IRC log for #brlcad on 20100210

00:32.23 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (~ralith@
01:13.57 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (~ralith@
01:14.58 starseeker makes it home intact, but his car's front bumper does not
01:22.38 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 0324.58.23.82 07 * r2186 10/wiki/Compiling: /* Library dependencies */
01:39.03 ``Erik :(
01:39.24 starseeker turns out you need at least some traction when making right turns
01:39.26 ``Erik run up against a snow bank?
01:39.28 starseeker yep
01:39.30 ``Erik heh
01:39.58 ``Erik I was just out with the neighbors observng the snowfall O.o
01:40.03 starseeker is NOT happy, but at least I didn't hurt myself
01:40.19 starseeker and the car made it home
01:40.53 ``Erik just the lower dam? called insurance yet?
01:40.59 starseeker called insurance
01:41.23 starseeker doesn't look like the hood is deformed, but of course I haven't had a good look
01:41.45 ``Erik is glad he stayed home O.o
01:41.50 starseeker all I know for sure is that the bumper is cracked pretty good, and loose on the left side right below the headlight
01:42.16 starseeker oh, and the license plate is skewed and some kind of rubber thing is dangling
01:42.29 ``Erik yeesh
01:42.35 starseeker ``Erik: go ahead and make fun of my winter driving...
01:42.40 ``Erik hit the snow pretty good then
01:42.55 starseeker yeah - it was one of the frozen banks, plowed up
01:42.58 starseeker so nice and dense
01:43.02 ``Erik nah, I'll make fun of ya for attempting it, but...
01:43.24 ``Erik snow driving is a skill
01:43.48 ``Erik I'm a pathetic amatuer, most are completely untrained
01:44.11 starseeker I should have left earlier, it got worse as I headed west
01:44.36 ``Erik you're home safe, so tha'ts what matters
01:44.42 starseeker dunno what insurance will do - find out over the next few days I suppose
01:44.46 starseeker nods
01:44.55 starseeker yeah, coulda been a lot worse
01:45.14 starseeker has never delt with insurance co before
01:45.33 ``Erik well, never admit anything that might constitute fault
01:45.57 starseeker you mean when there are two parties involved?
01:46.04 ``Erik always keep in mind, they are a legal entity interested in maximising profit
01:46.10 starseeker nods
01:46.13 ``Erik act of nature, whatever
01:46.20 ``Erik just understand what they are
01:46.35 starseeker figured one part accident, only one party to blame..
01:46.46 ``Erik the rep's you talk to will probably be compassionate concerned people who want to make sure you're ok, but the company ...
01:46.55 starseeker yeah
01:47.29 starseeker is hopeful that, if it's just the bumper, it could be fairly straightforward
01:47.36 ``Erik if'n ya feel at all physically affected, go to the hospital for their sign-off... insurance should cover it without hesitation
01:47.54 ``Erik when I rolled the car, I went a few days later, they gave me xrays and mri's, insurance covered
01:48.00 starseeker nods - fortunately, it wasn't that hard or fast
01:48.18 ``Erik just sayin' better safe than sorry
01:48.20 starseeker If it had been softer snow, I might not have crunched the bumper like that
01:48.47 starseeker friggin ice blocks
01:49.24 ``Erik well, hopefully it is just replacing a $400 piece of plastic :)
01:49.29 starseeker if I do feel anything I will, but frankly I've gotten worse jolts from bad amusement park rides
01:49.47 starseeker or a skilled brown belt in karate ;-)
01:49.54 starseeker yeah, that'd be nice
01:49.54 ``Erik heh
01:50.16 ``Erik but yeh, road conditions are poor...
01:50.28 ``Erik guess bob decided to drive on by, he didn't stop by
01:50.46 ``Erik and it looks like it's gonna snow all night
01:50.55 starseeker I can't blame him
01:50.57 starseeker it's bad
01:51.02 ``Erik me, either
01:51.22 starseeker I crawled home at about 5mph and barely had control
01:51.23 ``Erik glad I stayed home :)
01:51.33 ``Erik apparently you didn't have control.
01:51.40 starseeker I mean after that
01:51.48 ``Erik yeh
01:52.09 ``Erik after mondays adventures, I decided it just waren't worth it
01:52.44 ``Erik like nikki said, is how much you make a day more than the deductable?
01:53.02 starseeker <snort> or more to the point, the increased premiums
01:53.21 ``Erik aypu
01:53.56 starseeker bets they'll be flooded with similar stuff
01:53.57 ``Erik has increased his premiums enough, needs to let things settle a bit O.o
01:54.10 starseeker how long does it take for them to settle back down?
01:54.27 ``Erik 3 or 5 years for most companies
01:54.34 starseeker nods
01:55.00 starseeker ponders getting snow tires for winter...
01:55.12 ``Erik I'm sure my company hates me, I'm "ahead of the game"
01:55.38 ``Erik yeh, was pondering either buying small rims and winter tires for my car or a truck
01:55.59 ``Erik she's hiding in a paper bag. O.o
01:56.09 starseeker hehe
02:01.08 ``Erik do ya get much vacation? this kinda struck me as a mandatory set...
02:01.49 ``Erik also; I feel compelled to point out at work that you wrecked on a/s tires next to me where I have summer tires... :D
02:01.57 ``Erik YOU VINDICATE ME!!!#~!@!~
02:03.52 starseeker heh
02:04.29 starseeker if this week is a vacation it's the suckiest on my record
02:05.28 ``Erik I d'no
02:05.47 ``Erik I argue for my job to be margaritas in tahiti... so chillin' in the snow ... might coun?
02:05.50 ``Erik count
02:06.03 starseeker letsee... PC died just as the first big storm rolls in, shoveled a ton of snow to get out over two days, just so I could mess up my car's bumper cover...
02:06.28 starseeker and oh, just for more fun, another huge shoveling job coming up...
02:06.53 starseeker no mail moving so the replacement PC won't be here for a while
02:07.00 ``Erik dude, stay home, relax, play video games or whatever
02:07.05 starseeker heh
02:07.10 ``Erik the world will not end if you don't commit tomorrow
02:07.14 ``Erik no matter what brlcad claims
02:07.18 starseeker lol
02:07.39 starseeker yeah, I'm not trying to go in tomorrow
02:08.11 ``Erik srsly, ain't no software worth risking life and limb
02:08.17 ``Erik no job for that matter
02:08.20 starseeker nods
02:08.36 starseeker my first experience with this type of driving - teaches respect for the weather
02:09.01 ``Erik yehhhhhh, we need to teach you about driving.
02:09.25 starseeker 1) get tires with good traction in snow 2) don't
02:12.19 ``Erik driving in snow with good snow tires is quite different than driving on asphalt with street tires...
02:12.47 starseeker yeah, but it's gotta be easier than driving in snow with smooth street tires
02:13.01 ``Erik heh, marginally
02:13.06 starseeker (my tires were coming up for replacement, which probably isn't improving matters any)
02:13.30 ``Erik aggressive gravel driving is probably the shit
02:13.38 ``Erik that's how I cut my teeth
02:13.56 starseeker by easier, I mean possible
02:14.05 starseeker yeah, never did gravel driving
02:14.24 ``Erik I think if you can manage aggressive gravel driving, snow driving is fairly straigh forward
02:15.12 ``Erik snow is basically gravel in slow motion
02:22.38 ``Erik you can't be a noncomformist if you don't drink coffee.
02:25.13 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
04:57.50 *** join/#brlcad QAChip (~Christian@
04:58.03 QAChip hallo all
04:58.12 QAChip any one can help me with compilation
05:00.28 CoconutCrab yes?
05:05.15 *** join/#brlcad QAChip (~Christian@
05:05.21 QAChip im back
05:06.57 QAChip last saturday i ran ./configure and had no problem, but when make, make make test I found some issues
05:07.25 QAChip can anyone help me? please!
05:10.58 QAChip any one here?
05:11.15 QAChip any out of those 26?
05:15.53 QAChip come on, can no one help me with this?
05:55.45 *** join/#brlcad QAChip (~Christian@
06:02.30 QAChip any one can help me
06:03.04 ``Erik ...g otta say what issues...
06:03.12 QAChip ok...
06:04.14 QAChip ~/Download/brlcad-7.16.4/src/libdm/.libs/ undefined reference to `XFreeDeviceList'
06:04.21 QAChip something like this
06:04.51 QAChip what is missing
06:05.00 QAChip undefined reference to `XOpenDevice'
06:05.08 QAChip undefined reference to `XSelectExtensionEvent'
06:05.16 QAChip undefined reference to `XListInputDevices'
06:06.48 QAChip
06:10.25 ``Erik so you didn't install the X libraries and headers?
06:10.26 brlcad you need to install libXi
06:10.33 brlcad Xi-dev
06:11.19 ``Erik shakes fist at the linux retards who decided that splitting headers and libraries into seperate packages was a good idea O.o
06:12.37 QAChip just libX11-devel, or is there another package for libraries and headers
06:14.02 QAChip ??
06:21.04 ``Erik libXi-devel, I'd imagine
06:25.05 *** join/#brlcad QAChip (~Christian@
06:26.27 QAChip hey, this pidgin is giving me headache
06:26.28 QAChip I back
06:27.12 QAChip
06:28.45 QAChip it seems that the compilere dont know where are my files, should I re run ./configure before make?
06:35.58 *** join/#brlcad QAChip (~Christian@
06:55.25 *** join/#brlcad Ralith_ (~ralith@
06:59.43 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
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14:58.12 brlcad starseeker: heh, bumper oops? ouch, sorry to hear that..
15:02.49 brlcad mm.. insurance advice from nikki, interesting
15:03.08 brlcad :)
15:04.35 brlcad fyi, wrt to QAChip's compile, once he installed the new lib, he needed to rerun or delete his config cache
15:07.15 starseeker brlcad: yeah, this week has been a jewel
15:07.25 starseeker hehe
15:07.37 starseeker gawks out the window
15:08.08 starseeker well, no point in the insurance folks calling for a while - everything is vanishing again
15:08.23 *** join/#brlcad Phurl (
15:08.44 starseeker can see that as a motto for developers - "Save the World, commit more!"
15:09.40 starseeker well, at least APG had the sanity not to stay open
15:27.04 starseeker brlcad: how you fixed for food down there?
15:28.26 brlcad i'm fixed pretty good
15:28.57 starseeker that's a relief - from the sound of things it could be a while before you get out of there :-(
15:29.29 brlcad one of the best places to be snowed in
15:29.47 starseeker with your big screen tv? ;-)
15:29.50 brlcad nearly everything I need is within walking distance
15:30.16 starseeker O.o Is it open though?
15:30.37 starseeker If your area is completely unplowed you've gotta be looking at 4+ feet to "walk" through
15:30.37 brlcad yep
15:30.45 starseeker wow
15:30.55 brlcad there are little paths everywhere
15:31.08 starseeker cool - that works
15:31.18 brlcad everyone doing their little part (well, most) to shovel
15:31.52 brlcad me and two neighbor buddies started shoveling the street down the side of my house after the first hit
15:32.04 brlcad we cleared it bare about 1/3 the way down
15:32.10 starseeker nice
15:32.15 brlcad with 10"+ mounds of snow on the side
15:32.26 brlcad three guys, three hours
15:32.29 starseeker 10' you mean?
15:32.33 brlcad ah, hehe, yes
15:32.46 brlcad everyone walking by was "OMG! that's amazing..."
15:32.56 starseeker agrees - it is amazing
15:33.22 starseeker trick now will be where to put the next batch if the piles are already at 10'
15:33.27 brlcad I didn't really appreciate what we'd done until I walked around the neighborhood some more
15:34.11 brlcad the best part is that since we got it started, about 20 people cleared out the bottom 2/3rds the next day, those that lived further down the street
15:34.42 starseeker hah, cool
15:34.48 brlcad yeah, pretty funny
15:34.54 brlcad the side street was completely bare
15:35.03 brlcad a clear path to nothing :)
15:35.26 starseeker pics?
15:35.28 brlcad as the main roads leading to it were completely unplowed
15:35.34 brlcad yeah, haven't uploaded yet
15:35.47 starseeker that will be awesome :-)
15:36.03 starseeker gonna try to do it again after the second wave passes?
15:36.28 brlcad probably
15:36.53 starseeker hat's off to you folks
15:36.53 brlcad it was a good workout, that day was 6 hours shoveling, completely non-stop
15:37.22 brlcad I think I went through 8 tall glasses of water afterwards in the span of 15 minutes
15:37.28 starseeker can believe it
15:58.44 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
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17:49.05 *** join/#brlcad gp5st (
17:49.29 gp5st hey
17:49.55 gp5st is it possible to take an image and make a rough 3d model of what is seen in the image?
17:56.37 Stattrav gp5st: as in you want to pick up a jpeg and want a software to convert it to a 3d model ?
17:56.44 Stattrav for example ^
17:57.20 gp5st Stattrav: yeah, basically. as good as it can. I know that i'll have to create the other side and clean it up a good bit
17:58.44 Stattrav gp5st: i dont think so, because its still a research problem at the moment
17:59.26 gp5st for example, given something like or and some parameters (hand waving, i'm referring to approx camera angle, perhaps a size reference) could i get a frame to work on
17:59.33 gp5st oh ok, sorry didn't see your msg
17:59.54 Stattrav gp5st: Reconstruction of a 3d object from the orthogonal views/someother view is still in its early phases
18:00.27 gp5st oh, i see
18:01.16 gp5st because i'm new to 3dcad (any cad, really) and find it difficult to do thing
18:01.27 gp5st i guess there aren't any shortcuts with this one:-p
18:01.29 Stattrav More importantly getting a depth estimate from this view is difficult unless we either have a series of images with some motion of elements in it or from orthogonal views
18:01.59 Stattrav gp5st: Nope :)
18:03.01 gp5st what if size estimates could be provides. for instance i know how long and wide street cars were.
18:03.15 gp5st ok, i'll just have to actually learn this then:-)
18:11.29 Stattrav gp5st: still no framework has been developed so far to do so
18:12.36 gp5st yeah:)
18:12.54 gp5st thanks for your conformation of that:)
18:13.11 Stattrav np :)
18:13.18 *** part/#brlcad gp5st (
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18:14.34 gp5st just for background for what it's worth: i want to have 3d diagrams of streetcars and some other engines because i would like to use 3d printing technology to print some models for my train layout for me
18:18.00 Stattrav gp5st: what do you mean by printing 3d models ? how ?
18:54.26 *** part/#brlcad gp5st (
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21:42.52 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || #brlcad logs: || Happy Open Source Anniversary! (December 21st) || Release 7.16.6 tagged today (20100205)
21:55.59 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37612 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/rtwizard/lib/HelpPage.itk: remove the implementation-detail about MGED 'objects'
21:56.40 CIA-43 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37613 10/brlcad/trunk/ (4 files in 2 dirs): add initial man page for rtwizard just because the end-user binary was moved and it didn't have one.
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22:31.16 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || #brlcad logs: || Happy Open Source Anniversary! (December 21st) || Release 7.16.6 tagged today (20100205)
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22:32.15 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || #brlcad logs: || Happy Open Source Anniversary! (December 21st) || Release 7.16.6 tagged today (20100205)
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