IRC log for #brlcad on 20091014

00:00.40 starseeker can't wait for the animal rights guys to hop onto this one...
00:04.15 puddingpimp I wonder if animal rights guys give two shits about insects
00:12.27 *** join/#brlcad PabloGarrido (n=PabloGar@
00:18.40 *** part/#brlcad PabloGarrido (n=PabloGar@
00:38.42 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
01:02.51 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos (
01:39.34 louipc probably but it's low on the priority list
01:47.52 puddingpimp I mean, I've never heard of the SPCA bringing suit against anyone for burning ants for example
01:49.27 louipc vegans don't eat honey because it's cruel to the bees though.
02:32.44 *** join/#brlcad Axman6 (n=Axman6@pdpc/supporter/student/Axman6)
02:47.22 brlcad starseeker: the api could certainly provide both -- an iterator that returns strings that were appended and a visitor callback
02:48.17 brlcad returning a raw bu_list of bu_vls isn't exactly ideal as it does beg for some sort of container struct to make a list out of
02:48.28 brlcad under the hood, sure, just not exposed via API
02:48.35 brlcad visitor and/or iterator ftw
02:49.48 brlcad i ran across several instances where it looked like there should be a typedef'd enum .. almost any time you have a "set" of #defines that logically group together, that generally begs for it
02:51.29 brlcad e.g. the ged func return codes, the edit "modes" (which are questionably part of public api), action codes on various calls (like quiet/noisy lookups, soft/hard errors, verbosity levels, etc)
03:23.39 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
04:36.20 starseeker brlcad: yeah, I figured raw bu_list/bu_vls wasn't ideal, but you had mentioned wanting to avoid introducing new structures
05:04.55 starseeker glares at togl
05:07.00 starseeker hmm, I like this quote: "Questions about whether design is necessary or affordable are quite beside the
05:07.03 starseeker point: design is inevitable. The alternative to good design is bad design, not
05:07.05 starseeker no design at all."
05:12.25 starseeker or better yet: If you can't afford to do something right, then be darn sure you can afford to do it wrong.
08:54.53 brlcad to return a bu_list/bu_vls would involve a new structure
08:55.11 brlcad can do that under the hood, just not the api
10:46.56 *** join/#brlcad parigaudi (n=quassel@
11:10.01 brlcad that's why you either provide a visitor pattern (where the visitor func merely iterates over the bu_list and calls the callback) ... or you implement an iterator like strsep() or BU_LIST_NEXT()
12:59.15 *** join/#brlcad d-lo (n=claymore@
12:59.32 d-lo mernin all
13:13.46 ``Erik yargh
13:58.31 *** join/#brlcad _clock_ (
14:00.13 d-lo whats new ``Erik
14:00.15 d-lo ?
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15:06.37 *** join/#brlcad samrose (
15:48.13 starseeker wonders what GED_VMIN is for, and why it's defined as -2048...
15:51.58 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
16:02.24 brlcad starseeker: OOOOld baggage
16:02.45 brlcad mged's display managers have a vector space mapping of -2048 to +2047
16:03.07 starseeker ah
16:03.37 starseeker wonders if that should be mentioned in the comments around those defines...
16:03.39 brlcad used for things like plotting, object selections, etc
16:03.52 brlcad it's assumed in LOTS of places
16:04.00 brlcad really bad
16:04.07 starseeker eeek
16:04.57 brlcad just search on 2048 in src/libdm and src/mged .. those should all be dynamic but aren't
16:05.49 brlcad GED_VMIN probably just shouldn't even exist
16:05.55 brlcad I see no reason for that to be public api
16:06.18 brlcad a lot that is in ged.h doesn't belong there, belongs in private implementation header
16:07.51 Maloeran Gah, that sounds very bad, a hard-coded limit assumed everywhere in the code?
16:08.14 Maloeran Although I'm not entirely sure what that "vector space mapping" is used for
16:08.57 brlcad it's not a core piece of code, it's for plotting the wireframes and conversion to plot/postscript formats
16:09.34 Maloeran Ah I see. That really should have been made more flexible...
16:09.35 brlcad they're integer indexed formats, so it bounds the range as 4k x 4k
16:10.17 starseeker winces - plotting the wireframes is currently how we view all the models...
16:10.40 starseeker maybe not core but still...
16:10.53 brlcad starseeker: it's more a code maintenance problem when 4k x 4k displays become common
16:11.06 brlcad have to weed out those instances
16:11.12 starseeker nods
16:11.24 starseeker would looove to see pixel densities get that high :-)
16:11.25 brlcad i mean it's not like it's "everywhere", just in a couple dozen places
16:12.58 brlcad rewriting it all to be dynamic wouldn't be too difficult, it just shouldn't be compile-time limited (or if it must, might as well use max-representation)
16:28.10 starseeker brlcad: does view_obj make sense in libged?
16:28.46 brlcad yay, svn checkout on solaris
16:28.51 brlcad starseeker: nope
16:29.14 starseeker cool, solaris build here we come :-)
16:29.16 brlcad none of the old "objects" should remain, too wired to tcl
16:29.30 brlcad dm_obj, dg_obj, view_obj
16:29.52 brlcad er, wdb_obj, not dm_obj
16:30.15 brlcad they were part of the "move it to get it done, i'll fix it later" claim..
16:30.37 starseeker actually, I don't think his struct view_obj in libged references tcl - I was just thinking since it seems to manage GUI view state rather than geometry as such, it might make more sense elsewhere...
16:31.33 brlcad the struct might not, but all of the vo_* callbacks do
16:32.41 brlcad view_obj.c should get broken up into 37 command files
16:32.45 brlcad (at a glance)
16:33.40 starseeker checks... oooo, yeah you're right
16:33.42 starseeker Tcl everywhere
16:33.57 brlcad by definition :)
16:34.01 brlcad the "obj" is a Tcl object
16:34.42 starseeker yech
16:34.53 starseeker that'll be fun
16:34.59 brlcad in theory, it becomes a "view" parent command (view aet, view rot, etc) but still needs tcl decoupled
16:35.52 brlcad you can tell just from an ls that the obj commands comprise about 150 commands that need to be refactored
16:35.54 starseeker still want individual files for the "subcommands"?
16:36.34 brlcad depends how complicated, but in the general case of "view", yes
16:37.06 brlcad that separation goes *way* back, about 15 years iirc
16:37.59 brlcad to group commands based on whether they modify the 3d view, modify geometry, or modify the display
16:38.29 brlcad problem is most commands modify multiples/all of those, or at least they could
16:39.24 brlcad I'd rather see an aet.c that is utilized by a parent view.c, have that aet.c specify (via libged private actions/flags) that the view/geometry/display is modified
16:39.27 starseeker mm. So prefixing with a parent command would allow us to remove the ambiguity, at the expense of more verbose commands?
16:39.58 brlcad prefixing with a parent?
16:40.14 starseeker "view ae" as opposed to "ae"
16:40.17 brlcad no different than it is now, just code organization and what has access to what data
16:40.27 brlcad that's how it is now, you can do both
16:40.54 brlcad though 'view aet' to be precise
16:41.20 starseeker right, but if we're planning stateless editing of geometry, just "ae" becomes ambiguous - do you mean the current geometry, the view, ...
16:41.58 brlcad right
16:42.17 starseeker so do we deprecate the plain "ae" or just have it default to view?
16:42.34 brlcad it'd either disapper (unlikely) or just default to what is most intuitive
16:42.51 starseeker nods
16:42.52 brlcad default to view would be my expectation in that case
16:45.36 brlcad autoview is a good example, it's characterized as a drawable geometry (dg) object command
16:45.44 brlcad at least a good example of how the categorization fails
16:46.19 brlcad it only modifies the view, but can't be a view command because it needs access to the drawn geometry in order to figure out the new view size
16:46.43 brlcad it's also one of the few already refactored iirc
16:46.58 brlcad so it's in dg still and outside, so can compare
16:52.04 *** join/#brlcad ed-209 (
17:12.02 brlcad lunch!
19:58.46 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (
20:02.19 brlcad woot, the tcl folks reviewed our command length extender patch
20:02.35 brlcad looks like it'll be applied with a slight mod
20:17.29 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
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21:29.05 starseeker hmmm:
21:35.42 Maloeran Hey Erik, will you be staying at home tomorrow as well? Looks like I'll have a day off tomorrow
22:06.25 *** join/#brlcad Yoshi477 (
23:29.05 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
23:44.17 starseeker brlcad: continuing the "dumb questions about libged" trend, how should private and public structures be decided in terms of what goes in ged.h? In C, won't we have to have any structure used inside struct ged also be public? (In the case, say, of a hypothetical ged_result structure used in struct ged?)
23:54.34 brlcad starseeker: there are no dumb questions, a lot of our existing maintainence issues are because people didn't ask questions
23:55.22 starseeker heh - OK, make it "things I should probably be able to figure out for myself by this stage" :-P
23:58.06 starseeker has come a ways with C/C++, but there's so much more to learn...
23:58.41 brlcad :)
23:59.08 brlcad you can spend a decade learning and still learn new things
23:59.26 brlcad at which point you'll forget things you learned, relearn them, learn something new, repeat, etc :)
23:59.40 starseeker hehe
23:59.53 brlcad the structs will have to be declared, at least their type -- whether it matters if it's an incomplete type depends on use

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