13.46 ``Erik crank up the main loop, update the code while running, bug causes the main loop to crash... just like kernal hacking on the c64 with a monitor :D
21:14.16 starseeker posted a question - we'll see what happens
21:14.47 ``Erik assumes lithpth exception system could be convinced to allow the program to throw an error and continue, but doesn't know it yet :D
21:15.17 ``Erik brlcad: set your dvr for 'stargate universe' tonight?
21:24.29 brlcad don't have dvr any more, mostly all on-line
21:24.43 brlcad but I'll probably try to watch that one live unless I forget
21:32.25 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
21:32.25 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || Release 7.14.8 posted (20090511) || GSoC2009 Next Step: upload your code to google, wait for shirt ;) thanks everyone! || Logs at
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