IRC log for #brlcad on 20091209

00:00.00 jesica__ Line 1 of a paragraph overflows the available area. (fo:block, location
00:00.00 starseeker fop is not perfect, but it's the only free tool for this job
00:00.11 starseeker jesica__: does the pdf look OK?
00:01.10 jesica__ papparently
00:02.15 jesica__ apparently :P
00:02.19 starseeker jesica__: you're fine then
00:02.26 starseeker I see those errors too
00:02.57 jesica__ but what it means? maybe is better to chage it
00:03.07 starseeker jesica__: I haven't checked into it yet
00:03.18 starseeker jesica__: would have to read the fop documentation
00:03.32 starseeker configuring fop is no picnic
00:03.41 jesica__ :)
00:04.33 jesica__ at least, I'didnt use emacs :(
00:05.16 starseeker you're doing find
00:05.17 starseeker er fine
00:05.35 starseeker nxml + emacs is useful, but since you are translating it is not critical
00:05.40 starseeker more important for new files
00:06.24 jesica__ there will be oportunity I guess
00:07.13 starseeker sure :-)
00:07.35 starseeker right now though, more important to get sourceforge account and learn to use subversion
00:07.52 starseeker did you send an email to the sourceforge help system?
00:10.31 jesica__ mmm... no
00:10.35 jesica__ why
00:10.42 starseeker you still can't log in, correct?
00:10.52 ``Erik vim has an XML syntax package that might be useful
00:10.55 jesica__ no, I can now
00:11.07 starseeker oh, excellent
00:11.19 starseeker then let's try something
00:11.22 ``Erik folding, highlighting, matching, linting, ...
00:11.31 starseeker cd into your brlcad checkout
00:11.41 starseeker cd brlcad/doc/docbook/lessons/es
00:11.42 jesica__ but I'd create with my hotmail :P
00:11.48 starseeker run the command svn diff
00:12.04 jesica__ that bothers me
00:12.46 starseeker does svn diff show anything?
00:13.26 jesica__ no
00:13.45 jesica__ that sounds fine?
00:14.07 jesica__ fine/good
00:15.44 starseeker um - you copied your newest copy of the xml file to that directory?
00:16.18 jesica__ starseeker, ah?
00:16.29 starseeker if not, do so and try again
00:16.39 starseeker should replace the xml file already there
00:17.38 jesica__ replace?
00:21.03 starseeker brlcad uploaded a verion of your translation to that directory already
00:21.27 starseeker unless you didn't make any changes, if you remove the old one and put your new one in svn diff should show those changes
00:21.51 starseeker so:
00:22.02 starseeker cd brlcad/doc/docbook/lessons/es
00:22.21 starseeker rm mged01_creating_primitive_shapes.xml
00:22.39 starseeker copy in your latest mged01_creating_primitive_shapes.xml
00:22.43 starseeker then run svn diff
00:22.46 jesica__ starseeker, first, remember I've changed the name of the file
00:22.52 jesica__ it's in spanish
00:22.52 starseeker to?
00:22.57 starseeker erm
00:22.58 jesica__ yes
00:23.00 starseeker oh, OK
00:23.16 starseeker do do this:
00:23.26 starseeker svn del mged01_creating_primitive_shapes.xml
00:23.34 jesica__ but it was which I've sent to brlcad-devel
00:23.42 starseeker svn add *your_new_filename*
00:24.27 starseeker then try svn diff again
00:26.26 jesica__ starseeker, could you explain to me what that do? because I'll forget everything tomorrow if I can't understand
00:30.15 jesica__ I'm sick :P
00:30.33 starseeker the idea is for you to be able to upload your files and changes to them directly into the main source code tree
00:30.45 starseeker to do this, you will need a working sourceforge account
00:30.58 starseeker when brlcad comes back, he can enable your account to send changes to the tree
00:31.15 starseeker the svn commands I am showing you are steps in that process
00:31.30 jesica__ wow, that sounds good, but hard
00:31.49 jesica__ juantelez was right when said I'll learn a lot of thing with this
00:32.22 starseeker not so hard, just a few commands to learn
00:32.35 starseeker once it is set up and you have done it a few times, it will be easy :-)
00:32.40 jesica__ but a lot of thing to understand
00:32.59 starseeker when it is all new, it is a lot to understand :-)
00:33.04 jesica__ don't wanna copy withno understanding
00:35.00 starseeker don't worry - you will understand
00:35.17 starseeker subversion (svn) manages our source code and documentation
00:35.40 starseeker it retains history, so earlier versions can be viewed and changes between versions can be found
00:36.15 starseeker when making changes, developers send changes to the central server (sourceforge) to be saved
00:36.49 starseeker so when you did "svn checkout" you were asking subversion to send you a copy of the source code and documentation with all the latest changes
00:36.51 jesica__ the XML_CATAL.. comand call some binary of xsltproc and read destination file first and origin second?
00:37.14 jesica__ i ask myself why the comand is so large
00:37.33 starseeker it is being supplied many arguments - paths to files not in its local directory
00:37.44 starseeker this is normally handled by our build system
00:37.59 starseeker you can just type "make" and get html and pdf output (pdf only when fop is installed)
00:38.16 starseeker up until now, only english documentation was available
00:38.20 starseeker so build system assumed this
00:38.26 starseeker now that assumption is not true
00:38.33 starseeker so I am making the system more flexible
00:38.50 starseeker once I am done, you will be able to tell the make process to build spanish documentation
00:39.00 starseeker and you will just type "make" to get latest html/pdf
00:39.17 starseeker commands are long still, but generated automatically
00:42.26 jesica__ ...and reads destination file first and origin second?
00:50.18 ``Erik grabs a serial line and heads back into the pit to fight the ARM thingie
00:51.02 starseeker yes, although there is an additional argument between them
00:51.19 starseeker run man xsltproc to see details
00:58.33 jesica__ yes I see
01:06.55 *** join/#brlcad cosurg1 (
01:12.50 jesica__ starseeker, good night, thanks again
01:12.59 starseeker you're welcome!
01:47.13 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r36841 10/brlcad/trunk/ (14 files in 9 dirs):
01:47.13 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: OK, this is very crude and has no awareness of posix locale stuff, but add the
01:47.13 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: ability to toggle doc building using --with-lang compile option. Currently,
01:47.13 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: only --with-lang=es will do anything, but it will switch off english doc
01:47.14 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: building and build whatever spanish docs are available (currently lesson one).
01:47.16 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: Needs much more work, but this will get it off the ground.
01:47.54 starseeker phew
01:50.12 louipc what if you just want to build everything?
02:21.04 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (n=Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
02:30.29 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
02:30.29 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || #brlcad logs at || Release 7.16.2 posted (20091106) .. full binary release!
02:34.25 ``Erik O.O
02:37.06 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (
02:42.03 ``Erik FreeBSD 8.0-STABLE FreeBSD 8.0-STABLE #0: Sat Dec 5 08:24:01 EST 2009 erik@fenris:/usr/obj/arm/usr/src/sys/DB-88F6XXX arm
02:47.59 starseeker ``Erik: you got it?
02:48.32 starseeker louipc: that's one of the reasons it's crude ;-)
02:48.57 starseeker a "lang=all" option could turn on everything, I just have to set that up
02:49.11 starseeker I just tonight got it doing any sort of conditional anything
02:51.02 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (
03:01.03 ``Erik it's running, but via tftp/nfs... it's not liking the big honkin' usb disk very much and I haven't gotten around to making the bootloader understand ufs/ffs yet
03:01.50 ``Erik had to fix a power supply to get the serial client working again to attach to the debug port O.o
03:09.08 starseeker ow
03:09.36 starseeker is awed by the lengths you are willing to go to to attain minimal computing power ;-)
03:10.07 starseeker (he says as he glances at his hard disk full of things like original CADR lisp machine schematics...)
03:11.18 starseeker grrrr - why does it not like the src/other setups...
03:12.20 ``Erik given that you drive a civic, I find your awe at my selecting "adequate performance with superior efficiency" odd O.o :D *duck*
03:15.00 ``Erik the only moving part in this beastie will be the hard drive O.o that's awesome right there
03:16.26 ``Erik low power, tiny machine, nifty blue LED, unusual architecture... it's all awesome :D
03:28.17 starseeker ``Erik: you're a cad weenie. There's no such thing as "adequate", there's only least inadquate :-P
03:28.25 starseeker but yes, I concede the awesomeness
03:28.43 starseeker especially when you hack it to have a solid state drive
03:31.00 ``Erik heh, still consider myself more of a systems weenie than a cad weenie... :)
03:31.16 ``Erik and it already has a 4G NAND flash drive in it
03:31.32 ``Erik but I want to use the 1.5tb usb dealie
03:31.43 ``Erik at least for bulk storage
03:41.35 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (
04:02.22 ``Erik <-- watches the snow come down O.o
04:37.39 *** join/#brlcad Nohla (n=jesica@
05:06.23 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (
06:35.33 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
07:12.19 *** join/#brlcad superlinux (
07:12.24 superlinux hi all
07:14.41 superlinux well this is my 2nd day in brlcad and I want to know how can i keep the drawing display running as ogl if I just typed on the terminal "mged"?
08:47.50 *** join/#brlcad dli (n=dli@
09:02.40 superlinux dli, ?
09:02.50 superlinux hi dli are you ther?
09:19.24 *** join/#brlcad Don_ (
09:21.04 *** join/#brlcad imad_ (
10:45.20 *** join/#brlcad imad_ (
12:20.53 dli superlinux, hi
12:24.25 *** join/#brlcad __monty__ (
12:39.04 superlinux dli, hi
12:39.14 superlinux you were lucky to find me
12:39.21 superlinux well this is my 2nd day in brlcad and I want to know how can i keep the drawing display running as ogl if I just typed on the terminal "mged"?
12:40.27 superlinux and I have another problem. the drawing display does not really keep refreshed
12:40.44 superlinux __monty__, can you please help
12:41.20 __monty__ I'm sorry I can't help you, I can't even get brlcad to run yet.
12:41.28 __monty__ *mged
12:41.47 superlinux I have to minimize then maximize the program to see it correctly
12:41.57 superlinux __monty__, what are you using?
12:42.03 superlinux i can help you
12:42.20 superlinux Linux?
12:42.23 __monty__ mac os X, if that's what you mean
12:42.29 superlinux mmm
12:42.40 superlinux I used Linux Ubuntu
12:42.49 superlinux it ran off the box
12:43.09 __monty__ It used to for me too, but now I get a Bus error.
12:43.12 superlinux I mean out of the box
12:43.51 *** join/#brlcad __monty__ (
12:44.12 __monty__ Sorry, my laptop battery just ran out.
12:44.48 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
12:57.53 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (n=rossberg@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
12:58.04 superlinux __monty__, the Linux version ran directly with me
12:59.06 __monty__ Yeah, the mac version used to aswell, but now it doesn't. Or do you mean you're using the linux version on a mac?
13:00.35 superlinux no
13:01.05 superlinux I am using Ubuntu intel over a tochiba Laptop
13:01.17 superlinux __monty__,
13:01.28 __monty__ Ok.
13:01.46 superlinux which BrlCAD version?
13:02.01 superlinux i am using the x.10
13:02.16 superlinux i am using the 7.10
13:02.25 __monty__ Latest binary from, latest tarball, latest svn.
13:02.30 superlinux th 7.12 not yet
13:02.48 superlinux let me try compiling the 12
13:03.19 __monty__ Ok, your help is much appreciated.
13:08.52 superlinux __monty__, it will take me some time to download it. I am in Lebanon and we have a basic DSL
13:09.11 __monty__ That's ok.
13:09.44 __monty__ Who could I complain when you're trying to help.
13:13.57 starseeker erm
13:13.59 starseeker cc1: warnings being treated as errors
13:13.59 starseeker ../../../brlcad/src/libbu/crashreport.c: In function ‘bu_crashreport’:
13:13.59 starseeker ../../../brlcad/src/libbu/crashreport.c:75: error: format not a string literal and no format arguments
13:34.43 *** join/#brlcad superlinux (n=imad@
13:40.26 *** join/#brlcad Yoshi47 (n=jan@
14:02.13 ``Erik opengl will not do 'shaded' displays nor will it give a significant performance increase, it's probably safer to use X
14:02.50 ``Erik 7.10 and 7.12 are pretty old, should be on 7.16.2 these days
14:03.55 dli superlinux, I'm dont know about opengl support. :( I guess you mean opengl
14:07.33 dli superlinux, I checked ./configure, opengl support seems to be auto detected
14:08.30 dli superlinux, or to specify, ./configure --with-ogl
14:11.01 starseeker must not have synced stable right
14:12.13 superlinux dli, ok
14:12.55 superlinux dli, what i notcied is that the window where the drawing appears does not stay on
14:13.30 dli superlinux, as <``Erik> says, maybe, you can play with and without opengl
14:13.31 superlinux like i must minimize and maximize to make it clear
14:15.05 ``Erik superlinux: the ogl display manager has a known issue where redraw events are not being sent correctly all the time... seriously, dude, use the X display, it's visually identical :)
14:15.09 superlinux every time i move a window over it then i move it out of it that display turns grey
14:15.35 superlinux so ``Erik how can i use the X display?
14:15.44 superlinux i am still very new to this
14:16.03 dli superlinux, try: ./configure --without-ogl
14:16.13 superlinux the aims of using BRL is to migrate from Autocad on linux
14:16.17 ``Erik um, should be the default, might try to do "detach" and "attach X" in the mged window?
14:16.39 superlinux i have an already built binary
14:16.46 ``Erik or set the FB_FILE or something, *shrug* I try not to touch a gui if possible, so'z I dunno
14:16.47 dli ``Erik, I tried, minimizing, moving the display window, opengl is not causing any trouble here
14:16.49 superlinux so is there an option?
14:17.07 ``Erik dli: it's a tricky one to track, that's why it's not fixed yet...
14:17.36 ``Erik I think someone (maybe starseeker) is going to re-write the OGL dm, which'll hopefully 'just work right'
14:18.03 ``Erik a lot of the ogl stuff is slightly updated irisGL from the 80's :/
14:18.27 superlinux ok .. so the command is 'detach' then do 'attach X'?
14:19.03 dli ``Erik, I see, but when it happens, good to try without ogl
14:19.05 starseeker is THIS close to nuking stable and copying in trunk... dingnabbit I thought I had this synced!
14:19.53 ``Erik starseeker: src/libbu$ svn diff -r36452:36077 vls.c <-- yeh...
14:20.20 ``Erik superlinux: I think so.. starseeker would know better than me :D
14:20.59 starseeker superlinux: what version of BRL-CAD are you using?
14:21.22 starseeker ``Erik: can you tell what I messed up on the sync?
14:21.27 superlinux 7.10
14:21.32 starseeker eeeep
14:21.36 superlinux starseeker,
14:21.47 starseeker are you able to compile a newer version?
14:21.54 superlinux maybe
14:22.07 superlinux cos it will take time downloading stuff
14:22.16 starseeker ah
14:22.27 starseeker superlinux: well, first try this
14:22.28 superlinux what about the 7.10?
14:22.29 starseeker mged -c
14:22.33 superlinux ok
14:22.54 starseeker when it asks what to attach, pick X
14:23.04 superlinux ok
14:23.18 starseeker that's the quick way to test
14:23.33 superlinux all fine
14:23.37 superlinux no problems yet
14:23.44 starseeker ok
14:23.45 superlinux brb 1 min max
14:24.12 starseeker grrrr, sourceforge don't tell me you can't connect....
14:24.20 starseeker that's it
14:25.03 ``Erik starseeker: never merged with subversion before, only CVS... looks like you may've merged 36452 to 36452? *shrug*
14:25.36 superlinux ok back
14:25.39 superlinux that was my mom
14:26.07 starseeker ``Erik: could be - well, I can't get a steady enough connection to try the traditional route anyway...
14:26.09 superlinux so what now?
14:26.18 superlinux lemme see
14:26.35 starseeker now I try to remember how to set the display manager in 7.10 in the Tk gui
14:26.59 starseeker (bty, I'd start downloading the 7.16.2 source if you think you can build it - many new features in that release)
14:27.05 starseeker btw rather
14:28.19 superlinux starseeker,
14:28.30 superlinux if i just typed mged
14:28.31 starseeker superlinux: ok, you need to create a .mgedrc file (do this by starting up mged without the -c option, then under File there's a Create/update .mgedrc file
14:28.44 superlinux ok
14:28.51 ``Erik if starseeker hadn't screwed up the stable branch, I'd say check it out via svn so'z you can save the bandwidth during upgrades... *cough* O:-)
14:29.10 superlinux ok
14:29.17 superlinux i'll see the rc file
14:29.34 starseeker there should be a line like set mged_default(dm_type) X
14:29.42 starseeker or maybe set mged_default(dm_type) ogl
14:29.45 starseeker you want the X one
14:30.14 starseeker (edit the .mgedrc file with a text editor)
14:31.05 superlinux ok sure
14:31.12 superlinux just a moment
14:32.20 superlinux done. restart mged?
14:32.27 superlinux i feal so
14:32.30 superlinux i feel so
14:32.41 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r36842 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/: OK, stable sync got royally messed up somehow. Clear it out - next commit will recreate STABLE from trunk.
14:33.01 superlinux starseeker, ok all nice and great
14:33.30 superlinux so this way means that thru X the openGL will work?
14:34.30 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r36843 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/: Re-create STABLE from trunk
14:34.36 starseeker no, you aren't using opengl
14:34.44 superlinux ok
14:34.48 superlinux no problem
14:34.56 starseeker we aren't to the point yet where it's critical
14:35.11 superlinux now i tried opening a database file
14:35.31 superlinux one of the sample files
14:35.50 superlinux nothing yet.. or i have to wait more from you?
14:37.16 d_rossberg how can i connect a proxy to the docbook build to get the draft image?
14:37.37 d_rossberg superlinux: type "tops"
14:37.43 starseeker um, what's a draft image?
14:38.03 d_rossberg
14:38.37 starseeker superlinux: what database did you open?
14:38.48 starseeker d_rossberg: good question - haven't tried using that
14:40.00 d_rossberg this wasn't a question: type the word "tops" into the mged terminal
14:41.22 starseeker superlinux: did that work?
14:41.39 d_rossberg superlinux: what do you get returned from this command?
14:42.00 starseeker d_rossberg: my guess is you need to define a customization xslt stylesheet, like what we're going to need to do for the translations - we aren't (quite) there yet but we're getting pretty close
14:44.45 starseeker if it's a bit more "built in" you might be able to modify catalog.xml
14:45.34 d_rossberg starseeker: google says (tm) i have to set the proxy in java because docbook uses java
14:46.06 starseeker um
14:46.21 d_rossberg but i don't know how to set the proxy in java either
14:46.24 starseeker some of the docbook tools use java (specifically fop) but unless you're doing pdf it's not an issue
14:46.57 starseeker d_rossberg: I must admit I'm not a genius with Docbook - I barely got fop doing out of directory pdf generation :-(
14:47.37 starseeker we intend to get more sophisticated, but right now we're pretty basic :-(
14:49.11 starseeker I'm seeing this: <xsl:param name="draft.mode">yes</xsl:param>
14:49.23 starseeker but we don't have anywhere to put such settings yet
14:50.38 ``Erik
14:51.41 starseeker ``Erik: that's sure to have some parents doing a lot of unwanted explaining to some children
14:52.52 *** join/#brlcad imad_ (
14:53.06 imad_ d_rossberg, i have typed tops
14:53.15 imad_ then what should i do?
14:59.17 d_rossberg imad_: look at the return you got, what is it?
14:59.44 imad_ d_rossberg, then? i just see a listing of maybe tables or files
15:01.09 d_rossberg this is fine, is there an all or all.g (for example)
15:02.05 d_rossberg what you see there is a list of the top elements in your BRL-CAD database
15:03.51 imad_ d_rossberg, _GLOBAL all/
15:03.51 imad_ that's the cray.g of the samples distributed
15:04.28 d_rossberg imad_: now type "e all"
15:06.45 imad_ ok
15:07.33 d_rossberg now you should see something in the black window
15:07.40 imad_ ok
15:10.42 imad_ d_rossberg, now i tried with the other objects
15:10.44 d_rossberg now you could type "rt" to see a nice picture and click on the help entry in the menu of the mged window to get the tutotial etc.
15:10.58 imad_ I understood that "e" is to view one of the listings
15:11.07 imad_ ok
15:17.23 imad_ d_rossberg, whenever i type rt, i get a black screen
15:17.30 imad_ so?
15:17.53 imad_ it's a full black screen
15:18.15 imad_ or a full screen in black
15:23.19 starseeker try this: rt -F/dev/X
15:23.35 superlinux ok
15:24.36 superlinux starseeker, you are its man!
15:25.11 starseeker the first raytrace tried to use opengl - thats one of our opengl bugs
15:25.14 superlinux it worked
15:25.14 superlinux awesome! and cool
15:25.58 superlinux starseeker, but i just want for example to draw basic stuff, like a line or whatever if very basic geometry
15:26.20 starseeker superlinux: we do 3D geometry (spheres, etc.)
15:26.33 starseeker superlinux: sounds like you are ready for this:
15:26.51 starseeker
15:27.41 superlinux what i want is to let people to easily convert to Linux. there is LinuxCAD though it's not free. Quick CAD as far as i heard is has a problem with huge DXF files
15:28.32 superlinux starseeker, got the point?
15:30.02 superlinux and the rc file is not as far as i see easily editable. I am a programmer. i understand that i should be participating in such nice project, and i understand that i am using an older version.
15:30.40 superlinux however my aims is migration
15:30.52 superlinux migration to linux
15:30.55 starseeker superlinux: we know our usability is weak - we're working on a next generation GUI (you can see the prototype by typing archer)
15:31.14 superlinux i did.. it did not run
15:31.32 superlinux starseeker, the gui is not as important as the commands them selves
15:31.46 starseeker if you want to import a dxf file, try dxf-g
15:32.06 superlinux they seem to be much like the cisco router commands or a C++ language in the way they are a standard
15:32.30 starseeker actually, we use tcl for our command line
15:32.53 superlinux i meant people find that the Autocad commands are now a standard with time
15:33.19 starseeker I doubt a lot of AutoCAD commands would map directly to BRL-CAD
15:33.30 superlinux can't you wrap the TCL under the Autocad commands?
15:33.57 starseeker superlinux: what you should do is read the Introduction, see how BRL-CAD works, and then see if AutoCAD commands can map to BRL-CAD
15:34.08 superlinux mmm
15:34.12 starseeker my guess is the systems' underlying assumptions are often too different
15:34.22 starseeker BRL-CAD is a solid 3D CSG modeler
15:34.29 superlinux true
15:34.38 starseeker AutoCAD has some 3D stuff, but they focus on 2D quite a lot as I understand it
15:34.41 starseeker we don't do much 2D
15:34.49 superlinux what i know is that autocad deos 3D too
15:35.10 superlinux so you need someone to write the 2d? don't you?
15:35.32 starseeker if someone wants to volunteer that would be great :-)
15:35.39 superlinux ok good
15:35.51 starseeker but don't underestimate the amount of work involved
15:35.58 superlinux i'll see how to integrate some of the commands
15:36.03 superlinux i know
15:36.10 superlinux i'll see how
15:36.26 starseeker you will likely find you have to create the functionality to support the commands, and that has to be done in such a way as to integrate into BRL-CAD proper
15:36.47 starseeker if you see brlcad in the channel, talk to him - he's the lead designer/developer
15:37.00 superlinux starseeker, what if for example i set a cylinder to be a line?
15:37.05 superlinux is that ok?
15:37.21 starseeker um - it may work in some applications
15:37.41 starseeker it heavily depends on what you're trying to accomplish
15:37.42 superlinux llike make miniature the 3D objects to 2D
15:38.22 superlinux all i want is the architechtural plans you see for building houses and such and such
15:38.35 starseeker ah :-)
15:38.41 starseeker take a look at rtedge
15:38.46 superlinux thats what makes true money!
15:38.58 superlinux ok
15:39.18 starseeker there is also some work currently going on on an annotation primitive that will help with blueprints
15:40.16 superlinux ah~! you call them blue prints such maps?
15:40.26 superlinux then be it
15:40.31 starseeker that's usually what people want ;-)
15:40.37 superlinux yes
15:40.54 starseeker it's a frequent request, but not the focus of our full time developers
15:41.01 starseeker
15:41.05 starseeker that's rtedge
15:41.09 superlinux like the 1st thing i thought i can do is type line on mged
15:41.17 starseeker nope :-)
15:41.32 starseeker superlinux: I REALLY suggest reading that tutorial
15:41.41 superlinux ok
15:41.44 superlinux i'll check
15:41.51 starseeker you will need to understand BRL-CAD to understand how to do the job correctly
15:41.57 superlinux maybe i can get some funding for the part
15:44.11 superlinux starseeker, how can i save the "-F/dev/X" part in the rt* commands?
15:44.33 superlinux can i alias the commands rt and rtedge?
15:46.17 starseeker you can create alias commands in .mgedrc
15:46.37 superlinux how?
15:47.05 superlinux e.g. alias rt='rt -F/dev/X'?
15:47.12 superlinux is'n't?
15:51.04 superlinux starseeker, sorry if i bugged you with so many questions. please, look at this picture with blue background. this is a blueprint of course. such things i want to be able to do
15:51.12 superlinux
15:53.14 starseeker superlinux: irc is an "in and out" communication method - not always realtime
16:07.22 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (
16:07.52 starseeker superlinux: there's a file mgedrc.html in the distribution, I believe
16:08.38 starseeker you basically use proc
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16:14.16 starseeker growl - make dmg requires root
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17:41.25 brlcad starseeker: yeah, it has to go admin to mount/demount disk images with proper access
17:42.06 __monty__ brlcad, Did you receive my memo's?
17:45.09 brlcad yes, just read them :)
17:45.34 brlcad that's pretty informative backtrace, thanks
17:45.45 __monty__ No problem.
17:46.49 __monty__ About the 'p dmp' and 'p pubvars' , did I enter them right? I just entered them on the gdb prompt after the backtrace.
17:47.04 brlcad you did, I forgot those are #defines
17:47.10 brlcad you still have that session?
17:47.54 brlcad hm, actually dmp should have worked
17:48.07 __monty__ Yeah I have the session open still.
17:48.25 brlcad but since I make one of the X11 calls a function instead of a macro, you need to go up the stack
17:48.29 brlcad type "up"
17:48.32 brlcad then p dmp
17:49.05 brlcad p screen
17:49.21 __monty__ Should I paste the output directly into irc? Or go via pastebin?
17:49.53 brlcad pastebin if it's more than like 5 lines
17:50.04 brlcad otherwise here is fine
17:50.15 __monty__ Ok.
17:50.54 __monty__
17:51.36 brlcad p *dmp
17:51.41 brlcad p screen
17:51.41 brlcad p screenp *screen
17:51.47 brlcad p pubvars
17:51.49 brlcad p *pubvars
17:53.18 __monty__ here you go.
17:55.07 __monty__ I hope it's helpful =)
17:56.26 brlcad too
18:03.54 brlcad very helpful!
18:04.13 __monty__ cheers.
18:04.15 brlcad .... looks like XDefaultScreenOfDisplay() is returning the screen number, not the screen pointer
18:04.57 brlcad which isn't right!
18:05.22 __monty__ The bastard!
18:06.02 ``Erik (screen number, or NULL?)
18:06.31 ``Erik hm, 0x50? O.o
18:09.14 brlcad yeah, that's gotta be some error code
18:10.09 brlcad i should probably just rewrite libdm-X
18:10.22 ``Erik libdm-SDL ftw
18:10.23 brlcad the X11 code there is a really old method
18:11.17 brlcad that's a possibility, probably even easier, but begrudging adding a new dep
18:11.33 brlcad specially since tk should work just fine and with no added complexity
18:11.50 ``Erik yeh, came up in a discussion with starseeker at one point
18:12.21 brlcad that's just what I should do, finish off the one there, but got other code to finish up first before going down that rabbit hole
18:13.08 __monty__ tries to drag brlcad down the rabbit hole.
18:14.11 ``Erik oh my
18:40.43 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36844 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libdm/dm-X.c: untested. try to avoid the X11 calls entirely during initialization, only making the corresponding Tk calls. XDefaultScreenOfDisplay() is return 0x50 on __monty__'s system for some unknown reason.
18:40.45 brlcad __monty__: give that a try (unfortunately can't test it myself at the moment)
18:42.03 __monty__ How do I give it a try?
19:09.16 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36845 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libdm/dm-X.c: wrap the new tk calls in HAVE_TK so we can compile clean
19:09.32 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36846 10/brlcad/trunk/include/dm.h: ws indent cleanup
19:09.54 brlcad __monty__: run "svn up", then rebuild/reinstall
19:19.22 brlcad don't have to rebuild everything, just "make && make install"
19:19.33 brlcad it'll just rebuild the pieces that got updated
19:21.30 starseeker is considering going down the dm-tk rabbit hole
19:21.49 starseeker if it works and works well, would it get rid of all the other non-opengl dms?
19:22.50 brlcad many of them
19:22.54 brlcad not all of them
19:23.11 starseeker well, I suppose plot and ps
19:23.47 brlcad yeah
19:43.02 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36847 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libgcv/region_end.c: ws indent comment cleanup
19:43.25 __monty__ Sorry for the late reply, I was studying. I took the 'run svn up' literaly, the terminal outputted: Skipped '.'
19:43.42 __monty__ Should I now just run make and then make install?
19:45.44 __monty__ I probably should have cd'ed to the source directory first, shouldn't I?
19:47.08 starseeker that might help _)
19:47.09 starseeker :-)
19:47.46 __monty__ Am I the only mac user with problems running brlcad?
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19:48.22 starseeker __monty__: there are some glitches we know about
19:51.49 __monty__ Ok I did the svn up, make && make install. Now when I try launching mged I get the following output: WARNING: screen number is [0] \n Bus error
19:52.10 starseeker um - __monty__ can you run in gdb again?
19:52.18 __monty__ I sure can
19:53.09 __monty__ Up to backtrace or all the other ones, like p dmp too?
19:53.21 starseeker let's see where it's dying first
19:53.25 starseeker is it the same place?
19:53.54 starseeker er, yeah, up to backtrace first
19:54.13 __monty__ #0 blablba in X_open_dm blabalbal :399
19:54.34 __monty__ I'll paste it to pastebin if you want.
19:55.03 starseeker __monty__: let me check that dm-X line
19:55.48 __monty__
19:57.27 starseeker __monty__: hmm. can you do: print privars->pix ?
19:58.06 brlcad p *dmp
19:58.13 starseeker er, yeah :-)
19:58.21 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r36848 10/isst/trunk/src/local_worker.c: make cut ray fire the right direction
19:58.21 brlcad and p *privars :)
19:58.32 __monty__ 'print privars->pix' gives me $1 = 0
19:58.35 brlcad curious if it got the right width/height
19:58.47 starseeker yeah, sorry - I always get that wrong the first time I debug anything
19:59.01 brlcad oooh, DefaultRootWindow.. another X11 call
19:59.06 brlcad that's the crasher
19:59.56 starseeker flips up dm-tk.c and eyes it...
19:59.59 brlcad looks like if you start with Tk windows, you have to stik with them .. maybe something in 8.5 not playing nicely with the Mac X11 hearsheaders
20:00.02 __monty__
20:00.48 brlcad because it's the Display* and Visual* that one gets from Tk_Display() .. that isn't working with any X11 call
20:01.14 brlcad bah, it didn't get width/height, thx __monty__
20:01.25 __monty__ No problem.
20:01.38 starseeker __monty__: you can run xterm and other X11 apps OK, right?
20:01.55 __monty__ yep xterm, inkscape, gimp
20:02.01 starseeker hmm
20:02.19 __monty__ I don't run x11 often by the way.
20:03.39 brlcad ahhh, starting to get a handle on this
20:03.52 brlcad Tk_CreateWindowFromPath() is very informative
20:08.10 starseeker arrgh
20:08.17 starseeker gets badness
20:09.44 starseeker X Error of failed request: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation) Major opcode of failed request: 53 (X_CreatePixmap) Serial number of failed request: 343 Current serial number in output stream: 344
20:15.57 __monty__ Good night all, if you need me to test something send me a memo.
20:27.21 *** join/#brlcad Yoshi47 (n=jan@
20:30.53 brlcad starseeker: yeah, I busted it a couple days ago I think
20:31.04 brlcad working on it
20:31.12 starseeker np
20:31.27 brlcad curious, why didn't you use HIDDEN in that HIDDEN_DM_... define?
20:31.38 brlcad instead of duplicating the two cases
20:32.08 starseeker um
20:32.26 brlcad intentional? oversight?
20:32.39 starseeker oversight
20:32.54 starseeker think I hit a build error and just did something to get it going
20:33.27 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36849 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libdm/dm-X.c: ws, more verbose quellage
20:34.26 brlcad o.O hm, okay
20:35.19 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36850 10/brlcad/trunk/include/dm.h: collapse into just one HIDDEN_DM_FUNCTION_PROTOTYPES(), use HIDDEN
20:35.38 starseeker did I do something stupid again?
20:37.52 starseeker is sure he has done a lot of dumb stuff on the dm side of things
20:46.57 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r36851 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libdm/dm-tk.c: Stub out the new functions needed after the libdm struct changes
20:56.17 starseeker brlcad: is there a quick way to enable the dm-tk build?
21:02.21 ``Erik hack the gibso^Wmakefile
21:03.12 starseeker ``Erik: it looks like it's set up to conditionally build, but I'm not sure what makes DM_TK "true"
21:03.35 starseeker (apparently "WITH_TK" is not set to true for the default enable-all?)
21:04.47 ``Erik it's forced to off in
21:04.54 ``Erik 3685
21:05.00 starseeker ah, thanks
21:05.35 ``Erik easiest would be to muck with the values of WITH_TK_TRUE and WITH_TK_FALSE in the Makefile itself
21:07.09 starseeker well, I need all this to propigate through so I can use dmtype set to try switching to tk
21:07.18 starseeker so it's probably not just one Makefile
21:07.54 ``Erik hm, hack, change [ "xno" = "xyes" ] to [ "xyes" = "xyes" ] or something?
21:08.18 starseeker yeah, there's actually a valid but commented out test right below it
21:08.24 starseeker re-enabled and is testing now
21:08.51 starseeker doubt I have the chops to actually make it work but I'll take a poke and see where it's at
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21:27.08 brlcad starseeker: all the DM_* are from configure
21:27.24 brlcad rather, toggled high up, then conditionalized in the
21:28.29 brlcad which right now looks like it toggled via --with-tk
21:30.48 starseeker ``Erik spotted it - it was forced off
21:33.43 starseeker urk
21:33.51 starseeker turns off WITH_TK in libfb
21:34.27 starseeker one problem child at a time
21:44.15 brlcad you're working on libdm or libfb?
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22:15.59 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r36852 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/librender/ (camera.c render_internal.h): stash a copy of the tie struct in render for use in init() functions
22:20.19 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r36853 10/isst/trunk/src/local_worker.c: remove debugging printf
22:20.39 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r36854 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/librender/cut.c: color intersected regions
22:32.23 starseeker brlcad: libdm
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22:32.44 starseeker although "workign on" is probably a bit strong - more like "exploring"
22:50.05 starseeker blinks - aside from a rather odd notion of what the center of the screen is, this tk dm isn't doing bad at all
22:52.11 starseeker (he says as he tries to switch to rtgl and mged crashes...)
22:53.09 starseeker in fact, it already moves the havoc wireframe around more easily than X does
22:53.47 starseeker nifty
23:13.33 starseeker gives --enable-aqua-tk a try and is surprised to see libdm complain about undefined Tk symbols... hmm
23:25.01 starseeker ooooo
23:25.05 starseeker that makes sense...
23:25.28 starseeker DM_LIBS doesn't HAVE tk if building without X11...
23:26.28 ``Erik an oldie but a goodie
23:40.00 *** join/#brlcad dli (n=dli@

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