IRC log for #brlcad on 20100528

00:14.10 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r39481 10/brlcad/branches/dmtogl/src/mged/dm-togl.c: doing anything with the interp after doing dm_open with togl is causing memory issues - not clear why yet.
00:22.03 ``Erik redrum O.o
00:28.24 starseeker why does gdb refuse to linebreak???
00:31.41 ``Erik cuz you screwed it up with some term goobiness
00:31.43 ``Erik ?
00:32.02 ``Erik lemme guess, mged?
00:32.06 starseeker yeah
00:32.26 ``Erik it does some oddness on startup, makes it so'z ya can't even ^Z it
00:32.51 ``Erik (-c still works sane iirc)
00:33.46 ``Erik mmmm, pastrami and sauerkraut
00:34.05 starseeker god this is strange
00:34.23 starseeker I'm getting a memory error, but it's not associated with any variable access I can identify
00:34.56 ``Erik heh, doing what?
00:35.03 poolio ahoy
00:35.05 starseeker Tcl_Eval
00:35.15 ``Erik and; mac or linux (or bsd)? bus fault or segment fault?
00:35.37 starseeker mac, EXC_BAD_ACCESS
00:35.43 starseeker KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE
00:36.01 ``Erik not a debug build? is backtrace sane?
00:36.08 starseeker Bus error
00:36.09 ``Erik yo, hoolio
00:36.16 starseeker debug build (or so I thought)
00:36.34 ``Erik mac'll busfault on a stack smash
00:36.37 starseeker I get a backtrace alright, but it does me no good
00:36.52 ``Erik well, ... how many thousand calls deep is the bt? :D
00:37.05 starseeker hang on...
00:37.25 starseeker 36 deep
00:37.33 ``Erik I think I got a stack smash bus fault at around 3k earlier today
00:37.35 ``Erik huh
00:38.03 ``Erik that's nothing O.o are the call variables filled in the bt?
00:38.25 starseeker seem to be
00:38.30 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r39482 10/brlcad/branches/dmtogl/src/mged/dm-togl.c: Break the offending line out into its own function to make sure it's isolated in a breakpoint sense - doesn't help functionally.
00:38.31 starseeker hang on, I'll do a pastebin
00:38.48 ``Erik wait until tomorrow, rest will make it obvious? ;)
00:38.59 starseeker no, this has been a problem from the beginning
00:39.14 starseeker I just commented it out, but right now it's the stopper for the non-classic mged load process
00:39.23 starseeker so I have to uncomment it and get it working
00:40.33 ``Erik <-- gonna assume tcl eval takes an environment and a string, which kinda narrows things down a bit O.o :D
00:41.55 starseeker
00:42.50 ``Erik doesn't really look like -ggstabs3 output
00:43.06 ``Erik and it looks like ya optimized it
00:43.16 ``Erik which'll throw the line #'s off
00:43.22 starseeker shakes head - not intentionally
00:43.40 ``Erik can ya pring the stirng passed to the togl cmd?
00:44.16 starseeker sure, one sec...
00:46.32 starseeker package require Togl; togl .topid_0.ul.togl -width 1280 -height 1280 -rgba true -double true
00:46.59 starseeker followed by a pack command, then just the window name to allow capture of the togl TclObj
00:47.45 ``Erik and only in the branch, I assume? O.o
00:47.53 starseeker yes
00:48.22 starseeker (this is where being able to experiment from a bwish command line would be nice...)
00:48.29 ``Erik perhaps break the various tcl cmds into seperate tcl eval calls?
00:48.53 starseeker maybe... I'm not having any problems in the togl_open function itself tough
00:48.55 starseeker though
00:49.36 starseeker the same command will fail in Togl_dm_init and succeed in togl_open
00:50.10 ``Erik threading issue, mebbe?
00:50.23 starseeker maybe, but this is an unthreaded tcl/tk build
00:50.33 starseeker (unless the aqua stuff turned it on)
00:50.44 starseeker that could be
00:50.45 ``Erik is the mged/libdm stuff trying to make calls into togl from different threads, though?
00:50.49 starseeker tries it on linux
00:51.01 starseeker possibly...
00:51.04 starseeker dunno
00:51.12 ``Erik <-- grasping, hasn't looked at the code and doesn't do dm... :D
00:52.50 starseeker heh
00:53.23 starseeker the tcl guys would say this is a really backwards way to approach the problem, most likely
00:54.02 starseeker instead of doing it in tcl and binding things to c functions to do dirty work (like isst.tcl) we're doing it from the C side and trying to hook into the togl guts
00:55.37 ``Erik heh, yeah... trying to treat it like a scripting system instead of the main driver of the program, for shame O.o swig has that issue, too, from what I've seen
00:55.47 ``Erik thus my jabbering about cffi instead of swig :D
00:57.31 starseeker eyes mged.c...
00:58.01 starseeker ``Erik: problem is, we'd never be able to sell cffi as a mainstream solution
00:59.05 starseeker god I'm tempted to see if I can get mged up inside bwish without libdm and libfb...
00:59.16 starseeker or libdm anyway
01:00.23 starseeker problem is i'd undoubtedly be throwing away effort :-(
01:01.33 starseeker not to mention all the subtle little things I'm forgetting about
01:05.10 starseeker ``Erik: 'course, if we grab the ecl code...
01:05.17 starseeker that's in C, isn't it?
01:06.37 ``Erik hehehe, think so, didn't look too hard at it
01:07.22 starseeker that's designed to be embeddable
01:09.47 ``Erik heh, thus the name O.o yeah, I started looking that direction, then figured save-lisp-and-die with a cffi loaded megalibrary would suit my needs *shrug*
01:10.36 ``Erik a 28 meg executable might not be totally unreasonable for what I wanna do
01:10.53 starseeker auuuugh - Linux fails differently
01:11.18 ``Erik damn, that's one for the quote page O.o
01:11.31 ``Erik without context, of course
01:13.30 starseeker <snort> standard practice for the media - strip the context, it's more interesting that way
01:13.58 starseeker concedes he is unlikely to solve this at 9:15pm at night, and starts wrapping it up for the day
01:17.01 *** join/#brlcad velociostrich (
01:26.09 poolio starseeker: heh, this is prime time for coding!
02:05.23 ``Erik *snrkt*
03:18.42 starseeker ggrrrr - src/adrt is still busted
03:26.23 starseeker oh, nevermind - in dmtogl branch
03:26.29 starseeker durh
03:59.58 starseeker huh - on Linux, it's actually closer to working
04:00.09 starseeker what in the heck is the Mac's problem?
04:43.56 *** join/#brlcad WhiteCalf (~Prez@
04:53.27 *** join/#brlcad stevegt_ (
07:10.33 *** join/#brlcad alex_joni (~alex_joni@emc/board-of-directors/alexjoni)
13:33.57 *** join/#brlcad stevegt_ (
13:36.09 ``Erik
15:12.30 *** part/#brlcad cjdevlin (
16:48.25 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
17:24.20 poolio any of you guys know if there's a way to disable the option+key special characters in os x?
17:28.13 ``Erik not off the top of my head... emacs issue?
17:28.39 ``Erik <- has been using the escape meta approach in emacs use... "<esc> x" instead of "meta-x"
17:28.57 ``Erik release the escape before hitting x, ...
17:33.47 poolio's actually not an emacs issue. I'm using matlab and it crashes whenever I hit option+any key :(
17:33.56 ``Erik ah, wow, lame
17:34.27 poolio And I've got synergy set up so I use option+keys all the time on one monitor, but if I hit it when in the other it goes poof
17:34.28 ``Erik they set up to by utf-7 only? O.o
17:36.31 poolio Well, it looks like that may be the case for the "use inside terminal mode" but when using their desktop it works fine...looks like bugreport time
18:03.38 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r39483 10/brlcad/branches/dmtogl/ (125 files in 20 dirs): Update dmtogl branch to trunk r39482
18:36.41 *** join/#brlcad Yoshi47 (~jan@
18:43.34 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (~ralith@
19:23.21 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
19:32.08 *** join/#brlcad packrat (
20:07.03 starseeker hrm... might trace back to curr_dm_list
20:07.31 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03erikgreenwald * r39484 10/brlcad/trunk/src/liboptical/ ( init.c sh_toon.c): beginning of a "toon" shader.
20:34.42 starseeker Woooo-hoooooo!
20:34.51 starseeker They released 1.0!
20:41.27 *** join/#brlcad Nohla (~jesica@
21:01.43 Ralith starseeker: what exactly is that? The next computer modern?
21:15.55 starseeker Ralith: it's a very large font designed to properly support mathematical display
21:16.07 starseeker so MathML might actually go somewhere now
21:25.35 Ralith starseeker: I wasn't aware that current LaTeX fonts were omissive in that respect.
21:35.30 starseeker they don't work for web browsers
21:35.56 starseeker metafont is rather different from the TrueType/OpenType/*Type systems
21:35.59 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03r_weiss * r39485 10/brlcad/trunk/src/conv/obj-g_new.c: adding ability to process command line options from user
21:48.36 *** join/#brlcad stevegt_ (~stevegt@cislunar.TerraLuna.Org)
22:06.53 Ralith fair enough
22:07.06 Ralith I didn't realize that opentype was capable of doing the things that metafont does for math, though.
22:07.39 Ralith it does some impressive language stuff, yes, but I haven't seen anything that screws around vertically like math notation tends to.
22:35.55 starseeker Ralith: try installing the stix fonts and viewing this page:
22:43.23 Ralith updates font cache
22:46.17 Ralith starseeker: um, those are images
22:46.44 starseeker not all of them
22:46.54 starseeker there should be three columns
22:46.57 Ralith oh, far right
22:47.02 Ralith yeah that's not rendering right at all
22:47.18 Ralith fittingly, it's the vertical stuff that's most screwed up.
22:47.57 Ralith perhaps if I restart chrome
22:48.50 starseeker the beta fonts work for me - just installed the 1.0 and things got odd - may have to restart myself
22:48.50 Ralith nnnnope.
22:48.55 starseeker odd
22:48.58 Ralith what browser?
22:49.02 starseeker firefox
22:49.14 starseeker sighs
22:49.23 Ralith all the characters render here, but the typesetting and complex expressions are screwed
22:50.19 starseeker weird. Of course, the font might have changed since the beta...
22:51.40 starseeker that would be highly ironic...
22:51.42 Ralith firefox renders it beautifully
22:51.49 Ralith I suspect it's chrome's fault.
22:51.58 starseeker could be
22:59.09 Ralith WebKit-based browsers such as Chrome and Safari do not currently support MathML.[9]
22:59.13 Ralith aw.
23:00.25 starseeker
23:01.35 Ralith cool

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