IRC log for #brlcad on 20100304

00:04.42 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (~ralith@
00:08.21 ``Erik qt designer is nto nearly as sexy as the xcode cocoa shtuff
00:10.24 ``Erik mmm, cat boogers, yummy
00:36.47 Jonimus is there a way to display a UGS nx6 file without NX 6 installed?
00:37.16 Jonimus I don't even need to modify it or anything just display.
00:37.57 ``Erik iirc, unigraphics is one of those that needs the libraries installed to convert... :/
00:38.28 ``Erik if you can talk your provider into producing, say, a STEP file, you can crank it over to 3dm with rhino3d and pull it into BRL-CAD that way
00:39.03 ``Erik or an IGES file, we can snarf those directly if they're teh right subset
00:39.24 Jonimus Well I made the file but I can't use NX6 off campus and I don't have a linux install of it anyway
00:39.51 ``Erik does uni have an export to, say, stl?
00:40.48 Jonimus it does but like I said I can't use NX6 off campus and the cisco VPN software they use doesn't support Windows 64bit
00:40.51 ``Erik we have a fairly big suite of importers, but the data needs to be imported before we can use it... so all those /usr/brlcad/bin/*-g programs are going to be the first step for our tools
00:41.11 Jonimus yeah It appears I don't even have ug-g built
00:41.26 ``Erik right, that'd require the unigraphics libraries being available
00:41.36 ``Erik same issue for our pro/e importer :/
00:42.03 ``Erik it's their proprietary file, it's not documented for other people to use, ya gotta have their library to read and extract the data :(
00:43.33 ``Erik if it's interesting geometry that can be put under, say, creative commons license, it may be possible to find someone willing to do the conversion... but that wouldn't be tonight :D
00:46.04 ``Erik (this is just my understanding... if you lurk long enough, someone who knows more than me may say I'm wrong... but indianlarry is enjoying a cigar atm, and brlcad is terrorizing asphault for a vacation)
00:46.19 Jonimus yeah, I can just get the STL tomorrow since we're running it through a rapid prototype machine but I wanted to show my Dad the model
00:46.48 Jonimus ``Erik: according to the docs you are right so I'd have to say your right
00:47.53 ``Erik stl-g is fairly decent, doesn't require proprietary libs
00:48.11 Jonimus yeah that's what it appeared
00:48.31 ``Erik but stl is triangle only, ... *shrug*
00:48.52 ``Erik but if you have a "resolved" BoT model, you can feed it to ISST, for interactive raytracing :D neat stuff
00:48.57 Jonimus yeah, but it gets the job done in a pinch
00:49.09 ``Erik resolved being each region contains exactly one BoT primitive
00:51.00 ``Erik is ISST with metaballs converted using marching cubes... neat stuff
00:51.31 Jonimus cool
00:51.55 ``Erik on my work machine, ~30fps on a 7 million triangle model
00:52.07 Jonimus very nice
00:52.22 ``Erik and the 7m model raytraces faster than the 4.5k model O.o
00:52.44 ``Erik so if you're on linux and dealing with stl imported data, might be fun to play with :)
00:52.57 ``Erik gtk+ for the gui...
00:54.01 ``Erik mind if I ask what ya modelled?
00:55.12 ``Erik when someone does something impressive and use our tools, we like to show things off... like (modelled in BRL-CAD)
00:55.31 ``Erik or
00:59.55 Jonimus I made it NX6 :/
01:00.07 Jonimus or I would love to give it to you to show off
01:00.31 ``Erik if'n ya get it into BRL-CAD, might be worth showing off
01:00.44 Jonimus it was a fairly basic model, well it was doing it with NX6, I'm still not sure how I would do it with brlcad
01:00.57 Jonimus and the fact that it just crashed on me :/
01:01.13 ``Erik (my personal view is that BRL-CAD was developed as an engineering tool, not a deisgn tool... more "create geometry to emulate what already exists... accurately")
01:01.19 ``Erik which part crashed? mged?
01:01.23 Jonimus yeah
01:02.05 ``Erik on linux? most recent svn?
01:02.09 Jonimus I got a memory corruption error, though before that I was having issues as it wouldn't let me change anything about my newly created ehy :/
01:02.26 Jonimus I believe I'm running a stable release
01:02.55 ``Erik how did you get it?
01:03.13 Jonimus I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't Video card related, as I'm running mesa from git
01:03.27 ``Erik (actually, I wanna smack brlcad around some for the latest release, it had obvious breakage)
01:03.38 Jonimus ``Erik: I'm on arch linux so I just built it from the aur package
01:03.40 ``Erik try uhhhhh, FB_FILE=/dev/X mged?
01:04.30 ``Erik now I don't use mged normally, I launch it with -c more often than not, but I'm a low level developer, I'm mostly dorking around in libraries and avoiding guis whenever possible
01:05.24 Jonimus ok so this is weird, I opened up the same file I was jsut working on and the dimensions changed :/
01:05.35 Jonimus but now it appears to be working so I'm happy
01:05.46 ``Erik um, changed like 'mm are now inches'?
01:06.09 ``Erik there's a command in mged to alter units ont he fly that changes the 'default' setting in the file, uh, 'units' I think?
01:06.27 ``Erik "units in" or "units mm" or "units km" ...
01:25.02 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
01:25.02 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || #brlcad logs: || BRL-CAD is now available on Gentoo! (20100225)
01:27.43 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
01:27.43 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || #brlcad logs: || BRL-CAD is now available on Gentoo! (20100225)
01:30.49 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
01:30.49 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || #brlcad logs: || BRL-CAD is now available on Gentoo! (20100225)
01:34.29 starseeker Jonimus: step is preferred if you can get it - I'd recommend saving both a step version and an stl version
01:35.11 ``Erik so there ya go, starseeker is more plugged into this bit than I am, and he's sayin' basically the same thing
01:36.22 Jonimus starseeker: ok cool
01:36.55 starseeker step will preserve the NURBS surfaces, which is the "original" data structure type used to model
01:37.24 starseeker stl triangles are an approximation of the NURBS surface, easier to work with but you lose resolution in the conversion
01:38.13 starseeker stl should get you going with current BRL-CAD, and we're getting to the point of supporting step import and NURBS raytracing
01:38.20 starseeker (still can't edit NURBS though)
01:41.43 Jonimus Is there somewhere I can learn the basics of creating a sketch to extrude with brlcad, the tutorial I went through didn't have much in that dept?
01:46.31 starseeker uh, our sketch stuff is kinda... sketchy
01:48.34 Jonimus heh, well as a guy comming from Solidworks and NX6 I'm used to sketch->Extrude modeling so this'll take some getting used to :/
01:49.09 louipc more than kinda
01:50.18 Jonimus I'm also having issues adjusting dimensions, is the primitive editor the main way of doing that?
01:53.29 louipc yep
01:53.40 louipc it's not very intuitive eh
01:54.21 Jonimus :/
01:55.05 Jonimus besides the fact that its now working right for e at all
01:55.33 louipc hm?
01:55.39 Jonimus for me*
01:55.59 louipc oh weird, what are you trying to adjust?
01:56.18 Jonimus I get this when trying to adjust my ehy solid
01:56.40 Jonimus its the only thing in the model so I have no clue what the issue is.
02:21.09 Jonimus is the tutorial on the documentation page the best way to get the hang of things or are there other/better tutorials out there?
02:21.41 ``Erik it's probbaly the least bad way
02:23.18 louipc there are some docs in the package itself too you might want to look at, but I don't think they're any better than the pdfs
02:24.31 Jonimus hmm ok
02:27.49 *** join/#brlcad stevegt_1 (~stevegt@cislunar.TerraLuna.Org)
03:17.50 louipc hmm does this page look funky to you?
03:18.16 louipc for some reason my browser doesn't give me horizontal scrolling for this
03:22.17 Jonimus louipc: yeah its broken for me also
03:22.46 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos (
03:22.59 *** join/#brlcad SWPadnos (~Me@emc/developer/SWPadnos)
06:02.32 *** join/#brlcad stevegt_ (
06:41.15 *** join/#brlcad Phurl (
07:03.47 *** join/#brlcad Phurl (~mdupont@2001:0:53aa:64c:cc7:2861:ae2d:1b81)
08:03.44 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (~rossberg@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
08:08.06 d_rossberg brlcad: i don't think we should mess up common.h with the uint*_t stuff
08:08.56 d_rossberg i would prefer to put some AC_CHECK_TYPES into
08:09.36 d_rossberg the new functions in libbu are of no interest outside BRLCADBUILD
09:42.47 Ralith uint*_t? Aren't those provided by stdint.h?
10:19.14 d_rossberg in C99 yes, but msvc isn't C99
12:24.33 *** join/#brlcad Jonimus (
12:42.48 brlcad d_rossberg: I didn't realize the ones wrapped were new
12:43.13 brlcad we use stdint types outside of those regardless, though
12:44.34 brlcad AC_CHECK_TYPES wouldn't solve the problem for a nonBRLCADBUILD compile, callers would have to add their own stdint type checks
12:45.06 brlcad seems reasonable for common to guarantee stdint types if we're going to allow their use in our public API
12:49.26 CIA-85 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r37915 10/brlcad/trunk/include/fb.h: on second consideration, magic types are 2 bytes so make them uint32's
12:51.11 starseeker ``Erik: huh. I've heard fairly good things about Qt Designer
12:51.52 starseeker you could always try Qt Creator
13:36.15 starseeker starts getting it together
14:02.17 d-lo starseeker: what project are you using QT for?
14:08.55 d-lo this makes me laugh:
14:09.15 d-lo those three control panels are from a Submarine Engineroom
14:09.17 d-lo lol
14:20.27 d_rossberg brlcad: the problem is there is no real distinction between public and private API
14:32.46 CIA-85 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r37916 10/rt^3/trunk/docs/ibme.zargo: Drop old ArgoUML files. Antiquated.
14:54.30 ``Erik actually tried creator first, *shrug*
15:41.56 starseeker d-lo: ``Erik is looking at a replacement for gtk, iirc
15:42.09 starseeker also, our Ogre+Qt experiments from gsoc
15:44.17 starseeker huh
15:49.00 d-lo kk
15:52.52 d-lo neat link starseeker !
15:53.24 d-lo perhaps a new html tag is on the horizon: <brlcad></brlcad> ;)
15:55.13 ``Erik huh, that 3d graphics thing in firefox... I think slusallek was walds mentor (whos paper was what adrt/isst was built from) and involved in the whole openrt thing
15:56.01 starseeker hehe - we will become part of html6!
15:56.34 starseeker meanders around collecting links to projects that might have useful parsers for conversion...
15:59.06 starseeker ah yes, there it is...
16:00.41 ``Erik
16:01.12 starseeker hah, cool
16:03.11 d-lo Mmmm pineapple....
16:27.51 CIA-85 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r37917 10/rt^3/trunk/src/GS/libNetwork/ (NetPortal.cxx NetPortalManager.cxx): forgot to add call to sendLocalHostName to kick off the handshaking. Also, minor comment fixes.
16:36.18 CIA-85 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r37918 10/rt^3/trunk/ (4 files in 2 dirs): Removed string arg from name<->portal mapping call. Redundant args since name is contained in the Portal args.
17:37.33 *** join/#brlcad Phurl (~mdupont@2001:0:53aa:64c:cc7:2861:ae2d:1b81)
17:44.34 *** join/#brlcad Phurl (~mdupont@2001:0:53aa:64c:cc7:2861:ae2d:1b81)
18:14.21 *** join/#brlcad Phurl (~mdupont@2001:0:53aa:64c:2051:291b:ae2d:1b81)
18:54.24 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (~ralith@
19:19.05 CIA-85 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r37919 10/brlcad/branches/dmtogl/src/libgcv/ (inventor-mevis.patch inventor-mevis.readme):
19:19.05 CIA-85 BRL-CAD: Eeek. Open Inventor patch no longer present on and
19:19.05 CIA-85 BRL-CAD: not readily locatable online - stash in dmtogl branch for now to make sure it
19:19.05 CIA-85 BRL-CAD: doesn't get lost since we may want it for an Inventor importer. Keeping it out
19:19.05 CIA-85 BRL-CAD: of trunk since in its current form it has no direct bearing on BRL-CAD.
19:54.49 CIA-85 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r37920 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libgcv/ ( NOTES): Toss in a few notes on possible resources out there for file formats we're interested in.
20:21.49 CIA-85 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r37921 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libfb/if_tk.c: Whoops - make sure we aren't starting out negative with y
20:29.17 CIA-85 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r37922 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libfb/if_tk.c: Add parens around RGB output.
22:54.08 *** join/#brlcad Nohla (~jesica@
23:00.23 louipc
23:04.35 *** join/#brlcad talcite (
23:12.23 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (
23:20.38 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
23:28.25 *** join/#brlcad stevegt_ (~stevegt@cislunar.TerraLuna.Org)
23:29.59 stevegt_ before I write it, does anyone know of any python code that drives mged in either batch or interactive mode?
23:31.05 stevegt_ all I've been able to find so far is vasile's, at,14558
23:44.21 starseeker don't know of any
23:44.27 starseeker in fact, that is new to me
23:45.40 starseeker louipc: stale files. I just did a fresh checkout, but that's probably overkill - try distclean and start from scratch, unless someone knows which specific things to nuke
23:51.05 louipc haha damn.
23:51.06 louipc
23:51.30 starseeker heh
23:51.41 starseeker well, maybe that did enough
23:51.49 starseeker might try rebuilding
23:54.55 ``Erik there's a .Plo file in a deps directory that needs to be updated
23:55.11 ``Erik re-running configure should do it I think
23:55.27 ``Erik (might need to re-automake the specified makefile, though)
23:56.23 louipc is there a command to remove all .in, etc files?
23:58.50 ``Erik 'make distclean', but ya seem to be having issues with that :D
23:59.00 louipc yeah
23:59.24 ``Erik (does distclean actually rm the .in ones, or just the Makefiles? I think just the makefiles... could try 'rm'...)

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