IRC log for #brlcad on 20100704

01:07.02 ``Erik kill todo issues.
01:07.48 starseeker looks at TODO file, wondering which items require attitude...
01:10.38 starseeker or do you mean "overhead" issues?
01:11.10 ``Erik huh, explosions, already
01:11.17 ``Erik overheard, yes.
01:13.04 ``Erik this is your first 4th in the house, right? look out north, yo
01:13.44 starseeker too many trees :-/
01:16.50 starseeker ah, I hear something - someone's shooting off something
01:17.43 ``Erik haw, tired to let the kitties out, they both ran inside with the fireworks noise
01:17.49 starseeker hehe
01:19.13 ``Erik politicians are stupid, we have the stupid wing and the even stupider wing...
01:20.00 starseeker yeah, pretty much
01:20.09 starseeker but every once in a while they're so stupid even their own party has to call them
01:20.32 ``Erik (and I view the left wing as the stupid wing, and the right wing as the stupider wing... in the human aspect, our left wing is very right wing :( )
01:20.39 starseeker (witness that Republican dude who condemed Obama getting big bucks from BP to put in a fund)
01:22.25 ``Erik witness republicans blaming obama for off shore drilling...
01:23.03 starseeker waits for Jon Stewart to declare that Comedy Central has decided to sue CSPAN for unfair competition... government sponsored humor on a massive scale, how can poor little networks hope to compete? :-P
01:23.12 ``Erik witness republicans for blaming obama for afganistan and iraq.... ohz noez, w'ere SOCIALIZING them
01:23.16 ``Erik *cough*
01:24.15 starseeker is usually most depressed by the fact that such blame-game approaches actually seem to persuade some folk, without need for minor details like verifiable evidence
01:25.04 starseeker every once in a while I hear a piece about South Carolina state elections, and I tend to feel mildly ill afterwards
01:25.38 starseeker kinda sounds like they would view facts and reality as off topic...
02:08.13 ``Erik what was the colbert quote again? O.O
02:21.53 starseeker what, the "reality has a well known liberal bias" one?
02:23.36 starseeker wow k3d is a long build
02:24.34 ``Erik :)
02:30.03 ``Erik probly has some of that opennurbs and docbook crap in it *cough*
04:13.07 starseeker oddly enough, no... does have some nurbs support of some kind but no opennurbs that I can see...
04:14.59 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob (
04:25.44 starseeker growls - well, I might as well go back to gnash - it probably won't be much worse than the current state of the adobe plugin
04:26.55 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
04:30.45 starseeker amusingly, k-3d appears to be a gtk application
11:44.05 CIA-93 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r39784 10/brlcad/trunk/ for release distchecking to work with the conditional configure, togl has to be enabled during enable-all.
11:44.45 CIA-93 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r39785 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/togl/ update output style
12:18.44 ``Erik happy independance day, you dang americans :D
12:22.56 ``Erik neat, python marathon on bbc
12:28.48 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (~ralith@
12:39.06 ``Erik nifty, the jtag/usb thingie on my openrd requires usb2, so'z my 'server' is too old to even use the fake serial port shtuff
15:48.31 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (~akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)
17:45.07 *** join/#brlcad Alexandrus (
17:45.15 Alexandrus hello:)
18:53.00 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
20:17.14 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (~akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)
21:48.06 brlcad waves
21:51.21 *** join/#brlcad ``Erik (
22:47.07 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
23:32.08 starseeker brlcad: heh, yeah you pretty much called it - sounds like the preference is to work with native data structures, rather than the OpenNURBS library
23:32.22 starseeker at least for the guy developing the algorithm
23:33.09 starseeker not too big a deal in some ways - he's planning on BSD licensing, so if it really works it's just a question of adapting it to the OpenNURBS data structures
23:35.18 starseeker ponders setting up a project anyway - build off of OpenNURBS, use Google's C++ testing framework and see what we can do for correctness testing, and start scouring the net for code that implements missing pieces and translating them to OpenNURBS
23:46.36 starseeker wow, this is some serious postscript foo:
23:55.20 starseeker 's jaw drops
23:55.29 starseeker
23:57.18 louipc what happen?
23:57.42 starseeker someone emulated behaviors of the old calcomp plotter
23:58.13 starseeker I think our docs mention that as one of the early systems we supported
23:58.38 louipc ah cool

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