IRC log for #brlcad on 20091208

00:57.31 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (n=Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
01:25.49 *** join/#brlcad jesica__ (n=jesica@
01:39.32 brlcad jesica__: nice work on the translation
01:39.33 brlcad se ve bien
01:40.24 jesica__ brlcad, im doing the lastest correction
01:40.38 jesica__ definitly the last, i swear
01:41.10 jesica__ there are various thing i note in pdf
01:42.36 jesica__ there are two things i cant change
01:43.00 jesica__ the advertise <caution> and <note> :(
01:47.33 brlcad the english can be changed too :)
01:49.21 brlcad oh and when I mentioned submitting a patch, I didn't mean an entire new sourceforge project :)
01:52.23 jesica__ i didnt do that, my subcription is still on process :P
01:52.46 brlcad there's no subscription required....
01:52.49 jesica__ a friend have done it for me
01:53.01 brlcad you just create an account, submit the patch
01:53.23 jesica__ well, the account in sourgeforce ned confirmation
01:53.31 jesica__ ned/need
01:53.45 brlcad ah, and that takes time? :)
01:53.54 brlcad should have sent an instant confirmation
01:55.29 mafm brlcad: the Google IO 2009 video is a bit... below par :P
01:55.57 brlcad mafm: which video??
01:56.05 jesica__ brlcad, ive tried to do it again but said that i was registered
01:56.07 mafm at least the one from Mr Linus was more... fun
01:56.23 mafm brlcad: the video about "the myth of the genius programmer" that you posted to the ml a while ago
01:56.25 jesica__ but when entrying, it said i need confirmation
01:56.29 jesica__ :(
01:59.50 brlcad mafm: not sure what you mean by "below par", wasn't meant to be earth shattering, more just lots of interesting points
02:00.02 brlcad particularly with regards to egos and hidden development practices
02:03.02 mafm I actually expected to give more examples, or actual examples
02:03.21 brlcad *shrug*
02:03.25 brlcad expectations amiss ;)
02:03.27 mafm in the "sweet spot" thing about when to involve ppl, there are no examples at all :)
02:03.56 mafm just like... "don't get ppl involved too early, also not too late!"
02:04.33 brlcad jesica__: what's your username?
02:04.41 mafm the topic looked very promising for me, though
02:05.05 jesica__ mmm i forgot jajaja
02:05.16 mafm I guess that you were trying to make the same point, directed at some devels :P
02:05.29 jesica__ but it should be giudicejesica
02:05.48 brlcad there's not a formula you apply, more a set of guidelines to consider and apply, case by case basis
02:07.30 brlcad jesica__: sent you a test message
02:08.20 brlcad jesica__:
02:08.39 brlcad escoje email recovery
02:08.58 brlcad ponga tu email
02:09.49 brlcad if that doesn't work, you either have a spam filter that thought the account registration was spam or you had a typo in you email address when you registered
02:10.06 mafm elige, pon :)
02:10.31 jesica__ brlcad, so i can change <note> by <nota> without a trouble?
02:10.54 brlcad jesica__: no, everything within <> should not be translated, they're tags
02:11.22 brlcad like html, <html><head></head>... you don't translate those, only what is between them
02:12.02 brlcad ahh, is it writing "Note:" in the output somewhere?
02:12.17 brlcad if so, that's not something in the xml file .. we can fix that
02:14.29 jesica__ mmm, so i leave it and you fix it?
02:14.37 brlcad yeah
02:15.13 brlcad a "note" to starseeker to do something about that when he integrates your change ;)
02:15.27 brlcad needs a .es stylesheet customization
02:15.48 brlcad or better yet, get the english one out
02:16.11 brlcad or gettext the stylesheet if it's more pervasive
02:17.13 brlcad jesica__:
02:17.50 brlcad maybe tomorrow you can get ahold of someone on irc, to tell them your account registration e-mail never arrived
02:17.52 jesica__ brlcad, the firs image is too large, you should fix that too
02:18.18 brlcad jesica__: definitely :)
02:18.54 brlcad jesica__: so if you're going to be doing more translations, we can get you set up with svn as soon as you have a sourceforge account :)
02:19.56 jesica__ in one line, say that both DELETE and BACKSPACE erase the character on the lefth, thats true?
02:21.12 brlcad yes
02:21.21 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36830 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/lessons/es/: initial stub for the spanish translations that jesica has been working on
02:22.54 jesica__ and just one thing before to finish
02:23.17 brlcad it's never really finished :)
02:23.18 jesica__ rename a sphere, f.e., is to create one
02:23.42 starseeker brlcad: not really sure how to do language specific stylesheets
02:23.52 starseeker will have to look into it when my headache goes away
02:23.56 brlcad starseeker: we really shouldn't
02:24.01 brlcad ideally should be language agnostic
02:24.30 brlcad if we have to, can let gettext do the substitutions on the fly
02:26.20 jesica__ mmm, ive done silly thing on mi laptop :P, could you send me the link to download the source code again?
02:26.30 starseeker oh:
02:26.31 brlcad ~cadsvn
02:26.32 ibot To obtain BRL-CAD from Subversion: svn checkout brlcad
02:26.51 starseeker jesica__: you can install subversion?
02:27.22 brlcad starseeker: ah, nice find.. there ya go
02:27.24 starseeker we need a "language driver"
02:27.42 starseeker yay, one more thing to mess up the docbook build with ;-)
02:28.29 starseeker will need to generate the driver file from a .in file
02:28.54 starseeker doggone it, hate to mess with that level of docbook but I guess no choice
02:29.02 starseeker would probably have had to anyhow...
02:29.46 brlcad the stylesheets needed to be ripped a new one regardless
02:30.03 starseeker heh - not liking the defaults, eh?
02:30.29 brlcad noep
02:30.43 jesica__ "To recall the sphere, type the command on the Command Line as follows:"
02:30.43 starseeker remembers all the fun in the firebird docs.. time to look at that again, I guess
02:31.08 jesica__ draw == recall?
02:31.32 starseeker er - redraw probably
02:31.35 brlcad basically, yes
02:31.37 brlcad to draw it again
02:31.44 brlcad to draw the sphere again, ...
02:31.47 jesica__ oh ok
02:31.49 jesica__ thanks
02:33.47 starseeker brlcad: the other major problem I am aware of with translations is if we make the file list variable based on $LANG or some such, won't the build crap out if the es or whatever directories don't have all the xml files the en directories do?
02:33.49 jesica__ brlcad, now your are wrong, it finally finished
02:34.02 brlcad what finished?
02:34.09 starseeker translating I think :-)
02:34.13 brlcad oh YOU are finished.. heh
02:34.15 jesica__ starseeker, yes
02:34.19 brlcad the document itself is never finished :)
02:34.20 jesica__ jajjaja
02:34.23 brlcad jej
02:34.33 jesica__ yes, since yesterday
02:34.57 brlcad even the english isn't "finished".. it's just where it is now
02:37.44 brlcad starseeker: absolutely, once you add in l10n it really needs a driver
02:38.10 brlcad you need more complex logic to build the docs
02:38.10 starseeker um - driver?
02:38.12 brlcad a script
02:38.19 brlcad or program
02:38.26 starseeker nnnooooooo.... (trails off pathetically)
02:38.28 brlcad something where you can embed the logic it needs
02:38.56 brlcad could still keep it simple and continue to itemize
02:39.12 starseeker no, we need scalable
02:39.29 brlcad separate into a Makefile.en and .. include them in the
02:39.41 starseeker I just can't believe we finally got a nice (almost) working parallel docbook build using automake and now we get to blow it to hell
02:40.02 brlcad that way you could even keep the Makefiles down with the XML files, and recursively include them up
02:40.35 starseeker well... maybe
02:40.52 brlcad so the es build file would only be as complex as the quantity of files that have been converted
02:41.21 starseeker can includes be conditionalized?
02:41.43 starseeker or I suppose it doesn't matter if they live inthe files
02:42.50 brlcad i believe so, but shouldn't matter
02:43.59 starseeker oh, while I'm thinking about it - I have a hunch that parallel build failure is in some way shape or form the falt of xsltproc
02:47.42 starseeker unfortunately, the alternatives all seem to be java based
03:02.20 starseeker emails xslt list
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13:45.17 brlcad
13:49.02 alex_joni another nice (although really young one) is HeeksCad (also OpenCascade based)
13:49.12 alex_joni
14:31.13 ``Erik wait, what? O.o damn, I musta been confused
14:51.16 ``Erik that whole voodoo needs to be redone :/
14:52.05 brlcad the metavoodoo?
14:52.26 ``Erik heh, yeah, walking meatball voodoo
14:52.59 ``Erik the find intersection function will be core to the next ... implementation
14:53.25 ``Erik will probably cost performance, but *shrug*
15:04.13 starseeker brlcad: FreeCAD looks great, but I have yet to successfully compile it even on gentoo
15:04.39 starseeker heh - nifty, they used my dxf probe model screenshot
15:06.11 starseeker varkon I've got working but haven't put the time into actually figuring out - it's GPL so we can't use it anyhow...
15:08.00 starseeker that's easily one of the niftier varkon screenshots I've seen
15:09.38 starseeker one interesting thing about varkon is they apparently do parametric stuff
15:12.43 brlcad hates paperwork
15:13.19 brlcad thinks it's funny they used the tux render
15:13.30 brlcad but we did get top billing, good times ;)
15:14.12 starseeker yes, that's interesting - particularly since FreeCAD is kicking our butts in the "modern CAD GUI with drawing generation and stuff..." department
15:14.37 starseeker suggests an intelligent reviewer :-)
15:14.46 brlcad they lack most of the nuts and bolts, actual usefulness
15:15.01 brlcad but yeah, gui is not too shabby
15:15.09 brlcad wouldn't take much to one-up them though
15:15.14 starseeker hehe
15:16.13 starseeker if they're for real about that STEP part to svg drawing extraction, that's not too shabby
15:16.40 brlcad opencascade does that for them
15:16.46 starseeker ah
15:17.33 starseeker wonders if a step export capabilitiy would let us get some good out of opencascade...
15:17.39 ``Erik 'larrabee is dead',2817,2356725,00.asp
15:18.08 brlcad there was a /. earlier in the week
15:18.17 brlcad "dead for consumer, but not as a dev platform"
15:18.20 brlcad something to that effect
15:20.15 starseeker snorts in bemusement - they must be rather red faced after all that promotion this summer
15:21.27 starseeker hopes freecad does well - good for open source if they can expose opencascade's abilities in a usable interface
15:24.42 brlcad hopes freecad does well, despite using opencascade
15:25.45 brlcad opencascade isn't a healthy project to utilizing, particularly for collaboration
15:26.10 starseeker do they still have that funny license?
15:26.29 brlcad as our Geometry Engine API comes to fruition, hopefully projects will have more options for CAD frameworks to build upon
15:27.41 starseeker nods
15:28.57 starseeker 3d shaded displays, parametric modeling, and the whole drawings thing... guess I'd better get busy :-P
15:29.54 brlcad and that's just noting the features that we don't support
15:30.08 brlcad we actually do a lot more than opencascade
15:30.12 brlcad just not in a clean API
15:30.34 starseeker nods
15:31.10 brlcad we really need major refactoring to leverage and better present what we have too
15:31.10 brlcad get the core libs cleaned up as stand-alone projects
15:31.10 brlcad get the converts into a library of their own
15:31.10 starseeker yep - I was surprised to hear the framebuffer stuff supported imagemagick style maniulations
15:31.10 brlcad same for the data processing tools
15:31.22 starseeker and I work on this sucker full time :-P
15:31.23 brlcad get that all wrapped up into one unified API
15:32.54 brlcad yeah, the fb stuff is kind of funny .. you could almost implement a mini photoshop/gimp clone if you put all our tools into one gui .. and have it be fully scriptable via commands
15:33.18 brlcad granted, maybe "photoshop 3", but not too shabby for something entirely not our focus, just core needs
15:33.51 brlcad the image processing stuff isn't as interesting, though, as our geometry conversion capability and data/signal processing tools
15:34.05 brlcad image processing has come a long way since then
15:35.09 starseeker oh, speaking of conversion - do you know of a good list of "object types in cad formats" anywhere? sort of a "dxf supports..., 3dm supports..." sorta comparison?
15:35.27 brlcad heck, if we had a solid geometry conversion capability alone, that would kick up our community usage substantially (everyone needs geometry)
15:35.47 brlcad no, not really
15:35.58 starseeker shucks
15:36.01 brlcad would make a nice chart
15:36.07 brlcad features list
15:36.12 starseeker was thinking about making one
15:36.16 starseeker for converter status
15:36.35 brlcad i've seen some informal one on a site somewhere a long while back
15:36.42 starseeker sorta a way to represent "yes we do obj, but not NURBS - please add that"
15:37.06 starseeker or "we do 3dm nurbs, but not meshes"
15:37.39 starseeker supposes he could just grab all the object types in step and assume that would conver everything...
15:38.50 starseeker also, such a list would be helpful for "pivoting" between formats
15:39.08 brlcad nice lil start,
15:41.17 starseeker reflects he could always go the mathematical categorization route, has the advantage of being format agnostic
15:42.13 brlcad yeah, there are various "features" encompassed by a given format, and it's capabilities
15:42.18 brlcad numeric capabilities
15:42.21 brlcad geometric
15:42.32 brlcad representation types
15:43.14 brlcad categorizations (object counts, groupings, layerings, hierarchies)
15:43.43 brlcad connectivity and associations
15:43.55 brlcad construction history, revisions
15:44.15 starseeker yeah, the more I think about it that's the way to go - the internal libgcv representation shouldn't be any particular CAD file format (even .g) since that would by definition limit what the conversion routines could handle to what the format could handle
15:44.36 brlcad parametric support, annotations, non-geometric entities, animation entities, kinematic controls, ...
15:45.54 brlcad that's nice to say, but probably not practical -- depends where/how you draw the line
15:46.07 starseeker sure
15:46.12 brlcad something has to process the data, and in libgcv's case, that'd be libgcv and librt
15:46.46 brlcad and if librt is processing the data, it's basically .g, but just in an in-memory form
15:47.03 starseeker dunno - I'd have to think about it some
15:47.32 brlcad there's only one format I know of that was designed to try and capture anything/everything, that being STEP
15:47.43 brlcad it's basically union of all CAD formats
15:47.54 brlcad even where it makes no sense whatsoever
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15:48.42 brlcad our format is the next closest, though only "supporting" unsupported features through opaque binary storage
15:48.58 starseeker which isn't very helpful for conversion
15:49.03 brlcad STEPs not exactly an in-memory format either
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15:49.43 brlcad it can be, but pita to use that way
15:49.54 starseeker nods
15:50.27 brlcad structurally, we're one of the most flexible by far, given we started on the CSG side of the spectrum with implicits
15:51.25 brlcad try stashing a hyperboloid of one sheet in implicit form into STEP (maybe possible, but I'm sure we have a few that aren't)
15:52.00 brlcad a table would be interesting
15:52.10 starseeker But I was under the impression that you didn't want to have support for non-3d objects in BRL-CAD except as subsets of sketch, which would seem rather convoluted from the standpoint of conversion (most systems seem to be fine with storing loose curves, for example)
15:52.24 brlcad it's be a freaking huge table, hundreds of features to consider
15:52.34 starseeker yep
15:53.00 starseeker accurate representation of the complexity of the task though
15:54.03 brlcad that's not been an intentional impression -- annotations are non-3d, image objects, material objects, shader objects, wireframe objects..
15:55.00 brlcad that said
15:55.05 brlcad I don't believe we should focus on our weakest points
15:55.22 brlcad our focus is solid modeling
15:55.40 brlcad the other entity types would be fine to have, but we have very limited resources
15:56.05 brlcad rather do what we do very well than do a lot half-assed
15:56.36 starseeker sure - I'm not saying we focus on doing anything with them, just know enough about them to convert them in the libraries so other apps will be inclined to use our converters
15:56.41 ``Erik "BRL-CAD - the whole ass."
15:56.45 starseeker (and enhance them)
15:56.49 brlcad ``Erik: :)
15:58.07 brlcad i'd have no problem with basic I/O support so things are preserved.. never been an issue
15:58.16 brlcad just a matter of how
15:58.24 brlcad and what
16:00.04 brlcad especially for things that can be generalized in a useful manner, and seamlessly integrated, not as one-offs
16:00.27 starseeker right
16:01.40 starseeker I just think it deserves some careful planning and thought up front, so the converters can expand as needed to encompass what needs to be encompassed to successfully perform high quality geometry conversions
16:02.10 starseeker if that needs .g changes rel8 seems the logical time :-)
16:05.17 *** join/#brlcad jesica__ (n=jesica@
16:05.29 starseeker hey jesica__ :-)
16:05.40 jesica__ good morning :P
16:06.52 jesica__ today is holiday! excellent!
16:14.07 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r36831 10/isst/trunk/src/gui.c: Collapse duplicate functionality. Allow multiple regions in the local load callback. Use librt's timing routines.
16:22.00 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r36832 10/isst/trunk/src/ (gui.c net_worker.c): move load_frame_attribute() into net_worker.c
16:29.09 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r36833 10/isst/trunk/src/gui.c: default to PNG and flip image for screeshot.
16:29.48 jesica__ starseeker, have you ever drink mate?
16:35.20 starseeker jesica__: uh, what?
16:37.11 jesica__ mate is a warm drink like the coffe, but itve a special procedure to prepare
16:39.04 starseeker ah, no I get my caffine from soda
16:40.25 brlcad starseeker: sure, but that is also exactly the balance that has to be struck.. the "careful planning and thought up front" all take valuable time and energy from other potential tasks, so also have to be careful to not overinvest effort for something that isn't a strong suit
16:40.45 brlcad getting our existing converters cleaned up and turned into an API for *exactly* what they do now, would be a huge win
16:41.12 brlcad and that's a crapload of work in itself
16:41.36 brlcad jesica__: happy holiday! :)
16:41.46 jesica__ idem :)
16:42.47 jesica__ im trying to convert the xml to pdf by myself
16:42.55 jesica__ starseeker, its not so easy
16:43.12 brlcad jesica__: did you get an svn checkout?
16:43.24 jesica__ and i can drive emacs, god! i cant even read it wel
16:43.31 jesica__ mmm no
16:43.44 brlcad do you have svn installed?
16:43.55 jesica__ mmm no
16:44.07 brlcad heh, can you install it? :)
16:44.35 jesica__ i think so
16:45.54 brlcad if you install it, you can get a copy of the sources that will stay synchronized with the rest of us
16:46.28 jesica__ something similar to starseeker send me yesterday?
16:48.47 jesica__ well, the thing is that starseeker told me some days ago that he`ve done the conversion with emacs and i thougt it is a good oportunity to learn to use emacs
16:50.46 jesica__ I have limited knowledge in regard to computing in general, but im trying to change that it the tidiest way :)
16:51.52 jesica__ learning separate things without an order, so then unit them all togheter and see what happen between them
16:52.19 jesica__ rarest things can happen, i swear
16:52.54 brlcad learn
16:52.59 brlcad er, sorry
16:53.06 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36834 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/lessons/es/mged01_creating_primitive_shapes.xml: an initial revision of the spanish translation work being done by Jesica Giudice (with some support from Federico Calvo)
16:53.06 brlcad learning emacs is a great thing :)
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16:54.38 brlcad this was very helpful for me when I was learning:
16:55.06 brlcad lo siento que no lo tengo en espa?ol
16:56.04 jesica__ shoul i translate this too, jajja
16:56.04 jesica__ wow, such a large cheatsheet!
16:57.03 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36835 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/ add the .es lesson to the dist
17:04.06 jesica__ i saw emacs uses a particularly nerd? way to explain its function
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17:08.53 jesica__ brlcad, somebody told my that it uses to delay :P
17:08.53 jesica__ oh no, more irc on english!!!
17:08.56 brlcad they're good people, easy to talk to
17:08.57 brlcad it's not that much of a delay
17:08.57 brlcad not for account creation
17:09.03 brlcad creating new projects has a delay
17:09.11 brlcad they are manually reviewed and approved
17:09.18 brlcad but not new accounts
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17:18.14 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36836 10/brlcad/trunk/AUTHORS: Credit Jesica Guidice for her work translating our documentation to Spanish. Met via irc channel, her first contribution was on Vol IIs tutorial lessons. Thanks!
17:18.21 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
17:18.24 brlcad jesica__: hopefully spelled your name right? :)
17:18.47 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
17:19.02 jesica__ what did i now, ugh!
17:19.27 brlcad nothing bad, I just credited you in our authorship file
17:23.44 jesica__ which parametres SF verifies to calculate the percentage of activity?
17:24.07 brlcad which activity?
17:24.15 jesica__ yours is realy high
17:24.45 jesica__ the activity of the project
17:26.20 brlcad takes in download statistics, sourcecode commits, forum postings, webpage views, iirc
17:27.08 jesica__ aaaah irc :) jejjeje
17:27.11 brlcad tracker mods too
17:27.16 brlcad not irc :)
17:27.29 brlcad iirc == if i recall correctly
17:27.34 brlcad se recuerdo bien
17:27.38 brlcad si*
17:27.56 jesica__ ops
17:29.28 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r36837 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/doc/docbook/ Hmm, somehow didn't make it into STABLE.
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17:41.26 mafm heh :)
17:41.37 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r36838 10/isst/trunk/src/gui.c: use CLAMP from vmath
17:43.28 jesica__ starseeker, you used fop on emacs?
17:43.55 jesica__ i used it on vim, but not succefully
17:44.13 starseeker fop is a command line tool
17:44.44 starseeker jesica__: let me start from the beginning
17:44.48 starseeker (one second)
17:45.00 jesica__ well, so fop do the job, not emacs!
17:45.43 *** join/#brlcad louipc (
17:49.15 starseeker the process of converting from docbook to pdf:
17:49.27 starseeker use xsltproc to generate a .fo file
17:49.39 starseeker use fop to convert the fo file to a pdf file
17:50.14 starseeker look in doc/docbook
17:50.52 starseeker what Operating System are you using?
17:52.22 starseeker here is what I did to convert your file to an html file:
17:52.36 starseeker mkdir doc/docbook/lessons/es
17:53.14 starseeker cp mged01_creating_primitive_shapes.xml doc/docbook/lessons/es/
17:53.52 starseeker cd doc/docbook/lessons/es
17:53.53 jesica__ OS: debian
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17:54.29 starseeker ok
17:54.49 starseeker once in doc/docbook/lessons/es with your file in that directory, run this command to create html:
17:56.02 starseeker XML_CATALOG_FILES=../../catalog.xml /usr/bin/xsltproc -nonet -xinclude -o mged01_creating_primitive_shapes.html ../../resources/standard/xsl/xhtml-1_1/docbook.xsl mged01_creating_primitive_shapes.xml
17:56.08 starseeker (one line)
17:57.56 starseeker to create pdf file, first do this line:
17:57.57 starseeker XML_CATALOG_FILES=../../catalog.xml /usr/bin/xsltproc -nonet -xinclude -o ../../resources/standard/xsl/fo/docbook.xsl mged01_creating_primitive_shapes.xml
17:58.02 starseeker then do this one:
17:58.19 starseeker fop -pdf mged01_creating_primitive_shapes.pdf
17:58.23 ``Erik ('cept xsltproc might not be in /usr/bin/, location should be set as a variable from configure)
17:58.38 starseeker ``Erik: I'm assuming she's doing it manually
17:58.51 starseeker so yes, wherever xsltproc is on your system
17:59.25 ``Erik okie, figured that stuff'd go into a awfully soon :)
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18:01.18 starseeker ``Erik: will take a little time to get a feel for the LANG variables and such - also, need to have per-lang makefiles that are included at the top level
18:02.03 starseeker jesica__: did that work for you?
18:02.53 jesica__ starseeker, wait a moment please, ill try in a few minutes
18:32.57 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r36839 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/ (6 files in 6 dirs): Start splitting up and including Makefile components for docbook
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21:04.06 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03indianlarry * r36840 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/ Added ${GCV_LIBS} to librender, wasn't building on MAC 10.4 due to missing tcl dependencies.
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22:51.40 jesica__ starseeker, are you there?
23:03.39 starseeker yes
23:03.47 starseeker what's up?
23:04.07 jesica__ well, i just change my debian lenny for debian sid
23:04.18 jesica__ and installed xsltproc
23:04.25 jesica__ i was reading the man
23:04.41 jesica__ (i couldn do this with lenny :P)
23:06.00 jesica__ (ah, ive sent the file by brlcad-devel list)
23:08.22 starseeker jesica__: excellent, thanks :-)
23:09.03 starseeker is reading up on how to localize docbook output for various languages
23:10.44 jesica__ you showed me how to make the conversion from html, but my file is a xml
23:12.05 jesica__ mmm... no, i thing im confused
23:12.34 starseeker I showed you how to do it from xml
23:12.39 jesica__ guide me if you can
23:12.46 starseeker ok
23:13.15 starseeker first, did you check out the subversion copy of BRL-CAD?
23:13.30 jesica__ no
23:13.36 starseeker ok, do that first
23:13.42 starseeker ~cadsvn
23:13.43 ibot To obtain BRL-CAD from Subversion: svn checkout brlcad
23:20.34 jesica__ done
23:20.41 starseeker ok.
23:21.08 starseeker now copy the latest copy of your xml file to doc/docbook/lessons/es/
23:23.16 starseeker ok?
23:24.50 jesica__ mmm no, svn check... bring me the hole source code? i didnt understand what it did
23:24.59 starseeker yes
23:25.08 starseeker you have a brlcad directory?
23:25.23 starseeker if so, do:
23:25.32 starseeker cd brlcad/
23:25.44 starseeker ls
23:25.51 starseeker you should see a doc directory
23:26.42 jesica__ yes :)
23:26.56 starseeker ok, now do cd doc/docbook/
23:27.04 starseeker you will see lessons directory
23:27.28 starseeker then cd lessons/es
23:27.33 jesica__ yes
23:27.45 starseeker remove the xml document there and replace it with your current version of the file
23:27.50 jesica__ done
23:27.58 starseeker now, do this:
23:28.11 starseeker XML_CATALOG_FILES=../../catalog.xml /usr/bin/xsltproc -nonet -xinclude -o mged01_creating_primitive_shapes.html ../../resources/standard/xsl/xhtml-1_1/docbook.xsl mged01_creating_primitive_shapes.xml
23:28.38 starseeker that should generate an html file
23:28.44 jesica__ stand on the same directory? or that doesnt mather?
23:28.55 starseeker in the same directory as the xml file
23:30.09 jesica__ done
23:30.20 starseeker did you get an html file?
23:30.30 jesica__ yes
23:30.39 starseeker ok, open it :-)
23:31.00 jesica__ ah?
23:31.20 starseeker web browser
23:31.20 jesica__ ah?
23:31.32 starseeker firefox mged01_creating_primitive_shapes.html
23:31.44 ``Erik that html file is the end product
23:32.50 jesica__ starseeker, so now with fop i can convers it to pdf?
23:33.01 starseeker ok, for pdf do this:
23:33.15 starseeker XML_CATALOG_FILES=../../catalog.xml /usr/bin/xsltproc -nonet -xinclude -o ../../resources/standard/xsl/fo/docbook.xsl mged01_creating_primitive_shapes.xml
23:33.29 starseeker then, this:
23:33.37 starseeker fop -pdf mged01_creating_primitive_shapes.pdf
23:34.00 jesica__ to use fop i alwais have to give it a .fo?
23:34.12 starseeker that is how our build system works
23:34.13 jesica__ cant i jump this step?
23:34.18 jesica__ ok
23:34.37 starseeker just save those commands in a script if you want to re-run them a lot
23:34.44 starseeker for editing work, I recommend html output
23:35.16 starseeker once I update our build system to be multi-language, you will be able to use the build logic to do this for you
23:35.37 starseeker (working on that now, will probably be a couple days)
23:35.58 ``Erik starseeker: examined the fbsd version for generating the handbook?
23:36.19 starseeker hmm? FreeBSD uses docbook too?
23:36.28 ``Erik docbook/jade, yes
23:36.33 starseeker had looked at the firebird manual, not FreeBSD
23:37.03 starseeker we seem to be doing this much more "automake-ish" than most projects
23:37.06 jesica__ the images are not displayed :-/
23:37.10 starseeker jesica__: that's OK
23:37.14 jesica__ in pdf
23:37.26 jesica__ you think? :)
23:37.40 starseeker if you need them, we need to do this:
23:37.49 starseeker cd ../../
23:38.00 starseeker (you should be in the doc/docbook directory)
23:38.13 jesica__ aha
23:38.15 starseeker then, run this command:
23:38.22 jesica__ aaah
23:38.44 jesica__ becouse the imagen are in that directory?
23:39.01 starseeker XML_CATALOG_FILES=./catalog.xml /usr/bin/xsltproc -nonet -xinclude -o ./resources/standard/xsl/fo/docbook.xsl mged01_creating_primitive_shapes.xml
23:39.13 starseeker yes, the xml file links to the images
23:39.44 starseeker there is a very specific hierarchy to the docbook directories and the way images are linked - reasons are a bit complex
23:39.53 starseeker did you create new fo file?
23:40.14 starseeker once you have, do again fop -pdf mged01_creating_primitive_shapes.pdf
23:40.24 starseeker that pdf should have images
23:40.31 jesica__ ok
23:41.23 starseeker jesica__: to do parallel make (many files at once) we controll all build logic from the doc/docbook directory
23:41.56 starseeker jesica__: did that work?
23:41.59 jesica__ starseeker, you did this program?
23:42.04 starseeker mostly
23:42.09 starseeker the build logic anyway
23:42.18 starseeker the docbook tools are by others (many others)
23:42.47 starseeker ``Erik did the original source code build logic, I am just doing doc/docbook
23:44.34 jesica__ starseeker, maybe for that i only found information of this program in sourceforge and in a log of brlcad :)
23:45.25 starseeker docbook building is a bit specialized
23:46.50 jesica__ starseeker, thank for helping, its a great pleasure work with all you
23:48.12 starseeker no problem - thanks for your work!
23:48.20 starseeker what would you like to work on next?
23:48.22 jesica__ i feel confortable in this chanel and glad to do something usefull for your effort
23:48.51 jesica__ now? i began the second file
23:49.00 starseeker excellent :-)
23:49.15 starseeker the same commands will work, just change the file names
23:49.21 ``Erik doesn't think he's touched the doc/ dir in over five years, don't blame him for that mess O.O :D *duck*
23:49.45 jesica__ starseeker, i understood enought to do it again correctly :)
23:52.12 jesica__ Ill do the following slower because I have to study for the test i didnt doyesterday :P
23:52.25 starseeker no rush :-)
23:52.33 jesica__ but ill do it, i promise
23:54.19 jesica__ I'll use ' since now, despite not being so confortable
23:54.29 starseeker ``Erik: I'd argue it SHOWS that nobody had really touched the doc directory in a few years <snort>
23:54.45 starseeker jesica__: take your time
23:59.12 jesica__ starseeker, the following error happened when fop runing
23:59.15 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (n=akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)
23:59.29 jesica__ <PROTECTED>
23:59.41 starseeker jesica__: that can be ignored, I see that for english docs too

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