IRC log for #brlcad on 20100414

02:03.50 *** join/#brlcad Nohla (~jesica@
02:15.00 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r38543 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libdm/rect.c: downcast colors to unsigned chars, quellage
02:15.30 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r38544 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libdm/labels.c: more quellage, POINT_LABEL wants a char.
02:17.06 brlcad starseeker: looks like your opennurbs update is missing something
02:19.16 brlcad opennurbs_brep_tools.cpp fails on ON_Brep::m__SplitFaces .. which looks like a correct failure, no m__SplitFaces in the ON_Brep class
02:30.25 starseeker brlcad: ermm... oopps
02:30.31 starseeker proceeds to fix
02:33.09 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r38545 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/openNURBS/opennurbs_brep_tools.cpp: OK, these functions were calling a non-existant function - broke the build.
02:33.26 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r38546 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libdm/dm_obj.c: no need to switch over the various *_close_existing() functions, call fb_close_existing() instead.
02:36.44 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r38547 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libdm/dm_obj.c: remove lots of dead code. de-k&r funcs.
02:36.52 brlcad just that one file?
02:40.05 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r38548 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libfb/fb_generic.c: provide declarations for the various *close_existing() implementations as it will be removed from fb.h
02:42.19 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r38549 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libfb/tcl.c: no longer need decls on the *close_existing() impls.
02:43.21 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r38550 10/brlcad/trunk/include/fb.h: should no longer need to declare any of the *_close_existing() funcs as they all hidden behind fb_close_existing() in libfb's fb_generic.c
02:45.40 brlcad starseeker: keep in mind that they may very well remove functionality we use/need/want .. code that perhaps slips out by mistake that isn't really needed for obj parsing
02:45.54 starseeker nods
02:46.06 brlcad but that could be rather useful for ray evaluation, spatial partitioning, surface evaluation, etc
02:46.09 starseeker I'll give it a more detailed read tomorrow - too shot now
02:46.28 brlcad that splitting faces code sounds right up that alley potentially
02:46.55 starseeker I originally tagged it with a comment and left it in, but somehow it built on the mac and didn't build here
02:47.39 starseeker just did the quick fix, but I'll give it a more careful read tomorrow
02:48.25 starseeker 'course, the more things like that happen, the more we'll become a true fork
02:53.07 brlcad all the more reason to sort our changes out into an encapsulated friend class
02:53.23 brlcad so we don't have to mod them, but can overlay our changes
02:53.48 starseeker nods
02:53.54 brlcad hm, so the harder part of the *_open_existing() evil is going to be much harder to sort out...
02:54.01 starseeker I'd need some help with the details of that...
02:54.28 starseeker doesn't see any code for m__SplitFaces in the previous release
02:54.30 brlcad could probably implement it as either a vararg function or require an FBIO be filled in manually beforehand
02:55.08 starseeker hasn't even reached that part of the Tk fb/dm logic - been dreading it
02:56.21 brlcad heh, lookie what I found
02:56.22 brlcad
02:56.40 brlcad at the bottom.. looks like they're including opennurbs now too
02:56.57 starseeker hehehe
02:57.10 brlcad certainly wasn't released when justin wrote nurbana
02:58.18 brlcad
02:58.27 brlcad lists an m__SplitFaces member
02:59.27 brlcad looks like it is a RhinoSDK function
02:59.32 starseeker nods
02:59.36 brlcad
03:02.29 starseeker ok, so they took out logic we probably want to save, even though there was a RhinoSDK function at the root of it?
03:02.55 brlcad yeah, looks like it
03:03.02 brlcad though it may have just moved to elsewhere
03:03.06 starseeker confound it
03:03.10 starseeker will revert
03:03.18 starseeker we'll sort it out tomorrow
03:03.20 brlcad that was a pretty big update from what we had
03:03.44 *** join/#brlcad alex_joni (~alex_joni@emc/board-of-directors/alexjoni)
03:03.52 brlcad that added support for the v5 3dm file format (ours only went up to v4)
03:04.24 brlcad slew of new entities and extensions from glances through the commit
03:07.51 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r38551 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/brlcad_path.c: avoid assignment withing expression, make logic more explicit/clear.
03:08.34 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r38552 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libbu/brlcad_path.c: ws
03:09.55 brlcad don't see a particular reason to revert it just yet
03:11.14 brlcad and wow .. it's noticably warning-cluttered now with the new rev.. particularly exact flaoting point comparisons. someone there is getting sloppy.. it was pretty clean.
03:12.12 brlcad wonders why weiss wrote a triangulate_face() function...
03:14.34 brlcad nmg_triangulate_model() ftw. or nmg_triangulate_shell() or nmg_triangulate_fu() ..
03:28.12 starseeker thinks he recalls suggesting that earlier to him, but apparently I should have been more specific...
03:28.33 starseeker just suggested investigating the nmg code to see if the functionality he needed was already there...
03:30.38 starseeker brlcad: actually, I believe it was commit-before-last that upped it to v5 - this last one makes an "old 5" and "new 5", if I was interperting opennurbs_archive.h correctly
04:51.34 *** join/#brlcad Nohla (~jesica@
06:15.35 *** join/#brlcad cosurgi (
10:07.07 *** join/#brlcad mafm (~mafm@
11:07.48 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (~rossberg@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
11:45.36 d-lo Mernin
12:19.24 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (~ralith@
12:19.57 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r38553 10/rt^3/trunk/src/alf/: Modified SVN:IGNORE to ignore more build byproducts.
12:20.59 brlcad starseeker: hm, that's odd then because that last commit implemented a lot of functionality
12:21.11 brlcad specific to new v5 features
12:36.49 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r38554 10/rt^3/trunk/ (6 files in 3 dirs): Add *.backup to /src/gs/Jobs' SVN:Ignore prop. Formatting on AbstractJob.* Introduce PrintToStdOut class in prep for JobManager functional test.
12:44.44 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r38555 10/rt^3/trunk/ (50 files in 9 dirs): Move libNetwork/ out of GS/ for better organization.
12:48.23 brlcad the scope and complexity keep expanding there... really not a good sign
12:49.34 d-lo to what are you referring to?
12:50.09 brlcad the changes over the past week and a half
12:50.37 d-lo gs or something else?
12:50.43 brlcad ge/gs
12:51.02 d-lo care to be more specific? what's bugging yas?
12:51.33 brlcad it's more feature creep and staged planning instead of base functionality
12:51.46 brlcad coding wide
12:52.16 d-lo Well, tbh, I am still trying to get an org scheme that works :/
12:52.42 brlcad a class dedicated to printing to stdout instead of just printing to stdout is a good example, but just one out of several dozen complexity-inducing issues
12:53.03 brlcad sorting out org is "coding wide"
12:53.13 brlcad at least it lends to it
12:53.27 d-lo PrintToStdOutJob is only for the test I am about to write ;)
12:53.27 brlcad as you'll continually refactor the org until it fits some mental model
12:54.05 d-lo True, as I have had the 'mental model' solidify over the last month due to looking at it via TDD.
12:55.39 brlcad the problem is that mental models can change rapidly, and should be able to
12:56.02 brlcad if each refactoring gets longer and harder, that's a sign that complexity is getting too big
12:56.50 brlcad if not great, but I'm betting I'd have to touch a ton of code if I wanted to change a particular piece of functionality
12:57.08 d-lo Well you should be a bit smug then :) Initially, I re orged everything to what I thought would be best, and, over time, I am working back to the way you had it setup initially :P
12:57.32 brlcad heh
12:57.37 brlcad no smugness
12:57.46 brlcad it is never right :)
12:58.07 brlcad there's always room for improvement, but that's even more to the point
12:58.07 d-lo understood ;)
12:58.21 brlcad why it's more important to keep the code as simple as possible so it can be adapted
12:58.38 brlcad and understood or picked up by someone else without needing to comprehend "the architecture"
12:59.01 brlcad take the openNURBS API for example -- it's a pretty big chunk of code, but it's very simple
12:59.07 d-lo I agree. Which is partially why I am mvonig back to a simpler org.
12:59.49 brlcad there are no tessellation managers, job queues, printing managers, task scheduling, etc, even though it has functionality that covers those areas
12:59.50 d-lo Your test harness and a few days spend reading up on TDD has given me much needed direction and starting points.
13:00.17 brlcad not saying those are bad to have, quite the contrary particularly for the GS
13:00.27 brlcad but have to really keep it all in check
13:00.56 d-lo and I am trying to //TODO and/or stub in functionality 'to be implemented later' while trying to stay on target for my goal.
13:01.13 brlcad I wouldn't even bother stubbing it
13:01.23 brlcad that's just complexity that has to be waded through
13:02.33 brlcad and stubs that may be invalid as refactoring continues, then it's wasted effort
13:03.12 d-lo well seeing as this is one huge learning process for me (on many facets) I have accepted the fact that there will be lots of wasted effort.
13:03.55 brlcad which is why I'm just trying to encourage that you just KISS more :)
13:04.44 d-lo Oh trust me, I think I am :) Especially compared to what I had penciled out a few months ago.
13:05.02 brlcad then even more :)
13:05.49 brlcad did see the code you ripped out, that was good :)
13:06.02 brlcad less is definitely going to be more at this point
13:06.10 d-lo still working on more, um, 'KiSS-ing'
13:06.14 d-lo if thats even a term
13:06.35 brlcad
13:07.56 brlcad basically making things only *exactly* as complex as they need to be to fulfill a feature
13:07.58 d-lo Oh I am familiar with KISS as a concept, just don't know if it can be turned into a verb and still keep the meaning the same.
13:08.07 brlcad if that can be done with one less class, then better
13:08.24 d-lo right, and in steps the experience I don't have ;)
13:08.31 brlcad the point that you have to repeat that funcionality, you refactor
13:08.45 d-lo which leads back to the learning process thingy :)
13:08.50 brlcad that's the "Don't Repeat Yourself" principle
13:08.58 brlcad DRY or DIE
13:09.03 brlcad Duplication is Evil
13:09.52 brlcad identified approximately 200,000 lines of evil in BRL-CAD :)
13:10.17 brlcad we should have dev names for our releases
13:10.32 brlcad BRL-CAD 7.18.0 "Now with Less Evil"
13:10.54 d-lo lol
13:11.44 d-lo Well, as a padawan, I am still learning what's evil and what's not. Have patience Massa!
13:12.50 d-lo question, if you have the time
13:13.27 brlcad from a marketing/developer perspective, a key point to continually keep in mind is that we are aiming for exactly two target productsP: a C++ GE API (library) and a network-based GS daemon (application)
13:13.38 brlcad everything that derives that is implementation detail
13:13.58 brlcad and shouldn't be concern to external devs or users
13:13.59 d-lo Since I am building the portions of rt^3 I care about with CMAKE, but I am pretty sure Dr Rossberg is using autotools for his portions.... should I unwire all my stuff from autotools?
13:15.11 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03indianlarry * r38556 10/brlcad/trunk/include/opennurbs_ext.h:
13:15.11 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: Tightened up BREP flatness criterior to work around cases where 3D surface
13:15.11 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: volumes genertated from surface subdivision not fully containing the
13:15.11 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: sub-surface. Need to fix both the flatness test and the min/max bounding
13:15.11 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: routines.
13:15.13 brlcad what of yours is wired into autotools?
13:15.19 brlcad didn't think it was
13:16.12 d-lo looking to see the extent.
13:16.20 brlcad I wouldn't intentionally break things for him or break the autotools build, but there's no sense in maintaining two build systems
13:16.32 brlcad at least for the same product
13:16.51 brlcad it really should all migrate to cmake and get sorted out
13:17.07 d-lo I have SOME things wired in to build, but I switched to CMAKE and appearently never went back and un wired stuff from autotools.
13:17.22 brlcad I'd just leave it for now then
13:17.25 brlcad not pressing
13:18.19 d-lo I have been leaving his stuff alone, since I haven't really had the time to get it into cmake
13:18.41 d_rossberg d-lo: i'm using cmake on windows (brlcad/misc/win32-msvc/CMakeLists.txt) and i was able to build with rt^3/CMakeLists.txt
13:19.09 d-lo awesome :) so you are not using autotools at all anymore in rt3?
13:19.30 d_rossberg only for the brlcad standard build
13:20.46 d_rossberg i accidentally used autotools for rt^3 because of the etc. in the root directory
13:21.07 d_rossberg but they don't work any more
13:21.40 d_rossberg CMake works (in general)
13:21.51 d-lo kk thanks!
13:24.26 d-lo So if I started pulling out all the autotools stuff, that's okay then?
13:27.18 d_rossberg i would say yes: it is ok for me and rt^3 is a playground anyway (there isn't more trafic there than our own, i would say)
13:35.25 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r38557 10/rt^3/trunk/ (24 files in 8 dirs): Continuing to simplify things by moving src/GS/Jobs/ to src/libJob
13:35.46 d-lo newb question: the file: 'include/brlcad/belcadversion.h' should it be on the SVN:IGNORE prop?
13:36.45 d_rossberg yes, it will be generated by CMake
13:38.30 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r38558 10/rt^3/trunk/include/brlcad/: Add CMAKE generated file 'brlcadversion.h' to SVN:IGNORE
13:40.17 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r38559 10/rt^3/trunk/ (13 files in 11 dirs): Remove outdated autotools stuff due to the switch to CMAKE.
13:40.27 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03indianlarry * r38560 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/brep/brep.cpp:
13:40.27 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: Added code so that if an iterative step in the newton solver gets farther away
13:40.27 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: from the target point back up a half step. Fixes a problem where under the right
13:40.27 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: surface conditions the solver would keep stepping over and past the target point
13:40.28 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: until it hit a built-in iterative limit for non convergence.
13:57.40 brlcad that solves that then
14:14.04 d-lo what is BRLCAD's pastebin addy?
14:20.02 d-lo Seeing a brlcad build error:
14:20.48 Ralith newton solver?
14:21.19 d-lo by the looks of it, it seems to be related to Tk and the FrameBuffer.
14:51.39 brlcad turn off the tk framebuffer interface
14:52.24 brlcad it's using the wrong Tk_PhotoPutBlock() signature
15:03.44 brlcad Ralith: NURBS ray tracing uses a root solver that employs newtonian iteration
15:05.01 brlcad classic newton iteration where you basically subdivide to get close to a solution
15:05.07 brlcad in steps
15:07.39 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r38561 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libfb/if_tk.c: Tk_PhotoPutBlock() with a Tk_PhotoHandle only works with Tk 8.5+, so test accordingly.
15:07.42 Ralith that's called newtonian iteration?
15:07.44 Ralith neat!
15:07.55 brlcad yeah
15:08.44 brlcad's_method
15:11.59 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r38562 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: keith has made a number of improvements and bug fixes to nurbs ray tracing
15:14.22 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r38563 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: cliff has made a bunch of new tree-view images and button images (replacements and new ones) for archer.
15:20.49 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r38564 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: need to improve the min/max bounding box routines for BREP/NURBS
15:23.26 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r38565 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS: cliff updated openNURBS to 5.0 (2010-04-09)
15:42.09 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r38566 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/images/ (5 files): Add icons for metaball primitive.
15:49.10 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r38567 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/ArcherCore.tcl: Mods to improve the speed of the treeview widget.
16:00.24 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r38568 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/images/ (bot.png bot_intersect.png bot_subtract.png bot_union.png): Change BoT icons
16:39.16 starseeker +
16:39.24 starseeker whoops
16:47.33 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r38569 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl:
16:47.33 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: Only do the contents of the man page viewer if the Introduction file is present
16:47.33 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: - really should disable the viewer altogether based on this check, but make this
16:47.33 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: change for now so archer can start with the extra docs disabled.
16:58.44 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r38570 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/ArcherCore.tcl: Updated for bot and metaball tree images.
17:33.56 brlcad starseeker: any interetsing features making it worthwhile to update from 8.5.6 to 8.5.8 ?
17:49.51 starseeker urm
17:49.54 starseeker good question
17:50.05 starseeker has been focused on 8.6 of late
17:50.09 starseeker have to check
17:55.19 yukonbob bets negligable.
18:51.48 mafm so aren't you participating in gsoc this year?
19:00.41 brlcad mafm: nope, not this year
19:01.27 brlcad it takes a big time investment and we have some high-priority dev activities that will benefit from consolidated effort
19:03.20 brlcad would have given it more consideration if previous year students were a little more active than they've been... but everyone gets busy :)
19:03.30 brlcad maybe next year
19:04.37 mafm yeah, bastard students from hell :P
19:05.49 poolio oooops :)
19:11.23 mafm :)
19:22.04 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r38571 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libgcv/region_end_mc.c: remove explicit fusing in favor of nmg_model_fuse(). add call to nmg_shell_coplanar_face_merge().
19:26.46 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r38572 10/brlcad/trunk/NEWS:
19:26.46 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: fixed a bug with the solids command (which subsequently also affects the regions
19:26.46 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: and idents commands) reported by tom browder (tbrowder2) via sf bug report
19:26.46 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 2974586 (Core Dump with mged 'solids' Command) where a provided stack trace
19:26.46 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: showed a bad vls. the problem was a call to bu_vls_init_if_uninit() on a vls
19:26.46 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: that was not initialized but had non-zero data so never becomes initialized.
19:26.47 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: fix was to call bu_vls_init() instead.
19:30.26 starseeker brlcad: when was the fix committed?
19:32.40 brlcad
19:33.01 starseeker oh, a while ago
19:33.07 brlcad heh, apparently less than a week ago
19:33.10 brlcad thought it was several weeks
19:33.16 brlcad lost in an msvc time warp
19:33.24 starseeker was that the crash?
19:34.08 brlcad pretty sure
19:34.22 starseeker wow, quick card :-P
19:34.31 brlcad yeah, forgot it was already fixed
19:34.39 brlcad he took the rt/rtedge request
19:35.20 brlcad that same code problem has happened before, bu_vls_init_if_unint() should probably be deprecated because of it's potential for that.. only works for zero-initialized memory
20:08.56 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
20:23.16 *** join/#brlcad prasad_ (
20:23.24 prasad_ hi :)
20:23.29 brlcad oh my :)
20:23.31 brlcad howdy
20:23.45 brlcad who sobered you up enough to type??
20:23.56 prasad_ hehe
20:24.05 prasad_ what's new
20:24.28 prasad_ i heard rumblings about a new ui
20:24.31 brlcad a lot new a lot the same
20:24.39 brlcad yeah, couple projects going on there
20:24.40 prasad_ came to see some shiny gfx
20:24.51 prasad_ screens?
20:24.56 brlcad nurbs are implemented
20:25.27 brlcad archer is coming along nicely getting mged features integrated
20:26.20 brlcad all in good time, :)
20:27.02 brlcad here's one a bit dated of archer:
20:27.17 brlcad looks a lot different already
20:27.31 starseeker makes a new one for the heck of it...
20:27.55 prasad_ ah cool
20:28.03 brlcad from last summer
20:28.25 brlcad that's a separate "new gui" effort coming along .. that's mged embedded there
20:28.31 prasad_ looks like a gl canvas?
20:28.39 prasad_ (the g3d one)
20:28.40 brlcad yeah, ogre3d
20:28.45 prasad_ ah ha
20:28.54 prasad_ with their own widgets i guess
20:29.20 brlcad widgets were some simple toolkit whose name I forget at the moment
20:29.30 brlcad not cegui
20:29.37 brlcad maybe rbgui
20:29.43 prasad_ ic
20:29.45 prasad_ looks nice :)
20:29.53 prasad_ better than what i remember
20:30.04 *** join/#brlcad roberthl (~robert@mediawiki/RobertL)
20:31.37 brlcad we're moving towards Qt, though, for widgets -- customized gl-rendered widgets
20:31.41 brlcad now that they're lgpl
20:31.58 brlcad I don't recall if that screenshot was before or after Qt was integrated
20:32.03 brlcad you remember starseeker ?
20:32.26 brlcad
20:32.36 brlcad looks like after, so that is Qt there
20:33.45 starseeker that one is after Qt I believe
20:34.11 starseeker yeah - that's the Qt widgets there
20:36.36 starseeker
20:36.42 starseeker prasad_: there ya go
20:37.05 prasad_ sexy ;)
20:46.27 brlcad starseeker: need a better icon for assemblies (combs above regions), parts (regions), and combs (below regions)
20:46.32 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (~ralith@
20:46.42 brlcad speak of the devil -- there be Ralith
20:47.02 starseeker brlcad: bob has a red icon for regions - that fix isn't in yet
20:47.43 starseeker as for parts... there's a fair bit of processing needed up front just to recognize that something is an assembly
20:48.19 starseeker one of the problems has been to balance features with load time - for big databases even search gets expensive
20:49.02 brlcad it could great an idle update queue where objects are expanded as they are identified
20:49.22 brlcad should also use a fixed-width font for the tree view
20:50.12 brlcad at least for the operators (which should be smaller and aligned better)
20:51.27 starseeker the operators are graphical (actually part of the image)
20:51.49 brlcad e.g., Inner-Hub-215-55R17.c .. the three prims below it all shift back and forth because of the font
20:52.05 brlcad that 'u' and '-' are graphical?
20:52.19 starseeker yes - that's a limitation of the tree widget
20:52.29 starseeker that's why there are 4 images per primitive
20:52.31 brlcad hm, then the icons need tweaking
20:52.35 starseeker yeah
20:52.38 brlcad to be all exactly the same dimensions
20:52.50 starseeker that was a quick and dirty "let's test out this idea for a tree widget" icon set
20:52.51 brlcad at least the same width
20:54.02 starseeker anticpated you not caring for them, but figured post-alpha was the logical time to refine them, if the idea sells with users
20:54.09 brlcad or rather, at least the same with for ops and same width for shape icons,
20:54.50 Ralith brlcad: eep!
20:54.56 brlcad any ideas on a good icon for combs?
20:55.10 brlcad Ralith: prasad_ was asking about your gui work, showed him some shots :)
20:55.12 starseeker was actually OK with the folder - it makes sense
20:55.33 starseeker I don't really have any better ideas (don't like the toolbar comb icon at all)
20:55.53 starseeker is a poor graphic artist :/
20:56.19 Ralith brlcad: cool; hopefully I can get back in and extend that some this summer
20:56.52 prasad_ starseeker, 'poor' depends on perception ;)
20:57.13 brlcad starseeker: a variant of our classic CSG example would probably work
20:57.15 prasad_ Ralith, u did the g3d one?
20:57.33 brlcad .. iirc, there's a proc-db or sample .g that has it
20:57.40 Ralith prasad_: in its current form, yeah, unless somebody extended it a ton while I wasn't looking.
20:57.53 Ralith prasad_: I owe a lot ot mafm's original work.
20:57.55 starseeker for comb? oh, you mean the boolean illustration?
20:58.20 Ralith he actually laid most of it out and built the higher level design that I worked from
20:58.21 starseeker the upper left one might work, but I dunno how well it would compress to 18 pixels high
20:58.23 brlcad I don't like the folder at all, it implies the wrong concept
20:59.03 prasad_ Ralith, cool
20:59.18 Ralith prasad_: what's your interest, if I might ask?
20:59.24 prasad_ iirc brlcad wont be in gsoc this year?
20:59.27 starseeker OK... and I suppose have the mult-colored one be the comb and a uniform color for regions?
20:59.42 prasad_ just curious to see the progress of a project i used to work on :)
21:00.02 Ralith cool
21:00.22 Ralith isn't planning on gsoc this year either, has some in-person job opportunities to hope for
21:00.38 prasad_ nice
21:00.42 prasad_ where abouts?
21:00.46 Ralith seattle
21:01.31 prasad_ nice
21:02.15 brlcad starseeker: regions are the one to call out with emphasis
21:02.42 brlcad ideally indicating solidity above regions and non-solidity below regions (they're just shapes)
21:02.54 brlcad barring that, same icon without color for non-regions
21:06.40 starseeker nods...
21:10.41 prasad_ brlcad, got an ipad?
21:18.31 ``Erik a1/cl
21:20.51 prasad_ hey ``Erik
21:23.12 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
21:37.17 mafm no love for gsoc this year :)
22:11.50 *** join/#brlcad Nohla (~jesica@
22:27.04 ``Erik yargh, prasad, wormed your way into firaxis yet? :D
22:27.56 starseeker eyes the hv3 required components list... if I'm not mistaken, we won't need Tls or tclsee for a help browser, and if we're using all png images we won't need Img...
22:28.26 starseeker that leaves Tkhtml3 and sqlite3, and I'm curious how deep the sqlite requirement is
22:28.29 starseeker hmm...
22:29.22 prasad_ ``Erik, funny u ask
22:29.29 prasad_ two leads at firaxis joined us
22:29.32 prasad_ heh
22:29.43 prasad_ they're not too happy about that
22:31.10 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r38573 10/brlcad/trunk/src/mged/ ( cmd.h info.c setup.c): Make the l command show the info for a primitive being edited, when it is edit state.
22:31.14 ``Erik left firaxis to work with ya'll?
22:32.43 ``Erik mebbe ya lucked out and landed at the better place O.o
22:36.06 ``Erik
22:36.54 ``Erik betty white ++
23:24.04 *** join/#brlcad tofu_ (~sean@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)

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