IRC log for #brlcad on 20100724

00:12.54 *** join/#brlcad Nohla (~Nohla@
00:20.07 starseeker eyes bus routes... 5 bucks for a day, vs. $20+ one way in a cab... hrm
00:20.30 starseeker anybody know what busses are like in LA these days?
01:08.58 ``Erik mmmmm, monster rueban
01:10.10 ``Erik given that you'll be reimbursed, the $15 extra should be irrelevant, no? and tha tmuch more peace of mind not having to sit with bums and having ot walk between bus stops and where ya need to get with luggage and stuff, no?
01:10.35 ``Erik unless ya'll have someone there who's renting a car or a local friend *shrug*
02:39.10 *** join/#brlcad CIA-45 (~CIA@
02:47.43 *** join/#brlcad roberthl (~robert@mediawiki/RobertL)
02:57.05 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@
03:37.27 starseeker ``Erik: doubt I'd be reimbursed for that one :-/
04:55.13 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
08:55.15 *** join/#brlcad Alexandrus (
09:38.24 Alexandrus
09:38.42 Alexandrus the triangle helix is correctly displayed as grid
09:38.56 Alexandrus but when i raytrace it, half is missing?
09:39.06 Alexandrus what could be the reason for this?
09:43.09 Alexandrus (maximum object count?)
09:44.09 Alexandrus (it can get even wierder with missing arb6 somewhere in the middle)
09:44.57 Alexandrus
09:45.40 Alexandrus (same with rtedge)
09:48.06 Alexandrus (one detailed winding)
10:12.57 Alexandrus for some funny reason it works if i make a region out of it
10:18.14 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@2403:0:500:1:218:deff:fe54:bd88)
10:26.46 Alexandrus (region)
14:09.06 CIA-45 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r39884 10/brlcad/trunk/regress/ look for in TOPSRC
14:09.37 CIA-45 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r39885 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/libpng/ per-target cppflags aren't kosher yet
14:10.05 CIA-45 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r39886 10/brlcad/trunk/src/librt/binunif/binunif.c: clarity/cleanup
14:34.20 ``Erik hm, "limbo" looks like an interesting game O.o
14:37.40 ``Erik heh
15:43.24 *** join/#brlcad mafm (
16:14.51 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@2403:0:500:1:218:deff:fe54:bd88)
16:36.50 *** join/#brlcad Nohla (~Nohla@
17:05.40 *** join/#brlcad willdye (
17:10.40 *** join/#brlcad Stattrav (~Stattrav@2403:0:500:1:218:deff:fe54:bd88)
17:15.06 *** join/#brlcad Alexandrus (
17:15.12 Alexandrus moin();
17:24.46 ``Erik yargh
17:24.59 ``Erik the coil images you posted, were those using ARB8 or BoT?
17:25.05 Alexandrus ARB6
17:25.21 ``Erik ah, ok, then I have no guesses at why they wouldn't display
17:25.31 Alexandrus i can reproduce it...
17:25.40 Alexandrus they display if i order them with r
17:25.41 ``Erik (ARB6 is stored internally as ARB8 with 3 points at the same place)
17:25.58 Alexandrus ok, i didn't analyze that
17:26.16 ``Erik do you have a way to select one of the ARB's that don't display and try raytracing that alone?
17:26.18 Alexandrus for the moment, the helix algorithm can accept any "square" form
17:26.29 Alexandrus i could give you the script
17:26.40 Alexandrus if i pick fewer, they display
17:26.51 Alexandrus if i pick more, some are omitted
17:27.25 ``Erik hm, would you mind doing a bug report and attaching the script to it, so we have a way of tracking and managing the issue?
17:27.56 Alexandrus not a problem
17:28.02 ``Erik okie, thanks :)
17:28.39 Alexandrus i have to turn back a little
17:30.05 ``Erik collapsing the two outside pairs to amke a wedge?
17:30.48 Alexandrus no, i have to give you simple primitives again
17:30.55 Alexandrus if i put them in a large region, it works
17:31.11 Alexandrus now i have to reproduce, if i get it back
17:32.33 Alexandrus i got it again
17:32.47 ``Erik ok, if not, just state as much as you can... we have a (paid, relatively jr but capable) developer who is between projects right now and looking for something to do, I'm thinking I might try to tric^Wask him if he's interested in looking into the issue :D
17:33.02 Alexandrus i have lots for him:P
17:33.18 Alexandrus for example why r someregion.r u c$i
17:33.30 Alexandrus gets slow with i = 0..20000
17:33.35 Alexandrus (really damn slow)
17:33.49 ``Erik he doesn't use irc, so I'm thinking the bug tracker will not only give him a concrete thing to work on, but pull him more into the open source mentality
17:34.12 Alexandrus i make a zip with explanation, platform, how to reproduce
17:34.15 Alexandrus he will know:)
17:34.20 Alexandrus even a pic will be included:)
17:34.32 ``Erik heh, probably because tcl is constructing 20000 linked lists to assemble the final command, then parsing it all
17:34.58 Alexandrus r is a brl-cad command, isn't it?
17:35.02 ``Erik ok, if I remember on monday, I will ask him to see if he'd be willing to
17:35.07 Alexandrus and i am giving one extra primitve at a time
17:35.13 Alexandrus (not clever..maybe, but still wondering)
17:35.15 ``Erik yes, but the list fed to it, the for stuff and the $i, that's tcl
17:35.21 Alexandrus (i am very new to tcl...and kind of hat it:P)
17:35.29 ``Erik all BRL-CAD does is extend the tcl shell for the mged command promp
17:35.31 ``Erik prompt
17:35.42 ``Erik r is just a tcl proc
17:35.44 Alexandrus $i is a single string
17:35.59 Alexandrus usually a name like "c$i"
17:36.24 ``Erik hm, so you're running r 20000 times?
17:36.30 Alexandrus yes
17:36.42 ``Erik ah, hm, every time you run r, it tries to build an optimized tree
17:36.48 Alexandrus i didn't know how split a long string into several parameters
17:37.07 Alexandrus so it was kind of a temporary solution
17:37.14 ``Erik it may be faster to build a big string of "u c$i"'s, then feed it to r once
17:37.15 Alexandrus tree is log(n)...isn't it?
17:37.21 Alexandrus i tried..
17:37.30 ``Erik search is, for a balanced tree
17:37.31 Alexandrus but somehow i don't know how to give that to r
17:37.35 ``Erik in the worst case, it's O(n)
17:37.45 ``Erik and for optimizing it, I think it's O(nlgn)
17:37.47 Alexandrus isn't it balanced?
17:37.54 ``Erik optimizing tries to balance it
17:38.01 Alexandrus i mean, i have written my own avl-trees once
17:38.09 Alexandrus every operaton was log(n) there
17:38.26 Alexandrus but maybe your trees have different conditions to fullfill
17:38.30 ``Erik hrm, I d'no the r command... I tend to stay low in the C libraries
17:39.04 ``Erik I know we have an rb-tree implementation, but I don't think it's used in the comb generation
17:39.12 Alexandrus rb?
17:39.27 Alexandrus (oh these shortcuts:P)
17:39.28 ``Erik I'm guessing the comb stuff is very naive in generating, and then 'optimizes' once it's all built to try to balance it
17:39.31 ``Erik red/black
17:39.37 ``Erik based off of avl
17:39.42 Alexandrus ah, i know this one:)
17:39.51 Alexandrus avl trees might be faster here
17:40.00 ``Erik and we're not cool enough to have b+ or anything
17:40.03 Alexandrus but who knows what it would screw
17:40.17 Alexandrus hmm
17:40.34 ``Erik and we try to build the trees so they make nice n-ary trees for human interpretation, as well
17:41.08 ``Erik I d'no, I can only think of two people who might have a solid clue... one left the team (and is on vacation), the other at siggraph this week
17:41.55 Alexandrus hahaha, some heli builder comes along:P
17:42.05 Alexandrus and now some guys have to rewrite the core:P
17:42.06 Alexandrus hahahaha
17:42.38 Alexandrus i think it works pretty well mostly
17:42.58 ``Erik oh, we have other things doing stuff like that... at is a news item for a 'coil builder', which is almost identical to what you're trying to do
17:43.22 ``Erik (the spiral thing)
17:43.22 Alexandrus i will finish it today
17:43.31 Alexandrus yes, but its perl
17:43.40 Alexandrus mine can be called with a simple source call
17:43.57 ``Erik but the same thing can be written in tcl, in C, in lisp, in ruby, in python, probably in plain shell scripting
17:44.14 Alexandrus yes, but as far as i know, i still had to do the helix thing
17:44.21 ``Erik even visual basic *cough*
17:44.28 Alexandrus its not that i am trying to do something double here
17:44.29 Alexandrus i searched
17:44.36 Alexandrus makes a cross:P
17:45.09 ``Erik in the end, it's creating a set of mged commands to execute to generate the geometry *shrug*
17:45.36 Alexandrus tcl commands...the language is a mess
17:45.58 Alexandrus i mean, you "can" write programs in it
17:46.03 ``Erik <-- doesn't know tcl, has modified some tcl in the past, tries to avoid it, thus the lack of mged knowledge :D
17:46.04 Alexandrus but...its weird
17:46.30 Alexandrus interesting:P everything depends on tcl in brl-cad
17:46.44 Alexandrus i checked manully (added hunderes of tcl85.lib dependencies)
17:46.56 ``Erik when ya run 'rt' or 'g-stl', there is no tcl involved :D the libraries require tcl as a dep, but no tcl stuff is used
17:48.00 Alexandrus how do you use brlcad?
17:48.38 ``Erik um, via C? :D
17:48.52 ``Erik I almost never use mged, and when I do, I usually use -c
17:48.52 Alexandrus ah, you use it as a library
17:49.09 Alexandrus you know, i just do CAD-Work with it
17:49.13 Alexandrus which needs flexibility
17:49.15 ``Erik well, there're ~400 programs in BRL-CAD, only a handful use the TCL stuff
17:49.21 Alexandrus therefore...a script language..
17:49.44 Alexandrus coil and tire for example create a coil.g or tire.g
17:49.48 Alexandrus very weird
17:49.57 Alexandrus now you have to merge libs manually?
17:50.12 ``Erik BRL-CAD used to have it's own approach to that, then tcl came out, there was nothing else like it when it was adopted... now we're struggling to de-tcl stuff ('cept for starseeker, who's doing the opposite)
17:50.14 Alexandrus or do you use libged and operate on a database inside the c program?
17:50.25 ``Erik I don't generate geometry
17:50.40 Alexandrus hehehe, what do you do with it?
17:50.49 Alexandrus looks surprised
17:51.04 ``Erik the last few things I've done have been writing the metaball primitive, writing the marching cubes converter, and a lot of work in the adrt/libtie/isst interactive raytracing viewer
17:51.42 Alexandrus what is the metaball called in brlcad?
17:51.46 ``Erik my current interest is finishing the work I started in making rt output directly to png (or tiff, or bmp, or ...)
17:51.47 Alexandrus i have a list of primitves here
17:51.49 ``Erik metaball
17:51.54 ``Erik it may not be in your list
17:52.02 ``Erik it was just a couple years ago :)
17:52.06 ``Erik do "make mb.s metaball"
17:52.09 ``Erik and rt it
17:52.10 Alexandrus how is it called today?
17:52.30 ``Erik mb.s just being the name I like to use
17:52.39 ``Erik some packages call them "blobs"
17:52.49 Alexandrus ah, beautifull
17:54.25 ``Erik <-- toolmaker, likes to be a toolmaker for toolmakers
17:54.34 Alexandrus ähm ok:)
17:54.41 Alexandrus i wish for
17:54.56 Alexandrus a primitve, which is based on a function given line
17:55.13 ``Erik O.o
17:55.15 Alexandrus where you are able to give a boolean function for each 2D tangential space
17:55.26 Alexandrus which says which regions are filled and which are not:)
17:55.26 ``Erik what, like using a rotate or sweep on a bezier spline?
17:55.31 ``Erik like in libpc?
17:55.33 ``Erik O.o
17:55.40 Alexandrus this is there allready?
17:55.51 ``Erik kinda sorta, but not ready for end users
17:55.52 Alexandrus i am amazed, i made this up when i thought how to do the helix
17:56.14 Alexandrus i think its a challange because you have to accept functions
17:56.20 Alexandrus and derive them
17:56.31 Alexandrus otherwise you can't get the necessary vectors to create a tangential 2D space
17:56.41 ``Erik yeah, we haven't looked at that too much as a procdb as we're kinda looking to get NURBS in place so we can do a rotate/sweep on a 2d rep of the thread
17:57.03 Alexandrus rep=repition?
17:57.11 ``Erik representation
17:57.28 Alexandrus ok:)
17:57.49 Alexandrus but this wouldn't do a helix
17:58.04 ``Erik draw the cut view of one tooth using the 'sketch' primitive, tell it to revolve and sweep, then cap the result, boom, instant bolt
17:58.27 ``Erik and with gusseting, rounding, non-flat faces, etc
17:59.02 Alexandrus allready running?
17:59.09 ``Erik no, we're not quite there yet
17:59.21 ``Erik but a lot of effort is going towards doing that
17:59.24 Alexandrus hey, i am not so fond of my simple helix solution
17:59.29 Alexandrus its working, but its a hack
17:59.50 ``Erik we had a GSoC student doing the libpc stuff, two paid people working on getting nurbs into shape (when other emergencies don't show up), ...
18:00.52 Alexandrus (and they sure do:P)
18:00.59 ``Erik we're trying, honest :D it's been an uphill fight, investing in something as significant as solid NURBS with mgmt looking for the "but how does it help me tomorrow, I don't care about next year"
18:01.51 ``Erik we already do a reasonably good job of converting NURBS from rhino3d or STEP to our format and raytracing them (quickly)
18:02.30 ``Erik but no editing yet, ... :)
18:03.24 ``Erik starseeker has been heavily involved in that stuff... I'm more interested in converting them into triangles and feeding them to OpenGL or libtie for interactive shaded displays/analysis
18:03.34 CIA-45 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r39887 10/brlcad/trunk/src/util/binfo.c: supposedly removed the binfo tool in r39519 but the source file wasn't actually removed.
18:03.52 Alexandrus hmm
18:04.52 CIA-45 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r39888 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc8/ add shape tool msvc build files to the dist
18:05.14 Alexandrus i think opengl to replace the wire-frame modell
18:05.19 Alexandrus might be not such a bad idea
18:05.33 ``Erik that's one of the goals of the NURBS work
18:05.40 Alexandrus one doesn't need perfect rendering every time
18:05.41 ``Erik "shaded display" has been on the todo list for a long time
18:06.03 ``Erik fast NURBS to triangle conversion will mean dynamic LoD
18:06.21 CIA-45 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r39889 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/tktable/ add missing 'mac' dir files to the dist.
18:06.25 ``Erik so it'll always be within a pixel or two, and always display fast :)
18:06.39 Alexandrus shadows aren't too important
18:06.44 Alexandrus normals are easy
18:07.01 ``Erik CAD packages generally ignore shadowing, I don't think that's part of our interest
18:07.03 Alexandrus (still, possible with shadow maps)
18:07.18 ``Erik though with most modern GPU's, stencil shadowing is pretty snappy
18:07.30 Alexandrus it has resolution problems though
18:08.10 Alexandrus but i think the hardest part is creating meshes...
18:08.18 CIA-45 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r39890 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/libpng/ add vstudio files to extra_dist, along with a couple other missing files
18:08.20 ``Erik *shrug* there've been experiments with display BRL-CAD geometry using the OGRE engine, stencil shadowing is just a flip of the switch then
18:08.20 Alexandrus i wouldn't know how
18:08.52 ``Erik that's the part they're looking at now, correct NURBS raytracing, correct primitive->NURBS conversion, and evaluating CSG NURBS into resolved NURBS
18:09.18 ``Erik once that's all done, just walk the surface of the resolved nurb to produce tristrips and feed that to ogl or ogre
18:09.22 Alexandrus they must do it for stl export...
18:09.43 ``Erik we have the NMG tesselator, which USUALLY works, but is really slow
18:09.50 Alexandrus do you walk a surface of an object which cannot be represented by a nurb
18:09.56 Alexandrus (non differentiable)
18:10.07 ``Erik and for g-stl, the -8 option enables marching cubes, which is insanely slow and produces incredibly large amounts of triangles when it shouldn't
18:10.08 Alexandrus (for example substracting to spheres)
18:10.10 ``Erik :D
18:10.32 ``Erik the non-differentiable parts would be trims, with an object made of several surface patches
18:11.10 ``Erik pairing the trims exactly has been one of the difficulties they're currently looking at closely, iirc
18:11.39 ``Erik or was, before the guy doing most of it got one of those emergency requests to write some excel/java related stuff
18:11.53 Alexandrus buuuh...
18:11.53 CIA-45 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r39891 10/brlcad/trunk/src/adrt/ still need isst_tcltk.c added to the dist
18:11.57 Alexandrus no comparison
18:12.10 ``Erik yeah, but *shrug* gotz ta get paid
18:12.35 Alexandrus i heard some here do get paid
18:12.41 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
18:17.33 ``Erik ayup
19:01.42 Alexandrus damn 256k limit is annoying
19:05.35 Alexandrus bug is reported
19:34.22 CIA-45 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r39892 10/brlcad/trunk/misc/win32-msvc8/bolt/tire.vcproj: already copied to bolt
19:37.05 CIA-45 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r39893 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/tktable/ there's a README.TXT file in there that needs to be added.
19:38.09 ``Erik I think ya'llz fix to tkhtml3 was wrong. I think the tcl script puts the .c and .h files in the same place as the .tcl file, even in an out of dir build. I'll experiment more on monday, but it failed on linux, fbsd and osX for me with clean checkouts
19:42.04 Alexandrus @''Erik: may i ask, which area in the USA you are from?
20:05.29 ``Erik from or at? I'm currently in the baltimore area, as are the other paid devs
20:05.39 ``Erik just north of washington DC
20:05.54 Alexandrus from
20:06.02 Alexandrus because you use interesting constructions like
20:06.07 Alexandrus do'no and ya'llz
20:06.11 ``Erik from... seattle... though I've lived in florida and missouri
20:06.13 Alexandrus and more i can't recall at the moment
20:06.40 ``Erik "d'no" is pretty common, ya'll is from when I lived in missouri I think, not part of my usual speaking patter, but fun to type
20:07.18 Alexandrus still, unusual for me
20:07.26 Alexandrus and i am chatting in english language a lot
20:07.41 Alexandrus (with all my typos)
20:07.53 ``Erik most americans who DO use it in colloquial speech will attempt to hide it in talking to people from outside of their regions
20:08.15 ``Erik it's kinda associated with being uneducated and 'backwards'
20:08.36 Alexandrus we have some people called bavariens
20:08.48 ``Erik bavarians, or barbarians?
20:08.48 Alexandrus but their language is not understood as backwards
20:08.53 Alexandrus no, bavaria
20:08.54 Alexandrus Bayern
20:08.56 ``Erik <-- notes that his car is from bavaria :D
20:08.58 Alexandrus a region in germany
20:09.01 ``Erik yes
20:09.09 Alexandrus i cannot understand it
20:09.24 Alexandrus but it has proud speakers...hahaha
20:09.28 ``Erik the swiss might be better suited to understand it O.o
20:09.29 Alexandrus they certainly do not hide it
20:09.33 Alexandrus no...
20:09.39 Alexandrus swiss people talk english to me
20:09.44 ``Erik hehehe
20:09.54 Alexandrus happened to me in Zurich
20:09.57 Alexandrus really weird
20:10.20 ``Erik swiss and bavarian are both tautonic languages from roughly the same area, so I'd imagine there're striking similarities... but I'm guessing
20:10.36 ``Erik I've never been to europe, my foreign travels were to the far east
20:11.00 Alexandrus no simililarities
20:11.06 ``Erik huh *shrug*
20:11.11 Alexandrus sry
20:11.16 Alexandrus but its rather strange here
20:11.18 ``Erik was worth a shot ;)
20:11.23 Alexandrus nice try.P
20:11.32 ``Erik the US has various regionalized languages, like creole
20:11.56 ``Erik which is a mix of old french and a little old english, then evolved in it's own direction...
20:12.54 Alexandrus you might be baffled listening to this
20:12.57 ``Erik I sometimes have trouble understanding southerners and northeasterners here *shrug*
20:13.05 ``Erik even though it's all "american" english
20:13.34 Alexandrus back in the 50's american movie english was exemplary for good english
20:13.40 Alexandrus today...its far more different
20:13.45 ``Erik (at least 3 years in japan taught me that if someone doesn't understand you, try rephrasing and speaking slower, not speaking louder)
20:14.07 ``Erik yes, I've heard linguists claim that even modern american english is far closer to 1600's british english than modern british english is
20:14.07 Alexandrus in my case...try louder:P
20:14.23 Alexandrus 1600'
20:14.29 ``Erik 1600's/1700's
20:14.37 ``Erik when the big colonial migration was
20:14.38 Alexandrus you can read Shakespear..haha
20:14.47 Alexandrus not so distant from you
20:14.52 ``Erik shakespeare doesn't seem to difficult in original form to me
20:15.11 ``Erik chaucer is a bit rough though :D
20:15.24 Alexandrus have the comedy of errors somewhere here
20:15.35 ``Erik I mean, uh, I'm an illiterate american, if it waren't on wrastlin,, ah reck'n it don't matter noen
20:15.39 ``Erik none
20:15.45 Alexandrus lol
20:15.52 Alexandrus waren't...whats that?
20:15.55 Alexandrus wraslin?
20:15.57 Alexandrus reck'n?
20:16.02 Alexandrus neon?
20:16.09 ``Erik waren't -> was not
20:16.13 Alexandrus weren't
20:16.20 ``Erik wraslin' -> americanized wrestling
20:16.28 ``Erik reck'n -> reckon
20:16.51 ``Erik ah -> I
20:16.59 ``Erik don't -> doesn't
20:17.01 ``Erik :D
20:17.20 ``Erik and, of course, "doesn't matter none", double negative...
20:17.44 Alexandrus thanks for the full translation
20:17.59 ``Erik scary, no?
20:18.15 Alexandrus you are not speaking japanese yet
20:18.20 Alexandrus so, I survive
20:18.25 ``Erik nihongo oh hanasemasuka?
20:18.38 Alexandrus :-:
20:18.39 ``Erik o'genki desu ka
20:18.54 Alexandrus you don't have the chars?
20:18.55 Alexandrus no utf8?
20:19.05 ``Erik that is utf8... no utf16/32
20:19.20 ``Erik well, probably could do it, but it's been a long time since I've done hiragana, katakana and kanji
20:19.41 ``Erik and I'm using irssi via ssh, so that might not support the full range
20:19.59 ``Erik I was a bit impressed that the stack could do an umlaut
20:20.01 Alexandrus i guess its only up to the clients if they can display it
20:20.05 Alexandrus the IRC protocol doesn't care
20:20.27 ``Erik hm, I think rfc1459 might state ascii8
20:20.44 ``Erik was quite a while ago that it was drafted... but modern servers may go above and beyond
20:20.58 Alexandrus i wrote an irc client/server once:P
20:21.00 Alexandrus sure ignored it
20:21.07 Alexandrus i used it for mathematical commucation over irc
20:21.12 ``Erik it's a quite simple protocol :)
20:21.14 Alexandrus comunication
20:21.19 Alexandrus +m
20:21.26 Alexandrus it is
20:21.44 Alexandrus one could start a telnet and type the commands by hand
20:21.50 ``Erik back in the mid 90's, I think most of us knew how to use telnet to use irc
20:22.00 ``Erik hehehe, ayup
20:22.03 Alexandrus its a bit crap though
20:22.10 ``Erik privmsg #brlcad: tada!
20:22.19 Alexandrus and then reading all the mess
20:22.21 Alexandrus quit
20:22.22 Alexandrus :P
20:22.59 ``Erik wait, space then colon for a space containing line?
20:23.06 Alexandrus oh don't ask me
20:23.07 ``Erik like privmsg #brlcad :tada, this is working!
20:23.09 Alexandrus i wrote a parser for this once
20:23.12 ``Erik so long ago
20:23.13 Alexandrus i don't do this manually
20:23.35 Alexandrus i don't do assembler any more either*G*
20:23.41 ``Erik ooh, I do on occasion
20:24.01 ``Erik I'm half poking at getting freebsd working on my arm7 machine, I might have to do some asm and write some drivers
20:24.04 Alexandrus i can, but only on microcontrollers
20:24.25 Alexandrus drivers, yes, but only a few lines
20:24.34 Alexandrus like port access
20:24.42 Alexandrus or some special command to use in an inline-procedure
20:24.47 ``Erik um, PCI and serial bus drivers, I think
20:24.51 ``Erik mebbe some others
20:25.12 Alexandrus i wrote a PCI driver in FreePascal once
20:25.16 ``Erik arm fell off the list of procs in fbsd's cvs :/
20:25.16 Alexandrus no asm at all
20:25.24 Alexandrus hmm, to bad
20:25.32 ``Erik so I must put it back.
20:26.09 ``Erik other than writing the startup and connection stuff for an i386 os, all my os has just been a couple lines to feed C :/
20:26.16 ``Erik er
20:26.21 ``Erik all my asm (recently) has been
20:26.32 ``Erik but I did a lot of 6512 asm on the c64c
20:26.33 Alexandrus i have written a 200.000 line asm os once..
20:26.41 Alexandrus during my school time:P
20:26.50 Alexandrus i know what i reject:P
20:27.09 ``Erik mips r2000 was damn sexy
20:27.21 Alexandrus still, damn unportable
20:27.24 Alexandrus unreadable
20:27.29 ``Erik well
20:27.49 ``Erik I'd argue that asm from something like a PPC or r2k or pdp11 was VERy readable
20:27.57 ``Erik the x86 stuff is really... really... really really really bad.
20:28.24 Alexandrus assembler usually makes out of a simple x:=f(y,z,u,v,w) something long and unreadable
20:28.30 Alexandrus if not...its not an assembler anymore
20:28.36 ``Erik maloeran is working on a language to make asm less sucky, somewhere between asm and C
20:28.51 ``Erik heh
20:29.01 Alexandrus i think i prefer moving even higher
20:29.04 Alexandrus intention based languages
20:29.24 ``Erik only on x86... programs on archs meant to be asm programmed by humans is far far more eradable... indeed, C is sometimes called a portable PDP assembler...
20:29.41 Alexandrus (intention:= f:S->R^n for S as set of states of the System)
20:29.42 ``Erik <-- has been enamored by CL lately
20:30.05 Alexandrus @''Erik: even microcontrollers are programmed in c/c++ today
20:30.15 Alexandrus and c is crappy
20:30.20 ``Erik I'd rather write code in asm than c++
20:30.23 Alexandrus and even the c coders know that
20:30.34 Alexandrus i prefer some high level fpc
20:30.42 ``Erik C is awesome... if you're writing an OS for a PDP :D
20:30.53 Alexandrus yes, but have a look at BRL-Cad
20:31.10 Alexandrus i am sure, lots of work has been done fighting c errors
20:31.13 Alexandrus pure c errors
20:31.32 Alexandrus and the vls stuff certainly is a fix
20:31.43 Alexandrus (one, which even simple pascal had long ago)
20:31.47 ``Erik I've made arguments for at least introducing lisp or scheme... you're preaching to the choir, here :D
20:32.07 Alexandrus i don't think thats easy to do
20:32.23 Alexandrus interfacing between different languages is a challange on its own
20:32.27 ``Erik yeah
20:32.40 ``Erik I wrote up the 'SWIG-ify BRL-CAD' request, too
20:32.49 ``Erik to swig-wrap all the library stuff
20:33.11 Alexandrus there are still char x[1024] in there
20:33.11 ``Erik even though swig can only implement half of CFFI/UFFI
20:33.14 Alexandrus i saw them..
20:33.17 ``Erik yes
20:33.35 ``Erik some, we eliminate, some we extend when needed... *shrug* it is what it is
20:33.37 Alexandrus dangerous
20:33.48 Alexandrus but ok, thats history
20:34.09 ``Erik I d'no, char buf[64]; snprintf(buf, 63, "%02x", myval); ... seems safe to me
20:34.27 ``Erik where a fixed length buffer is used, there has been a lot of effort to protect it
20:35.06 Alexandrus i only do this in especially safeguarded classes in fpc
20:35.15 ``Erik fpc?
20:35.18 Alexandrus freepascal
20:35.23 ``Erik ah
20:35.36 Alexandrus i mean, for network layers i use ringbuffers
20:35.57 Alexandrus buf[2^20] is more usual here:P
20:35.57 ``Erik I kinda like linked page sets
20:36.13 Alexandrus are you talking about mmu?
20:36.20 ``Erik no, in C
20:36.33 Alexandrus don't know what linked page sets are
20:37.07 ``Erik struct bufarea { char [BUFSIZ]; struct bufarea *next; int amtused; struct bufarea *root; }
20:37.12 ``Erik something along those lines
20:37.23 Alexandrus ah, this
20:37.30 Alexandrus heheheh, use this too..
20:37.33 Alexandrus but never named it
20:37.48 ``Erik a form of memory pooling
20:37.48 Alexandrus usually only if i allocate billions of equal blocks in short time
20:38.05 Alexandrus but the question is..when do you free a page?
20:38.08 ``Erik building a block from a stream, it's useful
20:38.12 Alexandrus difficult decision i think
20:38.37 ``Erik heh, an unused page is added to the free list, if the free list gets too long, ...
20:38.56 ``Erik and once in a while, compact if you're freeing bits inside of pages...
20:38.58 Alexandrus i used it in parsers
20:39.06 ``Erik eventually, you end up with greenspuns 10th rule
20:39.12 Alexandrus :P
20:39.17 Alexandrus solves everything, does it:P
20:40.26 Alexandrus n't
20:40.33 ``Erik notes that in the early 80's, one of his c64 basic books had an entire chapter for garbage collection
20:40.48 Alexandrus hehehehe
20:41.32 Alexandrus i have wirth's Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen
20:42.02 Alexandrus this is my source of inspiration if i am out of ideas
20:45.37 Alexandrus must say...i am not sure if garbage collection is ideal
20:45.50 Alexandrus its quite expensive at times
20:45.55 Alexandrus and often unpredictable
20:52.59 Alexandrus i found a solution to pass lots of stuff to r in once step...
20:53.17 Alexandrus but tcl there must be a special hack for everything
21:00.20 ``Erik generational "treadmill" gc is ... awesome
21:00.55 ``Erik also; GC comes in many forms, not just 'general' gc like you see in java, ruby, python, c#, lisp, etc... but refcount like you see in objc, c++, ...
21:01.06 Alexandrus i know..
21:01.22 Alexandrus sweep types
21:01.25 ``Erik (refcount is trivial to implement in an unsuck performance way, but it has the issue of leaking lost graphs)
21:01.34 ``Erik sweep is the most naive and crapiest of the bunch!
21:01.35 Alexandrus refcount is quite a challange
21:01.38 Alexandrus if you have loops
21:01.54 ``Erik yeah, an unreferenced graph just leaks in straight refcount
21:02.21 ``Erik mark&sweep is mostly a study in old tech these days, though, modern gc's are a bit ... niftier :D
21:02.33 ``Erik as is straight stop&copy
21:03.03 Alexandrus still there are always tradeoffs
21:03.09 ``Erik and the generational hack was a bit of sheer brilliance even back then... attached to the new methods (like treadmill), it's quite impressive
21:03.12 Alexandrus there is a moment of truth, when the gc runs...
21:03.18 ``Erik yes
21:03.38 Alexandrus without gc, you have to work properly
21:03.46 Alexandrus but no gc effects
21:03.49 ``Erik I abandoned a game engine I wrote many many years ago, used a stop&copy and once I had a nontrivial amount of objects, there was a noticable hitch in the game :(
21:04.15 Alexandrus i think gc for script enviroments might work
21:04.23 Alexandrus you can call gc before/after loads
21:04.34 Alexandrus can'
21:04.38 Alexandrus t do much harm there
21:04.41 ``Erik BRL-CAD has a lot of garbage collection in it, even in the C parts
21:04.51 ``Erik free-lists, p-tables, etc
21:04.56 Alexandrus i saw a lot of bu_vls_free...
21:05.00 ``Erik greenspuns 10th, yo
21:05.24 ``Erik bu_vls_free is a real free, iirc, but in the raytracer where performance matters, you 'free' an object and it goes on a free list instead of actually deallocating
21:05.41 ``Erik and the free-list mgmr decides if it's time to actually deallocate a bunch of mem, or just keep going
21:06.29 Alexandrus hmm
21:06.32 ``Erik that's why we can "allocate" enough to do all the partitions on a shot without ever having to yield quanta for a syscall
21:06.50 Alexandrus but free lists are not gc's..
21:07.05 ``Erik sure, they're a scavanging gc
21:07.25 ``Erik in fact, they're more of a gc than java's
21:07.33 Alexandrus they do not detect themselves, if a memory region is still used, do they?
21:07.35 ``Erik since we can actually reduce total memory usage
21:07.49 ``Erik java's gc can only add to freelists, it can never reduce the total memory footprint of the jvm
21:07.59 Alexandrus hmm...weird
21:08.05 ``Erik no, there's explicit release
21:08.09 ``Erik but it is collection
21:08.13 Alexandrus it should be possible for java to reduce
21:08.24 ``Erik you'd think... but they don't
21:08.28 Alexandrus i would call this memory pool
21:09.33 ``Erik then you'd call most modern gc's a memory pool, since they often tie to the language and add things to a free list when they go out of scope... :D
21:10.15 Alexandrus propably
21:10.31 Alexandrus for me a gc completly removes any burden on the programmer for mm
21:10.42 Alexandrus the gc scans the structure, and decides
21:10.57 ``Erik then what do you call boehm-gc?
21:11.15 ``Erik it cannot scan structure, yet it's still gc
21:11.40 ``Erik (thus it has to be "conservative" gc to avoid removing valid memory)
21:12.14 ``Erik I think you're associating all gc with "perfect" gc :D
21:12.44 ``Erik even in java, to make SURE something is gc'd, you want to set it to NULL O.o
21:13.16 Alexandrus no i am associating with what i read in books about gc's
21:13.19 Alexandrus and gc algorithms
21:13.48 Alexandrus you have to set it to Null to remove the reference
21:13.51 Alexandrus but you do not free it
21:14.01 Alexandrus the difference is big
21:14.07 ``Erik no, the gc eventually collects it, but you have to make sure the reference is gone
21:14.16 Alexandrus especially if you have stuff which is "owned" by several objects
21:14.44 ``Erik and in a conservative gc, it's very hard to confirm a reference is gone, so they're "less gc-ey" than the academic "perfect gc"
21:15.09 ``Erik herr boehm has some papers out, he's a smart cookie
21:15.14 Alexandrus gc's either need a special compiler
21:15.18 Alexandrus or inside an interpreter
21:15.20 ``Erik might be worth checking out
21:15.27 ``Erik boehm-gc is a library for C
21:15.55 Alexandrus you know, i don't do c usually:P
21:16.20 ``Erik for this situation, I think C and pascal are probably sufficiently similar
21:16.49 Alexandrus true, but i don't have this lib
21:16.53 ``Erik the two ways of getting memory in C are either static (stack) or dynamic (heap), ... gc only cares about heap
21:17.14 ``Erik I think you can translate that to the pascal notion, so his papers should make sense
21:17.28 Alexandrus the paper yes
21:17.37 Alexandrus if its not behind some cite-wall
21:17.54 ``Erik shouldn't be
21:18.00 ``Erik is a start
21:18.25 Alexandrus mark&sweep...
21:18.28 ``Erik yes
21:18.38 ``Erik so fragmentation is expected
21:18.59 Alexandrus hah, moving stuff around in c will not work anywa
21:19.09 Alexandrus would need global visible pointers
21:19.33 ``Erik mentions a new version being compacting
21:19.51 ``Erik precise compacting in .net
21:19.54 ``Erik *shrug*
21:20.36 Alexandrus conservative...hmm..
21:20.55 ``Erik embedded, I'd still want manual mem mgmt, but gc is not the slow pig it used to be thought
21:21.01 ``Erik that's all I'm saying :)
21:21.34 Alexandrus memory stuff one can't say easily
21:21.39 ``Erik and my notion of embedded is becoming archaic.. I can't consider my 'iphone' an embedded machine
21:21.46 ``Erik or my arm7 openrd-client
21:22.00 ``Erik I have to call them computers :D
21:22.10 ``Erik the PIC16f88's, yeah, those are embedded microcontrollers
21:22.26 Alexandrus most Atmels too
21:22.33 Alexandrus for motor control etc
21:23.56 ``Erik I've never worked with atmel, but I've heard a lot about them.. I went to a "robocon" here and a lot of the people presenting were fond of atmel, they sound a bit beefier than pic, btu not much
21:24.09 ``Erik indeed, a lot had switched from pic to atmel
21:24.35 Alexandrus atmel's are more compatible
21:24.58 ``Erik I think they're more poweful, and a bit more expensive than pic
21:24.59 Alexandrus but i heard, pic's are more robust sometimes
21:25.06 Alexandrus (temperature)
21:25.12 ``Erik heh
21:25.16 Alexandrus who cares about cents if its about cents.
21:25.23 ``Erik and intel and amd are far more powerful and far less robust ;)
21:25.38 Alexandrus there are too many atmels around to say
21:25.43 ``Erik depends on how many thousand units you want to make
21:25.46 Alexandrus even 4 bit ones
21:26.09 Alexandrus even if you build thousands...
21:26.23 ``Erik a dedicated die is insanely expensive, fpga's can be prohibitively expensive
21:26.26 Alexandrus you are more likely to loose money somewhere else
21:26.38 Alexandrus fpga's are insane...
21:26.54 ``Erik speaking of, I should get my cyclone2 back from twingy O.o
21:26.55 Alexandrus i checked if i could find one for my visual cortex:P
21:27.05 Alexandrus but $
21:27.13 ``Erik you can get a dev board for a few hundred usd
21:27.24 ``Erik but then they want to sell you the developer software suite for another grant
21:27.25 Alexandrus but its too weak for my purposes
21:27.26 ``Erik grand
21:27.34 ``Erik yeah
21:27.42 Alexandrus i need systolic arrays
21:27.42 ``Erik that's why I bought pic chips a few years back
21:27.48 Alexandrus flexible, generic systolic arrays
21:27.54 ``Erik $20 on a programmer, and I maintained the freebsd port of the programmer software...
21:28.04 Alexandrus hmm
21:28.14 Alexandrus you can let several mc's work together
21:28.21 ``Erik "mc"?
21:28.25 Alexandrus microcontrollers
21:28.29 ``Erik yes
21:28.32 ``Erik they all talk i2c
21:28.44 ``Erik indeed, my openrd-client has some i2c crud in it
21:28.45 Alexandrus or can
21:28.56 ``Erik
21:29.05 ``Erik that is what I intend to replace my home server with
21:29.32 Alexandrus hmm, i think i keep my home server
21:29.35 ``Erik 1.2ghz arm7 marvell kirkwood, 512m ram, 4g nand, sd, 7 usb
21:30.06 ``Erik my home server is currently a pIII 650mhz with 128m ram, with lots of moving parts and pieces sucking down wattage
21:31.03 ``Erik I'd rather have a low power silent machine than a high performance machine... for my home server, that is... for my car, the opposite is true ;)
21:31.04 Alexandrus lol
21:31.28 Alexandrus mine is in another room
21:31.30 Alexandrus and pretty silent
21:32.16 ``Erik I keep mine in the study on the first floor... it didn't used to bother me, but it's been exceptionally hot, so the middle and top floors are too warm to be on
21:32.43 ``Erik and reducing wattage just seems like a good thing no matter what
21:32.47 Alexandrus know, its 23:32 here
21:32.50 Alexandrus i love to talk
21:32.56 Alexandrus but i am pretty tired
21:32.58 ``Erik auf weidersein
21:33.02 Alexandrus danke:)
21:33.11 Alexandrus sry, but our time zones are a bit too different
21:33.22 ``Erik yes, only 5:30 here :)
21:33.24 Alexandrus we will speak again:)
21:33.25 ``Erik 17:30
21:33.29 ``Erik *wave*
21:33.33 Alexandrus bye
22:49.52 CIA-45 BRL-CAD: 03brlcad * r39894 10/brlcad/trunk/src/other/tktable/ the README.txt file is already covered by PKG_EXTRA_DIST. double-listing results in permission denied during distcheck due to overwrite attempt.
22:53.54 brlcad rx
23:05.33 ``Erik aight, the boy, what was I wrong on? O.o
23:11.45 brlcad i haven't read backlog
23:11.56 brlcad just got reconnected since I left
23:12.14 brlcad ponied up the fee
23:12.54 brlcad wow, that is some long backlog
23:19.24 ``Erik the fee for what, cab?
23:20.24 ``Erik I"d rather drop $40 rt for a cab than deal with busses, myselc
23:21.22 brlcad fee for internet at the hotel
23:21.41 ``Erik apparently severing the power cord is not condusive to running the electric trimmer. :/
23:21.44 brlcad yeah, totally wrt the cab (and it's a $49 flat fare)
23:22.06 ``Erik starseeker was struggling, I recommended the cap, he was still struggling when he left
23:23.28 starseeker growls... can't they get a decent signal strength???
23:23.31 ``Erik so it's 4:23 there? getting ready to walk across the highway and find some good food?
23:24.00 brlcad I'm kind of in a little mecca of interesting places here, at LA Live
23:24.09 brlcad it's a new complex they built next to the staples center
23:24.22 ``Erik <-- is STILL annoyed that brlcad had to translate "carne quesadilla" from the menu for him
23:24.40 starseeker can't believe he got a successful distcheck on Linux with all those problems...
23:24.59 ``Erik I said car-nay kay-suh-DEE-yuh, not like I said "kay-zer-dill-er
23:25.00 ``Erik "
23:25.21 starseeker brlcad: thanks for spotting that tktable README.txt - I saw that on the Mac just before I left
23:25.29 ``Erik and the car-nay instead of cadddd-nay couldn't have been THAT tricky
23:26.06 ``Erik I really think you are both wrong on the tkhtml3 generated file
23:26.40 starseeker ``Erik: it's ending up in build dir for me (are we talking about togl_ws.h or whatever it is?)
23:26.46 ``Erik cssprop.c
23:27.03 ``Erik I tired three naked machines, bsd linux and osX, they all ended up in srcdir
23:27.12 ``Erik if I ran it AGAIN in those, it ended up in blddir
23:27.21 starseeker O.o
23:27.48 starseeker what the bleep...
23:27.58 ``Erik yeah, who the fuck put this fucking tcl shit in
23:28.12 ``Erik like I said, I'll do some more testing on monday
23:28.33 brlcad starseeker: I can't believe you got a successful distcheck either
23:28.34 ``Erik aug28 for fitting
23:28.35 starseeker ``Erik: I'm not so much trying to bring more Tcl/Tk in as I am to make what we DO have tolerable
23:28.41 ``Erik might go get me a suit while I'm at it
23:28.46 starseeker brlcad: both Redhat and gentoo
23:28.47 ``Erik last one is too small anymore
23:29.04 starseeker ``Erik: cool, thanks!
23:29.25 starseeker is probably going to end up with a suit as well, although he has no clue what he'll do with it...
23:29.31 brlcad isn't that like testing pork and ham?
23:29.47 ``Erik starsucker: for demo, ripped up ac/dc tshirt, right? and bring the ripped up ac/dc tshirt for after the ceremony?
23:30.15 starseeker brlcad: heh, pretty much - I wasn't claiming it was "done" but presumably my versions of autotools were different from Redhat's
23:30.25 ``Erik 0 build on osX, rhel and fbsd until it goddamn works...
23:30.32 ``Erik and if your system is different, eff you :D
23:31.04 ``Erik the fbsd one will probably be like gentoo, but more harsh
23:31.05 starseeker ``Erik: I knew we weren't done yet (I saw the mac failure, just for starters, and I also knew libpng had some remaining stuff)
23:31.25 ``Erik libpng seems to work now, I sat i bobs office and it worked for him, he cussed
23:31.27 starseeker I just am astonished the behavior of the tools was so different on a per-platform basis
23:32.14 starseeker he cussed that it worked?
23:32.39 starseeker why, was he having more fun with something else?
23:32.40 ``Erik subconfigging anyone elses config is always ... well, it's like volunteering to shove their grenade up your ass to see how it explodes... it SEEMS like less work at first, but is a shitload more when ya do it, and is a bit more every release
23:32.56 ``Erik no, stating it failed and then having it work when I was sitting there got him :)
23:33.11 starseeker hehehe
23:33.21 starseeker ah yes, that is worth a few choice words
23:33.38 ``Erik we got to talk about workshops :)
23:33.40 brlcad starseeker: I'd wait until you actively need a suit.. a good suit can set you back $500+
23:33.58 brlcad libpng subconfig isn't done yet, but works for "most" platforms now
23:34.07 brlcad you have to help it along on some
23:34.07 starseeker brlcad: I get some kind of discount if I get it right around the wedding
23:34.09 ``Erik it's good to have one if you don't plan on changing shape, though
23:34.20 ``Erik dark grey or brown
23:34.31 ``Erik <-- thinking about getting himself a charcoal grey one or so
23:34.50 ``Erik mebbe a couple choise applications and I can cinch the db upgrade
23:34.51 ``Erik meh
23:34.54 starseeker Sarah does like to go to concerts on occasion, other culture...
23:35.09 brlcad glances at a few thousand people outside his window
23:35.15 ``Erik ok, you say concert and I think you mean smething else than 99.3 % of humans
23:35.36 starseeker orchestral performance
23:35.50 ``Erik yeahhhhhhhhhh, not what most people think when ya say concert ;0
23:36.08 starseeker is still waking up - no sleep til I got on the plane, and I'm not brlcad :-P
23:37.06 ``Erik around nov/dec, I may be dressing up a bit to pull a chuck and bump a level, so'z the suit thing now might be useful *shrug* I d'no
23:37.15 ``Erik (2-3, not 3-4, thought)
23:37.41 starseeker awaits the string of cardiac arrests with anticipation
23:37.49 ``Erik I think I'm acutally the lorest rated person in the office
23:38.18 ``Erik starseeker: I used to get chewed out for overdressing.
23:38.40 ``Erik I was told to remove the jacket and tie for my interview at fedex
23:38.55 starseeker ``Erik: aren't contractors just below pond scum? :-P
23:39.02 ``Erik I think the tie gave mgmt type folk at arl willies
23:39.18 ``Erik of course not, starseeker
23:39.33 ``Erik we woudln't dare violate pc and insult pondscum like that
23:39.34 ``Erik :D
23:39.40 starseeker hehe
23:40.22 ``Erik but I think I'm the only db2 in the building
23:40.31 starseeker ah, yeah that sucks
23:41.16 ``Erik I was supposed to come in as db3, but I'd worked at places that'd gone under and the 'investigators' didn't bother looking
23:41.33 starseeker <snort> figures
23:42.02 ``Erik so the initial offer was actaully very insulting, the paystubs bought me maxing db2, but not db3... and lisa and wendy constantly said you haven't been here long enough to apply
23:42.26 ``Erik then paul went and changed the rules radically every cycle, and I"d gotten to teh point where I was just figurin' on leavin'
23:42.34 ``Erik so ... yeah... here I am.
23:43.01 starseeker ah, so now that you're staying it's worth the circus of... what do they call that process...
23:43.28 ``Erik (I mean, seriously, the initial offer was about 1/4 of what I was making at the time... I was willing to come over cappeda t 1/2 of it... I must be stupid)
23:44.01 starseeker shrugs - you do at least have a steady job in the middle of an economic meltdown
23:44.51 ``Erik I got the previous job in the middle of the meltdown... I used to like to pretend that I'm pretty damn good at what I do, now *shrug* fuck it
23:45.04 brlcad starseeker: haha, how was that early flight? :)
23:45.15 starseeker ``Erik: you know that antiques mall over by Bynum run? - was in there the other day, like half the square area of the whole building was empty
23:45.23 ``Erik if it flys before noon, it's an early, yo
23:45.29 ``Erik spenciola?
23:45.35 starseeker yeah, that one
23:45.39 starseeker freaky
23:45.41 ``Erik yeah, that used to be a Cmake
23:45.43 ``Erik cmart
23:45.47 ``Erik as useless as cmake
23:45.57 ``Erik that's walking distance from my house, yo
23:46.23 starseeker brlcad: yeah, that kinda backfired on me - would have done better to just do something normal
23:46.44 ``Erik in fact, driving home, you come out, you hit the stoplight immediately by the cvs... then ya hit hte next stop light, if you turned right on that, you'd be at my house... left, you'd be at daytonas :)
23:46.56 starseeker ah, cool
23:47.15 ``Erik and I walked to daytonas house with a laptop and a jug of coffee O.o
23:47.20 ``Erik it's "on th eway"
23:47.37 ``Erik do you use 23 over to 1?
23:47.56 starseeker (hoping I didn't get some kind of photo speeding ticket on 695 - some kind of weird flash as cars went by one spot, couldn't tell if my car was a target for one or the car behind me)
23:48.13 starseeker ``Erik: 23->bypass->22
23:48.24 starseeker 23->1 if heading into Bel Air
23:48.25 ``Erik "bypass" is 1
23:48.35 ``Erik there're 2 1'
23:48.53 ``Erik the traffic circle on 23 is a stones throw from my house... literally
23:49.12 ``Erik also; 23, ->1, ->prospect mill->22... shave a good mile off
23:49.28 starseeker that's a messed up little section of roadway in there - first time I was in Bel Air area looking for something I think I circled around that whole 24/23/1 thing a few times
23:49.32 ``Erik when you get back, carpool, I'll show ya the route :)
23:49.59 starseeker ``Erik: ah yeah, I've seen people make that turn tried it myself actually
23:50.29 starseeker didn't seem to change much time wise <shrug>
23:50.35 ``Erik it's a good mile off of the drive, but about the same time
23:50.49 starseeker nods - that makes sense
23:50.59 ``Erik usually, I end up infront of folk, but sometimes they beat me
23:51.06 starseeker I actually end up using the gas station at the other intersection a lot
23:51.09 starseeker convenient
23:51.10 ``Erik last week, a truck beet me, pissed me off
23:51.14 starseeker hehe
23:51.22 ``Erik the're two, the wawa and the xtra, those're the two cheapest around
23:51.29 ``Erik on 22, past the college
23:51.48 ``Erik I use the extra, 93 instead of 91, and no ethanol
23:52.08 ``Erik right by la tolteca
23:52.29 starseeker ah, right - I've used the wawa sometimes, but for some reason I ususally end up at the one just at the start of my run on 22... fueling up before the long drive I guess...
23:52.50 starseeker not BP.. Royal or something?
23:53.14 starseeker the wawa I typically hit going home
23:53.31 ``Erik at 543 and 22 is a royal
23:53.43 starseeker yeah, I think that's the one
23:53.46 ``Erik brlcad, ya missed out, we got 'vip' punchcards at la tolteca
23:54.13 ``Erik bob swears by it, but every time I've looked, it's been pricier than the two at the college, and they ran out of receipt paper on me
23:55.08 ``Erik prospect mill gives me a fun wiggle at the traffic circle, then a nice distance in 6th cutting a mile off, plus a run squeeze ontop 543...
23:55.43 starseeker hehe - the immediate thought of several of us was "crap, now there's evidence of how often we eat out..."
23:55.52 ``Erik I come pu off of prospect mill slow, flatten down so the tires are in full contact, then open it up in 2nd to boogie up to 60 or 70... good fun :D
23:56.11 ``Erik heh
23:56.15 ``Erik to whom?
23:56.35 ``Erik <steph> la tolteca card? <erik> lawhatnowhuh?
23:56.50 starseeker that's how you know who the married/soon to be married folk are - they were the ones worried :-P
23:57.04 ``Erik no, no I don't know :D
23:57.36 ``Erik that's why I have 'nuff buck banked that I can just go buy a high end dressed out truck if I wanted, or another house O.o
23:58.01 ``Erik live po', yo!
23:58.04 starseeker heh - in this market, buying another house is less of a challenge than it used to be...
23:58.17 starseeker what kinda truck you thinkin?
23:58.20 brlcad ``Erik: that usually means you get in the door without a cover charge... :)
23:58.23 brlcad you've been paying them? :)
23:58.34 ``Erik cover what now?
23:58.42 brlcad to get into la tolteca
23:58.55 ``Erik I'm thinkin' about buying something like a ram1500 or an upper end dakota
23:59.05 ``Erik there's no door fee at la tolteca, fool
23:59.09 brlcad you're going to buy north dakota?
23:59.11 starseeker no m35? :-P
23:59.37 ``Erik no, a dakota, not north dakota... I want something that's actually useful for something
23:59.43 brlcad ``Erik: then a vip card is about as useful as tits on a bull

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