IRC log for #brlcad on 20100122

00:24.26 Nohla @last Nohla
00:24.37 Nohla buuuu
00:26.28 ``Erik ~seen nohla
00:26.33 ibot nohla is currently on #brlcad (1h 4m 40s). Has said a total of 2 messages. Is idling for 1m 56s, last said: 'buuuu'.
00:35.33 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
00:39.11 Nohla I wanted the last of yesterday :P
00:39.23 Nohla <PROTECTED>
00:39.34 Nohla this
00:45.05 starseeker interlay puts the wireframe under the raytrace image, but keeps the faceplate gui on top
00:45.47 starseeker To see this - check both Faceplate and Faceplate GUI under Misc in the MGED window
00:46.06 starseeker Then bring up the raytrace control panel, do a raytrace, and enable the framebuffer
00:46.32 starseeker Try switching between underlay, interlay and overlay
00:52.25 starseeker does that help?
00:52.50 Nohla yes :)
00:53.05 starseeker interlay isn't used as commonly as the other modes
00:54.16 starseeker situations where you want both a framebuffer view and the faceplate GUI are fairly rare
00:55.32 starseeker any luck getting set up for committing?
00:59.06 starseeker Nohla: if your login is fixed, committing is simple
01:00.02 Nohla login in SF?
01:01.26 starseeker yes
01:06.38 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (n=Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
01:07.23 Nohla it's done :)
01:07.30 Nohla my problem is my own notebook :(
01:07.48 Nohla it socks :P
01:08.51 Nohla starseeker when I feel ready, I'll tell you. Tomorrow I guess
01:09.03 Nohla don't wanna go to bed too late
01:09.10 starseeker no problem
01:09.33 Nohla and it ask a lot from me :)
01:09.59 starseeker is busy tonight too, no worries
02:00.43 starseeker growls... great, more corporate money dumped into the political process. Just what we needed.
02:12.06 ``Erik O.o
02:32.17 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r37386 10/brlcad/trunk/ (10 files in 6 dirs): Get the initial rigging in place for libanalyze. One function from gqa has been put in place, mainly for testing purposes - whole lot of thinking needed to do this 'right'.
02:33.37 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r37387 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/pkgconfig/ Whoops, missed a
02:35.04 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r37388 10/brlcad/trunk/include/ Darn it, make that two Makefile.ams missed.
02:35.30 ``Erik *snicker*
02:36.27 starseeker I know, I know
02:47.22 louipc haha gentoo powered guitar
02:55.16 starseeker heads home
03:01.03 Nohla starseeker are you still there?
03:01.42 Nohla buuu
03:05.57 Nohla well, is anybody out there? I've a simple question about a word.
03:06.06 louipc hi
03:06.14 Nohla louipc hi 2
03:09.42 *** join/#brlcad jesica__ (n=jesica@
03:09.53 jesica__ sorry I'm back
03:10.11 jesica__ I'm trying to translate blast command
03:10.24 jesica__ literally blast is like blow up
03:10.52 jesica__ but its function remaind me the word refresh more than explode
03:11.50 jesica__ *remind
03:12.18 louipc hmm I'm not sure what the command's name comes from
03:12.50 jesica__ blast replace both, Z and Draw command
03:12.52 louipc it reminds me more of etch-a-sketch
03:13.17 louipc you know that toy with the two dials that you draw with
03:13.32 louipc if you shake it everything is erased and you can draw again
03:14.21 jesica__ well, but it clears the grafic window and redraw the last parametres
03:14.33 jesica__ It's not the same, I think
03:14.46 brlcad hey jesica__
03:14.46 ``Erik the 'b' blast command?
03:14.51 jesica__ yes
03:14.52 brlcad B is blast
03:15.04 jesica__ ah?
03:15.07 ``Erik it sets the display list to the specified item (removing everything that used to be in it)
03:15.32 brlcad B == Z + e
03:15.38 louipc why's it called blast?
03:15.46 ``Erik cuz it's both barrels, baybee
03:15.56 brlcad Z is zap
03:16.16 jesica__ brlcad I know, but I can see why it's called blast
03:16.31 brlcad jesica__: can or cannot?
03:16.40 jesica__ can't :)
03:17.05 brlcad because it's derived from "zap" ... but does more
03:17.27 jesica__ ?
03:17.50 louipc i'll zap you with my laser cannon
03:17.52 ``Erik mostly colloquialisms... :)
03:18.02 louipc I mean blast you with my laser cannon
03:18.54 brlcad hm, que significa zap.. que es lo que pasa cuando tocas una amiga y te pasa una pequen~a electrificacion? .. en ingles, se dice que el sonido es un "zap"
03:18.54 jesica__ but blast doesn't draw again
03:19.08 brlcad "B something"
03:19.11 jesica__ tocas a una amiga???JAJAJAJA
03:19.23 jesica__ aaaah tocar de tocar!
03:19.23 brlcad no asi .. :P
03:19.23 ``Erik blast will draw only what's specified, it sets the display list
03:19.26 jesica__ XD
03:20.16 brlcad electricidad est?tica causa un sonido "zap"
03:20.39 jesica__ brlcad do you know the synonymous of blast, in spanish?
03:20.43 brlcad blast es como una explosion, mas grande :)
03:21.00 jesica__ una explosion redibuja?
03:21.05 brlcad ra'faga?
03:21.22 jesica__ busqu? su traduccion literal
03:21.46 jesica__ me confunde que sea Z y draw
03:22.13 brlcad "B algo" == "Z + e algo"
03:22.21 jesica__ sorry, we shouldn't write spanish :P
03:22.43 brlcad oh, and "e" is "draw"
03:22.49 brlcad they mean the exact same thing
03:23.03 brlcad I'm just used to the old short name
03:23.29 brlcad 'draw' is the newer name for the command, what everyone should be using
03:23.53 jesica__ The Blast command is shorthand for the combination of the Z and draw
03:23.53 jesica__ commands.
03:24.08 ``Erik if spanish improves communication to aid in translating, then why not? :) I'll just sit here and imagine you were talking about commodores and tacos :D *duck*
03:24.11 jesica__ that says the lesson
03:24.27 brlcad jesica, do you know what transparency paper is?
03:24.46 jesica__ yes
03:25.40 brlcad if you have two pieces of transparency paper, those are like the framebuffer and the graphics window .. overlay/interlay/underlay is how those two sheets interact
03:26.17 Nohla ah?...
03:26.27 brlcad overlay, the framebuffer sheet is on top; underlay, the framebuffer sheet is underneath .. and interlay is a little more complicated but they basically go through each other
03:27.20 Nohla you can see both at the same time?
03:27.28 Nohla no...
03:28.03 Nohla if they're transparencies you can with overlay and underlay too
03:28.10 Nohla doesn't it?
03:29.56 brlcad you can see both
03:30.01 brlcad until you draw on them
03:30.10 brlcad then whichever is on top will show
03:30.46 brlcad so if you are overlay and have raytraced, you will not see the wireframe.. because the raytrace is drawn to the framebuffer (which is on top)
03:31.21 brlcad if you switch it to underlay, the framebuffer will be underneath and you'll see both the wireframe and the raytrace
03:35.19 Nohla until I draw on then too
03:35.22 *** join/#brlcad Desert69 (n=Desert69@
03:36.14 Nohla brlcad we left blast :P
03:36.45 brlcad right, until you draw on the graphics window too.. but those are a LOT harder to fill :)
03:37.29 brlcad which is a pretty useless wireframe if it has that many edges :)
03:38.15 Nohla and interlay bring both views?
03:38.25 Nohla even if you draw on it?
03:39.28 Nohla buuu hard to put it in my head :P
03:39.37 brlcad interlay depends on the depth of objects in the graphics window.. it is more like a cube and the framebuffer slices through it
03:39.57 brlcad it's easier to understand when you run mged and see it in action
03:40.14 Nohla so I should
03:41.54 Nohla well, brlcad sorry if I'm boring with it
03:42.16 Nohla but I still cannot understand how blast can build a draw
03:42.33 Nohla at least, it's an explosion :)
03:46.28 brlcad Nohla: heh, you're not boring :P
03:46.44 brlcad nobody claimed that blast was a good name :)
03:47.19 brlcad technically it's just the "B" command, but it was derived from zap so it was called blast
03:47.23 louipc it sounds like it's a blast
03:47.45 brlcad very punny
03:47.48 Nohla no :)
03:47.53 Nohla I dont think that
03:48.40 Nohla blast = zap ?
03:49.55 Nohla such a pun!
03:50.46 Nohla well, I've done worse thing with marijuana :)
03:51.16 brlcad heh
03:51.55 Nohla brlcad any suggestion to translate it?
03:52.10 brlcad "sounds like it's a blast" contains a pun on blast -- there it means "sounds like it's a lot of fun"
03:52.20 Nohla just to bring and idea for some pleople who don't know a word in english
03:52.39 brlcad call it the "B" command :)
03:52.54 brlcad borrar y dibujar
03:53.10 Nohla isn't it like refresh?
03:53.16 brlcad no
03:53.27 Desert69 redraw? :)
03:53.31 Nohla it zap and write? or zap and let it ready to be drawn?
03:53.38 Desert69 (hi there! :) )
03:53.59 brlcad it's only a redraw if you B the same object(s) you were already looking at
03:54.10 brlcad but you can erase and draw anything
03:54.48 Nohla well, I'll do this: explain what B does, and since then, i'll just call it B command
03:54.50 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (n=akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)
03:54.56 Nohla do you like it?
03:55.08 brlcad sounds great
03:55.24 brlcad you could say "Borrar y dibujar"
03:55.33 brlcad that fits
03:55.54 Nohla its not the same that zap and let it ready to draw
03:56.00 Nohla isn't it?
03:56.14 brlcad no entiendo
03:56.38 Nohla it zap and write? or zap and let it ready to be drawn?
03:56.46 brlcad "B object" is exactly equal to "Z" followed by "draw object"
03:56.54 Desert69 it **do** draws every object you were looking at, right?
03:57.19 Nohla brlcad ah ok
03:57.21 brlcad no, Desert69 .. it draws whaever object(s) you list after B
03:57.30 brlcad draw a b c
03:57.31 brlcad Z
03:57.43 brlcad [that erases a b c]
03:57.48 Desert69 apsss ok... got it :)
03:57.49 Nohla loud and clear :)
03:57.49 brlcad draw a b c
03:57.58 brlcad B a d e f
03:58.09 brlcad [that erases a b c, then draws a d e f]
03:58.30 brlcad would have been the same as
03:58.33 brlcad Z
03:58.35 brlcad draw a d e f
03:58.40 brlcad instead it's just
03:58.41 brlcad B a d e f
03:59.11 brlcad minor efficiency, but pretty important when you do that hundreds of time in one day
04:00.55 Nohla brlcad I'll finish 4th and 5th tomorrow
04:01.25 Nohla and starseeker will help me and show me something he announced yesterday
04:01.59 Nohla (maybe you know what)
04:02.08 starseeker Nohla: I announced something?
04:02.40 Nohla starseeker I was not in that moment, but read it before
04:02.46 Nohla let me look for it
04:04.14 Nohla well, I don't know
04:05.17 Nohla It was something like you changed (don't know what) and will show me how to do it now
04:05.30 Nohla with that change
04:05.35 starseeker uh
04:05.54 Nohla sorry, I was too tired when I read it
04:06.05 starseeker if your sourceforge account is ready, I can walk you through doing the commit of the two new translations yourself
04:06.24 Nohla ok, we will
04:06.37 Nohla (tomorrow, you know)
04:06.41 starseeker brlcad: she does have commit access, yes?
04:06.52 starseeker to at least doc/docbook?
04:07.04 Nohla starseeker I think I do
04:07.12 starseeker ok, cool :-)
04:07.17 Nohla used it the last time
04:07.21 starseeker tomorrow then
04:07.23 starseeker crashes
04:07.55 Nohla too
04:08.41 Desert69 see ya
04:08.42 *** part/#brlcad Desert69 (n=Desert69@
04:10.50 Nohla well, brlcad thanks again
04:11.04 Nohla starseeker see you tomorrow :)
04:11.31 Nohla a great pleasure... like always
04:16.26 Nohla brlcad sorry, I'll take this for me: que significa zap.. que es lo que pasa cuando tocas una amiga y te pasa una pequen~a electrificacion? .. en ingles, se dice que el sonido es un "zap"
04:16.30 Nohla very funny :)
04:28.31 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37389 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/ add libanalyze the brlcad-config
04:31.11 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r37390 10/brlcad/branches/dmtogl/ (232 files in 66 dirs): Merge trunk into dmtogl through revision 37388.
04:34.46 *** join/#brlcad Nohla (n=jesica@
04:34.59 Nohla starseeker are you still there?
04:35.10 Nohla just 1 second
04:52.15 Nohla well, good night
06:17.49 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37391 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/nmg/nmg_tri_mc.c: and this is why strict needs to be enabled.. quell newly introduced warnings.
06:38.37 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37392 10/brlcad/trunk/regress/ clean up the other bots files too
07:16.57 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (n=akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)
07:48.26 *** join/#brlcad Phurl (
08:20.31 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37393 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/roots.c:
08:20.31 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: clear up the exact floating point comparison by converting it to a NEAR_ZERO
08:20.31 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: test, but keep the 1.0e-5 magic number on the subsequent test. still need to
08:20.31 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: figure out why it's so sensitive for the eto, but this takes care of the
08:20.31 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: comparison warning. while we're in here, (re-)increase the number of root
08:20.34 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: solver iterations to 100 from 20 to give the solver more of a fighting chance if
08:20.36 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: it is stuck in a linear search.
08:21.23 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37394 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/ re-enable strict flags for librt. let the fun continue.
08:22.06 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37395 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: the roots exact floating point comparison was requelled.
08:25.13 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37396 10/brlcad/trunk/regress/ not clear if it was intentional, but the keyword is 'shadows', not 'shadow', to turn on light shadows. fortunately, doesn't seem to mess up the test to enable them so we can quell the rt warnings.
09:23.04 *** join/#brlcad archivist (
11:52.02 d-lo Morning all!
11:52.10 d-lo Late night or early day brlcad? :)
12:29.44 d-lo hahaha:
12:30.07 d-lo has some language so it *may* be nsfw depending on where you work
14:07.20 ``Erik onion ftw
14:07.54 ``Erik that's actually fairly positive for a review of a sony product.. :D
14:28.46 starseeker watches slashdot have another go at the H264 question and idly wonders how long until the patents on it fully expire...
14:32.29 starseeker hmm, around 2025
14:34.25 starseeker figures that probably means around HTML7 or so we get good quality video as part of the spec...
15:05.14 ``Erik is html5 using 264?
15:35.26 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: 03irpguardian * r37397 10/brlcad/trunk/src/rt/ ( heatgraph.c view.c worker.c):
15:35.26 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: Major work done inside of heatgraph and worker to allow the heat-graph to be made
15:35.26 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: more accuratly. "Works" on goliath model, but dies when doing moss, due to a
15:35.26 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: "rt_shootray() bad ray" for some unknown reason.
17:52.39 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37398 10/brlcad/trunk/src/rt/ (view.c worker.c): formatting cleanup, ws, style, consistency, comments.
18:00.18 brlcad starseeker: perhaps you or bob can help this guy:
18:00.57 brlcad interactive mged editing of pipes, and get/put come to mind
18:17.35 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: 03irpguardian * r37399 10/brlcad/trunk/src/rt/ (heatgraph.c view.c worker.c):
18:17.35 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: Removed most old traces of heat graph calculations from view.
18:17.35 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: Various tweaks inside worker and heatgraph for calculations.
18:42.30 starseeker brlcad: unless I'm nuts, there is no numerical overlap between either the raytrace or ged semaphores and any of the bu semaphores
18:43.11 starseeker except RT_SEM_TREE0 = BU_SEM_LAST
18:43.33 starseeker and GED_SEM_WORKER = RT_SEM_LAST
18:44.11 starseeker all other definitions in both RT and GED just start incrementing from those initial definitions
18:48.54 ``Erik thinks irpguardian broke remrt
19:14.51 starseeker Hmm. Shark says g_qa is semaphore happy
19:40.33 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: 03irpguardian * r37400 10/brlcad/trunk/src/rt/ (heatgraph.c view.c worker.c):
19:40.33 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: Removed almost all unused heat graph elements from view, and temporarily removed timetable_free
19:40.33 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: due to it free-ing too soon.
19:40.33 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: Replaced timers in worker.c to be the default timers.
19:40.33 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: Pretty much works now on 1 cpu.
19:53.17 ``Erik nice
19:56.51 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (n=akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)
20:13.06 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r37401 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/gqa.c:
20:13.06 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: When there are debugging statements in gqa that ask for a semaphore lock, be
20:13.06 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: sure to lock ONLY if debug is enabled - was previously locking regardless,
20:13.06 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: slowing the process. This isn't all the semaphore issues, but it does help.
20:15.38 ``Erik
20:18.00 *** join/#brlcad Phurl (
20:18.27 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r37402 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libged/gqa.c:
20:18.27 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: Add a comment identifying the other major semaphore issue in the gqa code -
20:18.27 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: needs a little more study to see what the implications are of not using
20:18.27 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: semaphore's for those snippits of code and whether there is another way it can
20:18.29 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: be handled.
20:27.44 starseeker I guess I should say, last issue for overlaps
20:27.57 starseeker other code still has issues - that GED_STATS lock is murder
21:01.46 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (n=Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
21:18.24 *** join/#brlcad rafael (
21:18.41 rafael hey
21:19.00 rafael brlcad is similar to AUTOCAD ?
21:44.27 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37403 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: need to test rcodes/wcodes/edcodes, also figure out what's up with the new? tessellation failures.
21:49.18 brlcad i bet when gqa was originally written, the trace dominated
21:49.26 brlcad so you didn't see the stats contention
21:49.53 brlcad now cpus are faster, it's stumbling more to the book-keeping and locks involved there
21:51.00 ``Erik g_qa is pretty recent, though
21:51.30 brlcad 5-years "recent"
21:51.49 ``Erik was it that long ago? O.o
21:51.59 ``Erik I thought it was more like 2.5ish
21:52.19 ``Erik wow, it was 5, damn
21:52.47 ``Erik 7.4.2 O.o
21:55.58 brlcad all those bu_semaphore_acquire(GED_SEM_WORKER); are dubious..
22:02.27 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: 03irpguardian * r37404 10/brlcad/trunk/src/rt/ ( heatgraph.c view.c worker.c):
22:02.27 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: Fixed makefile to not be broken anymore
22:02.27 CIA-82 BRL-CAD: Fixed cursed malloc error in heatgraph so that it creates the pictures correctly now.
23:24.53 *** join/#brlcad Nohla (n=jesica@

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