IRC log for #brlcad on 20100106

00:21.13 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r37137 10/brlcad/branches/rel8/ (2531 files in 149 dirs): Update rel8 branch to r37134
00:21.17 ``Erik
00:26.15 starseeker that's cool - need to show that to Ed
00:27.05 ``Erik ayup
00:27.11 ``Erik don't suppose you recall when he returns?
00:27.23 starseeker I think Thursday
00:31.28 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
00:43.45 *** join/#brlcad Nohla (n=jesica@
00:56.19 starseeker hmm:
00:56.33 starseeker er
00:57.22 Nohla starseeker
00:57.30 starseeker howdy :-)
00:57.58 Nohla sweetnick, I've a problem rounding my head
00:58.19 starseeker hmm?
00:58.22 Nohla havo no time to understand errors that appears while compiling
00:58.34 starseeker are you getting html and pdf output successfully?
00:58.38 Nohla but I'd like to send the second tutorial
00:58.42 Nohla no
00:58.56 starseeker go ahead - email the tutorial to the list like the previous one
00:58.59 Nohla everything is ok until "make"
00:59.05 starseeker I'll take a look
00:59.38 Nohla this was a crazy week :P
01:00.07 starseeker heh - I bet
01:00.53 Nohla well, maybe it's a nonsense
01:01.05 starseeker what's nonsense?
01:01.06 Nohla this happen when run make
01:01.08 Nohla jesica@debian:~/Desktop/brlcad/doc/docbook$ make
01:01.08 Nohla make all-am
01:01.08 Nohla make[1]: se ingresa al directorio `/home/jesica/Desktop/brlcad/doc/docbook'
01:01.08 Nohla make[1]: No se hace nada para `all-am'.
01:01.08 Nohla make[1]: se sale del directorio `/home/jesica/Desktop/brlcad/doc/docbook'
01:01.52 starseeker did you run ./configure in the top level directory?
01:01.58 Nohla yes
01:02.11 starseeker hmm
01:02.32 Nohla wish I try again?
01:02.46 starseeker please - post the log of your configure output to
01:03.38 Nohla warnings on ./configure:
01:03.41 Nohla configure: WARNING: The floating point implementation does not seem to be IEEE 754
01:03.42 Nohla configure: WARNING: compliant. The behavior of htond and htonf may be incorrect.
01:03.49 starseeker is very jealous of this ability in cmake:
01:03.56 starseeker Nohla: my box at home gives that too
01:03.57 ``Erik thinks those warnings occur on all x86 cpu's
01:04.11 ``Erik intel doesn't actually implement correct ieee754, they take a few shortcuts
01:04.28 ``Erik or, the default isn't to be correct... and gcc's -ffast-math makes it even less correct :D
01:04.51 Nohla messaje:
01:04.52 Nohla Enable run-time debugging (optional)..: yes
01:04.53 Nohla Build optimized release ..............: no
01:04.53 Nohla Build debug release ..................: yes
01:04.53 Nohla Build profile release ................: no
01:04.53 Nohla Print verbose compilation warnings ...: no
01:04.54 Nohla Print verbose compilation progress ...: no
01:04.56 Nohla Only build libexpress.................: no
01:05.06 Nohla more warning:
01:05.07 Nohla configure: WARNING:
01:05.07 Nohla <PROTECTED>
01:05.08 Nohla <PROTECTED>
01:05.08 Nohla <PROTECTED>
01:05.30 Nohla results:
01:05.31 Nohla Build Tcl ............................: yes
01:05.31 Nohla Build Tk .............................: yes
01:05.31 Nohla Build Itcl/Itk .......................: yes
01:05.31 Nohla Build IWidgets .......................: yes
01:05.31 Nohla Build tkhtml3 ........................: yes
01:05.33 Nohla Build tkImg ..........................: yes
01:05.34 starseeker Nohla: use
01:05.35 Nohla Build libpng .........................: yes
01:05.37 Nohla Build libregex .......................: no (using system)
01:05.39 Nohla Build zlib ...........................: no (using system)
01:05.41 Nohla Build termlib ........................: no (using system)
01:05.43 Nohla Build Utah Raster Toolkit.............: yes
01:05.47 Nohla Build Template Numerical Toolkit......: yes
01:05.49 Nohla Build openNURBS.......................: yes
01:05.51 Nohla Build NIST STEP Class Libraries.......: yes
01:05.53 Nohla Build jove ...........................: no
01:05.55 Nohla X11 support (optional)................: yes
01:05.57 Nohla OpenGL support (optional).............: no
01:05.59 Nohla librtserver JDK support (optional)....: yes
01:06.01 Nohla Enable run-time debugging (optional)..: yes
01:06.03 Nohla Build 64-bit release .................: no (32-bit)
01:06.05 Nohla Build optimized release ..............: no
01:06.07 Nohla Build debug release ..................: yes
01:06.09 Nohla Build profile release ................: no
01:06.11 Nohla Build SMP-capable release ............: yes
01:06.13 Nohla Build static libraries ...............: yes
01:06.15 Nohla Build shared/dynamic libraries .......: yes
01:06.19 Nohla Print verbose compilation warnings ...: no
01:06.21 Nohla Print verbose compilation progress ...: no
01:06.23 Nohla Only build benchmark suite ...........: no
01:06.25 Nohla Only build librtserver ...............: no
01:06.27 Nohla Install example geometry models ......: yes
01:06.29 Nohla Install extra docs ...................: yes (man/html/pdf)
01:06.31 Nohla Elapsed configuration time ...........: 2 minutes, 27 seconds
01:06.33 Nohla ---
01:06.35 Nohla ./configure complete, type 'make' to begin building
01:06.37 Nohla by terminal?
01:06.53 Nohla ah
01:06.55 Nohla ok
01:07.06 starseeker don't spam the channel ;-)
01:07.23 Nohla sorry
01:07.23 starseeker now, do this:
01:07.29 starseeker cd doc/docbook
01:07.31 starseeker make
01:07.53 Nohla well, the same messaje is given
01:08.00 starseeker hmm
01:08.47 starseeker not sure what that would be
01:08.58 starseeker did you change the file?
01:09.06 starseeker in doc/docbook?
01:09.07 Nohla yes
01:09.15 starseeker ah - that could be part of it
01:09.16 Nohla brlcad saw the changes
01:09.22 starseeker oh
01:09.25 starseeker umm...
01:09.30 Nohla well, not all of them
01:09.43 Nohla but it seems to be okay
01:09.57 starseeker please paste your current to (NOT the channel)
01:10.02 Nohla I can send it by email if you want
01:10.12 ``Erik is good
01:10.14 Nohla no, it take more time from me
01:10.23 starseeker that'll work too
01:10.44 ``Erik oh dangit, someone went and committed to just about every file in the repo *shakes fist*
01:10.46 Nohla sorry, I'm going late to bed this days
01:10.51 Nohla that's killing me
01:11.26 starseeker Nohla: just email the article to the list, and I'll tie it into the build system
01:11.51 starseeker then you can compare with your current
01:12.26 Nohla so should I do update on brlcad to see that?
01:12.43 starseeker yes
01:12.44 starseeker svn up
01:12.53 starseeker or you can look online
01:13.04 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r37138 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libfb/ ( if_tk.c): OK, this at least doesn't result in everything tk related crashing - obviously stubbing in tk_close_existing until it's actually implemented so the build can proceed. Doesn't function yet.
01:13.21 starseeker
01:14.11 starseeker ``Erik: yeah, who was that guy? :-P
01:14.28 Nohla I's prefer to have it updated on my pc
01:14.45 starseeker Nohla: OK - just run "svn up"
01:15.13 ``Erik dunno, but obviously a major jackass O.o
01:15.35 starseeker sure made mergeing branches a pain
01:15.49 starseeker waits breathlessly for commit 37137 to come through...
01:16.04 ``Erik woops, messed up the copyright change, *commits the fix* :D
01:16.16 starseeker hunts atomic nerf gun...
01:16.20 ``Erik *duck* :D
01:16.44 starseeker Nohla: did you email the article?
01:17.40 starseeker does happy dance - libfb tk is no longer epic failing all things tk in BRL-CAD...
01:18.01 ``Erik w00t
01:18.37 starseeker nto that it's working yet, but at least now I can TRY to get it working...
01:19.27 starseeker 'course, the irony is the tk stuff doesn't work in X11 Tk on the Mac...
01:19.42 starseeker not quite sure why that is yet - suppose I'll have to figure it out in case
01:23.25 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (n=Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
01:24.32 Nohla starseeker yes
01:25.52 starseeker Nohla: ah, I see it - thanks!
01:25.57 starseeker goes to work...
01:26.28 Nohla starseeker, try to guide me again, I really wanna learn
01:26.41 starseeker OK - let me get it going first ;-)
01:26.44 Nohla and each attempt frustrates me more
01:32.53 *** join/#brlcad markrw (
01:35.34 starseeker note for later - will need spanish version of the azimuth/elevation/twist diagram
01:35.43 starseeker needs to ask brlcad
01:36.46 Nohla yes, I saw
01:36.57 Nohla I can do it too
01:37.43 starseeker he's very particular about things like fonts, and I think that diagram may also need a correction
01:38.18 Nohla he who? brlcad ?
01:38.19 starseeker OK, mistake in - after lessons/es/mged01_crear_figuras_primitivas.xml you need a " \"
01:38.24 starseeker yes, brlcad
01:38.57 starseeker Nohla: very good actually - quite close ;-)
01:39.09 starseeker often gets frustrated by stuff...
01:39.16 starseeker hang on, commiting...
01:41.09 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r37139 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/lessons/es/ (22 files in 2 dirs): Nohla contributes the Spanish translation of Lesson 2.
01:41.21 starseeker Nohla: ok, now if you wish to save your copies of and mged02_opciones_vistas.xml, move them or rename them - then run "svn up" again
01:42.26 Nohla It's running now :P
01:43.06 starseeker This time, it should work - it worked for me here
01:45.00 starseeker Nohla: thank you for your continuing work on this!
01:48.31 Nohla starseeker thank you, maybe it's difficult for all us, but I'm learning whit your help
01:48.44 starseeker Nohla: you are doing very well :-)
01:48.45 Nohla hard work...
01:48.55 starseeker nothing worth doing is easy :-)
01:49.38 *** part/#brlcad markrw (
01:59.27 starseeker heads home
02:00.37 *** join/#brlcad Nohla (n=jesica@
02:05.53 *** join/#brlcad jesica__ (n=jesica@
03:52.29 starseeker notes fb_configureWindow will have to get more sophisticated to handle the case where X and Tk are both active and Tk is supposed to be the fb in question
03:53.44 starseeker tries the unthinkable - disable-X11 on Linux :-P
03:55.24 starseeker bets this won't work, and wonders if it even should
03:59.54 ``Erik <PROTECTED>
04:14.15 starseeker 'cept if you say no X11 and Aqua isn't there, what's Tk suppost to build against?
04:14.57 starseeker I suppose the distinction between "disable X11 specific features" and "disable GUI features" could be made
04:23.47 ``Erik if the system tk 'works', then BRL-CAD shouldn't care what's behind it
04:24.00 ``Erik taht's the point :D proper abstraction of the backend
04:41.17 brlcad will have to read the backlog later... ciao folks
04:41.23 brlcad buenas noches
04:41.31 ``Erik later
04:41.37 ``Erik nachos? mmm
10:31.44 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
10:53.02 indianla1ry /sb/ goto -50
11:27.58 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
11:56.36 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
13:21.17 starseeker notes that the X dm was not disabled by --disable-X11 on gentoo...
13:33.44 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
13:43.33 *** join/#brlcad __monty__ (
15:07.12 *** join/#brlcad Yoshi47 (n=jan@
16:19.41 brlcad ``Erik: HM! .. now that could be an interesting optimization .. constant root solving for integer coefficients could be useful.. wonder the memory requirements for a range of cubics..
16:56.34 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (n=Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
17:36.54 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (
17:47.42 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
18:29.44 ``Erik constant approximation
18:30.01 ``Erik or greatly reduced search space for a solver (if it's a search time, like a newtonian)
18:30.19 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
18:30.25 *** join/#brlcad Ralith_ (
18:40.59 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r37140 10/isst/trunk/src/ (gui.c local_worker.c main.c net_worker.c): minor fixes for header changes in ADRT
18:41.06 brlcad starseeker: man 3 qsort (or heapsort, mergesort)
18:41.37 brlcad that'd be the standard c way for basic sorting
18:41.50 brlcad there are also more elaborate c++ mechanisms in the stl
18:41.57 starseeker nods - cool, thanks
18:42.00 brlcad and even more quirky stuff in boost
18:43.19 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r37141 10/brlcad/trunk/src/util/ttcp.c: break usage string into two to avoid the "509" warning
18:43.45 ``Erik heh, I kept saying "qsort" over and over yesterday O.o sheesh
18:44.02 starseeker ``Erik: yeah, yeah :-P
18:44.23 starseeker guess the sort command stuff must all be parsing, like you said...
18:44.28 ``Erik even richard said "isn't there something to do quicksort?"
18:44.47 ``Erik puts his glove back on O:-)
18:45.21 starseeker wonders why in god's name we have a tool calling sort from the command line then...
18:45.50 starseeker had assumed there was some spicy functionality not available in "standard" libraries
18:46.40 ``Erik because I can do -n or -r -r -N or -i or -f or funky stuff like -k or -m or + or -u O.o
18:47.21 ``Erik (and it's hard to call C library functions from the command line) :D
18:47.41 starseeker but brlcad pointed out tcl's lsort too
18:48.09 starseeker (didn't mean having sort in general, I ment one of BRL-CAD's tools calling sort)
18:48.19 ``Erik holy fercrapples, fbsd uses GNU sort
18:57.20 brlcad starseeker: probably was just simpler or they didn't know about qsort
18:57.49 brlcad people learn how to use a particular hammer, everything looks like a nail
18:57.56 starseeker nods
18:58.05 starseeker I can't kick, I'm guilty on that count too
18:58.31 starseeker ``Erik: that's a surprise - I thought GNU's was GPL
19:02.01 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37142 10/brlcad/trunk/AUTHORS: removed trailing ws
19:04.37 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37143 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: jesica giudice has provided lessons 1 and 2 of the mged tutorial series translated to spanish
19:04.43 brlcad GNU isn't always GPL, many low level libs and tools are LGPL
19:05.17 ``Erik it is GPL, there are still GPL things in fbsd... like gcc, for example
19:05.35 starseeker nods - yeah, but I thought GNU sort was part of coreutils, which I thought was GPL...
19:05.36 ``Erik I'm just surprised that they're using the GNU one instead of whatever came on the BSD44lite distro
19:08.01 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
19:15.21 starseeker makes note to self - hash tables are the one that need tracking down
19:19.13 brlcad there is a libbu hashing mechanism, iirc .. made nick use it in the rtgl dm
19:19.40 starseeker that would be an easy trackdown :-)
19:34.33 *** join/#brlcad docelic (
19:35.36 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37144 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: tables command impl sucks. calls system(sort). make it not suck.
19:39.45 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37145 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS:
19:39.46 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: keith fixed a bug in the 'tables' commands (idents, regions, solids) where the
19:39.46 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: implementation calls out to the system sort binary to perform sorting
19:39.46 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: (seriously, wtf). he updated the syntax to try the newer gnu long option syntax
19:39.46 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: if the previous failed.
19:42.20 *** join/#brlcad Phurl (
19:42.41 Phurl hi all
19:42.48 Phurl anyone have a dwg file reader
19:43.43 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37146 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/GQA_SAMPLE_DENSITIES: this file should not be relied upon for production work
19:43.55 Phurl here is my current work
19:44.26 brlcad we read/write dxf
19:45.13 brlcad dwgs are less interesting for us because they traditionally don't contain solid geometry and it's a proprietary format
19:47.03 brlcad wouldn't mind a dwg-g and g-dwg converter (assuming there are no legal complications), but not something I'd want to consume our time and energy
19:48.28 brlcad Phurl: are you asking for a particular reason?
19:49.57 Phurl yes
19:50.09 Phurl i have a dxf reader with dime
19:50.22 Phurl and i am workin on libredwg
19:50.33 Phurl but wanted to know if you have any ideas
20:00.26 brlcad ideas?
20:00.34 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37147 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/ (GQA_SAMPLE_DENSITIES NIST_DENSITIES): include instructions on how to use these sample data files with instructions for rtweight and gqa. format to column 70, trim to 80.
20:00.38 brlcad like "don't do it"?
20:00.39 brlcad :)
20:02.31 Phurl brlcad, like that sure
20:02.49 brlcad supporting any proprietary format is a waste of effort in the long term, in my not so humble opinion
20:03.39 brlcad pushing more towards even something as complex as STEP is reusable effort that can be collaborated on
20:04.25 brlcad and a common format that pretty much every major vendor supports (albeit to varying degrees but then the same can be said for dwg)
20:06.33 Phurl STEP?
20:06.37 Phurl ok well i understand you
20:06.50 Phurl but right now i am waiting for someone to convert a file for me
20:06.53 Phurl to dxf
20:06.57 brlcad moreover, given the open design alliance's own legal problems making a dwg library, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if a fully-functioning DWG library wouldn't get Autodesk's attention as it actually became useful
20:07.14 Phurl maybe
20:07.18 Phurl well the lib is thre
20:07.23 Phurl it seems to work
20:07.38 brlcad i highly doubt it's fully-functioning :)
20:07.48 brlcad the format is a mess
20:07.58 brlcad particularly if you want to support previous versions
20:08.06 ``Erik qga density file: is the first number the GIFT id?
20:08.22 ``Erik finds the lack of format description disturbing
20:08.22 ``Erik :D
20:08.40 brlcad ``Erik: yeah, first number is the material id
20:08.47 brlcad GIFTmater in old parlance
20:09.29 brlcad rtweight's manpage summarizes the format in a sentence
20:09.34 ``Erik supposes the qga page
20:09.36 ``Erik ok
20:10.04 brlcad "The file must contain lines with the material number, density in g/cc, and material name, each seperated by some white space.
20:10.12 brlcad it pretty much is that simple too
20:11.03 ``Erik is it legal to put a comment on a content line? 42 0.1113 unobtanium # sure wish we had this
20:11.32 brlcad not that it explains details like the face that # comments are allowed (which is 'relatively' new), numbers must be non-negative (also newish), material name can have spaces (except for one or two old revs where that was busted), etc
20:11.42 brlcad dunno about that case
20:11.56 brlcad probably needs a density.5 manual page for the format
20:12.03 Phurl ok brlcad thanks for your advice
20:12.05 ``Erik for both formats, mebbe
20:12.09 brlcad except that the file is going away
20:12.22 brlcad Phurl: no problem, good luck -- will definitely keep an eye out for your lib
20:12.24 ``Erik yeh
20:12.27 brlcad Phurl: what's the license
20:12.35 brlcad and how was it developed?
20:12.35 Phurl let me see
20:12.40 Phurl it is not my lib
20:12.43 brlcad ah
20:12.45 Phurl i have just done some hacks
20:12.59 Phurl the libredwg is here
20:13.22 Phurl
20:13.28 Phurl gpl 3.0+
20:13.41 brlcad so it's useless to our project regardless
20:14.14 brlcad GPL is nfg, too restrictive for practical use, we're LGPL/BSD or similar
20:14.16 Phurl my fork of dime to convert dxf into osm is on github (two nickelts)
20:14.32 ``Erik unless it's an optional that requires the library installed by a third party, like the pro/e converter
20:14.36 Phurl ok well brlcad even if you have a command line tool dwg2dxf or whatever
20:14.50 Phurl you just need a simple tool to convert the files
20:14.53 brlcad it'd have to be separate from the package, yeah
20:15.01 Phurl it could use any bsd headers from you
20:15.07 brlcad it's own lil thing
20:15.11 Phurl and convert the files into your format
20:15.13 Phurl yeah
20:15.22 Phurl it would be possible to use your headers in that code
20:15.27 Phurl just not the other way around
20:15.29 brlcad those are just less than ideal, and still .. wasted effort for what should be a dying format
20:15.34 Phurl of course
20:15.40 Phurl well i am working on openstreetmap
20:15.50 Phurl and the governments of the world give us dwg files
20:16.06 Phurl say : freedom of information, here are your city maps
20:16.11 Phurl so we have to deal with that
20:16.18 Phurl we cannot force them to use thier brains
20:16.22 brlcad that's the same issue as .doc files, they only use them because that's all they know
20:16.33 Phurl that would be illegal for goverment officials to be clued in or helpful
20:16.34 brlcad not because there's nothing better nor because they can't use something else
20:16.43 ``Erik heh
20:17.00 ``Erik some of us gov't folk are clued in and some of us try to do the right thing once in a while O:-)
20:17.23 Phurl :)
20:17.29 Phurl well what about in a small town in brasil
20:17.31 Phurl or kosovo
20:17.35 brlcad Phurl: you can very often force a government to change when one is an international standard and one is not
20:17.51 ``Erik try asking for one of a specified set of formats?
20:17.52 Phurl yes, maybe in a modern country
20:17.52 brlcad hence the ISO 10303 "STEP" format
20:18.13 brlcad somewhat expensive to acquire but supported by nearly every major CAD system
20:18.19 brlcad for that very reason
20:18.20 ``Erik I mean, if they try to give out something good and get "can I have that in an autocad format?" 99.999% of the time, they'll just start giving out the autocad format without asking
20:18.23 Phurl well, i have just found someone who has autocad to convert the file
20:18.23 brlcad it's ISO
20:18.39 Phurl ok guys
20:18.49 Phurl it is nice to talk with you, thanks for your advice
20:18.53 brlcad Phurl: sorry to not be more helpful :)
20:18.58 ``Erik good luck, phurl :)
20:19.07 brlcad yep, cheers
20:20.32 ``Erik hm, O.o
20:24.11 Phurl parrot?
20:24.30 Phurl brlcad, no its ok. i see the autocad thing in the same way
20:24.41 Phurl but i was able to hack the dxf convert to do what i want to do
20:24.50 ``Erik unrelated link, it's a 'toy' helicoptor controlled by an iphone
20:25.03 Phurl so now i want to work on the other one.. could be a challenge
20:44.32 ``Erik shoot, need a 4th monitor
21:09.14 starseeker uh...
21:09.17 starseeker crud
21:12.20 ``Erik ?
21:12.27 starseeker
21:14.41 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37148 10/brlcad/trunk/ (include/bn.h src/libbn/anim.c): move anim doxygen comments from source file to the header file
21:16.08 ``Erik has figured out why the ebm isn't showing up in that regression test (it's horribly broken and simply cannot work anymore), is now trying to figure out the right way to fix it O.o looks like someone went and made things really complex for no good reason and broke it, perhaps
21:19.51 brlcad ``Erik: saw that heli link earlier today.. pretty cool
21:20.29 brlcad looks like the video is somewhat faked (i.e. hand-wavy), but hopefully they'll get it working
21:20.40 *** join/#brlcad mafm_ (
21:23.27 brlcad starseeker: crud why?
21:23.50 brlcad the david's response is probably true.. not much of a hit to just evel the creation
21:23.58 brlcad then lookup the handle
21:28.23 starseeker it just feels "non Cish"
21:29.14 starseeker on the other hand, it does neatly explain why the tk framebuffer code as is was complaining about some sort of memory thing...
21:30.42 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (n=akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)
21:30.50 starseeker actually, no - wait
21:30.54 starseeker there it is...
21:30.56 starseeker hmm
21:38.02 starseeker reverts to being befuddled
21:42.41 ``Erik natural equilibrium? :)
21:42.50 ``Erik (stable, at least?)
21:46.49 starseeker metastable
21:53.15 ``Erik HAH
21:56.09 ``Erik got it
22:00.46 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r37149 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/ebm/ebm.c: Fix import/export bug where the value for mat was not being wrapped in double-quotes (caused a parse error on read; all ebm's failed).
22:01.15 starseeker nice catch
22:03.24 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37150 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO:
22:03.24 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: see what the impact of using lookup tables for solving polynomial roots would
22:03.24 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: be. compare performance and memory requirements, see if a fast lookup structure
22:03.24 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: can be utilized that would make them beneficial. affects the performance of the
22:03.24 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: following primitives: eto, pipe, revolve, superell, tgc, tor.
22:04.02 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r37151 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbn/anim.c: erm, "ovoid"?
22:12.07 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
22:17.47 ``Erik odd, rt works on ebm.s and ebm.r but flips out on ebm.s when I do all.g
22:20.21 ``Erik mebbe I busted O.o
22:22.16 ``Erik er,
22:22.18 ``Erik hurrr
22:31.40 ``Erik heh, odd, it is raytracing, but tiny and in the wrong place :) must be a misparsed # or something
22:32.13 ``Erik yeh, bad matrix, ok
23:00.19 ``Erik will finish this tomorrow O.o
23:02.25 starseeker how very interesting
23:04.48 starseeker the PhotoPutBlock routie is somehow getting fed a zero length pixp array....
23:10.56 starseeker ooo - it's something to do with the way the block is being defined...
23:21.29 starseeker yeah, lots of successful copies up until wCopy = 20...
23:28.04 starseeker THAT's why
23:28.14 starseeker that sucker only has enough data for 492 pixels!!!
23:29.08 starseeker no wonder it gets memory access errors - the pixel value list is short changing it
23:29.12 brlcad detail detail
23:29.38 starseeker sorry - too much detail?
23:29.52 brlcad hm?
23:29.54 brlcad heh, no no
23:30.04 brlcad s/detail/picky/
23:30.10 starseeker ah :-)
23:30.27 brlcad you want your cake and for it to not taste like goat? sheesh
23:30.39 starseeker hehe
23:30.52 starseeker wonders what BRL-CAD ate over the holidays O.o
23:32.02 starseeker been seeing offset errors with libdm's tk stuff too, so there's actually a sort of consistency there
23:32.13 brlcad doesn't understand ``Erik's recent commit
23:32.28 starseeker 37151?
23:32.37 poolio is ovoid like oval-esque?
23:32.43 brlcad heh, no
23:32.50 brlcad the ne before that
23:33.18 starseeker I think that was related to his image where the ebm was missing from the raytrace
23:33.27 starseeker not sure what he was tracking exactly
23:33.43 starseeker has used ebm - was surprised when ``Erik said it couldn't have worked...
23:34.17 brlcad but ebms were working until some "recent" event (recent within 6 months probably)
23:34.27 brlcad regressions havent been noticed for a bit..
23:34.36 starseeker nods
23:34.45 starseeker yeah, that's what I thought too
23:34.53 brlcad his patch affects import/export
23:35.11 brlcad implyin asc2g is failing
23:35.55 brlcad hard to believe that is missing code .. unless it was never implemented
23:37.48 starseeker ``Erik: what did you mean when you said the problem you were seeing went back for years?
23:38.26 brlcad not saying he didn't find/fix a problem, just not understanding it
23:38.57 brlcad certainly not necessary to get the regressions working again (because they were working), but perhaps just another problem fixed while investigating

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