IRC log for #brlcad on 20100613

00:00.06 ``Erik someone where I work has an m coupe, a red
00:00.24 ``Erik <-- used to drive an old civic station wagon, the form is very useful
00:01.07 mafm it's this exact looks, bumpers and wheels and everything:
00:01.25 mafm still new, but great performance (not that we can speed much) and excellent mileage
00:03.10 mafm less than 5 litres for 100km (dunno how much is that in US mpg)
00:04.06 mafm Your answer is -> 47.04 (a calculator says)
00:04.18 ``Erik hm, 47
00:04.19 ``Erik yes
00:04.44 ``Erik I'm getting around 10.2l/100km
00:04.51 mafm diesel (mostly clean), petrol is less
00:04.51 dtidrow if my wife can find a job sometime in the near future, I might start looking for a used Nissan 240SX for a project car
00:05.25 mafm but now they're advertising a 3 series (not m) with 4.1 litres/100km
00:05.44 mafm and 5 and 7 series with less than 5l/100km
00:05.56 ``Erik would like to see small indirect drive diesel/electrics :/
00:06.03 mafm with petrol, you'd have to add 1.5/2 litres to that
00:06.08 ``Erik a diesel generator, some capacitors and a couple DC motors
00:06.18 mafm xD
00:06.26 mafm that's a chevrolet volt!
00:06.43 ``Erik no, chevy volt has some other ugliness to it, and is petrol only
00:07.08 ``Erik it has bunches of heavy batteries, and a gas engine to 'charge the batteries' when ya get too low on charged power
00:07.18 dtidrow was tempted by them back when I graduated - pretty anemic stock, but turbo them and they go like stink
00:07.37 ``Erik it's all about the corners, dude :D
00:07.50 mafm BMW is starting to ship hybrids here, but more for performance than savings, and prius-like (not a diesel generator operating to charge electric engines at optimum speed, but a regular engine)
00:07.51 ``Erik <-- plans on putting in strut braces next
00:07.57 dtidrow another reason to get the 240SX :-)
00:08.31 dtidrow apparently they're known for being nimble
00:09.04 mafm hmm
00:09.20 mafm nissan mostly only sells a minicar and a semi-suv here
00:09.39 dtidrow one of the very few front-engine, rear-drive small sport coupes from back in the '90s
00:11.14 mafm wheeee
00:11.24 mafm we were almost an undeveloped country by then :D
00:12.09 mafm they might be selling here,but wouldn't be very popular
00:12.16 ``Erik almost an undeveloped country? so you've made it up to being an undeveloped country now? ;> *duck*
00:12.21 mafm popular as in... common
00:12.43 mafm well, in fact we are close... 20% unemployment
00:13.11 mafm average salary wage half of the UK...
00:13.16 dtidrow real unemployment is almost that bad here
00:13.49 ``Erik average really doesn't mean much, median is a much better indicator
00:13.51 mafm Greeks are in deep financial crisis, Portugal and Spain are not very far away
00:14.22 mafm deep as in... really bankrupt, much worse than the rest of the world
00:14.27 ``Erik the greeks kinda seem to be putting the entire eu into a financial crises O.o
00:14.35 mafm yep
00:14.44 mafm we're in a group called... PIGS
00:14.54 mafm Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain
00:15.15 dtidrow and we're gonna be Greece in ten years at the rate the dumbasses in D.C. are spending our children's incomes...
00:15.20 mafm the basis of the economy is buildings and so on... so you get the idea
00:17.26 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
00:21.53 mafm did anybody make any progress with the debian package?
01:25.33 ``Erik huh, looks like the USA accidently tied england
01:36.39 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (~akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)
04:41.05 *** join/#brlcad IriX64 (
05:24.39 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
06:21.55 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
08:58.20 *** join/#brlcad ibot (
08:58.21 *** topic/#brlcad is BRL-CAD Open Source Solid Modeling || || || #brlcad logs: || BRL-CAD is now available on Gentoo! (20100225)
15:24.55 brlcad starseeker: "should have known not to use vls there" ??
15:25.20 brlcad using vls most places should be perfectly fine so long as you init/free correctly
15:25.48 brlcad howdy mafm
15:26.34 brlcad starseeker: be really surprised if you hear back from profont guys, that ship sailed a long time ago several times over, but lemme know if you do -- otherwise that insolata font you found looks pretty interesting
15:34.35 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
15:36.44 brlcad would take an open font over profont any day just to avoid ambiguity
15:36.54 brlcad in addition to inconsolata, there's anonymous pro:
15:50.50 mafm hi brlcad
18:09.18 brlcad starseeker:
18:10.45 brlcad Inconsolata actually does quite nicely
18:13.54 brlcad ibot: seen nohla
18:13.57 ibot nohla <~jesica@> was last seen on IRC in channel #brlcad, 21d 40m 36s ago, saying: 'if they're not hidden in some place at the repo, I'll have to do it again'.
18:16.45 brlcad of course, that's with anti-aliasing ... hm!
18:27.50 starseeker was kinda impressed to see inconsolata make #1 on a font list with ProFont at #7...
18:28.53 starseeker Ah, cool - Anonymous is OFL... didn't see that
18:29.57 starseeker brlcad: it looked like the vls routines were getting hung up in semiphore logic somewhere
18:30.34 starseeker I don't think any of the if_*.c files use vls, come to think of it...
18:32.03 starseeker should give credit where it is due - this the font review I was looking at:
19:02.43 brlcad starseeker: were you acquiring a semaphore, or inside of a routine that had already acquired one?
19:02.56 brlcad probably the latter, I'd guess
19:03.58 brlcad can't acquire a BU_SEMSYSCALL semaphore, for example, if you're in a libfb write() routine as that kicks of a write as may vls
19:04.11 brlcad one some vls routines, though too
19:04.21 brlcad
19:04.25 brlcad
19:06.51 brlcad very interesting results
19:10.21 brlcad horizontally, inconsolata and deja vu sans mono do the best vertically, inconsolata and anonymous pro do the best horizontally
19:10.33 brlcad s/horizontally, // :P
19:11.53 brlcad that would indicate inconsolata as a good pick but then it's the worse of the three for distinguishing l and 1 too :)
19:17.18 brlcad taking it down a notch to 9pt, DejaVu stands out a bit more impressively:
20:16.25 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
20:37.16 starseeker in an opengl context, we don't get antialiasing do we?
20:38.03 starseeker brlcad: so we take inconsolata and swap out the l and 1 characters? :-P
20:38.09 ``Erik "scientists finally invented a car that runs on water. Unfortunately, that water has to be from the gulf of mexico."
20:39.43 starseeker raises eyebrows... DejaVu does stand out, doesn't it
20:40.22 starseeker well, fonts are fairly small... what about putting in DejaVu, Anonymous and Inconsolata and allowing the user to swap 'em?
20:41.25 starseeker ``Erik: heh - if you can't run on water, redefine water
20:42.00 starseeker ``Erik: reminds me of certain school districts' approach to science and creationism... if it's not science, redefine what science means!
20:57.31 ``Erik hah, a sign in a 7-11 that says "slurpees are NOT a food stamp item"
21:18.19 brlcad starseeker: sure you get AA
21:18.41 starseeker ah, cool
21:18.55 brlcad rather, you can render the font's with or without
21:19.22 brlcad you're just drawing to a texture, so you can draw AA or not
21:19.29 starseeker didn't know if freetype+ftgl would result in AA...
21:19.36 brlcad happens at the freetype level
21:19.42 starseeker oh, OK
21:19.48 brlcad ftgl passes the option through
21:19.53 starseeker sweet
21:46.43 *** join/#brlcad Sh1fty (~Sh1fty@unaffiliated/sh1fty)
22:10.39 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r39593 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/lessons/es/ ws
22:17.22 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r39594 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/lessons/es/ (7 files in 2 dirs): add lesson 12 translation from english to spanish from Jesica Giudice, with others to follow.
22:17.44 starseeker Yay! \o/
22:19.09 starseeker sighs as gentoo chugs through another KDE upgrade
22:22.59 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r39595 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/lessons/es/ (4 files in 2 dirs): add lesson 11 translation from english to spanish from Jesica Giudice. had two minor typo corrections on end-para tags.
22:25.10 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r39596 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/lessons/es/ (3 files in 2 dirs): add lesson 10 translation from english to spanish from Jesica Giudice
22:27.55 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r39597 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/lessons/es/ (5 files): refer to lessons/es/images instead of lessons/en/images
22:38.27 ``Erik heh
22:38.33 ``Erik <-- pets gnome
22:45.25 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r39598 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/lessons/es/ add the new lesson images for 10, 11, 12
22:57.17 starseeker ``Erik: I probably have most of gnome on here too, actually... I tend to be rather agressive when enabling features
22:58.57 ``Erik <-- tries to do the minimal set to accomplish the tasks he wants to accomplish.. unfortunately has custom software in gnome1 and pidgin uses gnome2 :/
23:03.04 starseeker eh - I figure, for a desktop, space is cheap
23:03.17 starseeker what I don't do is enable a lot of port servers by default
23:03.23 ``Erik until you don't have it... I'm still on a 20 gig drive
23:03.29 starseeker recalls Redhat being bad about that some years back...
23:03.41 ``Erik and time to upgrade is also a factor *shrug*
23:03.44 starseeker hands ``Erik a nickel to buy a bigger hard drive with...
23:03.48 ``Erik heh
23:04.19 ``Erik amusingly, I have broken 80, 120 and 250 gig drives downstiars, but this old 20g simply won't die
23:04.29 starseeker heh
23:05.19 ``Erik fight software bloat! viva le effeciency!
23:10.33 ``Erik hehehehhee
23:10.34 starseeker no problem - just rewrite the world in Lisp ;-)
23:14.03 ``Erik some day O.o :D
23:14.13 ``Erik wonders how movitz is doing
23:19.05 ``Erik heh, the world must be a very twisted place... just saw a commercial for a tv show named "masterchef", first thing I thought was halo's master chief cooking... so I googled...
23:37.33 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r39599 10/brlcad/trunk/doc/docbook/lessons/es/ (27 files in 2 dirs):
23:37.34 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: add the rest of the english-to-spanish lesson translations to date from Jesica
23:37.34 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: Giudice. included are lessons 4, 5, 7, & 8. WOO HOO!.. only 5 remaining!
23:37.35 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: lessons applied without modification except for 7, which had to be re-encoded
23:37.35 CIA-40 BRL-CAD: for utf-8. may still need more work but xsltproc seems happier now.

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