IRC log for #brlcad on 20091207

00:03.48 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36820 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: bob added a new 'data_axes' command to archer
00:38.49 *** join/#brlcad jesica__ (n=jesica@
00:39.55 jesica__ brlcad, ill put it in wiki
00:40.12 jesica__ the mail from forgesuorce is late :P
00:40.43 jesica__ and i have the second review done
01:30.51 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03indianlarry * r36821 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libgcv/region_end.c: Initialize NMG_debug_state.
01:32.54 jesica__ what time is it there?
01:39.38 ``Erik here? 22:40
01:39.48 ``Erik no, 20:40, sorry
01:39.50 ``Erik 8:40pm
01:56.53 jesica__ im still waiting for my subscription
01:57.13 jesica__ a friend will send it by sourceforge with his name
02:13.00 jesica__ there will be problem with the accent?
02:13.57 ``Erik subscription? accent? whu?
02:15.57 jesica__ do you thing wont be a problem if i write acción in spyte of accion
02:18.04 ``Erik I dunno who accion is, but you can spit on hi without bugging us, yes
02:25.10 jesica__ what?? jajaja
02:25.32 ``Erik O:-)
02:25.53 jesica__ what "spit on hi" means?
02:26.44 ``Erik spit, sypte, something
02:27.37 jesica__ i know what spit means, but i can understand the sentence
02:31.55 ``Erik typo, s/hi/him/
02:32.54 jesica__ okas
02:33.17 jesica__ now, who is him? :)
02:33.37 jesica__ acción means action
02:33.43 jesica__ in spanish
02:33.52 jesica__ and it have '
02:34.03 ``Erik heh, okie, typos + mistranslation, wee
02:34.11 jesica__ i thought that maybe that can be trouble
02:34.21 jesica__ troubling?
02:34.40 ``Erik at the moment, the only trouble around is cat..
02:35.03 jesica__ jajjaja
02:35.11 ``Erik my poor punctured leg :(
02:35.14 jesica__ starseeker, where are you!!!
02:35.25 ``Erik gato es loco?
02:35.26 jesica__ i can understand everything you say!!
02:35.29 ``Erik or somethin?
02:35.45 jesica__ cat means gato
02:35.56 jesica__ crazy or insane is loco
02:36.01 ``Erik yes, my cats are crazy
02:48.48 jesica__ mmm how to cook cat in 20 minutes
02:49.02 jesica__ in Argentina we eat cats
02:50.26 ``Erik nice, I have probably done the smae when I went to korea, but it tends to horrify americans
02:50.39 jesica__ jajajjaa
02:50.58 jesica__ im just kidding
02:51.15 ``Erik :) I'm not.
02:51.46 ``Erik I have probably eaten both cat and dog in my travels
02:52.09 jesica__
02:52.20 jesica__ ``Erik, jajajjaa
02:52.52 jesica__ starseeker, brlcad complete the first
02:57.51 jesica__ i was thinking that maybe im too unpolite because the irc causes i dont prejudge people
02:58.03 jesica__ sorry if im too informal
02:58.51 ``Erik I doubt you'll upset folk, more an issue of people being afk...
03:00.09 jesica__ ``Erik, is funny not understans you :) afk?
03:00.39 ``Erik away from keyboard
03:01.13 jesica__ well, good night people
03:01.34 *** join/#brlcad talcite (
03:01.35 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (n=Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
03:01.57 ``Erik catch yo later, jesica
03:04.12 ``Erik odd watching curry NOT fake an accent
03:11.50 jesica__ ``Erik, how can i see this file as its seen for the user?
03:12.02 jesica__ (maybe im not too clear)
03:12.17 jesica__ like pdf i say
03:22.18 starseeker jesica__: what, is ``Erik being annoying again?
03:25.04 starseeker jesica__: downloaded the file, thank you :-)
03:25.23 jesica__ i found only one detail to correct
03:25.47 jesica__ i ate a letter somewhere
03:27.13 jesica__ sometimes i think erik is an adult nd sometimes that is a teenager?
03:27.20 starseeker he's an adult
03:27.30 starseeker hard to believe I know, but he's older than I am
03:27.43 jesica__ a very one? :)
03:27.58 starseeker hmm?
03:28.56 jesica__ tell me, how old are you? if you want
03:29.26 jesica__ just to make a mental image and write correctly
03:29.38 starseeker oh - I'm under 30, he's over 30 :-)
03:30.24 jesica__ so, should i be more formal writing here?
03:30.31 starseeker nah
03:30.38 starseeker as you've noticed, we're informal
03:31.13 jesica__ I do not want to disrespect anyone
03:31.31 starseeker no problem :-)
03:32.01 starseeker I'm trying to produce an html version of your document for you, but it's got a syntax bug
03:32.15 starseeker and I seem to have misplaced my emacs nxml extension
03:34.02 jesica__ starseeker, i should learn to do that but not today :P
03:34.21 jesica__ are you using emacs for that?
03:34.32 starseeker yes
03:35.30 jesica__ mmm iwould like to use it, but ive never done something different to edit with vim simple texts
03:44.14 starseeker jesica__:
03:44.32 starseeker ignore the images - I just need to size them correctly
03:45.48 starseeker jesica__:
03:45.50 jesica__ eeeaaaa excellent
03:46.17 starseeker I will work on making our documentation building system language aware
03:47.00 starseeker makes a note to update the doggone screenshots... mged 5.0, eeek
03:47.15 starseeker alrightie, late here - nice work jesica__ !
03:47.24 starseeker thank you very much
03:47.41 jesica__ starseeker, im going to sleep
03:47.48 jesica__ i saw another error
03:48.15 jesica__ let me read it again tomorrow and change it on sourceforge
03:48.28 starseeker jesica__: is the person who asked for the translation also able to see and review?
03:48.51 starseeker sounds good!
03:49.08 jesica__ i guess
03:49.43 jesica__ two different people read again, but two words are wrong
03:49.53 starseeker no big deal, it happens
03:50.09 starseeker sometimes best test for documentation is to have someone try following it
03:50.11 jesica__ let me change it and make a last review tomorrow
03:50.17 starseeker OK
03:51.08 jesica__ sorry
03:51.15 starseeker no, no problem
03:51.23 starseeker I have some work to do on the build system myself
03:52.36 jesica__ good night people, this time its true :)
03:53.33 jesica__ starseeker, thank for the companion in my work
03:53.59 starseeker glad to help
04:35.05 *** join/#brlcad talcite_ (
09:50.24 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
10:14.56 brlcad
10:15.34 brlcad we should look into why iges export without -m wasn't working right
10:15.48 brlcad otherwise, cool
11:20.57 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03indianlarry * r36822 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libdm/dm-X.c: Fixed typo.
12:00.36 brlcad oops
12:00.48 brlcad C-x 4 f
12:00.48 brlcad :)
12:01.13 indianla1ry i do it all the time ...
12:14.15 ``Erik dang emacs weenies
12:33.33 brlcad can't find the damn .vc TLD authority
13:58.12 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (n=rossberg@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
14:52.41 brlcad howdy d_rossberg
14:52.57 brlcad guten morgen
15:11.46 d_rossberg good morning brlcad
15:55.24 *** join/#brlcad dli (n=dli@
15:55.37 dli 7.16.2 build error:
16:08.36 d_rossberg looks like it should be HIDDEN in cut.c, line 67
16:09.19 dli d_rossberg, is this a compiler problem, or indeed a bug in source code
16:09.47 d_rossberg i think it is a bug in the source code
16:10.46 dli d_rossberg, any idea how to fix this?
16:10.51 d_rossberg which only arises in a release build
16:11.10 d_rossberg yes, see my first message
16:11.33 dli d_rossberg, I don't understand :(
16:12.08 d_rossberg edit src/librt/cut.c
16:12.40 d_rossberg put HIDDEN in front of line 67 and save the file
16:13.25 d_rossberg (look at the surrounding lines)
16:14.06 dli d_rossberg, yes, it's building now
16:14.39 dli d_rossberg, thanks, let me restart the building process again
16:19.14 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r36823 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/cut.c:
16:19.14 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: consistent HIDDEN declaration for rt_plot_cut
16:19.14 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: otherwise the release build my fail
16:34.00 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
16:50.37 dli is this a typo within 7.16.2 source:
17:00.10 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
17:03.15 d_rossberg dli: good question, i don't know much about bwish but it looks like another bug
17:03.42 d_rossberg bwish has build on my system, however i don't know how an why
17:06.08 dli d_rossberg, thanks
17:10.02 *** join/#brlcad mafm_ (
19:29.47 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
19:29.47 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || #brlcad logs at || Release 7.16.2 posted (20091106) .. full binary release!
20:10.12 starseeker brlcad: what was the specific error you sometimes got on parallel make of the docbook?
20:10.25 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r2050 10/wiki/BoT: add some initial notes about bot mode types and what they mean
20:12.28 brlcad runtime error
20:12.29 brlcad runtime xsltApplyStylesheet: saving to lessons/en/mged11_refining_mug.html may not be possible
20:12.55 brlcad for a variety of random files, depends which get there first
20:13.11 brlcad then then first one reports an Error 9 afterwards (and didn't write out the html file)
20:16.37 starseeker looks like xsltCheckWrite fails in libxslt
20:19.17 starseeker brlcad: thanks for the BoT writeup
20:19.45 brlcad sorry to anyone that gets it multiple times, wasn't sure who all is on users
20:19.52 brlcad (everyone "should" be...)
20:22.01 starseeker brlcad: any idea what "stereo" mode is in the dm_ogl display manager or how to trigger it?
20:22.23 starseeker lot of very ugly looking hard coded values being used just for that little bit...
20:23.23 brlcad there's a render mode that will generate stereographic images (left/right eye images)
20:23.30 brlcad for 3d displays
20:23.43 starseeker um
20:23.46 brlcad we do red-blue shift iirc
20:23.53 starseeker had anyone ever used it?
20:23.53 brlcad see the rt lighting modes iirc
20:23.56 brlcad yep
20:24.00 starseeker nuts
20:24.12 brlcad dunno why rtgl would need it
20:24.15 brlcad probably just copied
20:24.19 starseeker it's in dm-ogl
20:24.34 starseeker didn't like all the ugly const defs
20:24.37 brlcad I'd expect to see it in X/ogl
20:25.45 brlcad don't recall how to get to it for the dm, but "usually" stereo mode just draws the same content twice with a slight shift for left/right eyes
20:26.02 brlcad put on the glasses and you get the effect
20:26.30 brlcad not too terribly uncommon as funky as it sounds, even bzflag has a stereo render mode
20:27.26 brlcad i'm not sure is right...
20:27.43 brlcad there is a history_record() in src/mged/history.c
20:29.52 brlcad undoubtedly some symbol problem with the one in libbu for production compiles, though
20:31.26 brlcad dli: that was for you :)
20:31.54 starseeker makes a note to read up on stereo rending to figure out how to do it less hackishly
20:32.28 brlcad dli: ah, never mind.. i see your patch was in bwish, not mged
20:33.58 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36824 10/brlcad/trunk/src/bwish/cmd.c: this shouldn't compile for production builds.. history_record is a libbu HIDDEN function. thx for noting this dli.
20:35.58 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36825 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/cmdhist.c: _bu_ prefix the HIDDEN funcs
20:44.47 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (n=sean@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
20:44.47 *** join/#brlcad indianla1ry (n=indianla@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
20:44.47 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by
21:05.23 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36826 10/brlcad/trunk/ make sure XSLTPROC and APACHEFOP are set to : consistently in case they are not detected so we don't end up with a build failure, move the block outside the if test.
21:25.57 starseeker reads the tgc shot routine and goes a bit crosseyed
21:26.39 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36827 10/brlcad/trunk/AUTHORS: credit dli aka dongxu_li for his work on getting brl-cad's ebuild in order for gentoo/portage. made (minor) code contributions in december 2009 recently but first started working on the ebuild in april 2009.
21:39.07 starseeker now that's interesting
21:39.39 starseeker nirt reports an overlap los of 1 with a metaball and arb8 overlap but still reports the metaball LOS as 0
21:41.18 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (
21:45.50 starseeker ``Erik: your metaballs code is impressive in a "black magic how on earth does this work" kinda way :-P
22:02.48 brlcad heh
22:12.28 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03Sean 07 * r2051 10/wiki/BoT: add a section on BoT advantages over STL, reorder and format tweaking too
22:30.22 *** join/#brlcad Ralith_ (
22:53.09 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36828 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/backtrace.c: clever compiler, quell warning about unreachable code due to exit() terminations. probably fixed an itsy bitsy memory leak in the process. mark the static funcs HIDDEN.
22:55.02 *** join/#brlcad _sushi_ (
22:55.52 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36829 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/ (backtrace.c bitv.c): ws indent style cleanup
23:43.49 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@

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