IRC log for #brlcad on 20100517

00:00.12 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03davidloman * r39246 10/brlcad/trunk/src/libpkg/tpkg.c: Simple typo fix Wierd->Weird
00:26.41 ``Erik huh, an a-team movie :/
00:38.58 ``Erik w00t, 7.16.8 meta is in the fbsd ports tree
01:01.19 starseeker ``Erik: arrgh - what configure options?
01:02.22 starseeker is sure the features will take off once the basic opengl stuff is working... it's like being taunted by the code
01:14.55 ``Erik for those errors, "./configure --enable-optimized --with-ogl --enable-rtgl --enable-togl"
01:15.15 ``Erik when I do "./configure --enable-optimized --with-ogl --enable-rtgl --enable-togl --enable-tcl-build --enable-tk-build" I get errors about not finding GL/gl.h
01:16.06 ``Erik (should probably add --with-agl or something)
01:24.42 ``Erik hm, f.lux is actually pretty nifty
01:30.44 starseeker ``Erik: this is on a mac?
01:31.09 ``Erik yes
01:31.24 starseeker I don't suppose you can upgrade to the latest Xquartz?
01:31.57 ``Erik I thought I did just a couple weeks ago
01:32.41 ``Erik hm, taking out the --enable-ogl and --enable-rtgl and adding --enable-agl, togl compiles but fails to link
01:33.13 starseeker not surprised - agl was something I was putting in for an apple native version of the ogl display manager
01:33.26 starseeker it's Not Ready Yet :-/
01:34.16 ``Erik if I manually add -L/usr/X11/lib to the link line for togl, it links... once it's done compiling, I'll install and see how bad I munged things up :D
01:34.37 starseeker doe adding --with-x11=/usr/X11 do anything?
01:34.47 starseeker ``Erik: thanks :-)
01:36.45 starseeker it might be one of those cases where the isn't properly sucking in the autotools settings we supply
01:36.48 starseeker growl...
01:37.08 ``Erik highly possible
01:37.25 ``Erik I had to do ugly things to set things up for tkhtml3 to catch the right bits
01:37.32 starseeker nods
01:38.03 starseeker kinda ironic given how much we use tcl/tk, but we sure do have a conflicting world view of How To Build Stuff
01:39.00 ``Erik kinda smells like tcl saw auto*, then got a sudden outbreak of "we need something like that, but, uh, nih!"
01:39.17 starseeker they actively despise libtool
01:40.12 ``Erik libtool becomes hugely useful when you start considering more than one platform :/
01:40.16 starseeker eyes the pure-autotools build of tcl he started working on...
01:40.43 starseeker was considering finishing that up and putting it on github...
01:40.52 ``Erik would rather see a pure auto* tkhtml3 and togl *cough*
01:41.02 starseeker nods
01:41.15 starseeker the problem is, we have to supply something that works for package require
01:41.21 ``Erik in general, system provided tcl and tk are there... tkhtml3 and togl are... not
01:41.24 ``Erik yeh
01:41.24 starseeker same basic problem we hit with the isst stuff
01:41.46 starseeker that might actually be a workable solution, to use the module and specialized prefix thing
01:42.07 ``Erik <-- notes that the GL bits for isst are very trivial, if that's the actual concern, rolling our own wrapper would be trivial *shrug*
01:42.17 starseeker nods.
01:42.36 ``Erik and the dm/fb stuff is also very trivial gl stuff
01:42.54 starseeker I thought it was a good excuse to try out togl, since if it does work as advertised we will have a "well behaved" tcl/tk widget that is also opengl
01:43.55 starseeker I'm pretty sure I'm just doing something stupidly wrong, since I tried to do a straight-ish copy of the SDL logic
01:44.46 ``Erik um, the stuff I wrote assumes things prepared the way sdl prepares them... the togl stuff I saw looked very glut, there might be a couple little things that're different
01:44.53 ``Erik like defaulting to single buffer instead of double
01:45.14 starseeker erahum
01:45.20 ``Erik do a glut tutorial or two, it might help ya understand the togl mindset a bit better
01:45.33 ``Erik (if I read what I saw of togl correctly... which is basically the gears demo)
01:45.40 starseeker nods
01:45.59 starseeker except I believe the gears thing had a SwapBuffer call in there
01:46.03 ``Erik glut is a really neat library for quick and dirty opengl experiments anyways
01:46.50 ``Erik hm, what was the issue? junk texture?
01:47.04 starseeker seemed to be
01:47.13 starseeker either garbage or a blank screen (what I get here)
01:47.34 ``Erik 'blank'?
01:47.38 starseeker black
01:47.46 ``Erik you mean, like, the garbage in your texture data is all 0's?
01:47.47 ``Erik :D
01:47.53 starseeker probably
01:48.04 starseeker you'll see if you get it compiled
01:48.31 ``Erik if ya turn off texturing and give it a glColor3D(), does it 'seem to work correctly'? (is it 3D? or 3i? hrm)
01:48.34 ``Erik 3i I bet
01:51.44 ``Erik well, glColor3d(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); or glColor3i(255, 255, 255);
01:51.46 ``Erik should be the same
01:52.55 starseeker tries that...
01:54.26 ``Erik wow, that american dad had a few ... very... disturbing bits O.o stan saying "ooh! fresh panties for the ride home!" in a parody of the ending of aliens O.o
01:54.40 ``Erik er, alien, rather
01:56.03 starseeker can't immediately get it to show a color... what else do I need to turn off here...
01:57.15 starseeker gah
01:57.34 starseeker is tempted to put the gear bits back in, just as a sanity check...
01:58.35 ``Erik you turned off texturing, right?
01:59.02 starseeker I commented out the enable - do I need to explicitly disable?
01:59.34 ``Erik opengl is a state machine without a known start state, try doing glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
01:59.42 ``Erik where the glEnable was
01:59.46 starseeker k
02:00.42 ``Erik (that state machine comment... that's why you got the junk buffer, and something that confuses the crap out of a lot of c++ programmers, probably worse for lisp programmers...)
02:01.10 starseeker ``Erik: still won't work for you there?
02:01.36 ``Erik isst_tcltk.h is failing, togl.h is expecting things to be set that aren't or something
02:01.49 starseeker growl
02:02.17 starseeker you could try with --enable-aqua-tk
02:02.34 starseeker and --disable-X11
02:02.46 starseeker or --disable-x11 maybe
02:03.09 ``Erik I shoved a #define TOGL_AGL into isst_tcltk.c
02:03.12 ``Erik compile is continuing
02:03.49 ``Erik this is gonna be one hell of a bastardized build heh
02:03.54 starseeker hehe
02:04.10 starseeker you don't have a local BSD box with X11 on it?
02:05.04 ``Erik not with enough disk space to deal with all this docbook and opennurbs and step crap
02:05.21 starseeker O.o
02:06.27 starseeker , in desperation, removes everything but what should be the bare essentials and grabs a simple opengl example from the web
02:06.34 ``Erik ya don't remember me bitching up a storm when ya added all the docbook stuff? :D
02:06.41 starseeker oh, I do
02:06.52 starseeker thought you might crack and get a somewhat larger harddrive though
02:06.53 ``Erik 'sides, it's 10 on a sunday
02:06.57 starseeker true
02:07.22 ``Erik oh, I got a big hard drive, it's just not wired to that machine, it's waiting for me to finish preparing the arm box to replace my server
02:07.40 starseeker nods
02:07.46 ``Erik it's a race to see who's slowest, which migration will be last? arm or bz? :D *duck*
02:13.27 ``Erik well, got it to fire up on my mac, junk in the texture
02:13.44 ``Erik goddamnit, now I suppose you expect ME to fix it
02:14.39 ``Erik lets see, -double true, hm
02:18.08 starseeker ``Erik: I'll take all the help I can get - I was hoping it might be a trivial thing for you to spot...
02:18.50 starseeker maybe I'm doing something wrong initing the TIE stuff...
02:26.24 ``Erik well, I get 1 frame to display correctly
02:31.25 starseeker ??
02:31.26 starseeker how
02:33.30 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r39247 10/brlcad/trunk/src/isst/isst_tcltk.c: make reshape call resize_isst. pass correct info around. etc.
02:34.19 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r39248 10/brlcad/trunk/src/isst/isst_tcltk.c: make reshape call resize_isst. pass correct info around. etc.
02:34.26 ``Erik damnit
02:44.41 starseeker O.o
02:46.18 starseeker well, that's something
02:46.24 starseeker ``Erik: thanks!
02:47.13 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r39249 10/brlcad/trunk/src/isst/isst_tcltk.c: Shouldn't need to force this - need to check build logic on Mac for X11
02:49.02 ``Erik damnit
02:49.54 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r39250 10/brlcad/trunk/src/isst/isst_tcltk.c: fix more stuff, ditch frustum/perspective stuff, ditch global
02:50.40 starseeker ``Erik: oh, sorry - I'll leave the TOGL_AGL thing alone until you're done
02:51.51 ``Erik nah, I moved it into the makefile
02:51.58 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r39251 10/brlcad/trunk/src/isst/isst_tcltk.c: typo
02:52.16 ``Erik just threw a commit, moved on, then realized it failed on 'not up to date'
02:52.29 ``Erik well
02:52.31 starseeker O.o - now I get 3 ktanks :-)
02:52.34 ``Erik there's something there, but something ain't right
02:52.35 ``Erik yeah
02:53.14 starseeker <marketing hat>New - three for the price of one!</marketing hat>
02:54.16 starseeker prints the actual values width and height are getting - SDL was doing something with those involving a rectangle...
02:55.03 ``Erik um, yeah, that was done for the software blit, the opengl variant SHOULDN'T be using those, just leftovers
02:55.23 ``Erik meh
02:55.27 ``Erik something to do tomorrie
02:55.48 starseeker cool - thanks ``Erik !
02:57.46 ``Erik heh,
02:57.56 ``Erik (parody of 'legend of zelda')
02:59.08 starseeker shame-facedly admits to never having played Legend of Zelda
02:59.48 ``Erik neither have I, *shrug* still find it funny :D
03:00.10 ``Erik heh, I got through most of 8bit theater before I realized it was a parody of final fantasy...
03:02.44 ``Erik whistles innocently
03:02.50 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r39252 10/isst/trunk/sdl/main.c: fix memory leak on resize
03:06.57 starseeker confirms rendering of first frame is real - what an odd behavior with the three windows
03:07.09 starseeker and of course resizing is a disaster
03:07.26 starseeker still, progress
03:08.05 ``Erik might mean the values being passed in are not quite right, it's very sensitive to that
03:08.32 ``Erik (it looks like the width between the isst context and texture are not quite the same)
03:15.19 starseeker is guessing that sucks to debug?
03:15.37 starseeker hah, cool!
03:16.23 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r39253 10/brlcad/trunk/src/isst/isst_tcltk.c: Add some color to make sure the billboard is sane. Ditch duplicate variables.
03:21.03 starseeker neat!
03:21.09 starseeker strange, but neat!
03:21.36 ``Erik if you turn off texturing, it becomes obvious why
03:21.39 ``Erik :D
03:22.29 starseeker ah :-)
03:32.01 starseeker ``Erik: it looks like the first time resize_isst is called, the camera width and height are at 400, 400
03:32.19 starseeker (altering the tcl script to init with that window size results in something sane looking
03:32.20 ``Erik yes, which'd be the default size for those
03:32.46 ``Erik amusingly, if you set isst->gs to 1, it all seems tow ork kinda ok
03:33.25 ``Erik meh
03:34.30 starseeker is at something of a loss as to why it's getting 400,400...
03:35.13 ``Erik since 400x400 is the widget default, I'd assume it inits, then it sends a resize for the real size
03:35.37 starseeker which should update the isst struct as well
03:35.50 ``Erik I'm sure you could figure out where the togl source is to verify that *cough* :D
03:36.07 ``Erik yes.... setting the gs makes things almost work right
03:36.22 ``Erik gridsize, that's what gs stands for
03:36.42 ``Erik the 'shame' knob :D
03:37.23 starseeker <blink>
03:37.29 starseeker yeah, that does do something
03:37.33 starseeker O.o
03:37.52 ``Erik we can look at it tomorrow morning *shrug*
03:37.59 starseeker sounds good
03:38.07 starseeker packs it in
03:41.07 ``Erik is that nature article the thing that was on slashdot friday for power from bioengineered goop?
03:41.30 starseeker dunno - saw it today as a discussion of the core nature of photosynthesis
03:42.33 ``Erik they want $'s for anything more than the abstract :/
03:42.34 starseeker yeah, sucks
03:42.44 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r39254 10/brlcad/trunk/src/isst/isst.h: We have this line in the c file for now.
03:42.46 ``Erik and we've both written enough abstracts to know how much they really relate to the good stuff
03:44.13 starseeker maybe we can get a look at it tomorrow
03:44.32 starseeker there must be some way to relate it to CAD :-P
03:45.02 ``Erik from nature? O.o we have ieee, acm, and a few others, but I don't think we have nature
03:45.11 starseeker bah
03:45.49 ``Erik suppose you could chuck it to a librarian as a 'curiosity' class thing *shrug* I d'no
03:48.08 starseeker nah, I doubt they'd support pure curiosity without an immediate application in mind
03:48.33 starseeker hmm - 320 works for camera.w, and so does 640
03:49.32 starseeker and 1280
03:49.51 starseeker tank shifted a little south in all 3
03:50.02 starseeker finer resultion at higher numbers
03:50.09 starseeker smacks self and goes to bed
10:56.48 *** join/#brlcad brlcad (~sean@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
11:00.21 d-lo Mernin all
11:02.49 d-lo brlcad: Been reading up on libpkg.... is there a way for a pkg_client to send any form of signal when data is available (aka NIO style) or is it purely a blocking approach?
11:55.22 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (~rossberg@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
12:59.56 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
13:46.06 starseeker O.o still getting a bwish crash - must not be freeing something somewhere
13:50.25 ``Erik yet you still haven't used gdb
13:51.07 ``Erik d-lo: libpkg is very simple, we were talking about having callbacks added at some point (to migrate adrt's network stuff), but I think it's blocking only... can always set up a polling thread
13:52.39 starseeker ``Erik: was trying to make sense of the log file
14:11.18 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r39255 10/brlcad/trunk/src/isst/isst_tcltk.c: Reset the index to 0, fixes rendering and realloc issues - remove debugging colors.
14:17.50 ``Erik log file? huh?
14:31.51 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r39256 10/brlcad/trunk/src/isst/isst_tcltk.c: look function for motion/rotation
14:36.10 d-lo ``Erik: Yeah, I was trying to avoid polling. Works okay for a few connections but doesn't scale well at all.
15:12.48 ``Erik yeah, some os's start getting bogged down as early as 30,000 or so, not many survive past a million
15:12.51 ``Erik O:-)
15:13.24 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r39257 10/brlcad/trunk/src/isst/ ( gears.tcl isst.tcl): It's not a gear demo any more.
15:20.57 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r39258 10/brlcad/trunk/src/isst/isst_tcltk.c: add render_mode tcl func for selecting shader
15:25.50 d-lo Well, tbh, I don't really envision the GS getting any more than 2500-3000 connections at a time.
15:49.30 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r39259 10/brlcad/trunk/src/isst/ (isst.tcl isst_tcltk.c): Number keys will toggle shader modes now.
18:02.55 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r39260 10/brlcad/trunk/src/isst/ (isst.h isst.tcl isst_tcltk.c): I doubt this is the 'right' way, but it does produce movement of the model based on mouse motion.
18:50.22 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r39261 10/isst/trunk/sdl/event.c: change F11 to switch to/from fullscreen and f to move down
18:51.48 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r39262 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc8/tclsh/library/installTree.tcl: Added code for creating source files in tkhtml3.
18:58.08 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r39263 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc8/ (5 files in 3 dirs): Added projects for tkhtml and tkpng.
19:01.53 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r39264 10/brlcad/trunk/src/archer/archer: If on windows, add Tkhtml3.0 to the auto_path so that the package require for Tkhtml works.
19:13.40 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03bob1961 * r39265 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc8/tclsh/library/installTree.tcl: Added code to create the pkgIndex.tcl file for tkhtml.
20:12.30 starseeker growl
20:13.42 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r39266 10/isst/trunk/sdl/myplugin.c: a slightly more involved plugin example: Xray style (sorta like rtxray), painting odd triangle counts red.
20:58.15 *** join/#brlcad velociostrich (
21:58.12 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
22:12.13 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03r_weiss * r39267 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/obj-g_new.c: adding functions to test surface closure
23:51.52 CIA-73 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r39268 10/brlcad/trunk/src/isst/ (isst.tcl isst_tcltk.c): This puts a little more of the movement logic in tcl land, but not all of it.

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