IRC log for #brlcad on 20100130

00:28.22 brlcad woot, got feature requests down from 60-something (maybe 62) to now 56
00:41.24 ``Erik aheh
00:43.10 ``Erik my tree seems to mostly want to stand up now, I wonder if it was just water weight combined with the wind that was making it flop without actually having anything broken
01:04.08 starseeker ``Erik: that's... freaky looking
01:04.16 starseeker got the triangles in, huh?
01:04.34 brlcad so you're saying you have a woody eh? one that usually flops around? glad to hear you got it taken care of.
01:05.07 brlcad hasn't even started drinking
01:05.13 starseeker hehe
01:05.34 ``Erik heh, yeah, busted wood, won't stand up by itself.
01:06.13 starseeker ``Erik: how come the "on, off" pattern on the metaballs? I can see where the pattern came from but wouldn't it still be solid?
01:06.14 ``Erik hopefully the tree survives, both because I like trees and I don't want to pay to have it removed
01:06.20 ``Erik winding
01:06.34 ``Erik they're being thrown into nmg unoriented, but when converted to bot, it thinks they're CCW
01:06.37 ``Erik I assume...
01:06.48 starseeker hmmm
01:10.18 ``Erik the winding SHOULD be decidable from the table, not sure if I need to 'fix' the table to do it though
01:10.49 ``Erik I'll convert something with far less accuracy so the triangles are blatantly obvious next week
01:11.08 starseeker nods
01:12.21 starseeker hunts for converting trimmed to untrimmed NURBS
01:19.09 starseeker and... gets a lot of tessellation links describing techniques for dealing with both trimmed and untrimmed...
01:22.37 starseeker brlcad: mind sending me the link you had in mind for how to do that conversion?
02:02.47 ``Erik eh? 1698494 is a duplicate of 1698494?
02:50.54 *** join/#brlcad d-lo_ (n=claymore@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
02:50.55 *** join/#brlcad cosurgi ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:51.11 *** join/#brlcad PhurlIpv4 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:51.25 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (n=Stattrav@
04:40.06 starseeker Ooo -
04:41.11 starseeker
04:42.12 starseeker better and better - source code, with what appears to be BSD license:
04:43.12 starseeker ``Erik: dunno if that's of any help...
06:48.41 *** join/#brlcad s34n (
06:50.18 s34n the topic says release 7.16.4 is in prep
06:50.27 s34n the website says it is released
06:51.01 s34n the downloads page is still at 7.12.2
06:53.21 s34n hmmm... I see Windows stuff only
06:53.37 s34n no unix stuff
06:53.44 s34n for the latest releases

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