IRC log for #brlcad on 20100115

00:01.09 starseeker humph
00:01.43 starseeker funny errors when building and installing, tk framebuffer does the same thing and now the libdm tk stuff wipes out
00:03.21 starseeker so much for using the macosx dir with 8.5... plus it looks like it was something about the tcl/tk stubs that was causing the X* issues, not unix vs macosx
00:03.31 starseeker so that whole trick might be unnecessary
00:03.38 starseeker what a week
00:03.53 starseeker hopes the 8.6 code does need the trick...
00:20.30 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r37270 10/brlcad/branches/dmtogl/src/other/tk/unix/ Install script is always in the unix directory, so make sure the install rules know that.
01:12.35 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
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01:51.04 brlcad louipc: neat machining
02:50.53 poolio howdy all
02:51.49 poolio louipc: I want one of those :)
03:19.20 brlcad howdy poolio
03:21.42 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37271 10/brlcad/trunk/src/external/ProEngineer/ include the new pro/e 5 build file in the dist
03:23.03 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37272 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/ the included files have to be included in the dist too, else kablooey.
03:27.18 poolio brlcad: I'm taking a graphics class this semester :D
03:27.35 brlcad fantastic!
03:28.03 brlcad should be great, one of my favorite classes :)
03:28.44 brlcad only wish I knew what I know now about the things in BRL-CAD I could have used as a foundation for various projects we worked on
03:29.34 brlcad feel free to work on things you're learning in the repo if you care to make a working graphics tool that we don't already have ;)
03:33.42 poolio will do. Although I'm pretty sure BRL-CAD will have it all
03:33.49 *** topic/#brlcad by brlcad -> BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || #brlcad logs at || Happy Open Source Anniversary! (December 21st) || Release 7.16.4 in prep, should be posted 20100114
03:41.42 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
03:41.57 brlcad poolio: nah, there is plenty we don't have, even from an intro course -- image processing filters, software rendering, various shaders, ..
03:42.11 brlcad articulation tools
03:42.24 brlcad depends what they cover, of course
03:52.18 ``Erik the graphics course I went to was very heavy in opengl O.o but that was quite a while ago :)
03:52.32 ``Erik graphics course at the school I went to, rather
03:52.46 ``Erik I didn't actually take it, but I looked over my friends notes and assignments
03:53.22 ``Erik scrapped up a quick sorbel filter for shits and giggles, mebbe should make an fb tool to do that O.o
03:53.30 brlcad the second half of graphics, particularly the final project, is where I could have put it to good use
03:55.22 ``Erik wonders what it'd take to pimp BRL-CAD as a foundation for uni courses to use O.o
03:57.33 brlcad would probably want to demonstrate how it could be put to academic use for a given set of tasks, leaving many unimplemented -- like writing a new image filter tool, or a new shader, or a new primitive, or a new procdb, etc, showing how it can be applied to an academic setting
03:58.58 ``Erik *shrug* idle thought
04:02.40 starseeker brlcad: remind me to either disable the tk framebuffer for release or make it the non-preferred one by default - don't want to upset folk in the next release
04:03.05 brlcad okay
04:03.22 brlcad it's already not the default for mged, iirc
04:03.31 starseeker might just turn it off in trunk and fight it out in dmtogl
04:03.32 brlcad just have to make sure it's not the default for libfb
04:03.36 starseeker right
04:04.22 starseeker is gearing up for another attempt at TEA + + now that we're going to be tkhtml upstream it would REALLY be nice to get that working correctly
04:04.59 starseeker dunno how much chance of success I have, but ever since that tkpng thing I've wanted to figure out how to do that right
04:05.13 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37273 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libfb/fb_generic.c: make sure the tk interface isn't the default
04:05.24 starseeker oh, cool - thanks :-)
04:05.26 brlcad tkhtml should be easy -- just make them an automake project and we're good
04:05.33 poolio ``Erik: yeah...this course looks like it's entirely opengl foo
04:05.50 brlcad er, non-libtool
04:05.53 starseeker brlcad: right, but need to make sure the TEA path magic and whatnot is preserved
04:06.09 starseeker uh, non-libtool?
04:06.27 poolio if anyone cares, see:
04:06.28 brlcad the main problem was that they don't provide libtool archive libraries
04:06.37 brlcad if they did, we would have been golden
04:06.45 poolio ``Erik: How bout industry acceptance? :P
04:06.59 starseeker what about something like tkpng that needs to get config.cache values for things like libz from upstream?
04:07.58 starseeker doesn't know what issues togl might also introduce...
04:08.07 starseeker need a general solution
04:11.25 starseeker poolio: perfect - to learn opengl, write a new libdm display manager based on togl ;-)
04:12.38 starseeker <crickets chriping>
04:13.01 brlcad if tkpng were a libtool project, it'd just get passed the as an ldflag
04:13.10 brlcad the issue all stems from not using libtool
04:13.23 starseeker ah, so we can integrate libtool at the level?
04:13.36 brlcad via chainsaw
04:13.58 starseeker is vaguely disquieted...
04:15.17 starseeker ah, well - if it works it works, chainsawed in or not...
04:15.47 Ralith starseeker: togl?
04:16.01 starseeker Ralith: tcl/tk bindings to opengl
04:16.07 starseeker has a C and a Tcl api
04:16.15 Ralith o
04:16.21 starseeker kinda the "standard" widget anyone uses when doing opengl in tcl/tk
04:17.12 Ralith read it as "to gl" and thought someone had gotten a nice tesselator working or something
04:17.17 starseeker hehe
04:17.28 starseeker not yet, although keep an eye on ``Erik
04:17.51 starseeker togl is for once we have that tesselator (and faster wireframe rotating...)
04:18.17 poolio starseeker: heh, probably won't have the time. I'm probably just going to audit the course...really busy with research
04:18.30 starseeker poolio: cool
04:18.48 poolio but maybe in the future I'll have time :)
04:19.37 starseeker decides sleep is the better part of common sense... - night all!
04:24.41 ``Erik heh
04:24.45 ``Erik hides
04:25.12 ``Erik (industry acceptance vs uni usage is an interesting subject... very much positive feedback loops)
04:27.24 ``Erik ralith: src/librt/primtives/nmg/nmg_tri_mc.c is the beginnings of a marching cubes tesselator
04:31.49 Ralith cool
04:32.14 Ralith isn't marching cubes really bad on nonorganic shapes, though?
04:32.31 ``Erik probably
04:32.46 Ralith seems like it'd really bungle any hard edges
04:32.51 ``Erik yes
04:33.03 Ralith and probably make non-aligned flat surfaces weird
04:33.11 ``Erik but it's what I've been funded to work on, so *shrug* it's happening, and that's what starseeker was referring to :)
04:33.17 Ralith 'kay
04:33.34 Ralith I guess it doesn't have to be pretty to be a valuable modeling aid
04:33.40 ``Erik no, flat surfaces should be ok... provided the nmg decimate routine does a decent job
04:33.48 ``Erik but edges will be sloppy
04:34.09 ``Erik start seeing a sawtooth pattern, I'd imagine
04:34.18 Ralith ...oh, right, the algo interpolates
04:35.46 ``Erik possibly sometime next week, the metaball primitive will be tesselating using the algo, shooting for the task to be 'done' in april
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07:34.43 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || #brlcad logs at || Happy Open Source Anniversary! (December 21st) || Release 7.16.4 in prep, should be posted 20100114
07:44.49 Ralith ooh, near-term!
07:44.52 Ralith that will be fun to play with
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12:22.24 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || #brlcad logs at || Happy Open Source Anniversary! (December 21st) || Release 7.16.4 in prep, should be posted 20100114
13:48.47 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37274 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/ MAKEFILE_TEMPLATES is causing the .am files to get copied into the build directory for some reason.. try extradist without srcdir.
14:40.48 brlcad that seems to do the trick
14:40.54 brlcad clean distcheck, ready to go
14:44.12 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37275 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: push some items down, not clear they'll actually get addressed in the next release. obj-g stalled, shelling ignored until marching cubes is done, dbfind isn't pressing.
14:46.57 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37276 10/brlcad/trunk/BUGS: and it was even documented.. by me. sunofabitch. is now fixed, albeit by undoing the view initialization that broke it. will have to see what else falls out.
15:57.04 ``Erik the shelling fix was kinda shuffled cuz I think it'll fall out of the stuff I'm doing over the next two weeks... O.o :)
15:57.28 ``Erik and I have a feeling that I'm going to get annoyed answering questions about obj-g and just do it once I have that milestone met
17:59.54 brlcad well I'm certainly not your scapegoat this month!
18:00.17 brlcad you have samples that fail in abundance now
18:01.36 ``Erik I do? samples? huh?
18:04.12 brlcad yeah, I PM'd you links a few weeks ago
18:04.22 ``Erik ohhh, obj files
18:04.32 ``Erik I passed those along to,uh, the guy who's working on that now
18:04.52 brlcad cool
18:04.54 *** join/#brlcad talcite_ (
18:05.36 ``Erik he kept asking about a formal specification, and looking at hte more esoteric bits... I kinda crapped on his parade and kept repeating that we just need enough to make our sample set work
18:07.40 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
18:09.58 brlcad I actually have a copy of the OBJ spec somewhere
18:10.04 brlcad lemme see if I can dig it up
18:10.28 brlcad if he wants to go hog wild and implement support for everything, I wouldn't stop him
18:10.39 brlcad his OCD tendancies in that regard would be a win
18:11.08 brlcad certainly better than spending all day "training"
18:11.46 brlcad yep, there it be
18:11.50 brlcad uploaded
18:14.46 ``Erik um, I'm not int he office today, 4 day weekend, w00t :D
18:14.52 brlcad ahh, okay
18:15.01 ``Erik I think there's enough there to keep one or two ocd type folk busy for years
18:15.12 brlcad still better than "training"
18:15.15 ``Erik it's not step bad, but it goes to some nutty crap... bunches of nurbs crap, etc
18:15.31 ``Erik heh, two full days in an auditorium for 'diversity training'? zomfg, wtff?
18:18.42 ``Erik (so is this going to be the migration weekend?)
18:24.31 brlcad good idea actually
18:24.48 brlcad if I can get this release out today, that'll leave most of sun/mon for it
19:07.23 starseeker ah ha - the Apache rivet code does have a with TEA stuff in it :-)
19:07.29 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r37277 10/brlcad/branches/dmtogl/src/other/incrTcl/ (198 files in 28 dirs):
19:07.29 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: Update incrTcl to itcl-ng cvs version as of January 15, 2010. Unlike older
19:07.29 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: incrTcl trees this appears to have its own script, so removing the
19:07.29 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: logic - will have to switch BRL-CAD build logic to attempt a proper
19:07.29 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: subconfigure, as of right now this won't build.
19:07.34 starseeker woot
19:24.18 *** join/#brlcad parigaudi (
19:41.28 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r37278 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/draw.c: Fixed a typo.
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19:48.11 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37279 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/draw.c: strrchr can return null, check for it.
19:48.14 brlcad and that easily, bugs are introduced
19:48.24 brlcad "Fixed a typo."
19:57.41 *** join/#brlcad Yoshi47 (n=jan@
20:05.25 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37280 10/brlcad/trunk/ChangeLog: update Changelog in preparation for release 7.16.4
20:09.00 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r37281 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/draw.c: The previous typo fix was premature. We only need to check if the returned cp is NULL.
20:29.05 starseeker ah!
20:29.19 starseeker tcl.m4 goes in the m4 directory, not in the tclconfig directory
21:01.09 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r37282 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/bot_dump.c: Remove undesired cp increment/advancement.
21:16.03 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r37283 10/brlcad/branches/dmtogl/src/other/tkhtml3/ (20 files in 5 dirs):
21:16.03 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: Not pretending this is remotely close to correct yet, but start working on a
21:16.03 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: hybrid autotools/TEA build system for tkhtml3 using the Apache rivet work as a
21:16.03 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: guide. Does NOT work. If we can actually get it working, the *.in files can
21:16.03 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: go away.
21:21.54 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r37284 10/brlcad/branches/dmtogl/src/other/tkhtml3/src/ Ah yes, these files are now in the same directory as the
21:45.25 starseeker brlcad: do we sync to STABLE?
21:48.47 brlcad that should take us through step 5 of the release steps
21:49.27 brlcad interesting .. recent commits aren't announced yet
21:49.44 brlcad looks like last sync was r36843
21:50.24 starseeker nods
21:50.32 starseeker doing initial checkout on crit now
21:53.21 starseeker thinks sourceforge hates me today...
21:57.44 CIA-38 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37285 10/brlcad/trunk/ (6 files in 6 dirs): bump to 7.16.4 for release. looks like we're good to go.
22:08.13 starseeker will check back in a few hours and see if the STABLE checkout is ready for the merge command...
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