IRC log for #brlcad on 20091008

00:06.33 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r36171 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libdm/dm-ogl.c: Ooops, typos.
00:09.25 starseeker man this ogl bug is subtle
00:10.37 louipc ``Erik: but did the taliban lose 100 or 7?
00:23.50 starseeker helllllp...
00:29.58 starseeker how do I debug this thing???
00:32.45 starseeker can't believe it's UpdateTitle that results in sudden death...
00:37.57 starseeker contemplates making a Tk window before calling ogl_open and "faking" a gui startup sequence
00:38.15 starseeker q
00:38.18 starseeker whoops
03:58.06 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36172 10/brlcad/trunk/ (include/bu.h src/libbu/globals.c): move the doxy docs for the globals declared extern in bu.h to bu.h
11:51.23 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r36173 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/ (4 files in 2 dirs): initial work for a building/structure proc-db
11:53.53 d-lo brlcad or anyone else: is there any existing functionality for tracking 'used' object names inside a database? (so as to prevent duplication)
11:58.30 brlcad you do a db_lookup on the name
11:58.39 brlcad LOOKUP_QUIET
11:59.07 d-lo good deal, thanks.
11:59.22 brlcad that is also a librt routine, not a write-only operation
11:59.49 d-lo Also, is there any dire reason (beyong preference) to use C over C++?
12:00.07 brlcad no such assertion
12:01.04 brlcad tools can be c/c++, it's the libs and existing c apps that shouldn't mix
12:01.25 d-lo okay. I only ask because I keep running into 'great things' that could be done with a pinch of OO.
12:01.49 d-lo Que ``Erik with some snide "lisp rulz!!1!" comment :)
12:01.52 brlcad turning a tool into a library routine would be problematic as c++ down the road if portaions are generalizable to a library, like libged
12:03.29 brlcad you can do most OO constructs in c, at least most of the ones that are not just syntax shortcuts
12:04.05 d-lo I was really looking at function overloading... its a pain not having it :)
12:12.52 brlcad ah, you can get yourself polymorphism, but you have to do a little setup
12:13.25 d-lo but how much is gained by 'doing a little setup' versus just using cpp?
12:14.03 brlcad depends on the use
12:14.24 brlcad it keeping it as a set of C routines that you can pull into a library is important, then might be worthwhile
12:14.34 brlcad otherwise, just use c++
12:15.01 d-lo and the only reason why a cpp lib is bad is simply because all the others are c libs?
12:15.16 brlcad notes "cpp" is rather confusing/misleading as it's the name of the "c pre processor" that expands #includes and such
12:15.52 brlcad a cpp lib isn't bad
12:16.07 brlcad mixing c++ into a C api is generally bad
12:17.10 d-lo right, so if this make building thing turns into a lib (down the road), then wiring it into libged would prove difficult if libBuilding (or whatever) is c++ ?
12:17.32 brlcad there are ABI portability issues with the libraries, linkage incompatibilities, other issues
12:17.42 brlcad if it is fully contained as such, then not so bad
12:18.22 brlcad it's more that you cannot expose it (at all) symbol-wise and public API
12:19.28 brlcad e.g., openNURBS in librt -- not exposed, just an implementation detail under the hood so linkage still doesn't expose any c++
12:19.57 d-lo Hrm, so it it were all 'under the hood' and operated on a provided db_i only, then it would be safe?
12:20.13 brlcad doable
12:20.53 brlcad be more concerned that you've learned how to use one shiney hammer, so everything looks like it needs to be beaten with that hammer :)
12:21.28 brlcad they're different mindsets with tradeoffs on both ends, good to be proficient in both :)
12:21.36 d-lo huh? I am talking about how to best implement an idea.
12:21.44 brlcad likewise
12:21.59 brlcad the language has little to do with that
12:23.17 brlcad it's more a procedural data-driven approach vs an object-oriented approach vs a functional approach, etc
12:24.05 brlcad you can take most problems and implement them with any one of those three and there are lots of tradeoffs, rare that one is superbly dominating "better"
12:24.11 brlcad usually more just one is more "familiar"
12:24.35 brlcad just saying it's good to hone skills at least on the other two at some point as well
12:25.26 brlcad otherwise everything starts looking like an OO problem and you miss the big picture, acquire bad habits, tend to over-architect, over-abstract, obfuscate, ... it's a balance
12:34.22 *** join/#brlcad Yoshi47 (
13:18.21 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (n=rossberg@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
13:21.05 ``Erik *readreadread*
13:22.53 ``Erik exposing c++ shtuff in libraries gets into issues with different name mangling (there is no standard). G++ isn't (or wasn't) even self-consistent, so a library providing c++ entry points compiled with, say, gcc 4.1 couldn't be correctly linked to with gcc 4.2, it'd get missing symbols, iirc
13:24.22 ``Erik heh, yes, people new to oo become "architect astronauts" and start designing things like... upstairs... :D *duck*
13:44.07 d-lo tee hee.
14:50.50 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
15:22.56 brlcad howdy mafm m
15:23.50 mafm hi there
16:34.11 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
16:47.31 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (
17:05.46 *** join/#brlcad louipc (n=louipc@archlinux/trusteduser/louipc)
18:07.09 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (
18:38.17 ``Erik hm, a darcs library was listed as a 'todo' back in june
18:38.18 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r36174 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/ (makebuilding/makebuilding.c mkbuilding.h): Coninuting work on Makebuilding. Added mkbuilding.h
18:44.48 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
19:15.33 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36175 10/brlcad/trunk/src/util/pl-dm.c: vls strings use %V now instead of %S
19:34.09 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36176 10/brlcad/trunk/src/util/pl-dm.c: reorder function definitions so forward declarations are not necessary.
20:02.10 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r36177 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libdm/dm-ogl.c:
20:02.10 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: OK, temporarily comment out some of the dm-ogl code - this allows things to come
20:02.11 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: up on the Mac, but (obviously) messes with the initialization of the gl context
20:02.11 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: something fierce. Try to work out why these commands are upsetting things.
20:25.46 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36178 10/brlcad/trunk/src/util/pl-dm.c: more cleanup, quell slew of warnings, remove unused vars.
20:39.13 CIA-33 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36179 10/brlcad/trunk/src/util/pl-dm.c: enable the '-t o' option to open up an ogl display manager. sure enough, it crashes.
20:40.12 brlcad what's interesting there is that there are no calls to make_current
20:42.31 ``Erik hum, "reverse debugging" in the new gdb
22:32.32 Maloeran Reverse debugging? Walking instructions backwards?
22:32.37 ``Erik ayup
22:32.48 Maloeran That would require an awful lot of memory, and be very slow
22:33.48 Maloeran I guess that works to walk a couple instructions back, but you could never get very far anyway. You can't undo system calls and such
22:33.51 ``Erik um, there's some lib that does it in a not totally sucky way (mebbe it saves state delta on nondeterministic ops)
22:35.36 ``Erik
22:35.44 Maloeran gnome-terminal is pretty bad as a terminal. You flood it on stdout and it freezes or dies
22:36.12 ``Erik yeah, it does checkpointing
22:36.17 Maloeran Multi-inferior? What is that?
22:36.43 ``Erik gnome-terminal and kterm are ass, xterm is ok, rxvt-devel was what I really used before hopping over to mac
22:37.08 ``Erik "multi-inferior" sounds like some damn emacs weenie was allowed in the club, I d'no O.o :D
22:37.41 Maloeran Yes, I'm always using rxvt. I put Ubuntu on the laptop and I sometimes use gnome-terminal for some reason, but it's pretty bad
22:38.56 ``Erik screen eliminates all the pro's that gnome-terminal and kterm have for anyone who can operate a basic text editor... :)
22:39.25 ``Erik and if you can't figure out "pico" or "nano", you don't belong opening a terminal emulator :D
22:40.35 ``Erik
22:40.37 Maloeran This is quite bad when doing printf() debugging, and the terminal freezes or dies. When it freezes, it also freezes the program trying to write on the stdout pipe
22:41.05 Maloeran And when it dies... You lose all programs launching from that terminal, that's just lovely
22:41.10 Maloeran launched*
22:41.36 ``Erik I don't remember the app crashing, but I do remember getting annoyed that the kernel compiles on linux took much longer on my 120mhz machine...
22:42.27 Maloeran And it's slow, yes. Now imagine the terminal freezing or dying meaning the compilation stops trying to write on stdout
22:42.46 Maloeran punches gnome-terminal some more
22:46.04 ``Erik rxvt and be happy O.o
22:47.03 Maloeran I know, I'm just amazed that some mainstream and common software can be so buggy, and it's just a terminal
22:47.40 ``Erik probably one of those "good enough for the plebes, but all the REAL power-users know better"
22:47.43 ``Erik :/
22:50.00 ``Erik (though having written a color terminal emulator using a gtk+ text widget before, it's trivial to make it sorta work and a real pain to make it fast)
22:51.02 Maloeran Seems rather easy to make it fast... but I wouldn't use gtk+ for the rendering, I would play with X directly
22:51.40 ``Erik scanning and handling control codes was the big stinker on mine, I think
22:52.11 Maloeran Yes, that part sounds rather messy
22:52.33 ``Erik and looking at my code, I've learned quite a few tricks in the last decade heh
22:52.49 Maloeran Oh, you too? :)
22:53.05 Maloeran Sometimes I'm almost glad I lost most of my >5 years old code
22:53.57 ``Erik <-- has learned quite a coding few tricks in the last 26 years, intends to learn quite a few more coding tricks in the next 26 :)
22:54.19 Maloeran Even updating the old Rayforce just a month ago... I rewrote all the multithreading, threw away a bunch of pthreads stuff to use x86/amd64 atomic instructions
22:54.30 Maloeran Eheh
22:54.50 ``Erik heh, I found a simd library for sbcl last week O.O
22:55.12 louipc haha I'm a power user for using rxvt?
22:55.13 Maloeran Pthreads still annoy me on many aspects, I'm so tempted to just use clone(), futex() and my atomic instructions
22:55.17 ``Erik <-- grouses some more that rayforce isn't in BRL-CAD
22:56.30 Maloeran The wake up process of pthreads, for threads blocked on condition variables doesn't allow any decent prioritization mechanism
22:56.44 ``Erik louipc: more that a "power-user" wouldn't use gnome-terminal...
22:56.46 Maloeran And the underlying futex() stuff is so much more flexible
22:56.57 ``Erik upside down A's and backwards E's, man
22:57.32 ``Erik mal: that's great until you want it to work on something other than linux, or the linux internals change (again)
22:58.21 Maloeran You can't define scheduling priorities for different threads with pthreads, seriously how retarded is that?
22:58.21 ``Erik the solaris package was effin' INSANELY awesome, but coding to it means you don't leave solaris and hope they don't jerk the rug out from under you...
22:58.52 Maloeran Mmhm :), I never played with it I'm afraid
22:59.27 Maloeran I did some home-made threading on Linux, using the system calls, to see how flexible the underlying interface is... and that just made me more frustrated with Posix threads
22:59.58 ``Erik the bsd thread mapping capability is awesome, too... ya get to choose if a thread is a userland thing, an OS 1:1 mapping, or an OS many:many mapping... without recompiling! :)
23:00.43 ``Erik the linux kobj thingie was designed to do processes, then threading was bolted into it, and it was shaken around to do anything inbetween... *shrug*
23:00.54 Maloeran Being able to wake up any thread *you* choose when signaling a condition variable or releasing a mutex, how come you can't do that with Posix threads?
23:01.07 ``Erik when pthreads were new, the notion of threading was in its infancy and every vendor had tis own horrible attempt
23:01.14 Maloeran Or definiting the "niceness" or scheduling priority of any thread, gez, that should be simple enough
23:01.36 ``Erik what if the OS only supports userland threads? or doesn't have the notion of process priority?
23:01.54 Maloeran Then disable the feature, or make it do nothing! But at least make it *possible*!
23:02.06 Maloeran You can't have different scheduling priorities with Posix threads, you just can't
23:02.06 ``Erik nt4 was made posix compatible, and it only had retarded round robin scheduling iirc
23:02.38 Maloeran I don't mind if some features are not available on some platforms, but at least make them available on the platforms that do support them
23:02.42 louipc in unix worse is better
23:02.44 louipc that's why!
23:03.38 Maloeran Erik, I'm seriously very close to just switch over to my own Linux-only threading stuff, with a pthread fallback for other OSes
23:03.53 ``Erik srry, dude, their crystal ball was in the shop when pthreads were spec'd, I mean, the notion that a student could write a semi-usable *nix-like os and people would help him for shits and giggles woulda gotten you laughed out of the room
23:04.23 ``Erik so predicting how linux does its nth generation threading... yknow..
23:05.20 Maloeran Erik, I'm just saying that pthreads do not expose a bunch of very fundamental features for threading. I know some OSes may not support them
23:05.40 ``Erik yeah, I hear ya, dude... I'm saying that pthreads predates those fundamental features :D
23:06.02 Maloeran Well if they aren't going to update the library, then we need something new
23:06.20 louipc yep
23:06.29 Maloeran I think I'll just switch over to my Linux threading stuff, with a pthread fallback
23:08.10 ``Erik would rather have cpu affinity control than priority control for threads *shrug* :)
23:08.14 Maloeran How could not imagine that someone may want to define different scheduling priorities for different threads. No, they had to enforce that *all* threads *MUST* share the same scheduling priority. Why? Why?...
23:08.33 ``Erik hm
23:08.44 ``Erik what if I renice a multithreaded program to 20
23:08.45 Maloeran There's cpu affinity stuff, although it's a different library
23:09.04 Maloeran All the threads share the same niceness, says the specification
23:09.05 ``Erik and I really fucking mean make every thread go to 20, I don't want the program to decide if it's going to listen
23:09.08 ``Erik ?
23:09.20 ``Erik ok, so posix does that for me, what about futex?
23:09.26 Maloeran What if the program has some low priority and high priority threads?
23:09.55 louipc well there should be a signal for it, non?
23:10.08 Maloeran futex() is the kernel-level thing for mutexes and condition variables, but if you write your own threading stuff, you can define the scheduling of threads any way you want it
23:10.14 ``Erik sleep(0); forces a yield, essentually giving you a low priority thread (in a semi-cooperative fashion)
23:10.38 ``Erik um
23:10.49 ``Erik I have a book somewhere that talks about the low level threading crap
23:10.50 Maloeran What if you have a bunch of threads and you wake to wake up a specific one, which must run right *now*?
23:10.52 ``Erik wonder where I put it
23:11.11 Maloeran Signaling it and sleep(0) may or may not make it actually run
23:11.22 ``Erik mal: then your program is written really poorly :D *duck*
23:11.23 louipc sounds like fun problems
23:11.42 Maloeran Erik, that's a very common case of feeder/consumer threads
23:12.47 ``Erik doesn't remember needing to wake it up "right now" doing those things, putting them back into the run queue was sufficient O.o
23:13.50 Maloeran Typical example : on a 8 cores machine, with 8 consumer threads, you predict the threads will begin to starve soon and the feeder thread must absolutely run very soon
23:14.12 ``Erik "add job; inc jobs available;" | "Icanhasawurkunit? tkae; dec jobs avail"
23:14.20 Maloeran And posix threads just won't you do that, you can merely try to wake it up and sleep() a few threads in the hope that it will get to run
23:14.29 ``Erik heh
23:14.37 Maloeran won't let* you do that
23:15.00 ``Erik 8 threads/procs on 8 cores tends to cause OTHER ugly problems, like resource lockstepping
23:15.27 ``Erik <-- likes to do 2n-1 for things that touch single interface resources like disk drives
23:15.47 Maloeran That thread prioritization problem should not exist, because it doesn't exist when you use a decent low-level threading interface ( like futex() )
23:16.22 ``Erik <-- more apt to think that the problem doesn't... actually... exist... :D *duck*
23:16.43 Maloeran Especially since kernels sometimes try to keep the same threads on the same core, and the kernel may have decided that your very important feeder thread must run on core 5, so it's just not going to wake up for a while
23:16.48 Maloeran And threads end up starving
23:18.01 Maloeran I don't know, it's a matter of flexibility and control... and pthreads don't give you much in both areas
23:18.50 ``Erik *shrug* I've never had issue cooking all 8 cores (or 256) until something using an ugly slow resource (disks, network, etc) come into play
23:19.51 ``Erik take, for example, BRL-CAD's rt, it can smoke up 1024 cpu's n/p even writing to disk if it buffers right, but it uses maybe one worth in mged due to network silliness with giantlock and shtuff
23:21.07 Maloeran Sure sure, but I'm not tempted to assume the design is optimal, in comparison to what could be achieved with more control and flexibility
23:22.26 ``Erik I d'no, dude, I have a feeling that you might be wayyyy down the path of diminishing returns
23:23.01 Maloeran For one thing, atomic instructions instead of mutexes or spin locks make a huge difference
23:23.20 Maloeran ( Okay, it's not portable, but when you got them... )
23:23.22 ``Erik yeah, I can see that one easily
23:23.37 ``Erik far less cycles and eliminates branches
23:24.10 ``Erik but inventing a threading system to keep a producer hot? O.o
23:24.11 Maloeran More than that, you avoid the constant read and write to shared memory lines
23:24.49 Maloeran It's not just for that, I was pointing out one example but pthreads are limited on many aspects
23:25.09 ``Erik sure, but how much do those aspects really matter? :D just throwin' it out there
23:25.43 Maloeran Meh :), you add them all up and I think it matters
23:26.13 ``Erik I'd be curious as to your post mortem analysis :)
23:26.19 Maloeran Atomic instructions, thread scheduling from mutexes or condition variables, CPU affinity, per-thread niceness/priority, etc.
23:28.34 Maloeran The feeder thing actually was a problem in Rayforce when rendering something simple, it goes up to 100-500 frames per second and the kernel too often tries to maintain the "feeder" thread on the same CPU core instead of waking it up right now when needed
23:28.39 ``Erik pthread_attr_setschedparam() ?
23:28.50 Maloeran So unless you buffer up a lot of work ahead, I mean several frames, threads can starve
23:29.13 Maloeran Keep on reading to see if you can actually do anything with that
23:29.47 Maloeran You can set FIFO or round-robbing scheduling, but you can't define a thread priority for normal thread scheduling
23:31.08 ``Erik that's not what the man page says O>o
23:32.52 Maloeran You should try it out, to have a nice surprise on sched_priority... It requires root to be modified!
23:33.50 Maloeran And it doesn't work for SCHED_OTHER, which is the normal out-of-order threading
23:34.01 ``Erik sounds like you attempted to increase the priority... that's against the fundamental security model, only root can increase priority, users can only reduce priority (increase nice)
23:34.45 Maloeran Niceness is shared by all Posix threads
23:35.02 Maloeran And sched_priority has no effect for SCHED_OTHER scheduling
23:35.44 Maloeran ( While SCHED_RR and such requires root )
23:40.36 ``Erik *shrug*
23:42.33 Maloeran Anyway... as you said, it was designed too long ago, and it needs an urgent update or rewrite
23:43.18 ``Erik (I'd find it amusing if you end up re-inventing fork() )
23:44.29 Maloeran It's not quite fork(), threads use the clone() system call, so does fork() of course
23:44.35 louipc that would be cool
23:44.45 Maloeran clone() is a very flexible little system call
23:45.15 louipc I heard it was stolen from plan9 or something

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