IRC log for #brlcad on 20091204

00:28.36 ``Erik heh
00:53.03 brlcad heh
00:53.14 brlcad "wellll... we gotta get rid of the body"
01:01.40 ``Erik these days, cellphones are KNOWN to have health risks
01:02.10 starseeker ?
01:02.57 starseeker getting beat up if talking loud on one in a diner?
01:03.08 ``Erik watch the collegehumor video... :D
01:03.13 starseeker ah
01:08.30 ``Erik "Yeah, well, when I was in prison, we used to sneak stuff in by hiding it up our ass." "I've got some fudge hidden up my ass, you want some?"
01:09.10 starseeker "there's an app for that" taken to new heights (or lows)
01:19.19 starseeker ``Erik: is there a reason to keep mysql.txt in the repository?
01:19.26 starseeker (isst)
01:20.19 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (n=Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
01:38.46 starseeker ``Erik: isst doesn't work for mouse movement on my home box either
01:38.56 starseeker (gentoo)
01:39.04 starseeker gtk 2.18.3 I believe
02:17.06 starseeker eyes libsdl...
02:26.50 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r36790 10/isst/trunk/mysql.txt: dead file
02:27.00 ``Erik thought I"d killed it a long time ago, seeing it in your dir is why I thought you had an old checkout
02:27.26 starseeker ah :-)
02:27.31 starseeker nope, just checked it out
02:27.51 starseeker am I right that a lot of isst.c gets reused when using a different toolkit?
02:28.11 ``Erik there should be no isst.c
02:28.25 starseeker er isst-gtk.c
02:28.59 ``Erik uhhhh, there's no isst-gtk.c either
02:29.18 starseeker fine gui.c :-)
02:29.20 ``Erik none of it should be re-used, but look at local_worker.c for the interface
02:29.33 starseeker k
02:29.37 ``Erik gui.c is the gtk+ mess
02:30.36 ``Erik the big switch statement will eventually be a single function with a name passed to support a plugin system
02:31.21 starseeker nods
02:40.52 starseeker growl...
02:53.30 ``Erik ?
02:54.36 starseeker looking for a good toolkit option
02:54.57 starseeker agar looks like the winner from the libsdl side, but it has a custom build system and the svn version doesn't compile
02:55.10 starseeker Tk has a bunch of... funky options
02:57.08 starseeker Qt might be an option... wonder how fast Qpixmap is
02:58.28 starseeker we're going to use Qt someday anyhow
03:09.40 starseeker HMMM.
03:12.42 ``Erik um, qpainter2d
03:12.55 starseeker ah
03:13.01 starseeker you looked into it already?
03:13.04 ``Erik jabba has a fast paint buffer for 2d games
03:13.05 ``Erik yeah
03:13.15 starseeker is it viable?
03:13.21 ``Erik which?
03:13.25 starseeker Qt
03:13.35 ``Erik the qpainter stuff might be adequate, I dunno
03:13.44 ``Erik the java stuff is used in 2d games, so it's up to snuff
03:14.09 ``Erik 2d game stuff seems like the richest source for this kinda info
03:15.18 ``Erik glTexSubImage2D might be the shizzle for portability on 3d gpu equiped machiens
03:15.30 starseeker nods
03:17.06 starseeker hmm. what's OpenVG I wonder...
03:17.34 ``Erik vector graphics out of khronos?
03:17.53 starseeker who's khronos?
03:18.14 starseeker oh
03:18.18 starseeker open standards group
03:18.21 ``Erik um, iirc, a consortium glued together to make an ogl replacement that failed?
03:19.07 ``Erik farenheit or something?
03:19.52 starseeker opengl es?
03:21.57 starseeker heh - cool agar dev responded on irc
03:22.11 starseeker compiles again...
03:26.44 starseeker ouch - that make doesn't take a -j option...
03:28.32 ``Erik not sounding so incredibly awesome...
03:28.42 starseeker yeah
03:29.01 starseeker dunno why he doesn't just use autotools or some such...
03:30.15 starseeker I'll say this for him - I didn't see much in the way of warnings during the compile
03:31.09 ``Erik -Wnone ? :D
03:31.14 starseeker hehe
03:31.32 starseeker could be
03:31.46 ``Erik wonders where he put the widget toolkit he wrote ontop of sdl O.o
03:32.02 starseeker ah, here are some errors
03:32.09 starseeker just early in the build when I wasn't watching
03:32.10 starseeker k
03:32.46 starseeker hang on, may have fed it a malformed -j option...
03:36.43 starseeker hmm, weird
03:39.06 starseeker almost works - only fails on first attempt after a clean svn checkout
03:39.19 starseeker pastebins for the devs
03:39.37 starseeker ah, well - not much chance we'd use it anyway, but I'm curious
03:46.36 Ralith er
03:46.47 Ralith isn't the khronos group responsible for OGL itself?
03:47.32 Ralith (also, OpenGL ES is a portable complement to OpenGL which, afaik, is active and successful)
03:47.55 starseeker yeah, I guess that's true enough
03:48.12 starseeker thought ES was intended to be the next OGL, but got shot down (for now at least)
03:48.45 Ralith nope
03:48.48 Ralith just a trimmed down version
03:49.13 Ralith you're probably thinking of OpenGL 3, which had lots of exciting new features that got scrapped right before the spec was finalized
03:49.28 Ralith (although I'm told most of them made it back into the 3.2 spec, which is out, so that's not so bad)
03:49.48 starseeker heh
03:49.54 starseeker Ralith: how goes school?
03:50.54 ``Erik yeh, looks like khronos does ogl now, guess to fill the void sgi left... es is 'embedded'
03:51.01 Ralith pretty good; just yesterday finished my last major assignment
03:51.07 starseeker sweet
03:51.11 ``Erik grats
03:51.14 Ralith intro CS course was predictably blarg
03:51.18 starseeker heh
03:51.24 Ralith the prof didn't even really know what he was talking about >.<
03:51.33 starseeker yeah, that sucks
03:51.56 Ralith but I remain hopeful, as my discrete math and logic & computer design courses were both very good.
03:54.59 starseeker excellent
03:55.13 starseeker so you feel like some Ogre+Qt hacking? ;-)
03:57.44 starseeker feels a trifle guilty about spending time on Agar... darn curiosity...
11:45.53 *** join/#brlcad parigaudi (
13:19.53 ``Erik "are there any open source tools to deal with access .mdb files?" "rm"
13:20.10 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
13:21.42 archivist rm -rf as its a windows box /me ducks
14:10.07 ``Erik frikkin' tkhtml3 (AGAIN)
14:11.23 starseeker now what is it doing (or not doing)
14:11.36 ``Erik ignoring CPPFLAGS
14:11.55 starseeker kinda regrets not just doing the tkimg style hack build - that at least worked most of the time...
14:12.42 starseeker ``Erik: that might be a issue?
14:13.11 ``Erik it happens during ./configure
14:13.28 starseeker never did get the hang of merging TEA building and automake's, although I suppose I should try it again...
14:13.31 starseeker ah
14:13.49 ``Erik ./configure CPPFLAGS=-I/some/path/include/tk8.5/ and tkhtml3's subconfigur bitches about not finding tk.h
14:14.48 ``Erik doesn't remember if it ever worked right O.o
14:14.50 starseeker try --with-tkinclude
14:16.11 starseeker gets cadtools running... and watches the widgets behave funky
14:16.18 starseeker yep, not ready for prime time
14:17.00 ``Erik heh
14:17.26 ``Erik tries to act surprised O:-)
14:18.06 starseeker <snort> - it's not like I am
14:18.33 starseeker just worth checking - it confirms that an SDL solution means writing our own local widgets as well
14:19.14 ``Erik or figuring out how to hijack the sdl's SDL_Display shtuffz
14:19.25 ``Erik sam's a pretty laid back guy, he might be cool with taking a patch
14:19.46 starseeker what'd you have in mind?
14:20.08 ``Erik no clue
14:20.44 ``Erik iirc, when you set up a window or context in SDL, it's very oriented towards having a single window, SDL_InitVideo() or something bangs on globals and stuf
14:20.48 starseeker kinda sounds like using another toolkit with it would entail similar issues to Ogre + Qt
14:21.39 ``Erik oh, SDL_SetVideoMode()
14:22.10 ``Erik hrm, SDL_SwapBuffers(); uses the global surface
14:22.15 starseeker yeah, seeing similar stuff - the tcl-demo code shows tcl/tk controlling sdl, which is OK, simple and might work, but it's not immediately clear if it would also allow 3D manipulation controls and ray firing in SDL
14:22.38 ``Erik didja look at local_worker.c ?
14:22.48 starseeker glanced at it
14:23.17 starseeker was more trying to figure out what container to put around the adrt stuff before digging into adrt
14:23.38 starseeker s/adrt/isst
14:23.42 ``Erik well, digging through that tiny file tells you what kinda container you're looking for :D
14:23.50 starseeker heh
14:23.59 starseeker fair enough
14:24.11 starseeker also got sidtracked into reading about NURBS till about 1am
14:24.14 starseeker (brain hurts)
14:24.32 ``Erik ponders digging up old svgalib code and figuring out how to do an isst that way :>
14:24.42 starseeker ew ew ew
14:25.05 starseeker doesn't think he's heard of svgalib for years
14:25.34 ``Erik heh
14:26.04 starseeker hehe
14:27.43 ``Erik (how the hell did that even work?)
14:27.56 starseeker black magic
14:28.13 starseeker heads in - see ya in a bit
14:28.18 ``Erik it's gotta be setaling shit off the stack
14:28.18 starseeker (if you're in)
14:28.26 ``Erik linux musta REALLY sucked to make that work
14:29.16 starseeker makes a note to study this code and see if sdl window interactions are compatible with it...
14:29.55 starseeker if so, might have some fun with mged, libsdl and adrt...
15:08.56 ``Erik cooks up a bench run on this fpu-less ARM thingy :>
16:48.53 *** join/#brlcad cosurgi (
16:51.34 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
17:40.06 ``Erik AWESOME, negative infinity logarithmic vgr's!
17:40.26 ``Erik Benchmark results indicate an approximate VGR performance metric of 0
17:40.26 ``Erik Logarithmic VGR metric is -inf (natural logarithm is -inf)
17:40.32 ``Erik Abs OpenRD 11386.64 6382.36 6583.38 5773.79 6654.10 7956.48 Thu Dec 4 12:38:24 EST 2031
17:45.24 ``Erik ah
17:45.25 ``Erik erik@OpenRD ~/src/brlcad/bench$ bc
17:45.25 ``Erik bash: bc: command not found
17:49.18 starseeker supposes sanity checks are in order...
17:49.32 starseeker bc, time, other things available on any SANE system...
17:50.39 ``Erik yeah, need to get linux off of that thing and bring up freebsd...
18:41.27 *** join/#brlcad johnson_dm_ (
18:41.58 starseeker looks like this might have some hints for metaball->NURBS conversion:
18:48.40 ``Erik interesting
18:49.31 ``Erik I'd have to read it more carefully to see if the representations line up the same for the initial data... their approach looks like a good fit for the blinn style surface, but mebbe not the iso one I have
18:49.54 ``Erik spheres and saddles as the patches, wasn't even thinking of cutting the surface up like that heh
18:51.46 starseeker might not be stricly necessary - another possible approach might be to generate control points based on the isopotential gradients... if some mapping can be found that makes sense...
18:52.05 starseeker might be a legitimate paper in there somewhere
18:52.13 ``Erik well, given that code now exists to find the surface between two points, ... *shrug*
18:52.47 starseeker yeah, but when defining the NURBS curve you want to (as much as possible) match the surface curvature, not just smoothly intersect a subset of points
18:52.51 starseeker that might be trickier
18:52.53 starseeker not sure
18:53.45 ``Erik approximating curvature should be reasonably straightforward with a set of nearby intersections
18:53.49 starseeker obviously a surface tree approach and some sort of "flat isopotential within box" approach would let us get very close...
18:54.42 starseeker yeah, there's probably some sort of mathy "combinations of radial potentials result in surface curvature of yada..." math that could/should be done...
19:00.18 *** join/#brlcad juantelez (n=juan@unaffiliated/juantelez)
19:00.22 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
19:00.39 juantelez hi all
19:01.00 *** join/#brlcad Nohla (n=jesica@
19:01.11 juantelez I have a friend that want to translate the documentation to spanish, here she is
19:01.22 juantelez hola Nohla :)
19:01.34 juantelez esperemos a ver que dicen, jeje
19:02.04 starseeker howdy :-)
19:02.16 juantelez hi starseeker
19:02.41 starseeker Nohla: hola :-)
19:03.16 starseeker unfortunately I don't speak much spanish - I think brlcad speaks some though
19:03.21 Nohla starseeker, hola, sabes español?
19:03.34 Nohla ah ok
19:03.35 starseeker Nohla: no :-(
19:03.42 juantelez i have very little experince whit wiki, and, and I'm affraid that if i edit the documentation the english documentation will be lost and all of you will came to my house and kill me
19:03.44 juantelez jaja
19:03.51 starseeker hehe
19:04.18 starseeker actually, what I would suggest is working with the docbook documentation in our tree
19:04.29 juantelez starseeker: do you know how we can edit the doc to translate it whitout erase anything?
19:04.40 juantelez let me see
19:04.40 starseeker we eventually want to get to the point where that is integrated into the wiki, but we aren't there yet
19:04.53 starseeker juantelez: do you have a copy of the brlcad source code?
19:05.01 juantelez starseeker: no
19:05.02 starseeker er BRL-CAD (sorry brlcad)
19:05.07 starseeker juantelez: ah
19:05.10 starseeker ok, that's step one
19:05.32 juantelez but we want to translate the doc not the program itself
19:05.38 starseeker right
19:05.41 juantelez ok
19:05.45 starseeker the docs are in the source tree
19:05.48 juantelez ok
19:06.00 juantelez let me see if I could find it and download
19:06.00 starseeker we create a docbook file, then build html, pdf and man pages from that one source file
19:06.09 juantelez ok
19:06.09 starseeker simplifies maintaining things no end
19:06.18 juantelez ok
19:06.41 starseeker what platform are you on? (Windows, Linux, ...)
19:06.57 juantelez GNU/Linux
19:07.04 starseeker
19:07.08 starseeker latest release
19:07.12 juantelez thanks starseeker !!
19:07.15 juantelez Nohla: bajate eso
19:07.27 Nohla juantelez, ya juan, lo estoy siguiendo
19:07.28 juantelez Nohla: que el laburo heavy lo vas a hacer vos! yo soy solo el rrpp! jaja
19:07.36 Nohla jajaja
19:07.44 juantelez Nohla: no me cancheres porque te dejo sola, jaja
19:08.01 Nohla juantelez, sola es cuando mas aprendo
19:08.20 starseeker if you're not familiar with Docbook, it's an xml markup language (feels a little like html, but is much more abstract)
19:09.53 juantelez starseeker: thanks a lot!
19:09.57 starseeker when you expand the tarball, you will see inside the brlcad-7.16.2 directory a doc directory, and within that directory a docbook directory
19:10.08 juantelez starseeker: i guess we will here bodering a lot!
19:10.10 juantelez jaj
19:10.54 starseeker the README file outlines the toplevel directories
19:10.54 Nohla mmm, i thought it was easier
19:11.21 starseeker the directory structure is laid out such that we can create es subdirectories just as we currently have en subdirectories
19:11.21 Nohla juantelez, esa parte la hace vos? yo lo traduzco
19:11.51 starseeker juantelez: if docbook is too much, you're welcome to start on whatever you care to
19:11.56 starseeker all efforts are welcome
19:12.16 juantelez :)
19:12.26 starseeker if you're willing to work on the docbook level though, it will save converting the results to docbook later
19:12.32 juantelez Nohla: bueno, dame ssh a tu maquina y te digo que traducir, jaja
19:12.55 starseeker I recommend starting in the system/man1 directory
19:13.04 starseeker those are manual pages, which are small and self contained
19:13.14 juantelez starseeker: don't worry, Nohla just love to learn, so, she'll work with Docbook
19:13.16 juantelez jaja
19:13.38 Nohla starseeker, please, step by step
19:14.00 Nohla and slower
19:14.09 starseeker Nohla: you have brlcad-7.16.2.tar.gz?
19:14.12 Nohla yes
19:14.25 starseeker ok. run the following command:
19:14.38 starseeker tar -xvzf brlcad-7.16.2.tar.gz
19:15.06 Nohla done
19:15.24 starseeker cd brlcad-7.16.2
19:15.37 starseeker cd doc/docbook
19:15.51 starseeker cd system/man1
19:16.19 starseeker you should see a README file, a file called mged_cmd_template.xml, and a directory en
19:17.30 starseeker for spanish documentation, we will create a directory at this level:
19:17.33 starseeker mkdir es
19:17.50 starseeker OK so far?
19:18.40 Nohla ok
19:19.09 starseeker ok. now, if you list the contents of the en directory, you will see many xml files:
19:19.12 starseeker ls en/
19:20.00 starseeker these files are docbook files
19:20.10 starseeker what editor do you prefer? (emacs, vi, etc.)
19:20.53 Nohla vim
19:21.00 starseeker ah :-)
19:21.41 starseeker ok, vim will work fine. If you care to investigate it later, there is an emacs tool called nxml that is useful for docbook files, but for now we will use vim
19:21.58 starseeker so, open the first file:
19:22.05 starseeker vim en/3ptarb.xml
19:22.11 Nohla i have emacs, but ive neer usd it
19:22.18 Nohla i can try if you help me
19:22.24 starseeker no need for now
19:22.43 starseeker it helps when doing docbook markup, but for a while you will simply be translating
19:22.48 starseeker no markup change needed
19:23.25 Nohla ok
19:23.33 starseeker you have 3ptarb.xml open?
19:23.45 Nohla yes
19:24.26 starseeker OK. You see english sentences and paragraphs?
19:24.32 Nohla ahá
19:24.57 starseeker first sentence to translate is "Build an ARB8 shape by extruding a quadrilateral through a given thickness."
19:25.24 starseeker the xml tangs inside <> brackets (like <refentrytitle>) do NOT get translated
19:25.28 starseeker only content
19:25.39 Nohla yes
19:25.48 starseeker also, command and program names (3ptarb, MGED) must stay the same
19:25.49 Nohla i saw that content
19:25.55 starseeker good :-)
19:26.12 starseeker so, now we quit vim and prepare to translate the file
19:26.31 starseeker you made directory es earlier?
19:26.32 Nohla so i should copy all de directory and trasleate just de explanations
19:26.40 starseeker yes
19:26.54 Nohla and let them in a diferent directory
19:26.54 starseeker cp en/3ptarb.xml es/3ptarb.xml
19:27.05 starseeker then edit es/3ptarb.xml
19:27.12 Nohla wow
19:27.20 Nohla it was easy
19:27.52 Nohla i was near to do a lot of stupid things on wikibooks :)
19:28.26 starseeker we would like to edit via wiki, but we must write new code for wiki engine to enable that - not done yet
19:28.51 starseeker so, if acceptable, better to do it this way :-)
19:29.03 *** part/#brlcad johnson_dm_ (
19:29.20 Nohla but i would like to put yhis on the web, where everyone can acces
19:29.24 Nohla s
19:29.49 juantelez thats the better part
19:29.49 starseeker once you translate some files, we will build html output
19:29.49 starseeker html can be uploaded to the wiki
19:29.59 Nohla that was the problem that begin this idea
19:30.08 starseeker nods
19:30.28 juantelez the work that you are doing Nohla, doesn't work only with trnaslation,
19:31.58 Nohla so, i`ll do the first tranlations
19:32.18 Nohla the, how i give them to your proyect?
19:32.31 Nohla to be offered with the download
19:32.46 juantelez Nohla: que queres preguntar?
19:32.51 starseeker once you have the first few done, we will check them over and add them to our source code repository
19:32.52 juantelez Nohla: me parece que te hiciste quilobmo
19:33.15 Nohla juantelez, el me entendio
19:33.15 starseeker if they look good, brlcad may decide to allow you to commit directly to the sourceforge subversion repository
19:33.29 Nohla juantelez, aprende spanglish y despues decime :)
19:33.31 juantelez Nohla: entendes lo que estas haciendo? estas modificando el codigo de la fuente, despues compilas eso en html para que quede en la pagina
19:33.52 starseeker initially, you can email them to the BRL-CAD email list
19:33.53 juantelez Nohla: enntendes?
19:34.00 Nohla juantelez, que si
19:34.13 Nohla pero no esta en los repositorios si yo no lo mando
19:34.16 Nohla solo en mi maquina
19:34.24 starseeker
19:34.46 starseeker brlcad-devel would be appropriate here, I believe
19:35.10 juantelez Nohla: pero te esta diciendo, que lo mandes a la lista para que ellos lo subam o despues lo de brlcad_ y por ahi te autoriza para que hagas el commint vos directamente
19:35.33 juantelez Nohla: fijate que tienen un par de listas de correo y foros
19:35.44 Nohla que es el commint
19:36.48 starseeker We manage our developent tree using subversion version control system:
19:37.48 juantelez Nohla: el proceso de subir lo que modificaste
19:38.26 Nohla starseeker, stop again, step by step
19:38.42 Nohla ill do the first, and then y return here for the following
19:38.50 starseeker Nohla: ok.
19:39.07 Nohla starseeker, if i do too much, ill leave it soon
19:39.24 Nohla actually, i should be studing right now
19:39.29 starseeker no hurry - work at your own pace
19:39.29 juantelez jaja
19:39.42 juantelez starseeker: where are you from?
19:39.49 starseeker Maryland
19:39.54 starseeker USA
19:40.15 juantelez we are from Buenos Aires, Argentina
19:40.25 starseeker very nice :-)
19:40.44 starseeker thank you for your interest in BRL-CAD
19:41.14 Nohla starseeker, thank to all you for bring BRLCAD
19:41.39 starseeker Nohla: if you like doing translations, I will take you through next stages step by step - they are not needed yet
19:41.41 juantelez jeje
19:42.10 juantelez starseeker: in fact, her idea of transalate this came up as a need
19:42.36 Nohla starseeker, ive never done translations before this
19:42.40 Nohla :)
19:42.57 juantelez starseeker: Nohla contributes a lot with the LUG of her Universty
19:43.06 starseeker excellent :-)
19:43.14 juantelez (former my university jaja)
19:43.24 Nohla jajajja
19:44.33 juantelez and a student from another area tell her that he want to learn to use brl-cad but the language barrer was stoping him
19:45.08 Nohla starseeker, BRL is one (not the first) of the available software in raplace of autocad
19:45.48 Nohla ive never seen a person who use it, and i never used it :)
19:46.16 Nohla but a student came to an event with this problem
19:46.22 starseeker nods
19:46.32 starseeker yes, to use BRL-CAD you need to read the documentation
19:46.41 Nohla he wanted to change completed to FS but he dont speak english
19:47.40 Nohla so i offered him this work
19:47.54 starseeker Nohla: thank you!
19:47.55 Nohla for him and other people in his situation
19:48.56 Nohla starseeker, there some apps or functions that autocad offer, but brl dont ?
19:49.09 starseeker Once you are comfortable with docbook and translating, for beginners the files in doc/docbook/lessons are most important
19:49.15 Nohla (sorry if it hard to understand me)
19:49.19 starseeker Nohla: yes, autocad has features we do not
19:49.23 starseeker no problem :-)
19:49.36 Nohla starseeker, wich are them?
19:49.54 starseeker we do not have much ability to do 2D blueprints/sketches
19:50.03 starseeker QCAD is better for that
19:50.08 starseeker BRL-CAD does solid modeling
19:50.31 starseeker AutoCAD is more "polished", more user friendly
19:51.48 Nohla so i will translate qcad :D
19:52.25 Nohla we do not have much ability to do 2D blueprints/sketches:: starseeker, you will?
19:53.03 starseeker someday, but it is not yet a priority
19:53.18 ``Erik much work to be done and very few of us doing it
19:53.21 Nohla why not?
19:53.44 starseeker BRL-CAD is used to model three dimensional objects (like vehicles) for analysis
19:54.02 starseeker blueprints are used more in manufacturing
19:54.16 Nohla if you develop that skills i promise to do a good work on difussion
19:54.22 ``Erik right now, the big pushes are for NURBS support (like Pro/E, unigraphics, rhino3d) and for an updated and modernized user interface
19:54.37 Nohla but to the university it is necesary
19:55.35 ``Erik have you seen ?
19:56.54 starseeker Nohla: we would love for someone in the BRL-CAD open source community to develop support for blueprint outputs, but until we have the available resources to devote to it we can't do them well yet
19:57.09 starseeker Nohla: there IS rtedge, though:
19:58.09 starseeker
19:59.21 Nohla wow
20:00.43 starseeker we don't have all of the standard "blueprint" boxes and labels, but those can be created with (say) inkscape using an rtedge render as a starting point
20:01.43 starseeker so 1. create 3D model in BRL-CAD 2. render hidden line wireframe with rtedge 3. import into inkscape and add necessary blueprint additions
20:02.33 Nohla starseeker, you should now that i dont kwon how to use brl, and even the think its good to now for beginners
20:03.02 Nohla there will be a lot of thing you will say that ill lose in the middle :)
20:03.08 starseeker It's OK
20:03.35 starseeker short version - you can do blueprint-like outputs, but not simple or feature-rich
20:04.05 Nohla the one i know is that the FS have a piece of software on demand
20:04.29 Nohla and im trying to do something to make one option more knowed
20:04.33 Nohla just that
20:04.42 starseeker thank you :-)
20:05.38 starseeker Once you have translated a couple of files, please send them to brlcad-devel email list
20:05.52 starseeker very exciting
20:07.00 starseeker ``Erik: by the way, how does gettext play with Windows?
20:07.36 ``Erik uhhhh, I d'no? I imagine it exists in cygwin?
20:07.42 starseeker winces
20:07.46 ``Erik windows are those things I look through when I want to see outside, dude
20:07.52 starseeker hehe
20:08.42 juantelez haha
20:09.22 starseeker notes that his Mac doesn't have ANY of the posix locale variables set...
20:10.38 starseeker ``Erik: hmm, some rather interesting possibilities there (and by interesting I mean disturbing)
20:10.47 brlcad wooh, lotsa backlog
20:10.50 ``Erik (amusingly, all the programs I've gettextized only managed to get a handful of en_ ones and pt_BR)
20:11.19 starseeker juantelez, Nohla: I believe brlcad speaks some Spanish
20:12.06 Nohla :)
20:12.07 ``Erik starseeker: I've written beavis&butthead and redneck po files ... after seeing some sysadmin utility that had a flag to turn on b&b style messages... :)
20:12.37 ``Erik (as for backlog, that'll teach brlcad to sleep.)
20:12.49 brlcad ``Erik: presume that's like the old windows starfield screensaver?
20:13.01 ``Erik brlcad: warp.c is, yes
20:14.32 brlcad starseeker: heh, isst used to be hooked up to agar
20:14.40 brlcad clanlib ftw!
20:14.55 Nohla starseeker, what is on wikipedia brl is the same that is in /es ?
20:15.01 ``Erik tried to write a worms armageddon clone with clanlib, didn't like it
20:15.06 Nohla with different format
20:15.26 starseeker Nohla: er, en you mean?
20:15.32 Nohla or on the wiki, the explanation is clearer?
20:15.40 starseeker BRL-CAD wiki content is probably older
20:16.01 starseeker but more complete
20:16.13 starseeker (docbook conversion is not complete in english either)
20:16.45 starseeker but once you are comfortable with translating, definitely suggest working on lessons
20:17.01 starseeker hundreds of pages of content there, most useful for beginners
20:17.02 Nohla because, i was thinking that maybe, you souhld tell wich contents are completed and actualized
20:17.09 Nohla to beginr with them
20:17.38 starseeker doc/docbook/lessons is essentially complete
20:18.30 starseeker content of lessons is from this document:
20:18.35 brlcad and interesting about the bench.. it has checks in there for making sure it exists first
20:18.49 brlcad should fall back to dc or other methods
20:19.01 starseeker Nohla: that pdf is always first place for new users who speak english to go
20:19.28 starseeker so its contents in doc/docbook/lessons are logical first translation, if not overwhelming
20:19.32 ``Erik dc isn't on the box, either... silly embedded systems, not installing all those fancy tools
20:20.02 ``Erik btclsh? expr ? :D
20:20.20 brlcad hola Nohla y juantelez
20:20.45 Nohla holas
20:21.01 Nohla starseeker, this are the same pdf on wiki?
20:21.22 starseeker same content as pdf on wiki, yes
20:21.34 Nohla (sorry, i dont want to lose to much time looking for the best to transleate than translating)
20:22.36 starseeker you want documentation for a new BRL-CAD user, correct?
20:22.44 brlcad is still backlogging
20:23.33 Nohla starseeker, give two things: 1) the best content to translate firs. 2) one advice about translating that
20:24.16 Nohla so if i leave the proyect at tha first step, at least ive done something usefull :)
20:24.21 starseeker Nohla: if there is no concern about amount of content, the lessons are best for new users
20:24.30 Nohla every day i find new interesting things to do :)
20:24.39 starseeker Nohla: any translation is useful
20:25.16 starseeker for the request you had, lessons would help him the most
20:25.52 Nohla this is for beginers?
20:26.04 starseeker yes
20:27.34 Nohla but imagine that you are a spanish speaking person and start reading that tuto
20:28.03 Nohla read the firs you found and then you realise that there no more contents on spanish
20:28.12 Nohla thats sad :(
20:29.33 Nohla or worst, dont read anything because you saw that theres no all the content in your langage
20:30.01 Nohla starseeker, question: the firs you gave me is the source code, really?
20:30.29 Nohla that means that if you tipe for spanish help on console, you will read that?
20:30.57 Nohla or if youre using brl and an advice is shown, that can be available on spanish?
20:31.07 Nohla (sorry if the question is too stupid)
20:33.52 Nohla (wow if i can translate 287 pages, i would be pride of myself! jejeje)
20:35.55 starseeker Nohla: the various documentation and help systems in BRL-CAD do not have a unified design
20:36.09 starseeker we are working on correcting that, and docbook will be the eventual solution
20:37.02 starseeker but a FULL translation of all help strings in BRL-CAD would involve many changes in many places
20:37.33 Nohla starseeker, i want to give you my mail for you to send me some information that you belive its usefull to translate
20:37.56 Nohla im getting confused about wichi path to take because there is a lot of options
20:38.13 starseeker my suggestion is doc/docbook/lessons
20:38.21 Nohla and i dont know enough to choose correctly
20:38.39 Nohla and what about pdf you sent me?
20:38.42 starseeker without those, it is hard to use BRL-CAD at all and other translations are much less useful
20:38.47 starseeker pdf has same content
20:39.19 Nohla so if i do lesson, then you can drop that content on pdf
20:39.20 starseeker doc/docbook/lessons contains the contents of that pdf
20:39.24 starseeker yes
20:39.35 starseeker we build the lessons as individual files
20:39.58 starseeker so if you translate mged01_creating_primitive_shapes.xml we can make a pdf from that
20:40.02 starseeker and html
20:40.55 brlcad Nohla: podemos darte permiso a hacer 'commits' al repository si estas "active" con los traducciones
20:41.08 Nohla but, at the same kind of thinking, if i translate the pdf, you can take what you need to drop that on lesson XD
20:41.15 Nohla this is funny
20:41.36 starseeker brlcad: help
20:41.43 starseeker I'm not making myself clear
20:41.44 Nohla brlcad, ive never translate anything before
20:42.07 brlcad juantelez: thanks for helping be the intermediate translator :)
20:42.14 Nohla starseeker, nono, im joking :)
20:42.25 starseeker ah :-)
20:43.29 Nohla starseeker, anyway, my email is in case you want to guide this work in the foreward step :)
20:43.38 starseeker thank you :-)
20:43.59 starseeker I suggest doing a spanish translation of mged01_creating_primitive_shapes.xml
20:44.25 starseeker email that to brlcad-devel, and from there we will take the next steps
20:45.55 Nohla so i should translate all te words in white ;)
20:48.31 starseeker depends on what vim syntax highlighting you have on ;-)
20:48.48 juantelez brlcad: :D, my pleassure
20:59.02 ``Erik dons his dunce cap. *sigh*
20:59.08 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r36791 10/isst/trunk/src/gui.c: set project id on local load (fixes ignored motion events)
21:09.39 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r36792 10/isst/trunk/src/gui.c: restore perspective rendering when leaving shotline mode
21:31.42 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36793 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/metaball/metaball.c: shelling
21:59.31 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r36794 10/isst/trunk/src/gui.c: save a shotline
22:14.12 brlcad okay, all caught up with the backlog...
22:15.21 brlcad Nohla: si te puedes quedar en IRC, me gustaria ayudarte a empezar
22:16.16 Nohla brlcad, estoy
22:16.24 Nohla pero la verdad que vengo mas o menos bien
22:16.34 Nohla perdon
22:16.45 Nohla actually, im doing right
22:17.50 Nohla but i need time because i have to study
22:18.25 Nohla i pay an exam on monday
22:21.33 Nohla i like translate this more than study :P
22:29.14 brlcad Nohla: jeje, que bien
22:31.15 brlcad pues, lo que starseeker dijo eåaa cierto .. empezando con los lecciones ayuda mucho, tambien puedes empezar con el introduccion aqui
22:31.28 brlcad yeesh, my unicode isn't working right..
22:42.25 Nohla starseeker, send me an email to keep in touch
22:43.08 Nohla anyway, at the end of the first translate ill send the file by your list
22:43.29 Nohla if you have restriction about that, please moderate my message
22:43.57 brlcad restriction?
22:45.14 Nohla about de size of the file
22:45.34 Nohla i have a list with that restriction
22:45.47 brlcad no hay restriction, pero si tienes que ser suscrito a la lista para enviar un mensaje
22:46.23 brlcad
22:46.44 Nohla well, in this list, if you are not subscripted and send a message, me or juantelez have to accep it before
22:47.06 brlcad ah, pues ours will just reject it ;)
22:47.22 brlcad con instrucciones a subscribe
22:47.35 brlcad (automaticamente)
22:47.40 Nohla noo
22:47.45 Nohla thats bad
22:47.49 Nohla :P
22:48.58 Nohla i was talking about a email list, not a sourceforge list ;)
22:49.21 brlcad subscribing is pretty easy, if people aren't willing to do that to engage in a discussion, it's not usually a productive discussion
22:49.32 brlcad sourceforge lists are email lists
22:49.37 brlcad mailman
22:50.10 Nohla aha, i see
22:51.24 Nohla I dont know to much of all resources on internet
22:51.41 brlcad our lists used to be moderated, but 99% of the moderations were spam and a waste of time to have to reject/ignore daily
22:51.45 Nohla well, i dont know too much of anything :)
22:51.52 Nohla even english :D
22:51.53 brlcad Nohla: you're english is pretty good :)
22:52.17 brlcad more than good enough to communicate usefully
22:52.24 Nohla well, thanks
22:53.08 Nohla im leaving, i have to live my life sometimes :P
22:53.14 brlcad ``Erik: the shelling bug is pretty blatent :)
22:53.36 Nohla from time to time, I remember I have a family
22:53.51 brlcad ``Erik: setting the in/out hit distances wrong .. you're making a 1mm shell
22:54.03 brlcad Nohla: jaja
22:54.11 brlcad pues esta bien
22:54.13 brlcad gracies
22:54.17 brlcad er, gracias!
22:54.20 Nohla :)
22:54.36 Nohla saludos! y buen fin de semana para todos
22:54.40 brlcad siempre estamos aqui
22:54.46 brlcad ciao
22:55.00 brlcad igualmente
23:09.34 ``Erik brlcad; pretty sure something in my stepping function si getting flipped somewhere to cause that...
23:09.46 ``Erik probably that stat variable
23:11.42 brlcad regardless of the stepping, you're setting in to out+1
23:11.52 brlcad or out to in+1
23:11.54 brlcad which can't be right
23:11.57 ``Erik oh, hrm
23:12.14 ``Erik um, thought I set something like that to get off the surface to start the walk again
23:12.31 brlcad you don't set in/outs anywhere else
23:12.43 brlcad so you end up with 1mm shells being reported back
23:13.27 ``Erik will have to look into it... next week O.o
23:13.40 brlcad should back out the ray outside the metaball bounding box too, count all surface hits, then clamp to the ray origin
23:13.58 brlcad that should take care of it
23:27.36 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36795 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: iteration task fail. 64-bit and annotation are incomplete. move them down. also add deprecation of the dbfind command.
23:32.25 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36796 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: new configure option for strict build compilation. this flag, enabled by default, causes the core libraries to consider all compilation warnings as errors and can report C standard compliance failures.
23:53.22 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36797 10/brlcad/trunk/BUGS: vdeck command truncates the region names in the 'regions' file

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