IRC log for #brlcad on 20091230

00:00.09 brlcad I can't say I've really had an issue with emacs undo, it's pretty nifty
00:00.37 brlcad your example didn't make much since, you never undid a to redo a
00:00.57 ``Erik oh, well, vim records undo trees, not undo lists
00:01.06 ``Erik even if my example missed an undo
00:01.46 ``Erik "redo b"
00:01.47 ``Erik there
00:01.58 brlcad not clear to me what that really means in the context of editing files
00:02.41 ``Erik if you undo and change something else, either you throw away the 'redo' capability, or you require a tree of changes... vim changed to hold the tree
00:02.53 brlcad that exact same list of actions is what emacs would do too
00:04.25 brlcad again the trick being that an undo really just adds a new edit event which can itself still be undone
00:04.59 brlcad basically lets you play back any/every action all the way back to the last save
00:05.20 brlcad including undos and undos of undos and whatever intermediate actions
00:05.24 ``Erik hm, I'm not good enough with emacs to have figured out how to use undo well
00:05.44 ``Erik ^xu is what I used, I think
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00:05.45 brlcad ctrl+shift+_
00:05.56 ``Erik or, uh, C-x u
00:06.22 brlcad that's redo
00:07.32 brlcad will play the actions back forward again (so say you undid every single action, you could redo everything to get back to where you were regardless of intermediate steps)
00:08.05 brlcad pretty darn nifty
00:09.08 brlcad sounds maybe like vim caught up with the same feature (but perhaps via diff implementation mechanism)
00:10.07 ``Erik hrm, d'no *shrug* not versed enough in emacs to honestly compare 'em, even though I spent most of the day in emacs
00:10.51 ``Erik my rough guess would be that understanding undo as a queued event is one thing, but still a lot more linear than going tree based
00:11.57 brlcad wow, GSL is about a quarter million lines of code
00:12.32 ``Erik ?
00:13.41 brlcad yep
00:14.29 brlcad using their root solving to validate a change to our root solver
00:15.04 brlcad last I compared, we get the same results as expected
00:15.18 brlcad we were just a solid order of magnitude faster
00:15.41 ``Erik what about mathematica or maple or something?
00:15.54 ``Erik or writing one up in an absolute system, like scheme or haskell?
00:16.03 brlcad what?
00:16.05 brlcad what for?
00:16.06 brlcad :)
00:16.14 brlcad go for it
00:16.18 ``Erik to see how bad the floating point fuzz hurts us
00:16.33 brlcad i can't imagine mathematica being faster on basic root solving
00:16.39 ``Erik no, not faster
00:16.50 ``Erik but "more correct", perhaps
00:17.07 brlcad though this is at a raw API level I was comparing -- how long to get roots for polynomial of various degree
00:17.41 brlcad that was the diff, gsl would do arbitrary degree -- we were compile-time limited to a fixed degree
00:17.53 ``Erik ah, aight :)
00:18.07 ``Erik I might have some old code from college for root solving via various techniques
00:18.10 brlcad i compared about a half-dozen solvers I found around the net
00:18.20 brlcad some academic, few packages like gsl
00:18.26 ``Erik I vagually recall writing a newtonian one in haskell that was ass slow, the scheme version was a few orders of magnitude faster
00:18.35 ``Erik like, finished in minutes instead of not having an answer over the weekend
00:18.48 brlcad I thought we were really slow, which is why I was looking
00:18.50 ``Erik but single root solver, not general
00:18.59 brlcad but turned out that we beat everything I could find and tested against
00:19.19 brlcad one other implementation had about the same performance, within a couple percent
00:19.34 ``Erik see, that's why I'm asking about correctness... it's easy to generate fast wrong answers... :D
00:19.56 brlcad they were all correct answers
00:20.08 ``Erik um, like the xkcd commit about random number generators... /* proven correct */ int random() { return 4; }
00:20.09 brlcad or at least everyone produced the same results :P
00:20.11 ``Erik :)
00:20.15 ``Erik within?
00:20.28 brlcad within floating point tol
00:20.30 brlcad double tol
00:20.35 ``Erik okie
00:20.38 ``Erik cool beans
00:20.40 brlcad close enough
00:21.13 brlcad I'm sure there's still plenty of edge case or more extreme polynomials that our simple one can't solve
00:21.53 ``Erik I did g-nmg on a file that produces a .g which crashes on dirbuild, any insight?
00:22.13 brlcad insight #1: fix it
00:22.20 brlcad insight #2: don't do that
00:22.24 ``Erik hehehe
00:22.53 ``Erik g-nmg -o file-nmg.g file.g toplevel <-- gives a fruity .g file! :D
00:22.54 brlcad is full of insightful comments
00:23.25 brlcad did g-nmg say it went to completion?
00:23.29 ``Erik yup
00:23.35 ``Erik it was a big file
00:23.56 ``Erik was to come up with a faster loading demo for isst, so you know the file
00:24.19 ``Erik I did manage up a 200k face m35 for demoing
00:24.24 brlcad my guess would be that some intermediate object failed, but is still referenced -- and dirbuild has some bad juju that assumes the missing object should be there and bites the dust
00:24.54 brlcad definitely something to fix in dirbuild
00:25.27 ``Erik still at the office? I can tell ya where the criminal .g file is
00:25.45 ``Erik can also point you to a .g file that flips out because every effin' matrix is all 0's heh
00:25.58 brlcad don't wanna look at it at the moment, or i'll be here till midnight
00:26.07 ``Erik or I can bitch at ya for those sun machines
00:26.18 brlcad matrix of 0's is probably endian
00:26.30 brlcad dirbuild succeeds, but all the floats are hozerd
00:26.31 ``Erik v5 db
00:26.46 brlcad a v5 from an upgraded v4, upgraded on the wrong plat
00:27.03 ``Erik *shrug* perhaps
00:27.13 ``Erik trying to remember where I pulled it up last
00:27.39 ``Erik it's a simple r/c plane, small model
00:29.50 brlcad a good bit of cleanup on the step code.. cut the warnings at least in half I think
00:30.02 ``Erik depends on the compiler
00:30.05 brlcad wonders what all the "will never be executed" warnings are all about
00:30.18 ``Erik ExpDir.h was the majority of warnings for my bsd build
00:31.38 brlcad looks like most of those execution warnings are on object constructors..
00:33.32 brlcad tries a sick test
00:34.43 brlcad wow, he already did
00:35.51 brlcad ~seen madant
00:35.52 ibot madant <i=cb7baf0f@gateway/web/freenode/x-a32eed164597bd06> was last seen on IRC in channel #brlcad, 179d 4h 13m 58s ago, saying: 'nothing more disastrous than non-cooperative softwares ;)'.
00:35.59 brlcad ~seen homovulgaris
00:36.00 ibot homovulgaris <n=d@> was last seen on IRC in channel #brlcad, 505d 20h 43m 29s ago, saying: 'sean, on a scale of 1 to 10 how much trouble would one face when trying to make a .deb package for brlcad ?'.
00:36.05 brlcad hrmph
00:36.33 brlcad he really did a nice piece of work fixing our root solver parameters
00:36.44 brlcad they were all in reverse order, he flipped them right
00:37.02 brlcad and he wrote a little test harness that compares to gsl results
00:37.08 brlcad showing the diff
00:38.36 ``Erik and lets home gsl isn't flawed O.o :D
00:38.39 brlcad
01:19.23 brlcad looks like gsl has improved, only about 5% slower now (very consistently)
01:20.19 ``Erik <PROTECTED>
01:21.08 ``Erik heheheheheheheh :D always makes me smile
01:53.58 starseeker brlcad: that mean the patch with coefficient changes is good to go in?
01:54.24 brlcad starseeker: it looks like it, still testing
01:54.30 starseeker sweeet
01:54.32 brlcad i'll commit, it needed a few minor tweaks
01:54.38 starseeker cool
01:54.40 brlcad but in all, nice work
01:54.53 starseeker is stuck in windoze land anyhow til next year...
01:55.15 brlcad the gsl comparison is the best part, but alas .. :)
01:55.21 brlcad maybe keep the test harness code as example
01:55.53 starseeker nods - maybe have it as an optional part of the regression testing?
01:56.15 brlcad the testing to link against gsl is too peripheral
01:56.19 starseeker or even some special "make rootcompare" test?
01:56.21 starseeker ah
01:57.13 brlcad unless...
01:57.29 brlcad i make it an option in our solver itself to use gsl as an alternative impl
01:57.37 brlcad could be interesting
01:57.41 starseeker hmm - that could be cool
01:57.48 ``Erik compile time? or?
01:57.59 brlcad yep
01:58.09 ``Erik 'k, branches are insanely expensive on modern x86
01:58.33 ``Erik we're at what, twenty something deep on the pipeline?
01:59.09 brlcad starseeker: did you have a good tgc failure test case handy?
01:59.24 brlcad i know there's tire's eto's, they could be tested
02:00.06 brlcad lots of complete episodes .. :)
02:00.56 ``Erik do we have an m35 with 'good' tires on it? I did a g-nmg on it with 200k triangles in the output, loads up fast in isst and looks pretty decent, but the tires look odd
02:01.39 ``Erik and tires should give me lots of triangles in a cheap kd-tree :D
02:02.25 starseeker brlcad: havoc has that tgc that's giving rtgl fits, but I didn't isolate it yet
02:03.10 starseeker ``Erik: you probably don't want to tesselate one with tire tool tires - iirc the last time we tesselated those it was... um... interesting
02:03.54 ``Erik interesting how? I'd imagine it'd be brutal on the nmg csg shtuff, but the results should be clean
02:03.58 starseeker brlcad eventually got one when we turned the tread off
02:04.16 starseeker took quite a while
02:04.22 ``Erik ah, hrm
02:04.56 starseeker it's a torture test for the tesselatorer
02:05.19 ``Erik damn
02:05.28 ``Erik :/ I might have to spend time on tha tmarching cubes crap
02:06.33 starseeker extruded sketches interesected with combinations based on etos...
02:07.39 ``Erik sounds like a great test case for bug fixing
02:07.52 ``Erik is still waiting for brlcad to give him obj files to test obj-g and make that work
02:08.08 starseeker can blender generate them?
02:08.30 starseeker or wings3d?
02:09.16 ``Erik obj files? I'd imagine so... I have a test set, but I'm only going to finish up a subset, brlcad made it sound like he had 'real world' models he wanted converted, so I was hoping to see what subset of functionality from that
02:10.58 *** join/#brlcad Nohla (n=jesica@
02:13.07 starseeker should fix that geometry duplication in the tire tool output - that might be making the tesselation unduly difficult
02:16.33 *** join/#brlcad Nohla (n=jesica@
02:33.12 starseeker wishes he had that graphviz visualization of the tire tree...
02:35.55 starseeker ``Erik: how come the tire command on the bz install of BRL-CAD can't find libtcl?
02:40.53 ``Erik hte old bz, or the new bz?
02:40.57 starseeker old
02:41.07 starseeker ``Erik: how does one get to the new bz?
02:41.12 ``Erik cuz it's an ancient piece of shit that needs to be killed?
02:41.23 starseeker ``Erik: ah
02:41.42 ``Erik no, seriously, it was out of date over 5 years ago
02:44.49 Nohla starseeker hello, little prince :)
02:44.56 starseeker hola!
02:45.52 starseeker note to self - REALLY need to make a smaller version of the tire poster...
02:46.02 starseeker redo in inkscape if I have to...
02:46.59 starseeker or see if the version of ghostscript on my gentoo box has learned any new tricks...
02:48.44 ``Erik you have the photoshop version? it can be saved as a pdf in 'preview'
02:49.00 starseeker oh, have pdf
02:49.19 starseeker Apple's desktop publishing software was the original generator
02:49.55 ``Erik pdf is pretty squished...
02:50.04 starseeker probably had images too big
02:57.01 ``Erik "save as png"?
02:58.22 ``Erik grumbles as his lisp markov 'disassociated text' has some funky issues with new nodes not being created quite right
02:59.43 ``Erik it was all disgustingly easy until the recursive call to generate the dictionary ate a wrong type, and now it's hard figure out why *grumble* is assoc not doing what the docs say?
03:00.46 starseeker who's fault is it? sbcl?
03:00.53 ``Erik well
03:01.40 ``Erik (setf (cadr d) (acons (pair l) '(()()) (cadr d)))
03:02.22 ``Erik (add-dictionary-word (assoc (pair l) (cadr d)) l 0)
03:02.35 ``Erik that assoc keeps coming up with nil, when it shoulda just been defined
03:03.28 ``Erik using sbcl, yes... but assoc should just work, I'm not sure if I'm feeding it wrong
03:04.18 ``Erik I'm sure I'm making a stupid mistake, but I've thrashed all over :/
03:04.43 *** join/#brlcad Nohla (n=jesica@
03:05.32 starseeker ``Erik: I take it #lisp would just be insulting?
03:06.22 ``Erik I'm not feeling up to snuff to defend myself at the moment... I don't think I've put enough time/thought to it
03:06.42 ``Erik <-- notes that he's grumbling here, not asking for help :D
03:07.56 ``Erik there's a lisp weirdness where something like '(() ()) comes up as '() in some cases
03:08.07 ``Erik I might just need to use a dummy symbol to expand teh lists
03:09.07 starseeker ah
03:09.12 ``Erik <-- is fighting emacs as much as lisp... gave up on gui emacs and started using -nw this afternoon, coudln't get a nice black background
03:09.50 ``Erik y'know, when I wasn't reading webcomics or yelling at indianlarry for breaking teh build :)
03:10.45 ``Erik (it's on my idp, damnit.)
03:11.12 starseeker problem lives somewhere around tire.c:1371
03:11.21 starseeker tire-upper-sides definitions
03:14.43 ``Erik with the duplicated geometry?
03:15.04 starseeker yes
03:15.36 starseeker getting three instances of EllClip when there appear to be only two mk_addmember calls
03:15.41 ``Erik starseeker: do any of your cats have an object they're obsessed with dragging around?
03:17.40 starseeker she likes her blue sparkly ball, but she's not terribly obsessed with it
03:17.55 starseeker usually doesn't carry anything with her
03:18.29 ``Erik ah, I have a furry cat fishing pole, the boy needs to drag his 'kill' all over the place
03:18.31 starseeker ``Erik: when's the last update to BRL-CAD on the new server?
03:18.58 starseeker can't gdb this sucker very well...
03:19.04 ``Erik um, /usr/brlcad is an svn from a week or two ago, /usr/local/brlcad is like 7.14.smomething
03:19.13 starseeker hmm
03:19.14 starseeker ok
03:19.38 ``Erik feel free to build your own :)
03:19.51 starseeker ``Erik: yeah, she'll "kill" her catnip pillow sometimes
03:20.26 ``Erik I keep putting this thing in the living room downstairs, it keeps ending up in my bed O.o
03:20.33 starseeker hehe
03:21.17 ``Erik updating /usr/brlcad/HEAD with a fresh checkout now
03:21.32 starseeker will have to step through this to figure out why the frap the boolean logic is odd...
03:22.39 starseeker may have to wait til I have better setup (sorry ``Erik :/)
03:23.14 ``Erik *shrug* ain't no skin off my nose
03:23.15 starseeker I'm not real sure why the standard m35 tires are hozed
03:23.21 starseeker they shouldn't be
03:23.22 *** join/#brlcad Nohla (n=jesica@
03:23.24 ``Erik hozed?
03:23.34 ``Erik the m35 tires convert just fine, they're just ... boring
03:23.41 starseeker when Nick did his rtgl stuff, one side of the m35 tires didn't raytrace right
03:23.51 starseeker might not actually be the fault of the tires though
03:23.57 starseeker oh, OK ;-)
03:24.33 starseeker did do an m35 with fancy tires, but I think the "correct" size looked kinda puny
03:24.40 ``Erik I was figuring that procdb tires would look a lot better and provide a lot mroe triangles without any signicant deepening of the kd-tree
03:24.49 starseeker bigger ones overlaped, which I could ignore for screenshots but isst would kinda care
03:25.07 ``Erik and I'd recalled seeing and m35 with 2 tires replaces, so'z I was wondering if there was one with all 11 or whatever redone
03:25.23 starseeker true, although the tires have some tree depth (4 or 5 levels, forget offhand)
03:25.34 ``Erik (2+8+1, right?)
03:25.51 starseeker yeah, I had done it once, but I don't know if I ever got it "right" in the overlap free sense
03:25.53 ``Erik I doubt we're talking the same trees
03:26.03 starseeker probably not
03:26.12 starseeker is talkin csg tree
03:26.22 ``Erik libtie kdtree's would fluff maybe a dozen or two in the tire areas
03:26.33 starseeker sh
03:26.35 starseeker er ah
03:26.47 ``Erik kd-tree's are axis aligned binary splitting plane trees
03:27.23 starseeker I think the "right" way to do that is to generate tires without wheels and then sub in for just the "rubber" part - should be able to minimize/avoid overlaps that way
03:27.39 starseeker the m35 wheel is rather different from the tire tool's default wheel
03:27.46 ``Erik the wheels you defined are very not military style
03:28.06 starseeker yeah, was just doing something "quick and dirty"
03:28.27 ``Erik heh, too much "pretty", not enough "quick and dirty" :D
03:28.39 starseeker lots of fun that could be had with that tool, given time
03:29.04 ``Erik I can give you a pretty correct rim for a stryker or hummer, they're utterly boring
03:29.17 ``Erik the most excitement is hidden by the rubber on 'em
03:29.27 starseeker ``Erik: <snort> the whole thing was an exercise in "doing a proc-db", just like the pen model was "learning mged" - establishing early on my obsession with unnecessary detail ;-)
03:29.36 ``Erik y'know
03:29.47 ``Erik one of these days, I'll do something like the pen exercise O.o
03:30.04 starseeker ``Erik: yeah, for most real applications tire without wheel is probably how that will get used - most people have purty wheels of their own
03:30.25 ``Erik <-- came in and was sat down with a machine, an os disc and a source disc... told "port this to fbsd 5.1, then convert it to autotools"
03:30.41 starseeker ``Erik: what, you learn mged? Let me know when you do so I can pre-book skating tickets for hell
03:30.45 ``Erik never had a "learn how to model" phase
03:30.58 starseeker or you could wait til MGED 2.0 I suppose...
03:31.16 ``Erik no, seriously, I wasn't allowed on the network, so I got a throw-away machine, os disc and a cd with the source on it...
03:31.23 ``Erik and parked in a room
03:31.29 starseeker ah :-)
03:31.29 ``Erik next to mike
03:32.03 ``Erik first day, "here's a mchine, here's an OS disc, here's the source... port it."
03:32.13 starseeker hehe
03:32.23 starseeker yeah, I came in a lot dumber :-P
03:32.30 starseeker had to get up to speed
03:33.01 ``Erik I had bsd chops and auto* chops, but I did an awful lot of asking people to test what I'd done to see if I'd done it right...
03:33.09 ``Erik e.e. was one of my primary victems
03:33.25 ``Erik "bubba"
03:33.49 ``Erik and you came in knowing a lot more about BRL-CAD than I did
03:34.16 ``Erik they were nice to you :D
03:34.17 starseeker well, the coding/automake chops let you start doing "useful work" pronto
03:34.29 starseeker heh
03:35.18 ``Erik auto* was a "possible way to go" at the time, not a guaranteed thing, it was very much cake
03:35.44 starseeker well, it sure worked out in the end :-)
03:37.46 ``Erik I put a lot of work into it, then brlcad went and did horrible horrible things to my baby
03:37.57 brlcad heh
03:37.59 ``Erik and now it's a frankenstein monster :D
03:38.05 brlcad now it's complete
03:38.29 starseeker so the docbook stuff is just the icing on the cake in frankensteinian terms? :-P
03:38.36 ``Erik um, I think the tag exists in svn, something liek AUTOCONF_200311XX
03:39.15 ``Erik so when's the old crud on migrating to crit, brlcad? :)
03:40.30 starseeker brlcad: I haven't had a chance to test it - did adding the mkdir commands to the docbook build rules avoid that issue on highly parallel docbook builds?
03:41.20 brlcad starseeker: dunno
03:41.33 starseeker ah, k - have to check when I get back in
03:41.50 ``Erik 20031203
03:42.02 ``Erik wow,w as much simpler back then, was 225 lines
03:42.02 starseeker also needs to check if the 3dm-g tool got busted by the opennurbs upgrade...
03:44.41 starseeker also need to figure out how to enable the tk framebuffer without killing mged... still not sure why that's happening
03:45.10 starseeker kinda hard to figure out how complete it is when it takes out the whole gui :-(
03:45.46 starseeker notes more SIGGRAPH spam has arrived...
04:12.05 starseeker hrm - build fails
04:13.27 starseeker GlobalUnitAssignedContext.cpp:27 in SdaiCONFIG_CONTROL_DESIGN.h:2534 error expected "," or "..." before '&' token
04:14.06 starseeker calls it a night
04:18.36 *** join/#brlcad alex_jon1 (n=alex_jon@
04:50.51 brlcad no /me doesn't get that error
07:22.27 *** join/#brlcad louipc (n=louipc@archlinux/trusteduser/louipc)
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11:24.41 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (n=Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
11:42.30 ``Erik dang, yet more tkhtml3 breakage
12:22.01 ``Erik (apparently, tclsh isn't always named tclsh, sometimes it's tclsh85)
13:07.15 ``Erik ßs hrm
14:41.41 d-lo_ ``Erik: Sent you an email at your gmail and accounts.
14:42.18 ``Erik thanks
15:01.38 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37067 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/bot/ (bot.c g_bot_include.c): make RT_BOT_UNORIENTED_NORM() macro take the in/out 'param' as a bool for indicating exit instead of toggling on positive/negative. also nix the RT_ prefix as this is not public api.
15:41.35 brlcad haha... (nsfw, but just because of language)
15:42.03 brlcad that's classic b'more
16:12.10 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
16:13.56 ``Erik oh, the car commercial, yeh :D
16:18.54 *** join/#brlcad mafm_ (
16:21.46 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03indianlarry * r37068 10/brlcad/trunk/src/ (7 files in 2 dirs): more warning quellage, also pushed back mods to fedex_plus generated code
16:47.15 d-lo_ that whole FEDEX thing in the step code throws me off every time I see it. lol
17:10.08 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (n=akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)
18:18.15 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37069 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/bot/bot.c: quell verbose warnings. there were two exact floating point comparisons in here, so potential behavior change (i.e., hopefully more robust/consistent).
18:52.46 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (n=Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
19:02.33 ``Erik heh, I used to work at FedEx, so imagine what it does to me :D
19:07.31 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37070 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/ (6 files in 3 dirs): more slews of quellage and cleanup, dead code elimination, exact floating point comparisons, and param checking
19:24.15 brlcad mm, the problem was exactly what bob and I speculated last night
19:24.29 brlcad looks like windows is being harsh on the tclIndx generation, at least more strict
19:24.36 brlcad and not indexing some files
19:25.21 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r37071 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc8/ (adrt/adrt.vcproj brlcad/brlcad.sln): add adrt to brlcad project
19:31.03 ``Erik Yes. I broke it. Real bad.
19:32.34 ``Erik and msvc has been 'not responding' for like fifteen minutes, so *shrug*
19:59.39 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37072 10/brlcad/trunk/BUGS: too vague a bug, msvc build files have changed drastically since then anyways
20:02.58 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37073 10/brlcad/trunk/BUGS:
20:02.58 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: mged on windows is not generating the tclindex files correctly. could be a
20:02.58 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: simple parsing error or some other problem in the code bug a variety of files
20:02.58 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: aren't getting indexed (notably the pattern tool and sketch editor but also some
20:02.58 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: simple commands like bot and per_line.
20:16.16 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37074 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/bspline/ (10 files): quell all of the old nurbs code verbse warnings safe for one bogus unreachable code warning on a goto label. lots and lots of exact floating point comparisons.. should be more robust now even if it is going away rsn.
20:17.45 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37075 10/brlcad/trunk/BUGS: reported that fbclear is not working on windows build of mged.
20:31.11 ``Erik òò/cl
20:32.34 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37076 10/brlcad/trunk/include/opennurbs_ext.h: unused quellage
20:34.04 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37077 10/brlcad/trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs): add a bu_list parameter so we can make rt_nurb_intersect get called recursively when surfaces are split. this is an alternative to the former goto method and quells an unreachable warning.
20:34.33 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
20:44.15 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37078 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/dsp/dsp.c: quell verbose dsp warnings. lots and lots of exact floating point comparisons to zero and one changed to within tol tests.
20:44.49 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37079 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/ (cline/cline.c dsp/dsp_brep.cpp): more param and unused var quelling, s/log/logstr/ too
20:46.36 ``Erik hehehe
20:55.08 brlcad that's an oldie
21:08.22 ``Erik src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_rt_isect.c:1936: error: too few arguments to function 'rt_nurb_intersect'
21:08.36 ``Erik forget to commit something?
21:18.51 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (n=akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)
21:26.03 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos (
21:29.20 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37080 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_rt_isect.c: blechk! nmg cross-pollution with the old nurbs code.. rt_nurb_intersect() had another param added.
21:29.33 brlcad not reading your commit diffs, eh?
21:29.51 ``Erik mine? huh?
21:30.42 brlcad nvr mind
21:40.40 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r37081 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/iges/trimsurf.c: add missing parameter
21:41.55 brlcad wow
21:41.56 brlcad that's just wrong
21:42.10 ``Erik what, did I break something horrible?
21:42.12 brlcad iges converter is actually shooting rays at nurbs
21:42.23 ``Erik oh, heh
21:42.40 brlcad what you did is fine
21:42.45 ``Erik <-- just did a monkey mimic of your patch to that file, didn't bother, y'know, looking
21:42.47 brlcad the fact that the iges converter is doing that....
21:43.02 brlcad that any code is calling that nurb internal routine
21:43.07 ``Erik so wasn't sure if I screwed that up :)
21:43.12 brlcad nah
21:43.51 brlcad i'm still on strict build, so can't build through to get to any latent callers
21:44.27 ``Erik so build out of dir and have two builds, one strict and one not :D
21:48.15 brlcad this is already so utterly painfully tedious as it is to make it twice as painful
21:48.41 brlcad all to prevent the 1/100 chance that there's some triviality later in the build
21:50.59 brlcad it's also not like anyone else is jumping in to help get these all taken care of more quickly either :P
22:00.40 ``Erik yeah, damn shame about that :D
22:03.49 ``Erik rt_bot_tess() *sigh* why didn't I think of that earlier?
22:06.57 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37082 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/ (8 files in 6 dirs): mas quellerismos, floating point comparisons, unused vars/params
22:09.51 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37083 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/ (extrude/extrude.c half/half.c table.c): s/free/release/ to avoid shadowing the function
22:53.44 *** join/#brlcad Nohla (n=jesica@
23:39.00 brlcad mm.. this should be interesting
23:39.06 brlcad floating point comparisons in nmg
23:39.28 ``Erik heh, um, have fun with that :D *duck*
23:39.45 ``Erik nmg's already raytrace arse slow
23:40.05 brlcad there are in boolean evaluation, should help
23:40.37 ``Erik y'know, I"ve seen geometry errors thrown on nmg tesselation...
23:40.45 ``Erik starting with facet type nmg's...
23:41.16 ``Erik I'm not sure if I'm willing to commit the time to chase that just yet, I have other pressing issues to worry about
23:41.38 ``Erik but, ... yeah, wtfage :)
23:41.51 brlcad geometry errors on nmg tess are normal
23:42.02 brlcad part of it guessing which paths to take
23:42.22 ``Erik soooo, nmg->nmg is expected to fail?
23:42.24 brlcad non-facet nmgs are no longer relevant
23:42.36 ``Erik right, but still listed as a flag
23:42.41 ``Erik and used in some bits
23:42.42 brlcad nmg->nmg could fail depending how the original nmg was created
23:42.47 ``Erik g-nmg
23:42.50 brlcad if it wasn't validated
23:43.17 brlcad that's so high level as to be non-sensical to ask ..
23:43.29 brlcad too many variables
23:43.32 brlcad above regions, below regions
23:43.34 brlcad combs, prims
23:43.56 brlcad is it combining regions or leaving them as separate shels
23:44.00 ``Erik g-nmg likes to convert a region to a single nmg and attach that as a single object under the region
23:44.25 ``Erik (EXACTLY what my 'recursive facetizer' card does... can kill that from Ed's wall)
23:44.40 brlcad right, but how you were running it changes things too -- you feed it something under a region, for example, or something with a mixed hierarchy where there are paths that are regionless, etc
23:45.06 ``Erik hm, saw it on m35
23:45.21 brlcad just saying it's way to vague a notion to say anything meaningful, way too many variables unaccounted for
23:45.30 brlcad can't even say it's clean input
23:45.39 ``Erik I'll look into it a bit when I'm in the office tomorrie
23:45.53 brlcad m35 has problems
23:45.59 brlcad whether they matter or not.. dunno
23:46.11 brlcad it's gone both ways in the past
23:46.36 ``Erik either way, there are issues to be addressed wrt...
23:47.15 ``Erik if our reference geometry is screwed up, that's bad... if our tools produce bad output... that's bad :)
23:47.52 brlcad I think the problem has to be brought back down to basic test cases, make sure primitives all tessellate (which they won't) .. then 0-level combinations
23:48.36 ``Erik I have a well tesselated m35 (10x better than default tolerance), if it's useful... had one going where the side mirrors gave 200k triangles, killed it :/
23:49.05 ``Erik on the up side, these issues are giving me impetus to do the marching cubes thang
23:49.24 ``Erik "cuz lee said" kinda deflated me
23:49.31 brlcad g-nmg producing a bad nmg just isn't a good measure of anything -- if it did something wrong, could be a simple bug isolated to that specific tool or the tess approach it uses
23:50.10 ``Erik the tool itself is too trivial to break
23:50.19 brlcad the approach most of those use isn't so hot
23:50.24 ``Erik too small to fail :D
23:50.26 brlcad I opted for a slightly diff approach for the ef work
23:50.31 ``Erik ef?
23:50.31 brlcad more robust
23:50.57 brlcad endgame
23:51.03 ``Erik ah
23:51.30 ``Erik I thought our contribution to their federation was more "give us a geometry name and ray, we give you a prtition list"?
23:51.41 brlcad nothing reusable code-wise, but just a note that the approach they use now isn't consistent across the exporters
23:51.47 ``Erik well, no, they do ogl visualization, ya had to gie them triangels
23:51.54 ``Erik had to give them triangles
23:52.04 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 0367.232.178.197 07 * r2055 10/wiki/MGED_CMD_eac:
23:52.13 brlcad not at all, did a geometry exporter -- basically .g to their format
23:52.13 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 0367.232.178.197 07 * r2056 10/wiki/MGED_CMD_whichair:
23:52.17 brlcad which was poly
23:52.31 ``Erik ok, so an exporter, not a federation entity
23:59.46 brlcad oh wow
23:59.50 brlcad the code is still in there...

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