IRC log for #brlcad on 20100709

00:47.47 ``Erik heh (if games had a super-easy mode)
01:46.01 starseeker begins the install of Gentoo on the alienware beast...
01:54.57 ``Erik <-- listens for the explosion and cursing :D
02:04.30 starseeker yeah, the CPU throttled itself because it got too hot, and that was just on expanding a tarball
02:04.47 starseeker can't wait to see what it does with the actual build
02:13.00 ``Erik soooo, it's only fast when it's not being used? hrm
02:19.31 starseeker heh
02:19.52 starseeker just need a metal desk to conduct heat away
02:20.19 louipc must have been quite the tarball
02:20.23 starseeker (apparently the thinkpad shipped, so hopefully a successful linux install there will be less finicky"
02:20.36 starseeker heh - stage3 gentoo tarball
02:20.48 starseeker not so big - 135 megs iirc - but a lot of files
02:20.54 ``Erik (so wait... the notion of carrying a regular keyboard is too much, but hauling a metal desk is acceptable?)
02:21.15 starseeker nah, that just becomes the selection criteria for the hotel
02:21.27 louipc maybe the desk has hover pads
02:21.52 ``Erik doesn't recall seeing "large radiant surfaces" as a selling point in any brochure O.o
02:22.08 ``Erik :D
02:23.15 ``Erik can just see starseeker bringing a few ziplock bags and running to the hotel ice machine every 15 minutes
02:24.08 louipc Hehe there should be machines with self-contained AC
02:24.34 ``Erik hm, the old crays did that with the nitrogen coolers... :D
02:24.47 louipc sweet
02:24.58 ``Erik they were a hair bigger than permitted as carry-ons, though
02:30.13 starseeker briefly ponders trying to figure out what is installed in this thing to do a manual kernel config, then wusses out and starts genkernel
02:30.40 starseeker I'll try it on the thinkpad, but this has too little documentation
02:31.38 louipc yeah you'll get some good info from auto detection
02:33.02 ``Erik dmesg should have a pretty good idea, but is it actually worth doing on any non-speciallized hw? when I got up to 48 megs of ram, the space saving just didn't seem worth it anymore O.o
02:33.40 starseeker ``Erik: probably not - I don it mainly so I know what's going on with my hardware, and whether I need to check out special driver settings and whatnot
02:34.07 starseeker habit mostly - the autodetect stuff has gotten MUCH better since I started
02:34.32 starseeker nowadays the only area you still need to pay attention is graphics cards
02:35.03 ``Erik I thought wifi was still a bit of a sore spot
02:35.16 starseeker (with the thinkpad ATI card, I'm gonna have to try the cutting edge radeonhd stuff)
02:35.23 starseeker ``Erik: ah, could be
02:35.24 ``Erik and acpi or whatever power mgmt is not
02:35.29 ``Erik now
02:35.58 starseeker <snort> I thought power management/sleep/wakeup was an issue on EVERY operating system (cept OSX maybe)
02:36.13 ``Erik <-- pets his macbook :)
02:37.25 starseeker auuugh, wish these weren't still out of stock:
02:37.40 starseeker that's a no-brainer drive choice for me, if they can get 'em in
02:38.20 ``Erik this is the one I mentioned earlier btw:
02:39.17 starseeker nods - not bad
02:40.47 starseeker gotta wonder about construction/component quality though
02:43.42 starseeker LOL:
02:43.53 *** join/#brlcad akafubu (~akafubu@unaffiliated/akafubu)
02:43.55 starseeker whadya bet he got 'em a newegg?
02:44.04 starseeker s/a/at
02:45.19 ``Erik heh, straight from the stockroom to the dumpster to his car? O.o
03:12.43 brlcad starseeker: you know, with a little reduction and generalization, your write-up would make for a great website posting
03:12.52 brlcad and for the news list
03:13.11 starseeker nods - not a bad idea
03:13.22 starseeker are you volunteering, or volunteering me? :-P
03:13.31 brlcad asking if you're interested in doing it :)
03:13.37 starseeker ah, sure!
03:13.51 starseeker (would need to be tomorrow, I don't have a copy here)
03:17.17 brlcad probably just needs to remove the personal bits, the qri perspective, etc
03:17.40 brlcad or generalize them to the project and the progress made
03:17.48 starseeker cool (plus, higher resolution image for the website)
03:18.22 starseeker come to think of it, I'd better send QRI the highres image too
03:19.00 brlcad forwards
03:19.57 starseeker heh - OK, OK, you got me :-P
03:23.59 starseeker brlcad: should I take out the bit about CSG being the "standard" technique?
03:24.40 starseeker hmm...
03:42.57 starseeker brlcad: pong
03:44.06 starseeker probably needs a little non-midnight-oil polishing, but how's that look for a direction?
03:45.05 starseeker contemplates a project takeover on the old libnurbs sourceforge project - main dev's email bounced, no response so far from what looked like a possible modern one, no commits in many years...
03:45.16 starseeker guess I need to try the other devs
03:50.54 *** join/#brlcad Ralith (~ralith@
03:51.04 starseeker <snort> email bounce #2...
03:51.17 starseeker hey Ralith
03:53.18 Ralith hullo
04:06.48 starseeker aaand the third, while not bouncing, doesn't appear very active on any projects at all
04:15.08 *** join/#brlcad yukonbob_ (
06:21.46 starseeker gets past the basic system and starts building Xorg and friends...
06:21.58 starseeker huh - radeon card
06:23.50 *** join/#brlcad alex_joni (~alex_joni@emc/board-of-directors/alexjoni)
09:11.27 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
12:56.49 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
14:23.05 starseeker woooot - got X up and running
14:23.56 starseeker starts a lot of basic stuff building...
14:45.26 brlcad starseeker: yeah, I wouldn't say it's the standard technique
14:46.01 brlcad even for brl-cad, it's certainly the preferred approach and the only one we really directly support editing of, but it's just one of many standard approaches
14:47.01 brlcad while I'd still argue the effective merit, some even consider CSG obsolete (but that's mostly because feature-based editing hides the CSG activity under the hood unbeknown to them)
14:58.27 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
15:12.22 *** join/#brlcad parigaudi (
15:57.32 *** join/#brlcad parigaudi (
16:52.59 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
17:08.53 ``Erik <-- thought visual guys like straight-up triangle manipulation (lw, 3ds, etc), and cad guys favored nurbs? O.o povray sticking with csg due to historic and script driven reasons?
17:19.31 brlcad starseeker: mind if I word-smithe a little?
17:20.37 brlcad I wouldn't say that the visual guys don't "favor" triangle manipulation, it's just by far the simplest and easiest to deal with
17:21.43 brlcad everyone likes their stuff to be smooth and pretty, but if I can't see it without pulling out my differential equations book, it's not much use to a lot of people as the time-investment payoff is not there
17:22.47 brlcad commercial cad guys got practically unlimited money, so they do what works best (i.e. everything) and use the most flexible representation (i.e., nurbs + feature operations)
17:38.11 *** join/#brlcad csanyipal (
17:38.15 csanyipal Hi,
17:39.43 brlcad howdy paul
17:39.48 csanyipal :)
17:40.21 csanyipal I'm searching the URL where one can upload it's model..
17:40.32 brlcad
17:40.39 csanyipal thanks!
17:41.27 csanyipal why isn't there on this link?
17:55.47 csanyipal how can one get an image pf the raytraced model?
17:55.53 csanyipal of
17:56.15 brlcad it will auto-generate the images
17:56.27 csanyipal ok
17:56.34 brlcad there isn't a link because it's still experimental
17:56.42 csanyipal ok
17:56.56 csanyipal I have a video of this model.
17:57.15 csanyipal but videos can't upload there. :(
17:58.15 brlcad you could create a wiki page for the model
17:58.25 brlcad or can add it to the model tracker
17:59.14 csanyipal I wont't do that right now because I beleave my model isn't perfect.
17:59.47 brlcad they never are "perfect" :)
17:59.53 csanyipal :)
17:59.59 csanyipal ok
18:00.23 brlcad you can always upload what you have now, then upload an improved version later
18:00.52 csanyipal just to write down a description for my model and I shall upload it to
18:00.57 csanyipal ok
18:01.16 csanyipal then you can see it.
18:01.39 brlcad here is the geometry tracker:
18:02.15 csanyipal thanks! I shall upload it there too.
18:06.15 CIA-93 BRL-CAD: 03Paul 07 * r28 10Model repository/: Photo holder (insert model: )
18:10.35 brlcad woot
18:11.15 csanyipal sorry, what is woot?
18:12.56 brlcad woot is like "woo hoo"
18:13.04 brlcad yay
18:13.15 brlcad huzzah
18:14.00 csanyipal dict huzzah give to me the answer. :D
18:14.10 csanyipal thanks!
18:19.15 csanyipal added to geometry tracker too.
18:22.01 brlcad neat!
18:26.10 csanyipal :)
18:51.56 csanyipal so, on the wiki one can't upload .ogg files... :(
18:52.41 brlcad you can upload it to and I can upload it there for you
18:52.53 brlcad or put it some place where you can refer to it by URL
18:53.39 csanyipal I will try
18:55.34 csanyipal PhotoHolder.ogg is there now. :)
19:22.25 csanyipal I must go now. Bye.
20:00.22 CIA-93 BRL-CAD: 03 07 * r28 10Model repository/: Photo holder (update model: BRLCAD processing completed.)
21:32.12 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
21:32.22 ``Erik nuclear explosions through time map O.o
22:44.37 starseeker brlcad: re: wordsmithing, knock yourself out
22:45.53 starseeker (sorry, didn't get back online with irc 'til just now)
23:11.27 starseeker chuckles evilly - perhaps someday we too will do everything :-)
23:31.07 starseeker yow -O3 slowes things down something fierce
23:32.16 ``Erik the compile, not the executable, I presume
23:32.57 starseeker yeah
23:33.13 starseeker 93 packages took from about 11 this morning to about an hour ago
23:33.37 starseeker 173 more to go, including openoffice, and then (perhaps) KDE and tetex to follow
23:34.27 starseeker I'm not gonna complain though - I was real worried I might not get Xorg or the touchpad/buttons working
23:34.34 starseeker went very smoothly
23:37.23 starseeker evidently this vintage of alienware is a bit unusual for a Linux install, since most of the folks buying 'em wanted it for high-end Windows games
23:37.51 starseeker I must confess I don't have accelerated 3D as far as I know, so there is still that
23:38.14 ``Erik heh, most folk buying any non-os-specialized laptop wants it for winderz, no? :)
23:38.17 ``Erik mmmm, tadpole
23:38.45 starseeker true, but usually there are a percentage of folk who immediately try putting Linux on it
23:39.16 starseeker in this case, Linux doesn't run CURRENT_HOT_GAME that needs the latest super-hardware
23:39.41 ``Erik probably less 'hot game' than 'more expensive than your average college kid can get'
23:39.54 starseeker yeah, that too
23:40.51 starseeker 'course, things are better today - lotsa sites about M17 + Linux :-)
23:55.02 ``Erik I think my evil cats have scared my fish into perpetual hiding behind the filter pickup tube :/

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