IRC log for #brlcad on 20091212

00:44.58 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36892 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/bot/bot.c: prevent bombing if you end up working with an empty bot. don't try to alloc 0 vertices/faces. let the user know, though.
01:10.22 brlcad docelic: trying to get to testing all day today, hopefully tomorrow
01:11.05 docelic Ah nice, I didn't actually know the release time was nearing, I asked accidentaly :)
01:11.29 brlcad our usual schedule is the first week of every month
01:11.32 brlcad we're a few days late
01:25.10 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36893 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: analyze command output formatting needs some TLC. column formatting is screwy and customization would be nice.
01:28.30 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (n=akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)
01:29.03 brlcad tests bot prep optimization with dubidity
01:36.20 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36894 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: not sure EDITOR will make this iteration given we're no longer down to the wire but late. add note about vls name wrapping before it's forgotten too (for annotations and then some)
01:46.03 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r36895 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: honest.
01:46.30 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (n=Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
01:46.46 brlcad :)
01:48.27 ``Erik "see, motorcyclists do it all the time. But human beings do not" hah
01:48.29 ``Erik topgear++
01:49.36 brlcad creates a 2.7M test case
01:49.57 ``Erik of?
01:50.28 brlcad bot prep mod
01:50.38 ``Erik ah
01:50.46 ``Erik um, I have a big one
01:50.57 ``Erik more than 2.7m... around 7m triangles...
01:51.05 brlcad not sure I believe what rt is reporting for PREP
01:51.27 brlcad 2.7 should be good, order bigger than what I was testing
01:51.51 ``Erik (the facetize_all/allbots script pairing is NOT a good solution for what I need, btw... the failed conversions remain as they were and cause very long fail episodes in my load)
01:51.52 brlcad just four sqrts, but might be insignificant
01:52.23 ``Erik unfortunately, I wasn't able to get a clean facetization of any nontrivial model in our set...
01:52.35 ``Erik m35, toyjeep, tankcar, ... even pinewood fail something :(
01:52.41 brlcad yep
01:52.59 brlcad I ran through all of db a couple years ago and saw that the majority fail
01:53.13 ``Erik kinda renewed my marching cubes effort a little :/
01:53.16 brlcad that'd be a great project, at least make those all succeed!
01:53.40 ``Erik oh, even managed straight up crashes in the nmg routines with most of those
01:53.44 brlcad I've seen it fail on some pretty simple stuff, has to be bugs
01:53.52 ``Erik the, um, roll bar on the toyjeep I think, null pointer
01:53.54 brlcad bu_bombs are normal
01:54.07 brlcad there's an error handler set, it's how nmg was written to work
01:54.22 brlcad exception-style
01:54.27 ``Erik heh
01:54.30 brlcad yeah
01:54.36 ``Erik I have a strong feeling I know the 3 assclowns responsible :/
01:54.38 brlcad teh SUCK
01:55.28 ``Erik (should libgcv surrender longjmp as an error handler?)
01:55.37 brlcad well fuck .. this optimization didn't do a damn thing. boo.
01:55.59 brlcad it has to at that level
01:56.06 brlcad otherwise it'll crash
01:56.09 brlcad s/crash/abort/
01:56.25 brlcad at least until you mod the nmg code to not throw a bomb
01:56.32 brlcad that's what needs to happen
01:56.38 ``Erik heh
01:56.44 brlcad propagate error up or set error state or whatever
01:56.54 ``Erik yeh, return codes are how I'd like to go
01:57.30 brlcad I really do think the nmg code could be shored up more solid
01:58.14 brlcad it's not had a dev work on it that focuses on robust input checking and condition testing
01:59.12 brlcad it's got a good bit of testing, but just not comprehensive
02:00.21 brlcad it kind of needs hooks like what indianlarry did for nurbs, effectively yes, no, and "maybe" tolerancing so it knows whether it's really stuck or not
02:01.12 ``Erik bugstomp in that would be a shweet task for a code wizard looking to start on BRL-CAD development, I'd imagine
02:01.36 ``Erik re-arch might need more experience iwth the tangle
02:02.37 brlcad an experienced coder, yeah
02:02.52 brlcad doesn't need rearch
02:03.01 brlcad at least I don't see things like bomb elim as rearch
02:03.20 brlcad it implements radial edge with euler, pretty textbook
02:03.40 ``Erik isn't very familiar with the code *shrug* so it viewing a public header change as a possible rearch grade thing :)
02:05.07 brlcad moving back into libnmg would probably make that a much more tractable task
02:05.20 ``Erik hrm, $1k for a roll cage, $500 for a roll bar
02:06.17 brlcad aha!
02:06.27 ``Erik ?
02:06.30 brlcad there's a damn malloc in the routine I was optimizing that dominates
02:06.34 ``Erik heh
02:06.38 ``Erik finally used a profiler? :>
02:06.44 brlcad shut it
02:06.58 ``Erik wonders if we should have mempool stuff in libbu
02:07.10 ``Erik mebbe threadpool, too
02:08.33 ``Erik sonofabitch, docbook screwed the port update
02:08.46 ``Erik :( (worked fine on xeon and core duo)
02:11.47 brlcad looks like out-of-srcdir issue
02:11.59 ``Erik hm, APACHEFOP not being set, but FOP crap still being built, I think
02:12.32 brlcad it's set to ":"
02:12.40 ``Erik no, that's in srcdir, it's an invalid call to fop
02:12.55 brlcad hrm?
02:12.59 ``Erik I'll msg him and ask if he has java installed
02:13.01 brlcad it's complaining about that manpage rename
02:13.07 brlcad manpages are xsltproc
02:13.10 brlcad pdf is fop
02:13.13 ``Erik yeh
02:13.45 ``Erik 'cept that file it's trying to move it to should exist in src? O.o
02:14.01 brlcad it did correctly set XSLTPROC to : .. but probably shouldn't have run through those build rules in doc/docbook regardless
02:14.08 brlcad that stuff changed a couple weeks ago
02:14.11 brlcad might not be an issue any more
02:14.21 ``Erik it's a tinderbox
02:14.22 ``Erik hrm
02:14.44 ``Erik knows that there were several things he had to patch in the port to make it compile :/
02:15.01 brlcad right, it ran the rule with : so it did nothing.. yet then still wants the file (which is bogus) .. shouldn't have ran the amn rule but the files are probably listed as install files
02:15.18 brlcad so the _MAN need to be conditionalized too
02:15.34 brlcad always putting the man down
02:15.46 ``Erik shoulda used TeX instead of docbook *cough* O:-)
02:15.47 brlcad another fix could be to just make xsltproc a dependency
02:16.03 brlcad yeah, tex as a dep is better than xsltproc....right
02:16.47 brlcad should probably make it a dep anyways so the manpages are built/installed
02:16.50 ``Erik latex actually works, xsltproc has a bit of a rep for being flakey from 'the day', and bunches of docbook stuff wants java around
02:16.52 brlcad the fix will just make it skip em
02:17.17 ``Erik roff, mwahaha
02:17.18 brlcad java is just for the pdf stuff (because of fop)
02:17.31 ``Erik every xsltproc alternative is written in java, though
02:17.35 brlcad xsltproc itself hasn't really caused any headaches
02:17.50 brlcad who cares, we're not using the alternatives :)
02:18.34 brlcad apply favorite car analogy, that makes no relevant sense :)
02:18.41 ``Erik svn co brlcad-docs
02:18.43 ``Erik O:-)
02:19.37 ``Erik will dork with crap tomorrie, is in relax mode
02:19.39 brlcad that doesn't fix this problem, just punts it to the port for brlcad-docs
02:21.25 ``Erik grabs a beer, his guitar and jams out 'daytripper' O.o
02:31.47 brlcad OMFG
02:32.14 brlcad tri_specific, why dear ghod, oh why .. do you allocate 9 f'ing values on the heap
02:33.16 brlcad seriously, even for "optional normals", that's a bit nutty spensive
02:39.00 starseeker ``Erik: I'll go over that configure logic on Monday and see if I can't make it more robust as far as disabling things
02:39.21 starseeker isn't REALLY trying to make ``Erik miserable...
02:41.32 brlcad starseeker: the kicker test is to try without fop and with xsltproc, then without fop and without xsltproc, then with fop and without xsltproc
02:41.54 starseeker nods
02:41.59 brlcad if you mv the binary to go through the four setups, should week out the problems
02:42.36 starseeker I was kinda feeling my way when I did most of that - not that I'm fluent now but I think I stand a somewhat better chance of getting things right now
02:44.56 starseeker will try that
02:53.15 ``Erik :D
02:54.08 ``Erik tunes that func to allocate one value 9 times for brlcad
02:54.50 ``Erik <-- installing a base system on a thumbdrive for his arm machine to see if usb boot is reasonably doable
02:57.09 brlcad interesting doc info on the list starseeker
02:57.51 brlcad worth a quick peek but the copy and translate would probably still be my naive pick
02:58.23 brlcad i presume gabriel isn't here incognito?
02:58.29 brlcad ~seen gabriel
02:58.32 ibot gabriel <> was last seen on IRC in channel #storm, 18d 18h 13m 6s ago, saying: 'the info i added is in the property constructor parameters section'.
02:58.35 ``Erik ponders saying "gettextize" and running like hell
02:59.03 brlcad yeah, each paragraph becomes a gettext phrase
02:59.20 brlcad tens of thousands of gettext lines...
02:59.21 ``Erik every C string
02:59.35 ``Erik many needing to be redone some
02:59.42 brlcad taking 100x longer to compile all the docs than it takes the sources!
02:59.51 ``Erik well
02:59.56 brlcad ah yeah, the C strings would be cool
02:59.57 ``Erik I was thinking the sources, not the docs...
03:00.08 brlcad yeah, I was (jokingly) talking about the docs
03:00.21 ``Erik how would the tcl strings interface?
03:02.01 brlcad tcl has it's own l10n and i18n features
03:02.17 brlcad particularly, message catalogs for translations iirc
03:02.47 ``Erik 3 months to make all the source work it, then 2 months for each translation *shudder*
03:03.42 ``Erik 1979: <dude1> dude, what if someone wants this in a language other than english? <dude2> uh... whu? BWAHAHAHAHA
03:03.45 ``Erik O:-)
03:04.39 brlcad basically feed it inputs files like gettext, then after you load a locale: replace 'puts "hello"' with 'puts [::msgcat::mc "hello"]'
03:04.40 ``Erik even in a toy app, gettext is a royal pain
03:04.41 brlcad tcl doesn't use gettext, they do their own thing
03:04.56 brlcad all build in that msgcat package
03:05.15 brlcad tcl would probably be easier than the C side actually
03:05.59 ``Erik one of my kittens is attempting to climb up my pants leg O.o if it weren't for the pointy bits, it'd be cut (until the knee, then it'd be weird)
03:06.02 ``Erik cute
03:07.07 brlcad until it's a little higher still, then no longer cute or weird
03:07.43 ``Erik nah, at the knee. O:-)
03:09.07 ``Erik makes a bot, g2asc's it, then gdb breaks the asc2g to figure out the effin' call path
03:09.09 starseeker brlcad: yeah, saw that email - I'm thinking copy and translate too
03:09.44 brlcad should respond to him on the downsides of the other options
03:10.16 ``Erik well, eff, I broke things
03:10.21 starseeker brlcad: probably, but they all boil down (to me) of "not enough of an issue yet to justify more machinery "
03:10.46 starseeker we're still shaking down the stuipd-simple method, nevermind adding more tools into the mix
03:10.57 starseeker flips up the email again
03:14.29 brlcad that's a fair response :)
03:14.58 brlcad unless he wants to help work on something more robuse ;)
03:15.33 starseeker I'm also a bit dubious as to why poxml is easier for translaters than straight up xml...
03:15.54 starseeker Nohla seems to have done just fine working within the existing xml tags :-)
03:17.06 brlcad yep
03:17.16 brlcad i think his argument was more about maintenance
03:17.34 brlcad say we need to update/fix the english tutorial .. what to do about 20 translations
03:17.49 brlcad becomes rather free-for-all
03:18.09 starseeker true, but the translations still have to happen regardless of what the surrounding markup is
03:19.13 brlcad right, but I gathered the other tools implicitly involve some sort of awareness of the other languages, so the differences are more evident
03:19.20 starseeker wonders why a script checking svn status on changes since last release tag for english doc files couldn't be used to flag the other language versions as "need work"
03:19.40 brlcad that's basically his second option, no? :)
03:19.51 brlcad the CON isn't a biggie
03:20.21 starseeker yes, except we don't introduce any markup - just a "tell me which english xml files changed over this interval" report
03:22.09 starseeker only think I can see MAYBE getting fancy with is something that adds a warning to the translated output that it's out of date if there is a change to the english version and no corresponding change to the translated file
03:29.58 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36896 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/bot/g_bot_include.c:
03:29.58 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: well, screw me. no savings on eliminating four sqrt() calls due to an egregious
03:29.58 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: number of malloc calls (two per bot face) to allocate a tri_specific and space
03:29.58 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: for normals. holy flying bat crap. tri_specific's interface needs to be
03:29.59 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: improved. made prep use the caller's tolerance instead of magic numbers.
03:31.24 brlcad I could see there be some value to doing something like gettext style substitutions as a prep step so some translated phrases are consistently managed
03:31.45 brlcad like "Shift Grips"
03:32.00 brlcad instead of the variety of ways that could get translated in one file alone
03:32.12 starseeker yeah, it has some merits
03:32.23 starseeker is reading up on xliff...
03:33.12 starseeker arrrgh - what is it with xml folks and java...
03:33.17 ``Erik tries to figure out a good VCS for a windows using non-programmer :/
03:33.34 ``Erik xml is for java, java does xml... no SANE person would use xml... :D
03:34.07 ``Erik ponder; <alpha><beta gamma=0></beta></alpha>
03:34.08 ``Erik really?
03:34.15 ``Erik (alpha (beta (gamma 0))
03:34.16 ``Erik )
03:34.38 ``Erik '(alpha (beta (gamma 0))) and ya don't even need to write code to deal O:-)
03:37.21 ``Erik notes that the network protocol for isst has been mostly ascii-ized and seems to be immediately readable scheme/lisp *cough* O:-)
03:38.21 brlcad runs some quick calculations
03:39.34 ``Erik we should get a decently ugly bot only model so I can do an rt vs libtie comparison and see if it's worth pursuing.
03:40.21 brlcad heh, nice
03:40.38 ``Erik ? how much did you beef up bot?
03:40.39 brlcad we presently have 204k lines of documentation in svn
03:40.44 ``Erik ah
03:41.31 brlcad I have a couple bot-only models
03:41.57 brlcad run anything through g-stl and you can too!
03:42.17 ``Erik heh
03:42.26 brlcad 1.2M words of docs (includes m4 markup and xml tags)
03:42.28 ``Erik provided g-stl happens to work *cough*
03:44.10 ``Erik more interested in a 'worst case' difference type set
03:44.17 ``Erik correctness #'s
03:44.43 brlcad that's roughly 4000 to 6000 *pages* of documentation
03:44.55 brlcad wow
03:46.04 brlcad assuming markup is substantial, which I can't imagine being even 50%, that's still 2000-3000 pages
03:46.35 brlcad Nohla: you got about 4 pages done, right? :)
03:47.49 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r36897 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: tri_specific suck. make better.
03:48.06 Nohla on pdf are 9,1 pages
03:49.00 Nohla counting images
03:49.03 brlcad :)
03:49.14 brlcad so yeah, about 4 pages of text :)
03:50.26 Nohla 5, but 5 is about 4 pages too :)
03:51.46 brlcad therein lies the importance of working on the documentation subsystem.. it's not that we don't have documentation, we have lots of documentation but it's inconsistently managed, inaccessible to new users, not readily searchable, not online, and not organized/categorized
03:52.00 brlcad just to name a few faults :)
03:52.19 brlcad damn I didn't realize there was that much documentation checked in
03:52.30 brlcad mm.. lemme eliminate the old mail and recount
03:54.26 Nohla program has no a searching tool for helping?
03:54.28 brlcad drops about 500-700 off the count
03:54.49 brlcad Nohla: not entirely true, there are some search facilities
03:54.53 Nohla brlcad sorry, I've never display it yet :(
03:54.55 brlcad they're just not "great", they're okay
03:55.29 brlcad there's the built-in search facilities of 'man' and apropos for the manual pages
03:55.58 brlcad there is pdf and html searching capabilities for the web content, but they're not presently synchronized with the website
03:56.10 brlcad (but should be soon)
04:01.53 brlcad starseeker, make clean fails in doc/docbook :)
04:01.56 brlcad tee hee
04:03.33 Nohla starseeker reminds me to "The little prince" :)
04:04.31 Nohla oh how Scandinavian of you XD
04:11.20 Nohla good night people, as you see, I need a snap at least :)
04:11.51 starseeker brlcad: auuugh
04:12.14 starseeker Nohla: night - when you have time I need to explain how to build spanish docs
04:12.15 brlcad Nohla: haha, kinda acts like him sometimes too
04:12.35 starseeker probably doesn't want to know...
04:12.46 brlcad you've not read the little prince?
04:12.54 starseeker shakes head
04:12.56 brlcad great book
04:12.56 starseeker nope
04:13.07 brlcad Nohla: buenas noches!
04:13.23 brlcad it's a kids book for adults
04:13.36 starseeker checks with the all-knowing google...
04:13.45 ``Erik heh
04:13.53 ``Erik brlcad won't quit jabbering about it
04:14.06 brlcad what you talking about?
04:14.13 brlcad haven't said anything about that in years
04:14.15 ``Erik frankly, I'd rather grab a copy of 'the prince' than 'the little prince'
04:14.22 ``Erik yeah, you jabbered about it just a few years ago!
04:14.26 ``Erik constant, I tell ya!
04:14.34 brlcad heh
04:14.38 ``Erik you were talking loads about it to rain I think
04:14.42 ``Erik saying it needs to be read in spanish
04:15.06 Nohla starseeker you couldn't be so sweet as little prince!, I hope you not to use that nick for a technical reason as a telescope, Isn't it?
04:16.48 ``Erik nohla: starseeker delved deep into the land of car and cdr, begun to see the fundamental fabric of the universe, but couldn't become one... so he started seeking to become once with the essense O:-)
04:17.14 brlcad you even lost me on that one
04:17.35 ``Erik
04:17.54 ``Erik (he commits a .pl tomorrow...)
04:17.57 starseeker you know, I think I may have read that when I was very very young...
04:18.58 Nohla starseeker, before to learn reading? XD
04:19.08 starseeker probably
04:19.25 starseeker the picture of the kid on a small rock rings some kind of bell
04:20.07 starseeker Nohla: want to build your html and pdf documentation using BRL-CAD's make system instead of the long commands?
04:21.48 Nohla starseeker I'm too tired to do it succesfully right now, but I'll be glad you help me tomorrow, maybe
04:22.06 starseeker Nohla: sounds good :-) Hopefully it will make things easier for you
04:22.09 ``Erik is this next release going to be an internal distribution?
04:22.31 Nohla anyway, good is to learn differents way to the same place :)
04:22.33 starseeker ``Erik: I don't think so
04:22.38 ``Erik fekc
04:23.06 starseeker Nohla: you have seen the "by hand" way - make will do that for you automatically, but you will understand what it is doing
04:23.13 starseeker which is a good thing :-)
04:24.24 brlcad starseeker: where are the Vol II apendices in the repo?
04:24.38 starseeker they aren't
04:24.46 starseeker that's what janine was turning into individual docbook files
04:24.50 starseeker for man pages
04:25.08 brlcad ``Erik: more time to fix shelling :)
04:25.14 brlcad ah, k
04:25.37 ``Erik shelling is a lesser concern for me atm
04:26.33 ``Erik huzzah, 7.16.2 got the local herpes treatment, I can pass out gtk binaries
04:27.26 starseeker doesn't understand that but feels vaguely insulted
04:27.42 starseeker ``Erik: awesome xkcd cartoon :-)
04:29.08 Nohla :)
04:29.38 ``Erik starseeker: 14 months of "yeah, we're past deadline, but next release, honest!", flak left and right, september or so it went from being fixing stuff to waiting for distributino...
04:29.54 starseeker ah
04:29.57 ``Erik so on monday, I can FINALLY redeem myself
04:30.00 starseeker heeh
04:30.26 ``Erik this is the shit, uh,
04:32.25 ``Erik needs to learn to not blink *sigh*
04:32.40 ``Erik or mebbe figure out how to get on the mailing list for distro
04:38.24 brlcad sends out the summary stats to the list
04:39.17 ``Erik bwahahahaha, a little fast running and the cats wig out :D
04:42.26 starseeker is dissapointed - xkcd has no poster version of the lotr chart
04:44.34 ``Erik I thought they had an svg
04:44.41 ``Erik email him
04:48.22 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r36898 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/load.c: quell silly warnings.
04:48.30 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r36899 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/adrt_struct.h: fake a size
04:48.53 CIA-41 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r36900 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/librender/render_internal.h: prepare to make this an assoc!
04:52.28 starseeker lol:
04:52.55 starseeker doesn't have the orc dwindling ability, but that's still awesome...
04:54.31 starseeker yeah, more I look he's got only a couple of the dimensions
04:54.58 starseeker still, a class project based off of an xkcd cartoon...
04:55.25 brlcad that's fantastic
04:55.33 brlcad sends his summary to the mailing list
04:55.42 brlcad iiiinteresting stats on the docs
04:55.48 brlcad puts things into perspective even more
04:56.14 starseeker waits for gmail to get the word...
04:57.52 brlcad so need to get that organized.. so much effort underutilized, and that's not even counting the papers, reports, symposium papers, posters, diagrams, cards, and presentations that aren't even checked in
04:59.27 brlcad gotta get round-trip web editing with the docbook backend working so we can make it all searchable, organized, and accessible
05:01.48 brlcad thinks erik should make adrt compile strict
05:02.09 ``Erik heh, tried
05:02.12 ``Erik varargs macros
05:02.20 ``Erik the tie0 vs tie1 hack
05:04.30 ``Erik outside of that, it's actually fiarly close
05:05.15 ``Erik <-- sets -W -Wall -Werror -ansi -pedantic on his personal projects up front, has a lint line he typically uses as well, creeped into a couple bits of BRL-CAD
05:05.58 ``Erik adrt, even :D
05:07.07 brlcad found out that -ansi and -std=c99 actually conflict in some instances, that can't really quell both without testing compliance version
05:07.22 starseeker oh, that's fun
05:09.25 ``Erik src/adrt/ line 119.. learn the hurt.
05:12.48 ``Erik looks like I got that certain hair up my ass in november of 2000
05:13.17 ``Erik (what were YOU doing in nov 07, 2000?)
05:16.36 brlcad I could probably figure that out
05:17.29 ``Erik it's trivial, but carried
05:18.38 ``Erik part of my religion over 9 yrs ago :(
05:19.23 ``Erik based off of annotate... iirc, it was called clint before splint
05:22.28 brlcad lint used to give so many false positives
05:22.41 brlcad gcc at least performs most of the lintisms (and then some) now
05:22.45 ``Erik used to? it doesn't anymore?
05:22.49 brlcad heh
05:23.07 brlcad i'm looking forward to seeing our coverity report
05:23.32 ``Erik be interesting.. I used lint heavily and expected many false hits... but did it anyways
05:23.44 brlcad especially now that several core dirs are "clean" .. should make the reports be minimized to actual bugs and not just quellage making things explicit
05:23.44 ``Erik don't think I ever made a single project fully lint clean
05:24.06 ``Erik but it opened my eyes to a lot of possibilities
05:24.12 ``Erik made me think before saying aye or nay
05:24.15 brlcad I almost made hello world clean once
05:24.32 brlcad hits the road
05:24.48 ``Erik the value is in making you think, imho
11:46.18 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
15:43.52 ``Erik oohhhh, todays cyanide and happiness is harsh
15:52.23 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
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19:22.43 *** join/#brlcad superlinux (n=oracle@
19:22.56 superlinux hello guys
19:25.37 superlinux starseeker, i started reading the sketch script. the code is not really well commented. and the lines of code count is over the 2200 lines. so it's huge!
19:44.56 *** join/#brlcad Ralith_ (n=ralith@
20:59.43 *** join/#brlcad docelic_ (
23:08.50 *** join/#brlcad talcite (
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