IRC log for #brlcad on 20100114

01:10.53 starseeker classifies today as "frustrating"
01:16.06 starseeker wonders whether it wouldn't be better technique to get the Tk code we need written, and then play the Aqua Tk game...
02:31.16 starseeker well, at least the tk framebuffer works on gentoo...
02:36.42 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (n=akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)
02:47.40 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (n=Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
03:11.00 brlcad hmm.. interesting,
03:16.22 brlcad wontinues continues the hunt for the shaders regression bug
07:18.11 brlcad looks like the shaders test has been broken for more than 3000 commits
09:12.47 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedyII (
10:48.41 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
13:03.58 *** join/#brlcad mafm_ (
13:48.45 ``Erik neat
14:30.22 brlcad narrows down to within 500 commits, still searching
14:32.39 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03irpguardian * r37249 10/brlcad/trunk/src/rt/view.c:
14:32.39 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: Made the heat-graph make an inverted image for testing of values
14:32.39 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: that need to be changed.
14:57.21 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
15:38.39 brlcad finally gets it down to less than 100 commits
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15:40.55 starseeker is gonna start pulling his hair out
15:41.18 starseeker the Tk_Canvas call doesn't apply - can't find a canvas object in this mix anywhere
15:41.50 starseeker the photo stuff is all hidden - Tk_ImageChanged I can't call directly, and presumably it's being called anyway
15:42.18 starseeker the 8.6 build for tcl/tk seems to have changed significantly
15:42.30 brlcad if you can get at the Tk_Window, I believe you can get at the canvas
15:42.33 brlcad through another call
15:42.51 brlcad we use the tkwin all over the place, so should be derivable
15:43.15 brlcad or maybe not, but something to check
15:43.35 brlcad gives up narrowing any further from here
15:43.42 starseeker is it in the libs? don't see Canvas in mged
15:47.17 starseeker oh wait, .fb_tk_canvas
15:47.24 starseeker maybe I can use that
15:54.34 starseeker grrrrrrrr
15:54.52 starseeker no obvious way to get at the canvas object in C land
15:59.45 brlcad what did you need the canvas for?
16:00.35 brlcad if_tk creates a canvas via tcl, and manages it that way
16:01.00 brlcad if you need a C hook, you'll probably have to replace those calls with the corresponding C
16:01.39 brlcad which probably means reading the source of the tk 'canvas' command to see what it's doing during Tcl_Eval
16:04.36 starseeker I'm trying to find an explicit refresh command I can invoke from this level, but the sense I'm getting is that I'm not supposed to be doing that
16:05.05 brlcad ah
16:05.28 starseeker the DoOneEvent call SHOULD work, and on X11 systems does work
16:07.32 starseeker what do you think - I'm a little leery of dumping a ton of work up front into 8.6 tcl/tk when it may or may not work - might be better to finish our parts of the tcl/tk coding using the X11 systems and then it's ready when Tcl/Tk is ready
16:11.59 brlcad mm..
16:12.10 brlcad I think I have my copy of that book somewhere around there
16:12.30 brlcad sure, get it working on X11
16:12.36 brlcad should be able to verify it works on Windows too
16:12.47 starseeker nods
16:12.51 brlcad if it works on both of those, that's a pretty safe bet that it's just some aquatk issue
16:13.14 starseeker I'll toss an email to the tcl-mac list, see if anyone has tried this type of low level stuff with Aqua 8.6
16:13.41 brlcad 34000 == working && 34120 == broken .. lil closer
16:14.06 starseeker should get 'em thinking about it, if nothing else
16:14.08 starseeker cool!
16:14.18 starseeker hopes he didn't break it...
16:16.55 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r37250 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/ (metaball/metaball_tri.c nmg/nmg_tri_mc.c): some (untested) edge solving for marching cubes
16:16.57 brlcad just goes to show, the longer a bug goes unfixed, the more expensive it is to fix it
16:17.10 ``Erik "technical debt", wee
16:17.20 ``Erik just goes to show, cron that shit :D
16:17.23 brlcad it was very likely some minor "we'll get to that later" issue
16:18.30 brlcad it's not been a matter of the test not running, cron wouldn't have helped
16:19.10 brlcad it's been running, regression suite has been failing on it since at least March 2009
16:19.41 brlcad and we've had at least a half-dozen releases since then with everyone running distcheck actively ignoring it
16:20.24 ``Erik regress isn't mentioned in the release procedure in HACKING
16:20.42 ``Erik daily emails from a cron woulda annoyed someone into fixing it back in march :D
16:20.47 brlcad distcheck runs regress
16:21.20 ``Erik starts pondering food
16:26.15 *** join/#brlcad talcite (
16:28.48 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37251 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS:
16:28.48 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: bob added support to the bot_dump command to allow combinations to be specified.
16:28.48 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: the combination is walked and all bots encountered are exported. (don't know
16:28.48 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: what it'll do with subtractions and intersects..but will probably export the
16:28.48 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: leaves as-is)
17:08.49 brlcad starseeker: is the display manager toggling stable now?
17:33.37 *** join/#brlcad talcite_ (
17:38.50 brlcad huh, sourceforge acquired ohloh last summer
17:38.54 brlcad missed that tid bit
17:39.10 brlcad migrated to infrastructure just a couple months ago
17:52.47 brlcad damnits, had the range wrong, off by 500
17:58.36 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (n=akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)
18:17.16 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
18:20.23 ``Erik pats his belly
18:20.33 brlcad shakes his fist
18:20.44 ``Erik find where starseeker broke the test yet? :D
18:21.10 brlcad not yet, still narrowing
18:21.34 ``Erik <-- did some Ren-esque fingerpointing and saying "YOUUUUUUuuuuu"
18:21.57 brlcad getting faster to update and retest the closer I get, fewer commits
18:22.58 brlcad really don't want to pick up shop and head in till I finish, though .. rather infuriating to not pinpoint it more quickly
18:23.19 ``Erik for rev in `jot 20 34000` ; do xterm -c "svn co -r$REV https://... rev$rev && cd $rev && && ..." ;d one
18:23.22 ``Erik :D
18:24.23 brlcad not quite that simple
18:25.02 brlcad some revs require .Plo file edits, others are conflicted updates or require minor edits to compile
18:25.11 ``Erik eck
18:26.26 brlcad narrowed back down to a range of 50 commits
18:31.27 starseeker brlcad: that toggling should be stable
18:31.37 starseeker if it breaks I'd like to hear about it
18:31.51 starseeker not tried on Windows, obviously
18:32.32 brlcad starseeker: reason I ask is news file
18:32.37 brlcad never got an entry
18:33.14 starseeker oh, ooops
18:33.24 starseeker want me to get it?
18:33.45 brlcad naturally :)
18:36.16 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r37252 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: Add support for runtime toggling between different display managers in MGED.
18:40.40 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
19:26.18 brlcad *drumroll*
19:28.31 brlcad starseeker: you're safe!
19:28.41 brlcad heh, it was old faithful ;)
19:29.21 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03irpguardian * r37253 10/brlcad/trunk/src/rt/view.c:
19:29.21 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: Now able to pull current working pixel, which will eventually lead to file/array
19:29.21 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: input for time graph.
19:30.38 brlcad ``Erik: you're good at whining .. and since I can't get him an e-mail...
19:31.23 brlcad using the wrong brace style, c++/c99-style comments, and should have a space after his astericks in block comments
19:38.06 ``Erik I let him know, he's fixing things up and looking into the email thing (he hadn't tried sending one to his sf account, he's forwarding it to gmail supposedly)
19:38.21 ``Erik (good at whining? why I oughta....
19:41.22 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03irpguardian * r37254 10/brlcad/trunk/src/rt/view.c: Various changes to comments / blocking style to make it more 'right'
19:52.42 ``Erik (is there anything he'd have to do special to get M-x butterfly-mode for indenting?)
19:56.10 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37255 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/ged.c:
19:56.10 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: either the math is wrong in _ged_mat_aet(), or there is some bad initialization
19:56.10 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: juju in here. don't call _ged_mat_aet() to set the rotation matrix here
19:56.10 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: otherwise we end up horking the regression test. this gets the
19:56.11 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: regression suite passing again, busted after r33883.
19:56.35 ``Erik O.O
19:56.46 ``Erik I thought you said it worked in r34000
20:03.31 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37256 10/brlcad/trunk/regress/ ( remove trailing ws
20:04.42 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37257 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/vutil.c: document that _ged_mat_aet() needs to be investigated.
20:05.59 brlcad then I later said I went the wrong way
20:06.03 brlcad off by 500
20:06.05 ``Erik oh, missed that :D
20:06.51 ``Erik irpguardian asked if you're happy now... (looks like excessive whitespace... ") {"?)
20:07.31 brlcad subdivided by 2k's, then 1k's, then 500, then .. went the wrong way all the way down to about 10 commits before realzing it
20:08.07 brlcad if i'm happy now?
20:08.18 brlcad ahh
20:08.20 ``Erik yeh, r37254, he tried fixing the stuff
20:08.54 brlcad it's better, but incomplete
20:09.41 ``Erik what's the emacs equivalent of ggvG= ?
20:09.48 ``Erik (or :%!indent)
20:10.03 brlcad M-x indent-region
20:10.14 ``Erik is there an indent-file
20:10.15 ``Erik ?
20:10.31 brlcad it uses a built-in style that are footer defines
20:10.37 ``Erik meh, region should be good 'nuff, I'll go tell him about it
20:10.43 brlcad doesn't redo braces, it's just basic indentation setup
20:11.29 starseeker getting XAllocColor and other such things being undefined when I try the 8.6 beta in aqua, but NOT when I do it with X11... see stub definitions in the macosx directory that must not be getting built... may have to platform conditionalize the, looks like the unix dir won't cut it on macosx any more in the non-X11 case
20:12.10 brlcad ``Erik: the problem is more that he's following the existing style in the file, that file hasn't been cleaned up yet
20:12.21 ``Erik ok, he's dorking with figuring out how to mark now
20:12.31 ``Erik ah, 'k, I'll tell him that
20:13.57 starseeker also wonders why it's doing -ltk8.5 when the version is 8.6... weird
20:14.19 ``Erik pointed him to the hacking file, *shrug* :)
20:17.42 starseeker idly wonders if 8.6 tk exhibits the same X11 bug on the Mac...
20:18.42 starseeker yeah, compile made it to the docs stage when using X11 - gonna have to conditinally go for macosx when doign the aqua build
20:20.52 starseeker decides - today and tomorrow get the newest stuff into the dmtogl branch, compiling or not, and do whatever can be done quickly - next week, back to creating libdm/libfb tk code
20:22.36 brlcad ctrl-space is mark
20:22.43 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37258 10/brlcad/trunk/src/rt/view.c: style cleanup. k&r brace style, eliminate space paddings, and more ws. style and comment consistency cleanup.
20:23.54 brlcad now it's clean
20:24.47 starseeker growl
20:24.48 ``Erik he's updated and going now
20:25.10 starseeker get the Tcl_WaitForEvent: CFRunLoop finished behavor even with X11 on 8.6 beta...
20:25.29 starseeker subscribes to tcl-mac
20:33.49 ``Erik wow, the tk fb works
20:36.47 ``Erik (middle and right click don't work in the tk fb)
20:36.59 starseeker no surprise
20:37.32 ``Erik just sharing my findings :) (or, "whining", according to some)
20:37.49 starseeker what's right click supposed to do?
20:38.08 ``Erik close the window
20:38.13 starseeker ah, k
20:38.16 ``Erik middle click gives you x,y,r,g,b
20:38.18 starseeker just need to add another binding
20:38.48 starseeker take a look at if_tk.c as compared to the other if_*.c files, it looks... a bit short at the moment :-P
20:39.19 ``Erik I'd hope it'd be significantly shorter than the others even when it's complete... :D TK abstracts a lot of the footwork...
20:39.31 ``Erik if_sdl.c might be even shorter still O.O
20:39.35 starseeker oh, absolutely
20:40.13 starseeker that's one of the main reasons to hope that the tk framebuffer can become the "one true MGED/Archer framebuffer" - big old code simplicifation
20:40.31 starseeker but right now there are a lot of stub functions with nothin ;-)
21:01.08 *** join/#brlcad talcite_ (
21:07.51 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r37259 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/metaball/metaball_tri.c: document the vertex/edge topology of the cube. Return the error code on failure (instead of -1)
21:24.44 starseeker uh...
21:24.59 starseeker needs an objective c compiler, apparently...
21:26.06 brlcad gcc/g++ should work on mac
21:28.06 starseeker I'm getting a trigger of #if !__OBJC__
21:29.04 starseeker weird
21:29.16 starseeker gcc does have objc support, according to gcc -v
21:29.41 brlcad if !defined(__OBJC__)
21:31.06 starseeker still triggering
21:31.15 starseeker and followed immediately by a slew of parse errors
21:31.20 starseeker in all cases
21:32.05 starseeker ah, well
21:35.08 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37260 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/gqa.c:
21:35.08 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: fix gqa crash on 64-bit linux where strsep() is not defined (due to strict
21:35.08 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: compilation, it's a bsd extension). the 32-bit int return value getting cast to
21:35.08 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: a 64-bit pointer was badness. instead rewrite the units parsing to use strtok()
21:35.09 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: since it's c89, also taking the opportunity to get rid of the unnecessary goto
21:35.11 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: logic. while we're at it, take care of fstat/fileno warnings along with a
21:35.13 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: strdup() -> bu_strdup() fix.
21:37.09 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37261 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: diagnosed and fixed a bug in 64-bit linux where strsep getting run without a prototype was causing a segfault (due to 32-bit int to 64-bit pointer conversion). observed on RHEL5.
21:37.15 ``Erik um, linux doesn't ship gobjc by default, it's an addon package for most distros
21:37.20 ``Erik same with bsd
21:37.33 starseeker is on mac
21:37.46 ``Erik but it is part of the gcc suite and the gcc frontend can point towards it with the right flags, I think :)
21:38.04 ``Erik automake should see .m and assume it needs to run gobjc instead of gcc
21:38.21 brlcad they build it in on the mac
21:38.38 brlcad some other juju is wrong
21:38.38 ``Erik shuts up and reads the scroll
21:39.12 starseeker is seeing other problems with the Make stuff - should probably diagnose that first
21:39.52 starseeker first order of business is to get committing to dmtogl - there are some and other changes to be made here
21:40.03 brlcad woo hoo, the regression suite now passes save for one false-positive on a common.h header check
21:40.09 starseeker sweeet!
21:40.14 starseeker good work brlcad
21:41.00 ``Erik the points lexer?
21:41.23 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r37262 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/metaball/metaball_tri.c: add missing curly
21:41.48 ``Erik if I do 'DISPLAY="" make regress', is it going to freak out? :)
21:41.55 brlcad ``Erik: yep
21:42.58 ``Erik (is that the last gotcha before it's cron ready?)
21:42.58 brlcad er, yep to the first, dunno about the latter
21:44.05 ``Erik hm, it seems to pass without a valid display, neat
21:44.21 ``Erik (with the display, I thought I saw the mged tk gui flash)
21:44.34 starseeker yeah, I saw that too
21:44.42 starseeker I think some of the mged commands trigger it
21:44.57 ``Erik heh, "attach"? :D
21:45.43 starseeker suppose we should break things into "gui" and "non-gui" portions, to allow for a non-gui regression that tests what it can...
21:48.52 ``Erik heh, "attach"? :D
21:48.56 ``Erik woops
22:03.18 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r37263 10/brlcad/branches/dmtogl/ (3 files in 3 dirs):
22:03.18 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: Start working on an upgrade to the way the build logic handles tcl/tk on OSX -
22:03.18 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: looking ahead to 8.6 tcl/tk and Aqua support, we can no longer pretend OSX is
22:03.18 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: unix and build the unix directory of tcl/tk - will need to use the actual macosx
22:03.18 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: directory. Also, new work on the Tk Aqua backend is being done via Cocoa rather
22:03.21 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: than Carbon, so need to reexamine what is needed for the non-X11 build flags to
22:03.23 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: tcl/tk
22:04.08 yukonbob hello, #brlcad
22:04.28 starseeker hey yukonbob
22:04.49 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r37264 10/brlcad/branches/dmtogl/ (9 files in 6 dirs): Sync dmtogl trunk to r37263.
22:04.51 starseeker this Tcl/Tk stuff is tiring :-P
22:12.02 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03irpguardian * r37265 10/brlcad/trunk/src/rt/view.c:
22:12.02 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: Moved timetable_init as so it wouldn't cause warning messages if called in
22:12.02 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: color view. Also added funtionality to timetable_init as now it stores values
22:12.02 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: into the time_table array, as well as longest time and shortest time.
22:23.07 starseeker hmm, looks like that Cocoa framework test doesn't work
22:23.17 starseeker blegh
22:26.14 starseeker supposes he shouldn't be surprised, since it was a complete takeoff of the Carbon test...
22:31.29 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03irpguardian * r37266 10/brlcad/trunk/src/rt/view.c:
22:31.29 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: Added a variable which increments whenever a new entry is added into time table,
22:31.29 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: will be used for calculating average.
22:32.15 ``Erik isn't sure which makes him more manic; rapid progress and success, or making starseekers brain hurt
22:32.37 starseeker what about success that makes my brain hurt?
22:33.41 ``Erik see, now you're just begging for a mean quip about any success making your brain hurt..
22:34.10 starseeker <snort> after this week it would be hard to argue
22:37.30 starseeker felt a few twinges when that tk framebuffer didn't behave quite right on AquaTk
22:37.37 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r37267 10/brlcad/branches/dmtogl/ See what happens with the old 8.5 tcl/tk when this build logic is used.
22:43.34 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r37268 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_tri_mc.c: start building triangles
23:19.21 starseeker what's the point of having stub library files and linkages?
23:19.34 starseeker is sure there is one, but it's making his life annoying at the moment...
23:31.55 louipc I wonder how hard it would be to make one of these in brl-cad:
23:42.25 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r37269 10/brlcad/branches/dmtogl/ Need at least one file from the unix dir for includes.
23:58.32 ``Erik puh-puh-puh-puh-pokerface *sing*
23:58.39 ``Erik (cartman style)

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