IRC log for #brlcad on 20100521

00:08.02 starseeker and just for more fun: "House Votes To Expand National DNA Arrest Database"
00:08.26 starseeker should have stayed off of slashdot today
00:19.10 starseeker grumbles... tktable and tktreectrl aren't currently compatible with 8.6 aqua
00:19.17 starseeker confound it
01:32.59 dtidrow "German High Court Declares All Software Patentable" - morons
01:33.25 dtidrow should be 'UNpatentable'
01:33.42 dtidrow patenting math is just wrong....
02:02.39 CIA-49 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r39447 10/brlcad/trunk/src/isst/isst_tcltk.c: Hmm - freeing this isn't working, need to check on argv_from_string
02:21.09 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
02:42.54 *** join/#brlcad Nohla (~jesica@
02:54.05 *** join/#brlcad WhiteCalf (~Prez@2002:601f:5460::601f:5460)
03:15.40 starseeker wonders why edit_com doesn't have issues with freeing the results of bu_argv_from_string... hmm...
03:22.04 brlcad remember that there is potentially allocation for the array itself as well as for the indiv elements in the array
03:22.37 brlcad if the array is on the stack, can't free it -- only free the members within it
03:22.58 *** join/#brlcad stevegt_ (~stevegt@cislunar.TerraLuna.Org)
03:23.17 brlcad pair up your malloc calls with free calls (there's a bu_debug flag you can set that will print them out for you, helps with allocaiton problems)
04:01.08 *** join/#brlcad stevegt_ (
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06:29.58 *** join/#brlcad CIA-40 (cia@
07:24.00 *** join/#brlcad DarkCalf (~Prez@
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10:41.17 *** join/#brlcad d_rossberg (~rossberg@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
10:51.58 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r39448 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/primitives/metaball/metaball.c: make things even uglier
13:22.03 *** join/#brlcad stevegt_2 (
13:33.24 starseeker Well, at least in the case of the -I statements being missing it doesn't look like Togl's fault
13:33.48 starseeker it's using our cache, which is not defining ac_x_includes (or rather, is defining it as empty)
13:35.19 ``Erik keeps seeing /BinaryCache/... show up :/
13:36.23 starseeker wonders if this is related to that line we had to take out because of the Mac png issue
13:39.01 ``Erik running configure in src/other/togl, giving it --with-tk=<path> --with-tcl=<path> and --with-x=<path>, it still fails, ignores my X path and uses the stuff it finds elsewhere O.o
13:41.30 starseeker yeah, needs -x-includes=/usr/X11R6/include
13:44.36 ``Erik same issue heh :D
13:44.57 starseeker nods - that sets the header value, but it's not being included as an -I option
13:49.10 ``Erik removed /opt/local/bin from the path, purged the caches, it's still not allowing /usr/X11R6/include in O.o
13:49.21 starseeker nods
13:49.32 ``Erik (and still finding the opt stuff somehow)
13:50.53 starseeker ``Erik: I don't suppose symlinking X11R6 to X11 gets us anywhere?
13:51.11 ``Erik ahhhhh, is overriding configure
13:51.25 ``Erik have that symlink already
13:52.00 ``Erik grumbles and installs mesa O.o
13:55.50 ``Erik yup, that allows it to build
13:58.52 ``Erik doesn't explain that other mac, though :/ unless togl/x11 requires mesa headers and pukes on apples version of X opengl stuff O.o
13:59.07 starseeker that could be it
14:01.03 starseeker braces himself and tries an aqua build
14:01.25 ``Erik hah
14:01.34 ``Erik Error in startup script: couldn't load file "/usr/brlcad/HEAD_32/lib/isst/issttcltk.plugin": dlopen(/usr/brlcad/HEAD_32/lib/isst/issttcltk.plugin, 10): Symbol not found: _Tcl_PkgInitStubsCheck
14:01.41 ``Erik "load /usr/brlcad/HEAD_32/lib/isst/issttcltk.plugin isst"
14:01.48 ``Erik $ ls /usr/brlcad/HEAD_32/lib/isst
14:01.48 ``Erik issttcltk.0.plugin issttcltk.a issttcltk.plugin pkgIndex.tcl
14:01.57 ``Erik got an extra .0 in the filename
14:02.06 starseeker O.o
14:02.19 ``Erik apple makes libblah.0.dylib instead of
14:03.12 ``Erik at this rate, you're gonna have the same appreciate of libtool that the tcl dudes do :>
14:03.27 starseeker heh
14:03.59 starseeker does your little sh script give a useful result?
14:04.11 ``Erik hm, there's a symlink though
14:04.14 starseeker (as opposed to forcing the plugin extension?)
14:04.39 ``Erik ohhhhhhh, wait
14:04.43 ``Erik n/m, that's not hte issue
14:06.03 ``Erik it's trying to use system tcl84
14:06.10 starseeker Symbol not found: _Tcl_PkgInitStubsCheck almost seems like it's not getting something it needs from Tcl...
14:06.14 starseeker ah
14:06.18 starseeker phooey
14:08.57 *** join/#brlcad kil-9 (
14:35.05 starseeker glares at TEA
14:35.45 starseeker it's days like today that make me want to finish that complete redo of the tcl/tk build logic
15:00.49 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r39449 10/brlcad/trunk/TODO: collecting usage statistics.
15:05.46 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r39450 10/brlcad/trunk/ (7 files in 4 dirs): move the tcl/tk/togl isst from src/isst to src/adrt
17:00.32 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r39451 10/brlcad/trunk/m4/ ( OpenGL.m4): add OpenGL searching shtuff from gamem4
17:03.51 starseeker ``Erik: yeah, here's the other one:
17:03.54 starseeker
17:05.00 starseeker there's a third, but it's GPL
17:07.30 ``Erik hm, the ax one seems to be GPL v2
17:07.48 starseeker hmm?
17:07.54 ``Erik
17:08.39 starseeker erum
17:09.14 starseeker those are updated
17:09.27 ``Erik <-- would assume that braden mcdaniel is 'more correct' about the license of braden mcdaniel's source than some aggregator O.o :)
17:09.29 starseeker whch of course would be ideal...
17:09.38 starseeker nods
17:09.52 starseeker worth emailing him to see if LGPL would work?
17:10.32 starseeker looks like he's put some thought into this
17:10.35 ``Erik mebbe *shrug*
17:10.44 starseeker ah well, email's cheap
17:10.47 starseeker fires away
17:10.58 ``Erik might wanna ask him if the version on that site is actually supposed to be mit
17:11.30 ``Erik my gut feeling would be that the aggregator assumed the license they liked since braden didn't put it in the file itself...
17:11.31 starseeker right - but even if it is, we'd want to either do it ourselves or be able to use current stuff from someone else
17:11.53 ``Erik so letting him know it's out there might be a nice good faith gesture
17:12.04 starseeker nods
17:13.15 ``Erik the ax one looks like it requires some other m4 files, too
17:26.26 *** join/#brlcad stevegt_1 (~stevegt@cislunar.TerraLuna.Org)
17:43.34 starseeker huh - same guy who does openvrml
17:51.25 ``Erik damn those people who do several some-what related things O.o *duck*
17:51.32 starseeker heh
17:51.49 starseeker just amused - I had early stumbled onto openvrml
17:56.51 ``Erik interesting, I try to load a model using the isst.tcl and get a buttload of db_dircheck duplicate warnings and 0 triangles loaded O.o (geometry works fine in the sdl version)
18:06.41 starseeker ``Erik: I'm betting it's related to argv somehow - try putting in just a straight string name
18:10.13 ``Erik yes
18:10.21 starseeker that worked?
18:10.24 ``Erik bu_argv_from_string returns 0 and does not fill
18:10.35 starseeker crap
18:10.56 ``Erik looks like argv might need to be malloc'd before calling that func?
18:11.04 starseeker I thought I was...
18:11.26 ``Erik or pass &argv, lemme look
18:12.38 starseeker hmm - I'm not mallocing, odd...
18:13.01 ``Erik yup, that worked
18:13.13 starseeker passing &argv?
18:13.16 ``Erik no
18:13.30 starseeker and I'll bet you can free it now too?
18:13.31 ``Erik argv = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *)*1000); before the argv_from_string
18:13.35 starseeker smacks himself
18:14.02 starseeker might want to malloc sizeof(char *)*strlen(Tcl_GetString(objv[3])
18:14.14 ``Erik yup
18:14.26 ``Erik malloc() right before the load_g and free right after, works fine
18:14.33 starseeker ``Erik: can you commit? I'm trying to rebuild
18:14.46 ``Erik hrm
18:15.07 ``Erik is it appropriate for taht function to fill existing memory, or should it try to allocate appropriately?
18:15.08 brlcad "The input buffer is altered by this process. The argv[] array * points into the input buffer. The argv[] array needs to have at * least lim+1 pointers allocated for lim items plus a terminating * pointer to NULL. The input buffer should not be freed until argv * has been freed or passes out of scope.
18:15.41 starseeker oh, oops
18:15.53 starseeker so we need to make a local string, and use that
18:16.09 brlcad and keep it allocated until you're done with the argv
18:16.14 ``Erik sizeof(string) isn't right, though
18:16.16 starseeker got it
18:16.54 starseeker ``Erik: uh, right - that's why I said strlen
18:17.06 ``Erik "a b c" would need 4 pointers, 16 or 32 bytes, but strlen is 5
18:17.15 ``Erik er, strlen I mean
18:17.35 brlcad when I started implementing the encode/decode functions, I changed bu_argv_from_string to make a copy of your input string so it wasn't dependent, but that was all reverted when decode wasn't working right
18:17.45 starseeker as long as we're slightly larger, it shouldn't matter should it?
18:17.49 ``Erik sizeo(void *)*(strlen(string)+1) if all the names are single character, but that'd allocate way too much for 'normal' ones
18:18.25 starseeker well, anything else is going to need to pre-process the string
18:18.44 ``Erik yeh, that's why I mentioned something about allocating appropriately :D
18:19.42 starseeker will over-allocation of that particular string ever be likely to cause problems?
18:20.51 ``Erik probably not
18:20.58 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r39452 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/isst_tcltk.c: allocate memory before filling
18:21.42 ``Erik hrm, that's without the [split $args] though
18:22.02 starseeker shrugs - try it quick and see if we need to pre-split it or not
18:22.16 ``Erik imagines removing the bu_ func and using [split] is what we really want, no?
18:22.45 brlcad is mildly intrigued by the tesla toyota partership .. hopefully the affordability and engineering of toyota with the look and power of tesla/lotus
18:23.03 starseeker well, you can either pre-split and manually create an argv with the objv[n] entries, or do it this way
18:23.09 brlcad and not the look and power of toyota with the tesla pricetag :)
18:23.12 starseeker I'm guessing potato/potato
18:24.00 ``Erik s/power/lackofweight/ :D *duck*
18:26.05 ``Erik still looking at getting a turbo?
18:26.23 brlcad as power == work / time == force * displacement / time == mass * acceleration * displacement / time ... sure, reducing mass and/or displacement, resulting in better acceleration and more power :P
18:27.23 brlcad I'd like to, it's not any higher on my priority list at the moment .. still have major house projects to attend to first
18:27.49 ``Erik hrm
18:30.51 ``Erik interesting
18:31.15 starseeker libtool: link: cannot find the library `../../src/adrt/' or unhandled argument `../../src/adrt/'
18:32.12 starseeker may have been caused by parallel make...
18:32.41 brlcad find . -name \*.la -exec rm {} \; && make
18:33.13 starseeker brlcad: I just typed make again and it contined...
18:33.32 brlcad k
18:33.40 brlcad I'd assumed you'd already tried that
18:33.51 starseeker no - just noting that something needs fixing in the make logic
18:34.14 starseeker ``Erik moved isst back into src/adrt
18:40.27 starseeker ``Erik: why not bu_malloc/bu_free?
18:40.46 ``Erik cuz my fingers aren't used to bu_ there
18:41.06 starseeker ah
18:41.08 ``Erik is tracking that dup thing, will change once he gets this file back to normalish
18:41.11 starseeker no particular reason?
18:41.12 ``Erik *shrug*
18:41.23 starseeker np
18:41.40 starseeker every once in a while you need raw malloc/free, just wasn't sure if this was one of those cases
18:45.24 ``Erik does tcl have (map) ?
18:45.34 starseeker urm
18:45.37 starseeker dunno
18:45.49 ``Erik cuz that's what you're faking with that foreach :/
18:46.56 starseeker looks
18:47.40 ``Erik (load_g (lambda (x) (get listwidget x)) (curselection listwidget)) or something
18:47.52 ``Erik knowwhutahmean,vern?
18:48.17 ``Erik isst.asd ftw! *cough* :D
18:48.45 ``Erik and if the ::isst::treeview stuff is going to replace it, is it worth effort at the moment? hrmmm
18:50.34 starseeker tree building will be a bit more complicated
18:51.27 starseeker don't see a proper map as such
18:52.14 starseeker just some proc definitions using foreach
18:52.37 starseeker you might be able to do one using the C api...
18:53.16 ``Erik OH!
18:53.18 ``Erik hah
18:53.43 ``Erik you open the file to extract the names for the dialog, don't close it, then open it with load_g
18:54.06 starseeker oooops
18:54.10 starseeker sorry
18:54.20 starseeker that's the problem with quick hacks
18:56.00 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r39453 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/isst_tcltk.c: build char** argv list from tcl objv
18:57.20 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r39454 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/isst_tcltk.c: close db after reading the names
18:57.49 ``Erik hrm, split may not be right O.o
18:58.18 starseeker HAH! sweet - it's working with aqua
18:58.33 starseeker including real fullscreen
18:58.54 starseeker and mouse button 2 is now mouse button 3
18:58.56 starseeker growl
18:59.25 ``Erik yeah, everyone has their own notion of which button is which # :/
19:51.38 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r39455 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/isst_tcltk.c: Put the working argv build back in for now.
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20:36.27 ``Erik heh
20:38.11 ``Erik mebbe something like, uh, "load_g $oglwin $filename [llength [split $selectedobjs]] $selectedobjs" ?
20:39.15 ``Erik or we could break up load_g into several functions, then foreach to the 'add this name' bit, might be useful for adding/removing geometry from the engine in the long run O.o
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