IRC log for #brlcad on 20100526

00:52.55 starseeker groans
00:53.19 starseeker Togl only supports fonts in 8.4 - apparently X11 and Aqua technology changed for 8.5
00:54.00 starseeker and the aglUseFont command itself is deprecated in 10.5
00:54.39 starseeker brlcad: you said we need to have a compelling feature to justify inclusion of ftgl/freetype, correct?
00:56.20 starseeker is uncertain what to do when aglUseFont is gone... don't see an immediate replacement offhand...
00:57.23 starseeker even if I do a straight-up AGL display manager, it's going to have a problem with text
00:57.34 starseeker (at least, in the near future)
01:00.01 starseeker perhaps I can merge in changes from the tcl3d version...
01:03.26 starseeker hurh? Windows only...
01:05.17 starseeker gah
01:06.42 starseeker sighs. Well, this is where dm-togl stands right now - not embeddable, no text, and no key bindings:
01:08.39 starseeker personally thinks it might be time to investigate ftgl...
01:24.47 brlcad starseeker: it doesn't mean avoid using the dep
01:25.01 brlcad it means take a feature to completion so it's compelling
01:25.14 brlcad before merging the dependency overhead to main trunk
01:26.26 brlcad huh.. you have it drawing faceplate there.. couldn't get libbn fonts to work?
02:24.56 starseeker brlcad: apparently the font code wasn't optional after all (chatted with Bob about it briefly)
02:38.01 starseeker will try to iron out the other bugs, then take a look at FTGL
02:38.50 starseeker also needs to dig into the faceplate code to make sure he understands what it is doing and how
02:57.25 ``Erik o.O
03:01.08 starseeker ``Erik: hmm?
03:01.49 starseeker oh, bty, src/adrt still doesn't seem to handle a parallel make
03:03.23 ``Erik eh? I make -j8 in it a lot O.o
03:04.13 starseeker hmm
03:06.05 ``Erik meh, I dinged tankign occulus, then got a naxx invite, it's a good night
03:06.22 ``Erik screw compiling :D
03:06.25 starseeker parse error
03:06.34 starseeker diunged who and got what?
03:06.50 ``Erik world of dorkcraft stuff
03:06.59 ``Erik ding == gaining a level
03:07.24 ``Erik occulus is a dungeon, naxx is a raid dungeon, I gave up the game about half way through naxx
03:07.30 ``Erik but, uh, ungave it up
03:07.31 ``Erik O.o
03:09.39 ``Erik (and tanking is a role, means ya soak damage, keep every enemy fighting you so'z the dps and healer can go about their jobs)
03:10.36 ``Erik I'm such a nerd *sigh*
03:13.14 starseeker heh - cool
03:14.20 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r39472 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/ Try making the issttcltk dependencies explicit - seems to work here, needs more testing.
03:19.02 ``Erik heh, commits to src/adrt always make me twitch O.o
03:19.16 starseeker hey, you stuck it in there :-P
03:19.28 ``Erik well, it seems appropriate
03:19.54 ``Erik not sayin' it's a bad thing, just that I'm used to having it as my own playing field, y'know?
03:20.07 starseeker nods
03:20.22 ``Erik I'm sure if I committed stuff in the docbook stuff, you'd have a bit of a reaction
03:21.18 starseeker uh... hooray?
03:21.30 ``Erik heh
03:21.43 ``Erik -m 'what the flying fuck was this retard thinking, if at all???'
03:21.44 ``Erik ;D
03:22.06 starseeker ``Erik: you're safe for the moment whil I fight with dm-togl, but eventually we'll be working more on the isst tcl/tk interface
03:22.31 ``Erik it's all good, I think a tk isst is a good thing
03:22.37 starseeker or more simply: -m "autotools 1, starseeker 0"
03:23.36 ``Erik I hope I've changed the game enough that skinny frontends are trivial and really do no serious duplication, I want to have moved all the heavy lifting to the back end
03:24.07 ``Erik so different approachs can be explored trivially
03:25.06 ``Erik kinda what drew my ire at your using my C motion code instead of writing it in C, makes me think mebbe I shoulda moved that stuff to bn or something
03:25.18 ``Erik er, writing it in tcl
03:26.01 starseeker <snort> I was after the fasted way to Something Working
03:26.07 starseeker fastest even
03:26.23 starseeker stopping to figure out vector math in tcl land didn't seem like the way
03:26.46 ``Erik what I wrote in C was dirty quick hack :/
03:27.10 starseeker bingo!
03:27.20 starseeker just what did you think isst.tcl is? :-P
03:27.50 ``Erik wrapping a dirty quick hack just validates it :/
03:30.44 ``Erik I'd hope that a sane tcl implementation of what I did would be faster than the C I did O.o
03:31.37 starseeker the "right way" is probably to call the quaternion stuff that MGED uses
03:32.03 ``Erik or unroll and do the trig
03:32.04 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r39473 10/brlcad/trunk/ (58 files in 12 dirs): Add tktable 2.10 for Bob in support of Archer work.
03:34.04 starseeker would actually like to not hit the trig based limits when rotating around center, but I don't know how well contained the logic is - the idea API would take some degree of change in +- x, y and z or az,el and figure out the quaternion stuff "on the fly" - we probably have it in there somewhere
03:34.39 starseeker said he'd get tktable in there for Bob for tomorrow, and has now done so. zzzzzzzz
04:27.28 starseeker grins - "Clif Yapp"?
04:32.03 *** join/#brlcad Nohla (~jesica@
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10:06.03 *** join/#brlcad Elrohir (
10:07.30 d-lo Mernin!
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18:34.55 brlcad doesn't see why sketch objects don't crash every time on import
19:17.52 brlcad mmm
19:27.08 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
19:45.40 *** join/#brlcad stevegt_ (~stevegt@cislunar.TerraLuna.Org)
20:14.28 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r39475 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/ ( STARTERS):
20:14.29 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: add an initial 'STARTERS' file for being a one-stop place to describe simple
20:14.29 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: projects that can be completed by someone new to the project with fairly minimal
20:14.30 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: fuss. These are ideally projects that would only take a core developer more
20:14.30 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: than an hour but less than one (focused) day to complete properly.
20:22.26 brlcad,_Inc. there they be
20:25.56 brlcad hah, fantastic:
20:27.05 brlcad wonders if that's Bill
20:27.24 brlcad (Laut)
20:33.04 brlcad yeah, looks like it.. those are his coasters
21:04.21 starseeker hah, cool:
21:25.04 starseeker bah, 33 bucks to order through NTIS
22:05.55 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03r_weiss * r39476 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/obj-g_new.c: adding ability to process command line options
23:30.13 ``Erik oh neat, ice pirates was rereleased on dvd O.o

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