IRC log for #brlcad on 20100125

00:04.02 jesica__ ``Erik where are starseeker and brlcad?
00:04.55 ``Erik dunno, busy I guess
00:05.02 jesica__ :P
00:05.51 jesica__ drinking together :)
00:06.01 ``Erik heh, nah
00:06.23 ``Erik brlcad may be on a trip, I vagually recall hearing him say he wouldn't be at the office on monday
00:08.01 jesica__ or sleeping together o.O
00:08.16 ``Erik :o I doubt starseekers gf would approve O.o :D
00:08.37 jesica__ hahaha, and brlcad would?
00:08.45 ``Erik <-- doesn't know
00:09.08 ``Erik he is awfully... metro O.o :D *duck*
00:09.37 jesica__ poor brlcad, he's not here and we talking abou his privacy
00:09.39 jesica__ :P
00:09.49 ``Erik he'll read the backlog :)
00:11.00 jesica__ eeeh, we're just kidding :)
00:11.28 jesica__ hahaha, you see? we're laughing
00:13.21 ``Erik dang cat O.o gets too happy and forgets I don't like pointy bits
00:14.58 jesica__ dang cat? pointy bits?
00:15.31 ``Erik 'dang' is like 'damn', and I just got a few holes put in me from happy cat kneeding
00:16.52 jesica__ wow, I could misunderstand what you mean :P
00:17.16 jesica__ happy cat kneeding? haha
00:17.29 jesica__ holes?
00:17.38 jesica__ funny of you :P
04:43.43 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (n=akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)
05:06.30 starseeker ``Erik: here's a test case for the obj-g stuff:
05:19.33 Nohla starseeker hola!
05:19.38 starseeker howdy :-)
05:19.44 starseeker sorry I haven't been around
05:26.58 Nohla saw :)
05:27.09 Nohla I was just going to sleep
05:27.16 starseeker ah
05:27.23 Nohla tomorrow, up too early for me
05:27.29 starseeker nods
05:27.36 starseeker yeah, I need to be heading that way myself
05:28.06 starseeker Nohla: what I can do is email you a step-by-step example of committing a file
05:28.18 Nohla excelent
05:28.35 starseeker should be able to take care of that tomorrow
05:28.45 Nohla I've tryed by the traditional way, but think somehing change
05:28.50 Nohla doesn't it?
05:29.06 starseeker hmm? You tried to commit and it didn't work?
05:29.10 starseeker what was the error?
05:29.16 Nohla can update, but not to bring my changes
05:29.35 starseeker you tried with svn add and svn commit ?
05:29.37 Nohla don't make me try right now
05:29.40 starseeker sure
05:29.58 Nohla you know I can't leave it if I start with it :)
05:29.59 starseeker I'll send you what we do to commit (standard subversion commands, nothing fancy) and see if it works
05:30.03 starseeker nods
05:30.32 starseeker ok, night!
05:30.58 Nohla idem :)
05:31.33 Nohla and thanks for your effort XD
05:39.05 starseeker tries compiling sisl out of curiosity on Linux and finds to his surprise it works virtually out of the box
05:40.58 starseeker hah. Go gentoo science overlay
05:41.10 starseeker finally has a compiled example of FreeCAD running
05:56.06 starseeker and holy *bleep*, it actually loaded openbook part D step successfully
05:56.09 starseeker
05:56.36 starseeker (sorry for being off topic by talking FreeCAD, but wow that's not bad.)
06:10.44 starseeker hah - needed some cleanup (interestingly, shows the same artifacts the BRL-CAD 3dm-g process exhibits) but FreeCAD successfully loaded the openmoko phone step file.
06:19.13 starseeker looks over the sisl feature list in the manual in awe...
06:21.07 starseeker auugh, why does this have to be GPL...
09:46.33 *** part/#brlcad Nohla (n=jesica@
11:39.14 Ralith ooh, shiny
11:39.35 Ralith how's the BRL-CAD surface stuff going?
11:40.16 Ralith last I remember seeing was some curvy mged wireframes and raytraces missing most parts
12:28.56 *** join/#brlcad Yoshi47 (n=jan@
12:38.14 Yoshi47 how goes the programming! anything interesting lately?
12:56.57 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
13:36.20 starseeker Ralith: we've got pretty good raytracing going now
13:36.36 starseeker working on import of STEP at the moment
13:43.10 Ralith cool
13:51.11 starseeker hmm - libedit fork
16:31.38 *** join/#brlcad parigaudi (
17:40.32 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (n=akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)
17:53.15 *** join/#brlcad Yoshi47 (n=jan@
18:33.22 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:33.22 *** join/#brlcad poolio (n=poolio@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
18:45.58 brlcad starseeker: interesting pictures
18:46.51 brlcad note that most of the work-horse taking the load there is opencascade, not freecad itself; it's basically just those gui components that espose what the engine can do and visualize what's loaded
18:47.19 brlcad nice to see it load up, though .. we should at least load up everything too :)
18:48.07 brlcad Ralith: that's a bit dated, NURBS/BREP raytracing and representation is pretty much complete (or at least good enough for most production uses)
18:48.15 brlcad a bit dated knowledge, that is
18:48.30 brlcad hi Yoshi47, always interesting stuff going on :)
18:48.37 Yoshi47 nice
18:49.25 brlcad the most useful is probably step coming to fruition, but still a couple months of work to go there
18:49.43 brlcad getting strict compilation going was exciting for me, but probably not so much for others :)
18:50.15 brlcad progress on documentation has been fantastic with the docbook work and translations
18:52.42 *** mode/#brlcad [+o brlcad] by ChanServ
18:59.42 *** join/#brlcad parigaudi (
19:34.01 starseeker brlcad: just curious - did you ever commit the root solver parameters fix?
20:16.17 brlcad
20:16.26 brlcad starseeker: not yet
20:20.44 starseeker hmm - have to check out imgv
20:20.54 starseeker has looked for a program to replace xv for years...
20:26.30 brlcad heh, this is a really nice diagram
20:26.31 brlcad
20:26.47 brlcad maybe help explains things
20:27.01 brlcad or at least more detail on what comes from what
20:27.09 starseeker that is nice
20:28.16 brlcad starseeker: that's exactly the vertical flow diagram I was envisioning
20:28.22 starseeker nods
20:28.44 starseeker haven't had much time to play with dia yet, but it's on the list
20:28.56 brlcad I might take a stab
20:29.08 starseeker that'd be better, of course :-)
20:29.47 brlcad that autotool diagram would be good to keep somewhere, hmm
20:29.51 brlcad shoves it into tmp/ for now
20:30.50 brlcad for reference later
20:32.47 starseeker brlcad: what ever came of the idea to have GSL as a compile time option for root solving? Is that still something that's of interest?
20:38.40 brlcad it's interesting .. just not clear how useful
20:39.01 brlcad from my quick tests of the patch, GSL fails to converge on a lot more roots than we do
20:39.39 brlcad don't know if that would be a net gain or not
20:41.18 starseeker brlcad: hmm
20:41.23 starseeker yeah, that might not be worth it then
20:42.16 starseeker brlcad: would it be conceivable to have sisl be a compile time option in order to use some of its routines as a "crutch" until we get the equilivents implemented?
20:53.32 ``Erik huzzah, computer working again O.o
20:57.45 brlcad just a sec..
21:29.37 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (n=Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
22:05.05 starseeker eyes rt_shoot_many_rays
22:08.04 starseeker not quite...
23:36.15 *** join/#brlcad louipc (n=louipc@archlinux/trusteduser/louipc)
23:59.58 ``Erik O.o

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