IRC log for #brlcad on 20100725

00:00.06 ``Erik 6 meals up to $6 gives a free meal up to $7.95
00:00.27 brlcad I don't think I've had a single meal cost less that 7.95
00:00.39 brlcad but then I usually get that tasty mnarinated steak
00:00.56 ``Erik yeah, I've been getting cheap stuff *shrug*
00:01.12 ``Erik 6.0 on meal, 6.25 on bier
00:01.25 starseeker lunch menu ftw
00:02.03 ``Erik so verizon just painted up my lawn, vios may be here soon
00:02.14 starseeker sweeeet
00:02.49 starseeker wishes they would get out to his place, but sounds like it will be a few years
00:02.51 ``Erik if nothing else, it's leverage against comcrap
00:03.13 ``Erik starseeker: ya in LA yet?
00:03.34 starseeker yeah
00:03.49 ``Erik grab brlcad and walk across the highway for awesome food
00:03.54 starseeker took a REAL early fight thinking to get out to the Getty, but was so shot once I got in I passed out
00:03.58 ``Erik I'll go sob myself to tears for missing it.
00:04.22 starseeker plays world's smallest violin - you coulda been here man
00:04.25 ``Erik if everything didn't go wrong at the smae time, I'd be there :( but the shti luck and short notice
00:04.35 brlcad you didn't "miss it" .. you chose not to go
00:04.42 starseeker thought it was lack of cat sitters
00:04.47 brlcad had PLENTY of time
00:05.25 ``Erik lack of cat sitters, insistance that my phone would arrive when I was there, insistance that my car be checked on in 2 days, lack of travel card, ...
00:06.11 ``Erik I tried to push everything hard to see if I shoulda gone, there're only two screwed the pooch bits, once coulda possibly been done
00:06.14 ``Erik *sigh*
00:06.19 brlcad not one of those sounds like a show stopper
00:06.41 ``Erik the cumulative sounded like it at the time
00:06.50 ``Erik there were a few happy bits that happened after
00:07.13 ``Erik I might try to head up to nyc in nov for a bsd conf
00:08.10 ``Erik I don't think I can do 2.5 weeks notice, I think I need at least 2mo :/
00:08.15 starseeker ``Erik: yeah, short notice didn't help, but probably worth sorting out stuff in advance in case they do approve - the notice is almost always short
00:08.48 ``Erik last time I went to siggraph, I had around 3mo notice plus a lot less of 'issue' to deal with
00:09.28 ``Erik I'll play the lack of notice hardest to shake fist at silly mgmt
00:09.41 starseeker was under the impression that there was active resistance to us going, so didn't want to bother reserving and canceling hotel - now I'm stuck with this crappy wireless :-P
00:10.38 ``Erik yeah... I'd figured it was off, so I ignored it, then got a messaging saying 'uh, we need argument", so I scrambled and blew a day of productivity to provide one, then everything that could go wrong did
00:11.23 ``Erik I practically begged a couple people to take my spot
00:11.26 ``Erik evne mike!
00:12.48 ``Erik <- is kinda mentally building a bitchfest for hsi bosses bosses boss
00:15.45 starseeker and (again) ina sub-optimal location - I'm 0/2 on LA hotel booking, but I've learned my lesson
00:16.20 ``Erik next tiem there's an inclination of going, I"m fucking starting 4 months out.
00:16.21 starseeker makes a note to check if hotel has ethernet jack in room - this sucksssss
00:18.14 starseeker ``Erik: we'd better start working on next year as soon as this year is done, if we want to have any chance... gonna need a lotta argument for that one...
00:19.37 ``Erik I'm already thinking out my argument on why the resistance to this one has cost us billions
00:20.58 ``Erik also; thinking about where my next job will be after delivering said argument
00:21.12 starseeker <snort> yeah, probably not a bad idea
00:26.08 *** join/#brlcad Nohla (~Nohla@
01:47.16 starseeker wonders if he should be bothered by the number of police sirens that have gone flying by in the last few hours... guess as long as this isn't their destination...
03:42.36 CIA-45 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r39895 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/ (253 files in 71 dirs): Update cmake branch to trunk r39894
08:18.18 *** join/#brlcad Alexandrus (
08:18.20 Alexandrus moin();
09:49.16 ``Erik yargh
10:13.25 Alexandrus moin();
10:13.34 Alexandrus i am completing my screw thread script..
10:39.58 ``Erik dell was taking money from intel to not use amd procs O.o
10:42.37 Alexandrus lol...
10:47.37 Alexandrus i wonder, is it possible to abuse the databases namespace a little less?
10:47.58 Alexandrus i have thousands of those little primitives, each with its own name
10:48.08 Alexandrus and i can't see a way to create directories for them
10:52.44 ``Erik when you put them in a comb, you don't see 'em
10:53.03 Alexandrus hmm...i try
10:53.24 ``Erik but it's a flat namespace, so duplicate names aren't permitted
10:53.48 Alexandrus ok, two rcc's created
10:53.50 Alexandrus comb them
10:54.23 Alexandrus 1.s and 2.s still visible
10:54.32 ``Erik how do you mean?
10:54.34 Alexandrus used "comb test.c u 1.s u 2.s"
10:54.36 Alexandrus ls shows them all
10:54.54 Alexandrus directories would clean things up a little...
10:54.57 ``Erik yeah, how do you mean "shows them all"? what are you doing?
10:55.11 Alexandrus in 1.s rcc 0 0 0 200 0 0 3
10:55.18 Alexandrus in 2.s rcc 0 0 0 0 -200 0 3
10:55.27 Alexandrus comb test.c u 1.s u 2.s
10:55.52 Alexandrus ls
10:55.57 Alexandrus thats what i am doing
10:56.20 ``Erik but tops will only show test.c, right?
10:56.36 ``Erik forgets the exact behavior of ls and l, that's all part of the gui shtuff O.o
10:56.53 Alexandrus tops...tops even shows only .c which are not used by other combs
10:57.27 ``Erik right, and if you ls something, it SHOULD only show the bits that immediate make it (like you're running a ls on that 'directory')
10:57.45 ``Erik comb anothertest.c u test.c; ls anothertest.c
10:57.46 ``Erik test.c
10:57.53 ``Erik that SHOULD be the behavior, iirc
10:57.55 Alexandrus i tested it
10:58.00 Alexandrus ls test.c gives
10:58.03 Alexandrus "test.c/"
10:58.05 Alexandrus nothing else
10:58.08 Alexandrus l test.c
10:58.15 Alexandrus gives the tree
10:58.19 ``Erik hm, mebbe it's l, I don't remember
10:58.27 ``Erik ok, then l is the one that lists immediate contents
10:58.28 Alexandrus you are funny, do you know that..
10:58.32 ``Erik it should not do it recursively
10:58.42 Alexandrus if i didn't know better, i would say you are working on another project:P
10:58.49 ``Erik it's 6 something in the morning on a sunday here, I'm trying to make breakfast
10:59.05 Alexandrus hahaha
10:59.12 Alexandrus ok, still remember your name?
10:59.18 ``Erik occasionally
10:59.29 Alexandrus your wives name?
10:59.34 ``Erik :D (and like I mentioned the other day, I don't go into the gui part, I tend to stick in the libraries)
10:59.35 Alexandrus how many kids you have?
10:59.55 ``Erik hrm, no to either, think it's "ain't got one" and "none that I know of" :D *duck*
11:00.17 Alexandrus propably forgotten the name to often:P
11:00.49 ``Erik now if ya want to know some gory details about library components and the C behind it all, I'm right there...
11:01.17 Alexandrus soon enough
11:01.27 Alexandrus but i actually use it for design
11:01.41 Alexandrus and i really wouldn't like to design without any response
11:01.46 ``Erik yeah, that's why ya need to be talking to someone like starseeker O.o
11:01.48 Alexandrus (course, i am allready typing down numbers)
11:02.07 ``Erik heh, when new people join the team at work, part of their 'training' is to make a few basic models, like a pen or articulated lamp
11:02.25 ``Erik mine was "port it to freebsd and make it use automake", I've never modeled anything :D
11:03.10 Alexandrus i have modelled several carcass structures
11:03.19 Alexandrus never tried a lamb or a pen either
11:03.49 ``Erik carcass? lamb? what the hell are you doing? O.O :D *duck*
11:04.04 Alexandrus lamb...rofl..
11:04.06 Alexandrus lamp
11:04.14 Alexandrus carcass...framework
11:04.29 Alexandrus my dictionary tells carcass is technical term for "Fachwerk"
11:04.53 Alexandrus but also for death animals...rofl..
11:05.02 Alexandrus
11:05.05 ``Erik framework, structure, skeleton/skeletal, ...
11:05.10 ``Erik scaffolding
11:05.14 ``Erik ? :D
11:05.35 ``Erik framing is probably the best *shrug* :)
11:06.07 Alexandrus hmm...uncertain:P
11:06.16 Alexandrus would have to met professionals from the area
11:06.21 Alexandrus who speak english
11:07.52 ``Erik *shrug*
11:10.39 Alexandrus you aren't an a construction engineer, are you?
11:10.59 ``Erik no
11:11.29 Alexandrus i have one as a father
11:11.40 Alexandrus but he is a generation which doesn't speak english
11:11.42 ``Erik computer scientist... was infrastructure development and sysadmin at fedex before coming to work on BRL-CAD
11:12.57 Alexandrus <- physicist
11:13.41 ``Erik cool one of the minors on my BS is general physics
11:13.50 Alexandrus BS:=?
11:13.54 ``Erik bachelors
11:13.59 Alexandrus ack.
11:14.15 ``Erik no grad school yet, I'm an uneducated fool :D
11:14.43 Alexandrus solve a difficult equation and no one cares:P
11:15.44 ``Erik heh, people only care when an engineer turns the hard work into a product and marketting sells it, then the marketing guys get all the credit O.o
11:16.46 Alexandrus have to expect a good price for your work..
11:22.59 Alexandrus the better i get at tcl, the more i hate it
11:34.35 ``Erik
12:28.00 Alexandrus bye:)
14:28.39 *** join/#brlcad Alexandrus (
14:28.43 Alexandrus moin();
16:53.36 starseeker tries siggraph's wifi...
16:55.11 Alexandrus :)
17:14.27 CIA-45 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r39896 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/ (16 files in 2 dirs): (log message trimmed)
17:14.27 CIA-45 BRL-CAD: OK, get real on CMake + BRL-CAD - some complex logic to work out for the
17:14.27 CIA-45 BRL-CAD: src/other stuff, and will need to figure out how to be smart with control
17:14.28 CIA-45 BRL-CAD: options. Start small - this lets the BRLCAD_USE_SYSTEM_LIBS directory force on
17:14.28 CIA-45 BRL-CAD: the BRLCAD_USE_SYSTEM_ZLIB third part option, or at least does part of that job.
19:45.36 *** join/#brlcad Nohla (~Nohla@
20:16.28 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
20:33.09 *** join/#brlcad merzo (
21:15.28 *** join/#brlcad mafm (~mafm@
21:25.00 d-lo brlcad: is the name of the xt package I am looking for: libxt ?
21:45.52 d-lo ``Erik: you around?
22:14.13 ``Erik hrm?
22:15.17 ``Erik (lotr marathon on tv)
22:28.47 *** join/#brlcad R0b0t1 (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
22:38.55 CIA-45 BRL-CAD: 03starseeker * r39897 10/brlcad/branches/cmake/src/other/libz/ (46 files in 10 dirs): Clear out old libz in cmake branch - prep for putting in new version

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