IRC log for #brlcad on 20100101

00:46.21 brlcad happy new year everyone!
00:49.53 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37095 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/sketch/sketch.c: basic macros everyone should know ;)
01:47.40 ``Erik hm
01:48.52 brlcad hm indeed!
04:09.50 starseeker <PROTECTED>
05:12.01 starseeker Happy New Year! (for those on USA East coast or later time)
05:22.34 starseeker ``Erik: what in the heck has gotten into the stefil devs, tacking hu.dwim onto everything?
05:39.31 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03Ssd 07 * r2100 10/wiki/BRL-CAD_Primitives: /* trc */
05:41.27 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03Ssd 07 * r2101 10/wiki/BRL-CAD_Primitives: /* nmg */
06:58.53 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03Ssd 07 * r2102 10/wiki/Talk:Main_Page: /* BRL-CAD Primitives */
07:10.10 *** join/#brlcad talcite__ (
08:52.08 *** join/#brlcad talcite_ (
11:27.39 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (n=akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)
13:32.46 ``Erik hm, so this is what 2010 feels like O.o
14:29.32 starseeker proposes this decade we switch from declaring the year of Linux on the desktop to declaring the year of *BSD on the desktop :-P
15:12.12 *** join/#brlcad guillermina (
15:41.48 ``Erik desktops are so passe, it's all netbooks and servers, y'know, uh, 'thin clients'
15:41.49 ``Erik again
15:41.51 ``Erik or something :D
15:42.05 ``Erik two point oh
18:30.55 yukonbob haha...
18:31.11 yukonbob starseeker: ---v (from #netbsd)
18:31.13 yukonbob 09:19 < yukonbob> 2010: the year of NetBSD on the Desktop
18:31.13 yukonbob 09:20 < yukonbob> hehe
20:19.32 starseeker lol
20:20.01 starseeker well, since it's NetBSD - "2010: the year of NetBSD on *"
20:32.10 ``Erik *bsd is a force to be reckoned with... as a server os... I ifgure the 'desktop' is seriously going to slowly move to being a thin client, I think the whole web two point oh ajax thing is gonna become more and more common
20:32.56 ``Erik especially with html5 :)
20:33.03 starseeker heh
20:33.33 starseeker is still mildly annoyed that there couldn't be some sort of baseline video codec decided upon...
20:33.41 ``Erik (and I'm an old unix geek... I don't like it, it's just what it smells like to me)
20:33.44 ``Erik yeah
20:33.48 starseeker I don't care if it was basic mpeg, just SOMETHING
20:34.05 ``Erik but at least there's astandard container for your unstandard video
20:34.19 ``Erik heh :(
20:34.37 starseeker <snort> and all the players sufficiently capable that they can handle something like that make lawyers' hair stand on end
20:35.20 ``Erik is coming up on 30 years of coding :/
20:36.21 starseeker cool :-)
20:36.30 ``Erik y'know, was talking to daytona, I've been coding longer than he has
20:37.39 ``Erik but he's an awful damn sharp fellow, and got his intro to coding with awfully smart help, he made a comment on wednesday that made me feel like a retard
20:38.01 ``Erik good times :)
20:39.37 starseeker hehe
20:39.56 starseeker hmm, cool - software for drug effect prediction
20:40.38 starseeker this is hilarous - they're claiming it's non-commercial license only for academics, but they're also saying it's GPL:
20:41.51 starseeker 'course, no academic email no ticket...
20:48.11 ``Erik gpl is gpl, they can't do squat about it... they can opt to not respond to email, but....
20:48.32 starseeker yeah, they must be counting on other academics not posting it for download
20:48.52 starseeker (which I can't find so far, so perhaps it's working for them)
20:49.16 ``Erik seems silly
20:49.34 starseeker probably would like to get some $$$ from big pharma
20:51.41 ``Erik gpl doesn't prohibit dual licensing *shrug*
20:51.59 starseeker yeah, looks like inexperienced setup
20:53.33 starseeker sigh Nintendo stomps on a fan film...
20:54.00 starseeker you get the feeling lawyers get bored or something
20:54.01 ``Erik yeh, /. last night
20:54.46 starseeker Large businesses are to grass roots orgs what lawn mowers are to lawns
20:55.14 ``Erik all large businesses were small businesses at one point
20:55.38 ``Erik :( I think arl has seen the biz size mutation over the last 5 years or so
20:55.57 starseeker true, but generally when they're small they have fewer resources to waste on such things...
20:56.47 ``Erik kinda makes me want to go create a massive mega-corp
20:56.53 starseeker is sometimes tempted to try and sit in on management/business classes just to see what they are teaching them...
20:57.15 ``Erik so when I see that kinda fucktardedness, I can put my foot down and go "oh my fucking god, you are ruining everything that is good in humanity"
20:57.19 ``Erik :D
20:57.22 starseeker bets it's some variation of "Worship the Next Quarter Profit Metric"
20:57.37 ``Erik mba's are ...
20:57.47 ``Erik shuts up before he gets, uh, non-pg
20:57.49 starseeker ``Erik: hmm, interesting - create megacorp, just to run it the right way...
20:58.05 starseeker non-pg?
20:58.07 starseeker or pc?
20:58.18 ``Erik all of the above
20:59.03 ``Erik I've word for mega-corps, I've worked for microcorps, ... and I grew up on navy insalations, I can cover your screen wtih my "opinions"
20:59.12 starseeker lol
20:59.16 starseeker indeed
21:00.41 starseeker 's first step in running a megacorp would be to pull all the books on the original "HP Way", and make the managers listen to them while sleeping at night until it becomes instinctual
21:01.33 ``Erik see, I'd be mroe apt to purchase a large quanity of cans, instruct mgmt to write "change" on the sides, and put them to teh street with their new tool
21:01.37 ``Erik :D
21:02.03 starseeker not that american consumers will pay for quality anyway, of course...
21:02.07 starseeker heh
21:02.33 ``Erik I can see say, a shop foreman being a useful position
21:02.50 ``Erik but professionals generally wanna do the righ tthing, they just happen to get paid for it
21:03.04 ``Erik um, the tv show 'scrubs', uh, kelso? ... yeah...
21:03.29 ``Erik common theme in that show is trying to succeed in spite of mgmt
21:03.42 ``Erik which I think is awfully common in real professional life
21:04.25 ``Erik heh, twinky got isst attention by working on it from home
21:13.17 PrezKennedy ``Erik, about trying to succeed despite management... Amen!
21:21.58 *** join/#brlcad Nohla (n=jesica@
21:22.30 ``Erik stevey: I've yet to see an alegory where mgmt made success.
21:23.39 ``Erik my assertation is that when you hire 'professional' folk, step thefuck backa nd let then do what they do, any attempt to control or manage will just result in waste
21:24.55 ``Erik when I started at arl, I was putting in mebbe 50-60 hours being productive... it was an important project, and I was part of it... now I'm feeling micromanaged out the wazoo, I spend the last two hours of my day staring at the clock and do my best to avoid touching code when I'm not at work
21:25.17 *** join/#brlcad talcite_ (
21:33.20 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (n=akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)
21:34.33 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (n=akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)
22:02.11 yukonbob ``Erik: re: AJAX -- I hope not -- what a fugly interface, a browswer.
22:02.35 ``Erik do you use gmail? or google maps
22:02.36 ``Erik ?
22:03.06 ``Erik <-- is thinking of what will be, not what SHOULD be
22:03.12 starseeker yukonbob: for a lot of "boring but functional" stuff it works quite well
22:03.21 starseeker and there are also the rare cases like google maps
22:04.00 starseeker agrees though on the "high end" app side of things - I doubt blender will be getting an AJAX based GUI anytime soon
22:06.19 yukonbob I have a gmail acct., and I have used google maps, yes.
22:30.48 *** join/#brlcad jesica__ (n=jesica@

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