IRC log for #brlcad on 20100423

01:18.45 starseeker hmm - trying to generate tkhtml docs here
01:23.16 starseeker doc is part of the "all" target for both...
01:37.09 starseeker apparently my tkhtml build is backfiring on me here...
01:45.17 starseeker why the hell is distcheck looking for the file binaries???
01:45.20 starseeker grrrr
01:45.53 starseeker remembers tktreectrl had what looked to be a very clean build logic and digs it out...
01:49.12 starseeker ah, wait a minute...
01:53.12 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r38762 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/tkhtml3/ Hmm - listing the files explicitly in EXTRA_DIST lets distcheck get by tkhtml on gentoo...
01:55.38 starseeker wonders if there's a way to "partically parse" a step file - or maybe it's called incrementally parse...
01:55.49 starseeker instead of loading the whole thing into memory...
03:10.40 starseeker makes a note to take Shark to the step import process...
03:26.05 starseeker brlcad: have you ever heard of this project?
03:35.37 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r38763 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/hv3/ looks like that should be dist_man_MANS
03:44.56 starseeker hmm
03:45.48 starseeker IFC-SDK - "development of an open source C++ SDK solution for STEP data reading/parsing, writing and management."
03:47.19 starseeker cmake build system...
03:47.30 starseeker LGPL license...
03:56.23 starseeker holy CPU intensive gqa test Batman...
03:58.10 starseeker lotta disk IO for gqa too...
04:01.00 starseeker O.o cmake build of ifc-sdk completed successfully, no hiccups
04:01.23 starseeker I think that's maybe happened two or three times with non-ebuild cmake builds...
04:05.50 starseeker well, if g_qa ever finishes, it looks like it made it through the rest of distcheck...
07:02.04 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
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11:55.07 starseeker yep, distcheck passed on gentoo as of r38763
12:10.54 brlcad awesome
12:46.26 starseeker heads in
12:46.57 ``Erik has been doing distcheck's on rhel5 pretty much daily
12:47.14 ``Erik (that's what caused that CMakeLists.txt commit I did the other day)
12:47.26 ``Erik and the EXTRA_DIST fix in hv3
12:47.28 ``Erik :D
12:47.38 starseeker heh
12:48.43 starseeker needs to ask indianla1ry about ifc-sdk and what he thinks of it - perhaps merging the best of the NIST stuff with that would be a Good Thing for our step-g speed...
12:49.31 starseeker alright, sorry cat, I'm outta here
12:57.11 ``Erik <-- has been doing distcheck, then a fbsd port install/deinstall, is determined to have a GOOD dist for ports :D
12:57.29 ``Erik that's why the amd and intel fbsd boxen here have been so screwy lately
13:07.32 brlcad skip to 4:10 ..
13:23.22 ``Erik forgets the syntax to set the starting point in a y00t00bz
13:33.09 ``Erik "sitting on coal and trying to make diamonds", nice
13:48.25 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r38764 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/hv3/ man_MANS is automagically included in the dist files, dist_man_MANS is not, so add it to EXTRA_DIST
13:48.58 starseeker really O.o
13:49.39 starseeker man_MANS by itself didn't work on gentoo...
13:49.42 ``Erik ayup, at least on the rhel5 box I'm doing it on
13:49.55 ``Erik (should probably be mann_MAN ?)
13:50.04 starseeker I suppose
13:50.06 ``Erik or man_MANN or something
13:50.07 ``Erik forgets
13:50.22 starseeker should just docbook the thing
13:51.18 starseeker checks the librt
13:51.24 starseeker thought they used the dist_ thing
13:51.28 ``Erik yeah, it does
13:51.47 starseeker how come it works there?
13:52.02 ``Erik dunno O.o
13:52.08 ``Erik <-- has several test builds running
14:13.56 starseeker step-g seems to be spending just shy of 40% of its time in SCLstring::Length()
14:16.47 brlcad :):
14:17.05 brlcad that should be really easy to fix then
14:20.01 starseeker
14:25.14 brlcad replacing all SCLstrings with std::strings could probably be done in a day
14:26.13 starseeker nods - if the overhead is specific to SCLstrings that would help (probably a good idea anyway unless there's a really good reason for the special string...)
14:26.30 brlcad oh yeah, even less.. only 265 instances
14:27.07 brlcad there's rarely ever a good reason to have custom strings any more, at least for c++ code
14:28.28 brlcad it's common practice for folks that don't know about the standard library, one of many potential reasons why they wrote their own string class
14:29.23 starseeker watches the stable merge start to grind forward...
14:29.27 starseeker this will be a biggie
14:30.38 brlcad yeah, basically three releases
14:31.11 starseeker two src/other updates, lotta new docbook files - may need crit for the commit on this baby
14:31.30 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r38765 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: replace SCLstring with std::string
14:35.59 starseeker heh - Class: SCLstring Description: implements a few basic string handling functions - hopefully will be replaced by a standard class
14:36.07 starseeker scl_string.h
14:38.11 ``Erik hm, this one g_qa regression test has already consumed 80 cpu minutes
14:38.16 brlcad they probably started SCL before std::string existed
14:38.42 brlcad STL didn't come to light until late 90
14:38.46 brlcad 90's
14:39.25 brlcad wasn't pervasively available for the first few years
14:39.32 ``Erik I vagually recall that in the late 90's, gcc didn't come with it, the one in msvc was busted all sorts of ways, all the c++ weenies said if you want to use STL, get the one from SGI
14:40.55 starseeker nods
14:41.07 starseeker yeay - that comment is dated 1994, I think
14:41.16 starseeker s/yeay/yeah
14:41.23 brlcad starseeker: more details about IFC SDK at indicate they're not focused on geoemtry at all
14:41.49 brlcad they focus on BIM data, product lifecycle data
14:41.59 brlcad that's a different yarn, different APs
14:42.12 starseeker ah - so the only common ground would be EXPRESS?
14:42.22 brlcad basically
14:42.28 starseeker k
14:42.37 brlcad it'd be a libexpress replacment, the smaller portion that reads the file
14:43.01 brlcad the SCL portions, the SDAI class bindings would all have to get created for AP 203/214
14:43.26 starseeker ok, so not worth it then
14:43.30 starseeker easier to fix our own parser
14:55.53 brlcad the sdai bindings are the bulk of the "mess" now .. but step makes that part a little messy
14:56.12 brlcad and scl 'does it right' following the API for implementing a binding layer
14:59.02 brlcad looks like regression tests are going well.. excpet for one g_qa test..
14:59.34 starseeker for reasons not immediately clear, the gqa test beat the snot out of my box last night
14:59.51 brlcad hm, wonder what's changed
14:59.56 brlcad those should zip through
15:01.59 brlcad oh wow
15:02.08 brlcad -rw-rw-r-- 1 morrison users 7011965246 Apr 23 11:01
15:02.24 brlcad -rw-rw-r-- 1 morrison users 7542372670 Apr 23 11:02
15:02.37 brlcad it's spewing plot data like mad
15:02.43 starseeker ah
15:03.09 brlcad wonders what mged would do with 8GB of plot data
15:04.37 brlcad still going, up to 10GB
15:05.24 starseeker so we should turn off the plotting option for the test...
15:05.38 starseeker wonder how large a file he has cloggin up his home machine
15:07.36 brlcad now up to 13GB..
15:07.49 starseeker hunts for the gqa test lines...
15:07.56 brlcad that's insane
15:08.05 brlcad it's this test I believe:
15:08.09 brlcad ../src/gtools/g_qa -u m,m^3,kg -g 0.25m-0.5mm -p -Av -v gqa.g closed_box.r
15:08.17 brlcad which adds the -v option
15:09.03 starseeker mmm
15:09.57 starseeker "verbose reporting of computation progress"
15:10.09 starseeker well, the verbose part is right enough...
15:10.56 brlcad I don't think the option is new, so something is being uber chatty
15:13.19 starseeker offhand I don't see any extra plotting code being enabled by verbose
15:14.46 starseeker letsee...
15:32.09 starseeker hmm, same command doesn't have an issue with a sphere locally...
15:32.57 starseeker growls at doc/docbook... merge doggone it
15:37.55 brlcad looks like it got up to about 20GB
15:38.05 brlcad before the test finished and it moved on to the next test
15:38.18 brlcad wiping out the file, starting over
17:21.07 ``Erik siesta time, w00t
17:34.34 ``Erik hm, many manpages seem to have disappeared from the install
17:40.16 ``Erik hm, brilliant response:
17:45.39 starseeker ``Erik: hmm?
17:45.41 starseeker what's missing?
17:58.03 starseeker is bz down?
17:58.14 starseeker (website wise?)
17:58.34 starseeker ah, nevermind
18:24.43 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r38766 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/ (1468 files in 329 dirs): Sync to r38764, except for doc/docbook which will take a little more work.
18:36.51 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
18:37.19 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r38767 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/doc/docbook/ (65 files in 10 dirs): Get articles, books and lessons...
18:42.32 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r38768 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/doc/docbook/system/man1/en/ (190 files): Clear out man1 files that will be moved to mann
18:42.45 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r38769 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/ (Archer.tcl ArcherCore.tcl): Added a list view to ArcherCore.
18:58.06 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r38770 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/doc/docbook/system/mann/en/ (233 files): Add the new mann man pages.
19:05.29 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r38771 10/brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/archer/Archer.tcl: Tie together the two tree/list node highlight modes in the preferences panel.
19:11.18 brlcad 40GB file .. damn
19:14.05 ``Erik ah, the missing manpage thing was due to removing xsltproc :D
19:14.35 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r38772 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: ready to ship, even though gqa is being a little pig feeder by growing a file many GB in size.
19:17.35 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r38773 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: more detail on gqa badness
19:40.06 starseeker ``Erik: <snort> yeah, don't do that :-P
19:40.17 starseeker unless you want us to stick it in src/other...
19:42.30 starseeker I think we're synced - need to diff tarballs on stable and trunk to be sure
19:42.55 brlcad yay for excessive option combination testing
19:43.31 brlcad all warnings + optimized + all builds enabled results in libfb warning (and strict compile failure)
19:43.47 brlcad four other combinations of options all succeeded :)
19:43.56 starseeker <blink>
19:44.15 starseeker wow - what failed?
19:45.27 brlcad warning: ignoring return value of 'write', declared with attribute warn_unused_result
19:45.44 ``Erik good old redhat heh
19:46.05 brlcad it's valid -- no idea why the previous didn't fail on it
19:46.40 starseeker brlcad: if you really want to have some fun, try the latest svn clang/llvm compiler ;-)
19:46.54 ``Erik <-- has been turning off strict on rhel5 to avoid the slew of those messages *shrug*
19:51.29 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r38774 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libfb/ (if_X.c if_X24.c if_tk.c): check the return values for read() and write(). since this bits of code have no course of action to take on failure, just quell the warning by acknowledging the return value.
19:51.46 brlcad ``Erik: instead of taking the whole minute it takes to fix them?
19:51.52 brlcad they should all be fixed
19:52.05 brlcad had plenty around the net send in reports
19:52.16 brlcad fixed them as they were reported until they got a build
19:52.27 ``Erik um, I did a make -k and there were many many many pages of scroll for those *shrug*
19:52.58 brlcad sounds like vague and old status
19:53.16 ``Erik should re-run configure with updated options *shrug*
20:07.21 starseeker tries the clang C++ support periodically - they're doing pretty well on the step code but OpenNURBS so far is no-go
20:16.57 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r38775 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libfb/ (22 files): ws, style, indent, comment, consistency update
20:17.31 *** join/#brlcad indianlarry (~indianlar@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
20:29.26 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r38776 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/doc/docbook/ Update doc/docbook/
20:40.30 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r38777 10/brlcad/branches/STABLE/ (25 files in 3 dirs): Update STABLE to trunk revision 38776
20:53.25 ``Erik huh, code generation is gone in glade 3. :/
23:51.49 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03r_weiss * r38778 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/obj-g_new.c: testing to populate nmg normals correctly

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