IRC log for #brlcad on 20091007

01:47.22 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36165 10/brlcad/trunk/ (include/cmd.h src/libbu/cmdhist_obj.c): migrate command history func docs into the header
01:49.32 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36166 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (libbu/uce-dirent.h rt/do.c rt/viewedge.c rt/viewrad.c): goodbye 1992. DEC __alpha is no more.
01:53.21 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36167 10/brlcad/trunk/src/rt/ (viewedge.c viewrad.c): cleanup
01:58.53 *** join/#brlcad louipc (n=louipc@archlinux/trusteduser/louipc)
02:00.23 starseeker idly wonders if FreeCAD compiles and runs any better yet
02:03.22 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36168 10/brlcad/trunk/ (9 files in 2 dirs): more libbu header migration and cleanup to put docs with api
02:28.22 ``Erik hm.
02:28.28 ``Erik can, uh
02:28.36 ``Erik we ditch the alliant and gould shit, too? O.o :D
02:29.05 ``Erik y'know, goodbye 1978? O.o
02:29.37 ``Erik (or 82, or whatever)
02:31.02 yukonbob win 3
02:31.08 yukonbob fails self
02:32.37 ``Erik *blink* *blink*
02:32.47 ``Erik wasn't that, like, late 80's?
02:33.13 ``Erik oh wow, early 90's
02:33.25 ``Erik <-- cut his teeth on cp/m O.o
02:36.40 ``Erik but, yeah, we still have a slew of ifdefs for gould and alliant equipment, probably other ancients like the ibm 360 or 390 :/
02:37.02 ``Erik cray2, ...
02:37.48 ``Erik cra1, whatever eta10 is, vax, ...
02:38.02 ``Erik convex
02:38.43 ``Erik might be premature to eliminate the sgi and mips defines, O.o but alpha was hardly the most obsolete in the listing here :D
02:39.30 ``Erik wonders if that's a good "junior developer" task, learn some codebase and history at the same time
03:14.09 starseeker attempts the opencascade ebuild yet again...
04:13.03 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (n=akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)
04:42.56 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
05:16.55 ``Erik jabs brlcad until he wakes up to help mal
05:17.22 Maloeran Eheh thanks, though let him sleep :)
05:17.35 ``Erik he doesn't sleep.
05:17.50 ``Erik not until he burns out and dies, anyways
05:17.52 ``Erik O.o
05:17.58 Maloeran He... rests? He closes his eyes and plans future code?
05:18.18 louipc hehe
05:19.14 Maloeran Well brlcad, Erik tells me you could have some recommendations for online banking in the US. It seems "the law changed" and SURVICE will no longuer be able to directly deposit in my bank account in Canada, and I would like to avoid having to handle checks
05:19.59 Maloeran I only need a bank that will receive the money and allow me to forward it to Canada, at low cost
05:21.40 louipc some canadian banks have some kind of partnerships with american ones
05:22.31 Maloeran Parternships?
05:22.35 louipc ... I was able to use my bank card in certain american ATMs without paying the service charge
05:23.01 ``Erik atm network agreements may not cover this legality issue
05:23.20 louipc maybe not
05:23.30 Maloeran It's a legality issue, they could make direct deposits in my bank account just fine, they did for almost 3 years
05:23.41 louipc but there could be something similar
05:24.24 ``Erik my gut feeling is that one of the online only banks would be optimal for mals need :/
05:24.38 Maloeran Surely so Erik, but I have no idea where to begin my search
05:24.58 louipc ing? :P
05:28.46 Maloeran Any second opinion on ING?...
05:29.21 Maloeran American checks take weeks to clear up here, and it's quite inconvenient if I'm out of the country, ah gez
05:30.42 ``Erik mal: maybe you could ask ? they're like slashdot minus the suck with a huge slathering of (sane) business added
05:30.43 louipc or maybe hsbc...
05:31.13 ``Erik perhaps a well worded question would get some useful responses from people in teh same situation :)
05:31.57 louipc best to call and ask I'd say
05:32.23 Maloeran Strange site, Erik, never heard of it
05:32.32 ``Erik heh
05:32.39 ``Erik I've been hooked on it for the last year or so
05:32.53 Maloeran Oh, and what's your comic url again?
05:32.59 Maloeran I don't have it bookmarked on the laptop
05:33.00 ``Erik just about everything on slashdot that interests me shows up there a few days earlier
05:33.07 ``Erik
05:33.39 Maloeran Thanks
05:33.52 ``Erik I have 90% of a replacement ready, just lack the will to finish it... php/mysql, which I've decided is inferior.
05:34.59 ``Erik (adds the notions of a user so you can specify which comics you care about and does dynamic soft updating so'z you don't brutalize the website and get all the 'missed' comics if you don't check daily)
05:35.29 ``Erik a couple sites are real stinkers, like boasas has the 'next' button on the latest page wrap to the first
05:42.55 louipc for sure
05:43.57 ``Erik <-- willing to call it gpl or something and chuck the src out O.o
05:44.37 louipc oh your replacement is inferior?
05:45.51 ``Erik it's insufficient in a couple minor aspects
05:45.57 louipc ah
05:47.13 ``Erik actually, I think the wraparound is handled, the "default page" issue is the gotcha
05:47.33 ``Erik <A HREF="/index.php">Next</A>
05:59.44 Maloeran Doesn't look like I can open an account online anywhere since I'm not an US resident, I'll have to go to some bank personally
07:52.34 *** join/#brlcad _clock_ (
08:20.58 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
08:42.55 brlcad Maloeran: gotta run, but back in a couple hours -- ING is a great choice
08:43.31 brlcad there's at least five that are really good, international, full-service online banks now
08:44.29 brlcad E*Trade Bank is another good one
08:46.18 brlcad wells fargo was in my top three too iirc
08:46.52 brlcad depends mostly how much reserve cash you keep in terms of fees, minimums, account types, etc
08:47.52 brlcad runs off into the morning
10:46.42 *** join/#brlcad archivist ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
10:46.42 *** join/#brlcad d-lo (n=claymore@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
11:58.51 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
12:00.34 *** join/#brlcad cosurgi (
12:15.26 d-lo lol, this is pretty good:
12:25.17 starseeker grunts - FreeCAD fails to build again
12:25.45 brlcad classic :) ..
12:28.02 starseeker brlcad: hehe
12:45.46 Maloeran Thanks brlcad. If that helps, I don't intend to keep much into that account, it would just be on the way to forward the funds to Canada
12:46.21 Maloeran I can't open an account in any of these online, I'll have to do that in Baltimore, so I would prefer to find a good one right away
12:46.51 Maloeran Most of all, one that allows wire transfers to foreign banks from the internet
12:47.40 brlcad Maloeran: you can't open an ING account?
12:48.09 brlcad once you have an ABA, you don't need wire transfers -- they can just do direct deposit
12:48.41 brlcad with direct deposit, most of them will decrease or eliminate their minimum balance requirements
12:48.41 archivist theses days you need real hard proof to get a bank account
12:48.41 Maloeran I have an ABA, they can't transfer to Canada due to some legal change since September 18th
12:49.11 brlcad you mean to transfer to some other account in canada?
12:49.34 brlcad wire transfer != direct deposit
12:49.36 ``Erik
12:49.51 ``Erik
12:50.08 Maloeran I know I know, I'm just saying I already have an ABA but it's some legal issue apparently. I could transfer to said ABA myself from the american bank then, that's what you are saying
12:50.33 brlcad yeah, or just use the online bank as your only/main bank
12:50.38 brlcad that's actually what I do now
12:50.58 Maloeran I'll need a credit card with them then
12:51.05 brlcad o.O
12:51.07 brlcad why?
12:51.18 brlcad oh, you'd need at least a debit card, sure
12:51.31 brlcad not a credit account, though
12:52.11 Maloeran I'm just saying it won't be my "only/main bank" if I have to keep using my credit card from the RBC
12:52.45 brlcad of course, you'd drop the RBC, get a new debit card for ing or etrade or whomever
12:52.49 Maloeran Having a look at ING. Most online banks I had looked at yesterday would not open the account the moment I said I wasn't an US resident or I didn't have an US security number
12:53.35 brlcad ah, that could be an issue .. I can see wells fargo not allowing that, but not a couple of the bigger international banks
12:53.39 Maloeran ING requires the security number and there is no "Country" field to specify one's home address
12:53.53 Maloeran So I'll have to go to some bank personally
12:53.56 brlcad is it actually required? 000-00-0000 :)
12:54.30 Maloeran And I can't define my home address? :) No country field, and a "State" drop-down menu
12:56.31 louipc why not call/email the bank and ask about it?
12:57.03 Maloeran Surely I would have to present myself personally with a passport at least
12:57.13 Maloeran I guess I'll go ING in Baltimore next week, thanks
12:57.19 Maloeran to* ING
12:58.04 louipc yeah they definitely need to confirm your identity
12:58.30 brlcad Maloeran: might want to try E*Trade Bank, they have a pretty good international presence and excellent e-services
12:58.33 louipc but I don't think you have to show up in person
12:58.46 brlcad their site says international customers have to call
12:58.55 Maloeran The strange part is that I read about the supposed changes on IATs ( International ACH Transfers ) since September 18th, and the US authorities only want to collect some extra information to prevent money laundering
12:58.58 brlcad 1-800-387-2331
12:59.05 Maloeran It doesn't seem like that would prevent SURVICE from doing IATs
12:59.19 Maloeran Ah I see, thanks brlcad
13:00.18 brlcad they have a specific international site, but it looks like it might only cater to stock trading .. and bizzarely, canada isn't in their list of countries
13:00.46 ``Erik did they already update the site and have canada listed as the 51st state? :D *duck*
13:01.19 Maloeran If we were the 51st state, I wouldn't have these issues with international ACH transfers :)
13:02.10 ``Erik (a bank jumping the gun? gov't being slow? no, that couldn't possibly happen ;)
13:02.47 brlcad Maloeran: for a measly 10% fee, I'll gladly open the account for you and do monthly wire transfers ;)
13:03.22 ``Erik counts the number of TLA's suddenly very interested in brlcad O.o
13:03.30 Maloeran Yes, that's... very generous :)
13:03.32 Maloeran What's a TLA?
13:03.34 brlcad it is really odd that canada is missing from that list
13:03.36 brlcad ~tla
13:03.37 ibot it has been said that tla is Three Letter Acronym, or the name of the binary for GNU arch
13:04.02 louipc hahhh
13:04.06 brlcad "cia", "nsa", "dhs", ... :)
13:04.13 Maloeran Oh. :)
13:04.41 louipc more devs then?
13:04.57 brlcad I'll cut their agents in for 5%
13:05.26 ``Erik notes that brlcad left the scariest of them all off his list... irs O.O
13:05.35 brlcad heh
13:06.19 Maloeran Or I just fly every month to some Branch Banking and Trust Company to cash checks directly, woohoo....
13:06.55 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
13:09.40 ``Erik mars in 39 days, that'd be nutty
13:13.18 ``Erik looks at the LCROSS impact schedule and curses the fact that he lives in french polynesia
13:16.29 Maloeran Isn't that supposed to crash in the moon?
13:16.36 ``Erik yup
13:16.56 Maloeran You should be safe in french polynesia then
13:17.11 Maloeran Oh you mean, you won't be able to see it from a telescope or so
13:17.19 *** join/#brlcad cosurgi ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
13:17.21 ``Erik heh, it'll be daybreak here so the plume will be obfuscated
13:17.37 ``Erik 7:31am :/
13:18.11 Maloeran I'm sure they'll display pretty pictures on television, a lot better than you could get with a telescope
13:18.54 ``Erik yes, and seeing photographs of the articles in a museum is just as good as going
13:18.54 ``Erik O.o
13:19.32 ``Erik this one's neat because when it does a dirt-torpedo, they get to say "uh, we meant to do that"
13:19.35 ``Erik :D
13:20.22 Maloeran Yup :D
13:21.41 Maloeran can open a bank account with, but then surely that would qualify as a canadian bank
13:30.00 Maloeran Neat, Somali pirates attacked a french warship thinking it was a cargo ship. That didn't work out too well for them
13:31.45 ``Erik hm, fuel supply ship, not a warship, but not completely unarmed and passive :)
13:32.52 archivist command and supply ship, the Somme, repelled the attack and chased the pirates, capturing five of them
13:33.02 ``Erik looking at the pic of la somme, they musta been really retarded
13:33.27 ``Erik ah, at night
13:33.30 archivist
13:33.40 ``Erik
13:35.59 ``Erik kinda messed up, after their gov't collapsed, chinese drag fishers went hogwild devastating local fishing, so the remains of the coast guard and some fishermen tried to chase them off, but stealing and ransoming seemed too attractive :/
13:38.53 Maloeran If they had actually captured ships within their territorial waters, they wouldn't be regarded as much as pirates
13:39.50 ``Erik they did, but they ransomed them, which changed what the world thought back in the 90's...
13:40.38 ``Erik *shrug* as with all things, it's far more complicated once ya look into the details :)
13:41.57 Maloeran Oh, it wasn't a ransom, just a... fine? :)
13:42.07 Maloeran Yes, it's a rather complicated issue
14:05.45 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
14:49.55 *** join/#brlcad _clock_ (
20:00.20 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
20:20.40 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner (
21:09.07 brlcad Maloeran: call them .. if their ABA number is 031176110 .. then it's no different :)
21:09.26 brlcad (
21:41.24 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
22:11.58 brlcad starseeker:
22:12.07 brlcad maybe interest you, or ideas for us to implement :)
22:15.34 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r36169 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libdm/ (dm-ogl.c dm-rtgl.c): Do what dm-X does and abbreviate some of the struct references for readibility.
22:16.06 brlcad just a few days ago, ouch.
22:16.25 starseeker dammit
22:16.46 starseeker was too slow on the ctrl-c
22:18.31 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r36170 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libdm/dm-rtgl.c: Whoops, sucked in dm-rtgl by mistake.
22:18.48 starseeker brlcad: hmm, cool :-)
22:19.34 louipc hah there's a huge gap between what nato claims the taliban lost, and the taliban claim
23:10.19 ``Erik it's war, everyone loses
23:33.37 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
23:43.04 Maloeran Thanks brlcad, though it looks like ING has distinct entities for each country it operates in
23:43.22 Maloeran In other words, is a canadian bank so that won't help
23:43.40 starseeker Maloeran: you may find the law specifically precludes what you're trying to do - it might be worth checking on

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