IRC log for #brlcad on 20091227

00:01.03 brlcad I'm actually supposed to be driving off to see family for the next couple days, driving for 8 hours tomorrow, so I probably won't be online much
00:01.17 brlcad but you can certainly post here and ask, someone is bound to answer :)
00:01.41 brlcad i'll be on early morning and probably later in the night after I arrive at my destination
00:02.06 Nohla well I'll try harder :)
00:07.58 ``Erik heh, not gonna pull the iphone ssh while driving r-tardedness? :)
00:59.36 *** join/#brlcad talcite (
01:21.43 *** join/#brlcad CIA-38 (n=CIA@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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02:23.30 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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03:48.53 *** join/#brlcad talcite (
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05:48.59 brlcad nay
06:52.52 *** join/#brlcad talcite_ (
08:05.44 *** join/#brlcad Nohla (n=jesica@
08:06.19 *** join/#brlcad talcite__ (
14:28.03 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
15:22.35 Nohla Is anybody out there? starseeker? ``Erik?
15:24.26 Nohla wanted to know if it still exists:"You can also zoom in or out on your design by going to the View menu and selecting Zoom In or Zoom Out. A drawback to this method is that you can only zoom in or out one time because the drop-down menu closes once you make a selection."
15:24.49 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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15:37.36 ``Erik hm, it should still be there... gimme a minute to look
15:38.22 ``Erik ayup, it is... do you have mged installed?
15:39.07 Nohla nop :(
15:39.17 Nohla sorry, always say the same
15:39.29 ``Erik (sorry, ayup = yes. That functionality still exists)
15:40.36 Nohla I'm asking for the drawback, not for the function
15:41.13 ``Erik oh, yes, it does close the dropdown menu when it takes effect. There is no way to change that behavior, it's part of being a dropdown menu
15:41.42 Nohla but with a shortcut, maye
15:41.47 Nohla maybe
15:41.49 ``Erik you can zoom out, then click view again and choose it again and it'll work, but you have to keep clicking 'view' between each zoom
15:43.05 Nohla shift grips is the same as chortcut and kaystrokes?
15:43.40 ``Erik I don't know O.o I'm not a GUI person :)
15:44.44 ``Erik looks like shift-grips are mouse motion events with a modifier key pressed
15:44.52 ``Erik like holding shift or control while you click and drag
15:45.55 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
15:47.20 Nohla ``Erik thanks
15:48.25 ``Erik np, glad I was able to help (my focus is lower level stuff, not user interfaces)
15:49.02 Nohla it's perfect if you understand the matrix :)
15:49.22 ``Erik installing BRL-CAD to try things out may help in the translation process... being able to try it to see if your reading is correct before re-expressing it? :) just a thought
15:50.40 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:01.32 *** join/#brlcad Nohla (n=jesica@
16:02.02 Nohla sorry, I fell down
16:02.31 Nohla to install it I need to free up disk space before
16:03.08 ``Erik ah, I have similar issues on my 'server'
16:03.25 ``Erik it's about 265 megabytes on my mac
16:04.13 ``Erik hm, one of my bsd machines has a 115m dir
16:06.44 ``Erik do you have perhaps a school server you could install it to, and then use remote X to run it?
16:09.33 ``Erik grumbles because some eggshell broke into his food
16:10.48 Nohla ``Erik that's possible, but I'll ask for it in February
16:11.15 Nohla We're on vacation :)
16:12.30 ``Erik *shrug* I was thinking that perhaps you had an account that could do it and could just ssh in :) the other options are getting a new hard drive (or thumb drive) which is expensive money wise, or doing hard drive housecleaning (removing unused packages, deleting unused files, etc) which is time consuming
16:13.19 ``Erik I don't have a server to offer, but brlcad may *shrug*
16:14.21 Nohla I have no problem because I have a lot of music that I can burn on dvd
16:14.55 Nohla I like the idea for the others students
16:15.21 ``Erik remote X is sensitive to latency
16:16.14 Nohla mmm... and it means... ?
16:16.20 ``Erik dial-up makes it very difficult to use
16:16.45 ``Erik when I did remote-X stuff on dialup, I would move the mouse, and half a second later, the cursor would move...very difficult to use
16:17.19 Nohla mmm, will see the best way of make it popular :)
16:17.39 ``Erik local of fast network is best
16:17.49 ``Erik local or fast network is best
16:18.20 Nohla at the end of the translation of the tutorials and menus, the idea was to make a seminar
16:18.54 ``Erik does the classroom have 100baseT to all the machines? that makes it acceptable to do remote, provided the server can handle the load
16:19.14 ``Erik imagine 30 people running a raytrace at the same time on a machine :) that'd not be fun
16:19.29 Nohla let me see the reality of the laboratory material before
16:20.11 ``Erik of course, I'm just rambling to explore possibilities
16:20.12 Nohla I trust that with time we can do a nice job with this
16:20.44 Nohla you are always one step further:)
16:20.51 ``Erik "the plan is useless; it's the planning that is important" -Eisenhower
16:21.34 Nohla we do :)
16:22.30 Nohla the planning stage is always very short
16:22.49 Nohla we just need to seek that stage :)
16:23.33 Nohla but I told brlcad yesterday, I'm in
16:23.55 ``Erik excellent :)
16:24.44 Nohla I know very little, but I do my best
16:25.02 ``Erik <-- been thinking about modelling his house in BRL-CAD to experiment with furniture placement and using photon mapping (or converting to bots and using adrt's path tracing) to get a good idea of appearance before buying furniture and stuff
16:25.19 ``Erik 'sok, I know very little, I just make a good act of it
16:26.03 Nohla :)
16:26.55 *** part/#brlcad Nohla (n=jesica@
16:27.03 *** join/#brlcad Nohla (n=jesica@
16:28.09 ``Erik you seem to be falling off the internet a lot, too many cerveza? :D
16:28.20 ``Erik nohla: did you get my private message?
17:21.14 *** join/#brlcad __monty__ (
18:34.43 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37019 10/brlcad/trunk/bench/
18:34.43 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: include sysctl hardware information in the output log after uname, collapsing
18:34.43 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: all lines into just one. also add additional tests to make sure the scripts and
18:34.43 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: binaries we're about to use actually work before putting them to use.
18:36.25 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37020 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS:
18:36.25 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: the benchmark suite now includes sysctl hardware information in the log output.
18:36.25 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: I was manually asking everyone for this information anyways, so it's good to
18:36.25 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: just have it automatically included in the log. still would be nice to get a
18:36.25 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: copy of /proc/cpuinfo if it's a linux system, though.
18:38.53 *** join/#brlcad talcite (
18:41.47 ``Erik sysctl is a very system specific thing, I had to write significantly different sysctl thingies for fbsd vs netbsd vs obsd vs solaris vs what little linux supports
18:41.56 ``Erik there's no universal OID heirarchy :(
18:43.01 ``Erik oh, hah, you're grabbing the entire hw tree
18:45.09 brlcad which is nfg on linux
18:45.44 ``Erik I should put my old perfmon crap out under a bsd or lgpl license so it can be nom'd
18:46.02 ``Erik how was the drive?
18:46.27 ``Erik get to open ellie up a bit on the no-mans-land bits?
18:48.14 ``Erik (solaris and osX are of the BSD world, which is migrating its own way... sysctl heavy... linux is off in the corner drooling on itself and wearing a cone hat, not surprised it's not even close to 'normal')
19:05.45 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37021 10/brlcad/trunk/bench/
19:05.45 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: restructure the output so that system configuration information is included at
19:05.45 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: the end of the log instead of the beginning. that also lets us preserve the
19:05.45 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: sysctl formatting and include the verbose /proc/cpuinfo details if they are
19:05.45 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: available. we do this quietly only because it's so much output, but still let
19:05.47 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: the user know that additional information was added to the log.
19:08.27 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37022 10/brlcad/trunk/bench/ oops, CMP not PIXCMP
19:37.08 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37023 10/brlcad/trunk/bench/ emphasize submitting results, include an approx VGR result on a 16 core xeon instead of the 8 cpu aix that had a 9k vgr.
20:06.32 *** join/#brlcad csanyipal (
20:06.40 csanyipal Hi,
20:08.25 csanyipal brlcad: I just sent in e-mail the outputs of 'sysctl -a' and 'cat /proc/cpuinfo' commands.
20:20.09 brlcad cool, thanks
20:21.50 csanyipal brlcad: you are welcome!
20:36.23 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
20:59.09 brlcad perfect
20:59.45 csanyipal :)
21:16.06 csanyipal I have a build fom SVN and when I try to open in Archer an existing geometry file, Archer crash and disappeare.
21:17.24 csanyipal Segmentation fault..
21:18.22 brlcad csanyipal: hm, do you have a stack trace
21:18.26 brlcad or rather, can you get one?
21:18.40 csanyipal how can I get one?
21:18.44 brlcad hm
21:19.20 brlcad run archer .. then before opening the file, attach to the process with gdb
21:19.47 brlcad should be able to get the process id via "ps auxwww|grep bwish"
21:19.48 csanyipal I never did this before..
21:19.53 brlcad no problem
21:20.07 brlcad first step: run archer ;)
21:20.18 csanyipal ok
21:20.29 csanyipal done.
21:20.41 brlcad then run "ps auxwww|grep bwish" in a terminal
21:20.49 brlcad what does it report?
21:21.01 csanyipal 1000 10154 4.4 0.9 268196 19408 ? Ss 22:20 0:01 /usr/brlcad/bin/../bin/bwish /usr/brlcad/bin/archer
21:21.01 csanyipal 1000 10161 0.0 0.0 4856 780 pts/0 S+ 22:20 0:00 grep bwish
21:21.18 brlcad greap, so 10154 is the process id for archer
21:21.23 brlcad great*
21:21.25 csanyipal o
21:21.27 csanyipal ok
21:21.32 brlcad now run "gdb"
21:21.40 csanyipal done
21:21.41 brlcad then in gdb run "attach 10154"
21:21.54 csanyipal done
21:22.00 brlcad then "continue"
21:22.13 brlcad then go back to archer, and make it crash
21:22.18 csanyipal Continuing.
21:22.51 brlcad once it crashes, go back to gdb and run "backtrace"
21:22.52 csanyipal done
21:22.58 csanyipal Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
21:22.58 csanyipal [Switching to Thread 0xa893a6c0 (LWP 10154)]
21:22.58 csanyipal 0xb7f35f00 in bu_calloc@plt () from /usr/brlcad/lib/
21:22.58 csanyipal Current language: auto; currently asm
21:23.25 csanyipal Archer are hanging now..
21:23.32 csanyipal is..
21:23.45 brlcad right, from here on archer is dead
21:23.56 brlcad until you tell gdb to detach, it's just frozen
21:24.03 brlcad "backtrace" ?
21:24.49 brlcad run that command in gdb
21:24.55 csanyipal done backtrace, but get many messages.
21:25.03 brlcad right, that's what I need :)
21:25.06 brlcad ~bapaste
21:25.16 brlcad ~bzpaste
21:25.17 ibot it has been said that bzpaste is
21:25.17 brlcad hm
21:25.23 brlcad there
21:27.59 csanyipal I think it's there:
21:29.31 brlcad perfect, thanks .. hold on
21:29.44 csanyipal ok
21:40.34 *** join/#brlcad talcite (
22:29.54 csanyipal I shall come back tomorrow. Go to sleep now. :)
22:34.46 brlcad boohyaw
22:34.56 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37024 10/brlcad/trunk/bench/
22:34.56 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: less emphasis on the statement to submit results, instead call attention to the
22:34.56 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: email address. improve the output reporting of sysctl (don't need vm) and the
22:34.56 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: way results are formatted. include prtdiag for solaris. use look_for to search
22:34.56 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: the PATH to keep failures quiet (and avoid having to run the binary additional
22:34.58 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: times)
22:40.10 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37025 10/brlcad/trunk/bench/ prevent calculating a negative or zero logarithm and printing -inf's if vgr fails to be calculated correctly
22:44.32 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37026 10/brlcad/trunk/bench/ report the summary to the log file too. no sense in it just being output to the screen. remove old comment about solaris.
22:45.00 brlcad that puppy is about due a gui..
22:55.26 brlcad csanyipal's crash log is very bizarre.. smells like a smashed stack
22:57.26 brlcad hard to say without peeking inside _bu_alloc() .. need a debug build
22:58.14 ``Erik dunno, could be... I kinda smell lib order mixing with malloc hacketetry, myself
22:59.42 ``Erik like tcl malloc executing, then backing up to find its mud, but finding BRL-CAD's mud instead
22:59.47 ``Erik *shrug*
23:02.11 brlcad tcl malloc should work too
23:02.20 brlcad not that i've ever seen that happen
23:03.07 brlcad i'd expect that mixup to cause a problem maybe during a free
23:03.40 ``Erik <--- working off of smell :) not thinking
23:04.40 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37027 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libtclcad/ged_obj.c: if ged_open() fails, note the failure and stop so we don't allocate a ged_obj.
23:05.53 brlcad alas useless without more debug info .. something for him to try later I suppose, maybe a manual command-line opendb or go_open
23:07.38 ``Erik ayup
23:15.41 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37028 10/brlcad/trunk/bench/ aix ain't got no prtdiag or cpuinfo satisfaction but does reportedly have a prtconf command. use it.
23:17.01 brlcad fg

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