IRC log for #brlcad on 20100208

00:39.08 ``Erik
07:08.57 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
07:50.13 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r37584 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc/Dll/: updated list of files to ignore in subversion
07:51.46 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03d_rossberg * r37585 10/rt^3/tags/rel-7-16-6/: tag the C++ core interface with the corresponding BRL-CAD version (i.e. 7.16.6)
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12:04.08 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03indianlarry * r37586 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/step/PullbackCurve.cpp: Added full namespace reference to several template classes from "std::" and "TNT::" libraries.
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13:54.02 d-lo mernin all
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15:03.52 ``Erik note to self; make sure old system libraries still aren't being linked to before deleting them.
15:04.03 d-lo doh!
15:04.04 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r37587 10/rt^3/trunk/src/adminpanel/ (ACPMainWindow.cxx ACPMainWindow.h): Add in ACPMainWindow class. Subclass of basic QWidget.
15:07.14 ``Erik makes for an interesting puzzle to get it back up without losing remote access, though... was damn lucky I forgot to logout when I left thursday :D
15:07.53 d-lo lol
17:07.20 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r37588 10/rt^3/trunk/src/adminpanel/ (ACPChatterBox.cxx ACPChatterBox.h): Add in ACPChatterBox for network chatter display. Subclass of QTableView.
17:09.31 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03indianlarry * r37589 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/step/ (log message trimmed)
17:09.52 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: Removed "noinst" library build and reverted back to linking in objects directly.
17:09.53 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 'step-g' uses initialization of static class variables to self register AP203
17:09.53 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: classes to an object factory without the need to list every new class in an
17:09.53 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: explicit registration routine. Linking across a static library was causing
17:09.53 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: objects to be dropped if they weren't somehow referenced from "main" and
17:09.54 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: therefore wouldn't get initialized. Shared libraries work better in this regard
17:27.33 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r37590 10/rt^3/trunk/src/adminpanel/: Modify svn:ignore.
17:28.54 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r37591 10/rt^3/trunk/src/ (7 files in 4 dirs): Work on barebones GS Admin panel app.
17:55.58 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r37592 10/rt^3/trunk/src/adminpanel/ (5 files): Add file footers.
17:56.50 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r37593 10/rt^3/trunk/src/adminpanel/ (CommandFactory.cxx CommandFactory.h): Stub in basic CommandFactory
17:59.20 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r37594 10/rt^3/trunk/src/adminpanel/ (6 files): Drop antiquated classes. Update to CmakeLists.txt
18:22.34 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r37595 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: metaball tesselation
18:29.54 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r37596 10/rt^3/trunk/src/adminpanel/Commands/: Add Commands dir.
18:36.34 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r37597 10/rt^3/trunk/src/adminpanel/ (CommandFactory.cxx CommandFactory.h): Should return AbstractJobs not AbstractNetMsgs
18:37.52 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r37598 10/rt^3/trunk/src/adminpanel/ (3 files in 2 dirs): Stub in UnknownCommand
18:50.54 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r37599 10/rt^3/trunk/ (254 files in 41 dirs): 2009 to 2010 licensing verbage change.
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19:07.59 starseeker watches a Honda Accord attempt the street in front of his house and not do too well
19:09.35 d-lo So go get a beer, stand in your driveway, point and laugh.
19:09.40 d-lo Its the American way!
19:13.24 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r37600 10/rt^3/trunk/src/adminpanel/ (6 files in 2 dirs): Stub in AbstractCommand (Subclass of AbstractJob). Make UnknownCommand subclass from AbstractCommand instead of AbstractJob.
19:20.56 ``Erik dang whiners, learn to drive in snow O.o I managed my summer tire glad thingie through over a mile of snow before seeing any asphalt O.o :D
19:28.21 d-lo had fun in the snow :) go go gadget Jeep
19:35.39 ``Erik heh, 4wd, right?
19:36.53 ``Erik watching one jacked up offroad 4wd truck throwing snow all over dragging another 4wd truck out of the snow (in the main driving path) yesterday... fun stuff
19:38.48 d-lo lol, actually, its only a FWD jeep. Just has a CVT and variable traction control. :) A little bit of driving know-how >> 4WD most of the time, as you know :)
19:39.34 ``Erik yeh, most people are worse off in bad tractions with 4wd than if they were in fwd
19:40.00 ``Erik the notion that yeah, it's slightly better at getting you started moving seems to make folk think that it's better at turning or stopping, too...
19:40.17 d-lo I was seriously considering getting rid of the Jeep for something more realistic... till I started playing with the CVT. 7 speed autostick is hella fun.
19:41.13 ``Erik (if it's 7spd, that means it's not really cvt, right?)
19:41.29 d-lo okay, 7 'preset positions' on the cvt
19:41.45 d-lo it varies the gearing +/- from the preset when in automatic.
19:41.52 ``Erik ah :D
19:42.02 d-lo it really is too much fun.
19:42.21 ``Erik now is it a combination of regular gears witha cvt dealie to float it, too?
19:42.51 ``Erik <-- kinda thought the big point of a cvt was that the motor kept a constant speed to maximize output/efficiency
19:43.11 d-lo dunno about that, I can go from 15-60 and keep the tach at 2k and never hear/feel a shift, so I believe its a pure CVT
19:43.31 ``Erik neat
19:43.47 ``Erik so you just volunteered yourself to drive to lunch some day to show that off. :>
19:43.52 d-lo lol
19:44.01 d-lo once the budget allows!
19:44.11 ``Erik sell the wife and kids! :D
19:44.27 d-lo lol, not the wife, she has uses!
19:44.39 d-lo Put the kids to work, imho.
19:44.55 d-lo "What? 6 years old and no job? What the hell!?"
19:51.24 ``Erik huh, sf has added an 'export control' restriction O.o
19:51.45 ``Erik (a project admin controllable one, anyways, instead of blanket blocking)
19:56.24 d-lo what fer?
19:57.11 ``Erik they'd blanket blocked countries on the US access control list a bit ago, y'know, iran, nk, the usual... there was noise, so now there's a knob for project admins, wiht it defaulting to the most restricted
19:57.34 ``Erik so wrong...
19:57.41 ``Erik work safe, but ... so wrong
19:57.43 d-lo ah, and that is cohesive iwth all thems US regulations and stuff?
19:57.48 ``Erik yeh
19:58.03 ``Erik well *shrug* dunno, it's something, more than they used to have... probably 'nuff to keep 'em safe
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20:02.32 d-lo Is it leagal for a girl that young to be talking about that on tv?
20:02.38 d-lo lol, legal even.
20:03.07 ``Erik dunno when the ad was done, but she's 18 now according to her wikipedia page
20:03.19 d-lo eStalking 4tw eh? :P
20:03.27 ``Erik
20:06.07 ``Erik heh, nice. reminds me of a graph about how 'family friendly' disney is over time O.o
20:06.36 ``Erik
20:07.42 d-lo nice.
20:12.18 starseeker staggers in - driveway shoveled
20:12.29 starseeker just in time for the next round
20:12.47 starseeker 10-20 inches starting tomorrow afternoon... I hope that's a mistake...
20:13.32 ``Erik sweet, so when I need to get somewhere, I can just call you up to shovel for me?
20:13.50 d-lo Nope, that's Murphey standing at the end of your drive way, laughing at you.
20:15.59 starseeker doesn't know if his back and arms are up to any more shoveling
20:16.26 starseeker man, of all the weeks for my machine to die...
20:16.30 d-lo Well, you *could* ensure the snowstorm misses us by running out and purchasing a snow thrower :)
20:16.35 starseeker <snort>
20:16.41 starseeker you think any are left?
20:16.47 starseeker is sorely tempted
20:16.54 starseeker (literally)
20:17.44 d-lo ba-doom-ching!
20:19.15 starseeker looks like decent ones are in the $1000 range
20:19.30 starseeker ouch
20:19.43 starseeker didn't want to have to replace his computer, nevermind add that on...
20:20.11 ``Erik by what definition of 'decent'?
20:20.31 starseeker consumer reports recommended
20:20.48 starseeker isn't sure what consitutes a "long" driveway but imagines he probably qualifies
20:21.06 ``Erik huh, those're pretty pricey, lookin at home despot's selection
20:23.30 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r37601 10/rt^3/trunk/src/adminpanel/ (4 files in 2 dirs): More Admin panel work.
20:24.04 ``Erik might as well look at a beat up old truck at that point :D
20:24.19 starseeker nods - 'cept can't store that outta the snow
20:26.10 starseeker is gonna have to join the stampeed to the stores tomorrow morning...
20:26.10 starseeker sigh
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20:26.23 starseeker assuming grocery stores have anything left...
20:26.44 starseeker did y'all make it i?
20:26.47 starseeker er in?
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20:27.12 ``Erik there're a few of us here, yeh... d-lo, indianlarry, ...
20:27.26 starseeker did Bob dig himself out?
20:27.32 ``Erik haven't seen him
20:27.42 starseeker feels a little better :-)
20:28.15 ``Erik wish I had a working camera :/
20:28.23 starseeker hmm?
20:28.27 ``Erik I'll mock bob plenty next I see him.
20:28.31 starseeker hehe
20:29.59 ``Erik <-- taking leave for the rest of the week, though... has plenty of frozen food, needs to pick up milk and beer... O.o
20:31.09 ``Erik mebbe I'll get my arm machine in place as my new server O.o
20:34.40 starseeker what's the best way to get gcc on a mac? Macports?
20:37.03 starseeker or darwinports?
20:37.06 ``Erik install Xcode?
20:37.29 starseeker is a little leary of the "ADC" account thing... hate to have to sign up for stuff to get software
20:37.49 ``Erik iirc, darwinports IS macports... the other is 'fink', and you NEED xcode to use either
20:37.50 starseeker particuarly when they want my address
20:37.55 starseeker crud
20:38.04 ``Erik they haven't spammed me *shrug*
20:38.09 starseeker OK
20:38.27 starseeker doesn't have much choice if he's going to work from home until his new PC shows up
20:38.54 d-lo old one died?
20:39.32 ``Erik ya doing something where you could ssh into crit or something?
20:40.35 ``Erik hrmmm
20:40.50 ``Erik mebbe you can get macports to do it right with the -b flag
20:41.31 ``Erik might have to do some hunting and set up the config file a bit before that works, though
20:44.40 starseeker downloaded XCode
20:44.48 starseeker or I shoudl say, is downloading
20:45.01 starseeker d-lo: yeah, heard this buzz coming from the speakers - CPU fan failure
20:45.44 starseeker might conceivably have been able to repair it, but it was using old technology when it was new so finding appropriate parts to replace it is problematic
20:46.02 starseeker and probably about as expensive as a new low-end system in the end, when you count time spent
20:46.50 starseeker also, if the heat created any other subtle problems when the fan failed, gentoo is sure to trip 'em up
20:47.02 d-lo I am facing the same thing. Still running an AthlonXP 1.8GHz single core :/
20:47.18 starseeker once had a stick of ram that ran all night with memcheck and only showed two or three errors, and gentoo install barfed immediately
20:47.19 d-lo replacement for it is on par with a QuadCore PhenomII lol
20:47.26 starseeker d-lo: hehe
20:47.34 d-lo well, I am outie. lata
20:47.40 starseeker yeah, I cheaped out
20:47.42 starseeker later
20:47.50 starseeker will still have dual core
20:53.05 ``Erik fear my badass 650mhz p3 with 256m ram.
20:54.52 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r37602 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/ (4 files in 2 dirs): solve normals for edge hits and pass them to the cube realizer
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