IRC log for #brlcad on 20100607

01:37.30 *** part/#brlcad Alaric` (
02:06.04 juub ``Erik: good to know, thanks.
04:05.12 *** join/#brlcad stevegt_1 (
04:14.26 starseeker takes another crack at Ogre/Ogitor building...
04:59.59 juub starseeker: gl
05:00.03 juub (no pun intended)
05:00.48 juub ``Erik: when you get a chance, could you elaborate on what causes GLUT to become a hinderance? You don't have to go into detail, just the gist or so. Thanks.
10:30.04 *** join/#brlcad AlexAnteMachina (~5f5893fb@gateway/web/freenode/x-dmjyjibaoddjmryu)
10:30.07 AlexAnteMachina hi all
10:30.13 AlexAnteMachina anybody alive in here?
10:30.44 AlexAnteMachina I just came across brl-cad and like to know wether it is comparable to Solid Edge
13:12.50 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
13:12.50 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || #brlcad logs: || BRL-CAD is now available on Gentoo! (20100225)
15:17.34 ``Erik juub: input and window management is simplistic and crude, and it doesn't allow you to control the top event loop
15:50.14 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r39563 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/togl/: Ignore some stuff in togl subdir.
16:54.26 *** join/#brlcad PrezKennedy (~Prez@
17:47.02 brlcad heh, "comparable" .. you can compare just about anything
17:53.43 *** join/#brlcad stevegt_3 (
18:36.15 *** join/#brlcad kenagain (
18:36.49 kenagain hello everyone
18:39.29 juub ``Erik: gotchya, thanks
18:51.59 brlcad juub: you working on some code?
18:52.04 brlcad howdy kenagain
18:52.07 juub not for brlcad, unfortunately.
18:52.20 juub Just reading an OpenGL book.
18:52.49 juub "OpenGL Programming for the X Window System", it mentions GLUT, and I was asking starseeker the other night why brl-cad doesn't use it.
18:53.10 brlcad intos into opengl usually start with glut
18:53.50 brlcad glut was developed to help folks get started, get a window up where you could start chattering opengl
18:53.52 kenagain is anyone familiar with installing from source on fedora?
18:53.53 juub yeah... this starts with Xlib, then Motif, and /then/ GLUT. It's an old book. Source isn't even available on their FTP anymore.
18:54.42 brlcad but almost universally accepted that glut is insufficient for almost all real-world applications because the api is overly simplistic
18:55.33 brlcad modern glut has gotten a LOT better, come a long way, but it still makes a lot of things difficult and other things impossible
18:55.46 brlcad event management is one of the bigger ones
18:56.10 juub nods
18:56.12 brlcad kenagain: not specifically for fedora, but can probably help you out with building for most environments
18:56.13 juub that's what ``Erik was saying.
18:56.31 brlcad the guy working on fedora integration has been in here from time to time
18:56.32 juub He mentioned SDL as the prime alternative.
18:56.42 brlcad yeah
18:57.07 brlcad it's a good toolkit for window and event management, abstracted from underlying implementation
18:57.19 juub Still, for my purposes: learning OpenGL, GLUT will suffice. I only hope I'm cognizant enough to realize when its limitations are becoming a hinderance.
18:58.07 kenagain alright. so fedora 13 doesn't ship with gcc, so I had to install it with yum. now I have it fresh and all, the brlcad config file isn't generating a makefile. I have a log of what went down, but I can't figure out where it went wrong
18:58.31 kenagain and the readme just says to ask for help if something goes wrong
18:58.50 juub probably missing dependencies.... Although that's likely pointing out the obvious.
18:59.50 brlcad juub: glut will not only suffice, it's recommended while you're learning -- consistent stable environment
18:59.58 juub brlcad: indeed
19:00.03 louipc ~paste
19:00.04 ibot i heard paste is, or see also pb, or
19:00.14 louipc kenagain: paste the config log
19:00.15 kenagain if I fpaste the log file, could someone look it over/
19:00.18 kenagain lol kk
19:00.20 brlcad kenagain: you'll also need to install g++
19:00.22 louipc :D
19:00.26 juub still, I like the Xlib section. The motif stuff won't compile, and there are too many alternatives to care about that.
19:00.37 louipc is dead
19:00.45 juub
19:00.57 louipc how do you tell ibot that is dead?
19:00.58 louipc :/
19:01.32 juub also, for screenshots.
19:01.46 brlcad kenagain: xlib-devel, xi-devel, xt-devel, bison, flex .. and of course the gnu autotools (autoconf, automake, libtool)
19:01.58 louipc I love imagebin
19:02.03 juub me too :)
19:02.13 brlcad is not recommended, unreachable at some locations, use the .org or the .ca one instead
19:02.58 juub didn't know that.
19:04.02 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r39564 10/brlcad/branches/dmtogl/src/libdm/ ( query.c): Odd fixes and tweaks to dm-togl
19:04.19 brlcad ibot: forget paste
19:04.19 ibot i forgot paste, brlcad
19:04.27 kenagain wow, syntax highlighting? pastebin is fancy
19:05.31 kenagain
19:05.32 brlcad ~paste is or or
19:05.33 ibot okay, brlcad
19:06.19 brlcad looks like the pastebin is cut off
19:06.43 kenagain yea
19:07.07 kenagain its kind of a huge log file
19:07.19 kenagain 718.4 k
19:07.39 kenagain it maxed the limit of fpaste too
19:07.47 brlcad post the standard out instead of the log file
19:08.20 brlcad the log file is to figure out "why" .. the regular output will say "what" and that might be enough
19:09.03 kenagain and that would be which file? afaik, this is all config put out
19:09.15 brlcad what ./configure spit out when you run it
19:09.29 brlcad lots of "checking...." lines and then some
19:10.05 kenagain ah, kk, lemme run it again
19:10.15 brlcad did you run ?
19:10.48 kenagain no, the readme said to use that if I dont have a config file
19:10.57 brlcad k, just checking
19:13.12 kenagain
19:13.38 kenagain that is ./configure > out.txt
19:14.15 brlcad yep
19:14.18 brlcad what I said first
19:14.30 brlcad 15:00 < brlcad> kenagain: you'll also need to install g++
19:14.34 kenagain ah
19:14.58 brlcad would be better if you install bison and flex too
19:14.59 kenagain ok, does it look like anything else critical is missing while I'm at it?
19:15.12 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r39565 10/brlcad/branches/dmtogl/src/libdm/dm-togl.c: Ah HAH! need to send the Motion events back up to the parent. Stand-alone classic mode window now has motion.
19:15.20 brlcad yeah, you're missing all of the X11 development libs/headers
19:15.59 brlcad xlib-devel, xi-devel, xt-devel .. not sure exactly what fedora names them, but they're the -devel or -dev counterparts that let you compile against X11
19:16.52 louipc boost, tcl, tk
19:16.52 kenagain yea, yum isn't finding any g++
19:17.01 louipc g++ really should be in gcc
19:17.02 brlcad starseeker: woot
19:17.48 kenagain louipc: do you mean it's supposed to be there or it really ought to be there?
19:17.52 brlcad yum install gcc-c++
19:18.11 kenagain that worked!
19:18.15 louipc kenagain: not sure anymore haha
19:18.17 starseeker brlcad: which, unfortunately, doesn't mean the regular level is behaving yet :-P
19:18.22 louipc gcc = gnu compiler collection
19:18.41 kenagain then yea, I would've assumed it would in there
19:18.47 louipc including compilers for c, c++, etc
19:18.56 louipc yea
19:19.00 brlcad louipc: they break it out separate because of a lot of folks that have religion on not installing any g++ code on their system .. :)
19:19.10 brlcad s/g++/c++/ :)
19:19.23 louipc wow, some weird religions out there
19:23.56 kenagain ok, so the closest thing I can find to the x*devel packages is one called "x-software-development" which is described as "These packages allow you to develop applications for the X Window System"
19:24.18 kenagain no idea what's in them
19:24.43 kenagain but its a 10.5 MB collection
19:25.16 brlcad that sounds about right
19:25.25 brlcad will know more when you run configure about
19:25.28 brlcad s/about/again/
19:28.02 kenagain is it weird for them to all be packaged together like that (in a group) but not individually?
19:28.09 brlcad yeah, a little
19:29.45 kenagain ok, well this time I got a makefile, but also a lot of configure: WARNING:s
19:30.08 louipc what was the output at the end of the config?
19:30.29 kenagain
19:31.04 kenagain ./configure complete, type 'make' to begin building
19:31.05 louipc looks like it cut off
19:31.29 louipc there should be a table showing what's being built and what isn't
19:32.07 brlcad looks like it found X11 stuff
19:32.16 louipc if you got to that part you may be good
19:32.23 brlcad and the only warning block I see is about IEEE compat, so you should be good
19:32.23 kenagain yea, it's making right now
19:33.14 kenagain awesome. I've been having problems getting this installed on fedora since f9, I'm kinda really excited
19:33.36 louipc brl-cad packages all the libraries it needs, so you may be able to reduce build time buy just installing those dependencies
19:33.45 louipc *by just installing them
19:34.06 louipc via your distro package manager
19:34.40 kenagain wait. it packages all the x11 stuff and all that?
19:35.01 louipc ok not everything, but a lot :D
19:35.04 kenagain lol o
19:35.12 kenagain I thought you meant everything I just installed
19:35.46 brlcad heh, no those are the pieces we don't bundle that are considered system components
19:35.52 louipc yeah but you may be able to reduce the amount of building
19:36.04 kenagain it would be nice if someone in charge of the repos would keep an up-to-date and working build of this
19:36.06 brlcad userland dependencies include things like libz, libpng, tcl/tk, librle, etc
19:36.35 brlcad someone on the fedora team has been working on it -- just not a simple process to get clean integration
19:36.52 kenagain oh good!
19:37.26 kenagain i probably can't do too much, but is there any way I can help speed this process along?
19:37.43 brlcad you could chime in your support here:
19:38.23 brlcad or more directly here:
19:38.58 kenagain oh, inclusion in autoten? that would be amazing
19:39.07 brlcad voting for it will increase the priority, or ping kwizart some more
19:43.23 brlcad which reminds me of a few things they're waiting on....
19:43.36 kenagain ?
19:47.07 brlcad details are all in the link
19:47.20 kenagain ah, that stuff down there in the bottom?
19:54.59 brlcad some
19:59.06 *** join/#brlcad kenagain (
19:59.23 kenagain su
19:59.28 kenagain er, wrong windo
20:04.38 kenagain alright, so making the whole thing just overheated my comp... I think louipc said something about installing a lot of the deps that it's building through yum? is there a simple list of those somewhere in the source package?
20:05.08 louipc look at the table at the end of configure log
20:05.25 louipc some things you can install are tcl, tk, boost
20:05.37 louipc search your package repos
20:06.20 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r39566 10/brlcad/branches/dmtogl/src/libdm/dm-togl.c: Wince. This is ugly, but works - pass up the combinations of modifier and button keys.
20:07.36 kenagain louipc: you mean the part that starts like: "congure:52388: Build Tcl ...............: yes", right?
20:08.11 louipc yep
20:08.42 louipc you'd want that to say [using system] instead of yes
20:08.50 kenagain andthen I would just configure again and they'd be seen and not have to be rebuilt? or would I have to explicitly say "I don't need your stinking version of Tcl" and such?
20:09.17 *** join/#brlcad stevegt_ (~stevegt@cislunar.TerraLuna.Org)
20:09.21 kenagain (the --disable-whatever options)
20:09.30 louipc yep
20:09.57 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r39567 10/brlcad/trunk/include/bn.h: rt_vlists have been bn_vlists for a decade
20:09.59 louipc you might have to tell configure where it is installed
20:10.09 louipc make sure you get the development headers too
20:10.35 brlcad might need to delete your configure cache if you install new system components without changing other configure options
20:10.51 kenagain ok
20:11.26 brlcad not a big deal either way other than using up a few more MB of disk space on instal
20:13.39 kenagain I think all that uninterrupted building caused my comp to overheat and shutdown on me
20:14.01 kenagain so I'm just trying to minimize as much of that as I can
20:16.32 brlcad that's pretty wicked that compiling would overheat to the point of shutdown.. bad hardware!
20:17.05 kenagain its a laptop with almost no cooling power
20:17.39 kenagain sometimes flash objects do it too
20:19.40 kenagain ok, so how do I go about telling configure where I already have all these things installed? it's still giving me the the "build tcl ..: yes" bit
20:19.57 brlcad delete your cache file
20:20.02 kenagain i did
20:20.07 brlcad rm -rf *cache*
20:20.26 kenagain yep
20:20.42 brlcad try just --disable-tcl first
20:20.51 brlcad also can leave off --enable-optimized
20:21.02 brlcad that'll just make it burn more cpu during compile
20:21.05 kenagain ok
20:22.23 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r39568 10/brlcad/branches/dmtogl/src/libdm/dm-togl.c: For this application we need Tk_PathName
20:23.30 kenagain configure: libtcl was disabled, but no system Tcl library was found
20:23.35 kenagain configure: libtcl was disabled, but no system Tcl library was found
20:23.50 kenagain (sorry about the mini flood)
20:24.49 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r39569 10/brlcad/trunk/ (NEWS src/librt/primitives/extrude/extrude.c):
20:24.49 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: osten lundahl notes in sf bug report 3012694 (Bug in rt_extrude_tess) that we're
20:24.49 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: iterating over vlists from index 1 instead of index 0. the header confirms that
20:24.50 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: indices should be from 0, so this is a bug in the original extrude tessellation
20:24.50 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: implementation from Aug 2001.
20:25.02 brlcad okay, so it needs to be told where tcl is or you're still missing something
20:25.11 louipc maybe headers
20:25.38 brlcad --with-tcl=/path/to/tcl
20:25.44 brlcad to a dir that has
20:25.49 brlcad (locate
20:30.28 kenagain awesome
20:31.46 kenagain everything I installed seems to be there (couldnt find tkhtml3 or a few other things, but everything I installed is now found by configure)
20:32.21 louipc yeah a few aren't generally available
20:33.00 kenagain so here's hoping I don't overheat!
20:33.53 kenagain (I moved my laptop over to a much cooler corner of the desk)
20:34.56 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r39570 10/brlcad/branches/dmtogl/src/libdm/dm-togl.c: Oh yeah, the key bindings should use Tk_PathName too.
20:35.10 brlcad blow on it
20:36.19 kenagain just like soup
20:38.22 kenagain yea, if anyone's ever looking into the inspiron 1500 series of laptops for a cheap knock around notebook, don't bother. I clean my fan and heatsink every couple of weeks and this is still a regular problem
20:39.39 juub ah ha. I see and are different sites. Here I thought they just changed their layout, when it was really .org I was after.
20:42.51 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r39571 10/brlcad/branches/dmtogl/src/ (5 files in 4 dirs): Try togl in Archer
20:44.59 kenagain success!
20:45.27 brlcad excellent
20:46.01 brlcad might crank your cpu too hot, but can verify with "make install" and then "/usr/brlcad/bin/benchmark"
20:46.33 starseeker wooot -
20:46.49 kenagain doing that now
20:47.37 kenagain did install, something went wrong, no benchmark
20:49.19 kenagain mged is supposed to be in /usr/brlcad/bin, right?
20:49.31 starseeker yes
20:49.42 kenagain yea, thats not there either
20:52.52 brlcad starseeker: that's using togl? awesome :)
20:53.20 kenagain alright, so configure seemed to work ok, make seemed to work ok, make install didn;t look like itgave me any trouble...
20:54.08 brlcad mged should be in /usr/brlcad/bin
20:54.12 brlcad along with 400 other tools
20:54.19 kenagain and yet I have neither benchmark (but I didnt run make benchmark) nor mged (which I assume I'm supposed to have)
20:54.37 brlcad where did it install?
20:54.42 juub starseeker: congratulations!
20:55.14 starseeker brlcad: interactive, too!
20:55.38 kenagain there is a /usr/brlcad and there is a /usr/brlcad/bin and it has a whole lot of stuff in it, but none of it is mged
20:56.19 juub kenagain: you can try updating your locate database ($ sudo updatedb), and when it's done try $ locate mged
20:56.24 kenagain or at least ls-al isnt showing me an mged
20:56.51 kenagain where is updatedb?
20:57.02 juub it's a Linux system utility, it has nothing to do with BRL-CAD.
20:57.29 kenagain yea, I dont think I have that or locate, or at least theyre not in my path
20:57.35 juub to find it, if you really want to know, try $ which updatedb
20:58.01 juub locate is in /usr/bin/ on my system, but one problem at a time. If you can't use it, don't bother.
20:58.09 kenagain ok
20:58.16 juub what distro are you on?
20:58.23 kenagain fedora 13
20:58.36 juub oh, that's one of those Red Hat offshoots, isn't it?
20:58.40 kenagain yea
20:58.44 juub nods
20:59.36 juub issuing locate at the command prompt results in a file/command not found?
20:59.37 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
20:59.46 kenagain yep
20:59.51 juub interesting
21:00.17 kenagain and yum info locate says No package locate available
21:00.17 juub I guess locate is basically just $ find issued across the entire filesystem tree.
21:00.34 starseeker try slocate
21:00.46 kenagain none of that either
21:01.31 juub starseeker: ah, there you go. I never knew locate was a sym link to slocate on my system.
21:01.49 starseeker there should be a Fedora package for slocate
21:02.17 kenagain nope, no matching packages
21:02.37 kenagain at least, not in the repos I have
21:03.21 kenagain (the default, rpmfusion, and I think livna)
21:05.10 kenagain is there a recursive option or something similar for find?
21:05.43 starseeker you can do find from the root directory, but that will be slllow
21:06.11 starseeker what about mlocate?
21:06.15 kenagain ok, so find does decend into subdirectories then?
21:06.32 *** join/#brlcad Nohla (~jesica@
21:06.43 kenagain ok, mlocate exists and I'm installing it now
21:07.13 starseeker huh - I'll have to try mlocate
21:07.20 kenagain (whats weird is that "yum info *locate*" didnt show it)
21:08.10 kenagain lol oh, nvm, I used locate*
21:08.10 brlcad kenagain: a bit distracted -- doesn't really matter if you have locate or not -- the idea is to find where it was installed, which you can do manually
21:08.25 brlcad ls -la /usr/brlcad/bin/m*
21:08.47 brlcad should be about 10 items listed
21:08.51 kenagain mcut and mergechan
21:08.56 brlcad just those two?
21:08.56 kenagain just the two
21:09.01 kenagain yea
21:09.01 brlcad wow, odd
21:09.10 brlcad you sure make install completed?
21:09.23 kenagain as sure as I can be
21:09.27 brlcad heh
21:09.36 kenagain it gave the prompt back
21:09.47 brlcad that doesn't mean anything
21:09.59 brlcad would have had to read the output
21:10.28 brlcad make install > install.log 2>&1
21:10.33 kenagain it doesn't log that anywhere special by any chance, does it?
21:10.39 kenagain right
21:10.40 brlcad you can just run it again
21:11.16 kenagain ok
21:12.21 kenagain done
21:14.13 kenagain
21:14.30 juub you can also echo the special variable $? to see if it exitted cleanly or with an error.
21:14.35 juub e.g. $ echo $?
21:14.48 kenagain 0
21:15.15 juub no, you've issued a command after issuing make install, because your pastebin clearly displays errors.
21:15.29 kenagain o
21:16.03 juub The special variable $? always contains the return status of the last issued command --- although there are probably some fancy goings on with threading, forks, and exec issuance.
21:16.52 kenagain yea, I fpasted immediately after make install but before I did that
21:18.03 kenagain ok, so reading this log, I cant actually see what went wrong
21:18.13 juub it's down at the bottom...
21:18.28 brlcad yeah, make install failed
21:18.34 juub line 183
21:18.54 kenagain cannot find -litk?
21:19.08 brlcad yeah, you need to install incrTcl and incrTk
21:19.26 brlcad don't know if those are separate packages for fedora
21:19.52 brlcad usually installing incrTcl gets both itcl and itk, but looks like maybe not the case for you
21:20.26 kenagain yea, I installed itcl and itk, but theres no incrtcl or incrtk in the repos
21:21.05 kenagain I also have the -devel packages for both
21:21.21 juub I need food. I'll bbl. gl kenagain
21:21.25 kenagain thanks
21:21.37 juub oh, and when you're done installing BRL-CAD, grab the documentation tutorials.
21:21.58 brlcad itcl is incrTcl, itk is incrTk
21:22.07 kenagain ah
21:22.23 kenagain well I should have both of those, and configure was able to find them
21:22.35 kenagain er I *do* have both of those rather
21:22.40 juub perhaps a problem with environment variables not pointing to the proper directories?
21:23.02 brlcad now need the config.log output, to see if everything detected correctly
21:24.05 kenagain
21:26.10 kenagain I really need to learn to figure this sorta stuff out
21:30.50 juub well, it's all in the log files. You saw the error in the make install output, the "cannot find -litk". With that information you could plug the error directly into google, and see what others have done. Alternatively, you could break up the error into its component parts, and research each individually. In this specific case, you would read the ld manual page to learn what the -litk option is.
21:31.09 juub You would discover that it's actually -l option, which would give you insights about itk that you could then plug into google.
21:40.02 kenagain so then would I be correct in saying it looks like ld doesnt have a location for itk in its path?
22:12.01 brlcad so it looks like configure detected it properly and it's set to use it correctly .. except that curiously it should be -litk3.4
22:12.51 kenagain hmmm
22:13.11 kenagain so that is fixable then, right?
22:13.39 brlcad grep ITK src/libtclcad/Makefile
22:13.43 brlcad what does that report?
22:15.47 kenagain ITK - -litk3.4; ITK_CPPFLAGS =; ITK_LIB_FILE =; LIBITK = -litk3.4
22:16.00 brlcad huh
22:16.29 brlcad grep -i itk src/libtclcad/
22:17.23 kenagain er
22:17.41 brlcad ?
22:17.47 kenagain
22:18.19 brlcad you don't have to pastebin if it's <5 lines .. even long lines ;)
22:19.06 kenagain I wasnt actually sure where or how many linebreaks there were
22:19.14 brlcad hum, there's the problem there somewhere
22:19.29 kenagain it just flooded my terminal, so I piped it into fpaste to be safe
22:19.52 brlcad no problem
22:20.11 brlcad never hurts to pastebin, just don't want to waste your time either
22:20.37 brlcad i think you have a mixed build
22:20.40 kenagain oh, don't worry about that; I've got nothing but time until september
22:20.43 brlcad from the previous configure attempts
22:20.55 brlcad a partial or even completed build
22:20.57 brlcad make clean
22:20.59 brlcad make
22:21.14 brlcad make install
22:21.15 brlcad :)
22:21.19 kenagain awesome
22:21.57 brlcad hits the road for a bit, back later
22:22.06 kenagain should I make benchmark this time?
22:22.07 kenagain kk
22:22.11 kenagain thanks for the help
22:22.31 brlcad no, install first -- see if the tools are there, run the installed benchmark
22:22.36 brlcad np
22:22.42 kenagain ok cool, thanks again
22:57.52 kenagain it worked! thanks a whole lot, you guys are awesome

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