IRC log for #brlcad on 20091229

01:25.57 *** join/#brlcad cosurgi ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:33.06 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:34.39 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:42.19 *** join/#brlcad talcite_ (
01:48.41 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:51.17 starseeker yukonbob: I've heard git is getting baround in the usability department
01:51.49 starseeker doesn't want to maintain a version control system too ;-)
01:52.46 starseeker er better all around even
01:53.51 starseeker ``Erik: main complaint I hear about darcs is that it doesn't scale well
01:55.56 *** join/#brlcad talcite_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:55.56 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:56.15 starseeker yukonbob: looks like these guys are handling git on windows:
01:56.45 *** join/#brlcad talcite (
02:00.18 starseeker ponders... hv3 very likely has some good stuff buried in it that could live as separate, smaller tcl/tk packages...
02:01.28 starseeker the most obvious one that comes to mind is pulling out the image display stuff and making tkhtml3img or some such a package
02:02.19 starseeker sorta enable building up html viewers between our man page viewer and hv3
02:05.42 starseeker blinks - is already registered
02:06.47 starseeker back in August
02:08.46 starseeker kdulcimer... not a nick I immediately recognize
02:10.14 starseeker hmm Unless he was forking under GPL, he's got the wrong license up
02:10.49 starseeker grins evilly - well, we could always register
02:11.23 starseeker net
02:11.52 starseeker hmm - doing screen from a Windows terminal seems to have it's share of quirks
02:11.54 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (n=akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)
02:17.38 ``Erik O.o cygwin?
02:23.23 starseeker msys
02:30.39 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (n=akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)
02:37.51 *** join/#brlcad Maloeran ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:39.03 ``Erik seems to have nothing of note in the svn repo and no files... perhaps they were unaware of the existing tkhtml and are trying to create one form scratch? or are just placeholding (with a damn donation link)
02:39.24 ``Erik they might be willing to relinquish if ya talked to them/him? *shrug*
02:41.07 ``Erik hm, but they reference hv3
02:43.37 talcite might end up being useless if we ever go to tkhtml4 =)
02:45.50 ``Erik heh
02:45.59 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:45.59 ``Erik *shrug* they may be willing to surrender the project if they're not actively pursuing it and just want it to work (and think you'd actually keep up on it)
02:45.59 *** join/#brlcad cosurgi (n=cosurgi@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:47.25 ``Erik (notice how I distance myself from responsibility there... I've been in the corporate world too damn long :D )
02:47.25 *** join/#brlcad stevegt` (n=stevegt@cislunar.TerraLuna.Org) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:48.35 *** join/#brlcad cosurg1 (
02:48.36 *** join/#brlcad cosurgi (
02:48.36 *** join/#brlcad Yoshi47 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:48.36 *** join/#brlcad archivist ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:05.49 brlcad starseeker: actually want to ditch the 3 suffix ..
03:06.00 brlcad versioned project names that don't have a recognizable trademark are pretty rediculous
03:10.31 brlcad i noticed the sf project a couple months ago
03:11.02 brlcad looks like a placeholder effort, someone was going to fork (or did in private and isn't used to public repos)
03:11.48 brlcad can always ask, or attempt a sf takeover, or change the name ;)
03:14.13 brlcad if drh is willing to set up fossil and be a support line, I'm willing to give it a try -- that in itself provides a tracker system and an integrated wiki
03:15.09 *** join/#brlcad talcite_ (
03:23.34 ``Erik plus the legitimacy of having the previous maintainer 'bless' it
03:28.54 starseeker votes for also asking about the sf site, just in case
03:29.13 brlcad already asked
03:29.17 starseeker ah :-)
03:29.47 starseeker should have known ;-)
03:30.17 ``Erik ah, but when you asked it was just a random cold-call... this drh feller has agreed to pass the torch now, so that might carry more weight
03:30.32 *** join/#brlcad talcite ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:30.32 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:30.35 ``Erik could also be that back when brlcad asked, they were full of vim and vigor (and maybe some emacs), and now they've gone cold on the idea
03:31.06 starseeker could be
03:31.32 brlcad no, I mean I *just* asked
03:31.50 brlcad didn't matter before today, and still kinda don't care much
03:32.49 brlcad also drh is just one of two devs, current maintainer is listed as dlk
03:32.56 brlcad unclear how they interact
03:33.28 brlcad dlk was cool with the takeover, drh said then he'd set up fossil
03:34.03 *** join/#brlcad archivist ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:34.12 ``Erik ah, 'k
03:34.34 starseeker shrugs - well, I'm game to give fossil a go on something minor like tkhtml
03:35.22 starseeker ponders trying to reverse his earlier humiliation trying to get TEA and autotools to play nice...
03:36.03 ``Erik if fossil isn't up to snuff, can we migrate off of it while retaining the history
03:36.07 ``Erik ?
03:36.18 starseeker not sure
03:36.24 brlcad dont' see why not
03:37.35 starseeker if all else fails there's always pulling diffs and patching to recreate the history via scripting
03:38.00 brlcad yep
03:38.36 starseeker not really sure how much tkhtml will change - probably depends on whether the tcl/tk community starts contirbuting patches
03:38.58 ``Erik <-- doesn't know anything about fossil, feels the need to ask the obvious questions (be surprised how often there're missed obvious things)
03:39.45 starseeker ``Erik: plus, we'll be syncing the things we care about into our subversion copy anyway
03:48.13 ``Erik ugliest mfc ever? :)
03:49.44 starseeker mmm?
03:50.32 ``Erik merge from current
03:50.39 starseeker ah
03:50.51 ``Erik (from fbsd's cvs shtuff)
03:50.59 starseeker thought you were talking about a windows api
03:51.04 ``Erik ehhhh
03:51.26 ``Erik microsoft foundation classes was just nasty... a halfassed class wrapping around win16, then win32
03:51.40 ``Erik actually got money for coding in it :(
03:51.48 ``Erik in, uh, '96
03:52.03 ``Erik I'm such a whore :~( heheheh
03:52.13 starseeker kinda like boxing with handcuffs on?
03:52.30 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
03:52.41 ``Erik well, after doing mfc and borland owl
03:53.12 ``Erik and attempting to do ANY gui programming on leenewx (amulet, xaw, even motif), java's awt was ... nice
03:53.15 ``Erik :/
03:53.31 ``Erik then I did qt, which sucked but had an awesome tutorial, then gtk which was just ... the least painful
03:53.59 starseeker heh
03:54.01 ``Erik but bear in mind, c++ on gcc 2.7 with a 120mhz cyrix was a sssslllloooowwwww painful compile
03:54.16 starseeker plus, that was some ancient Qt...
03:54.24 ``Erik I spent a nontrivial amount of time reorganizing and tweaking headers to make my game engine at the time compile fast
03:55.02 ``Erik like, 10s fast when the c++ engines my peers were writing did the same functionality but took like half an hour a pop
03:55.16 ``Erik I learned dirty dark cpp secrets in those days :)
03:55.38 ``Erik these days, I don't abuse cpp at all, it's all clean and simple and easy to read O:-)
03:55.58 starseeker reads yahoo mail and sees he is behind the times
03:56.23 starseeker ``Erik: heh. Yeah, c++ abuse was a common crime in the early days
03:56.36 ``Erik I wanna say qt1.2? gtk/gnome was around .010
03:56.39 ``Erik no, cpp, not c++...
03:56.45 ``Erik the preprocessor
03:56.48 starseeker ah
03:56.55 starseeker (stupid naming conventions...)
03:57.17 ``Erik cpp is the preprocessor... c++ is .c++, .cxx, .C or .cc
03:57.27 ``Erik :D
03:59.15 brlcad yeah, that's msvc's suffix bastardization
03:59.31 brlcad .cxx or .c++ ftw
03:59.39 ``Erik ms products flip on .c++
03:59.56 ``Erik I tend to use .cxx and .hxx when I'm forced to touch that language
04:00.59 ``Erik (the template approach to the partial evaluation problem is interesting... ugly but functional... gotta say that for the lang)
04:02.35 ``Erik bah, the brep stuff all has .cpp in our librt and conv dirs
04:02.45 ``Erik and proc-db
04:03.01 ``Erik ponders a bit of time to do a bunch of svn mv's tomorrow
04:04.05 ``Erik (screwdrivers ftw.)
04:04.47 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
04:07.06 starseeker ``Erik: works for me
04:07.14 starseeker what convention does opennurbs use?
04:10.42 ``Erik windows style
04:10.46 ``Erik it's a windows program
04:10.58 ``Erik *nix is an afterthought
04:11.45 starseeker waits to see ``Erik attempt to convince the Rhino folk to change all their file suffixes
04:13.53 ``Erik heh, no
04:18.24 ``Erik my tenure as a winderz user was feb '96 to oct '96, somewhere I have a printout of the rhino3d manual from that era O.o they've been at it a while
04:18.39 ``Erik that they released what they did under a reasonable license is boggling
04:21.31 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
04:22.37 *** join/#brlcad archivist ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
04:25.36 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (n=Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
04:26.57 *** join/#brlcad talcite__ (
04:30.59 yukonbob starseeker: re: git -- not surprised.
04:31.54 starseeker ``Erik: how is it boggling?
04:32.13 yukonbob and while I love Unix, and thinks it's nearly infinately superior to Windows, the distinct lack of respect for Windows as a platform that seemed to be the culture of git was... baffling.
04:32.17 ``Erik proprietary windows software giving away part of their core?
04:32.25 brlcad kdulcimer is amenable to granting admin on the project
04:32.33 ``Erik under an lgpl friendly license?
04:32.35 starseeker brlcad: sweet
04:32.56 brlcad he's not a coder, was just setting up a place to host an svn repo for it, but couldn't figure it out
04:33.07 ``Erik he and monkey will want to continue to be involved/admin?
04:33.14 starseeker yukonbob: not too surprising - original concept by head Linux guy for Linux kernel
04:33.41 starseeker ``Erik: as I understand it, they gave away that part 'cause it's the part needed to convert things to/from 3dm files
04:33.47 yukonbob starseeker: of course, but how many years does it take to make something portable... it's _only_ a lightweight scm (ffs)
04:33.49 brlcad he runs a linux distro called tinyme, probably someone needed tkhtml for some package
04:34.10 starseeker yukonbob: true
04:34.15 ``Erik saw the tinyme, assumed that was the reason, thus the 'just wants it to work' comment way earlier, srry if'n ah waren't clear
04:35.03 brlcad so it's an option if fossil flops
04:35.34 ``Erik is it worth adopting and pointing to fossil, to avoid any confusion?
04:35.45 yukonbob anyway -- *I* like fossil (back to original discussion) and I bet you would too if you took a deeper look at it, and perhaps had a chat w/ drh -- no question git is cool too, and my previous notes (portablity, diffcult interface, tonnes of binaries) may not even apply now -- it's been a while since I've taken a close look at it...
04:36.20 brlcad not too worried about it, its just a minor dependency distraction at best
04:36.26 yukonbob I'm sure git is "winning" on the installation-front (i.e. more projects hosted by git) as far as dscm's go...
04:36.47 ``Erik git has annoyed me every time I've used it (as an anonymous co/up)... darcs, cvs and svn are all less... annoying
04:37.16 ``Erik I don't see mercurial in my 'make this sane' scripts
04:37.43 brlcad fossil as documented sounds just fine -- my main concern for something major are the same as I had with SVN
04:37.44 yukonbob ^--- what does this mean? It's already sane, or too insane to bother putting in your scripts?
04:37.52 brlcad just that it's relatively new and unproven
04:38.05 brlcad every code has bugs, and having one in your scm can be deadly
04:38.11 ``Erik no, none of my mirrors use hg
04:38.42 yukonbob brlcad: drh has subjected it to quite a bit of rigour wrt design, and I'll bet tests... to which he's certainly not a stranger... the strength of sqlite is it's _massive_ test sutie.
04:38.46 yukonbob *suite
04:38.59 brlcad that can be said of most codes
04:39.13 ``Erik I have a slew of lisp 'libraries' that I pull straight from vcs, with scripts and makefiles to automate as much as possible.. I do a "make update-all" at the toplevel and it goes
04:39.18 brlcad not quite the same as having orders of magnitude of additional eyes and projects stressing every corner case
04:39.19 yukonbob brlcad: I believe it's actually also driven by a client request, though I'm not sure details; might be interesting.
04:40.08 brlcad it's not like adopting an editor and it being okay if it crashes only one out of a thousand times
04:40.16 brlcad or even one out of a million
04:40.17 yukonbob brlcad: no, it's different, to be sure, but drh still writes tonnes of tests, and has some interesting talked avail online about methods for writing such tests, including coding consideration, etc. He's a confidence inspiring guy.
04:40.51 yukonbob he figures the repos are intrinsicly uncorruptable.
04:40.51 brlcad that's faith-based confidence, which has little value with me ;)
04:41.01 yukonbob it is.
04:41.05 ``Erik heh
04:41.07 ``Erik jobs aura?
04:41.09 yukonbob you'd have to review the code yourself
04:41.26 brlcad code reviews are mildly useless
04:41.37 yukonbob quits advocating.
04:41.39 brlcad for the level of obscure bugs I'm referring to
04:41.58 starseeker yukonbob: we're probably going to go with the fossil repo to start
04:42.24 brlcad 3rd party independent testing getting hundreds of varied projects using it without flaw, seeing reported defects slow/disappear
04:42.25 ``Erik personally, I still think cvs is the shizzle forizzle :) sucks for binary objects, but is more than ready for text material, provided your developers have a mediocum of self control
04:42.29 brlcad yeah, I don't care about tkhtml :) .. we can use it for that :)
04:42.44 brlcad cvs is one of the most hardened scm's for all it's problems
04:43.28 ``Erik if you commit, rm, add, commit with msg of to/from... it's all good
04:44.15 ``Erik has not been above mv'ing files in the repo itself at all times, though :(
04:44.50 brlcad when you only have 1000 users, a 1-in-a-million unrecoverable bug is practically undetectable; when you have ten million users, a 1-in-a-million bug is probably going to get identified
04:44.53 ``Erik or committing acts of admin -o
04:45.13 starseeker yukonbob: the idea is to have tkhtml be a tcl/tk community project, not a BRL-CAD project - we just need to get the pump primed again ;-)
04:45.30 yukonbob ah...
04:45.37 starseeker so if the tcl/tk community is good with it, no problem
04:45.47 ``Erik how enamored is the tcl/tk community with fossil?
04:45.51 starseeker we maintain our own copy in svn anyway :-)
04:46.03 starseeker yeah, that's my question too
04:46.09 starseeker if they're ok with it, it's good
04:46.14 brlcad doesn't really matter
04:46.29 brlcad if it works, and is easy enough to use..
04:46.42 brlcad it's one less step to revive the project
04:46.46 ``Erik brlcad: that's a functional attitude, not a social one
04:47.01 yukonbob tkhtml is not a stranger to it, and that drh is part of the tcl/tk community (he's former tct, and sqlite was built originally as tcl extension) some may be more likely to use it, some certainly do, but the "community" are not zealots about it
04:47.17 starseeker ``Erik: I think he means people probably won't worry about it too much
04:47.23 brlcad absolutely
04:47.30 starseeker lord knows I pull lisp code from all sorts of repos
04:47.41 ``Erik yeh, lisp sucks like that
04:47.48 starseeker (I have a script system similar to yours, from the sound of it - kinda cool :-)
04:47.49 ``Erik everything but fossil (and mercurial)
04:47.54 brlcad actually I mean I'm not going to worry about it too much .. this isn't a major problem being solved :)
04:48.46 brlcad if it works without hassle, great .. it'll have one of the previous maintainer's blessing and continued involvement while still providing a public infrastructure where development can continue
04:49.09 starseeker yukonbob: if we get people merging back their tkhtml3 fixes into the new "main tree" we'll call it a success
04:49.16 brlcad the docs looked like it's pretty simple enough to use, and if I don't have to set it up, even better
04:50.06 yukonbob the build generates a single binary, which acts as client/server, including http interface for webbrowser.
04:50.26 starseeker um - which build? you mean hv3?
04:50.42 starseeker or fossil?
04:50.45 yukonbob oh -- I thought was talking still about fossil.
04:50.48 brlcad most concerned about 1) getting access so we can grant other people access that are interested, 2) getting existing patches integrated, 3) getting a separation of hv3 and tkhtml3, 4) getting public infrastructure set up for easy patch/bug reporting, 5) getting a new releae posted
04:50.49 starseeker ah :-)
04:51.15 ``Erik fossil has a tarball download feature, right? (asking with my port maintainer hat on)
04:51.29 yukonbob .zip
04:51.38 starseeker ``Erik: wouldn't a release tarball do fine?
04:52.06 brlcad thinks this is a dead horse and gets back to doing something productive ;)
04:52.08 starseeker talcite will probably need one for Fedora
04:52.10 ``Erik yes, the fossil website provides for a static link of SOME kinda archive?
04:52.25 ``Erik not vcs-only?
04:52.27 starseeker brlcad: heh, sorry :-)
04:52.35 talcite hmm?
04:52.50 yukonbob ``Erik: .zip
04:52.52 starseeker you'll want a release tarball of tkhtml for Fedora integration, yes?
04:53.04 yukonbob heads to Real Problems too.
04:53.08 ``Erik screw fedora, freebsd :)
04:53.17 starseeker hehe
04:53.22 starseeker anyway, we should be good
04:53.29 starseeker is on vacation, heads to non-problems
04:53.34 ``Erik if'n there's a static url that I can get a .tar.gz .tar.bz2 or .zip, it's all good
04:53.58 ``Erik if not, I'll be a whiney bitch
04:54.14 starseeker resists comments that would get his ass kicked next year...
04:54.24 brlcad you'll just find some other reason to be a whiney bitch
04:54.37 ``Erik :D
04:55.10 ``Erik I'd LIKE to split tkhtml3 out of the fbsd port build and make it it's own port...
04:55.46 ``Erik that anything in src/other/ has to compile irks me
04:56.09 starseeker you and every other distro in existence...
04:57.07 starseeker has flashbacks to the Great Gentoo Ebuild Debate...
04:57.46 brlcad wants to rename the Utah Raster Toolkit
04:58.00 starseeker what'd you have in mind?
04:58.08 brlcad nothing as yet
04:58.22 brlcad there's the URT toolset and librle/libutahrle
04:58.32 ``Erik starseeker: I'm from the fbsd camp... we do things RIGHT, y'all can follow along ;>
04:58.34 talcite zip is fine. I can package that
04:58.37 starseeker thinks renaming is a good idea
04:58.39 brlcad librle works well for that portion
04:58.50 brlcad URT is the harder part
04:59.42 brlcad rletools
04:59.58 starseeker gonna break it out into two separate trees?
05:00.14 brlcad we needed to do that for our own purposes
05:00.23 brlcad some repos also did similar
05:00.23 starseeker ah, k
05:26.03 talcite are we using only SCL or also EXPRESS, EXPRESS pretty printer, etc?
05:28.25 talcite also, same question about InterViews, ObjectStore as well
05:29.38 brlcad we use libexpress
05:29.49 brlcad portions of SCL too iirc
05:31.18 talcite so build SCL + express, but not IV/OS?
05:35.35 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (n=akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)
05:49.45 talcite man. SCL is a complete mess
05:49.54 talcite calling configure compiles the program!
05:51.34 brlcad oh are you working with their original tarball?
05:51.52 brlcad there are a slew of build system tweaks it really needed
05:58.38 talcite brlcad: ack. Really? Will these be made before release?
05:58.51 talcite our release*
05:59.13 talcite It's currently blowing up because of compiler name I think
06:02.53 talcite blah. I'll look at this tomorrow. Head to sleep now.
07:57.54 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37056 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/db5_io.c: quellage
08:12.54 *** join/#brlcad indianla1ry (n=indianla@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
10:17.19 *** join/#brlcad _clock_ (
12:26.45 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03indianlarry * r37057 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/step/ (128 files):
12:26.45 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: Start of updates to cleanup compile warnings including cleaned up of some
12:26.45 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: variable shadowing, namespace path additions to standard IO items, cleaned up of
12:26.45 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: some CPP defs in the STEP generated code(will need to address in 'fedex')
12:29.20 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03indianlarry * r37058 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/step/ (34 files):
12:29.20 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: Start of updates to cleanup compile warnings including cleaned up of some
12:29.20 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: variable shadowing, namespace path additions to standard IO items, cleaned up of
12:29.20 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: some CPP defs in the STEP generated code(will need to address in 'fedex')
12:31.50 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03indianlarry * r37059 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/step/ (55 files):
12:31.50 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: Start of updates to cleanup compile warnings including cleaned up of some
12:31.50 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: variable shadowing, namespace path additions to standard IO items, cleaned up of
12:31.50 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: some CPP defs in the STEP generated code(will need to address in 'fedex')
12:36.15 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03indianlarry * r37060 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/step/ (127 files):
12:36.15 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: Start of updates to cleanup compile warnings including cleaned up of some
12:36.15 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: variable shadowing, namespace path additions to standard IO items, cleaned up of
12:36.15 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: some CPP defs in the STEP generated code(will need to address in 'fedex')
12:38.36 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03indianlarry * r37061 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/step/
12:38.36 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: Start of updates to cleanup compile warnings including cleaned up of some
12:38.36 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: variable shadowing, namespace path additions to standard IO items, cleaned up of
12:38.36 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: some CPP defs in the STEP generated code(will need to address in 'fedex')
12:42.32 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03indianlarry * r37062 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/step/src/clstepcore/ExpDict.h: Cleaned up CPP defs to quell compiler warning.
13:25.27 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
13:28.14 *** join/#brlcad archivist ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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13:49.54 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:53.50 *** join/#brlcad _clock_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
15:32.58 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r37063 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/step/src/clstepcore/ExpDict.h: quell some cast warnings... (probably should have a "const char *" method, instead)
15:34.31 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r37064 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/step/MassUnit.cpp: add missing semicolon
15:55.28 *** join/#brlcad talcite (
16:31.39 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
16:45.09 ``Erik <PROTECTED>
16:46.49 ``Erik 15 second load time, nifty
16:47.25 ``Erik 13 that time, must be a nfs vs memory cached thing
17:08.22 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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17:24.06 *** join/#brlcad __monty__ (
17:24.42 __monty__ A bit late, but Happy Anniversary!
17:25.19 brlcad :)
17:25.26 brlcad thanks __
17:25.37 brlcad er, thanks __monty__
17:26.03 __monty__ Say, are you still working on the brl cad not working on mac thing?
17:26.19 brlcad among other things, yes
17:26.39 __monty__ Any progress?
17:27.20 brlcad some but not ready for an updated test just yet
17:27.41 __monty__ Ok.
17:27.59 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
17:29.16 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37065 10/brlcad/trunk/src/proc-db/nmgmodel.c: quellage and cleanup
17:47.48 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (n=akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)
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21:46.01 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37066 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/step/ (4 files): update a few more overlooked iostreamers to be std:: namespace scoped.
22:21.22 brlcad fixes the license on the tkhtml project
23:03.34 ``Erik ah, so ya got r00tage
23:17.34 ``Erik brlcad: indianlarry got a call and I didn't have an answer, if someone kills a tree, is there any chance to recoup the data from that file? (it was closed, but nothing else was changed after the kill)
23:26.14 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (n=akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)
23:31.22 brlcad yeah, I was talking to him about that
23:32.33 ``Erik what's the situation at the moment?
23:35.54 brlcad well what I'd told him and what I looked up are different
23:36.37 brlcad or at least, clarified
23:37.25 brlcad so short summary is that some of the data can be recouped, but probably not worth it
23:37.43 ``Erik so they added you to the project, but are still listed as admins? was their interest clarified?
23:37.58 brlcad you'd have to reconstruct the object type
23:38.04 ``Erik wait, what you'd told who? did indianlarry get you about the data loss?
23:38.08 brlcad and if it's a small object, it's gone, gets wiped out
23:38.24 brlcad yeah, indianlarry and I talked briefly
23:38.36 ``Erik ah, I figured that the objects would still be alive, but the names would be gone... it'd be like a lost+found full of inode # files
23:38.37 brlcad I thought it was just a flag, but I'm seeing that it's not
23:38.39 ``Erik where each file is a primitive
23:38.58 brlcad we wipe out the object wrapper, replacing it with a deleted object stub
23:39.18 brlcad which is basically like lost+found
23:39.31 brlcad but the unfortunate trick is that's only for "large" objects
23:39.37 brlcad bigger than a block
23:39.51 brlcad so combs are gone gone, most implicit prims are gone
23:40.28 brlcad you'd be able to extract binunifs, some BoTs, NMGs, etc
23:40.34 ``Erik ah, I didn't think anything was really wiped other than name, it just went into an unused list for reallocation
23:40.48 ``Erik fragmentation is a beeyotch
23:41.20 ``Erik bob says we'll have undo in a few months, keith thought it was a solid argument for using a geometry server
23:41.37 brlcad the "small" objects are small enough that they get wiped to save making extra I/O calls
23:42.06 brlcad large are just stubbed similarly, to minimize the I/O with just two small calls instead of an arbitrary large call
23:43.05 ``Erik hm, we should probably sort out undo before pushing hard on a new file format, carrying history between sessions could be handy
23:52.05 *** join/#brlcad Nohla (n=jesica@
23:53.07 brlcad we probably could do deletions better, in a semi-recoverable fashion
23:53.13 brlcad without breaking format even
23:54.01 ``Erik yeh, but I think I like the notion of having a full undelete tree (not list) on opening a file
23:54.04 ``Erik space be damned
23:54.20 ``Erik mebbe a function or utility to purge history if desired
23:54.27 ``Erik so folk can save space, or hide their shame
23:54.39 ``Erik does emacs support undo trees?
23:55.03 ``Erik vim has a feature where you can undelete a few times, do more edits, then go back down the history and choose which branch to follow for redos
23:55.06 brlcad because deleted objects ultimately are just marked with a bit flag
23:55.21 brlcad that already exists
23:55.25 brlcad garbage_collect
23:55.50 brlcad that will collapse all free space, reclaim space
23:55.54 ``Erik garbage collect compacts, but if we retain zomfg undo history in the file, that's an orthogenal issue I think
23:56.03 brlcad ahh
23:56.07 brlcad that sort of history
23:56.58 ``Erik yeh, unless there's any valid concern, I'd advote being able to do a series of edits, quit mged, start mged and open the file and be able to undo down that history set
23:57.33 brlcad emacs does a sort of circular linked list undo, where undos themselves are just added to the list so you can undo your undos and fully unwind/rewind
23:57.47 ``Erik I would argue that file size isn't an issue until it becomes one, worrying about it now would be wasteful
23:58.06 ``Erik yeh, so it doesn't grok branching
23:58.37 ``Erik edit a, edit b, edit c, undo, undo, edit d, undo, redo a.... that's possible in vim as of 6.0
23:58.40 ``Erik I think it was 6.0

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