IRC log for #brlcad on 20100522

01:58.55 *** join/#brlcad Nohla (~jesica@
02:01.20 ``Erik anyone have a reading of the c/tcl tcl/c cross-call cost?
02:01.43 ``Erik <-- pondering having adrt call into tcl for hit func
02:02.04 ``Erik is that gonna be 1/1000 fps or 1/10000000 fps?
02:06.22 Nohla holas
02:06.46 ``Erik salut, jesica
02:07.30 ``Erik konbonwa desu ka?
02:07.35 Nohla a lot of time without a word, doesnt it?
02:07.53 ``Erik hrm?
02:08.09 ``Erik oh, yes, the channel has been fairly dead today
02:08.36 Nohla was talking about myself :)
02:08.41 ``Erik ahhhh
02:08.43 ``Erik yes :)
02:09.25 ``Erik are you still interested in translations, or have you moved on from that?
02:14.55 ``Erik too upsetting of a subject, I see O.o :D
02:17.22 Nohla ``Erik i'm still in
02:17.56 Nohla I've sent a message to sean for that
02:18.26 Nohla looking for the best way of working
02:20.15 ``Erik sean may be overworked at times, starseeker and I may be able to aid on occasion
02:21.49 ``Erik I believe he indicated he had several hundred unread emails during lunch
02:25.52 ``Erik <PROTECTED>
02:38.23 starseeker brlcad: Would m4 macros with a GPL license and an exception clause for scripts generated as a result of using the macros be workable in BRL-CAD?
02:46.34 ``Erik <PROTECTED>
02:52.14 starseeker owowow
02:53.30 ``Erik so I'll have new scratches to show off next weekend heh
02:53.41 starseeker winces
02:53.49 starseeker next week you mean?
02:53.55 Nohla ``Erik he can understand spanish :) And I was not in the mood that days
02:53.58 ``Erik aint' the sharpest crayon in the box
02:53.59 ``Erik sure
02:55.15 starseeker ``Erik: sounds like the GPL was a conscious choice for the ax macros - the author figures the exception clause allows it to be used in LGPL projects (his own OpenVRML is LGPL)
02:55.20 ``Erik brlcad is the one who is colloquial in spanish, yes, but you speak very good english and others may provide useful aid when 'the boy' is unavailable, sa'll I'm sayin'
02:55.47 starseeker since we would need to bundle 'em though...
02:55.58 starseeker plus trying to keep a wall between our m4 code and his
02:56.09 Nohla ``Erik jajaja I was not in the mood to write in English
02:56.10 ``Erik upstream on the other one may be very willing to accept bsd license updates
02:56.34 Nohla It's not so easy for me as you think
02:56.35 starseeker you mean yours? ;-)
02:56.45 ``Erik yes, starseeker, I mean mine :D *duck*
02:57.05 starseeker heh - didn't know if you found another 3rd party project or not
02:57.14 starseeker the internet is vast
02:57.36 starseeker (fortunately, so is the reach of Google's search bots)
02:57.55 Nohla starseeker hello o/
02:57.57 ``Erik nohla: ok, I'm impressed with your ability to express yourself in english, and if there's a glitch, I'd be willing to use the translation tools and try to figure out what's meant if you're trying to understand *shrug*
02:58.06 starseeker Nohla: howdy :-)
02:58.24 starseeker Nohla: can you send me any translations not already included in the tree?
02:58.29 Nohla ``Erik see this url:
02:58.48 Nohla I'll look for them...
02:58.52 ``Erik starseeker: I did a pretty comprehensive survey a decade ago, and ain't nothin' on the intarwebz changes in a decade, right?
02:59.10 starseeker kinda like how Qt didn't change in a decade? :-P
02:59.19 ``Erik exactly!
02:59.51 ``Erik there were two big issues with qt back in 'the day'
03:00.14 starseeker QPL and ugly widgets?
03:00.19 ``Erik it was c++/moc, so there was a heavy and slow chain to compile... seems c++ is still slow and moc is still requiredd
03:00.44 ``Erik the other was that qt required all sorts of manual implementation if there was a resize event, dunno if that's true anymroe
03:01.13 ``Erik resize a window and you needed to implement a method for every qt class in the chain... gtk+ just worked...
03:01.50 starseeker hmm
03:01.53 ``Erik surely that's changed, I mean, even java has that right now
03:01.59 starseeker checks
03:01.59 ``Erik but the moc thing... dang
03:02.51 ``Erik (also, at the time, I had a bit of a freakout because the video game engine I was working on had drifted to more than 10 seconds of compile time from scratch on a 120mhz cpu)
03:03.14 starseeker ?
03:05.46 ``Erik hm, looks like they've adopted a lot of sanity, but they still ain't right
03:06.13 ``Erik the existance of that thread is sad :/
03:06.26 Nohla hahaha the ones added were wich I sent to sean by email!
03:06.31 ``Erik gtk+ just... works...
03:06.45 Nohla stop talking about his entusiasm, HE WORKS! hahah
03:07.12 ``Erik he works way too much, but he is just one... :)
03:07.55 starseeker aaaaand the stix fonts were not released
03:08.05 starseeker color me unsurprised
03:09.04 ``Erik <-- wouldn't feel comfortable making an espanol translation 'proper', has never taken a class, has done exactly one 'period' of rosetta stone... mocked himself today by saying "hasta la ma.. ma... mayonaisse..."
03:10.40 ``Erik ehh, starseeker, so the comments I made the other day seem more accurate and less ass-hole-ish? ;>
03:10.54 Nohla hahaha I'll search the rest of them, just help me to add them at the repository
03:12.05 starseeker ``Erik: heh - ass-holes are often accurate
03:12.08 ``Erik if you were submitting japanese or german translations, I'd do what I can and know how to research what I don't... but you're out of my field of feigned competence
03:13.13 ``Erik and I'd have a go-to guy for french O.o but *shrug* cannot help on spanish
03:13.30 Nohla :) " feigned competence" juaz!
03:13.38 ``Erik I even have a couple portuguese speaking friends I could abuse for a second opinion!
03:14.21 ``Erik which is enough to let me know that portuguese isn't spanish ;)
03:15.23 starseeker ``Erik: do you have trouble with isst in src/adrt doing the make -j# where # > 1?
03:15.37 ``Erik I hadn't on my work boxen
03:15.54 ``Erik togl is back to failing on my home mac
03:16.14 starseeker nods
03:16.24 ``Erik togl.c:102:54: error: tkMacOSXInt.h: No such file or directory
03:16.29 starseeker so far it haults the build for me on every machine I've tried
03:16.37 starseeker O.o
03:16.48 ``Erik probably system tcl/tk again
03:17.59 ``Erik hands done bleeding, probably time to go get some sleep O.o
03:18.10 starseeker sounds like a plan
03:18.40 starseeker hunts up his modern-autotooled tcl effort and tries to figure out where he left off...
03:20.16 ``Erik given what you've learne in the last year or so, it shouldn't take more than an hour or so to convert it to autoconf
03:20.37 ``Erik if it's set and you're "in the groove", a version update should be about 2-3 minutes of effort updating teh build system
03:20.44 starseeker <snort> yeah, probably - the trick is all the little TEA-ish things they are generating
03:21.05 ``Erik yeah, that's why an hour instead of 6.3 minutes
03:21.07 ``Erik :D
03:21.23 starseeker took a couple hours for the basic stuff, sad to say
03:21.33 starseeker probably helped me learn, though...
03:21.46 ``Erik "given what you've learned"
03:23.06 starseeker the real trick is going to be figuring out how to replace the TEA based builds with autotooly stuff
03:23.27 starseeker right now we mix-and-match, which is just squirrely
03:23.38 ``Erik yeh...
03:23.57 ``Erik I imagine every convoluted nasty fugly tea hack is a simple one-liner in clean auto*
03:24.55 ``Erik tea stinks of imake/xmkfm
03:25.23 ``Erik whcih is the worst of the worst of the cake crap that was removed
03:25.53 starseeker so far, I think the only m4 thing of theirs I'm using is a couple SC_* macros
03:26.20 starseeker they added a lot of stuff like localization files I'm not sure we need/want
03:26.47 starseeker most of what made the 8.6 test checkin in the branch so painful
03:26.58 ``Erik localizaion would be nifty some day
03:27.34 ``Erik I sure wouldn't want to touch the po files, but...
03:28.13 starseeker I think in this case it was tzdata...
03:36.50 *** join/#brlcad Nohla (~jesica@
03:38.29 starseeker hmm - looks like the SC_CONFIG_CFLAGS macro will need to be unwound
03:55.09 *** join/#brlcad cjdevlin (
04:31.53 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
05:41.48 *** join/#brlcad 16SAAAL07 (
11:39.50 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (~akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)
12:09.44 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (~akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)
17:26.19 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
17:32.35 starseeker auuuugh - Texas, what are you doing????
18:07.51 *** join/#brlcad dtidrow (
18:12.05 ``Erik a fullfilling their desire to secede. Some damn californian moved there for software and taught them that if they wanna go their own way, the least resistance is to convince the rest of the world to let them go their own way
18:32.21 ``Erik ya don't like my theory? :D
18:43.12 ``Erik dang punk cats
19:32.05 starseeker ``Erik: more likely they want to drag the rest of the country along
20:45.40 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (~akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)
22:40.34 *** join/#brlcad velociostrich (
23:18.51 ``Erik ohhh, I'm such an asshole... raining outside, so I left the door to the deck open... boy cat went "ooh! score!", ran out, realized it was raining, ran around one corner, ran back, aroun hte other corner, then back in
23:18.56 ``Erik coudln't escape the water O.o
23:19.04 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (~akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)
23:24.16 starseeker heh
23:27.59 *** join/#brlcad velociostrich (
23:29.27 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (~akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)
23:55.28 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (~akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)

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