IRC log for #brlcad on 20091206

02:17.38 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
02:17.38 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || #brlcad logs at || Release 7.16.2 posted (20091106) .. full binary release!
05:42.29 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
05:42.29 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || #brlcad logs at || Release 7.16.2 posted (20091106) .. full binary release!
07:36.34 *** join/#brlcad ibot_ (
07:36.34 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || #brlcad logs at || Release 7.16.2 posted (20091106) .. full binary release!
07:49.14 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
07:49.14 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || #brlcad logs at || Release 7.16.2 posted (20091106) .. full binary release!
09:25.16 *** join/#brlcad __monty__ (
10:08.25 __monty__ Anyone on?
10:15.00 __monty__ I get Bus error When trying to run mged.
11:18.31 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
11:18.31 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || #brlcad logs at || Release 7.16.2 posted (20091106) .. full binary release!
12:23.01 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
13:06.00 __monty__ Any help on Bus error when starting mged?
13:11.20 ``Erik can ya run it in gdb?
13:40.22 *** join/#brlcad jesica_ (n=jesica@
14:23.44 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
14:23.44 *** join/#brlcad louipc (n=louipc@archlinux/trusteduser/louipc) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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14:23.44 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (n=sean@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
14:23.44 *** join/#brlcad starseeker (n=starseek@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:23.44 *** join/#brlcad alex_joni (n=alex_jon@emc/board-of-directors/alexjoni) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:23.44 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:23.44 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:23.44 *** join/#brlcad archivist (n=archivis@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:23.48 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos (n=Me@emc/developer/SWPadnos) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:23.49 *** join/#brlcad d-lo (n=claymore@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
15:16.07 __monty__ Are you still on?
18:10.35 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
18:22.07 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (n=Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
20:06.38 starseeker winces as all his ram and swap are eaten by a step-g attempt and he is forced to reboot...
20:07.46 starseeker wonder how I can reserve some ram just for X11 and related "basic" desktop stuff so no app ever grabs all the memory...
20:08.07 starseeker or I suppose I could reinstall and up the swap...
20:10.13 ``Erik O.O
20:10.19 ``Erik um
20:10.24 ``Erik use a slightly less retarded os? :D
20:10.48 ``Erik last time I oom'd linux much, its termination criteria were... very... retarded
20:11.35 ``Erik I had some small utilities I coded up to try to control swap vs ram stuff, simply never needed 'em after moving to fbsd... :)
20:11.43 ``Erik "soil" was the one I tended to use the most I think
20:12.00 ``Erik it pissed all over memory, forcing idle procs down into swap
20:12.44 ``Erik has managed to break the serial console on his new toy, but it still boots and is ssh-able :/
20:26.16 jesica_ starseeker, are you there?
20:26.39 jesica_ there something not cery clear for me in the manual
20:26.45 jesica_ cery/very
20:30.24 ``Erik he may be busy trying to figure out how to make linux not suck, throw your query out and idle until someone can answer it? :D
20:31.52 jesica_ "If you type a z and your cursor is still in the Graphics Window, you will send your design spinning." that means it will rotate?
20:33.06 jesica_ the only place where i heard the spin word was in chemistry: P
20:35.05 brlcad starseeker: hehe, how much memory do you have?
20:36.42 brlcad jesica_: yes, it means it will begin rotating
20:36.54 jesica_ brlcad, thanks
20:37.03 brlcad rotating about the z axis if you press z
20:37.18 brlcad and reverse direction if you press Z
20:37.34 brlcad and about the other two axes for x and y, 0 to stop
20:38.02 jesica_ brlcad, im not in that page yet :)
20:38.09 jesica_ but thank you
20:38.36 jesica_ remain im just doing the translating, not using brlcad
20:39.07 jesica_ brlcad, why you have a nickname so important for this chanel?
20:39.59 jesica_ ate "do", mmm
20:40.38 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
20:43.04 starseeker jesica_: he is the project lead for the BRL-CAD open source project
20:43.42 starseeker brlcad: 1.5 gig ram, waaaay to little swap (500 meg)
20:43.47 jesica_ starseeker, :) hi
20:43.52 starseeker howdy :-)
20:44.27 starseeker installed before he had an external hard drive - begrudged handing over several gigs for a proper swap partition
20:48.27 starseeker really doesn't want to reinstall again until he gets a new machine - this configuration has had all the major gotchas ironed out (event got virtualbox working)
20:54.07 starseeker ``Erik: I might be convinced to take a run at FreeBSD the next go-around, or maybe opensolaris - hate to give up all the OS specific knowledge, but would be an interesting experience
20:54.27 starseeker (as long as sbcl runs well, of course ;-)
20:56.11 *** join/#brlcad __monty__ (
20:56.52 __monty__ Anyone know anything about a Bus error when trying to launch brlcad?
20:57.06 ``Erik sbcl works quite nicely on fbsd, just make sure to enable threading when you run the 'make configure' step (uh, I think gentoo forces you to edit a file to set those? fbsd gives you a 'dialog' driven configurator)
20:57.44 ``Erik there should be no bus error, have you tried running it in gdb to see what actually fails? can you give us info on version, how you got it, operating system, hw, etc?
20:59.26 ``Erik rubs his chin and contemplates wasting energy to regret knocking the fuzz of
20:59.29 ``Erik off
21:00.42 __monty__ I don't know how to run it in gdb, I'm trying to run latest version of the source from SF on an intel mac this time.
21:01.40 ``Erik ok, from the command line (xterm or you need running), run "gdb /usr/brlcad/bin/mged" and it'll give you a prompt, type in "run" and hit enter
21:02.33 ``Erik if it's bus faulting, it'll say so in that window, say where it crashed, and give you a prompt again, you need to run "backtrace" and paste the results to or
21:03.00 ``Erik (latest version being the tar.gz file, not the subversion checkout?)
21:03.25 ``Erik 7.16.2 or something? heh
21:04.08 __monty__ yes tar.gz
21:05.14 ``Erik intel mac is a 1st tier platform for BRL-CAD, it really should work... was /Applications/Utilities/ running when you tried to start mged?
21:05.34 __monty__ no but it did launch
21:05.34 ``Erik (or xquartz, which is what I use on my home mac)
21:05.49 ``Erik ok, then the gdb backtrace output is the next step
21:06.46 __monty__ from where to where do I copy?
21:07.04 ``Erik starseeker: I imagine that if you give go at another OS, you'll learn even more about the one you're leaving... I know I learned a LOT about linux by going to bsd, and a lot about x86 by using sparc and mips
21:07.13 ``Erik gdb should be installed if you have xcode
21:07.24 ``Erik as /usr/bin/gdb
21:07.28 ``Erik run it in a terminal window :)
21:08.10 __monty__ I have the output, I just don't know which part I should copy =S
21:08.50 ``Erik um, from backtrace? should be a full printout of the call stack... paste every from the command to the next prompt to one of those websites I mentioned
21:09.36 __monty__ starting from run or backtrace?
21:09.43 ``Erik um, all of it *shrug*
21:09.55 ``Erik (thus the site, instead of irc...) :)
21:12.24 ``Erik waits for the link on
21:15.09 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36817 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: back-annotate the step-g work from Keith Bowman. still need to add in the summary paragraphs, but annotate all of the 7.16 releases with the continued improvements.
21:20.48 __monty__ sorry that it took so long, I was trying to paste too much.
21:20.56 __monty__ Here's the link
21:30.42 jesica_ starseeker, firs file done :)
21:31.11 jesica_ ill send it to a friend for a review before to send it to you
21:33.31 ``Erik X_open_dm() interesting
21:35.40 ``Erik I d'no what's up there, looks like a sig11, but you compiled with debugging disabled and it seems to work on other machines :/ willing to re-compile with optimization turned off and debugging stuff enabled?
21:36.32 __monty__ sure how do I set the flags?
21:37.32 ``Erik when you run configure, add --disable-optimized --enable-debug
21:37.45 ``Erik make clean, configure, build...
21:40.35 starseeker jesica_: excellent! :-)
21:41.28 jesica_ now, to study! I wana kill myself :P
21:44.24 ``Erik O.o
21:45.29 starseeker jesica_: hang in there, that studying pays off
21:46.57 ``Erik just a bit loca? O.o
21:49.20 jesica_ ``Erik, not afraid of crazy women? careful what you say :)
21:49.45 ``Erik afraid? no... seem to have a history
21:50.14 ``Erik studying what? schoolwork? or something about BRL-CAD?
21:54.07 ``Erik curses up a storm because he cooked some stew for lunch that he'd intended for making a breadbowl :/
21:55.46 jesica_ studying algorithm
21:56.48 ``Erik ah, graph theory, trees, etc? good luck with that... I love the subject, but when I took courses, the teacher was very much focused on the math, not the theory
21:57.29 ``Erik I bought a school targetted text book because it had a section over a certain data structure I was interested in O.o (trie's)
21:57.50 jesica_ ive studied all this thingf in discrete math?
21:57.59 ``Erik zapp hack on a trie gives you fast easy completion
21:58.47 ``Erik hm, perhaps a language barrier, the discrete mathematics courses I took had very little relation to the fundamental algorithm courses.... mebbe I just don't understand the correlation
22:00.09 ``Erik either way, crazy woman, enjoy your study :) if you're horribly stuck on a subject, there're folk in this channel with much experience and knowledge, may be of use.. if you try to cheat, don't be surprised when someone says "do your own damn homework" :)
22:01.07 jesica_ im not studying yet
22:01.28 jesica_ im looking for someone to do a second review of the tranlation
22:01.31 jesica_ :P
22:02.19 ``Erik <-- can help on english, some japanese, and a tiny german... definitely not anything in the es_ directory... perhaps when brlcad wakes, he can assist? he lived in panama for a while and picked up some language
22:02.49 *** join/#brlcad talcite (
22:03.17 ``Erik if we put your work out publically, perhaps someone will notice and comment... open source, yay
22:04.35 jesica_ thats true
22:04.45 jesica_ but i prefere to do it the best i can
22:04.56 __monty__ Gn everyone.
22:04.59 ``Erik a common deficiency
22:05.17 ``Erik how's the fresh build going, monty? going to have another bt for us soon? :)
22:06.12 __monty__ I don't know, openNURBS (grinds teeth while saying that) is still popping up all over the place.
22:07.13 ``Erik jesica: if you spend all your time trying to polish your work, you avoid the true advantage of the open source scheme... even if it's crap, throw it out! soon! often! the downfall of keeping it private is referred to as a "polished turd" in some US subcultures, ya spend all your time focused on making it perfect when there's a fundamental flaw
22:08.01 ``Erik monty: openNURBS is mebbe 50% or so of the compile time... once it hits libbu, it'll cruise alone quick
22:09.08 __monty__ XML_CATALOG_FILES is the most popular line right now
22:09.43 starseeker uh - you're in the docs then
22:09.45 starseeker almost done
22:10.27 starseeker heads to store
22:10.41 ``Erik dang xslt crap
22:10.46 __monty__ tails to store
22:11.00 ``Erik if I figure out who did that... and the tkhtml3... there'll be some whuppin'
22:11.08 ``Erik car cdr?
22:11.36 __monty__ cheers, we need more whuppin' up in here!
22:12.11 __monty__ just entered 'make install'
22:12.44 ``Erik (starseeker imported the tkhtml3 stuff, did all the xsltproc crap, ... )
22:13.09 ``Erik makes my crimes of automake/autoconf seem trivial :D
22:14.34 __monty__ Ok, still getting Bus error.
22:14.53 ``Erik and does the backtrace now include function, file, line number, etc?
22:15.49 __monty__ It looks very similar to the previous one.
22:16.18 ``Erik just X_open_dm(), not X_open_dm():4123 ?
22:16.48 __monty__ #0 0x0012f90b in X_open_dm (interp=0xb6cc08, argc=6, argv=0xbfffcdd4) at dm-X.c:376
22:17.06 ``Erik 376, ok, that's important
22:17.58 __monty__ Maybe this part is helpful: Program received signal EXC_BAD_ACCESS, Could not access memory.
22:17.58 __monty__ Reason: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE...
22:18.32 ``Erik nah, tha'ts just a sig11
22:18.43 __monty__ okie
22:19.35 ``Erik if I were to try to talk about changing source to get ot this, would you be comfortable altering the source and trying?
22:20.06 __monty__ sure. If it's a small alteration.
22:20.10 ``Erik yuh oh, starseeker has been all over this file lately, no wonder it's all busted
22:20.48 ``Erik (he is so gonna kick my arse on tuesday)
22:21.18 __monty__ hopes you get that on camera.
22:26.03 ``Erik yuh oh, we don't have version tags/branches
22:26.53 ``Erik 'k, looks like dmp isn't being set right
22:27.56 ``Erik which probably means BU_GETSTRUCT fails, whihc means out of memory
22:29.14 __monty__ which tells us...
22:29.53 ``Erik not sure, lack of system memory? *shrug*
22:30.20 ``Erik if you have subversion, mebbe the latest version will work?
22:30.25 __monty__ RAM or other kind
22:30.40 ``Erik ram and swap, I"d imagine, I dunno
22:31.14 ``Erik to be honest, I was kinda hoping brlcad would step in and take over so'z I could go nap O:-)
22:31.59 __monty__ Ok than, I'll give up for today, Bus error you may have won the battle but the war isn't over yet.
22:32.26 ``Erik :) sorry I couldn't be more helpful, this delves into pieces I avoid
22:32.49 __monty__ No problem, I'm happy you tried.
22:33.05 ``Erik starseeker and brlcad probably know a LOT more about that piece than I do
22:33.15 ``Erik they might be on tomorrow morning
22:33.35 __monty__ I do find all this quite strange since I know I ran mged some time.
22:33.52 ``Erik yeh, I don't understand why it'd crash like that
22:34.01 __monty__ Morning gmt? I'm in the CET zone.
22:34.15 ``Erik daytime GMT-5, morning GMT
22:34.33 ``Erik most of the developers are on the US
22:35.09 ``Erik in ~15-20 hours?
22:35.38 ``Erik starseeker keeps normal hours, brlcad is all over the map *shrug* lurk and read backlog :)
22:35.46 ``Erik it'll get figured out eventually
22:36.26 __monty__ Ok that's CET - 6, morning is ~8-10 o' clock so that's from 14-16, I'll try catching them.
22:36.41 __monty__ Good night to you sir.
22:37.15 ``Erik we all read backlog, so just leave your irc client attached and catch up *shrug* :) catch ya later, dude
22:37.54 __monty__ Can't, running on a laptop, have to shut down.
22:38.15 ``Erik ok, hopefully we'll have a solution for you when you're back next :)
22:38.37 __monty__ Thanks for all the help by the way.
22:40.29 __monty__ left the building.
23:03.42 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
23:10.09 brlcad Nohla: cool, so you're done with one of the exercises?
23:10.16 brlcad can you upload it somewhere?
23:11.05 Nohla i have starseeker parsonal email, maybe there?
23:11.17 Nohla but ive done just one review
23:11.58 Nohla nobody else can read it right now
23:12.19 Nohla and i cant correct myself
23:12.36 brlcad ideally, can you upload it here:
23:13.08 brlcad if you upload it there as an attachment, then we can all get to it
23:13.38 Nohla ok
23:13.57 Nohla let me see if i can convince another friend to correct it
23:14.26 brlcad okay
23:14.51 brlcad when you upload it as an attachment, you can continue to upload improved versions too
23:14.56 brlcad doesn't have to be final
23:16.19 brlcad hmm.. __monty__'s backtrace is a bit dated
23:17.07 brlcad can't be a BU_GETSTRUCT failure.. that'd be a bomb
23:17.35 brlcad not a bad access
23:20.58 brlcad ah yes, so 376 for the .2 release was:
23:21.21 brlcad dmp->dm_width = DisplayWidth(pubvars->dpy, DefaultScreen(pubvars->dpy)) - 30;
23:23.00 brlcad so dmp or pubvars are nfg
23:24.16 brlcad ~botmail for __monty__: if you still have that gdb session, try running "p dmp" and "p pubvars" after it stops at dm-X.c:376
23:38.57 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36818 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libdm/dm-X.c:
23:38.57 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: make X11 function calls instead of using the macros so that we can hopefully get
23:38.57 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: some better data validation and stack trace information if/when something goes
23:38.57 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: horribly wrong. crash reported while getting DisplayWidth of the default
23:38.57 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: screen.
23:45.27 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36819 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libdm/ (dm-ogl.c dm-rtgl.c): make the two other X windowing interfaces match dm-X, using X11 funcs instead of macros for better debugging, seeing if we encounter a negative screen number.
23:46.37 brlcad ~botmail for __monty__: I made some minor changes that should help debugging, test appreciated for you to checkout latest svn (not the tarball) and then try getting the crash backtrace again in gdb
23:47.39 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ

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