IRC log for #brlcad on 20091003

00:15.06 *** join/#brlcad learner (
00:15.36 ``Erik heh
00:15.44 learner yeah..
00:15.53 ``Erik intarwebz get away from ya?
00:15.57 learner so it's thrashing.. trying to regain control
00:16.08 ``Erik it?
00:16.10 learner .bz
00:16.13 ``Erik ah
00:16.15 ``Erik :/
00:16.26 ``Erik I ain't fucked with shit on that machine, just provided a place to move to.
00:16.37 ``Erik whta's it thrashing on?
00:16.42 learner less
00:16.58 ``Erik less doesn't cause thrashes.
00:17.13 learner was grepping log files, less'ing them .. less would run out of memory, then it'd proceed to write out a 512MB core file
00:17.21 ``Erik ah
00:17.30 learner the kernel would insist on writing the core file, even if unlinked
00:17.38 learner and on a full fs, nonetheless
00:17.40 ``Erik that kernel wouldn't have thrashed like that :/
00:17.48 ``Erik even in good state, none the less the wreck it is
00:18.09 ``Erik dude
00:18.12 ``Erik cut&run
00:18.21 ``Erik I'll stay up as long as I can to aid in migration
00:18.24 learner so there are like three less procs all crashed, supposedly writing out
00:18.28 ``Erik it's 3 years past time.
00:18.32 learner well right now I can't even get in
00:18.49 learner are you logged in?
00:18.59 ``Erik no
00:19.10 ``Erik I'm afraid to try if it's resource swamped
00:19.29 ``Erik seiral terminal would be good here about now
00:19.36 learner yup, I have a request in
00:19.44 ``Erik not hot line?
00:20.22 ``Erik is boggled that they don't have a 24/7 line for that kinda $'s
00:21.18 ``Erik heh, first time in like three months that I go get fucked up and the machine goes fitshaced. O.o
00:22.45 ``Erik hm, apparently a hand held radio control unit is insufficient, they now have voice controlled remove control vehicles.
00:23.11 *** join/#brlcad d-lo (n=claymore@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
00:23.16 ``Erik wb, dave
00:24.00 brlcad yay
00:24.20 ``Erik so the old box is live?
00:24.26 brlcad there is a 24/7 line
00:24.35 brlcad they're fast on the ticket system though
00:24.49 brlcad and I can put better details there
00:24.58 ``Erik I'm a bit sad... was hoping for pressure to force a migration to the new hw
00:25.01 ``Erik :)
00:25.41 ``Erik now the redundancy argument is forefront.
00:25.44 ``Erik *sigh*
00:27.48 brlcad can't exactly force migration if I can't get on the box to migrate :P
00:28.03 ``Erik is crit not repsonding?
00:28.50 ``Erik no, all teh shit on crit that I haven't tested is because it relies on proper reversable hostnames being set
00:29.19 ``Erik I can't fire up the zomfg config of apache because it does a dns lookup and does not own the IP's it wants to server.
00:29.38 ``Erik bind and mysqld should just pop right up
00:30.14 ``Erik took it as far as he can
00:30.21 ``Erik many many many months ago
00:33.09 starseeker anything I can do?
00:35.13 brlcad dance?
00:35.33 starseeker heh
00:35.52 brlcad ``Erik: i know, and appreciated!
00:36.22 starseeker will delete stuff off of bz if that will help anything
00:36.32 brlcad the websites are what have to be migrated, and those can all happen pretty much right away, but just need to go one at a time to make sure they come up clean
00:36.41 brlcad and for the db-centric ones, attach to their db
00:36.48 brlcad engorges on indian food
00:36.53 brlcad preps for SGU
00:50.33 brlcad you say that every couple months you know
00:50.36 brlcad you're not using any space
00:52.53 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
00:54.17 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
01:00.39 learner and so it begins....
01:04.24 ``Erik almost all the websites were fulyl migrated, as well as teh db...
01:04.39 ``Erik the zomfg transition will have to cause pain... tehre ain't no way around it
01:05.24 ``Erik it can be mitigated by doing service at atime
01:05.29 ``Erik but we aint' doin' that...
01:05.39 ``Erik <-- watches stargate universe, since he doesn't have a tivo
01:06.09 ``Erik fucking migrate it, if I'm needed, the people who need to know DO know my phone number
01:08.06 ``Erik (it's all good, if I get a phone call, then I watch this show at BRL-CAD's pad while he pours me dandy scotch ont he rocks, it's all good)
01:08.51 ``Erik mcgyver's gettin' effin' OLD
01:11.39 starseeker brlcad: I know, but sometimes a few megs can make all the difference in a tight corner
01:12.04 ``Erik heh, and here I was about to regenerate /usr/ports O:-)
01:12.42 ``Erik (yes. I gutted irrelevant parts of the OS to keep the machine running. Really.)
01:12.43 starseeker flinches when he sees those disk full warnings
01:13.21 ``Erik like, we're leaving this land, torch shit to make apath...
01:13.26 ``Erik over a year ago.
01:13.26 ``Erik :(
01:14.20 ``Erik wonders if brlcad grosk how much damage was done to avoid total shutdown
01:15.14 ``Erik (pretty much "gcc? bah, no one should be compiling anything here... gut majoy piecs of the compiler"
01:15.17 ``Erik )
01:15.35 ``Erik damn irc logs
01:16.00 starseeker yeah, I offer to delete every few months cause I keep forgetting just how huge the logs get
01:16.12 ``Erik you're not the one
01:16.20 starseeker some part of me still thinks a 1 Gig disk is a huge amount of space, I think
01:16.23 learner so far, a good start
01:16.45 starseeker glances at the 1 terabyte external drive he got for <$200 and reflects how silly that is...
01:17.33 learner yeah, even more insane how much the ISP charges for something a quarter that size and double the price
01:18.09 learner oof, ate too much
01:18.10 ``Erik learner: the thing you set up for her, does it automagically bzip2?
01:18.47 ``Erik I'll second you on scriptthink to cron it
01:21.19 learner don't think it's automatic
01:21.48 starseeker hmm
01:21.56 starseeker ah, there it is
01:21.59 ``Erik give it a manual pump, think of what the lasting effect is?
01:22.43 starseeker locates the tarball of Multics he made
01:22.48 starseeker first thing I uploaded to bz :-)
01:23.02 ``Erik heh
01:23.10 ``Erik wonders where his vgr disk image is
01:23.21 starseeker they had the code up on a website but no tarball - me fixed that problem :-)
01:23.51 brlcad I did get her to change config so it at least breaks out logs daily now, so rsync isn't so painful
01:24.06 ``Erik ja, ntoiced that
01:24.14 ``Erik bzip2 would still be nice for local disk space :D
01:24.36 ``Erik haven't done an rsync in a fiar bit, was waiting for ya'll to do the migratrion
01:25.21 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
01:25.45 ``Erik I d'no, I'm thinking this is pretty bad, but my mum thinks it's decent :/
01:26.13 brlcad wow 4.5 GB of *just* freenode notifications
01:26.20 ``Erik YEAH, NO SHIT?
01:26.21 ``Erik ..
01:26.42 ``Erik no, I'm pointing my finger at her just for shits and giggles. :(
01:27.17 ``Erik dare ya to look at cpu used since last boot.
01:27.32 ``Erik here's a hint, the top couple consumers? irssi.
01:27.43 ``Erik above mysql even
01:30.46 *** join/#brlcad louipc (n=louipc@archlinux/trusteduser/louipc)
01:37.29 starseeker ``Erik: what's pretty bad?
01:44.43 *** part/#brlcad IriX64 (
02:27.41 *** join/#brlcad roberthl (
02:33.32 Ralith ``Erik: weird.
02:33.38 Ralith 'course, it is perl
02:33.45 Ralith not the most efficient tool in the shed.
02:35.34 starseeker Ralith: how goes school?
02:37.30 Ralith pretty good so far
02:37.38 Ralith midterms coming up next week though
02:37.51 Ralith bit intimidated; one of my classes apparently has a history of people getting a 40% average.
02:38.00 Ralith s/people/tests/
02:38.47 Ralith out of four classes I've got two which are genuinely interesting/educational; the remainder is the mandatory introductory course and the english course.
02:39.04 Ralith the latter of which is interesting enough, but the former puts me to sleep.
02:39.28 Ralith grabs some food
02:53.04 starseeker nods
02:53.09 starseeker yeah, intro classes are like that
03:03.21 starseeker hrm - looks like I didn't commit that set of changes to the pipe csgbrep example
03:03.47 starseeker hopes he didn't forget to commit the pipe changes too...
03:04.14 brlcad I can log in later to check if you want
03:04.54 starseeker brlcad: no worries - I'll get it on Monday if need be
03:05.09 starseeker is disturbed that the current example in svn fails...
03:05.30 starseeker now that I'm testing, it's something about the nmg code specifically that gentoo doesn't like
03:06.34 starseeker wonders if he should redo the nmg_brep code to use more advanced routines instead of "building from scratch"
03:06.40 starseeker bet it would be more robust
03:08.44 starseeker might even avoid this problem...
03:13.38 starseeker brlcad: thanks though :-)
03:13.56 starseeker ah HAHHHH
03:15.06 *** join/#brlcad kanzure_ (
03:15.07 *** join/#brlcad alex_joni (n=alex_jon@emc/board-of-directors/alexjoni) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:15.07 *** join/#brlcad starseeker (n=starseek@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:15.55 starseeker finds the thing in nmg_brep he should have been freeing
03:16.16 starseeker does happy dance - should still redo nmg code probably, but now pressure is somewhat lower
03:16.41 *** join/#brlcad CIA-33 (n=CIA@
03:16.43 *** join/#brlcad CIA-46 (n=CIA@
03:17.17 starseeker bet it lost my commit - phooey
03:17.27 *** part/#brlcad CIA-46 (n=CIA@
03:18.24 brlcad I got a mail
03:18.50 starseeker cool
03:21.57 starseeker that's a good note to get some zzzzs on
03:22.31 starseeker and let my box compile its way out of this fun little libxcb issue...
04:30.51 *** join/#brlcad Patmcc19 (
04:48.20 *** join/#brlcad louipc (n=louipc@archlinux/trusteduser/louipc)
04:48.51 *** join/#brlcad archivist ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
11:58.41 starseeker Anybody know of a software system that can take a stack of old files and build a revision control history from them based on dates?
15:17.46 louipc I think I could use that too
15:29.24 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
17:24.39 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
18:14.44 starseeker reflects that a revision controlled version of US Law would be a good way to REALLY suck up bz file system space :-)
18:18.42 brlcad heh
18:22.20 starseeker hey, cool:
18:24.02 starseeker knows better but still immediately pulls a copy of it...
18:24.10 starseeker yay external hard drive
18:35.11 starseeker wonders how long before Verizon regrets ever turning on our internet :-P
19:09.32 *** join/#brlcad Patmcc19 (
20:50.53 louipc heheeh
22:21.18 Ralith starseeker: might not be hard to script something like that system.
22:22.17 starseeker Ralith: maybe. I'm thinking it's something subtly different from normal VCS - in effect there's a VCS on top of a VCS
22:22.52 starseeker you want to track and revert changes, but at the same time the results of changes is intended to be a NEW change history independent of the repository alteration history
22:23.43 starseeker might be interesting for fossil guys or those who deal with evolutionary DNA research
22:24.13 ``Erik amuses himself by stabbing ralith some more
22:27.15 Ralith ignites ``Erik

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