IRC log for #brlcad on 20100410

05:31.08 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
11:12.28 *** join/#brlcad roberthl (~robert@2001:ba8:1f1:f03d::2)
11:12.28 *** join/#brlcad roberthl (~robert@silentflame/member/roberthl)
14:36.53 ``Erik heh, let my (exploration minded) boy cat out on the back deck, the neighbors dog was going nuts O.o heh
17:14.59 *** join/#brlcad jdoliner_ (
20:33.55 *** join/#brlcad mafm (~mafm@
21:10.03 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
22:22.03 *** join/#brlcad talcite (
22:55.21 ``Erik heh, yeah, I think I'm gonna spend those budget $'s on making NMG's better... who knows, mebbe I'll add a few 9's to out conversion capability and be able to say "once again, ya'll messed up by telling us to implement a 'solution' instead of coming to us with your problem"
22:57.55 ``Erik recalls fondly when he neither knew about nor cared for the pointy haired budgetting side :/
23:07.02 Stattrav ``Erik: hello
23:07.41 ``Erik hi, stattrav, how's it going?
23:08.16 Stattrav ``Erik: good submitted an app to cgal this time. and desperately trying to get a job
23:08.40 ``Erik jobs can be hard to get, the last decade has been damn rough
23:08.45 ``Erik good luck :)
23:09.52 Stattrav yeah interviewing with amazon at the moment. done with round 1, have the second round of interview on 15th, a call from amazon seattle
23:10.21 ``Erik hm, they do have some interesting problems to tackle... and I like seattle, it's where I grew up :)
23:11.08 ``Erik ya going for a programmer job, sysadmin, ...?
23:11.12 Stattrav aah i wouldnt be working in Seattle though, i would be placed in India itself. But I would visiting seattle
23:11.22 Stattrav math modelling
23:11.45 ``Erik ooh, neat, I like abusing my local math guy :D
23:12.26 Stattrav lol
23:12.26 ``Erik never been to india, closest I've been in okinawa on the japanese ryuku's, I think
23:12.56 Stattrav well thats not very close either. :)
23:13.28 ``Erik the dichotomy of teh area sounds interesting, I'd like to see it, but *shrug* it's not where I am :)
23:13.29 Stattrav never been to americas, the closest i have been to is singapore on one side and Stockholm on the other
23:14.48 Stattrav ``Erik: I dont know why but India attracts a lot of dopeheads who are in search of spirituality and more than half the spiritual gurus they meet are bogus
23:16.26 ``Erik heh, yeh, not quite clear on that myself... I know steve jobs did it 20 years ago... O.o mebbe the whole "well, it's next to nepal, right? where the 'dailee llama' is?"
23:17.07 ``Erik I'm sure most o f india is like "dalai lama? yeah, he's a guy up in those mountains off that way"
23:17.11 Stattrav yeah! that place is awesome where Dalai lama lives
23:18.09 Stattrav i am sure not more than 5% of the people really know what he does :)
23:18.34 ``Erik and on the other side is china, huzzah, they're friendly, right? :D *duck*
23:19.26 ``Erik 'sok, I'm sure the same could be said about the pope here where most folk are christian (though the pope is technically just over teh catholic subset, I think)
23:19.26 Stattrav no comments :)
23:20.07 Stattrav yeah the catholic spiritual head :) been in a catholic school all my life
23:20.22 ``Erik aw, c'mon, I'm sure if india and china could ever agree on where the border is, ya'lld be meeting up at it to shake hands and say "howdy neighbor" :D *duck*
23:20.49 Stattrav lol
23:21.54 ``Erik (I guess the upside is that the dispute is up in some reasonably useless (althought pretty) mountains, so shooting eachother isn't every day, just some)
23:22.05 Stattrav Now that India has opened door to the foreign universities, I might be able to get my grad school admission to an american university in India which might not have high requirements like the ones geographically in US
23:22.42 ``Erik the US ones have high requirements? O.o
23:22.46 Stattrav yeah. "defining borders" is the issue with both pakistan and china
23:22.54 Stattrav ``Erik: yeah the good ones.
23:23.06 Stattrav ofcourse :) wanted to go to UMD or UNC
23:23.16 ``Erik the paki's are more interested in pointing guns over at afghanistan and stuff, though... right?
23:23.20 ``Erik umd? O.o
23:23.42 ``Erik see, I'd rather to go cmu or stanford than those
23:23.57 ``Erik though unc chapel hill seems to have some neat computer graphics stuff going
23:23.59 Stattrav i wouldnt get into stanford in a million years
23:24.10 Stattrav yeah manocha
23:24.45 ``Erik I wonder if there're significant acceptance differences for a foreign applicant
23:25.54 ``Erik (umd is just down the road from a lot of the BRL-CAD developers, some have used them for evening courses, though johns hopkins seems more popular)
23:26.08 Stattrav aah naice
23:26.18 ``Erik the umbc campus, anyways
23:26.53 ``Erik indeed, brlcad himself lives in the city of baltimore... :D
23:27.16 Stattrav the college park campus has pretty good people in there afaik
23:27.57 ``Erik iirc, that's between baltimore and dc... I think I've driven through it trying to turn around on thte highway once
23:28.39 Stattrav I have heard that baltimore is a great place from my gf.
23:29.16 ``Erik kinda surprising that one of yoru targets is so close, given that the continental US is roughly the same size as all of europe... :D
23:30.17 Stattrav :) well unlike europe there exists a lot of diversity in climate in US
23:30.29 ``Erik if you're keen on baltimore, ya might give johns hopkins a try, too, I think it's
23:31.08 ``Erik stanford, carnegie mellon, berkely, ... those might be worth at least an attempt *shrug*
23:31.30 ``Erik and then there're some really good ones in other countries, a disgustingly smart friend did some awesome stuff at oxford
23:31.36 Stattrav yeah :) checked it out. At that moment i plan on getting a masters in India, which would apply for next year and then apply for PhD at one of these places.
23:31.50 Stattrav yeah even UCL is awesome
23:32.09 Stattrav s/would/i would/
23:32.26 ``Erik um, even purdue used to be a big name, dunno if they are anymore though
23:33.32 Stattrav btw I was thinking of making a brlcad package for archlinux
23:34.21 ``Erik okie... ? :D
23:35.18 ``Erik <-- doesn't know anything of archlinux's gut... put together some redhat and debian stuff a long time ago, currently maintains the freebsd port/package
23:36.40 Stattrav aah arch has this aur ( arch user repository) to which packages can be easily uploaded to initially and then pushed to extras
23:36.57 ``Erik what package file format does it use?
23:37.01 ``Erik something custom?
23:37.18 Stattrav it basically uses .tar.gz with some build scripts
23:37.27 ``Erik ok, so very solaris like
23:37.44 Stattrav in some way its gentoo like :)
23:38.10 ``Erik are they ok with the notion of installing in a weird place? BRL-CAD tends to have conflicts with other packages, so we like using a dedicated directory, very old school...
23:38.23 Stattrav not at all
23:38.31 ``Erik bah, gentoo is just a halfassed attempt to imitate the bsd's, and it does it poorly :D *duck*
23:38.54 Stattrav lol i know quite a few gentoo devs who take it personally when said so :P
23:39.06 ``Erik yeah, the truth hurts *shrug* :D
23:39.19 ``Erik <-- went from linux to fbsd about a decade ago
23:40.07 Stattrav woah naice. I still do not understand the philosophical issues of fbsd when i do i shall give it a try :)
23:40.14 ``Erik when showing off how fbsd does it to a gentoo user, they usually drool and would switch if they could figure out how to stop chanting 'linux' over and over
23:40.54 ``Erik <-- did kernel stuff in the 90's, compared linux and fbsd, decided linux was a big huge ugly hack and bsd was actually pretty decent
23:42.16 ``Erik if ya do get archlinux package shtuff going, it might be worth shoving any nontrivial stuff into the misc/ dir in the BRL-CAD repo
23:42.18 Stattrav aah is it, shall look it up.
23:42.59 Stattrav sure :) now that i shall be free again, i was looking into the topics which i can contribute too.
23:43.29 ``Erik my big issue with linux at the time was that it did all sorts of neat hacks to make things fast, but it got them WRONG on occasion... and the code itself was pretty crappy from the human trying to read it perspective
23:43.30 Stattrav ``Erik: most of you guys work with arl ?
23:43.48 ``Erik the heavy committers do either as employees or contractors
23:44.13 Stattrav ``Erik: but years later now the kernel code has a lot of documentation
23:44.39 ``Erik yeah, sorta...
23:45.27 ``Erik the bsd's have always had a lot of documentation, I have a couple books about BSD internals from before linux existed, there're significant differences, but the books are still mostly applicable and the changes are very well documented *shrug*
23:46.32 ``Erik I d'no, personally I kinda look at linux and see a bunch of guys hacking in their off time to do 'nifty' things... the bsd guys value stability and usefulness over niftiness and have a lot of up front respect for documenting and testing
23:46.32 Stattrav yeah when i was in second year of college one of the student servers in the campus which we had to manage was running bsd, so had to read up on bsd hacks :)
23:46.40 ``Erik linux is by amateurs, bsd is by pro's :D *duck*
23:46.48 Stattrav lol
23:47.01 Stattrav try telling that to the big daddy linus :P
23:47.15 ``Erik quite the famous amateur there ;D
23:47.29 Stattrav lol
23:47.45 ``Erik his code is ugly, but he has proven to be competent at maintaining OS communities
23:48.44 Stattrav I have shifted to linux because Windows was ugly in terms of resource consumption:)
23:49.10 ``Erik of course, I'm a bit biased... I'm a fan of bigtime unix portability, and 99% of the time, linux is the odd man out... it's teh windows of the unix world
23:49.38 Stattrav lol.
23:49.49 ``Erik subtle but crippling things, mind you
23:50.26 Stattrav then mac is the pretty useless white fairy of the unix world ?
23:50.59 ``Erik like, say, the IOCTL behavior... fundamnetally flawed, nvidia uses the bug for their driver... so even with ugly hacks to make the public parts of their driver work, the binary components STILL broke on the (glaring security hole class) flaws in ioctl handling
23:51.11 ``Erik no, when you fire up a terminal, it's very much a unix...
23:51.30 ``Erik usually if someone talks crap about how un-unixy osX is, it's because they want it to be like linux, not unix
23:51.52 ``Erik (osX has official permission to call itself UNIX, linux does not.)
23:53.10 Stattrav lol
23:53.17 ``Erik yeh, I'm biased... when someone talks about linux, I usually say "well, at least it isn't windows" O:-)
23:53.41 Stattrav osX is bascially the love child of bsd and unix
23:53.55 ``Erik ~5 years ago, I helped someone unscrew code that made linux assumptions, so I doubt it's "good" now
23:54.06 ``Erik no, osX is the love child of BSD and NeXT
23:54.31 ``Erik bsd is the patch for UNIX that makes people actually want to use computers
23:54.34 Stattrav i hate it when different distros try to have their own directory structure
23:55.09 ``Erik if'n ya ever have the opportunity to try using, say, 43bsd and sysV UNIX.... it's interesting
23:55.37 Stattrav yeah i am planning to get a desktop soon, i shall try it out.
23:55.39 ``Erik I've been tempted to set up a publically accessable simh vax11/780 running 43bsd on
23:56.11 ``Erik FreeBSD was, at one time, the patch set called bsd386, to make it work on intel CPU's
23:56.39 ``Erik knows way too much computer history trivia O.o
23:56.39 Stattrav lol
23:56.55 Stattrav is still a n00b
23:57.53 ``Erik :D noobs are important, greybeards eventually die... O.o
23:58.16 Stattrav its sad when you are greyhaired and still a n00b :P
23:59.48 ``Erik heh, when my hair goes grey, I hope to still have the will and energy to find things to be a noob at...
23:59.54 Stattrav I would want to start low this time and i would want to look into the geometry correction tool for BoT

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