IRC log for #brlcad on 20100123

00:32.27 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
01:05.42 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (n=akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)
01:11.58 Nohla brlcad hi
01:37.32 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (n=akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)
02:52.18 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
03:11.19 *** join/#brlcad Nohla (n=jesica@
03:22.59 Nohla brlcad holaaaaa
03:32.03 Nohla starseeker ?
03:33.08 Nohla buuu :(
03:41.43 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (n=akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)
03:52.24 starseeker howdy
03:52.52 starseeker Nohla: here now
03:57.04 ``Erik hrm, I could go for a scotch egg O.o
03:57.22 starseeker what kind of chicken lays a scotch egg?
04:00.25 ``Erik um, plovers?
04:00.35 starseeker heh
04:01.20 starseeker ponders wearing this t-shirt to a meeting someday...
04:03.18 starseeker ``Erik: I don't suppose you already own this one...
04:06.49 ``Erik heh, no, almost all my tshirts are either plain or vendor gifts
04:07.29 ``Erik hasn't bought a non-plain tshirt in over a decade :D
04:08.04 ``Erik so now I have exciting pop-culture tshirts that say stuff like "java", "google", "opengl", ... :D
04:08.25 ``Erik a few linux ones...
04:09.59 ``Erik heh, ten years ago, I was sitting in the san jose airport waiting for my flight home after visiting nvidia, wearing a redhat tshirt given to me by the guy who was the scsi guru for redhat at the time... vp of redhat stops and introduces himself and says "nice shirt" O.o crazy shit, ainnit? :D
04:10.59 starseeker there are geeks everywhere :-)
04:12.39 starseeker really should put together an xkcd favorites sheet and post it by his desk - it's kinda the geek version of Farside
04:13.11 starseeker and unlike Dilbert, stands very little chance of being understood by the Powers That Be, let alone banned
04:13.16 ``Erik yeah, everywhere, who'd have guessed you'd run across one in san jose *cough* :D this was in like '01, linux was slightly less mainstream back then :D
04:13.27 ``Erik um
04:13.48 ``Erik the 'powers that be' shove dilbert cartoons into their slides and don't realize that THEY'RE the ones with pointy hair...
04:14.09 starseeker <snort> until they finally figure it out and then ban the posting of 'em
04:14.28 ``Erik I can only think of one BC that'd be stupid enough to try that, and she's not a bc anymore :)
04:16.00 starseeker has heard tell of many such stories in many businesses
04:16.06 ``Erik (and I think it was the 'cat carrier' that actually spun her up)
04:16.51 ``Erik yeah... in a very locked down cube farm type environment, posting cartoons distrupts the sterile soul-crushing blandess and cannot be tolerated...
04:17.15 starseeker personally thinks it's time to worry when the Dilbert cartoons are replaced by gang style graphitti and anonymous threats...
04:17.19 ``Erik we're somewhere between that and a uni physics/math dept
04:17.49 starseeker if the workforce still has a sense of humor, things aren't that bad
04:17.50 ``Erik thinks new physics professors are required to completely cover the door in cartoons before they're allowed to do anything else
04:18.03 starseeker hehe
04:18.24 starseeker recalls userfriendly and Foxtrot in his undergrad physics department
04:18.46 ``Erik userfriendly? I suddenly feel old again
04:19.03 starseeker huh? why?
04:19.28 starseeker got a kick out of userfriendly, at least most of the time
04:20.16 ``Erik started college (the first time) in '95 :)
04:20.25 starseeker ah :-)
04:21.30 starseeker the physics lab prof had some of the Foxtrots with physics lab stuff, and our local sysadmin had the userfriendly (plus "Dilbert is a documentary" as #1 on the "list of things they don't teach you in school.")
04:23.05 ``Erik it's all about the striped irregular bucket, yo
04:23.41 ``Erik (not a cartoon, but definitely in the "they don't teach you at school" category)
04:24.00 starseeker is afraid to ask...
04:25.57 ``Erik progenitor of BOFH
04:27.03 ``Erik if you don't know SIB and BOFH, you don't even deserve root on your own machine...
04:27.15 starseeker oh, I know BOFH
04:29.02 starseeker SIB... not clicking
04:29.14 ``Erik same as bofh, just a bit earlier
04:29.44 starseeker ``Erik: remember, I got into the game late and started with a 386 in a world of pentiums - I was lucky to get command line, let alone internet
04:30.54 ``Erik the internet is for porn...
04:31.19 starseeker ah, the good old days... 400 floppies to get Debian and key software onto the sucker, splitting deb files using prosplitter to get them onto multiple floppies
04:31.33 starseeker couldn't label the floppies, they kept getting written over
04:31.48 starseeker my roommates were convinced I could read bits off the disks with my brain...
04:32.00 ``Erik I just didn't put the paper on the disks and wrote on the plastic with pencil
04:32.25 ``Erik could just rub yoru thumb on it a little and remove the number :)
04:32.41 ``Erik still has many slackware floppies... plus a wad of 5.25" disks
04:33.18 starseeker hunts that drink blueprint poster... where's that link...
04:33.24 ``Erik somewhere I have a cd with slackware 3 on it :D
04:33.32 ``Erik heh
04:33.37 starseeker eeek
04:33.44 ``Erik
04:34.01 starseeker saw a boxed version of Windows 1.0 in a thrift store once
04:34.14 starseeker should have bought it I suppose, but was a bit pricy for something so useless
04:34.44 ``Erik heh, got an 8086 or 8088 with win1.7 in my parents garage or attic or something
04:35.01 ``Erik I bet it's in the garage, too damn heavy to lug up
04:36.07 starseeker man that blueprint is funny - wonder if someone actually hand drew it and scanned it or if that's part of the setup
04:36.35 starseeker the one I wanted to buy but they wouldn't sell (display item) was an original boxed Visicalc
04:36.50 starseeker that was (of all things) a Half Price books store
04:37.43 ``Erik heh
04:37.58 starseeker was pretty bummed they wouldn't sell it
04:38.04 starseeker can't blame 'em though
04:38.11 ``Erik wonders how much it'd cost to get another atari...
04:38.29 ``Erik I got my first 'real' computer after burning out an atari that looked like
04:38.51 starseeker grins
04:38.57 ``Erik (the 'wood' there is just a sticker on plastic)
04:39.05 starseeker where I was, the cool kids had the first nintendo
04:39.27 ``Erik ooh, I did get to play on a famicon that a neighbor had in japan
04:39.29 starseeker had some dedicated purpose sports games that used LEDs, found at a garage sale
04:39.51 starseeker DID have an LED based space invaders, which I'm sure got tossed or destroyed
04:40.08 ``Erik managed to play nintendo before it was released in the US, w00t
04:40.12 starseeker hehe
04:40.23 starseeker loved duck hunter
04:41.17 starseeker remembers physically butchering the space invaders game so it would stop that friggin beeping every time the ships moved - not only did it waste battery power, it gave me away playing it after bedtime
04:41.43 starseeker probably tossed out my retirement in another 40 years... oh well
04:42.04 starseeker pretty much destroyed all his toys as a kid - they got played with
04:42.46 ``Erik heh, electronic toys didn't last long for me, they became 'modified' or 'spare parts' pretty quick
04:43.36 starseeker ``Erik: funny about that case design on the atari - I've always wanted to see if you could take someone who didn't know anything about whether something is a video game, controller hardware, or what, and have them guess the age of various equipment based on case design
04:43.54 starseeker atari just screams 80s to me...
04:44.08 ``Erik that puppy was '77
04:44.34 starseeker heh
04:44.43 ``Erik they ditched the fake wood in '82, according to wikipedia
04:45.43 ``Erik howzabout ? :)
04:46.38 starseeker 1985?
04:47.00 ``Erik 81, but it lives on! that's where the ARM originated
04:47.06 ``Erik (it's a BBC acorn)
04:47.09 starseeker cool
04:47.32 starseeker it's almost as old as I am
04:48.36 starseeker Ah, this is the keyboard I want for using Emacs...
04:49.14 starseeker thinks he might actually have prompted the posting of those images years ago, when he complained in some forum he couldn't find any pictures of the legendary space cadet keyboard...
04:50.09 starseeker I see wikipedia has one now
04:50.45 ``Erik needs shift lock, control lock, and meta lock that feed emacs correctly O.o :D
04:51.30 ``Erik I use escape as my metalock right now heh
04:52.29 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (n=ralith@
04:52.43 starseeker has always wondered why someone doesn't produce a few "modern" space cadet keyboards in the old "go ahead, run a tank over it" construction style - apparently the real original generations of these keyboard types were even tougher than the IBM Model M
04:53.29 starseeker considers his Model M one of the best gifts ever from a university sysadmin with a big pile of discard hardware...
04:54.40 starseeker apparently the mice from that era were also metal construction and incredibly durable, but I've never seen one of those
05:00.55 ``Erik I d'no, I had an early 80's mouse for my c64, it was pretty crappy
05:01.37 starseeker thinks it was the early "$100,000 in 1980 dollars" Lisp machines that got the overengineered hardware
05:03.03 ``Erik heh, symbolics and lisp machines?
05:03.30 starseeker yeah, and even befor symbolics apparently MIT had some "prototype" stuff
05:04.01 ``Erik um, both those companies came out of MIT, no?
05:04.15 starseeker I believe so
05:04.30 starseeker symbolics yes
05:04.31 ``Erik "you're doing it wrong" "no, YOU'RE doing it wrong" "oh yeah? well, I'm gonna make a company to prove how wrong you are" "nut uh, *I'M* going to make a company to prove how wrong YOU are"
05:04.35 ``Erik something like that
05:05.07 starseeker And amusingly enough the most lasting result of all of that was they ticked off Stallman
05:05.42 ``Erik lisp machines was '79 by greenblat from MIT, noftsker decided greenblat was a retard and started symbolics
05:06.24 starseeker was pretty cool when I was writing up the Maxima history in college and I realized that the macsyma code it was part of that whole thing
05:06.45 starseeker ``Erik: I think it's the lisp machines code that's up on google, right?
05:07.03 ``Erik not sure, didn't really dig too hard
05:07.18 starseeker ah yeah, the kmachine
05:07.34 ``Erik spent more time looking at the old source for lisp1 on the ibm 704
05:07.44 starseeker oh, here's the keyboard from the MIT machine:
05:07.51 ``Erik and pdp1
05:08.47 ``Erik ehehe
05:08.51 starseeker ah yeah - still not quite clear to me how he wound up able to release the code, but neat that he did:
05:09.17 ``Erik oh shit, this one hurts
05:09.44 starseeker winces
05:09.45 ``Erik make look nice O.o
05:11.34 starseeker ``Erik: you know, it's kinda funny thinking about it - right now I have on my computer copies of the MIT CADR lisp machine code and the LM code for at least some of their designs - probably, at the right point in history, worth hundreds of thousands of dollars or more
05:11.42 ``Erik doesn't remember a lot about the coleco adam... remembers cp/m used "cat" instead of "ls" or "dir", ummm
05:11.48 starseeker now it's a free web download
05:11.59 starseeker cat instead of ls? eep
05:12.13 ``Erik for catalog
05:12.20 starseeker ah
05:12.28 ``Erik makes more sense than dir, if'n ya ask me
05:12.53 ``Erik qdos was a bad cp/m immitation, and that was rebranded as ms-dos 1.01
05:12.58 ``Erik s/mm/m/
05:13.16 starseeker <snort> sounds about right
05:13.55 ``Erik heh, it is :D ya gonna make me dig up history links to prove it? O.o
05:14.15 starseeker no, I mean MS starting out by crappily copying something else
05:14.45 ``Erik 'cept ms didn't copy back then
05:15.14 ``Erik someone else did the copying, ms bought it for a flat fee
05:15.18 ``Erik for something like 50k
05:15.42 ``Erik here we go
05:15.44 starseeker oh, so they graduated to copying things, up from buying someone elses copy?
05:17.28 ``Erik (was a movie that went into gorey detail, uh, pirates of silicon valley or something?)
05:17.43 starseeker has heard of it - should watch it
05:18.00 starseeker not that it matters, I'll never play at those levels
05:19.59 ``Erik it's ancient history that's modern enough to have documented facts plus living memory :D
05:20.22 starseeker hehe - just goes to prove time is relative
05:20.49 starseeker Nohla: We'll have to try again later - I'm gonna crash pretty quick here
05:20.57 starseeker is getting old, apparently...
05:22.31 ``Erik heh
05:58.30 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (n=akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)
10:20.04 *** part/#brlcad Phurl (
12:16.29 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
14:47.20 Nohla starseeker bueeenaaaaas
19:38.31 Nohla 5 hours later....
19:38.37 Nohla holas!
21:11.57 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (n=Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
21:12.18 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (n=Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
21:38.15 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedyII (
22:26.53 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (

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